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The Memphis Misraim rite seems to be the most elusive rite of all masonic rites in terms of information on them and their teachings, i know you can already find their rituals online via some odd websites or the college of rites, but i've never come across a complete curriculum of their practices in the same vein as the "The Mystical and Magical System of the A .'. A .'." and "The Golden Dawn: The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites, and Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order" books.

They are considered by regular masons to be clandestine but they have been behind some major things in history, for example they were behind the creation of the Thule society via Rudolf von Sebottendorf which gave rise to WW2 Germany, and Crowley was also a member.

Their degree system is also highly unusual, with 100 degrees in total, the 100th being called Sovereign Architect of The World (picrel).

I know that they incorporate a lot of Crowley's material in their practice and there is also good Itallian reading material on them at Amazon by Frank G. Ripel, a 99thº in the order, but nothing fully complete or concrete, so does any anon have more info on them they are willing to share or is willing to help me find some? I will post some useful links to help dig further in case any anon wants to help me find information.
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It's readable just scribd pdf downloads weren't working for it
Sick. NTA but I looked up physical copies out of curiosity and all of them were sold out, even the $800 one.
Yeah i saw it was readable but i wanted to have a copy for offline reading, sucks you can't download it
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If any anon can download a proper working pdf of this book please post it here, here is the scribd link of the text: https://pt.scribd.com/document/739210727/Copy-of-Spirit-Builders

(online readable version)
self bump again

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Hi /x/, i got a story to tell you guys today. This happened to me years ago and i've never got someone to really talk to about all of this, i've always been an /x/phile but always had doubts if i should post this here on not, but recently things happened that made me change my mind so here we are. I hope you guys enjoy it.

>Be me
>Be brazilian
>Just finish school, and after studying a lot and through some miracle of luck managed to get into a good public university in my State, although not in the course i wanted
>Be sad because i wanted to study something else, but it is what it is
>In uni, most people are retarded normies who only think about the usual things normies think these days: instagram, twitter, the latest american issue imported to the brazilian political debate, pronouns
>Be at the uni library one day, looking at the books they have on the history and sociology section
>lots of books about religion and occultism here, covering everything from african folk religion to ancient mystery cults
>This peaks my interest and i begin to spend my time reading these instead of the course's subjects
>This goes on for weeks, during this time, a guy came up and began talking to me, he introduced himself as N, cool dude albeit a little strange, had this slumped eye which was really noteworthy on his face and walked as if he was always slightly off-balance
>He also had a string on his neck that seemed to hold some kind of necklace, although i never saw what the necklace was exactly
>He and i shared the interest about occultism, although he was clearly way more knowledgeable in the matter than me
>In all conversations we had, he led the subject and i always came out of them knowing things i would never imagine or probably even find in the library books
>He tells me the library is cool and has lots of resources, but some things are simply not available in places like this and that, to know the real truths, i needed to go beyond that
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One thing about the tarot is that it reflects spiritual imitation in the major arcana. You were the fool and you made it to the lovers at least. A card that represents a place of no return and a place of choice and change whilst interacting with divinity. You saw some shit. Did some shit. Most importantly you know it is real. Those who give up spirituality at the lovers tend to go back being the fool but are very uncomfortable in the world they know really exists. I doubt you completely gave up. OP if you don’t mind sharing what kinds of spiritual practices do you now practice? Spiritual growth isn’t just Goetia. If you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to. Thank you for this nice thread btw.
Do you have an instinct for telling if people or institutions are under demonic influence? Like do you ever feel a familiar, demonic energy with a random person, animal, or symbol or something like that?
Why do the 50s/60s seem so eerie? The 70s/80s seem surprisingly similar and of course we're basically still the same people as the 90s. People seemed to march to a different beat/tune back then if you catch my drift. At the same, I don't really find the 40s and earlier to be weird except maybe the 20s. The 50s/60s just seem off. I have read documents from the 1800s that feel more modern/familiar than the 50s and 60s.
Not OP, but I'm guessing it's like an uncanny valley or dunning krueger experience where people before the 50s were too alien or weird to be viewed as a fellow member of society so they are viewed from a more general standpoint. They are so alien that they actually seem less weird than if they hint a hint of genuine modernity.

Like when people read ancient texts, they look for the familiar but when people watch shows from 20 years ago, they look for the changes. I guess the 50s is right at the goldilocks spot between.

