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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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Post one singular image of a real life alien.
>Must not be able to be reverse searched on Yandex, or any other platform
>Must not be AI
>Must not be CGI
>Must not be a puppet, the Nazcah art projects, or any variation therein
I decree the mods free of any blame for banning spam ITT that violates these rules.
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and then there's THIS asshole
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>My ex claims she seen the virgin in an apparition in beach shore.
>I have dreams where i see her image in the skies of the firmament waging war on earth mechanical tower observatory
>A kind spainard girl i used to chat with appeared in my dreams with robes and hugged me. Felt loving
Does she love individual humans? Feels very unorthodox to think she would save herself for one man at all considering people shouldn’t be thinking of fucking her or whatever
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If it gets you to let your guard down, the archons human slaves will do anything and lie about it later.
How much would you need to eat? A woman who resembles my ex gave some. Probably looks like her for a reason. She wants me to eat them and meet her there on that side to talk to me
She does take affection to individual people, but not in a sexual way, but also NOT in a motherly way. It’s something the church can not answer but it is definitely known to happen.
it was a small handful of nasty earthy ones from out of a dude's backpack. I sat alone in a dark room the whole time, I think that helped.
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She loves everyone just like God does as her will is perfectly aligned with His. It is not romantic or sexual, its charity, the pure love for the good of the soul of others.
In various degrees though just like Jesus had His favorite disciple.

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Right behind the tornado outbreak, these ufo's were seen, will continue with photos.
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nothing on flightaware, as well they moved in strange formation and movements that humans arent capable of.
Yup, seen these too. Good job on getting photos. Now you won't go crazy when nobody believes you.
very strange. great photo.
did you get photos too anon?
as the storm went over us, they followed behind it.
I know this is the most fed sounding response possible but those look like weather balloons

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The voices are telling me to post
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hello how are you op
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Do you do everything you're told?
Okay wow congratulations, better now? Now leave them post alone!

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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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Will your dog want it's owner to die just because it died?
Live the life you would've lived had your dog been alive
Thank you friend <3
Hello! Can I get a reading for next week?
You'll have to wait till next week
Is the dream I just had a warning?

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The shadows are the Utukki. They are the negative force. They are the Yin. Negative does not mean evil. It all depends on intention. Their ruler (the Hat Man) is Ba'al. The king of shadows and storms is not to be trusted. These are not real entities. I am speaking cryptically, to all of you. These are not people, either. These are things much deeper, that only present themselves as understandable concepts to our level of consciousness within this human perspective. Remember what Pennywise said to the white-haired man. Always remember. Do not be afraid of the shadows. I will now explain why I say this...

All push and pull, light and dark, Yin and Yang, Ba'al and An/El... All of these are representative pieces within a chess game of archetypes. On our level, terrifying. On the supreme level, nothing to worry about. There will always be a plan for better things, even if it means the bad will happen. The bad is destined to weaken, and to eventually come to an end. This is guaranteed, no matter what.

The thing in which we all reside is a kind of mind, and we are the archetypes, as all things in all levels of existence are. We represent different aspects of one whole. This is not solipsism.You do exist, though it is an illusion. Everything you do, say, or think truly matters. You do have that free wil of choice. Nothing is stopping you from growth, except yourself. This thing, the King of All, prefers not to be named. It is everything.

Times are getting very bad. Choose against despair, and choose against the persisting hatred. You will always have my respect, no matter how deep and low I can be pulled. No matter how many rimes I have to repeat the process of learning and unlearning; forgetfulness and knowledge; hatred and love... The plot armour seeks to protect all with potential, and make way for those who wish to streamline the Divine Plan. God bless you all.

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Most of the world's fertility rate is dwindling. The followers of other religions are not blindly acting like they live in the 8th century anymore. So they are more docile and calm in contrast to Islam. And Muslims breed like insects. So is it inevitable now? Will we all be circling this black rock,speaking Arabic and keeping beards with shaved mustaches by the time we die?
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>Once Islam reaches 50% in my country, I'll play along. Afterall, free wife, little effort.
slave mentality
No, too radical and too blood thirsty, china wants none of that shit and the radical sects that want to rule everything arent welcome in the US.
>Even in the middle east, young people are rejecting Islam in droves
Yeah but the problem is that once islam takes a small hold its like a woodchip stuck in your leg and it hinders normal life
No because the only medium where islam can thrive outside the desert is in lands festering with liberalism they can take advantage of. The moment they truly push too far people will switch on them and consequently the political scene will follow.

