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Which satanic order do you follow
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I love it when I respond to what is seemingly just a mildly imaginative theory and the next response reveals that it's part of an S-tier full schizo narrative.
nta but it's mildly concerning that two pivotal moments in the history of Mediterranean civilizations have so many coincidences
which implies two things: its literally just that, a coincidence (which happens way more than we'd like to believe). or part of the history of the Kingdom of Judea has been altered to fit a political agenda in the Roman Republic/Empire ((because lol if you believe romans are the ones touching their own history)
i personally believe its a mix between coincidence and profiting from such coincidence by certain parties
I Hate The Anti-Christ
they all look like insufferable faggots.
Fraternitas Saturni and TOTBL are the only serious ones in occult terms

I keep hearing that the God of this world, no matter what religion is right, is a God full of love beyond imagination. Without quoting a religious text, where is the proof of that? This world feels very cold and absent of a God to me when you try to find God without a religious text.
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The only counter is a true divine manifestation within a noble initiate.
God is omniscient. This means any time you ask "Does God know _____" the answer must be yes or he's not omniscient as long as the _______ is knowable.
You know what it is to be you better than anyone else with the exception of God. Does God know what it is to be you? Yes. Therefore God can empathize with you and everyone else completely on a level that effectively makes him you. Your wants are his wants, he cares about you as much as you care about yourself.
Now God is also an individual, in fact he's 99.99999% different from you because he's also everyone else. But there is a small part of God that is precisely you, for this cause, God loves his children aka his creations.
There are a lot of Bible quotes supporting this position but you don't want to read them and you don't need them to understand it. In fact it's my belief God doesn't intend for 100% of his creations to follow the Bible, it's just a convenient way of understanding the psychology of an omniscient omnipresent alien God thing.
always amusing how the kikestian needs to apologise for his shit destructive communist religion in same breath as his immense cope
What then is the lunar path?

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Why do people assume God is a male when it is way more likely for it to be female? It's always females that give birth to life in nature, so the creator should also be female
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Yeah i notice women authors have a much colder and more clinical view of reality than their male contemporaries, at least the modernists. comparing the work of say Sylvia Plath, Flannery O'Connor, Shirley Jackson or Anna Kavan to their male contemporaries the difference is fairly stark in my opinion. the female writers prose is more sharp and clinical, a vibe of 'depressive realism' whereas male authors seem a bit more fanciful in their ventures, maybe more egotistical in ways that blinds them to a core suffering at the heart of things
If you look to 4chan for your opinions and attitudes you are truly lost
I think it's less about how they see the world and more about which aspects more amuse them to focus on. Male authors like to indulge in the the hypothetical realization of ideals while female authors like to indulge in the melancholy endurance of harsh reality.
yeah i think it's also there's a depressive realism that comes with the stricter social roles/expectation, at least/especially at that time
because the story in genesis god makes adam a man, male in their own image.

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Scientifically speaking, the answer is neither. The world is neutral because it does not have a mind of its own, therefore any attribution of positive or negative meaning stems from a person's mind, of which everyone has one of their own.

HOWEVER it is reasonable to assume the world (and by extension its creator/causer assuming there is one) is ultimately evil, since pain far outweighs suffering on a universal scale, even if your analysis is restricted to only within the human species, discounting all other forms of sentient life (it's much, much worse if animals are added into the equation).

>most of the world is third world
>third world shitholes suffer from shit like famines, crime (all the horrible unconceivable forms of it like rape and mutilation), poverty, poor diets (which lowers dopamine/serotonin levels thus reducing the intensity of the subjective experience of enjoyment).

Since Christianity postulates an omnipotent God created the world, and that God is good, that means there's only 2 possibilities. Either my completely logical and rational analysis is somehow incorrect, or Christianity is false.
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>It's literally like this reality was designed to tear you away from something within yourself.

Seems to be the case.
The only explanation is that it's the only way to convince people to seek spirituality.

>Like having all the things you want be difficult to obtain... AND at the same time if you obtain too much of that good thing it's also somehow bad for you. So you're literally always caught between 2 bad outcomes pulling you.

If it wasn't that way you would get trapped in this rollercoaster literally forever, it's to persuade people to alternatives where the spirit is more elevated

It's also why people addicted to the [material] world end up bitter after ideology doesn't work as copium anymore or completly mind-exausted (world with modern standards that teaches materialism-exclusivism creates all sorts of mental exaustions even in well off people)
Good is Permanent.
Bad is Temporary.

