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Sleepy edition

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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I hope things are different this time anon, and you can take care of kittens and mom. Don't you have friends or relatives that can give you a hand?

I'm very sorry to read this.
Ruby is a very sweet cat that returned the love you gave her. It's hard saying something to comfort a person in this situation.
Do not ever blame yourself for the circumstances, and think of how lucky both you and Ruby were to meet each other; you gave her a second life where she could be finally treated with respect and love.
>doesn't let me pet
>doesn't let me hug
>doesn't even play with strings anymore
>never EVER purrs
i wish i had a normal cat
>switch cat to raw food
>digestive issues practically disappear in a week
>gone after months
>allergies caused by other cat gone after months
if you can afford/manage it raw or lightly cooked food is really amazing

I was stressing trying to help my cat and now he's only thrown up twice in a year one from a hairball and the other from eating a nasty bug
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banana trees are kind of freaky THOUGH.
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he's explaining the origin since anon didn't get it DOUGH
true just pointing it out and taking amusement in it
This, I got stabbed for asking once.
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I know, right?
Palms are giant grasses larping as trees.

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Blurry animals
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Post monkeys, talk about monkeys
For me, it's the pygmy marmoset
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Some people experience some kind of satisfaction or immense interested in seeing baby monkeys in distress. Pityfags tried to justify feeling like that by coming up with absurd theories and rationalizations, like saying they want to see baby monkeys being crushed because they resemble the closest species that could compete with humanity in a biological sense. Some take the route of justifying the abuse because they see babies as heavily dependent on their mothers to the point they become loud and demanding when they need something, which is seen as annoying and worthy of the abuse.

Any justification for this kind of stuff is ridiculous and if you are feeling like this is okay, you should probably stop watching those videos.

My bet is that this satisfaction people feel is actually a black op conducted by CIA niggers to imprison as much people as possible and then wipe them out, effectively causing a huge population drop which might make the global economy better. Do not fall for the trap and remember that CIA niggers glow in the dark.
> to imprison as much people as possible and then wipe them out, effectively causing a huge population drop
idk man even if they managed to entrap a million people with this it wouldn’t make a dent in global numbers
No, I mean you sound like you're slowly falling down the rabbit hole from binging on this stuff and before you know it you'll be getting your rocks off from watching baby monkeys being tortured.
fabulous tantrum incoming: https://youtu.be/IpDUnAD_ykc

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>One day in 1998, while Jack was out fishing, JoAnn suffered a heart attack. She called for help, but no one heard. Her dog also barked but also got no response. Then her pig Lulu came through with some quick thinking. She saw JoAnn and realized she was in distress, then ran to get help. She had to bust out of their backyard, which left her skin cut up and bleeding. She ran out into the street and lay down in front of traffic, which was a way to get humans’ attention. Later it was reported that some cars just drove around the 150-pound Lulu, but one kind driver stopped to make sure she was ok.
>He could see the pig was stressed and injured, with blood showing from her escape. The driver yelled out, saying he found a pig who was hurt. JoAnn heard him and yelled back to him. The driver called an ambulance, who took her to have immediate open-heart surgery. Doctors said that if 15 more minutes passed, she would have died.
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>pig gets scared from loud noises and runs outside onto road where it collapses from its wounds and obesity
>"OH MYYYY GODDDD SHE WAS TRYING TO GET THE OTHER HUMANS TO PROVIDE FIRST AID FOR HER OWNER (something the pig has no conception of) !!!! SHE WAS TRYING TO GET THEM TO CALL AN AMBULANCE (something the pig has no conception of)!!!"
this is your brain on anthropomorphization

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So can dogs smile or not?
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Unironically for anyone watching this, the best way to get them to release is genuinely to jam something up their arse. No, seriously.
I dont even browse reddit you schizo furry
I’ve heard this too. Either that or choking them out.
Bloodchoke the fucking pitbull.
This, and choke the fucker out with your arm or their collar if they have one. In more serious cases start bashing the dogs skull in with a rock or 2x4. ofc guns work better. I'm amazed how many people I see in these videos doing nothing or weakly hitting the dog.
I don't want to hurt or kill a dog but I stop caring once it attacks my dog or a person.

