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Why are female devs like this?
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Women are natural degenerates, anon. Giving them rights have simply allowed them to finally do what they always wanted to.
everything you've read about women on /r9k/ was written by a boilingly angry indian or midwesterner and not a human being

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Are we ready to admit that this was peak?
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not true you just gotta get used to it i had 0 problems with getting into the game i just tried it to test my snes emulator and ended up playing it for hours also there is noting wrong with the jumping it souds like you got input lag our something
I like the idea but I would want the bosses to get overhauled a little to accommodate the better movement. Half the fun was overcoming how cracked the fights have gotten.
He never actually played fusion so he doesn't know how it works beyond what a YouTube essay would say.
You fags are missing out not playing AM2R, just saying. Don't cuck yourselves out of the best 2D Metroid experience out there. Still an active community making mods.
No. But it came out in suspensful moments. Chased you to a location you could get away or hide.
EMMI is stuck in a box. That you know the layout of and the total area they can move around in. You feel no tension with EMMI. They are a mild inconvenient when they marketed it as a sort of horror you have to deal with.
Don't you mean beak?

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>not a single thread

It's not good, is it?
It's an overdesigned mess.
It's amazing

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Gigantic Double XP Weekend
Time to we're so back
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>cant even find a match and i do after sitting in queue for 20 minutes the servers shits themselves
If the queue lasts longer than a minute, requeue. It's a bug they've (allegedly) fixed in the upcoming patch.
Apparently a lot of the issue are on console now. Like the game is borderline unplayable on ps5 and can crash the console.
Anon a majority of those posts were people baiting about player counts and pretending to not know what this game is. It seems even the shitposters are bored now though.

Anyway im going to contribute to something and say the bull sucks big fat monkey dick. Hes a frontliner without any of the qualities that makes the other frontliners work. He doesnt have the insane bulk of margrave or rutger he doesnt have the CC or bulk of pokko hell he doesnt even have the self sustain of the necromancer guy no one plays. All he has is damage, so if you play him you need either another frontliner to initiate and soak hits for you or to play him as some fater slower assassin which at that point play any of the other like 6 actual assasins.
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the absolute state of gigantic
Honestly it wouldnt even be so bad if you didnt have to fucking babysit the fucking que too.
Last time i played solo it took me 20 minutes to find a match, even doing what >>673936509 said. The match after that took 15 minutes. And thats with sitting there, requeing, hitting accept on the promps, dealing with people leaving duringbcharacter select. Its exhausting. Funnily enough this isnt an issue when playing with people for somereason. Played with a buddy for like 8 hours straight on a weekday and we got matches both instantly and constantly

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Post your favorite game over screens

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Never forget the first time watching this and three times after.
Still kind of fucks me up with how horrifying it is.
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What's horrifying is even in the original games, that was the cannon ending. UFO Defense and Terror from the Deep endings are the lead up to X-Com: Apocalypse; same as XCOM 1 and 2 from Firaxis

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She will lie, she will cheat, she will do everything in her power to stop you from slaying her. Don't believe a word she says.
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hmm, looks like I just had to use a different player. It kinda sucks since I make new soundposts but oh well
can't* make
Of course not. Now get closer so you can save here
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>play game
>slay princess
>"Good Ending" achievement
>refund and uninstall
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>I just wanted my blade back
>you're on your own

i wish if there were games that have only male characters in them.
gothic 1
whole stalker series, however i have the sneaking suspicion that stalker 2 will have women

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If you have understood why Ellie let Abby go at the end, then congratulations on having basic media literacy.
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Ah. The Last of Us 2 bait thread again. Whatever, I have to play this game soon once I finish another one, so that I can be the final judge on this whole stupid controversy, my intuition tells me the clear outrage baiters are blatantly wrong, and doing that thing people did with DS2 where they were making the most insane and double standards arguments, that they would go on to excuse DS3 for when it came out.

But here's the special thing...this world is so retarded and fucked. Because I actually don't like DS2. Infact I hate it. But that doesn't mean that the delusional tirades people went on about the game were right or fair. The game is "bad" for the exact same reason DS3 is bad. Because it does EVERYTHING DS1 did, but worse. But atleast DS2 kept to the same essence of stamina based combat, and gave me the best two fights in the entire souls series in Sir Alonne and Fume Knight. I still go back and forth on whether I hate DS3 or DS2 more. But DS2 ultimately triggered me so much, that I never finished the DLCs, whereas I did for DS3.

Anyway, my point is: nuance. People can both be wrong, and the game can also be shit. More often than not, PEOPLE are wrong. If you don't believe this on principle, you're retarded. People are unbelievably fucking retarded, like unbelievably. The only time people are "right" is either by happenstance, Or when the issue is so retarded and requires no critical thinking.