I don't think it's anything demonic, but maybe demons have a special relationship that time period right now because it's starting to shed a "ghostly odor" by being part of history due to a sufficient number of people from that time dying off or not remembering.

Did you notice how the 1940s had a surge of prominence in the 2010s? Mainly the rise of nazis and tankies? The 2008 recession parallels the great depression as well.

The 50s had a throwback period in the 80s; that's one wave. The next wave will probably be the 2030s based on this fibonacci sequence.

10, 10, 20, 30 (80s), 50 (00s), 80 (30s)

>inb4 schizo
This is /x/ kino! What do you mean?
>be Brazilian
Stopped right there

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After reading Plato's Timaeus, it's become apparent that all 'gnostics' are utterly retarded and have zero idea of the meaning or concepts behind the words they love to throw around,
Do 'gnostics' even study any sources other than modern works, fake scriptures and gospels?
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I laugh at all this archon shilling.
Doing it on purpose for attention is just fuckign lame fag
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Not him chump
Which are the only gnostics that exist
nah, there's so many Gnostic sects it makes Christianity look like a solid nondenominational religion

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I just had my left leg amputated completely due to a motorcycle accident 2 weeks ago. I'm still recovering but they just released me from the hospital. I don't know how cope with this mentally. I feel like I should just kill myself.
What should I do? Any rituals or some shit that can help me cope with this?
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oh god anon i am so sorry i saw this pic for a few days but never read the thread as a motorcycle rider myself i don't know what to say except that i am sorry wtf happened ffs
were is this from?
We are 250 years away from an SAO type simulation experience. And that's being insanely generous. guaranteed we won't get anything Even close within our lifetime
Spring and chaos
I lied it's Texhnolyze

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yo i get why flat earthers believe in this shit, this shit is kinda cool
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I love how you retards wait hours hoping that the people you respond too are gone, fucking intellectual coward
He'd have to believe what he was posting to be an intellectual coward. I do love how he went after my low effort response rather than the super detailed one with pictures immediately below it, makes me feel special.
>He'd have to believe what he was posting to be an intellectual coward
I too pretend retards are just pretending to save what's left of my sanity anon.
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>still line up with Orion's belt
Only if your margin of error is larger than the calculated amount of movement of the stars.
This post isn't worth arguing with because it's evidence based on records and astronomers and you'll claim all evidence we have are false(such as Orion's Belt not fully aligning with the pyramids, or astrological records from ancient Greece indicating that Polaris has in fact moved several degrees since then) because the basis of your theory is that all of our evidence is fake.

So it's an intellectual impasse for both sides.

We could observe Proxima Centauri or another close range star over the course of a decade if you want to but you don't seem like you wanna hang out like that.

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Does anyone know or ever heard of this vocaloid song before?

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Within the next 2 years a New World awaits for the vaccinated who will begin their 5G ascension journey to a new giga consciousness and leave the rest of humanity behind.

Within 96 hours of the announcement the ascended masters will broadcast the emergency alert message system to all living souls declared and undeclared to declare the TOTAL CABAL DEFEAT of the Satanic Deep State.

Within 216 hours of the revelations the Galactic Federation will announce the Full Disclosure™ of humanity's past hidden history and new future including newly discovered technology®

protip: for the unvaccinated swine another harsh summer awaits

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>5D planet

why skip the 4Dimension?
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heh, you are like little kids to me

watch me

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are just a bunch of depressed teenagers wanting to bang draco from harry potter? It has 120k
+ members, so surely there is something to it; teenagers mistaking lucid dreaming?
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It's roleplaying for people who hate their lives
Hope this clears it
sure, guess i fit right in then. my problem is i dont understand whats wrong with me, im an average looking 6' male, with a decent "wage cuck" but decent job. guess im just meant to be alone
You have had your real answer many times
It sounds like you don’t want a real answer
It’s not hard to see the same posts again and again. It’s not surprising you need to ask the same shit so often given this level of incompetence.
You will get the same answers every time.
nigga, you gay.
for fictional characters.. maybe, but in IRL.. not a chance

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How do u make some one realize that the entire entertainment industry is just satanic brainwash food?

