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This is the most overhated boss I've seen in some time
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furthest i got was beating the nerd bitch and grabbing the big red poker from the average french nobleman
divine bird chest + ascetic anklets
Does that mean you've beat Rennala and Mohg or...?
no, the guy in the mini catacomb just over the lift
But that's already what it is for bosses, if it was a talisman you could at least use it for levels

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>villain's memory haunts the hero for the rest of his life
what are some games with this trope?
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Remember when some reddit comics used "le" for like 2 weeks and then dropped it but /v/ kept spamming LE LE for years?
>Remember when some reddit comics used "le" for like 2 weeks and then dropped it but /v/ kept spamming LE LE for years?
i thought the whole LE thing was a rage comics thing?
>/v/ kept spamming
You mean Reddit came to /v/ to spam
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>villain won the gamer war
>sequel where he gets btfo in development hell
One word responses like "based" "cringe" "keyed" etc are just verbal upvotes/downvotes. If you do this you should go to reddit where that interaction is baked in.
If you've ever engaged in an argument about who is or isn't a newfag, who started using the site before 2016 etc. You would honestly be happier on reddit, where info on how long a user has been around is available.
If you've ever used 4chanx filters and other things, you should go to reddit because there posts are automatically sorted and filtered.

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but pcs at the time didnt have true hardware 3d acceleration unlike playstation.
I guess a combination of factors
>publishers aren't willing to take risks by investing in new technology, would rather spend that money in marketing and celebrity likeness/voices
>overall competency crisis in the West, made worse by the fact that vidya development is a shit job that no one really competent would willingly take part in
>new GPU adoption rate is slow due to retarded prices and supply issues
>consumers actually don't give a fuck about graphics after 10 years of stagnation so there is even less incentive
posting fake pics and pretending they're real should be bannable
the physics needed for Ultrahand are really impressive but at the end of the day it's devs being lazy
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Can we talk about skeletons?

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League of legends
dota 2
Aoe2, 4, and M
Starcraft1 and 2
CoD ranked and Warzone
Apex Legends

None of these games are good

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>none of these games are good
kek filtered

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>Dog boss
>Time to WUFF you up.
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>Skeleton boss
>I got a bone to pick with you
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>nigger boss that has an axe as a weapon
>Lemme axe you one question
>*Charges at you
Just letting everyone know I enjoyed these posts okay thanks bye
Fuck off redditor
Please stop advertising your site here

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>Ace Combat
Is this really the only good plane series?

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Wife found, game saved, doomers lost.
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Well, XIV 3.0 codename Dawntrail is fully his. Hope he enjoys it.
I know, that's why I said that they purposefully chose the worst solution for now given the amount of other options they still had before turning into literal soul vampires..
It was annoying then and it's annoying now. You have enough outfits for your natsoc rp, you dont have to keep begging for more garlemald.
It was retarded to go cosmic scale at all in the first place if they weren't intending on ending the game right there.
Endsinger should've been a purely planetary problem. I loved the Dead Ends and the alien civilizations in Endwalker, but bringing them in required insane cosmic stakes that are next-to-impossible to climb back down from.
Retard, you are supposed to plan when he uses addle, you aren't supposed to expect him to just use it on his own

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>invents 13 year olds calling each other slurs in chat
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>makes you his bitch
Damn I can't believe Romero stooped to working at a gas station. Is Peter Molyneux mopping floors somewhere?

hes reconnecting with his mexican-american roots
Not enough people are buying his Doom mods to help him pay for the shitload of hair product he uses
It's called shampoo, incel

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What kind of audience is this game made for?
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Literal children.
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I used to play for a while
Being a slutty catgirl and sucking big fat futa cock is the most fun experience you can have in a VR videogame
Extroverts at home
I went into /vrg/ to try to get some VR game recommendations, and based on that thread alone, the answer seems to be "twats."
how can they be pedophiles if most of the users are children and teenagers themselves? also it feels like a good chunk of the playerbase is women or teen girls, and i dont know why

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>Finds out he's terminally ill
>Doesn't change a thing about his behavior and spends his last days on Earth killing young soldiers for money and helping with petty revenge missions
>People think he's "redeemed" because he acts weepy during a few cutscenes and they play a sad song during the final mission, hundreds of Redditards make 6-hour "video essays" explaining why this is the greatest plot of all time

