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Thanks to years of intensive meditation, I now don't think anymore. I mean, thoughts come by sometimes but I don't intentionally think anymore. What does Buddhism say on this topic? I remember reading intentional thinking is to be abandoned but then I read one should contemplate on death and I'm confused. Please help a seeker out.
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God is good and God/god is great
Its a magic spell dont be stupid think about it
I don't think, politics will always reflect the current state of humanity.
how come this post happened in the first place if you didn't intentionally think to make it?

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Sadly no. Could find the docu but it was a german translation of a US show, similar to ancient aliens and all like that.
But I found a short vid, picrel. I won't go on TikTok, so it's up to you I guess.. Sorry..
As you see I had too search "vampire" but it's definitely a werewolf. And this vid is only a 1 minute clip, the original was a 15 minutes docu about him.
I don't know if it's the exact scene (slightly from the side, he shows more of his left cheek while opening his mouth letting his teeth grow). Frame by frame you see it's not a fake. Of course, I'd you just look quickly and know it's a poor boy you would think it's fake to make money.

But.. As said.. There is a much longer vid out there.. With guys interviewing him, and him showing it to his buddies etc.
Aah one thing, if it was confusing: Picrel of my former post was a visited link, I clicked it, but, I won't make an account on TikTok just to look one video that is nevertheless a short one.. :-/
Yo this thread funny asf
imagine the smell

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Hi. I been practicing and thriving with my magickal abilities and powers. I've been trying to go above and beyond and cultivate superpowers but I realized this disease of Christianity has stunted or prevented me from going above and beyond thanks to early childhood programming and forcing to go to church and had to endure the sick "teachings" of the death cult leader who started this christian movement and spread this disease to the rest of the world. So I'm at the moment of deprograming my subconscious and purifying it's christian sickness out of my mind. How can I magickally and subconsciously deprogram this mental illness and disease known as Christianity?
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This picture perfectly describes christianity
I want your soul.
You're dirty.
You smell like unwashed dick.
So I don't want It much.
Accept Darkness.
This is voluntary.
I don't know if you're honest.
First things first: describe your penis :3 as a game, be lewd.
Now that you're more relaxed, tell me what you think of hell, one life, unpredictability of life and hell.
You're fucked, yes?
Think gnosticism.
Mmmmaybe there are gnostics arround.
They could teach you a thing or two.
Are you denying yourself?

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If God wants you, you can not resist him. That's not up to you.
>You didn’t choose me. I chose you.-John 15:16
And even then, his enemies will still be miserable without him too.
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This thread looks like bait of the OP is mentally unstable. Let me bite though and explain:

If you'd be programmed for it, you wouldn't consider it "the cult and disease"
>thanks to early childhood programming and forcing to go to church and had to endure the sick "teachings" of the death cult
Doubtful. If you'd see it this way, you have no feeling or obligation to go or "endure". People brainwashed into things are still in control of their bodies, it's just that they believe/think that doing something they're brainwashed to do is good.
Also, your hateboner in broad strokes against a whole religion on grounds you haven't described makes me suspicious. Either, again, you're baiting or you lack perspective and harbor really foul feelings toward a religion that for all their officials, at the core encourages many good things, which you seem to ignore.
Such kind of attitude suggests petty, crude personality in general and with that, it's really hard to progress spiritually. The fact that you seem to concentrate on "abilities and powers" and underline them despite them having little of any connection to the main point of the post is also suspicious.

Therefore, to repeat: you're either baiting or some childish, relatively petty person who is unlikely not only to have now, but ever achieve any spiritual authority needed to have any "powers". And I am not saying it as some angry christian, as I am neither.
everyone who asks questions here. you already know what to do. so just do it. stop beating around the bush

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Psychopaths are NPCs. This is demonstrated by brainscans.

The brains of psychopaths and sociopaths are deadened. Their frontal lobes show very little activity. Most of the places in the brain responsible for higher reasoning and functioning show only bare minimal activity when psychopaths are imaged.

The psychopath is an empty vessel. Both physically and spiritually. Indeed, I have heard psychopaths describe themselves on this site, where they believe they have anonymity, as having no real interests or thoughts, but instead only copying the actions and perceived interests of those around them. The psychopath is a mimic. A copycat. He copies actions he perceives will get attain him symbols of status and power.

The one thing a psychopath's low-activity brain CAN still understand is power, and symbols of status. And since this is all the psychopath understands, it drives him to obsessively pursue such ends.