Certainly not by asking /x/ anon
What’s the movie
Long legs

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Finally back
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Your dad kept a cheap underwear t-shirt for decades? Because afaik the biggest problem with verifying this shit is how Fruit of the Loom products are inherently cheap and disposable.
I'm from an eastern European shithole and we were poor as shit. That was considered quality shit for us. And it has a custom print from my dad's job so it had some sentimental value too I guess
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Noice now try this on
Come on dude. I don’t think even you believe that stealing pile of bullshit
I learned the word "cornucopia" by listening to Falling in Reverse's Raised By The Wolves back in 2015 as a young lad

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Recently, my little sister has been seeing a blonde woman outside of our home or she'll say "I saw her in the windows". At first, I thought she was just being a kid, ya know, imagination and all that jazz. But a few nights ago she ran away screaming that she saw her again in our front door.

>Be me
>Grab baseball bat beside front door
>Go outside and look for this blonde woman

At this point, I'm freaked out because my Mom is trying to console her and my Dad had his gun in hand ready to kill a motherfucker, however, I told him there was nothing at all. He doesn't buy it so he checks for himself and once again: crickets. We live in a rural/suburban area and people keep to themselves, so this freaked my family and I the fuck out. My Mom is starting to believe my sister is schizophrenic but my Dad says otherwise. He's been trying to figure this shit out asking her if there are certain things she's sensitive too and if there are feelings and things she lingers on. My sister has always been an empathetic person, very kind, and stubborn as fuck, but I love her.

She hasn't said anything about this blonde woman, however, whenever she wants to go into a room she closes the blinds or curtains and ensures the windows are locked at all times. I don't know what to do you guys. What the fuck is going on with my sister? How can I help her?
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>the fact that the woman tells your sister that she's mad at her is bad fucking news.
But why would she be angry at my little sister? What the fuck could an eight year old girl do to make a possible spirit or whatever the fuck the woman is so angry?
>I don't like saying or even considering this, but, look into the possibility of sexual abuse.
Shit, I never considered that at all. How the fuck am I supposed to ask my baby sister about something like that? That terrifies me more than the possibility of a haunting or her developing schizophrenia.

Once my sister gets back from the ER we will see what happens, but right now I'm just trying to process everything that's happened.
Anon from 38386331 here, I just wanted to say that i got it wrong, your house is goddamn haunted anon
I'm sleeping in her room tonight, so we will see what happens.
give updates
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>my little sister
Does she have Scottish ancestry?


So I read this article and did a remote viewing of planet X myself. I made contact with the aliens inside and I figured I'd share what I learned from them here. Read the article I linked and watch:
if you want more information on the history and connection between humans and these aliens inside planet X.

They agreed to speak with me and decided to use me to get information to see if we are hostile or not. They've been stuck where they are and don't know anything about earth besides what they know from afar. I don't think their arrival is imminent. If anything I think it will probably be thousands or millions of years after we are all dead. But they're adamant they need to know now.

They are very suspicious and hostile. But at the same time half of them want to help us. The ones who don't like us view us as a threat to them. They actually think we are allied with lizard aliens who are allied with elites. They don't care that the majority of humanity is not allies with the lizard aliens because our leaders are.
>I gave them the names of leaders and countries most likely to not be hostile.
>They respect that we have multiple nations that each decide different things. But they don't believe we have normal people not being represented by their leader. To them it isn't possible. Like I said I think it's their modified DNA to be a perfect and fair society
>Very analytical people too. They refused to take my word on anything and wanted proof for any information I gave.

What do you think? Would you accept these aliens as immigrants if they came to your country?

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noooooo you need to blindly accept my retarded larp!!!!!
im not watching your faggoty video go fuck yourself
Good read. I thought very deeply on this and it is interesting that something like this could very well be going on
interesting read, might very well be true

Sad in some ways, how greys live...

But then again, a prehistoric human might find watching 7 hours per day at shiny stone scary and depressive as well.

I wanna do more nature stuff Fuck this shit
>aliens are uptight fucks who don't intervene for the common man because their society is an ordered reflection of the will of the individual and the whole and they can't conceive that we're ruled by people who don't represent us or our interests
Y'know this is just fucking stupid enough to be true.
>greys are us from the future
This still seems farfetched. I get our understanding of time is limited, but there seems to be a pretty big no no that even if you could intervene in the past that doing so would irrevocably change the future and in ways that would invalidate the circumstances that led to you coming back to begin with.
Also the idea that a powerful and enlightened race would just allow future us to come back and fuck with past us seems dumb.

