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To improve willpower? According to papers cited by Huberman, delieberately doing things that one doesn't want to do grow brain parts responsible for willpower and tenacity, mainly anterior midcingulate cortex.
How about using pain (without hurting self) to achieve the same effect?
If after a while you grow to love cold showers, working out etc. they stop improving your willpower. But pain always sucks (if your not a masochist)
This is paranormal because I recall Crowley doing something similiar, and He had complete control over his drug usage.
Also all meditation regimens etc. are pointless without willpower to follow them.
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Why pain? Just fast. Takes forever to get used to it. Willpower necessary for that is fucking astounding.
deliberately causing yourself pain or harm is stupid and a bad idea
I don't know how I got the idea, but as a young kid I would poke myself with needles and would think "anything constant can be zeroed" until I couldn't feel the pain. Not sure if that says anything to you.
Self flagellation is a spiritual thing apparently.

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Last night, while exploring Kur, I encountered a new female entity of immense power. Looks like pic related, but with sharper teeth, orange eyes that didn't have close/have eyelids, and an association with water and children. It seems a lot of new powerful beings are appearing to keep up with the changes of the world and the death of the old archons. Have any of you guys discovered any?
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They are fierce and many rampage, but none are targeted in malice unless provoked. This entity's malice was permeating even before I taunted it. And again, one can feel the divinity of even the fiercest of the mahavidyas, at least comparatively to this entity. I'll look at them deeper, but the connotations and aura do not match.
you might not recognize properly what is so hard to unserstand you might see malice where there is not actualy. because it seems that way from your limited perspective
No, I can largely tell the two apart. The two auras were completely different. This was completely removed from hindu divinity. This entity was outwardly "evil", although I am remis to use that term as it isn't accurate, but I lack a more appropriate one. It was too powerful for any hindu demon, either, which is why I am leaning towards a lacking connection to hinduism. Shintoism felt closer, but not quite. This was a bit of a new feeling, which I'm not used to.
Was it that guy who replies every so often and people freak out, jerk him off, and compare him to that white haired faggot from Jujutsu Kaisen?
Maybe? Can't think of anyone else that could have done it, but I'm sure there's someone. I'm not as versed on people as I am entities, [powerful or not.

Last night I had a dream where I became something like a magical martial arts master (like an anime power system) and had the knowledge of a lot of techniques.
While in dream I lost completely any memory of my existence in this world.
As my eyes began to open every thing I ever know in that dream fade away all I got now is a foggy memory about it.
So I was wondering dose reincarnation work like that ? cuz I forgot completely my current existing but I still hold something that defines me I fealt it within me is that the core of consciousness?
If it's then dose that mean the consciousness keeps existing even if the person woke up from a coma against the saying that a new consciousness emerge?

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Got hooked up with a vape pen. What should I expect?
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Please report back if thread is still up after you do it
>he could feel every second of the 6 billion years pass
The fact that he didn't forget how to speak English is proof that his perception warped significantly. It's like when I play a difficult song on Stepmania and two minutes feels like ten, because playing on a pad makes it feel like forever. Your foot fire drills always feel slow no matter how fast you go.
Practice deep breathing beforehand
High ambient humidity will help, might use a small humidifier
Have a glass of water on standby
Lower the vaping temp to 175°C if possible
Do not hit blinkers, overcooked DMT is one of the harshest vapors you can experience
Force that extra hit if reality has not completely melted away at the end
Western boy dream
Yes. Stop watching anime and playing Valorant till 3 in the morning and you won’t need the shit.
Secret societies are the gayest bunch of asshole huffers in human history and their opinion on the use of drugs in the aid of spiritual experience should mean dick to you.
Tastes of moth balls kind of like the inside of a vacuum bag and very bitter
Giant upward reaching pillar of light surrounded by stars

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Post some good ones you have
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lol i didnt read that one more than a few lines. something to do with cartoons showing stuff
thats what i think mars is and what this planet will be
i dont know what it was but somethig happened there, probably wars
and same shit will happen here
i've heard thats what happened to all the planets in our system more of less
you guys like to blame the "jews" "illuminati" "masons"
sure there bad but we are too. why our "leaders" keep getting assasinated, killed, etc? cuz we suck
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How would one become a shapeshifter or a werewolf? Methods? There must be something.
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this guy fucks kids
you should tip the fbi
Nobody will ever give you a straight answer. Read Robert Bruce's books, try the techniques therein, then see if you can discover it for yourself.
Oh, and screenshot this post and divine my identity, so we can talk about this later. Bye.