You must study this well.
>God is good

Only if you listen to the churches and their figureheads and don't actually read your Bible

>"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." [Isaiah 45:7]

>"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." [Revelation 22:13]

>"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" [Ecclesiastes 3]

>"[...]and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." [Genesis 3:5]
The world is inherently bad because God is bad. The proof that the world is bad is that the default condition of life is bad (starvation, exposure to elements/predators, boredom, loneliness, etc) and the things that have to be done (physically/mentally harmful labor, submission to domination/abuse/sadism, etc) to cancel out the default negative condition of life and achieve homeostasis are themselves inherently bad/negative things, such that it's impossible for most people to even achieve a neutral or stable condition of life, instead having to choose between two bad conditions. Meanwhile anything even remotely good is violently gatekept, a consistently "good" condition of life practically only exists in the realm of fantasy/imagination, and even the THOUGHT or IDEA of good conditions of life are violently gatekept, even thinking about having desirable things will cause me to be abused because the inherent nature of this world is bad, the default condition of life is bad, good things are violently gatekept, it's nearly impossible to even achieve a neutral or stable condition of life and good conditions of life only exist in fantasy.
First you need to understand that God is immutable.
He doesn't get new opinions based on new information. He already knows everything all the way up to the end of time.
When God created the earth, he said it was good, therefore it will always be good.
There is one exception, that is humankind, humankind put a great deal of emotional burden on God to the point where he regrets making us but apparently felt it had to be done this way and not due to lack of ability or power.
So the world is good, the humans are a work in progress.

/x/ vocaroo thread. Let's discuss the spiritual and paranormal with our real life voices. I will start and you please follow up: https://voca.ro/1gt93Xyap3ww

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/x/ methods to become more attractive to /x/ girls?
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If you define your will to live around a woman you are already lost.
You are funny.
Not spending your energy into a sock will literally increase your confidence and remove your anxiety.
These things are connected.
That does not make any sense because being unstable is the realm of the feminine.
True masculinity if it can be summarized in one symbol - the mountain.
Always stable, always there, unmovable, unshakeable.
If a woman seeks what you have described in a partner then that means she herself is fucked up inside.
some men are stable some women are stable
some men are chaotic some women are chaotic
approaching life with this kind of binary sense of "the feminine realm" (which you learnt from a man) is very third-world/ESL pilled, keep your caste system nonsense in your own country thanks
Have a strong suthra dhatu that is fertile, that's all it takes.

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akespeare said, "The eyes are the window to the soul," and Jesus said, "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light" (Matthew 6:22). Can anybody explain this phenomenon? I've noticed that when I'm not cooming and consumed by chaos, my eyes look very vibrant and happy, but when I fall into chaos, there's no light in them. Any insight would be much appreciated.
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You have ZERO spiritual discernment, materialist. You are as far away from understanding what OP is talking about as up is from down.

Just seek the Holy Spirit of God for the gift of the Discerning of Spirits.
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blatent manipulation of the text by new translations.. "if thine eye be single the whole body will fill with light" and the eye is the lamp. are both essene doctrines taught by christ to his watchers of light.

the single eye is meditation. the lamp is the pineal gland, a gland with a eye lens and photo receptor. the oil that fuels is the spiritual christos accumulated with retention. the light is inner illumination that comes with a whole host of biological proccesses. you knew this to some degree before you posted. now do the thing or not.
Bach had brown eyes, as well as other composers of great note like Mozart or Beethoven, so they invalidate your opinion.

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I found the gnostic angel sophia within my heart.

Sophia neglected her heavenly duties when she reached for a light greater than heaven. So she fell from heaven . After repenting she was let back into heaven.

This is a metaphor for an archetype, /x/, you are all sophia.

In my darkest moment, I found sophia in my heart. There she lay, raped by my years of cooming. Sophia is not my intellect, she cannot care for herself. Sophia is my anima, the source of my sexual energy and spiritual wisdom. Sophia told me she could not trust me because I was not using my mind to provide for her, instead I raped her with coom.

I promised sophia I wouldnt coom again, and that I would provide for her (me). She promised me energy and confidence. We have both kept our promises.

