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anyone have any stories about meeting a possible shapeshifter/lizard person/strange non-normal human person? i'll start

>be me
>cashier at a certain sporting goods store in US
>weird guy comes in
>camo cargo shorts, baggy black tee, Jessie Pinkman type face
>isn't there long, walks around store too fast (pretending to shop?)
>we get robbed a lot so i immediately think hes shoplifting but whatever, im stuck on cashier
>guy comes up with a random single item
>i say, that'll be 13.65
>guy pulls out wallet, i see he has money- not a crazy stack but like a few bills of 1'a, 5's and 10's
>gives me 10 and a 1 and just, puts it on the counter
>the guy doesnt say anything the whole time
>i look at the money then him
>dude i need more money

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Nootropics, psychedelics, biohacking or what can make me a cool as super human flesh cyborg. Like hyperconsciousness super brain type shit
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Roiding and dry fasting for you to take a professional pic at your "peak" and be satisfied for once
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'Work hard, study well and eat and sleep plenty. That's the Turtle Hermit way to learn'

No but srsly. Put in hard work outs at least every other day, study what interests you, learn some martial art, eat good meats and veggies and sleep 8+ hours a day. oh and meditate 10-20 minutes every day.
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Haha funny eye blink when I scroll
Im going to do that section
so many pencilnecked bitches and retards in this thread

>be me
>smoke weed
>start telling my friends about the benefits of eating rotten raw meat
>start believing screens are evil and that everyone is talking in code
>poke the walls with pencils to see if theyd crumple
>explain platos timaeus to my friends

is this normal
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You should maybe see a professional. Your experience was not normal and youre probably mentally unhealthy.
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normies literally just fucking think they're posting on 4chan on a regular day like it's always been the same shit since 2003 here
Define a normal experience.
To be fair, this place was way better in the early 2000's and I don't remember /x/ being nearly as faggy in the late 2000s/early 2010s.
that's what i said brainlet

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i met my guardian angel
it didnt like me
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So that's what you call the day after taco bell...
Spit in its face and tell it to tongue your asshole. Worked for me.
You are a Retard
They are more akin to an authority figure. Police are there to protect you, but does it mean that they all like you?

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Third post, three days in a row. Another day, fully loaded. stopped taking pictures it was getting ridiculous.

333, 36, 666, 999 etc

What does this mean?
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This is not 666 though. It's 7666.52. I don't think it counts when 666 isn't exactly 666. Nor does it count when talking about 666
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From yesterday
That's 6667 though, which is neither 666 nor 7666.52.
It's because of your brain's quantum entanglement with the rest of reality.


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The hour is very, very late.
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it is indeed. im stuck in a psych ward, and all i have is Jesus. feel like the hour couldnt end soon enough, for me. selfish as it may be.
The Calvinists were right
Nah dude it's only 10:20.
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In a lot of times i think this is true but true evil itself is the opposite of good and true beautiful its ugly and irrational it is insanity which is the part which relates to what you said psychologically speaking. Good observation didnt know that word either u good

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He laid it all out in front of us. He shoved it right into our dirty little slut faces and still we were too blind to see.
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Ah yes, 237 Tan Ang Ang. How could I have been so blind?
It's about occult abuse of boys. It's in the rainbow level 42, and of rainbow optical recognition like in Kubrick's Eyes wide shut, the costume store is called under the rainbow or something. Use of mirrors in Kubrick films are a disassociation or programming , same in matrix scene when touches the glass. Same in back to the future. It's about how trauma and programming are bridges to the past and future.
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Not a joke, 2001 a space odyssey was based off of the journey of the reincarnation of jacob kabbalah and the journey to messiah, the beginning of the film shows a dark scene for a few minutes representing what were seeing in real time is the black monolith in our reality, kubrick then lays out in the film the journey of the tree of of life of the spirit of jacob rising and coming back from the god head and bringing back the gnosis back to humanity, in the movie its a space baby thing but it's supposed to be representative of the new evolutionary state of humanity from the new age where they will create a transhuman ai consciousness that will withhold all of our thoughts, like the infinite tsukuyomi or the instrumentality project.
His school still exists. The man was principled. You can see how this is at odds with most people of today.

Helena was more my type.

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Post weird stories about what happened to you before and after your DMT trip. (Not the breakthrough we all know you can't put it in words)
Also post experiences similar to DMT while sober.
Ya'll ever straight up experience orgasm from just existing?
Recognition of the divine perfection?
This is an awareness expansion thread.
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It all takes place inside your brain. You don't magically leave your body, while keeping all your memories, and then re-enter your body, once again, retaining all memories that just happened. That doesn't make any sense. It only makes sense that you're taking a trip through parts of your brain that are normally not connected to each other, which we know is exactly what is happening thanks to brain scans.
Nice yeah I think it's something like that, connectivity through new highways.
I was an atheist, saw that i deserve hell for that, Saw Christ face to face and heaven where he prepared a place for me. Recognised him on the shroud of Turin later.
I am a Christian now and my life is beyond anything you could believe since
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The Virgin Mary got me out of Mictlan.