I've lived in different european countries in the last 10 years and the picture is clear.
The biggest driving force for islam is the need for "TRAD" in youngsters which the preachers of islam sell online.
So the stronger lgbtq gets the more islam will appeal to people. And the middle ones will get churned.
I dont think middle east islam is same as the islam in other countries though. I've watched some interviews and the converts from appear too hostile while the Arabs look at it like some ethno-cultural shit.
Atheists opened gates to something they had no idea about. Like i said before the need for trad is being fulfilled by cancer called islam

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tell me about the giants
why did they have to die?
They are nephilim, they killed eachother doofus.
your a tiny giant op. the later an individual begins puberty the taller they will finish growing at. the more stressed a juvenile is the sooner the go into puberty and the smaller they will be. most eat the same food additives, drink the same water additives, breath the same polluted air, consume the same multi interval medicine, most live in relative proximity to the same alternating currents, and most practice the wrong memes.

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Are things really worse than they were before? Was life always shitty? Even 1000 years ago?

I am constantly tired of todays society and its expectations, I want to experience Heaven where I am able to think of anything and it just pops up in front of me.

I have endured so much pain Anon, why do you doubt me when I say this, do you not care because everybody feels pain? Does my struggle not matter because we ALL experience hardships? When is the next happening? Will we ever achieve relief?

Surely things cannot go on like this too much longer...
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I looked at your graphic and I see you included some occupy Wall Street info there. I have a story for you. First thing, I'm not a lib. I just hate jew bankers and banks in general. I was in for that reason. I was part of an online planning and brainstorming group that was active before and while the thing was going on. You remember the 99% bat signal? That was my idea. Anyway I suggested engineering a run on a bank, to collapse one and show them we mean business. I had a plan, I told them how to do it. Pick one bank, everybody opens an account there, and moves all their money in by electronic transfers. Then we all go there and physically demand our deposits in cash. Drain the bank of cash and collapse it. I had a rich boss at the time. He let me in on a little secret . The reserve ratio that traditionally had been 10 to 1 the entire history of banking had ballooned to between 19 and 22 to1. Even a small run of just a couple million dollars in cash empties the vault and collapses the bank. We could collapse banks one at a time, just as many as we wanted to.

You know what they told me? I shit you not, this is what their response. They said they all had friends who worked for the banks, they didn't want to put their friends out of jobs. They didn't want to bring the banks down, just reform them and make them behave better. I knew right then and there something was wrong. Something was not as it seemed. These people were not what they seemed. I walked away that night. I still don't know what the real purpose behind Occupy was. But it wasn't what we all think it was. I gave them the fucking plan to take the bankers down, and they didn't want it.
>Are things really worse than they were before?
Yes the cost of living in America is significantly higher than it used to be. We also have less rights.
>Was life always shitty?
No it used to nice when we were still on the gold standard.
>Even 1000 years ago?
The middle ages were nice if you had money.
Another fucking nazi fascist still seething over Occupy and leftwing people even more than a decade later, because he just loves his precious banker billionaires so much. Unbelievable. And that's why you try to use jewish people as ethnic scapegoats, in order to protect bankers and other sorts of billionaires. BTW no one cares about your retarded and obviously false fanfiction about Occupy that you wrote here. Cope and seethe, rich kid.
Anon, I believe you can find happiness and joy. Others to connect with and help you can receive. Adventures to be had and dreams to follow. I hope for the best for you, and others as well. This message applies to others too.
Inciting a bank run is a crime.

From the 1950’s to the 2010’s, society did improve greatly in many ways. Videogames and media got better, new, cool things came out, toys, table top games, sports was great, lots of things were pretty decent. Things started to go downhill in the 2010’s, starting with 9/11, in 2001, the 2008 financial crash, and then the death of media and videogames that really solidified in 2013. After that woke started and then Trump kinda marked the end of that whole era.

Even late 90’s kids feel that they missed part of it, and early 2000’s kids only got a taste of it, and late 2000’s kids can tell they missed it and are mad at the whole world.

