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What is going to happen on the 15th-16th of this month?
>multiple remote viewers see some kind of craft / UFO crashing and causing destruction
>some kind big of questioning regarding what the object was
>involves the secret space program
We are close enough that the timeline should be set. What will we see on these days?
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>glance up then shrug
yeah that's my opinion on this prediction too
Well nothing happened that matched the description given. See y'all next time, when we hope for something (fucking anything, please) to happen again. Mr bones wild ride continues.

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Has Chud Bluski ever been photographed?
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Chud Bluski race rarely goes out unless it's for paper or herbs
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Hail Chud Bluski
hes chvd pilled
how big do you think his dick is?
hail chud bluski

faggot bitch ganstalker sending me face signals onthe train today.
Stepped on his little faggot shoe when I was walking out.
He didn' react to it
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Ok well bro you need to take a live recording of yourself, with the emf sensor reading and all the relevant data as proof, and upload it to the Internet, send it to some news companies to ask for help. If you have actual solid proof maybe you can break this thing open and help other people who are in your position and make the public aware of this problem. People won't believe it until there's proper evidence
Are these apps even accurate?
Just carry a knife or gun everywhere you go. They can read minds and spy with all your electronics. They know you’re armed and they will leave you alone.(picrel. I haven’t posted in day but they always try to stop me from posting. Too bad I don’t care about them, their opinions, their gods and their awful generals.)
>not important enough
when u research spycops, zersetzung etc it becomes clear that unimportant people are targeted, even just for showing up to one or a few meetings of radical political groups etc.

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This persecution of pagan gods is recorded within the tarot, clearly showing the old pagan antler headed deities being subjugated by the new Christian depiction of the devil. Lucifers depiction as a horned creature with goat legs was an invention of medieval Christians and all its features were simply adopted from the pagan god of nature Pan. In my opinion the true demonic force was the Medieval Christianity which sought to cut off our connection to nature and demonize all the old gods. We have forgotten were we come from and today we fear and despise the things which our ancestors revered.

Earliest known depiction of lucifer portrayed as a blue angelic figure on the right. This predates the demonization of pagan deities

9th Century Christian Manuscript depicting Cerunnos as the ruler of the underworld

This rabbit hole doesn't end here. Look into it yourself and you will easily find how all pagan traditions and ideas were adopted and perverted by Christianity. Modern Christianity is a mix of ancient Judaism and Paganism and the Devil is the other Christian God
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The only real human sacrifice was that practiced by christians. Every thing else was propaganda made up by the christian authority.
It's a mix of deified real people and abstract spiritual concepts/principles and elementals/spirits/ancestor veneration/worship.
I think all gods are vampiric thought forms who feed off our worship and attention. To some this may be ok but for those who are trying to build up their personal energy it could be problematic.
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Tane (the god form of you and I) approves of this thread

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I can help you with any spiritual, mental, emotional or chakra problems you might have. I can also help train you for free in alchemy, occultism, magick or meditation.

The basis for success in all of these areas in my own personal experience and opinion is helping others at all costs.

If you need help- out what you need help with down below. Make sure to be as specific as possible and provide as many details as possible so I can help you the best. Do not comment under 2 or 3 sentences as it will only hinder you and me both.

If you want free 1 on 1 coaching on Discord, add me. Please don't add me if you aren't going to message me right away after sending the friend request. I have too many people to help and I don't have time to waste on those that don't need help right away. My discord is: quiet777333
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Go to discord and add

And here is the list of alawiteanon threads

1. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/36931222
2. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/36976168
3. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37023268
4. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37093515
5. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37134196
6. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37237392
7. https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37333243

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I love this guy
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When people see some things as beautiful,
other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good,
other things become bad.
Being and nonbeing create each other.
Difficult and easy support each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low depend on each other.
Before and after follow each other.
Therefore the Master
acts without doing anything
and teaches without saying anything.
Things arise and she lets them come;

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I think I'm in a dream and can't wake up. Things and people around are unreal
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Your subconscious has waken up to the fact that we've been living in demon world since 2020.
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Sirius dawg?
This is a good point
It is a dream. If you pay attention you can see it and it really psyches you out. It's honestly a frightening thing that you naturally kinda hide from. You run away from it because it is intense.
Shut up.

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There is a new video of what appears to be an old gray alien with skinny arms and a fat body hobbling along the streets of Romania.

He is so weak that he grabs the car when he's walking.

>old gray in romania
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he's looking for his gray walking stick
where's the original video? why a video of a video?
This looks real not fake
I fucking hate Romanians so much it's fucking unreal.
That's a barn jew, migrating

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I had a dream last night all these young people are dying from the vax. Not like now just a few but massive numbers everyday.
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>which is basically accepted by the public at this point
There is no narrative, having said that,

I had a dream that all these old people who did not fall into vax narrative getting healthy and vital and unusually divine!


>Do you actually think they had nothing to do with it?
given the fact that there is not actual evidence for the claim aside from them being evil, yes
There's also plenty of motive for them to have killed him, several holes in the official story they provided, and claims by Jack Ruby that the Warren Comission was doing shady shit to manipulate the narrative. Also the suspicious nature of Kack Ruby's death and his questionable motives for killing Lee Harvey Oswald.

There's also tons of schizos claiming to have been involved but those are probably bullshit.
Almost any modern conservative in the US(that isn't a politician) would say they think the CIA was involved.

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Everyone’s possessed right now. Did you catch it? It’s satan. I mean what the fuck can you do about this? Everyone in my life is controlled, EVERYONE.