Does idolatry really make Him angry?
If I stop loving money and masturbating, will God love me back?
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You seem very nice. I am sure God already likes you a lot and thinks very well of you, Anon.
Just wanted to say anon I believe you can find happiness and joy. Others to connect with and help you can receive. Adventures to be had and dreams to follow. I hope for the best for you, and others as well. This message applies to others too.
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See: >>37720841

Put down the chicken wings n come to jihad bro.

72 virgins await.
i think somehow learning to have permenant thoughts would please God as God is eternal. People that change due to circumstance or yet to be had perspectives would come across as finicky and unreliable to God.
Retards will say this and then act like a magic sky daddy turning literal dust and clay into horses isn't more out there. If evolution is nonsensical, then how the fuck do you rationalize creation myths to yourself? You think literal magic is more probable? Lmfao.

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It's fucking real dude. I dunno jack about the quantum part, but what I'm sure is that you shift timelines or something to avoid fatal accidents, suicide, and even events that "end your life" in a metaphorical way.
It's like a game where you just load the last save point when you die or fail the objective. It's also been my hunch and experience that "dying" transfers you to more unlikely worlds since you'd have to find a one which you survive and the world around you becomes increasingly weird and unpredictable
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I constantly get dreams where I end up dying, time later i recognize similar scenarios where I was in danger (irl) but nothing really happens, makes me think Death is actually a ilusion of Maya, like everything else...
Makes sense 'cuz Svadhishthana is blocked when you Fear.
What I hate is that there have been a few close calls on my life and then there have to be worlds out there where I died in retarded ways. I'd hate for my parents to live through that.
According to the heart sutra when you see thru Maya there is no life and no cessation of life
It's 100% real. I've died a bunch of times and yet I'm still here.
ITT: glowies try to get schizos to kill themselves

Should I be scared bros? What the fuck happens here? No one will tell me what the Masons even do.
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Faggot, I'll kill any mason irl
How do u know they don't know shit? I went to a video of masons getting exposed and they always comment angrily on how it's sacred and how the ritual is ruined due to it having to have been kept sacred
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They built many of the Protestant churches.
>No one will tell me what the Masons even do.
We self-deify.

Here's a secret: "Central Intelligence Agency" is a pun about the pineal gland.
>inb4 LARP
Okay GM, you tell me how I prove I'm a mason to non-masons. Non-masons wouldn't know the signs.
>what makes you a mason?
>my obligation
I live near a Masonic temple that’s all boarded up and the windows are broken. Seems like masons don’t have much bricks to build or something

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what does it mean?
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:DD damn I should've saved the image!! Listen, Anon, it's a Z not an N.
Glory to Azov!

>nein nein nein
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Glory to the SS larpers? Ok

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I have grappled with various esoteric traditions and their respective practices, but to no avail. Alchemy, celibacy, energy work, yoga, and pranayama meditation being among the ones I deeply delved into. As a result of that, my head is completely frazzled and I don't know whether to continue down those lanes or just start anew with something else that is also likely not going to yield any tangible results.
I am truly grasping at straws here, is there one practice that you could say you owe your entire life to? Personally, the closest thing to that in my life is celibacy because it brought about tremendous mental and physical change but it hit a plateau a while back so the effects wore off. Any input is welcome
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That faggot will never elaborate, so don't bother.
Magic takes place in the subtle realm. Unless you're in a trance-state (or are permanently in a heightened state of awareness) you aren't going to see spirits manifest in front of you.
It's real for sure, but you need time to learn it, and you need to overcome the wills of others.
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CIA confirmed remote viewing and placebo to be real. Humans still have weak souls overall but keep trying
Osho's observation of the mind gave me a satori experience. i experienced the entire universe as empty, yet full of a stardust like quality, what enlightened people like Tony Parsons call empty-fullness. I was completely empty as well, and that same stardust quality permeated my being. The universe and me were made out of the same stuff, and only a thin layer seperated me from the rest of existence. I think that if that layer had been penetrated I would have been enlightened in that moment. It lasted about ten seconds. It only took ten minutes of conscious effort (and a slight bit of embarrassment) for an ego death to happen. So I would recommend that.
Other than that, it's my understanding that many anons summon succubi with the letter method. If you wanna do something "magickal" you can probably do that, but be warned, they say the succubus thing is permanent.

