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Ask a mystic anything. I am currently reading Zostrianos, a long text about the grandfather or uncle of Zoroaster from a gnostic sethian perspective. Just recently I finished the Shiva Rahasya Purana which isn't a regular Purana but something like the shaivite Bhagavad Gita. Really insightful especially the final chapter.
Ok, big questions first I guess.

>What is God?

>Purpose of life?

>Is there and afterlife?

>Is love the most important and powerful force in the universe?

>Is magic real?

>Thoughts on Hermeticism?

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What is god.
God is the consciousness that existed before time and created the world. Purpose of life is to unite again with god. Yes. No, truth is. Yes, but unimportant in the universal scheme. Hermeticism is enlightened. Sethian gnosticism is basically just the secret teaching of Christ based on the idea that Seth is Christ. Yes, however he is benevolent not evil. demons and djinn can influence our thoughts and possess people but archangels are much more powerful and can give protection. Yes alchemy is real. I don't know the answer to the last question.

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I more meant that creating a universe like ours would require a complete understanding of nuclear physics and all the various cosmological properties and quantum mechanics and so on. But the bible doesn't talk about any of that stuff at all, instead it's all metaphors and short stories and just repeats itself over and over and doesn't really contain anything profound at all

The one you hate.
the god source is real.
Why does he hate xir tho?
I mean Id rather be tentacle/Madness rapes by the old ones than worship jebus, but I have my personal reasons
loosh farm

Any idea what this means or symbolizes.
Onika Burger
It symbolises the chakras and the etheric and astral bodies.
he is merging with the universe
Breath energy up through you feet / spine / head and then all the way back in a loop. There's a big mystic secret lol
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what is the esoteric consequences of eating meat? Why do some groups claim that eating meat is for savages, it causes cancer, its unethical, etc. Despite the fact that lack of meat consumption is correlated with malnutrition and being weak
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>muh (((evolution)))
so where are all those missing stages?
I see, thank you anon
I do need someone to replace her with
Never were dude. That’s why humans are inherently born with the fear of heights.
Look mate, not an atheist but the more you look at objective reality the less convincing god becomes. The mechanisms for evolution are all there, in the chemistry. The timescale is long enough. It's not perfect, but the model is largely logically consistent, parsimonious, and supported by objective evidence. You're not going to find god looking at objective reality, it's not there. God is within, every major religion preaches this.
You eat to get nutrients; meat supplies the nutrients if your too stupid to get them, they aren't magic, they go around and look for it for their sake.

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Ive seen this in /x/ before Im just wondering how common squiggly flying centipede is? I've only seen it twice once out side while walking and the second time a few years later at school. the ceilings weren't very high and I was able to get a better look at it. idk why but it felt like it was going on instinct.
Thats literally just a moth.
no shit
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1. It's just a bug

2. Of course it felt like it was going on instinct - it was, cuz it's a damn bug

3. It shines like that on camera because their waxy shells are reflecting infrared light back at the camera - hence the glowing effect.

It's easy to see the paranormal in places where it isn't actually there, especially when you want to see it really badly. Everyone wants to encounter the paranormal - until they actually do encounter it. It changes everything for you, everything. And encountering the supernatural feels leaps and bounds different from seeing a glowing bug on a security camera recording - you'll know with certainty that you've encountered the paranormal when you actually do. There will be no doubt, it will be the greatest experience of your life as well as the worst experience of your life - and the moment you encounter it once, you start regularly encountering it.

That being said I've had one, and only one run-in with a Mantid being so far - she was tall, very nice and very pretty, flirty too but I was kinda scared that I'd get the same treatment a male praying mantis gets at the end of sex so I didn't act on her advances. It would've probably pissed off my draco lady anyways - she's been waiting to marry me for a few thousand years now but I keep choosing to reincarnate here until workers win the class war. Too many people I love keep failing to awaken so they get sucked right back into this rat race when they die - every lifetime I save a few more of them though, which makes each new life I come back to a little more empty and lonely. Oh well lol.