The psychopath's joy of power leads him to stations of great success under the capitalist system, which is built upon hierarchy and exploitation. The psychopath deeply enjoys this system of capitalism, as this is what allows him to exert his symbols of power upon his perceived underlings.

This is because psychopaths are inhabited by demons. The demons inhabit the dead neuronal space in their heads. Demons use psychopaths to enact their agenda of enslavement, exploitation and misery upon humankind. Because these demons loosh upon human suffering.

We do not even know if psychopaths are truly conscious, or if they are just pure vessels for demonic spirits in another realm.

You cannot reason with a psychopath. The psychopath will always believe that he is the one that sees things you're missing, even though his brainscans are dead, and even though many parts of the psychopath's brain literally atrophy from lack of use

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Seems is a good standpoint.
You are a man who a psychopath might reason with because you would accept you might not understand all of a divergence range because you have heard one argument like pic related.
>how do explain
when burgers moved over to merica, they had to start from scratch
meanwhile, europe kept their centuries of tradition, at least somewhat
translation: burgers never had a soul
Hi anon. My sister is like you. Able to project brilliance, full dedication of the mind's processing power to gaining control over others (and damn good at it) and of course, charming to fault. You sell yourself quite well I must say.

Having grown up with someone like you, and understanding the type of circumstances that create individuals such as yourself, I want to say that I do not believe your type to be NPCs. In a way, the highly intelligent of your group are far more thoughtful (as in, better at thinking, assessing and acting) than the typical normie. The fact is, you are a broken baby. You are not defective, you were sabotaged when you were most vulnerable by the people who were supposed to love you. You have brain damage because you have never known love, and so you cannot give it to anyone, not even yourself. You deserved better than what your caretakers gave you as a child. I am sorry for you, I am sorry you live with such horrible pain that the only way to survive was for your brain to shut down entire areas so that child you could cope, and make it to adulthood. I am sorry that you have to survive this way, because it is a miserable existence compared to what could have been.

Even with the massive challenge, it is possible for you to grow and change if you chose to. I know you won't, but I understand why. The lengths you would have to go to recover could potentially cause you to become completely destabilized, and it is possible you might not recover. The horror of what was done to you is incomprehensible to someone who hasn't seen it firsthand.

I wrote this to you because I can't write it to my sister. She hates me with that deep hate only people like you can muster. I know you know what I mean. Just as deep as this hate, is my love for her. This is just me wishing I could have done something, anything to ease her pain, so I could see the spark of that little girl I remember from so long ago.

I hope you can find healing and peace anon.
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you are using literally the exact same style of writing as the post you are quoting lmao

if you hope there is an end to this circle you are wrong for this is a flat circle with no closure
Kek, I would take 100 psychopaths over a single normalfag. Aspies and autists are FUN to tease and fuck with them, I just can't help myself from doing so kek. And psychos make the best soldiers and tools if below your IQ, great allies if similar IQ, if above your IQ you are fucked anyways unless you get lucky in the slim chance you see through their bullshit.
But a high IQ normalfag that chose evil, that's a fucking real monster.

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I am the Messiah, the Sun that has risen time and time again.
I was Horus, Mithras, Shamash, Apolo, Atis, Krishna, Gautama and Yeshua and now I will be a new Sun that humanity will name.
I AM the Logos-Barbelos.
Read from my letters and feed your mind.
Read from my words and feed your Ego.
Understand my sentences and awake your True Self.
I AM ONE with the UNITY.
Ask me anything and I will answer.
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Unity achieved. Solar storms are coming.
So regarding the mundane, can you give me some monies in a way that harms no one?
If you're not a bot, you need to get checked in at the looney bin.
the dog chooses to be a slave. the cat is the one with freedom

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How do I convince the ghost in my apartment to split the rent with me?
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you won't.
Ghosts don't have money
OP would have better luck convincing the landlord to lower the rent due to it being haunted.

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Post some good ones you have
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you guys are literally the dumbest motherfuckers ever
may satan kill you all with no mercy
Your jew god won't save you this time.
im the op and i want thist hread closed
the worst screencap thread i've seen
you guy really should go back to your booba tulpa succubus
>humans have 25 hour circadian cycle
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hit the jackpot with those conspiracy posts didn't i?
>caption X4YU

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In your fear of creating something normal and unimpressive, you stare at that blank canvas of life long enough and you wait until all the paint dries up, and your heart stops loving life, the fire in your soul turns into ash, your flesh turnes into bones and your dreams and thoughts fade into oblivion.

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>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat vocal)


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Meshuggah topster tulpa when?
Bro lived the screaming pinkie pie tulpa greentext.