Ultimately. We'll see.
The Israeli settler in this instance is supposed to be Abby. The message is to let well-armed wealthy militaries (Israelis/WLF/Abby's team) kill your family (Palestinians/Jackson/Ellie's team) and let them walk away because it "ends the cycle of violence," conveniently with the Jews getting the better end of the deal.
Druckmann doesn’t care. He wants a specific plot, and will twist the game and characters in anyway imaginable to fit that plot, even when it means making them retarded or assassinating their characters.
The WLF and Seraphites are the Israel and Palestine allegories.
To quote jews:
We will never forgive them for making us kill their children.

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>want to try out POE for the first time
>roll a barbarian
>hardcore mode cause momma didn't raise no bitch
>struggle with basic mobs, almost die on the 2nd stage boss, get stunlocked by a pack of enemies on the 3rd stage and die there
>"damn this is harder than I thought... let's at least try one more character since I died so early"

>roll a witch this time
>completely steamroll the early stages
>spec into necromancy
>become so inhumanly OP it's like playing with console commands
>speedrun the entirety of act 1 in one sitting just blinking around and spamming exploding skulls from 5 screens away on top of everything
>at no point did any enemy even break through my energy shield
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Act 4 end is a difficulty spike as it will test your character is a lot of ways with bosses.
if you have problems in early acts you're not fit for path of exile
Nowadays if act 4 makes you struggle you're in for a bad time act 5 onwards.
desu I always found acts 5 and onwards kind of pushovers as the only thing they seem to test is that your character has capped resistances
A bit of resistances and life go a long way but if you have bad damage it makes the bosses take annoyingly long.

Anyways it shouldn't be a problem unless you're on a dogshit build.

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finally get to try out Xdefiant, yeah it's all "le mystery meat woman".
Are white men not allowed to be in videogames anymore these days?
First it's blizztard with that mystery meat troon digger hero in OW2, now Ubishit ruining XD with mystery meat women.
I'm exhausted guys, I think I'm not gonna game anymore
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>finally get to try out Xdefiant
My condolences
OP is genuinely pathetic, spend your time better
at least the finals had a gimmick, this shit is just cod but worse
It somehow manages to look and feel worse than even modern CoD slop.

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Final thoughts on Dragons Dogma 2?
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Compare these numbers to Elden Ring or DD2 right now.
it gets bad after a gorillion hours
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It's like DD1 but main story doesn't leave much of an impact.
Beastren need animal tails and ears.
It's one of the few games that feel like you're on a real adventure.
Could use more memorable encounters like sphinx.
3/5 I liked it
I mean, don't get me wrong, I liked BBI too. But I recognize that it's not the best part of DD1 while simultaneously understanding that lots of minmax autists only liked DD1 for it. It's a lot of reused assets and is very repetitive thanks to the RNG gear. I like the story of it, the music, and the bosses, but for DD2 I would greatly prefer a DLC that expands on the base game rather than adds a standalone dungeon.

Also, Unmoored World >>>>>>>>>> Everfall. I do think the Everfall boss rooms and Ur-Dragon were cool, but as an overall experience UW is way better.
I prefered playing the original

Why haven't you bought this game yet anon?
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>time skip
Never, children suffering and dying is one of the core traits of this series
How do you pronounce Fuga
Like Fug-uh
Or Foo-g-uh
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>Like what does the ending preview/secret movie even hint at?

Did you not watch it man? it literally spells it out for you

>Maybe months at most later after Fuga 2
>Berman army invades Gasco
>The kids have to scramble to find Malt cause he was kidnapped
>Most likely by his own brother
>Flam is awake now and fighting somebody (this is why i say months later cause she has not recovered from her injuries from what we can see)
>Boron and Socks seem to be hurt badly missing eye and injured arm

I personally think the events of fuga 3 will be like

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Foo Gah is apparently the actual way to say it but I say Fooguh
So long if Malt and Hanna get together. Sick and tired of this shit that writers do where characters refuse to just say that they love each other.

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Technology thread
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Overgrowth had that too
>Flawless solution that took 1/100th the amount of effort

This is true ingenuity. I literally wouldn’t want someone who codes an entire feature when something like this can be done instead.
not him, but I need to play control and aw2 eventually. aw1 had a lot of charm with decent game design despite being really imbalanced, qb had some great abilities that were a fun to use, but kind of fell flat outside of that. it just feels like they've been on a decline from mp1 to qb.
i still don't get it, and all this praise about supposed cleverness. Couldn't they just mark train cart as npc and move it around? why the hassle of sticking it up to npc body?
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why are white women like this?

