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What the fuck do you even do for 392 years?
Do sharks not lose their minds from boredom?
I can't imagine just aimlessly swimming the dark depths of the ocean for almost 400 years.
What the hell are you on about
Itll happen to you too
Sleep under docks in the rivers of maine and newfoundland to scare the local children
What mind do they have to lose?
They are simple creatures.

Welcome to /Plant/. Where we either keep or trade tips on Plants or ogle at them from our screens.

>NZ Endemics.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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>pickle plants
>tfw pickleplant is etiolated even though its right under a growlight
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Is this crabgrass if not what is this? Thanks.
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Looks like tall fescue, not sure what seed the rest of your lawn is, though it looks like blue grass, possibly rye or a blend.
The lawn is bluegrass. I'm up north 6b could it be annual bluegrass maybe?
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Annual blue grass looks more like blue grass, until mid summer when it tends to get a lighter color, the leaf blades are about the same width as the kbg, the pic you shared has really wide blades light lime green color typical of a Kentucky 31 type tall fescue, could have been blown in off of a neighbors yard, or carried by a squirrel saving food for winter.

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This changes everything
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the buoyancy of the water helps them have sex
Actually the most terrible dinosaur reconstruction i have ever seen.
Just wait a few hours, we'll find a worse one.
The contrast between the cold water and warm body gives an interesting sensory experience that helps them cum

How do people leave their dogs like this, for 8-10 hours at a time, like a veal cow?
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It took toadlines anywhere from 20 to 40 thousand years to show up on the dog timeline, depending on where you draw the line between tame wolves and self domestication. Selective breeding wasn't even well established until the dawn of agriculture, and breeds as we know them did not really exist until the victorian.

The selective breeding of cats only got started in the past 2 centuries. This isn't even the beginning. They will get worse, while the regulatory hammer will come down on dogs and only dogs because specifying "any domestic animal" would piss off the farmers trying to select for brainless meat bricks.
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Common domestic longhair (felis cattus), 2268
>Brain reduced to bare minimum to minimize need for care
>Primary function is sitting in your lap and purring
>Fast reproduction to maximize profit margins
>Totally safe to let outside, won't hurt a thing
Thought this was actually a SLAMMED specimen for a minute lmao
Just an amorphous ball of fur
>he considers you a lower form of humanity if you prefer dogs
hey when he’s right he’s right
Sometimes you get an animal and it doesnt act the way you want right away so you have to either let it destroy your house, get rid of it, or confine it until you work through the issue
Hope that helps

Casual corydoras edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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Just brought a $10 aud 70lt petworx tank from the landfill. No limescale, scratches or leaks but there's a chip small chip on the bottom corner.
Should I risk it?
Some people here kept them in the past and I remember the main problem being their longevity and difficulty to breed.
If it doesnt leak it doesnt matter.
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what kind of plants would you guys stick in a 5/10 gallon tank with a betta? i've been researching but the plants still have me stumped.
want it to be nice for the fish don't wanna go too crazy because of algae, unsure if will be feasible.
floaters and column feeders
They're efficient nutrient suckers and are good to keep algae at bay
also not sure what you mean by >don't wanna go too crazy because of algae
Plants don't cause algae overfeeding does
Hello /aq/ I have been setting up a 10 gallon native planted tank, and I wanted to get your opinion on stocking. Right now my idea is:
4-6 Chrosomus eos
3-4 Notropis volucellus
Wanted to keep things interesting while keeping smaller fish, but if things look hairy with compatibility then I might just do a species only tank with brook stickleback or just drop the native thing entirely. Really want to try keeping dace for once though. Also I'm not going to be collecting wild plants because I've had bad experiences with that in the past, and the only plants worth harvesting in my area are Eleocharis and milfoil.

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>made popular by Harry Potter
Yes, you are right
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I wanna save nature from the human race, where do I start?
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they’re already being disallowed
>per capita
What good is this metric when you need to set an artificially low poverty line where people barely survive in dirt huts and a 400 word literacy line to pretend 90% of china isn't poor and illiterate
This better be a typo or some weird sense of humor in action
There aint no point to this word
I was not expecting to find a person like you in a nature board
Alright, great. Nature is saved.

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has anyone here been sprayed by a skunk? I've heard it smells different than it does off the side of the road or something, can you describe the smell in detail?
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to add to this when I say a piercing smell, humans can smell it from actual miles away. it's also an irritant and can cause blindness if it sprays you in the eyes.
I've found if you or your pet gets sprayed by one just soak yourself in a shit ton of liquid dish soap
Isn’t it also flammable? Not surprising it causes such an intense reaction, though a lot of animals seem able to ignore it more or less
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The next day, the entire block smells like this particular noodle:
Tomato juice works best.
no they are not really afraid of me, I throw hotdogs at them and they just startle for a second then eat it. One guy even hides under my stairs waiting for me.