Everyone’s too scared to do anything. I just had the dumbest possible situation transpire, it’s all scripted and fake. They hate when I call that out. Fuck your script.

So what do I do? Doesn’t seem like there’s much I can do considering everyone is controlled to this level. I’ve lost all my friends because they’re all being blackmailed by satan. I am the only real person in my world right now, no joke.

Been getting told I should take my eye out if I want to return to a less chaotic script. Thinking about just doing It, I have painkillers. I cover my eye and notice that things in me and out of me change.

So, who’s also being fed a nightmare life script? For me I am actually In hell, I don’t think you can understand that unless you too are there
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What are you talking about
I wouldn't worry too much about it.
1) dont take your eye out
2) look into the MACE energy system. Chances are you're being plagued by energy parasites. Get rid of those guys and see if life improves
me 2 i know exactly what you mean. i’ve been in hell for years actually, think i died in 18 and this is like the antechamber of hell.

Well Xbros I'm tired of being a damn dwarf I'm 1.68 and it's terrible girls will never look at you if you're a damn gremlin, you can be handsome, with a gym body, a good cut but they only look for someone tall, give me everything (spells, brews, alchemy, prayers) to grow.
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you get demons attached to you if you fuck wrong person, so you should maybe fuck only normal people.. and ideally not many hookers/casual sex in general is bad

people say he carries them grabbing them by the hips like a couple, and on at a uni party. People made jokes about him trying to become a dad
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>you can be handsome, with a gym body, a good cut but they only look for someone tall
Have you tried having a personality?
what age did you begin and finish puberty?
i’m 1m74 i’m rich, fit and even good looking in my face i can’t get a woman to go out with me to save my life (real one i mena not ugly). it’s life. internet porn and sadness on the menu.

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There’s a satanic murder cult in Midwest that kills healthy young white males
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>cope pic
You quite simply cannot separate the jewishness from your jewish religion, golem.
The opposite?

>There’s not a satanic murder cult in Midwest that kills healthy young white males

>There’s a satanic murder cult in Midwest that kills sickly young white males

>There’s a satanic murder cult in Midwest that kills healthy old white males

>There’s a satanic murder cult in Midwest that kills healthy young black males

>There’s a satanic murder cult in Midwest that kills healthy young white females

>There’s a satanic birth cult in Midwest that kills healthy young white males

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>Cope post
You quite literally cannot separate your head from your ass, browncel
>There’s a divine rescue group in the Northeast that saves sick old black females.
Sensible chuckle.gif
must not have many to choose from in this day and age

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All narratives born from dreams and general inattention don't seem to work.

All dreams are born out of inattention.

Living attention narrates things into life.
Condemnation or fear seems to kill attention.

be still and know you are God.
be still and find yourself attending....

keep it live frens.

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What makes someone special? What makes them stand out from a crowd? A 1 in 100?
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>>38388406 #
Depends on what they want and how they go about it.
2 special people can be completely different from each other.
A special person who prioritizes honesty will usually face far more opposition than one that doesn't though.
Having different motivations from the average person makes one harder to manipulate/read, and thus better at manipulating/reading others if they're willing to be dishonest.

This is why cult leaders face very little opposition in the early stages of their movement before they cause issues for the people in power, whereas people who do nothing but honestly declare their schizo beliefs will get shit on just for talking by large amounts of people who disagree with them.
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a sense of well being.
I like that Thom Yorke is on the right for no reason
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i like the way you put it. To add a more X spin on things. Every human has some aspect or desire or aesthetic within their imagination and psyche that isnt respected or reflected within the common interactions in society. Their True will as thelemites might say. Usually this is molded or crushed under the weight of civilization's needs but if they can grow into or protect it and integrate this into themselves they suddenly become special. They become that person with ideals or convictions, and behaviour that crushes the illusions that try to make one conform. This is a powerful aura.

That said, manchildren, schizoids, delusional ramblers and wacked out weirdos are all in this camp to some degree to varying levels of personal success and spiritual wellness. I personally believe that one who has "Succeeds in this process should be able to use this to the benefit of those around him. not detriment.
It's something hard to quantify. There was a baseball player for the Detroit Tigers in the 50's and 60's named Reno Bertoia. He's dead now I think but he was from my city. I'd heard of him, but had no idea what he looked like. He was playing golf at the course I was working at, he was wearing a Detroit Tiger baseball hat, which is not that uncommon. I saw him and knew immediately he was somebody. It was the hat that made me think of Reno Bertoia. I asked one of the older guys if that was him and he said yes. You can just tell, there's something about a person who is somebody.

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buy an add if you wanna plug vids with out discussion

Started a thread on this sometime ago, got no satisfying answer. What is time itself? it MUST be something paranormal as it is a concept above the three dimensions. What controls our perception of it? Is there any cool magic you can do to slow down or control time?
mass is an urban myth, charge density variation changes spacial expansion+temporal contraction and visa-vi
There is something very wrong with time and no it has nothing to do with age.
From what I saw time really is going faster, 10 Mississippi now equals 15 seconds.
Also it can slow down or speed up at random parts of the day or when you tell/will it to. I have no idea why
also your image went off the rails with its conclusions, having dakota seconds instead of mississippi seconds dosnt mean dose not mean your in a separate time line with race and age based different metabolic and biological (metabolism is biological who ever wrote this shit needs to redraft) changes, it means tomorrow is shorter then today, which was a little shorter then yesterday, for everyone.

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