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Where are his legs?
Nice town...
I'll take it.
It is goood to be the kiiiiing

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Remember Blizzard
I remember Blackthorne
I love twitter threads
I love the redditors who post them

Why was she forgotten so quickly?
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there is a blandness to the overall recent characters.
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Because she was easily replaced.
Got mogged by Lacey and the other DLC girls.
I didn't forget her, I just jerked off to her the other day.
she lost her bright colors

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best girl
the game did her really fucking dirty
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One of the best fights in the game still imo. They just need to up her aggression.
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Why is she not the main girl.

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>No one is talking about Goat Mom's game
Wtf happened? I thought /v/ liked Sucker for Love
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>Awesome goat tits
>Wasted in a game with some "asexual" protagonist
What a letdown.
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I don't know, we seem to have an Undertale or Deltarune thread every few days or so.
I will not accept anyone else being called Goat Mom.
I honestly wouldn't even mind a lesbian or whatever, but an "asexual" protagonist? Fuck.
absolutely this. could've gotten at least a minor 'consideration' if they made the protagonist a dude
yiff in hell

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cs rin sisters...the site is down
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Bro your private trackers?
Not fucking worth the amount of cock-sucking or opsec compromise required to get on them
They'd been awful for a while
I hacked russian internet
Its over for piratescum
>Use shitgirl
Nigga you gay?
Why you're download repacks instead of clean file and crack that take way less time than downloading and installing repacks

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>it's actually decent now

The paid subscription bullshit aside I returned to the game after.. 5 fucking years and with a group of friends the overall experience was enjoyable. Sure, the game has a fuck ton of bugs and at the core is still a glorified Fallout 4 mod however exploring and early to mid game is fun. Late game is usually very boring

>b-but that's good friends not a good ga-ACK!

The same can be said about any game. I enjoyed building bases and breaking the already brain dead AI even further
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Damn, i hope you're getting a good check Rajesh
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>it's actually decent now
No its not. I can only see it being fun fucking around with good friends in a discord vc while drinking. Go to bumfuck nowhere to repair this random ass broken radio because quest marker says so repeat ad infinitum was the most boring shit I have ever done. Its probably one of the most boring games I have ver played. I put about 20 hours into it over a free weekend and got up to the brotherhood. So fucking boring and didnt feel like fallout at all. I wouldnt play this shit if it was free.
>There are no smart writers
They're smart enough to get a retard like me with the show but 76 doesn't try. It's a fallout themed disney world with nothing interesting going on.
the only fun thing about this game was messing around and acting retarded to all the 30+ year old dudes playing the game.
only you could rarely find them because most people don't use a mic and just do an emote and that's it.
Oh yeah and the female DJ needs to be banned from ever speaking again
You're too early you fucking retard. You need to wait until Bethesda drops another irredeemable piece of garbage to start pretending 76 is good.

>random new Samurai Maiden content a year and a half after release
Gearing up for a sequel maybe? Either way, you can unlock bath towel outfits now.
In four colors like the rest of the outfits.
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I just started playing this cause of the humble bundle. Decent enough for senran-tier shovelware, I guess. I like the juxtaposition between the protagonist and nobunaga.
does this game ever go on sale, I like the concept of it and its looks decent enough in shovelware terms, but I can't justify buying it at the current price
It's 50% off on Steam right now.

Make sure to switch between the ninjas frequently and increase affection with the MC, it lets you unlock the vast majority of the moveset including aerial follow-ups, guarding, parrying etc. with each ninja giving you different moves.

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Do you buy videogame merch?
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Did this really kill G4?
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yeah I remember, should have been one of the first things they brought back, but G4 was essentially the signal fire that gaming had shifted and was now for morons not dorks
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>team up with twitch to be their revenue neutral propaganda wing
>hour long gaming/twitch/streaming/esports/celeb/nonsense news - Attack of the Show
>do it live and get streaming donations and chat
>also do netplay and in-house e-sports tournaments
>pretty bimbos and no mention of social justice
>just fucking smiles all around
>host selected streams so that it's always 24/7 broadcasting SOMETHING

Afreeca TV is the Korean equivalent of twitch, and they do in-studio content all the time and own two studios. E-sports around Starcraft is their bread and butter. This model could have worked for G4 and Twitch.
The culture is too poisoned. It would require wokeshit throughout, including commercials. A lot of people like Korean media because it's an escape from that
Twitch had an attack of the show style show, the owner of twitch would stop by and hang out, it was run by Kevin until it turned out he was view botting, it was called The Attack. It was no different from Attack of The Show and no one watched it.
twitch is very forgivable for bimbo titty streamers

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I want to see terrible things done with Nintendo’s models in Gmod now.
It wasn't actually Nintendo who asked for that stuff to be removed, you gullible childish faggot.
There's been plenty of gmod videos with this uploaded over the last 15 years zoomer. Go watch those first then we'll talk.
Nope, it was validated to be Nintendo who approved them.