Post “I love you Sophia” to transmute your sexual energy into intellect.
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Where can I learn more about the Maria you refer to? About this black hand path?
The black hand path is a specific middle path, as opposed to the left hand path, the right hand path, and other middle paths. Honestly, i don't know how to answer your question properly. I don't have any books on it. It's so radical and well guarded that its precepts are communicated only in whispers and half-truths through the ages and across continents. If you can't decrypt the secrets, it is to protect you from them. As a path, it is ill advised, unless you truly feel called, which is for you to decide. But you don't need to walk this path to understand who Maria is. I was just telling you where i'm coming from. It's the kind of thing where, as you let go of the masks, and you truly get to know yourself, you can decide what path you want to walk.
idk, i think it could be an act. orion stock is at all time low. it's time to buy lyran/urmoh (latter could be larp, dc) stock .. if only because they're enemies in wing commander games, so that means they're automatically good

but then there's the ancient history stories of lion ayys fighting on side of humans long time ago some space war.. so if there's any truth to that, it means they're better than most other ayys
>middle path
One day we will meet.
> Particularly, it is the little heart which must be absolutely ripped out. No broken hearts at the club, my friend.

Can I ask about this metaphor? It stuck with me last night.

>the little heart
Is this specifically referring to a “secondary” heart? I have often visualized a second, smaller heart below my actual heart. Where my actual heart provides strength and courage, this second heart “steals” some of the primary hearts energy for the sake of seeking validation. That seeking of validation sometimes manifests as charitable causes, like certain forms of equality speech. But as we all know, most of todays equality speech is not about salvation, its about getting others to think you’re a good person; validation. Thus truth is the primary heart, and the secondary small heart, the bleeding heart, is a leech. The small heart is empowered when the primary heart is broken.

Is this close to what was meant?

Calvinism Edition!

Christian Esotericism is the inner and/or mystical aspect of the Christian Religion, it includes:
>Christian Gnosis (Clement of Alexandria)
>Desert Fathers Spirituality (Evagrius Ponticus)
>Catholic Contemplative Tradition (Bonaventure)
>Hesychasm (Gregory Palamas)
>Chivalry (Wolfram von Eschenbach)
>Christian Alchemy (George Ripley)
>Rhineland Mysticism (Meister Eckhart)
>Christian Cabala (Johannes Reuchlin)
>Paracelsianism (Paracelsus)
>Rosicrucianism (Robert Fludd)
>Christian theosophy (Jakob Böhme)
>Martinism (Louise Claude de Saint-Martin)

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The only esoterism in christcuckery is either stolen from greek philosophers or jewish (penis)blood magic.
The very core concept of heaven is stolen from Plato's idea of the perfect world of forms.
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How many people here converted from other religions or spiritualities? What made you stay with Christianity and does following Christ feel fundamentally different to your prior religion?

I'm trying to figure out if my experience is typical. Christianity feels more alive than anything else, in a spiritual sense.
>plagiarism of greek philosophy totally feels more alive guise!
>You talk about these things as if theyre states of mind not actual places you go when you die
After death the soul splits from the body and the vegetative and animal part of the soul decay with it, only the Nous, Intellect experiences heaven, this is the common idea in Christianity, not the one from cartoons where in heaven you hang out with famous dead people, and in hell you get tridents up your ass
>Also how can free choice to obey his rules exist when he gave us really really scant evidence he even existed?
The OT works on Prophecy which is super-rational, belief in it is a free choice, then there is the Philosophical path, that's how Plato and Aristotle found out that there is a God, look up Aquinas' 5 ways for logical proofs of God, though if you don't know how Peripatetic logic works they'll sound confusing, i think Classical Theist (?) has a good video on them
The New Testament works on the historical event of the resurrection of Jesus, if he did raise himself from the dead then Christianity is true, you can look into the reliability of the NT yourself, and if it 'doesn't seem like it's enough', that's because few of us know how history works, compare what we know about Jesus to the 7-8th Century Balkans, a single person from 2000 years ago vs 200 years of history of a rather large part of Europe
>its also a very modern apologetic used to justify something
It's like 1700 years old
>I send myself to hell for simply doing what Ive needed to do to not want to eat a bullet?
Now your case is special so i suggest you ask a priest and look into it, but God being Justice and Goodness can't blame you for your problems, don't forget that there is a final choice after death as you will be free from physical influences then, things are more lenient in Catholicism as they seem, for example Saint Augustine iirc wrote that if someone is on their deathbed and wants to convert but can't for whatever reason, will be saved from faith alone
Mate if the resurrection happened then it happened.
>You understand Adam and Eve arent real right?
They are
>People until like 1900 broadly thought the earth was only 6000 years old.
What has the age of the earth have to do with anything?
>The Vatican had to rephrase a bunch of junk and issue a bunch of edicts once everyone realized that evolution is a thing
People had ideas about evolution since Antiquity, it qas just recently scientifically codified
And in the Church the fall was never seen as Adam, some dude from 6000 ywats ago, eating some apple in the Middle East, it was seen as a 'vertical' descend from Spacelessness and Timelessness into Space and Time, look up any Pre-Modern commentary on Genesis for that
>either stolen from greek philosophers
Sorry we didn't know they had a copyright system back in those days
>The very core concept of heaven is stolen from Plato's idea of the perfect world of forms.