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Is getting a dog a good idea even though I am not home from 9-5 on weekdays?

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Cat people be like
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it looks so goofy
Any animal that isnt cats
I thought it wa s pretty clear
Are you special needs or something?
>putting sushi in your Spaghetti-O's
Do cat people really?

Casual corydoras edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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Why would anybody buy ghost shrimp when you can get them from the creek for free?
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Update on my cherry shrimp. I added six of them last month to a 20g community of black neons, corys, couple honey gouramis. Theory was they would PROBABLY be okay in this group and PROBABLY NOT be eaten due to size. Theory correct. They're fine. Not shy either. I just caught one apparently schooling with my black neons for a couple minutes before it fucked off to go pick at the good log some more.
For freshwater that is often true, but for saltwater it is just as often not.

Also, if you are already doing water changes regularly and something is still wrong, what are you going to do? Oh right, test the water and observe your livestock.

Obviously a facetious post, but I think it still bears mentioning that a super common misconception is that hobby-grade ICP is bullet proof accurate. There is no hobby-grade testing facility that even gives you a confidence interval for their tests. Several people have sent in identical water samples to several of these companies and have come up with a pretty wide set of results. If you have pretty good test gear and practice good lab technique, you will often be able to get more consistent results than ICP, whether it be OES or MS. ICP does give limited insight on trends, especially for things we have difficulty testing at home though.
My fish have become entirely too tame. I stick tongs and scissors and sometimes my whole arm in, fish are right up front thoroughly investigating all of this. I have to be careful with the scissors as i do not trust the curious georges not to swim directly between the jaws as i am about to snip.

what is the most alien looking animal you can think of ? for me it's those guys, that's the kind of stuff you'd find on some exo planet

>giant ears
>a hose for a nose
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you're just a stupid mammal
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this is real btw

runner up
I had a couple ideas but settled on these.
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How can you seriously say anything with a discernable face and body is "alien" when things like this exist?

Which /an/s have the most interesting methods of energy/nutrient capture?
Neat respiration discussion also permitted.
so apparently birds have air sacs for breathing? I feel like this ought to be common knowledge.

How do people leave their dogs like this, for 8-10 hours at a time, like a veal cow?
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Clearly you haven't seen the average "dog trainer" at work

They put spike collars on dogs and repeatedly jerk them straight up until the dog gives up. That's dog training. It is very possible to train a dog without this, but it takes 3 weeks instead of 3 minutes.

The downside is the dog becomes potentially unsafe, so the old adage is "don't pet strange dogs"
Sensitive response. What's the matter, did he strike a nerve?
I was gonna say the Middle East too but remembered thats goats
If they were already “aggressive” then no shit it was “fine”, doing that to normal well adjusted cats usually doesn’t end well
People who do this don't see the animal as a living creature with its own life, they see it as a toy that only exists for them to play with. Big sign that the individual has a narcissistic personality and at least based on my anecdotal life experience, every person who does this is also insanely cruel and abusive but hides it behind larping as nice.
>don't worry they reveal themselves over any tiny inconvenience

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Post birds, appreciate birds
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Finally my birdies started to eat alone (zebras, 6th week). Handfeeding can be very stressful.
Don't bother. They totally fucked up Risk of Rain 2.
move out to a place without owls
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Sandhill Cranes have been moving through....
My bedroom is a converted loft. A while ago I noticed the same birds flying near my window, I kept it closed so they don't get in and they quieted down for a month. Now I've been awoken every morning at 5am by the sounds of screaming hatchlings. I can't sleep through it and adjusted my sleep schedule to sleep earlier. It's so fucking irritating and carries on throughout the day. I like birds, like all things, in moderation but this is too much. The worst part is it's loud enough for me to hear since my hearing is sharp but not loud enough to record. BTW I'm not a schizo, the recording has the bird sounds but they're faint compared to the background white noise, and I'm not bothered to edit the audio to isolate and amplify it. I can't bitch about it irl every day without sounding deranged so I'm posting here.

post order chiroptera
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"Walk this way."
they cute
bats are crazy
A Field Biologist?

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