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Sleepy edition

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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Looks like mine with the collar and everything :)
>sure it wasn’t some kind of condition or disease
Very certain not. She had one litter about two years earlier without any issues. Her people literally moved from a house she lived in for about four years into a new house about 48 hours after she had her second litter. Almost every rule possible was violated, with her & her kittens getting handled and moved a lot, totally new & strange house, several dozen strange people making huge amounts of noise, she was put into a location not of her choosing, strange kids she had never met handled her kittens ... the list goes on. It was pretty horrible.

It's not that unusual for animals to eat their young under various circumstances, and these were fairly extreme. After the fact, her people realized just how many mistakes were made. They were very focused on human problems and a time schedule to move between houses more than 100 miles apart and didn't really think about or plan around a new mom having her kittens just as that happened. She was spayed shortly after that, and lived for many years that I know of, so there was never additional data or experiences later to compare, but she was a sweet and loved member of their family. Freaked everyone out when it happened.

I share it here so folks can increase their awareness a bit. A mom cat will look for and find the best place that she can before giving birth, and she will (almost always) move her litter a couple times as she searches for the "perfect" safe place. Humans can't be trusted with such a grave responsibility, so locking her in a room in a completely strange place is one of the worst things that can be done. If it's necessary, it has to be done with great care and careful observation so the mom realizes her humans are helping her and caring for her entire family.
An update. My other cat Aki is more sensitive than Yuki was, and also far more attached to me, to the point where she does not want to be away from me. This was mitigated somewhat when Yuki was here, as she at least had another cat to be with when I was at work, but now she's alone. I start work next Monday, so even though it's very rushed, I went and got another kitten. I don't have a name for her yet, and if it doesn't work out with Aki I will return her, but she is very sweet, as Maine Coons are.

Aki, predictably, is not handling it the best. She spent the entire first day downstairs, hiding from the kitten in the upstairs room. Today I was able to get her to eat some treats near the door, but Aki is Aki, and she's a very fussy cat. I feel very guilty leaving a kitten alone in a room for so much of the day, but at least she has food, water, toys, places to sleep, and a litter box. I try to visit her often, but her cries when I leave are heartbreaking. I'm trying to do right by the both of them, and the only reason I'm rushing this is because I worry what Aki will do if she is completely alone. I can't lose both of them.
That was pretty impulsive and rushed, but I also get your circumstances. Try to handle the kitten a lot, then try to handle Aki a lot. Get the new kitten's scent normalized & associated with you. Aki will require a lot of reassurance from you that you're still her best buddy, so give her as much attention as you can. Kittens have a ton of energy that can freak an older cat out, especially under circumstances like this. Being only about 5 years old, Aki should still have a lot of playfulness in her, so try to encourage that as much as possible.

Get them eating together in the same space as soon as possible, regular and specific feeding times. They may have to be 15 feet apart at first, but gradually close the distance, don't let the kitten steal Aki's food, put leftovers away for later. Them both being hungry and in the same space while you fix their food ... and monitor them while they are eating ... will force the issue a bit. Hunger and attention in each others' presence can help, but be careful that it doesn't become more stress. The goal here is to try to play with them in the same room together, even if they don't play with each other at first. This is a journey, not a destination.

Seek ways to reduce stress for Aki. Her world just came apart and you need to find ways to help her adapt and become comfortable with the new one.
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Gorgeous kitty. Hope the adoption application works out for you. I tried applying to adopt in my area but a bunch of people already applied so I went through Craiglist instead.
Pallas cat

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Post birds, appreciate birds
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Awesome photo
Is there a reliable way to get rid of owls without harming them?
These ones probably have the coolest mating rituals
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Recently found a cockatiel on the street. Doesn't talk nor sing but after a couple of weeks of constatly being bitten, we're frens

>A 392 year old Greenland Shark in the Arctic Ocean, wandering the ocean since 1627.
It's wild to think there's sharks out there old enough to watch mankind go from wooden vessels to metal behemoths chugging out smoke, to tin cans under the sea and being able to actively hear RADAR usage by humans and when that went online from their silent depths. All in a lifetime.
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I mean he’s not wrong
If it could talk, what do you think it’d say?
>fimshe... Aaaaaa fimshe eat
so all fish diets do work best
they're blind because of parasites
but it's okay because sharks have like 9001 sense organs

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For the past week my cat has been losing her shit occasionally banging on glass at random periods throughout the day. I finally figured out why and there’s this other cat that’s been talking with her. I don’t see a collar on it or a tag. I’m worried because I live next to bobcat and coyote infested woods. I don’t want to feed it partially for that reason, it would suck for it to get snatched by something. I do like the socialization my cat gets with another cat she’s been raised inside her whole life.