Either way, thanks for reading my schizo blogpost!!! :3

Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?

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I manifested a screen cleaner bottle today.
>wanted to clean my screen
>looking for the spray on my desk
>couldn't find it
>imagine it on my desk without trying to manifest it before I left the house
>come back home 10 hours later
>I find it on my desk
Yes for a time, but these last few weeks i have been focusing on large amounts. Getting the jackpot is still not off the tables but i will put it on hold for now. Need to get some money for food and vidya now.
that feeling is something i had utterly forgot about, maybe trying to win in lottery is just something that isn't very conducive towards that feeling as it is a cold machine giving you that money (i also forgot that i would have to go to the betting agency's headquarters to collect my winnings if i were to win in lottery).
NTA but that makes sense. There's a rollercoaster of feelings in winning. Like immediately, then all the bureaucracy, I might worry how ppl would treat me different, the initial splurge, then the life calming down part.
i myself got stuck on worrying about where i would move, i know that i would build my own house in countryside where i could design the lodgings according to what i need and desire. for some reason i just started debating within my head if i should move into far north (lappland) where i am guaranteed to be left in peace but wont have access to a lot of the services or in the southern coastal region where i may or may not be left in peace (there are still very calm parcels of land available near the capital) but i will have access to many of the services that i may or may not need and of course i totally forgot that my country has a lot of other good areas where i can move to. a lot of hypotheticals were racing in my head until i forgot about the feeling entirely, anyways i am not too bummed up about it. it was dictated that my big jackpot win will happen in a certain way that hasn't manifested exactly yet, i will have to focus on manifesting that first before trying to rush for the big jackpot.

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Insider story. Been lurking here for a while. My occupation is among higher levels of nato command. Won't explain more, nor post a proof.
First of all the story of a guy with liver cancer, who posted here couple of months ago is true. So is the reddit guy with his underwater NHI claims.
Second, brace for the event of disclosure, meaning a presence of an nhi vessel on our orbit. It will happen in the coming two years, they cannot calculate the exact time as the observed objects movement is erratic.
Also the info on Ganymede message and Arctica is true, it connects with the uap base in the ocean story. Also Antarctica is full of remnants of previous civilization or structures and devices left by our creators to guard us.
It is not expected that the visitors will be hostile, however all possible precautions are being taken. It is believed they're communicating with underwater nhi's/ai's.
Also yes, Musk is actively involved.
Chinese government works with USA and Europe on this. Russia is temporarily excluded.
What is basically expected is an et vessel which will replace the underwater bases with new ones, as they are a significant part of a kind of defend system created long time ago on our planet and it seems the present vessels are dying due to loss of power or just being old.
Probably no live et's will be involved as the process seems to be fully automated. As of now the accepted theory is that all these are AI remnants of previous civilization or devices left by our creators /people/aliens that established homo sapiens on earth. It is possible that this year all this will be somehow disclosed by US to prepare general public for the incoming events.
Also, watch for Apophis news.
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This sounds like a larp, especially because of your terrible grammar and how you type. The guy who posted about underwater NHI and their crafts seemed a lot more believable than you.

>Second, brace for the event of disclosure, meaning a presence of an nhi vessel on our orbit. It will happen in the coming two years, they cannot calculate the exact time as the observed objects movement is erratic.
I've witnessed UFOs/UAPs before that move erratically but it doesn't make any sense that the government, or any agency for that matter, would be able to accurately identify an NHI ship and calculate its trajectory like an asteroid.