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Azurabros, I'm sorry. She truly was the best girl after all. Cutest cousinwife.
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explains NTRfags too
Corrin is male in Birthright
Female Corrin sided with Nohr and Engage implies Revelation Corrin was female as well
>popular opinion is stated
>'must have gotten it from an e-celeb'
To this day, I still can't believe IS did it.
>popular opinion is stated to the point people start parroting it not just in the exact same wording with the exact same buzzwords, but also in the exact same order or points
>'must have gotten it from an e-celeb'

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This is your elf ranger for tonight.
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does it run properly on linux now?
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Nothing runs proper on Linux
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More Beastmen when?
Different flavors of Chaosmanii when?
Daemons when?
Greenskins when?
Undead when?
Fuck your Beastmen WoM trauma, I want even more enemies to kill. I was so happy that they added new CW enemy, but I wish this Shielded CW was a bit tougher and spawned more often. I hope his addition means that we will be getting more enemies now.

Also new mission is fun and not a VT1 port this time. I like it rainy atmosphere, super comfy. Reminded me of Stromdorf missions, those were the comfiest missions in entire series so far.
>More Beastmen when?
Hopefully never
Every new army FS adds is worst than the last

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It's time to admit souls games are for plebs that think they're hardcore and good at videogames, if a souls game can be beaten by 70% of normalfags it isn't hard
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ok go unlock melting b for me
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People buy games on sale and then never play them or wait a decade to play them as they snail's pace their backlog.

You have to subtract the "finish the prologue" achievement from the "beat the game" achievement stats to get the actual completion rate.
They hated him because he spoke the truth. Anything after Dark Souls 1 is poser shit. BB gets a pass though.
i liked how you could target body parts in The Surge

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How the fuck those this game even count as a metroid game? it literally has nothing what made the 2d metroid games good. I'm convinced people who hyped this shit up are just blinded by nostalgia and thought it was so good back in 03 because it was metroid in heckin 3d!!! yet in reality it flails in everything it tries to achieve, its a horrible shooter a ok puzzle game and a awful metroidvania.
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It's an exploration game, just like 2D Metroids but in 3D. That's all it has to be.
It's exactly like Metroid. It's a more faithful 3D adaptation than Mario.
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>first 3D metroid game
>4th/5th metroid game to even come out
people weren't nearly as autistic about shit like this back in 2002. Speedrunner trannies didn't exist to the same extent
>why didn't people in 200X cry like babies about the shift from 2D to 3D and the resulting changes series had to make
I don't care about this shitty OP post but I do want to provide rationale for people who ever have to argue with a retard like him about what constitutes a metroidvania
>Heavy focus on character movement and upgrades to that movement
>Multiple paths that can be taken at generally any time in the game, including those which use intended or unintended methods (true sequence breaking), thereby allowing players to replay the game in a significantly different order
>Significant upgrades that are not just movement-based but generally improve character weaponry or damage capability
These are the core tenets of the genre. Metroid Prime is a good metroidvania but is slightly more linear than others unless you use unintended progression to break it wide open, Cave Story is not a metroidvania, and Pseudoregalia is mostly a metroidvania

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Are you excited?
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no one cares chuddie
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>Thread is just retards screaming "CHUD CHUD CHUD!"
Excuse me while I remove your game from my wishlist. Clearly, it was not made for me.
Ok see ya bud
i wanna bust a nut

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Sex with dog

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>What is best in life?
To crush the Cumans, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
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Fashion is looking good
Soundtrack is sounding good
Jesus Christ be praised!
What is the appeal of KCD? I don't care about culture war nonsense, I just want a good game. I tried 1 and the writing + combat were unbearably awful, but that was on release. Is it better now?
No, sorry. I don't think you'll enjoy the 2nd one either.
>So with the longer game time do you think we'll see these systems added back in?
Those systems were in KC:D.
Or if you are asking about the blacksmithing, which was cut? Apparently, yes: that is actually finally supposed to be implemented this time around. To cite the insider video: blacksmithing is now supposed to exceed the original's alchemy system in complexity and involvement.
I don't know of any other major systems that were cut from KC:D1, as I said, they ended up massively increasing the scope of the project - the game as it is now is a good 40 hours long if you engage in the side-content, well over twice the scale they originally invisioned. But the main story suffered from it.

We'll see. I'm moderately optimistic about KC:D2, it seems like they know what they are doing. Again - Vávra is nowhere near as involved as he was in the first game, but that may not necessarily be for the worse - that man has many talents, but also many vices, and he is NOT a good manager or director. then again, we knew that since Mafia 2.

The fact that rather than cutting it down, Embracer clearly decided to double down on Warhorse seems like a good sign as well. We were all seriously worried during the last year and a half, shit really was looking grim for a bit, but apparently, the sudden silence was not the studio being gutted, as I've though, but rather, it was ramp-up to the announcement.

About 2 years ago, stray info about KC:D2, or at least about the studio, would leak into the Czech game-connected nets every now and then. That suddenly stopped around the same time Embracer started talking about restructuring... even that friend of mine suddenly had absolutely zero news from his friends from Prague, and he himself was getting into a major HR shitstorm...
But nah, that radio silence was clearly the studio going into overdrive. I'm quite impressed with how much money they are putting into this.
Based on what? The combat and writing? I was moreso asking if the 1st game has improved in any meaningful way.

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