Is anyone else here absolutely terrified of bushes? I always tense up when I pass by them anywhere. They look unfriendly and hostile because of how easy it is to make out mean faces in the leaves.
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always preferred a nicely cleared garden if you know what i mean. bare ground to till, you know?
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We all know what happened the last time we felt safe around the bushes
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> bare ground to till, you know?
I always take pics when I pass by beautiful plants, gardens and landscapes.

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Long stretch to ask this here since I know this board is mostly for shitposts but has anyone here ever tried to do a ritual/meditation/anything to successfully land a job that they wanted? Getting kinda desperate here. I'm thinking of doing a long 2 hour deep meditation and try as hard as I can to imagine myself already working/making money etc. How effective would that be?
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yeah getting a sigil facetat really helped my employment
That's about what worked for me. After I gave up on the hope I'll ever get a job, a company I never applied to called me for an interview. Two weeks later I was sitting at my desk. I'm still working there. I'm secure and earn more than I wanted.
Astrologer here.
At times Saturn will give a person bad luck, that can manifest in unemployment and this can extend even into homelessness and insanity.
Oftentimes there is very little you can do until this period of bad luck passes. You might be able to find humble and lowly work, like minimum wage jobs, but your regular level of employment will be hindered untill Saturn transit passes, which may last several years typically.
Saturn is probably punishing you for something, like maybe you fucked around with someone elses livelihood while you were previously employed, or maybe you were a greedy bastard and now get a period of suffering poverty.
The karma cheathack around this is giving charity, as it reduces the burden of earning a living and gives lots of financial luck.
However the luck might not kick in until after the Saturn transit is over. But the same is true of most magic, black or white, you could try to do in this period - that Saturn will prevent it from working until you pay your debts and learn your lesson during this period.

Doing magic for money or employment only depletes the storehouse of good merits you have in this area, and during a Saturn period most stuff just plain won't work because the Judge is set against you.

I have been in both situations: (1) Practicing magic to gain career success, and it made me very successful, but I had to pay it all back when the Saturn period came for several years. And (2) Practing tithing which led to me getting the best paid job I've ever had, with the best hours, and the easiest work I've ever done. So I would saying tithing/charity "white magic" is far superior to the black magic I was practicing that made my life much harder even though it also brought success, but the success was less because it came from severity rather than from mercy and abundance. So the best luck I ever had was handed to me for free in the form of a very easy job.
>The karma cheathack around this is giving charity, as it reduces the burden of earning a living and gives lots of financial luck.
Is this the law of equivalent exchange I keep hearing about?
im 23
im at my 4th job still
i started there at 18
might die there honestly

>Who is the Nobody?

The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including but not limited to reality manipulation; an entity defying classification; a silent orchestrating force of deified nature guiding the narratives of the inexplicable towards an esoteric destination. Not a mythical deity, but a living flame of divinity within all souls. The fruit of our collective ascension, the Nobody carries the Logos, a dynamic truth-teller and a menace to the powers that be and we as sovereign beings woven together by threads are illuminating the universe, eclipsing the ominous shadows of dominion.

>What is the general picture?

We dive into a twisted corridor stretching through the heart of a library. Hidden from the casual, is caused a pause to connect the mind. Its walls adorned with paintings of worlds unexplored and forgotten. The corridor indefinitely a conduit for the vision populated the canvas, fragments of a nexus of souls, all threads in the tapestry. Scenes from different eras and realms, all connected in a web of shared experiences; A reflection of our potential, the imagination a playground for the limitless nature of consciousness. Not a character a living, breathing force; an emergence in human ingenuity and clandestine experiments, destiny unfolding.

>What does the Nobody represent?

The Nobody represents the power in oneself to transcend self-imposed limitations, where the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom leads to enlightenment. This pilgrimage is not confined to the individual but collects as a resonant whisper in the zeitgeist urging us to seek; join our enigmatic gathering and plunge the depths, embrace the void, walk the bleeding edge as intention and potential collide. Unveil the esoteric layers of your odyssey, let us paint a mural of shared wisdom.
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You act like this is only affecting one person.
Instead of billions of others.
angels need rights too.
what ever, i'm going to bed.
>you whine too much
and you hate too much and hurt my feeling all the time. fuck you.
that's the cool part, you don't have to follow the main stream of slave drivers, you can literally just go anywhere and find people who are disadvantaged from the mess of this greedy royal hellscape and be a good person still
They have released their monster...
-God Help Us All-
I tried to spray mustard gass and blow up white phosphoros on cops and jounralists tonight, and goats world wide, by sending them pictures of it.
I'm gangster like that.