Red Dead Redemption 2 should be a litmus test for whether or not you're allowed to vote. If you go through the game and think Arthur is a good man by the end, you shouldn't be allowed to vote because you're easily manipulated. You're the type of person to see a video of a crying Bomalian and start advocating for infinite third-world migration. We are going to do things to you that have never been done before.
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So a horse, a live animal, didn't hurl itself to its death because you held the up arrow key? Immersion broken 0/10
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>walk 2 centimeters from objective marker
>mission failed
Feels more like an interactive movie rather than a video game desu.
Yeah they should of had carte blanche to do risky things and chalk it up to satire, but the pandering to the leftist was in high gear. Maybe something in future will change.
If GTA6 is anything to go of of, they are just doubling down on the double down that was RDR2
Thank you. People keep acting like this is the best game ever made when in reality it's a messy story set in a world that's more focused on frivolous detail than creating an engaging experience. I understand what they were trying to do with the narrative but it is just so poorly structured. Luckily for Rockstar they are the sacred cow of the industry and normalfags are easily tricked.

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You now remember that the Silver Knight weapons weren't in Dark Souls 3 despite their set and shield being in, along with the enmies themselves, for no good reason.
Straight Sword Souls 3 really didn't need an even longer and stronger straight sword than the ones it already had.

Somehow, Radahn returned
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>Somehow, OP is still a faggot.

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> Sandalwood has failed me
> The Nightwings have fallen
> Billions must stay exiled
Why was he like this?
Does being betrayed by schizo fatherkiller turns you in a schizo as well?
Also Supergiant thread I guess
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>tranny game
kill yourself brownoid
> Pyre
> Tranny game
Bro did you even play the game?
Barry post

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why are future murder victims so cute?
I knew my purchase of Of The Killer stocks would pay off.

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>Goddes Hestia, the virgin goddess of the hearth and the home according to Japan
>Goddes Hestia, the virgin goddess of the hearth and the home accoring to USA
Which one is better depiction goddes Hestia?
>Greek thing
>Neither designs are from Greek

There's your answer. Next thread...
left is best
right conveys hearth/home better and is more believably virginal than the left.
>fat black woman
Choose one
The right would be an acceptable depiction if she looked Greek and not like Aunt Jemima.

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I still can't believe that one of the like 4 ps5 exclusives is just showcasing ssd and gamepad gimic (which isn't even used anywhere)
And they're making sequel to this shit lol. At this rate we'll get astro playroom remake in a few years lmao
The absolute fucking state (of play)
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If you have tranny taste maybe, but as a Gran Turisno fan let me tell ya, its good eating.

Full VR and online racing, its not like a game anymore. Its like I put on that headset and I on the track for an hour. It's a portal
cope more snoyjeet
Have you played through Astro? It's certified kino
>which isn't even used anywhere
its used in almost all of the games. you're just retarded.
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Ah yes, how clumsy of me. Of course Sony as the platform holder would do their best to implement it in as many of their games as possible.
Just one more little thing that keeps nagging me in my nogging though: How can Sony implement this tech into games when the PS5 has no games?

Is Ar Tonelico good?
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There's no controversy in some contrarian liking the blue-haired whore. Mir is simply superior.
AT3 is still the worst game I've ever played. Even Raidou and the Soulless Army handles better.
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>love Aurica's design
>her personality is shit

>like Misha's personality
>her design is not as good as Aurica's
Those were better times
ar tonelico

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I wish Hex Maniac was real...
>chubby goth girl with messy hair, into the occult
>turns out to be a schizophrenic
Every time...
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Bimbo gyaru Hex who EXCLUSIVELY fucks lucky anons

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I dont care for:

>ubislop (ac, fc, horizon zero fucks given)
>fromslop (bb, sekiro, elden meme)
>movieslop (rdr 2, gow 4, the last of cucks 2)
>demakes (re 2, 3, 4, dick space, dick riding, silent shill 2, final faggotry 7) or mario.

What should I play ?

And stop telling me to play Hangman, that's not even a video game.
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you should kys instead
I care about all of those. I like video games
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>no mentions of gachaslop
okay then, play that
i don't think frogposting should be autosaged
unfathomably based

Shantae Advance if the portraits weren't PTSD inducing
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Neat, thanks mate. Though I assumed it would be full colour for whatever reason
are they british?
Only egg tits and only here

>least favorite
>dad is Nigel Thornberry

Checks out

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