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Dickus edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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Empty the water out first
New bake
How many snails and hermits should I have?
And how can i be sure the rocks won’t move?
It’s only a month old tank
it's best not to count them. Buy them in bulk, it's cheaper.
smashed and slammed predator 3x tetra

How come theres no reptiles that stand upright like a dog?
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>gotta draw up lines somewhere, otherwise we're all fish
we literally are.
Almost all of our bones are found in fish.
so mammals are now fish too?
You are a fish, you are a tunicate, you are a bacterium, you are carbon, you are the material from the big bang, you are God.
The chinese killed all the european megafauna 5000ish years ago? i don't think that's accurate...
Please provide an example of a reptile that's more basal than mammals are. That diagram the other anon posted is accurate.

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Land Whale edition

Previous Thread >>4685883

Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project

>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth


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what goalposting did I do?
All I said was that in larger animals regeneration is detrimental because they need to quickly patch up traumatic injuries with clotting and scabbing then fast growing scar tissue
Both of which prevent regeneration from happening, which is a slower process
And yes scar tissue is much faster growing than regrowing entire sections of the body since it's not differentiated

In order for a large mammal to evolve regeneration it would need to lose scabbing and scar tissue, which obviously is going to be a massive reduction in fitness
Not only that but there's a limit to how fast cells can regenerate, and cells need the necessary information to grown unrelated adjacent tissue which simply doesn't exist in mammals

Either you don't understand the concept of fitness or the concept of moving goalposts

Also body plans/parts with the same function but different build is quite literally the definition of convergent evolution, seriously get a dictionary before you try to act all high and mighty

Also considering you disagree with my notion, I expect you to provide me a single example of a conodont apex predator competing directly with jawed vertebrates
>because they need to quickly patch up traumatic injurie
that's not a "large animal problem" and regeneration doesn't prevent that

> with clotting and scabbing then fast growing scar tissue
clotting don't prevent regeneration and the formation of scar tissue isn't that fast

>scar tissue is much faster growing than regrowing entire sections
doesn't matter, once regeneration begin the wound is already close and a slowly regeneration limb/finger/patch of skin is much less detrimental than scar tissue

>d need to lose scabbing and scar tissue, which obviously is going to be a massive reduction in fitness
it wouldn't

> cells need the necessary information to grown unrelated adjacent tissue which simply doesn't exist in mammals
no, most cell have the entire genetic code of the organism

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>no, most cell have the entire genetic code of the organism
well except for mammalian red blood cells, amphibian red blood cells however do contain a nucleus and are integral to their regeneration

Furthermore, just because a cell has the entire genetic code of an animal doesn't mean that it can differentiate in any cell, it takes a lot of effort to turn mammalian cells back into pluripotent stem cells, which is what you need for regeneration

As for dominating niches, they did compete in niches of smaller animals, but the ostracoderm, largest jawless fish, went into rapid decline after jawed fish appeared, indicating a massive advantage

As for convergent evolution, by your definition this would mean that the mole cricket is not an example of convergent evolution, which I would like to see you try to explain to any evolutionary biologist
you sound like a terf
>except for mammalian red blood cells, amphibian red blood cells
what is irrelevant since those cells aren't involved in the regeneration of tissues nor the formation of scar tissue

> which is what you need for regeneration
what contradicts your logic that such capability would evolve due it being an obvious advantage

>indicating a massive advantage
I never negate that jaw structure were an advantage for certain niches, only that such structure were bound to evolve

>by your definition this would mean that the mole cricket is not an example of convergent evolution
no because mole crickets show the same overall body shape and work in the same way moles.
Very different from the crustatians branchiostegal lung that have a completely different structure and working from vertebate lungs, having function it's only similarity

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>"Dude, ants are like, basically hyper-efficient hive-mind computers dude. They're so smart."
Yeah, well if they're so efficient, why haven't they learned Cost-Benefit Analysis? I've killed a thousand of these fuckers for trying to steal my muffin and they still come back
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true on this, there needs to be a total and complete annihilation of the ant menace
what do you suggest as the final solution?
But then the ants will form the new antiforian republic and antaers legion and will fighting over a pond
at this point we should just call an exterminator, if gassing and nuking won't work I don't know what will. maybe relocation is the best thing for everyone, shovel their anthill over your neighbor's picket fence. I'm sure that's how they got to your property in the first place
I love ants but am losing my mind trying to figure out how many lbs of ants there are per person.
Everywhere says there are 20 quadrillion total, 2.5 million ants to person. Say each ant weighs 2.5 milligrams, that's 6250000 milligrams per person, which is converts to like 14 lbs. But I've seen multiple places say ants outweigh us in biomass? Including the Wikipedia page on biomass. Where is my ant math going wrong

