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I see a lot of talk about how we are trapped in the material world by evil entities who will try to trick you to come here. This is false. Malkuth is the Yin to Kether's Yang and it is as natural and as necessary as Kether. If we stop our own births and deaths, we threaten our immortality. He who refuses to incarnate in a vehicle will eventually stagnate and dissipate into nothing. Physical bodies are powerhouses that invigorate the energy bodies. They are food for the energy bodies. It is not the archons feeding off you (although energy parasites exist), it's YOU eating yourself, which is another meaning to Ouroboros.

We are bound to Malkuth by a hex; do note that carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. Malkuth is only a "prison" if you are here unwillingly. i.e NOT using your Will. If you come here with conscious intention it is not a prison.

As for those who believe in an external deity or the idea of a heaven or a paradise. All of those things are neuroses. After they die, because they believe so firmly in those ideas, they will indeed go to their "paradise" after death, which is just an illusory neurotic phantasm. There they will consort with the illusory God and paradise, trapped in a false paradigm, where they will eventually dissipate like those who reject Malkuth.

Simply, those who believe in external deities go to the lower astral where they can play pretend and then face eternal oblivion because of the spiderweb they created for themselves.

Immortality involves walking on a knife's edge.
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practice prajnaparamita
>To someone who has resolved their neuroses
Do you mean "as someone"?
If so, that's the only thing worthwhile from this thread, tell us how you did it, be the master the anons need.
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Sigils, divination methods and ritual equipment are tools to stimulate and explore deeper parts of the mind, and to alter them in a way that destroys neuroses. The magical circle with sacred names symbolically separates one from the neurosis in question, which is pulled out of the deepest recesses of mind, triangulated, and bound to a fixed state, so that it does not slip away and merge itself with the invoker again. The neurosis, now excised from the subtle bodies with what is essentially surgical equipment, can now be destroyed.

All that energy that was otherwise maintaining the existence of false identities is freed. The body and the various subtle bodies are refined with the disintegration of neuroses.

A simple analogy for this is useless or malicious software hogging memory on a computer's RAM.
Quite possibly the most awakened OP post regarding this matter.

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What’s the /x/ status of France?
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a bunch of French beasts got together and agreed on boundary lines at a round table meeting
Imediqtwly the cuck crwq again
Youangon order his mother fucking bal?
Goy lankan boata.
sounds like place where demons with longer than human lifespans would hide/live
Merovingian and the vamps like the French aristocratic ideals that they should have everything and humans will be poor, stupid, own nothing and be content with that bullshit. Vampires are most controlling in spiritual matters and try to keep humans from unlocking our inner powers.

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why is it so difficult to become enlightened? are there any shortcuts?
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nta but Anon's claiming that those who reach enlightenment are detaching themselves from the self and reality... which is the point. It's just him being attached to the material.
He may be right, he may be wrong. Who knows.
>the benefit of using it for being on a treadmill either.
There's really not a benefit to being on a treadmill or any other exercise. The benefit is doing having the chance to practice breathing patterns and resting the heartrate again.
>you shouldn't be using that part at all to facilitate the movement of air through the system
This part you should be using. It's the naval cavity that shouldn't be in use. You know the part that closes all of the nasal airway to the rest of your throat? I wasn't used to having that so open for so long before. Again, it's just something I do to layer practice of multiple things at once. Just exercising doesn't feel like an efficient enough use of my time, so I tried to figure out other ways to also do other things if possible.
>distractions are just that
No, I'm speaking to the function of listening to the audiobook in that context. I actually listen to the audiobook as best I can ever day.
>the next hardcore step is just to cultivate that focus with nothing else going on but your workout.
I think the actual next step is just doing the meditation, not finding ways to cram practicing multiple things at once since there's a gap that needs filling anyways.
I'm the anon. yeah exactly. thanks for clarifying.

it's sort of like the flow state, but never ending. if you ever had the flow state, you know it feels amazing.

but I wouldn't want to have it on 100% of the time. just whenever I need it.
It's a frightening thing, isn't it? I feel that too, man.
Though I think by our very nature as humans, there's a self-limiting aspect to it. That attachment that will drag us back to worldly things before long.
So I wouldn't worry about being "stuck" in Enlightenment, Anon. The way I see it, when someone reaches Nirvana and never comes back, it's just because their time for that has come. That's all.