>Chinese government works with USA and Europe on this. Russia is temporarily excluded.
This also makes you sound a lot less credible, as if the US would work with China over Russia.
I absolutely don’t believe you. Whether or not you entirely dislike and disagree with Musk’s open politics, as well as his childlikeness and juvenile antics somewhat like edgy teens discovering some edgy section of the internet with dark humor for the first time, his work in (or at least overseership of/high positions in):

Starlink satellites

Directly links him to governments, to getting government oversight, approval, perhaps even funding or cooperation with, makes him an entirely likely candidate for possible interaction or coordination with some levels of the government which he does not publicly disclose. (Likely examples: various wings of the military, perhaps with a special focus on the Space Force, or the Pentagon and Department of Defense, NASA, and/or various of the intelligence agencies). Starlink also gave him some quasi-political power, as in deciding to use it to keep up the telecommunications system for Ukraine or not, as well as in Israel or Gaza.


This includes probable cooperation with them on hypothetical (or already planned) Moon or Mars projects.
faggot mods deleting BASED and REAL PATRIOTIC posts
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>this bluebeam shill thread again
>Won't explain more, nor post a proof.

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Hello a few weeks ago I made this post:

"What is your experience with the vampire community in and around /x/? How can I learn more about vampires?

I had a bad experience. I made a thread three weeks ago but never got closure. The owner of the vampire /x/ discord is horrible. I joined the server two weeks ago and it was horrific. He was rude and not classy. I entered the lobby and say hello he replies with "fat" and I shook it off because I thought maybe he was joking. As I tagged him with a message he posted a blank face emoji. I continued talking "I want to learn about vampires" I wrote. "I really want to meet a vampire". He replies to my words with "you'll die soon enough, fatty" and then added "obesity". I started crying I had never felt pain like this and he started posting laughing emojis and said "are you crying? Stop it. Stop it now"

I still can't believe this happened. I cried writing this. I wish this weren't true but the owner of the vampire discord is in fact; a horrible person. Thank you for reading this."

I have not recovered since then and I am still looking for answers about vampires. Help is appreciated.
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Do you watch me jack off, anon?
Why did you make fun of my penis the other? It's perfectly fine.
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Right back at you Danny.
OP is an ugly obese ogre

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Number 33, the eye of providence, a massacre during a wedding...

Why are they doing this?
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Hint: her name is Judy Apple.
then explain why they bother encoding it everywhere

toying with shizos or selling books about conspiracies doesn't explain it
No one is encoding anything into media, you're just all paranoid shizos that try contort media to have some hidden agenda and message as coping for your anti semitism and conspiracy theories

If you wanna be mad at the people in power start with the real government, not some "elite cabal or deep state"
>symbolism isn't...le real ok??

How can I tell if aliens probed my butthole?
post pics so the /x/perts can't tell you
They would leave a sensor about 5 inches into your rectum. I can check for you, but let’s just say my methods are…. Unorthodox hehe

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Do not get on their ships! It's a trap!
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More memes like this please
sounds like yet another e-thot trying to make shekels off simps. let me guess, she's going to drop the maria orsic/vril society aesthetic as soon as she finds something that makes her more money.
Not larping, I'm currently telepathically communicating with my alien gf all the time everyday after starting my own spiritual journey around 5 months ago, decalcyfing my pineal gland, meditating all the time, connecting through the akashic records, and after she also early on introduced herself to me and guided me to learn I was a starseed. We both had a great laugh from this. She said she giggled a lot but didn't like the depictions of the alien girl and the human characters. I however laughed hysterically.
Tell her "hi" from Anna.
wow this thread is racist and rude wow.
try being nice for once.

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Can someone redpill me what happened on the battle of mons?
On a WW1 battle, angels descended and fought against the Germans. The descriptions vary widely on what happened from both sides, although something supernatural did start fighting there. Plebbitors got nothing to say about it, some website deboonks it as an author making it up and there was propaganda against the Germans mentioning how even god was against them.
So what is it? What really happened there?
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No I don’t know what you mean anon. Can you please elaborate
>write christian fanfiction
>expect christians to take it lightly
He should have known what would happen. You can say literally anything and there are swarms of christians out there eager to lick ass over it.
Aren't you satisfied with the sighting of Our Lady of Fatima?
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>The angels fought for Our Side!
Propaganda Classico
It's obviously fake. Why would the angels fight against Germany? Are angels retarded?

