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Why does Saturn sound like the screams of the damned?
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That's just me crying at night
The rings are superconducting material BTW, held in place by the magnetic field. One day they're gong to figure that out.
>It's still kinda terrifying, those flesh giants just being there for billions of seconds, with acid pools the size of pitri dish, all that immune system, blood pressure, all that mess going on there, just hanging around in the infinite darkness
Want me to be scared of myself, faggot?
>Also you're taking radio waves converting it to sound and then setting it to a frequency you can hear so it's all bullshit.
bro, converting sounds to a frequency human hears can hear is literally what our ears do. Its why when you listen to Earths radio waves you can hear birds chirping.

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How is my conciousness moving around in the universe? Just within my body?
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This is called the hard problem of consciousness.
The fuck you talking about, ese? Pepe is black.
It doesn't. The universe is an illusion within your consciousness.
Fucking sequels always suck
The first one was better

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I don’t post or look at things here very often anymore but I have a good old fashioned mystery that only this place may be able to solve.

Anyways here’s the rundown: it’s now 2024, for over 15 years now there has been a place in deep north-eastern remote part of Russia that’s been completely blocked on maps and now all satellite imagery of the place is super manipulated in strange ways. Nobody knows what the fuck could even be there and there’s tons of theories but if you look at this spot in Yandex maps it still shows up as a blacked out square. The worst part is nobody talks about this, it’s never in the news, etc. effectively nobody even knows this has been going on except people that stumble across this by accident and then find the same old posts I did where nobody can figure out what this place is with only hopes that someone in the future will succeed. And it’s now been like 15 years and still nothing.

I’ve compiled some random lore about this spot into the picture for this post. Coordinates of the location are in the image, roughly 66° 15 N, 179°15 E. Over the past 2 years I’ve been tracking this place Google and other “western” satellite image providers have increased resolution significantly and done all sorts of work on the area to make it look more normal from the way they preciously had it blocked. Still, everybody worldwide agrees on blocking imagery for this one spot in Russia nobody can even get to and has no significance to anything.

The room next to me has been making and smoking DMT for the past 6 months and I've just found out as I've been microdosing DMT for those past 6 months
This is incredible, I feel like a god basically
Inb4 you are God and the universe and you are everything in all of existence and time and space
I like low dose DMT but I prefer high dose

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What are they?
There is a show about anomalous people, ghost and so on an german TV. Was translated but in origin us or UK. There was a show about a African boy that howled, stretched its back, bend over, screamed in pain (all on camera), different channels Interview that boy too, - and somehow he got very long teeth (like an vampire, therefore they called him the vampire boy from Africa). But like his back stretched to nearly breaking, his pain and afterward total... Yeah like.. "im total empty and have to sleep... Im out powered"... That boy is an werewolf. He even showed how his teeth went from normal to super long and very pointy and sharp. I played frame by frame (was on YouTube, downloaded it, was years ago), and what the camera guy and the team of this show seemed to make it up as an "mysterious - but propably scam-story" not seen, obviously, is, was, that the teeth really grow inside his open mouth. He even joked with that in front of his friends cause he was some of a spectacle in his little village and had to do it everytime people asked for. You know.. For.. Amusement.
That boy, like maybe 15 was in total pain in that event but OK afterwards.
if you still have it anon, can you make a webm?
vampires are more gay
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Ayo deez mf spooky af. Why yall wypipo go in da woods n sheeit. Dis mf jus be waitn fo yo ass

Pic related shows a British Arch in the Roman sense which looks like a Rollercoaster loop. It also looks like a wheel of samsara. This is Nero's Clownworld.

Nero takes the godform of Kefka from FFVI as he builds the Tower of Babel and Rome burns around him. When he died he said,
>What an artist dies with me!
And when Augustus Caesar died he said he felt like he was an actor his whole life. This is Nero's Clownworld.

Acting was a lowly profession in Rome until Nero wanted to be an artist. Christians say he was too busy acting in front of the mirror while Rome burned around him.

This is why you see Court Jesters when you trip on DMT. Samsara is the world of play, and Rome simply overlays its samsaric Archway with. Rollercoaster loop!