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kakapo is my favourite
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I just heard some of them singing just a minute ago, beautiful.
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w a l k
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a toast, to parrots!
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all rodents welcome

previous bread >>4691039
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such a cute lil rat, rest in peace
It really is so disheartening, she’s the third I’ve lost and I just don’t know if I can keep grieving like that. The one that’s taking it hardest is 2 and a half, she’s lost a lot of weight and developed a tumor on one of her mammary glands but I can’t afford to remove it currently so I’m not sure what to do. Euthanasia is also expensive but I’ve never had a rat die naturally, only ever put them down before it gets miserable for them. The other just turned one, and she has always been extra shy, I got her from a weird accidental litter and I think her genetics just give her a real skittish temperament, she’s always just been especially difficult. But I don’t mind because I can still handle her without issues and can still provide a good life without being able to cuddle her, I try to respect my rat’s boundaries.

I’m gonna keep routine but I am going to start trying harder to get them to come out of the cage more even though they reject me. I don’t want to stress them but they need to be moving more and they stopped after Atman died. The younger one used to be the most playful and I feel like it’s harder for her to play now that her only cagemate is getting on too, if I have to I will probably give her to a new mischief once the older one passes. I’ve never had a lone rat and I currently don’t intend on keeping more for the time being. I love them so much but I’m pursuing an education soon and I worry I just won’t have time on top of being unable to handle the emotional rollercoaster that is the 2 year cycle of bonding so closely with a mischief and then slowly having to watch them die. I just wish they lived longer :(
It just felt fitting for her in the moment which is sort of like, I don’t believe in anything spiritual but I did have the strongest bond with her out of any rat I’ve ever had. I feel like she had a very fitting name
2.5 is a hell of an age to go under the knife. Consider if they will survive it, how's their weight etc. you need to be pragmatic about what's best for the rat. There are a few posters here and people on YT who have had rats survive surgery at that age and older, it's all about their health and stamina.
It's rare a rat is OK being alone with just you for company and you're right to think about giving them up for adoption. However after thinking I couldn't deal with the loss anymore, I found it harder without rats than deal with their short life span and got another mischief. Nursing an elderly rat until they're ready to pass is a yearly event for us but we've learned to accept their short spectacular lives.
Keep trying to keep them active and out for free roam etc. and you'll rebuild their confidence.

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Alright I’m gonna buy some ducks.
>I have 6 females and want a male.
Going to get 1 male automatically but should I get 2 males?
>I want to get at least one more female.
Going to get 3 ducks, should I get 2 males and a female or 2 females and a male?
>If I get two males, should they be different breeds?
Which breed(s)? My 6 females are Swedish blue. Also is that too many males:females ratio? Will two males be too much for the 7 females?
>Should the ratio be 2:7 males:females or 1:8?
Also, should I get a goose?
>Please respond.
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geese some of that sweet boipucci nigger
What does it look like? They were found guilty of heresy and high treason. Now they're spending ETERNITY in the duck dungeon.

You don't need a male duck unless you want fertile eggs.
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Okay I wasn’t gonna bring it up, but the reason I made the thread
>couple days ago the flock got attacked by a dog (maybe a daytime wolf)
>one duck got hurt, another duck sacrificed itself to save that one
>2 days go by
>somehow the heroic duck has returned
Came back last night and all the other ducks went apeshit and started dogpiling her. All the ducks in my back yard are females, I bought them that way. I want to get a male duck to yes fertilize eggs so if I lose a duck I can just incubate an egg to replace it. I think now the duck is alive and came home I’m just gonna get 2 ducklings, I think a khaki Campbell male and an additional Swedish blue female which I don’t even want but I don’t want the male to have to grow up alone.
>water right under the heat lamp
ngmi fucking move it to the corner

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Everyone is talking about how breeder fucked up the back but what about the head? Look at pic related, that's almost greyhound level pointy.