There was a time when all humanity was working together. We had technology that interfaced seamlessly with nature, long lives and huge urban societies that make modern cities look like villages.
This is the time many cultures describe before the ancient era, when giants walked the earth and beings from other worlds exchanged goods and wisdom with humans. These relationships led humans to discoveries about the fundamental nature of the cosmos and consciousness itself, allowing them to manipulate the natural world through a system of chemical, social, biological and physical processes. Ancient man could distort reality using a combination of technology and consciousness, allowing him to manifest things beyond comprehension.
Suffice to say, the capabilities of ancient man would look like magic to us today.
If the sayers are right, this period of harmony happened between 10,000 and 35,000 years ago but may have continued long before in a deep forgotten past.

The entirety of modern history is a twisted attempt at concealing this truth; something it has done with considerable success. The signs of past achievement are literally right in front of us yet all of modern science, philosophy and theology have been interfered with in order to make us believe disharmony is the default state of humanity. There are monuments to the harmonious nature of our existence all around us, but they are hidden by constant assurances of our own apathy.
Unignorable proof of our past has been hidden in plain sight-- those with interests in keeping humanity mundane has realized the truth doesn't need to be hidden if you can be convinced this is all as nature, science and God have prescribed.
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why would there be
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The answer really depends on how far into a technical perspective you are willing to go.
Tesla was the last person to apply the scale necessary for the Earth-Atmosphere circuit concept. The ancients understood that large amounts of energy could be obtained by bridging charge gradients between locations on the Earth's surface as well as between the Earth and ionosphere.

Radioactive materials or microwave energy can dissociate air to create a conductive volume. Certain geometries can assist collection of energy (pyramids/obelisks are the ideal shape in electrical terms.)
As far as modern efforts go, a lot of these ideas either don't scale down well or are basically ignored because they are pitched in the context of free energy or antigravity, which are categorically blacklisted topics in science.

Others are military technologies like time-reverse wave interferometry and cross-beam over the horizon radar. These are very important but mostly secretive.
If you are able to digest white papers there are a lot more avenues that intersect with this tech. Fusion in solid materials and fluids (lattice confinement fusion and cavitation generators) are of great interest.
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Is the Demiurge the Devil or does the Devil just work for him?
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Bump of curiosity
The demiurge is the creator of reality it's not good or bad. But art of the sons of chaos mostly neutral.

I have never in my life considered mercury bad.
Demiurge is Saturn, who controls the design of our world, and our karma.
The Devil is controlled opposition.
Basically your allowed to be a shit head demon, but Saturn is going to place you in specific situations that maximize the greater good and balance of the game, and if you aren't useful in that respect, then your freedoms get heavily limited, and you get surrounded by other shitty people so you can mutually make yourselves suffer
The Demiurge is YHWH.
He is a lesser god with many names, look into the alawiteanon threads on the archive

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Why does contemplating him bring immediate peace to the soul?
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>he never actually appeared on earth. I don’t take the Bhagavad Gita as anything but myth
Then you and your opinions are worthless, even about bible or Christ
Why, yes, I do feel at peace whenever I think about an androgynous "god" made up by subhumans who literally eat feces.
They are Aryans.
>Jesus 100% checks out
He never existed, he is just a fictional character to keep the cloned sheeple in hope for a habbening.
Krishna is more real than him, exactly because he is honestly fictional.
There is nothing worse than fiction that poses as historical fact.
Are you enjoying Clif High's habbening?
Christianity is a meta religion

Where can i learn their full curriculum and degrees, is there any PDF online that covers everything in the same vein as Regardie's Golden Dawn book and Eshelman's A:. A:. book?

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Is the key to only masturbate occasionally or just not to masturbate at all? I feel backed up, like as if a release would help my testicular health, but I also feel that could be entirely due to the lust in my mental.
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You're adding nothing to the conversation. Your question could be answered in the general. Also, you already know the answer.
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>You're adding nothing to the conversation
just jerk off retard
Do what you want.
It makes no sense to both want to masturbate and want to retain.
If you wanna fap, fap.
If you wanna retain, retain.
You can't be wanting opposite things, that's the only bad path.
Oh, i'm calling you out and refusing to bump. And you know what you have to do.

