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Post webms that bring peace and calm in times of unbearable loss and strife.
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How many more games until a team clinches the playoffs?
Are you trying to ask that prognosticant octopus? I think he's dead by now.
He is alive in my heart
Also I meant to post that in the beisbol thread
>were you raised in a barn?! close the door!

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Skunk thread. Post and appreciate these special lil guys
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stripes are just elongated spots
That's not how it works. Your brain is spotted.
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When I was a kid, my family had a black cat that would hang out with he skunks as friends. He massacred rabbits but the skunks were his bros, they would always patrol the perimeter of the yard together.
I seen a skunk last night do this thing he like scraped at the ground really fast like he was a cartoon character trying to run on slippery ground, then jumped at another skunk and tour out a big piece of fur and it bled a bit. Didn't bite it from what I saw so maybe not rabid just fighting.
Yeah they are like that in general, they don't like having other skunks around and do that scrapy thing in fights

So what caused the bloop? Do you think it could've been an animal?
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That's what they want you to believe
And how do you know that? You work at NOAA or something?
install a waterfall app like spectroid and try it ur self

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She deteriorated so fucking quickly
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I'm sorry, anon. It's hard to be a caretaker for someone who's terminal. My old dog lived for two years after being diagnosed terminal with heart failure. And yeah, he deteriorated very well quickly at the end. About 21 months of a very gradual decline, then 3 rapidly.

You probably don't want advice, but I'll give it anyway. Take as many pics and videos as you can now. Do casts/prints of her nose and paws if that's important. Spoil her as much as you can. Let yourself cry even if you think it's dumb or girly - what's more noble than to shed tears over a great friend?
It will suck really bad. The journey there and her passing. It will hurt greatly and you just have to deal with it until time builds up a callus. Keep a journal and write how you feel, talk to her through it, write down all your memories of her and all her little traits so you never worry about forgetting.

It's a hard road. I'll save her pic so I remember her, too.
Sorry that you both have to go through this. Your dog looks great and happy.
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Deny it.
Shoulda fed her real food
I am going through similar with my Husky/Sheppard right now. Not kidney but pleural effusion and he deteriorates fast if we don't drain him. Decided to euthanize tomorrow but really struggling with it and everything just feels terrible. I hope you are doing well anon.

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Could these things survive in the wilderness anywhere in the US? I'm based in East Tennessee. If I were to release a bunch of these little guys into the woods, could they survive and reproduce? What about European ones?
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>yes daddy government please step on me and tell me what I can't do
Let me guess, you're from some shithole like the Netherlands where you're only allowed to own dogs, cats, and maybe a hamster.
>America is literally a third world country
>People are leaving in droves for better places to live
>Ackchyuyally the Netherlands is a shithole because you can't own monkeys there!!!!!!
Do Amerisharts really believe this?
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We don't, although I think hedgehogs specifically are legal. It's illegal to own 99% of native wildlife iirc and you need a special permit for a lot.
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I used to think they were ugly but now I find them cute; especially the long-haired ones. How do you fell about them?
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Chihuahuas and huskies are dog shaped aliens and you cannot convince me otherwise
Husky = speed and agility
Chihuahua = longevity and wisdom
We must combine them
you can just get a parson russell terrier, theyre kinda like a bigger chihuahua, except not as weird looking as a jack russell
I named my little guy Escapade and we are absolutely insufferable.
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What an absolutely chaotic idea, I love it

Why aren't horses ever portrayed in the media as the man's best friend? They're almost always present in medieval/old-themed stories, but they're almost always treated as nothing more than transport vehicles.
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Do you know how to read?
Horse was mainly seemed as a tool in the west and it was not as relevant and the center of the culture as it were for the Mongols.
You either don't know what is to have a culture centered or something or you are straight up stupid. Even with all there usage and even in war horses didnt got fame or the glamour that eve n nom European animals, like lions, got in the west culture.
>you can found a deity being a personification of almost any animal
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I mean this excepetion proves the rule. Minor importance a horse that is a god to horses, but I will concide there is/was a "horse God".
And well I didnt know about it. Thank you.
>Dances With Wolves
>Neverending Story
>Sleepy Hollow
It's way more common than you think.
Because narratively, like dogs in stories, a horse being the best friend means it probably dies horribly.

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New thread to replace the one that was lost in the great delete.
Anhingas welcome also.
Promoting Cormorant awareness and appreciation, one post at a time.
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They're called marine crows in my country.
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Post deer
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I don't see a collar. No one else claimed him, so I did. Finders keepers.
>no nubs
that's a doe
It's 2024, he can be whatever he wants to be. Don't be a bigot.
Its anime
doe or buck, they both end up in my freezer

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These are staged animal abuse videos. For both the snake and rats. Tons of them on youtube about “creative” rat traps when you can clearly see someone out of frame pushing the rats into the traps.
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I want to kiss my cat on the lips (no homo)

he's just so precious

he's an orange tabby

(pic is not my cat)
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don't just don't for the sake of your cat who is likely confused enough with your bullshit
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take your meds, please
I'd rather people take my body as a medicine than use tigers for it.
I feel the urge to kiss that tiger
Imagine taking this bait

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How do I shut up my mom's rat dog yapper?
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>drug your dog instead of training them
They were not lying when they said people were giving SSRIs to cats.
The joke is that dogs don't bark when they're dead
stick an appendage in his mouth
You have to actually hold and comfort them. Little dogs yap out of insecurity and fear.
>sister dragged yappy dog home
>never tended to it, just like the other dogs she abandoned
>dog accidently got trapped between door and screen door on 100 degree day, essentially an oven.
>dog is whining and yipping as it cooks
>I'm taking a damn shit wondering when my sister is going to pay attention to her dog making noise
>3 minutes later, I check on heaving, half dead chihuahua
>ram dog under sink
>dog springs back to life, wobbles around, pukes
>sister looks at it, turns around, goes back to smoking weed
>I know what her second marriage didn't work out now
>dog is mine now.
>Miwii was my special little pal, sleeps in my bed.

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Evil sister

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Mom just called and said she let her sick cat out and it hasn't shown for 3 days. Any hope it can come back? How much longer should she wait? She is very upset because when she brought it to the vet they told her it was arthritis but also really low white blood count(according to the vet this was an anomaly whatever that means)
And no I don't know why she let it outside

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I’ve genuinely never been so angry in my fucking life. What kind of monstrous, capitalist rotted fuckfaced shithead do you have to be to allow this garbage to go to market. If I had the coordinates to their warehouses I would molotov them all until nothing remained
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Most pet owners consider animals the way we used to, useful tools at best, nuisances at worst and exotic moving furniture on average. They care not abput their wellbeing and barely shed any tear when they inevitably die in some gut wrenching and completely avoidable way
for the last time schizo. the voices in your head are not several people.
>frequent urination
>multiple cat households
The Soviets weren't any different from the Chinese, we just didn't give them unlimited access to our markets.
I care and love animals also but I'm allowed to dislike cats and animals that should be put down

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We're back.
And we're taking your ice cream!
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