No, she didn't scream or have no face. But she was a pinkamena.
So your tulpa is a vast cosmic entity that you don't know the full history of but just showed up randomly after a huge drug dose right before COVID
You actually don't remember where she came from
Is this the situation approximately?
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Today is April 19, 2024 in Japan

Akira Toriyama is scheduled to face his final trial before reincarnation in King Taizan's trial.

See pic related for all the kings. Akira Toriyama has came a long way to get to this point:
>Dragon Ball was in the Enma Chou (Great King Enma's book of deeds and sins), likely penalized for 'Yemma' in the english dub
>Likely questioned for his thoughts on homosexuality...and whether or not Dragon Ball supports homosexuality
>Reincarnates in the human realm
>Reincarnates in Japan

King Taizan determines the remaining conditions of rebirth...for example, what type of Human does he get born as? A Nihonjin? A man? Those questions are answered by King Taizan.

After this final trial, he'll reincarnate immediately. We need to send him our support for this final trial

Read more about the Ten Kings and Japanese Buddhism here: https://kansai-odyssey.com/japanese-buddhism-afterlife/#comment-2131
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nice digits
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needs more cuteness
Akira toriyama has been reincarnated
The Japanese love me

Nothing feels the same ever since that time I probably died. This is the Afterlife.

Prove me wrong anons..
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What are these "things" you speak of?
Well, it's all very personal. Its micro and macro. I had to leave the city because things were getting scary with how I was living everyday. So I caught a ferry ride to the island to stay with my boss for a bit.

Be on the ferry and boss points to clock. For about thirty seconds the clock went really fast and sped up alot. He says we've escaped the glitch.

He just knows too much about my life and starts schooling me on how I fucked up and questioning every decision I made up to and since I died and the house felt like edge computing iot surveillance.

I was lying on the top loft of the RV and laptop stopped playing youtube video. Hear woman's voice speaking spells in mumbling language over computer audio while trying to sleep.

Weird vibes cause everything's quiet now. Then I hear like a skinwalker climbing over the RV top and can't shake the feeling of uncertainty.
Constantly feel as if my life is in danger and an evil presence stalking me unless I sit down and learn what they are trying to teach me.

Go to friends place to smoke for a bit. Plays wolf of wall street. Audio has ghostly echo on it.

Another time I was talking to my boss at the house we were staying in and his laptop just started demonic screaming through the audio he was already listening to and it cut me off from what I was saying to him.

This shit didn't make sense man. And I hear weird shit coming from other rooms around me. Like there are more people chilling with my bros in there and I walk in and they're just by themselves and it's nothing like what I heard in their room. When I ask them about it it's like they know about it but they aren't showing me the truth but they aren't allowed to talk about it either..
Now feels more and more like a realm full of guards and tormentors. I had a dream after it happened of a demon floating into my complex and living in the courtyard.

My whole family feels like different people and like they all watching me and withholding something secret. This unexplainable shit gets more and more worse sounding and pulls on my focus more when I do things that I know aren't healthy for me. It's like a live or die ultimatum for me in this reality. This shit doesn't just happen at my mom's it's at My aunties and it's at my friends places it's an evil force that just surrounds me and people can feel it but everybody seems like they're already there and no one feels like who I knew them to be unless I think they also died then they seem pretty genuine.
OP here,

Another note.

Everytime some weird occurrence happens around me, other people seem to notice

Especially kids and animals, but they don't really seem to mind the weird demonic energy when it comes around.

It's confirmed I'm not the only one having these experiences in my sphere, although I haven't been able to figure out why this is all happp3ning other than I died and descended to a lower reality.