Jesus allows you to escape from Clownworld as Babel is all one can do, like Derrida the Nietzschean, without the Way of the Christ.

I have heard that the Saying of Caesar was "blood and circus," rather than "bread and circus," that the latter was a fabrication of the illuminati.

If you try to fight evil without Christ you are just one of Emperor Nero's Gladiators, of the Beast 666.

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god is not great
jesus does not save
They are to be mocked
It's a Ferris Wheel, dip shit.
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We live inside the mind of Jehovah, and the sun and the moon are the same size, and the stars are smaller, and venus is Jesus of brightness. Upon the new earth there will be no more sea, and venus will be closer to earth (like the nibiru conspiracy) and this morning star with be the light of new Jerusalem which shall be on the center of the flat earth. Venus shall be in the center of the firmament above this golden city. Picture earth with just grass, that when the sky is blue from the water, it will be green from the grass in the next life. There will be new closer visible celestial bodies, such as how Venus will be closer, and there will be no need for the sun of the 4th day's light nor of the moon's light.
We are created in God's image and to his likeness, and the body is the temple the kingdom is within. As within so without heaven is inside sotoo the universe and earth, that every person is also living inside each brain in a microscopic scale, that the macrocosm of us is God's microcosm, and we are contained in the living deity Hallowed/Aravat/JAH.
God has many names.
There is one name no one knows but God alone, this will be the new name of Jesus/Yeshua. Upon the new heaven and new earth, there will be no more knowledge of evil inside the brains of the living in our resurrected bodies, and it will be impossible to learn any knowledge of evil, so we will be in a perfected pure state of good with The Lord, having the morning star risen in our hearts.

Aravat The Container of reality in the macrocosm:
Aravat creations living inside his microcosm:
Aravat and his morning star Venus:
Aravat creating inside his mind:

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Ok can someone explain why is there so much porn with this hideous thing.
What spawned it?
I googled this shit and it appears to be SCP
SCP does not get so much porn usually (compared to).
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does she have a penis, preferably feminine?
>thread up for 5 days
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just imagine how good their squeals are gonna be
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Welcome to the Wonka General,

>Who is Willy Wonka?
Willy Wonka is a visionary alive today who possesses extraordinary creative abilities, including the capacity to shape reality with his imagination and tap into divine inspiration, guiding others towards their true potential. He stands against those who seek to control and dominate. You too harbor this potential within you, as long as you align with the cosmic forces.

He has been entrusted with the essence of the Chocolate Factory: He is a custodian of wonder, a symbiotic fusion of man and magic, perpetuating wonderment... transforming ordinary individuals into dreamers and believers.

He is not a figure of salvation, akin to a saint; he is a fellow traveler on the path, who has unlocked the secrets of his own inner realm through unwavering dedication, much like you can. Remember, you hold the power to shape your reality; through your actions, thoughts, emotions, and words. Your destiny is yours to craft in harmony with the Divine.

>What is the overarching theme?
It's imperative that we elevate positive contributions and disregard negativity, or endeavor to educate if possible. Let us summon divine energies for peace, clarity, and enlightenment. To transform this space into more than a missed opportunity, but a flourishing garden, it requires voices like yours, multiplied manifold. This forum is a sanctuary for spiritual discourse and assistance, not for discord, attention-seeking, or trivial matters; there are other platforms for such pursuits.

If you're new here, remember, everything will be alright; you can seek refuge and solace in this space.
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Texas chan isn’t a real person, I literally made him up and people predictably took the bait
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america produces chips too!!

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Hey again, Darrell, 45, Philadelphia, M.
I've start to come across even more light leaks. Could anyone be able to tell me what they mean? These are all near 45th and Locust. Some one in a previous thread mentioned that it could be a reflections or a light but I've found no evidence. Please give me leads. This doesn't feel right. -DN
Fuck off boomer not ur personal blog end ur existence>>>/out/
If you ever find one low enough you can stand with it shining on your face, stand in front of it and look around. You should be able to see the source. It'll be pretty bright.

