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Never forget the highest truth of all: You're living in the material world
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>you need to retain semen!
>enlightenment is the way!
>jesus is the only god!
>this reply a psyop!
>"anon, we've come to gift you with..."
AGES universo parole. Zoll 多数 혀, 但 ال שפה

Well done

Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know. Keep your mouth closed. Guard your senses. Temper your sharpness. Simplify your problems. Mask your brightness. Be at one with the dust of the earth. This is primal union.

He who has achieved this state
Is unconcerned with friends and enemies, with good and harm, with honour and disgrace. This therefore is the highest state of man.
Just breathe deeply for a while don't pay some youtube slut to tell you that while wearing yoga pants
thanks apu i'll save it for taylor

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In what ways and which methods work best for you anons? Any and all insights are appreciated.

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Is it normal for DMT Jesters to laugh at you when you're taking a shit? They kept laughing and telling me to eat it while I was tripping then they called me "no fun" because I kept saying no... Why were the DMT Jesters trying to convince me to eat my own shit?
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Nigger those are fucking demons
I mean I wasn't quite embarrassed or anything I just sorta brushed them all off and kept shitting as they were chanting "eat it, eat it"
Maybe they just assumed they could trick you into eating it.
Was this your first time doing DMT and encountering Jesters? They might've thought you were an easy target.
I think a bigger question is why were you taking a shit while doing DMT?
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Why can DMT reveal earthly spirits of the aerial realm, but not heavenly spirits? What drug lets you converse with the Gods as an Oracle?

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Watching clips from Charls Carroll's old livestreams he did a few years ago really helped me. He may be playing a character sometimes but I still find his theories to be interesting and his mentality towards life very positive and inspirational to me.

What I want to know, is how did he learn about all this stuff? I want to go deeper into whatever philosophy he has. I want to understand better.
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Based indeed. He somehow hit the boundary between esoteric & schizo and lived to tell the tale

He's a fucking pseud schizo who has no fucking idea what he's saying 90% of the time
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wtf did I just watch?
you watched something good
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Schizo is term that normie throw around because cannot understand for they have no inner life, Chuck was a master of reflecting this inner life into reality for all to see or at least to those who can see.

What does this symbol represent?
i dunno
Shem HaMephorash: the 42 letter name of God?
Oh nvm
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There are 37 sections in total: 37 is the fourth star number. Also 37/73 = primes.

Spotted in Southern California.

It materialized, remained stationary, glimmered, and rotated for a short while, then disappeared into nothing.

It was fairly high up.

>Pink Pentagon UFO II
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there is another object up and to the left
Okay now this is actually some weird shit. Though it would've been a good idea to record it.
it disappeared the second i turned on the video mode
i saw three objects this evening, and all three of them disappeared the second i turned on the video mode, this object was photographed by accident

What is the Great Solar Flash?
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critique pending... ?
Yes either a seething vaxxie or some troll has been spamming this forever now.
It's the next big psyop we're manifesting.
I'm taking cash in exchange for my silence.
: Sorry I'm EARLY.

The sun will slowly take off its outer lair to reveal a giant fiery cock erected full of love that its going to fuck the earth with while the cucked demiurge only gets to sit and watch while it copes and seethes.

Captcha: Y00V

is it possible to utilize esoteric means to levitate/achieve flight without machines? not counting falling/gliding/bungee jumping like picrel. also discounting lucid dreaming
no, flying is just an extended jump. it is not real, nasa lied to you anon. take the longjumppill and one day you will understand the truth
Psychokinesis is proven to exist. It would just be a matter of using pk on your own body.
It's called lifting your bootstraps
Try it
Alternatively, instead of trying to generate large force to lift your body, you learn how to partially phase out of existence enough that your mass becomes minuscule and flight becomes a matter of catching a slight breeze.
Bees fly by vibrating to change their electromagnetic equilibrium against the air (which is what "gravity" actually is) Tibetan monks can do this and you can too, but you couldnt use it to actually fly somewhere. There are accounts of sami shamans going into a trance state and sending their spirit of our their body to fly somewhere and retrieve an object from far away. How you do this I have no idea.

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>Book Recommendations

>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time] [Whole Sign House]
https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online [recommended site]

>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

previous >>38332117
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A friend of mine who studies chinese astrology said this year would be good for me. Is he right?
By no means EVER use chatgpt for chart readings. It’s not accurate at all. It can’t even time planets right. Ask it the last time mars was in pisces or any planet it will always give you the wrong answer. So cringe you would even say this
Why pay an astrologer when AI can quite literally summarize your chart? So sorry but it's over for you astrofags. Mine was quite accurate, no need to ask arrogant anons to read my chart ;)

My Mars is in Cancer and it says I am driven to help my family which is quite accurate and I've been working as a wagecuck to support them.
No, it isn’t accurate at all, like i just said. You could test this yourself easily, ask it any time frame it can’t even properly calculate it.