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It's called Midlife crisis. Their boss probably bought a Yacht or something and couldn't pay the Taxes that comes with it.
Yes. Cry about it some more.
im not crying
im laughing
Should have seen it coming when pics of Niggita at conventions wearing designer clothes like a teenager.

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>game based around dying
>takes 5-7 seconds to respawn
>every 10 deaths you waste a minute of your time

My ADHD brain hates games that take forever for you to get back into the game.
also annoying
>games into takes longer than 10 mins
>long death animations

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>if you need a laptop for portable work get a cheap office one
you can get decent gaming laptops for around a thousand. if you need a pc for work/travel you might as well get a good one. also i wouldn't trust a cheap laptop to handle modern software bloat, especially non ltsc windows
I didn't play GTA V for the first time until epic games put it out for free. I can wait forever, they'll never beat my patience.
I will most certainly pay $150 to get that sweet early, I mean ADVANCED access for 3 days.
Steam deck is a console
I'm buying two copies (Xbox and PlayStation), so $140 plus tax

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I kinda miss community built flash versions of famous titles.
Gang Garrison 2, Mario 63, Smash Flash, etc.
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works on my machine
Gang Garrison 2 was fucking sick.
Sniper getting off screen vision, Heavy being useful and not hard countered by every other class, using the hidden Cave Story characters.
Was a great time.
Nobody ever made EU server, so my impression was soured by ping. Also, need for constant spam to check for infiltrators was tedious.
Yeah. The game actually felt less broken and I think it was one of the best 2D shooters out there.
I only knew about Quote. There were more?!

Chubby girls
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I want her to cheat on me with Mexican men and go from picrel to >>674567580 from eating too many burritos!~
Ooh. I see! That definitely is weird, but a fun fetish to have! I won't judge at all at least!
I was never into wg before, but then a mexican anon brought it up. I'm glad you appreciate it at least!~
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Why isn't it possible to have a single hornyposting thread without you cuck faggots inserting their fetish into it?
Ahh, well that's certainly a different way of getting into wg. And yeah! And I'm glad you enjoy this sort of stuff.

NGL bros Aphrodite is looking pretty good today
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He's right, there something wrong with this ribcage
Looks like Dhalsim with breasts
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>2d art
At least Stellar Blade has actual 3d models.
i played it for 1,5ish hours
it seems like it didn't change all that much
>you still have access to 3 attacks - basic m1, ranged m2 and aoe on Q
>what is different is that each of these attacks also has a charged up version that uses the new magic resource
>they got rid of that ranged attack resource so you can infintely spam basic ranged attack at no cost
>you can't spam dash as much as you did in the first game but you can sprint now which happens if you hold space after dashing
the game is still quite easy and even without upgrades i could stand in one of the corners, spam my basic attack and wait for melee enemies to come to me so they can die. you aren't even in any danger doing this because they get staggered so easily. the only ones you should look out for are ones with armor and ranged enemies.
whatever upgrades boons give you also seem as basic as they were in the first game so i wouldn't expect any crazy combos. what is nice is that there is a couple new gods but i don't know if the overall number of gods stayed the same or increased.
overall i'd say its still a bit boring and samey
Can you still play the tech test after beating Hecate 5 times? Or should I just keep jobbing to her until I unlock everything at the base there is to unlock in this build?

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I'm goin' in
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its just a dark corridor with nothing in it.
Be careful OP, launch a Lewis in before you go just to be safe.

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What was the point of this character?
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Yeah cause her head on random daz body would have been something to hoot about complete with the head hack package
Trish is better.
But you can be both at once in mvc3
For me, it's Lady
Ichigo needs his Orihime.

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Rika, the Ground-type specialist of the Paldean Pokemon League. A cool-headed woman that fights alongside her beloved partner Clodsire.
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Tranny freak.
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>other characters get cool introductions in the gacha
>Rika literally loses to two pokekids
>then refuses to work for Rose because she loves her job and her coworkers
>then Geeta fucking dabs on her
Nintendo started pandering to trannies this gen. Pokemon, Splatoon, etc all have the genders removed. Everyone's just a genderless, asexual subhuman.
eevee pokekid is so cute
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