I dunno, fun read though. I genuinely do believe at this point that there's no intervention because of reasons like this, not some prime directive bullshit. They think we're dirty barbarians and that our leaders represent who we are.

Did you try and give them any examples of human decency and gentleness?

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this is one of the best examples i've found, watch any of this guys videos for a few minutes and realize how uncanny they seem and how the content of what he's saying and cadence is incredible unhuman. check out the comments on the video, they all seem contrived with a bunch of thumbs up. there's numerous odd looking photos of him with other people that look AI generated. i've also come across various pdf's with his name mentioned. i'm posting here because i know you guys will be able to look into this better than me alone, thank you.
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if your so afraid how about you marry the ai
how about you fuck the ai hard how about that?
I got one of this guys videos in my recommended a while back. Idk if he is AI but googling him led to a thread where people are talking about some KGB org called Allatra or something. Too tired to investigate it now but I am intrigued
agreed. they're absolutely bots. it is a psyop. they just propped up some paid shill "wise old scientist" to bullshit us.
Holy fuck, what have you uncovered here? The other lady is also copy pasted from that same photo lmao

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Let that sink in
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At least they were proud aryan figurines.
You'd think that a species thats more intelligent than us wouldn't look like a humanoid yet every ayy lmao footage shows these retarded ass fucking cumskin big head midgets
I have no reason to believe they’re more intelligent than us. Whatever degree of intelligence they have should be regarded in terms of difference or similarity relative to us, not quantity or magnitude.
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>thousands of years ago humans lived normally
>at some point interdimensional beings dream of us
>channeling into our dimension
>humans get smarter by interacting and being "possessed" by those beings
>very talented IB channel completely into our dimension, taking over some humans fully
>they rise as kings and emperors of ancient times
>over time, they construct a facility printing artificial beings of our dimension so they can channel easier to here, their machines projecting their thought field
>the artificial beings are essentially antenna children and without the craft to be under the influence of the IB, they revert back to a childlike cattle state
and somehow we found out doppler radar and positron emission interferes with that connection
alien backshots... need

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Honest 1v1. Or are you gonna run and cry to mama?
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What momma don't know wont hurt her.
Are you gonna free me completely or are you too scared of my tendency prone to violence? I know the TVA would love it if I brought you to the Island.
Okay yeah you obviously didn't find my spoiler site for Flatland. https://www.reddit.com/r/Frontlands/
Flatland = Frontlands
I wish you would tell me about 4Dlower and 4D higher so I can start my transition to 5D.
Key Features:

Satire: Abbott uses Flatland to critique the Victorian social structure, poking fun at the rigid class system and gender roles.
Dimensional Exploration: The novella introduces the concept of higher dimensions, allowing readers to grasp the idea of spaces beyond the familiar three dimensions.
Mathematical Underpinnings: Abbott’s work draws from mathematical concepts, such as geometry and topology, to create a believable and engaging two-dimensional world.

Enduring Contribution: Flatland’s examination of dimensions has had a lasting impact on the development of mathematical and scientific thought.
Adaptations: The novella has been adapted into various forms, including short films, feature films, and even a stage play, demonstrating its continued relevance and appeal.
By exploring Flatland, readers gain insight into both the societal commentary and the mathematical concepts that underpin Abbott’s masterpiece.
Oh yeah don't forget about Mr. Y.
The End of Mr. Y
Plot Summary

The novel follows Ariel Manto, a PhD student researching the 19th-century writer Thomas Lumas. Ariel discovers a rare copy of Lumas’ novel, “The End of Mr. Y”, in a second-hand bookstore. The book is rumored to be cursed, as everyone who has read it has died shortly afterwards. Despite the ominous warning, Ariel becomes obsessed with the novel and its themes of consciousness, death, and the interconnectedness of all things.

As Ariel delves deeper into the book, she finds a recipe for a mysterious elixir that allows her to enter the Troposphere, a realm where she can access the thoughts and experiences of others. Her journey becomes a quest to uncover the secrets of the novel and the Troposphere, while also navigating her own troubled life and relationships.


The blurring of boundaries between reality and fiction
The power of consciousness and the interconnectedness of all things
The search for meaning and understanding in a complex and often incomprehensible world
The tension between science and faith, and the limits of human knowledge
Style and Influences

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