It really has to do with the lowest common denominator, before, I’m everyone would be outside, and even losers had play dates and friends. But now, it’s iPads for the worst kids, this has an effect on other kids, like how raising a child with a monkey made it act more monkey like. Kids can tell that the future is fucked, they also know they missed out on a life that everyone before them had.

All of it combines to make a bad generation. This doesn’t mean if you’re from it it has to mean you’re like that, but it does mean, in general, that the younger generations will be more and more fucked up, or maybe will rebel in some way. That’s why zoomers are fucked, they are pussies who didn’t rebel.

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If you can endure this place (the chan) then you're going to make it. This is a hazing ritual of the most demoralising and bitterly hateful kind.
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Brittany bitch
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Captcha ywsad
No. Exact opposite. The chans, for all their bullshit, are a coccoon of humanity in a world aggressively hostile to it.
This place is pleasant compared to the shit I have to put up with in real life.
But I will never be a real woman

>This is the guy calling you a pagan larper
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Poor guy. I also feel sorry for that kid. It must be weird knowing that you're nothing but a quasi political prop for your leftwing parents who supposedly love you. They see you as a political statement before they see you as their own child. No wonder so many of them have identity crises when they get older.
Also true. Anyone who has an extreme opinion is most likely a fat low T American desu. The mark of a well rounded individual is seeing both sides of an issue and realizing life is not black and white but often gray.
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Not really, it's cause they chose to follow it and study it while the average christcuck is lobotomized and don't even bother to read their own scriptures, the only think they feel strongly about is Jesus and it's closer to Taylor Swift for them than to a mystical figure.
How does adopting some brown thing make u a warrior in God's army?

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Co-inherited RCCX mutations from neanderthals gives autism, schizophrenia(?), gender-fluidness, etc.

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Stop comparing Neanderthals to trannies.
Neanderthals were alpha white males
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Lol ramblings of fiction banking funded jewish nonsense. The ruining of future generations to retain precarious control tisn’t a good look.
yeah t b h I think this is all too fishy because how much does it make sense

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In your fear of creating something normal and unimpressive, you stare at that blank canvas of life long enough and you wait until all the paint dries up, and your heart stops loving life, the fire in your soul turns into ash, your flesh turnes into bones and your dreams and thoughts fade into oblivion.
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Bitch, you have it too easy. But no matter, father time catches up to you sooner than later.
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Yeah that's exactly my point. if you're comfortable enough to be posting on 4chan in your leisure you probably have it pretty good. Recognizing the goodness inherent within simplicity is a virtue.
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You assume and you are wrong too, that's two mistakes. No matter your days are numbered woman and that's all that matters. Just knowing you will lose all that you hold so dear right now, gives me immense pleasure and relief.
>if you're comfortable enough to be posting on 4chan in your leisure you probably have it pretty good.

If a serf is comfortable to enough to be eating a cabbage every day then he must have it pretty good, right?
I want to be a woman so badly

Another Pietism Edition!

Christian Esotericism is the inner and/or mystical aspect of the Christian Religion, it includes:
>Christian Gnosis (Clement of Alexandria)
>Desert Fathers Spirituality (Evagrius Ponticus)
>Catholic Contemplative Tradition (Bonaventure)
>Hesychasm (Gregory Palamas)
>Chivalry (Wolfram von Eschenbach)
>Christian Alchemy (George Ripley)
>Rhineland Mysticism (Meister Eckhart)
>Christian Cabala (Johannes Reuchlin)
>Paracelsianism (Paracelsus)
>Rosicrucianism (Robert Fludd)
>Christian theosophy (Jakob Böhme)
>Martinism (Louise Claude de Saint-Martin)

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Pizzagate is real. And the Black Madonna is the antidote to all that Satanic shit.
It's less about pizzagate specifically being real and more about most of 'higher society' (rich people, their artist friends, etc...) being a bunch of pederasts, that isn't even something you have to try to prove, it's right there
Yes. And the Black Madonna is the antidote to that.
Only see Nikolaj play at a little theater here in Denmark in the 90'
We made some good movies and had some good actors 20-30 years ago and all det dogme movie stuff came out of Denmark.
Not really seen any movies the last 15 years but this Dane i know became famous out in the big World.

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