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Do any other anons with Aspergers/Autism feel like they have a special connection to god and that, possibly, in general God treasures neurodivergent people more than normies? Or is this just a narcissistic autistic delusion?

I have felt a deep connection to God, and though I sin and will continue to sin, I ask for forgiveness and work to stop it. I feel he can see the good in my thoughts and mind that nobody else is privy to. He sees that my inner thoughts and dialogue are pure and of kind spirit.(

On the other hand, I have been tormented by demons and satan for many years. Which I always thought this is because god treasures us good hearted autists deeply, and seeing that we become prime targets for demons which is why so many of us struggle in this world.

What are your thoughts? Maybe I’m just a retarded schizo idk, god bless you all.
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Constantly tripping.

Closer to the truth than you.
>o any other anons with Aspergers/Autism feel like they have a special connection to god and that
No, absolutely not
God bless you anon
Of course you are correct
>verification not required
I don't believe in God.
Why is there something instead of nothing?

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What does /x/ think about martyrdom?

72 virgins? Eternal torture for committing suicide? Eternal sleep because there is no afterlife? Other?

What are you supposed to do when you have a problem that cannot be solved by the established problem-solving mechanisms? If society is forcing you to kill yourself, shouldn’t you retaliate against the aggressor in your death?

Abrahamic religions promise eternal life, but I have never talked with the dead. If death means we get the opportunity to talk with God, why hasn’t Uncle Osama been able to persuade God to support Hamas?
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if you join my religion you can have 100 virgins thats more than islam
All men. All hairer and smellier than a bigfoot. All into penetrating other men.
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Daily reminder that the CIA did 9/11.

To glowfag lurkers, do not let your superiors tell you it was all the work of terrorists. The CIA perpetrated 9/11 against the American people to justify the launch multiple wars of aggression in the middle east, for the purpose of defense contractor profit.

That is the historical fact. And yes, those brave souls that died resisting the terrorist American’s occupation were rewarded with virgins.
I think this is the right thread.
>What does /x/ think about martyrdom?
I believe that like with pretty much any other form of death, it will simply amount to a later judgment.
Since this is still on topic, what do YOU think that will follow to yourself after YOU die? Here is what I can think up as possible:
Boring, but if so I assume it implies that consciousness is bound to the body. It also implies that artificial life is possible.
If so memories are not kept, or there is another possible worlds. Which begs the question, is there a shared pool of 'souls' across worlds?
>transportation to another plane
This one branches to many possibilities (mine included of final judgment). If we live in a simulation, then I assume that it will be the point where one returns to 'reality'. Hell and heaven also fits there. Spirits realm too.
So, what are your bets? Am I missing other possibilities?

is it over for him?
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Nah, the grift never ends
He'll live a comfortable life talking in UFO conventions, and appearing from time to time in History Channel, or Coast to Coast
If we're talking about the podcast, I don't think he's correct on most stuff but his 'opponent' was a manufactured person. I can't pin it down to one thing but he reeked of plastic.
He came into the discussion in bad faith, he had no intention of actually examining evidence from the other side and just wanted to preach the establishment doctrine pounded into his head throughout college and his career. He couldn't even answer simple questions in a straightforward way, everything he said was full of weasel words and preemptive defenses so he could wiggle out of any corner he found himself in. Every time he was presented photos or anything he just laughed at it and demanded to know if there was establishment consensus before he would even weigh in his own personal opinion. Dude was slimy as fuck.
I hope Netflix gives him a second season, but it all depends on how much money they need to launder

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Why does Saturn sound like the screams of the damned?
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That's just me crying at night
The rings are superconducting material BTW, held in place by the magnetic field. One day they're gong to figure that out.
>It's still kinda terrifying, those flesh giants just being there for billions of seconds, with acid pools the size of pitri dish, all that immune system, blood pressure, all that mess going on there, just hanging around in the infinite darkness
Want me to be scared of myself, faggot?
>Also you're taking radio waves converting it to sound and then setting it to a frequency you can hear so it's all bullshit.
bro, converting sounds to a frequency human hears can hear is literally what our ears do. Its why when you listen to Earths radio waves you can hear birds chirping.

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