You could ask it what a person with sun opposite venus would be like and it would give you a full description even though it’s impossible for the sun and venus to be opposite
Its accurate astrofag. Asked it about family an shit be spot on in my life. I do have Venus sextile Sun and it told Im social and charming shit is liteurally me thats why I dont ask in these boards. Anons be despicable assholes

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>ask AI to generate just an image of the Twin Towers
>it adds a bunch of Statues of Liberty doing satanic poses
What does the AI know that we don't It definitely feels paranormal. Ghost in the machine?

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I know nothing of computer science beyond basic java, what is the difference between an application and a program? Is a program like a singular executable thing while an application is a group of programs accessible through an interface or something?
That anon is just a Capricorn trying to teach people "an app is not a program!"
They like picking out two synonyms and explaining to you how they mean different things.
I don't know why but this post makes me want to have intense spiritual sex with you.

>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat vocal)


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That's already my tulpa. Rather, my three tulpas.
The first one mainly represents my ego, though she also has an element of the superego.
The second one mainly represents my superego, though it has elements of the ego.
The third one is probably representative of the id. I say "probably" because none of us have seen it yet. I suspect it lives in my spinal cord. My second tulpa crawled out of my spinal cord during a mushroom trip, and we suspect there's one more guy in there hidden from view.
>none of us have seen it yet. I suspect it lives in my spinal cord.
What the fuc-
>My second tulpa crawled out of my spinal cord during a mushroom trip
You know that, carry on. I don't really have anything to say
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That's fine, anon. I'll admit there was some purposeful design on my part.
You see, I'm experimenting with using my tulpas to channel the innermost thoughts of my right brain. That great inner empire of the subconscious. I'm told of my innermost thoughts (or, at the very least, what they probably look like) and my tulpas and I sort it out. It's been going fine so far, I guess.
>How gay is it to create a tulpa that functions as an alter ego?
idk, how gay are method actors or puppeteers or just people in the video industry who have chrs?
Fred Rogers would sometimes switch to that witch puppet chr personality when he was displeased. i know very little abt Rogers' stuff (mainly that tiger puppet w the watch is very, very very dirty these days), but it was known he'd sometimes let a chr front. i can only imagine watching that.
method actors in general switch to alt personalities when under stress. it's also standard practice to have altars in the celebrity performer field.

what is the meaning of the number 23? Does 32 have the same meaning?
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The only problem I have with serial killer anon is how he undermines what Jim did to his girlfriend which is the most blatant display of Jim's true nature. Like how can you take the most obvious evidence out there and trivialize it and then push your numerology nonsense over that.

Jim is knowingly violent. I can't post the messages without fear of getting sued yet but someone confirmed to me that he hit a woman and she was too afraid to go to the press because he controls the tabloids. I have absolutely no reason to lie.

There was a podcast interview with serial killer theory anon a few years ago that seems to have vanished from the internet. Did any of you keep a copy?
Interesting. Is Howard Stern involved in this? He occasionally talks about TM and has gone on record as trying to teach other celebrities about it.
I'm not sure how deep stern is, but I know David lynch and Jim seem to be very into it. Jim spoke at their university, and lynch has a foundation that encourages people to learn TM.

I have heard that there are "upper level" buildings at MUM (TM's university) that only high ranking members can enter.
23 is a prime number, whereas 32 is 2^5, so they are not the same

February 3rd is Capricorn. Sidereal calendar actually accounts for the precession of the equinox. Western/Tropical astrology is a psyop.

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Does he do this periodically?

The Mayans say we are in the 5th world right now
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There’s no way you’re a human because matrix 4 sucked ass, and no one liked it, let alone recommends it.
Enlil is not a nice or cooperative god, he's too much like YHWH! I think he is YHWH!!
And the book was classified by the CIA. Heathenry does not disqualify him from possessing immense worldly knowledge
>matrix 4 sucked ass
it sucked ass to those who don't realise it's a commentary on real life. it sucked ass to those normies whom only compared it to previous movies.. "muh continuity".. "what's the plot? wtf it's so complex" "wtf i cannot understand this meta commentary.. neo is making his own matrix game?"

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My worldview is basically a mix of shaivism and gnosticism and just a little Christianity. What about Buddhism specifically Mahayana, should I follow it? Why, why not? Is my current path good? Thank you.
Pay your taxes anon

I know everything that is to know. Through my third eye. Ask me anything regarding the spiritual or other important stuff. I am sure I can help you :) And besides, I've read all the gnostic scriptures available online and also the Shiva rahasya Purana the most important text in shaivite Hinduism. And several Mahayana sutras.
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Let me ask a more precise question. How do I get bit by a vampire and survive? What are the steps I need to take to make that scenario likely?
Go to your local freemason temple and say you are a virgin
No idea. America should have a lot of vampires probably the mideast the most. But it's so rare still that you will never get the chance to be bitten and survive even if you do get bitten.
I don't suppose you know anything about traveling to other universes? Like if I had a specific one in mind and wanted to take someone with me? Thank you, and I hope for the best for those here and elsewhere.
Yeah, the biggest issue I can think of is that even if I do somehow get in contact with a vampire, there's no way to guarantee they wouldn't just kill me or thrall me, if that's even a thing. They'd probably have no reason to turn me

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