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So he touched all those children right? We agree on that he is simply one of many demon worshipers who fucked and killed kids in the name of demons who promise power to people who are weak of mind and soul.
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"U.S. Army Lt. Col. Aquino's occultism provided trauma sufficient to maintain my Project Monarch Mind-Controlled existence despite his inability to affect my core spirituality. Therefore, I was not routinely subjected to the other favorite "trauma of choice"-alien themes-lite many slaves (including Kelly) I knew had been. The effect of Bush's illusion hologram on such victims is binding and strong. Even Aquino envied the mind shattering effects of Bush's alien theme visual traumas to the extent that he wrote and published his own comic book sequel to Lucas' Star Wars. While occultism is easily dispelled with reason and fact, Bush's alien theme continues to be reinforced through NASA's involvement in mind-control atrocities. Additionally, California's 24-year incumbent Senator Alan Cranston of the Select Committee on Intelligence has perpetuated this trauma base for decades, as have others. Despite my having escaped routine "alien" theme traumas, Bush's "You Are What You Read" hologram proved devastatingly sufficient for him to gain total control of my robotic mind from that moment on untii my rescue in 1988."
But anon, metal and dnd *are* satanic if done properly
>Verification not required.
Anything actually happening only used satanism and the occult as a cover.
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Nigga that's just some random hungarian boomer with hairy eyebrows, looks nothing like him, you faceblind qcel autists are literally gangstalking random people at this point. Thank you for the podcast recommendation, though
you're confusing actual satanist with edgy christian hangout in a Hot Topic church

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Welcome to the Semen Retention General,
Always do the opposite edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

Completely abstain from masturbation and ejaculation to get all the benefits.
If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, and even worse, touching yourself while watching degeneracy, then you are doing it wrong. Very wrong.

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Seems like I coomed in my sleep last night. I don't know what day I'm on but it's probably not more than a week. Does it get better?
Lol. Nah. SR definitely is real.
Yes. The magnetic attraction is real on this.
It's surprising that nobody is mentioning Easy Peasy book here. It's a book based on effective way of quitting smoking called "EasyWay to Quit Smoking", and is one of best ways to stop consooming porn, to wake up spiritually, and get your shit together.
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The porn industry is intrinsically tied to CERN
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]

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Has any watched the third adam documentary? It's really eye opening to say the least, people are being deceived into believing they are doing the will of God but they are simply following the orders of Satan. It seems imitating and infiltrating is really what he been doing all this time, I watched all documentaries of his and his core message is sound outside of a few personal takes of his. I'm hoping atleast one person watches this and turns away from these false churches and/or occultism, after all when Christ died on the cross the forces of evil clearly lost. What they do now is to take as many people along with them before the second coming of Christ. The true Christ that is

https://rumble.com/v1o08w4-feb-2020-third-adam-missionary-spencer-smith.html (It's also available on youtube)
lol, lmao
It's not taking people just for the sake of it. The evil ones have a purpose behind it. There is a war going on. It's been going on for at least 6000 years. It pits the evil ones and their human followers against God, the loyal angels and his human followers. Right now, the evil ones are outnumbered, and staring at the ever approaching battle of Armageddon, which they will lose. They need soldiers, they are desperate, and they'll take anybody. Retards, women, old people, they don't care who it is, anybody they can drag out onto the battlefield with them in a last ditch attempt to tighten the gap in forces. And every person they take with them, won't be against them on the day Armageddon happens. So every soul they steal is like winning double. That's what they'll be doing here. Everything they will do while they are here, will be with the purpose of winning that battle, or at least giving themselves a better chance of winning it. For them, there is only winning. The only other alternative is an eternity in burning hell. They will do whatever they have to do to avoid that.

If you can wrap your mind around that, you'll understand why they do the things they do.

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