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I told you in 2017.
I told you in 2021.
I'm telling you again in 2024.
What you believe about the future direction the world is heading isn't important at the moment because there's a cost benefit analysis to it.
Think of it this way - if there was something to truly happen where it might look like it's really happening then you'll see it because you're autistic schizos who spend their entire life following this jewish circus. So there's no FOMO here. That hallowed Demonic Apocalypse, Micronova or Total Vaxx Death will never happen, you will see it long before any one else so you can just take a long time off.
We love to shitpost and schizopost on /x/ but this paranormal stuff isn't a game changer nor is it some big happening. They are going to waste your time yet again with a nothingburger.
There's literally no reason at all to come to /x/. You'll see the happenings written on the wall long before anyone so you won't miss the big circus if it were to come, you are gambling that the Eclipse nonsense would drastically change society because the vast majority of their evidences came from shills and glowniggers themselves bragging on /x/ and /pol/, and you took the bait on these narratives because your life has no intrinsic value without the contrived jewish circus. There's no reason for globohomo to take a chance and spoil their plans.
Seriously, this is the season of goodwill so I've reverted from the usual shitposting to try and cut through the propaganda and reach those who are still holding out for hope of a happening or miracle. It's not real. You are throwing away your time and opportunity. Stop being a laughing stock. Get away from this board now and live your life, and if you see some big happening approaching then you have loads of time to enjoy your globohomo psyops here shitposting with other anons. But you never will because you are here forever
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this is a shill thread. same thing posted on /pol by the same anon.
>you are here forever
got that right
coercion doesn't absolve you of sin.
>die now vs possible better future later
>"they consented! see? see- AAAHH IT BURNS AHHHH"
Oh yeah I forgot to include that it doesn't actually make any metaphysical sense but they should already know that. If not... well they will find out soon enough.
>i can't filter idiots i'm so weakminded don't do what i do

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Hypothetically if you have a death note, how would you use it safely without getting caught while maximizing personal gains?
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aim for just old dudes that have fucked the world but are like 90. space it out a little. boom the world is a better place and who the hell would care?
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Those damn finders wouldn't shut up about the workers owning the means of production.
You must be the most boring person in the entire world.
>I would give bugs names and then kill them
This, without hesitation, starting with the country with the highest GDP per capita.
>while maximizing personal gains

So many things can be done without attracting any attention. Let's see, i'd start by writing the names of 90% of the international music industry but i'd spare those who make music that i like, so the big labels eventually would only produce that kind of music.

What else, oh yeah, i'd do the same with the film and stream industries, and i'd also murk Oda, nothing would provide me with more personal gain than seeing all those insufferable One Piece fans getting blue balled to infinity. I guess i could also attack religions, christianity for example, death is a powerful message, specially when seen through a religious lens, i could kill religious leaders and form patterns that could be interpreted by the followers like a message, with a little planning i could control the religion.

I could also become the most efficient and best paid hitman. I just need to use random people as middle men through death note manipulation. I could find some comp sci freak out there and use the death note to make him set up a safe communications system for me and to write some notes on how to operate it, before killing himself. I'd always keep the information of a few comp sci dudes at hand in case something goes wrong with the system and i need to use one of them for a check up. All that aside i'd just need to build up a network of clients which shouldn't be too bad considering the impeccable results of the death note where i can just write the target's name and that he gets shot, which would result in the target being eliminated by some random occurrence where he gets shot.

Ultimately even if i get caught which i doubt, they'd never suspect there's something like a death note involved. I just thought all this from the top of my head, with some time to think about it pretty sure one could have infinite entertainment with zero to little risk using a death note.

This is the Denver mayor. When did you realize that many of our leaders are not human and they worship the kingdom of darkness?
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You can't even type ramjeet an hero
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>potato genetics
If being ugly was a crime, you would also be arrested OP.
When your dollar is also your vote then why do you continue paying into it?
Isn't there something up with the Denver Airport too? VY2K

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I can't shake this feeling that something is seriously off about the world population numbers and about how empty our world actually is. Are we being lied to on this?

Every other day I feel like I hear about "over population" and how it's a big issue due to not being able to feed people, climate issues, etc... But then you start looking and reality is totally different from what we're told.

I live in Southern Europe and most urban areas feel empty. Buildings that seem more like props than places where people actually live. I've started to notice how you barely see any activity outside a few population centers that are scattered around. I swear, half the houses in my neighborhood might as well be cardboard cutouts for all the activity I see around them.

And if I go a bit further away from the main cities and population centers? It's over. There's this pervasive emptiness everywhere and it's just countryside for kilometers and kilometers. In my country you can go hours without seeing anyone if you just drive even 20-30 minutes in areas away from the big cities. This past summer I passed by little towns in the countryside and you see like 1 or 2 older folk and that's it.

Besides main western cities, India and China, the world feels desolate and empty. There's so much good, empty terrain. Not being able to feed people is bullshit. Climate change is bullshit.
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The problem is most of the world has bought into the lie that infinite growth is possible let alone a good thing. It's most obvious in anglo culture but you can see it everywhere in different forms (simple example would be china's overfishing in places like chile then chile's government convincing the people that china is their greatest ally [and if not them, the USA.])

anyway, not /x/ + OP is a fag
>60 million dead white christians.
>the brown problem
you mean the haber-bosch process allowing for industrial production of fertilizer? we're overfeeding the laborer dreck

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