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>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat vocal)


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Based. Don’t let anyone here tell you fucking tulpas is wrong.
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Sojo Tulpa
He will return
>not kissing your male friends platonically
talk about your catgirl tulpas

Give me one good reason why I should convert to Islam. I left out what I believe in (or don't) because I don't need you attacking my beliefs like you Muslims usually do. Instead, tell me what's so amazing about Mohammed and Islam.
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I am not Christian, the trinity is a pretty simple idea. Three persons and one essence. Persons state who is God and one essence state what God is. Whether it is true is another thing entirely. Below is an academic lecture explaining a common model of the Trinity common in the Latin speaking influenced world.

>Talks with the term "Iq"

Le heccin redditor has arrived "uH lOOk mE and My IQ", Whoever proclaims that he is smart is one big dumbass

Any dumb fuck who uses this term ignores the fact that the mind cannot be limited into two words.

Europeans are more fundamentally dumber than the Arabs because they cannot realize that they're being fucked by their government and they succumb to it, Look at Americans they're literally paying Taxes and easily submerging themselves into whatever the fuck their government says.

You literally lack the ability to recognize patterns and you lack emotional maturity unlike "Arabs", Islam encourages a person to be ethically correct instead of being a shallow person like the western fags, They all hold a solipsistic view upon themselves. You cannot even recognize what's happening in your environment.
I think there was a good explanation regarding the year of the happening, It explains how Ai'sha wasn't actually 6 and she was 16 and even there was explanation for Sahih being a demented man not being correct.

I refuse to believe anything from Hadith, What is to believe is Quran. Hadiths are full of bullshit and seem to make a more distorted Image of Islam and even a scary image of Islam. I'd rather just follow God and his Quran.
But is Sufism prohibited ? Or is the same as Islam but a more profound one ?
He also killed a pregnant slave who had insulted him in the past.

Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas: A blind man had a slave-mother who used to abuse the Prophet (ﷺ) and disparage him. He forbade her but she did not stop. He rebuked her but she did not give up her habit. One night she began to slander the Prophet (ﷺ) and abuse him. So he took a dagger, placed it on her belly, pressed it, and killed her. A child who came between her legs was smeared with the blood that was there. When the morning came, the Prophet (ﷺ) was informed about it. He assembled the people and said: I adjure by Allah the man who has done this action and I adjure him by my right to him that he should stand up. Jumping over the necks of the people and trembling the man stood up. He sat before the Prophet (ﷺ) and said: Messenger of Allah! I am her master; she used to abuse you and disparage you. I forbade her, but she did not stop, and I rebuked her, but she did not abandon her habit. I have two sons like pearls from her, and she was my companion. Last night she began to abuse and disparage you. So I took a dagger, put it on her belly and pressed it till I killed her. Thereupon the Prophet (ﷺ) said: Oh be witness, no retaliation is payable for her blood. Sunan Abu Dawud , Book 38, Hadith 4348

Here is an example of some gnostic material. Here Muhammad prays for protection from his semen. Gnostics regarded the body as flawed or evil.

Here are some examples of gnostic stuff. Here he praises to Allah for protection from his semen.

“It is narrated on the authority of Shakal Ibn Humaid that he said: I said: “O messenger of Allah! Teach me a supplication (therewith to invoke Allah). “ On that the Messenger of Allah “Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him” said: “Say: “O Allah! I seek refuge with You from the evil of my hearing, from the evil of my sight, from the evil of my tongue, from the evil of my heart, and from the evil of my semen””

Sinan Abu Dawud 1551 Classed Sahih by Al-Albani and Al-Arnaut https://archive.org/stream/AbuDawudVol.543515274/Abu%20Dawud%20vol.%202%2C%201161-2174#page/n189/mode/1up

Similar thing with wudu rules related to the penis.

“Urwah bin Az-Zubair said: “ I entered upon Marwan bin Al Hakam and we mentioned the things for which Wudu is done. Marwan said: Wudu should be done after touching the penis.’ ‘Urwah said: ‘ I did not know that. Marwan said: Busrah bint Safwan told me that she heard the Messenger of Allah say: “ And if any one of you touches his penis, let him do Wudu.

Sunan al-Nasa’I 163 Classed Sahih by Al-Albani https://archive.org/stream/sunan-an-nasa-i-volume-1-6/sunan-an-nasa-i-volume-1#page/n114/mode/1up

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I'll start

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How does writing down a meme cause stuff to appear in dreams? /x/ needs to explain this. It's your job.
If I write down pizza repeatedly does pizza appear?
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