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Are twin flames real? or is it just a cope for people with insecure attachment?
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what projecting the anima does to a mf
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Apparently you can use this twin flame energy to become a cult leader and get a bunch of people to simp for you. Funny how that works.
They are real, but likely not incarnated at the same time, instead they act as the angelic guide.
the latter. it's sad how many people completely fuck their lives and mental health over this retarded concept
real, but not binary-given or fated. i guess this is dependent on a free will perspective; i think you can meet someone (probably when you're both younger) and have the real potential to be each other's TF.
but one of you could fuck it up, or warring fate could override your will.
maybe you blackout and cheat on them because you didn't deal with your inner demons, and you're left wandering the earth having once known the Garden.

but, this is probably just a mid/unattractive guy phenomenon. a hard 9 or 10 isn't going to be longing for long.

have passion for dental arches, blood, pain, raw meat, cannibalism, I want to bite bite bite bite bite bite bite bite, I need someone to love me so I can bite.
When you said you wanted me inside you...I didn't know you meant literally in your stomach.
Who knows? Maybe I want both, I want, people show love in different ways, I’ll devour you little by little, don’t worry
Yeah I guess I can deepstroke while you're eating my hands that's cool.
this isnt paranormal anon :(

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Werewolves is anti-dogman propaganda. Why they hate these dudes this much and making them scary? Are they the lost tribe of judah?
Dogman is Sasquatch's handler. Dogman sits back, salivating, and sends in lil' bro to throw rocks and scare hunters in le woods.
Sounds like a based lifestyle desu
Because the powers that be want people to be too afraid of dogmen to interact with them and learn about their origins. Why? Some bullshit glowie counterintelligence nonsense I guess, they actually put a lot of effort into things that don't really profit them.

That isn't to say that dogmen aren't potentially dangerous.

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Is microdosing shrooms making me retarded or based ?
I don't care about anything...
Feels kinda okay meh
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What about those who are based in Earth?
Yes, and to no surprise, it turns out that sub-threshold doses have no effects, almost as if that’s how we defined doses in the first place or something
Also there have been clinical trials now that also found no effect whatsoever from microdosing
take more
megadose every weekend like did

my eyesight become better
my penis grows daily
i have many psychic abilities
to add to this
it lead me to do yoga and meditation regularly
that was the real breakthrough
you must be consistent

also certain foods i began to abstain from
i dont want to introduce toxins to my body so i end up eating mostly fruit and vegetable
Holy shit a Tapper reference.

Does anyone on this board even vidi this frood?

The streetlight is still on, but some of my spiders came back. So in a way, part of the magic worked.
I still want the light itself to die, though.

That's way it goes, isn't it? My concern was for my spiders, but the spiders are OK, even if the light is still on. Cause and effect were broken.
~̴̵̶̷̸̡̢̧̨̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̣̤̥̦̩̪̫̬̭̮̯̰̱̳̹̺̻̼͇͈͉͍͎̀́̂̃̄̆̇̈̉̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̽̾̿̀́͂̓̈́͆͊͋͌̕̚ how can I help you defeat the street lights? Did you know wizard hats are attributed to Odin's hat which made him invisible to men?
Not sure. I know we need it to be a rational reason for the light to go out. I'm hoping maybe it just fries itself. That's not too far from a rational thing that could happen. Maybe, like the spiders, the solution is for me to leave, in which case I'd need somewhere to move to that's equivalent to where I am now (I'd bring all my planters with the spiders).

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I just finished reading "Advanced Magick for beginners" of Alan Chapman and decided to take this seriously, i'm planning on reading "Liber Null" now and keep studying different authors, i've made a few experiments but only one of them gave minor results, can somebody please tell me what books should i pick first, excersices like yoga, diets, or any general tips for improving, also if you have any experiences manifesting things, i'd like to listen to your stories.
Also this is my booklist so far, don't really know where to start with this hobby, as i said, i just have seen very little results so far, am i wasting my time?
That was my introduction to magick as well! The next book I read to go deeper was Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley. Next I read Psychic Self-defense by Dion Fortune so I would know how to handle any dangers I might encounter on my path.

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Somenthing good and big will happen in the world in the next 24 hours.
I can feel it in my bones.
Keep this thread alive until then so we can notice it together.
The countdown starts... NOW!
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Make it happen. I believe in you.
The biggest lesson I learned today is that you should never give up on having great things on your life because you you think they are too hard or require too much work or too much luck.
A LOT of things are actually a LOT more reachable than you think. Just keep acting towards the direction of your gols, and every single obstacle will reveal itself to you as an illusion when you get closer. One step at a time, every obstacle vanishes. You just gotta keep taking steps until you get there. The path is easier and shorter than you think.
>Nothin happened
lmao fucking retard
And nothing have happened, AS USUAL.
What happened?
What do you mean?
Read this: >>38387123

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