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I don't know how to start this conversation so I may as well just dive in and ask.

Does anyone else feel like there's a distinct aura of decay present everywhere lately?
Don't get me wrong, I know it sounds pretty crazy, however, the last couple years I've noticed things breaking (appliances, etc.), plants struggling, people struggling, etc. I've never been one super deep into strange shit, but I've always kept an open-mind. The only way to truly gain knowledge and grow as a person is to make a true effort to be open-minded and consider anything as a possibility, you know?
Anyway, trusting my intuition, there's this strong gut feeling that there's something smothering present -- like an "aura of decay" -- that feels almost omnipresent. I really don't know how else to explain it, but I've seen many others who have seemed to pick up on this, too.
Maybe they'll explain it like a "calm before the storm" or like something is approaching or some event is coming?

Anyone have any insights on this? Any way to create a local space/environment that promotes growth and life?
What exactly is this weird feeling and how is it effecting so many different things, both organic, mechanical, and technological?

Maybe it's just me and I'm noticing things I didn't previously. I dunno... But my intuition says otherwise and it's always been something I can rely on.
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You might be interested in a person on X who goes by the name Naughty Beaver. He knows the Nostradamus prophecies and connected many of the dots, he also reads the Gospel of Thomas and has a vast amount of knowledge about these things. He's also a starseed, a very powerful one, I was guided to him and Gosia from Cosmic Agency youtube channel between 2017 and 2018, they opened my eyes to the darkness that plagues this world but also opened my eyes to the things beyond this planet. Also, Alba Weinman on youtube is really good, she does past life regression hypnosis to let a person see their past lives. She also does channeling very professionally, this one really stuck out to me since you can see him trembling before the presence of this entity:
Not sure, but you can look up schuman resonance. people often react to it differently, some positive, other not so like it. I myself feel it most of the time feel like calm before the storm. In the internet there are graphs of it, you can check if the spikes in it align with your "mood swing" or how you wanna call it.
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fascinating tale. ever heard of an autobiographical nonfiction webcomic called
i haven't checked in for a while, but it's called Joe N vs Elan. highly recommended read. great read.
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1_Bretton woods gold standar fell august 1971

2_China and the usa made a pact china would export industrial goods and use usd to import food thus exporting deflation worldwide

3_In 2008 the monetary system collapsed and this happened


4_China is also getting old so it can't export deflation anymore

5_USA can't really escape the previous system neither china without both experiencing massive inflation.

6_As inflation rises you will see shrinkflation in everything from goods, services even family relations as everyone has to work more and more for less and less

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Just looked it up, it's about child abuse, but my parents are not at fault for the archon's attacks against us that the bankers sent after us to cause chaos in our family. The second reason the bankers attacked us is because when I was around 4-5 years old, I unknowingly connected my conscious to my subconscious and cracked a password in a game called Extreme G2 that unlocked everything, computers back then would take several years to crack that, but doing it by connecting with the subconscious takes seconds. That seemed to send the archons in a red alert mode and they also targeted me much harder than my mom and brother, because that sort of thing indicated that I am a starseed child that contained a great power within that would pose a threat to the bankers later on.

And let it be known, the cabal will pay for what they have done to my family line and all of those whom I loved. The death of our family shall put an irrevocable curse upon the entirety of the cabal, including the non human ones. This curse will let the cabal continue to live, but upon their deaths, their body and evil spirit will be dissolved and sent back to source as the full karmic punishment for what they did. They wanted The Great Reset, they will get it, just not the way they expected it.