What do I do? Do I talk to my neighbors and see if they have an outdoor cat? Do I warn them if it is their cat? I previously lost 2 previous pets by letting them roam outside. It’s a really pretty cat…
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awww she’s cute :3
>Then, you have a new cat. That's how cat ownership works.
This is how I got my second cat too. Although she just started hanging around us on her own.
>Is it a tabby?
Yes, that is a classic American tabby pattern. as per >>4780366. And, it's a really gorgeous pattern, exactly the sort that professional breeders look for.

Don't overthink it beyond that.

Sit nearby the food, a good ten or more feet away. Let him approach you. Talk calmly and normally to him. If he's feeling comfortable & curious, he will come to you. If he does, hold your hand where he can take a good sniff before you try to reach for him. Might have to do this a few times over several nights, see how it goes.

If you have a spot where your girl can watch through a screen door so she can smell and hear, that may help her calm down a bit. Females tend to be extremely territorial, so watch out for her to try & attack. But, if she gets used to him being around she may adjust, especially if you can pet him, let her smell wherever he touches you so she gets used to his scent on you, mixed with your scent.

She may not adjust. I had an old girl in my house and a feral showed up. She flew into an insane rage whenever that cat came by, would attack the window to try & get at her, even escaped out of the house to attack, got her but whupped hard, then did it again a few days later. She's passed now, but the feral still comes around, but she's too feral to adopt.

Oh, yeah. If your visitor is a female, chances are real long that your girl will not tolerate another female in her house. Not zero, but it would be a lot of extra work and slow adjustment.
I don’t have a screen door how hard is it to add one in? Catsy has been on guard and super territorial patrolling the windows but I genuinely think she has fun. No hissing just howling which is expected, the stranger seems to be used to socialization.
>how hard is it to add one

I used to do construction and renovation, it's not "difficult," so much as you do need some basic experience with tools & such. It can be a pain in the ass, depending on the type of door you already have and what you want to add. Without pictures & diagram it will be almost impossible for someone to advise you on this because there are numerous variables that have to be planned around. For another example, the type of existing doorframe you already have will dictate some of your options, you'll want to anchor the hinges into the frame very firmly and precisely so it doesn't come loose, look like shit, and fall off next year. You may need to use a wood chisel to cut out a place for the hinges to attach (and paint the new, bare wood before installing the hinges), so you'd want to know how to use a wood chisel pretty precisely if that is necessary.

If you want it done right, it's a meticulous process with precise measurements and quality hardware so that the new door fits & opens/closes properly without interfering with using the doorway. It's a high traffic stress point in the house, so half-assing it with poor hardware is a recipe for it to wear out fast while being a pain to get in and out of. So, not difficult so much as you'll want to plan it out carefully. Can be done in a couple hours or half a day with a solid plan. Very old carpenter's rule: measure twice, cut once. Doorways are somewhat specialized carpentry projects, so measure three times before committing to anything.

So not only are cats passively useless spongers, they are actively detrimental to people's health.


If I'm ever forced to look after a cat I'm going to feed a vegan diet - not because I give a shit about animal agriculture but out of spite. It's about time they got a taste of their own medicine.
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As always, you prioritize experience over evidence.
You can't even spell the word awareness you dipshit. As per usual you're another double digit IQ mongrel with delusions of superiority.
>cats are actually cleaner than dogs who lick their balls and ass!!
>uh actually cats are not really clean but you just need to wash your hands every 2 minutes!!!
so you do that?
>uhmmm akshually cats are very clean and you don't need to clean out their litterbox every single time right after they went poopies
but what about their paws who go into their litterbox and then when they walk everywhere
>uhm my heckin cute kitter doesn't climb/play/walk anywhere. he/she is a good kitty and would never do anything bad
>"mr whiskers! get off the kitchen counter!"
>"mr whiskers! come give me cuddles!! oooohhh beeeg stretchies!"
you guys are weird
>*visible steam shoots out from ears and nose*

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bear outside my tent
This board is just a bunch of ESL chinese shills
well, a good 30~ percent indian too I’d say

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Easter edition

previous: >>4725813

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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Waste management is a critical aspect to consider.
When people donate bunnies away it is because they underestimate hygiene, cleaning and air quality.
Intact extra large male rabbits that live inside a HEATED and ENCLOSED living space radiate too much body odor for human cohabitation.
why did the AI decide to plop a random UFO in the background?
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The kits are 32 hours old in the picture.
I did not pick any of them up when trying to count, so there may be some I did not see, I think there are 7 kits.
The mom is allowed unlimited bird seed to help make more milk. She has access to straw, timothy hay, mixed rodent feed and alfalfa pellets.
and fresh dandelion.

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