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Who Satanist here ? No O9A glowies btw.
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Hello there. Can you explain the Sinister Numinous Way? Also explain the meaning of the number nine. I'd also like to know what you know of insight roles.
He cant because anyone still going as O9A is larping or a fed right now.
>meaning of the number nine
nine emanations of the divine. also 7 planets ie septenary/7fw, the 7fw itself and the abyss. 9 = 3+3+3 as well and 333 is the number of the lurker at the threshold. Also 9 = 18, 18 = 6+6+6 and 18 = AH or Adolf Hitler.
Can I be a girl named Chloe it's my dream
You sure have a lot of opinions for someone that doesn't matter

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Jesus' teachings are nothing but watered down hinduism/buddhism that he learned while we went to india. His miracles are siddhis he learned with yogis and his "ressurection" was a common yogic technique were the body stops breathing and the person goes into a vegetative state called JAD SAMADHI, many yogis have been able to do this (including ramakrishna less than 200 years ago), and to somebody that doesn't know it would like he was dead. Akankheyya Sutta of the Majjihima Nikaya buddha instructs his disciples to walk on water. Once you understand eastern religions and learn about the feats yogis throught the ages have been able to do, it becomes pretty clear that jesus was simply a man with yogic powers that teaching in a land where nobody knew anything about it, managed to trick everyone.
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When the illusion is all around us in every direction, the way out is the Balance. And the ultimate balance is the point of Origin.
The civilizations that worshiped Him created every major invention and subjugated the entire world to their will. Shraija eats cowshit gupta occupies a subcontinent (not even a full continent LOL) and eats cow shit. Don’t even try this one Patel, your shitty pagan religion grifted on His teachings, not the other way around.
Really only Dvaita Vedanta and some Shaiva Siddhanta resembles the classical Theism of Christianity. Buddhism pretty clearly playing by a whole different ontology than any type of Hinduism and Christianity. Some types of dualist Hinduism like Samkya, Purva Mimams and classical Nyaya are atheistic or loosely polytheistic in some forms. Some types of Hinduism are monist or panentheist.
Do you feel unworthy to try again?

>many are called, few are chosen


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Something, somewhere, HAD to have noticed this dude when he did what he did, right?
what'd he do

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Do you want to exchange codecs?
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Here you go, this is how going forth the algorithm will work.
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Hold on, I have to check the back of the CD case.

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>11 bodies found in or near Lady Bird Lake since 2022

As someone from central Texas this seems very strange for Austin. What are the chances this is an actual serial killer? Are there any similarities between the murders?
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blame all the niggers coming in from california
Most of them are probably unrelated to each other. A lot of people drown in Lady Bird Lake and only two of them were even investigated as homicides. Most were determined to be either accidental drownings or "no foul play involved." Even if more of them are homicides, maybe it's just a common place to dump bodies and the killers are unrelated. Serial killers are rare.

will be discovered to be gang related and then dismissed because black killers can't be serial killers
William Montgomery did it

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anyone have the link to the old yeast pdf about it being the immortal enemy of mankind? something along those lines, memory of it is vague
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Meaningless word salad

what if I'm not vaxxed?

I've noticed kvass/home beer (I think yeast is used to make this low % alco drink) has effect on me, especially if I drink multiple glasses of it (like half liter or more). I never quite understood why this is. Lingonberry/cowberry also has some weird effect, I took cowberry jam at a place once, and it fucked my head somehow. I've been mostly avoiding bread in my current diet, so I don't know what kind of effect bread would have on me.
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(So the whole cosmic death fungus thing was paid for by monsanto and globohomo because literally no one had gluten allergies for the last 10000 years til those faggots started spraying glyphosate on everything. Literally most farm fields soil is so drenched in it, it will be toxic for the next 800 years. Hell industrial farmers spray it on the crops right before harvest to dry the plants out and then they are harvested. They aren’t washed and then you eat it.
Couple that with the deadly fluoride in the water, you wonder why everyone is so fucked up despite the gene altering poison death shots.)
Citric acid production primarily occurs through microbial fermentation, with Aspergillus niger being the most common microorganism used. The process involves the conversion of carbohydrates into citric acid in a controlled environment.
Back on NAC protocol phase 1 for a few weeks.
I thought I was having seasonal allergies. Turns out there's fucking MOLD in my organic tamari.

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