The idea that a perfect being of the highest order in existence who is literally responsible for bringing existence INTO existence would create a Universe subject to entropy and death, is absurd. A Creator who populates this dying realm with living beings who also suffer and die, and portions of which occasionally need to be annihilated to start again because the experiments go so horribly wrong, must therefore be an imperfect creator.
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lmao go cry else where loser
Not him, but your act of presenting the secrets to these people reeks of nothing more but a desire for self-aggrandizement.
I know what you will say. All I ask is to have compassion for your fellow prisoners.
>"God" is a uniform, nondescript formless substance that created the demiurge and a trillion suffering souls because it self-reflected
It'd be more coherent and meaningful to worship the ocean.
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That is such a juvenile thread idea. This is almost pre-elementary.

Evolution is a thing that started happening about a billion years ago. Everything just is.

Further, with recent findings and implications, we are further pushed to realize that electricity is literally soul. Why would anybody die when they die if we are here? Brainlets. Who needs a God?

What’s the name of the scientist character to the left of Number Six?
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16. Paranormal thread

Many people remember genuine paranormal content on /x/. In reality it was always gay and retarded.

Baltar is on the right. They lie to us about where left and right are in pictures and art. So in that picture, Adama is on the far left, and Roslin is on the far right.
it’s Gaius Baltar
based nevershifter.
My personal Mandela effect is that Ed Sheeran died back around 2016 or so I think. It was genuinely a shock to me a few years back when I realized he was alive

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I don't go on /x/ often so I'm not sure if you guys do threads like this but can we have a thread where we share the creepiest/scariest images and videos we can find? Natural or supernatural, normal or paranormal, real or fake.
This first one is one of my favourites and there's pretty much no backstory or explanation on it except for this short bit: https://imgur.com/gallery/seriously-creepy-pic-of-ghost-scary-fucker-with-axe-must-read-AEPTUof
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This doesn't work anymore I think, but some years back it used to redirect you to a cursed video akin to user 666.
It was not an easter egg, it was actually an exploit by a channel that got fixed.

The 1st 666 got reinstated though.
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That is terrifying
is this reel?

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What are the spiritual/paranormal implications of taking ketamine? Does it provide supernatural powers?
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Is ketamine mind altering? I thought tranquilizers were just intense depressants.
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Nothing. It's just an anesthetic substance that knocks you tf out if you take it. I do not like it. Here's a litte story of mine:
>Be me
>New years eve party 2017
>Friends of friends bring super strong S-Ketamine
>I rail a line as fat and long as my pinky finger
>Soon, confusion sets in, feeling incredibly nauseous for the entirety of the experience
>Rember seeing four scenes of four different places in my friends appartment all at once, similiar to playing multiplayer with splitscreen on a vidyaconsole
Would not say it's spiritual or paranormal. It's just fucking drugs.
If you do K you do feel this zen like emptiness, you can start having convos with spirits at this point.
It unfortunately really fucks your bladder up, which I wish someone would have told me when I was a student.
You have seen 4 timelines at once.

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/x/ humor thread
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is there much of a natsee presence on /x/? i remember there was a great migration from /pol/ a couple years back but doesn;t seem so much now?
and I'm no.3 but replace the soda with drug paraphernalia, clothes (mix of cleaned and uncleaned intermingling across carpet) and loose papers/books
i long for the minimalist lifestyle of no.1 but being honest I'm a mess
i know it's cringe but whenever i hear anything about the us healthcare system it does make me glad i don't live there. with that said we're only ten years away from the same system being fully implemented in my country so it's much of a muchness i suppose
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i work full time and i'm depressed, days blur into a meaningless routine and i can feel my soul actively being robotized
but when i was unemployed it's not like i was free - being unemployed is a full time job in itself, life becomes a blurry meaningless routine of base survival. theoretically i had the time to focus on my creative work but the reality was i couldn't afford anything and had to focus everyday on the hustle
Bataille said that accepting a life of "ruinous splendour" is better than a life of corporate slavery and i tend to agree but it still sucks, there's no good option unless you've got rich parents you can mooch off. then again even those people seem to me fundamentally detached from the pulse and the hum which is the vital core to all creativity. so maybe there is just no good option at all. Adorno said "the wrong life cannot be lived rightly" meaning that in inhuman social conditions a meaningful and moral life is impossible
c'est la vie
I think its Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei
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>meme for ants

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