And now they're all lazy droopy lip tall snout slobber machines.
The slim pointy snout looks so much cooler.
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It's only useful for corgis and heelers who need the extra length to bite cows. Other shepherds are really good drovers.
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We are approaching perfection.
>if the dog dies at 10

You are truly a moron.
poor bait doesnt deserve a (You)

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Well done.
Is this an /an/ meme?
Not really...

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Discuss the animal homo sapien.
How we feeling about our species, pretty apes?
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Ask your wrangler to buy you some chalk. Mine bought it for me because I kept falling off the climbing wall that he installed in my enclosure to prevent me from getting depressed and killing myself.
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I guess my uterine parent would equal as my caretaker, the economy in this human society has not allowed me to advance far enough. My caretaker has given me a technologic device where I can play a game with cubes as it's main aesthetic, but the catch is my goddamn modern human hands just sweat whenever I try to move a bit.
Also, read this some days ago, thank you anon. I just wonder why I sweat from my hands at just the slightest level of stress though.
also unrelated when will biology nerf the mental illness genes in humans, they suck hard
They're easier sure but generally more high quality. It's super easy to make habitats for them, just recreate their local savannahs with some wildlife and you'll have a small thriving colony in no time. They reproduce readily and have huge litters too. The light ones need insane amounts of stimulation and there's no guarantee your starter male and female will even get along, let alone reproduce. It's much more difficult to hide your dark morph colony if you're unlicensed. Nah, stick with the light morphs.
This. And it's not uncommon for homo sapiens males to mate with them instead of sapiens females, especially if you keel light morphs. It's just an issue with that morph in particular.
That particular cutie does not have autism

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ITT white animals
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damn, that thing is super fucked up
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looks like one of those Tom And Jerry cartoons, but with a rabbit and a turtle, and the rabbit dropped an anvil on the turtle
golem get ye gone

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Are there any advantages of getting a female cat or dog over a male one assuming both are neutered / spayed
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Google it

Basically all dog bites are intact male german shepherds, pitbulls, and rottweilers.
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I will always have female cats so it doesnt feel gay when i dote on them and kiss and sniff their heads like a retard
Never stopped me
>there's no evidence to support a difference in average temperament or personality of an entire gender of animal.
this is definitely false, sexual dimorphism absolutely does extend to behaviour, why would it not? where did you even get that idea?
however in cats and dogs the differences are pretty mild

Does anyone get lazy and use those dog walking apps? What's been your experience with them?
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I have a midday walker for the days when I’m at work. Got walker from neighborhood recommendations rather than an app though.
One of my friends did. His dog came back with behavioral issues, and when he called about it he was told their dog was started on prong collar corrections for "reactivity"

I personally knew the extent of the dogs reactivity was very mild pulling but after that they were up to snarling and aggressive sounding barking. The walker's "apology" was "your dog has dominance issues, just correct them harder".
Dog walking app? What the fuck is that?
Look up wag on the app store
i use a dog walker sometimes but it's a lady in the neighborhood that i know and have seen her walking other neighbors dogs. i wouldn't let a random off an app walk my dog. first time the dog gets walked you should go with them too

Is it true that lobsters used to get to like 6 feet long or more? I've heard it my whole life with the explanation for them no longer getting that big being overfishing. Can someone corroborate or explain? I heard of it with regards to maine if I recall but I'm not sure obviously.
also sorry that I didn't have a lobster picture, away from my pc.
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>zero g
top lel
based retard
>the problem with trying to help it molt will just stress the animal out and cause it die
well humans have sorted this out centuries ago, it's called anasthesia. It's weird no university has tried assisted molting before. they are burning public funds like there's no tomorrow, they could at least use it for some cool PR stunt. Can't think of a better ad for a marine biology institute than a truck-size lobster in a lab
except you have to submerge it a solution, and then you have to clear out the anesthesia which is a little harder when its breathing from gills, and how are you suppose to monitor it, so thats a lot of technology that you have develop and you have to remember this is going to get decades to bare fruit which is not something theyre going to consider, people want results now and not 40 years later
Very cool post, thank you anon

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