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Computers are a psy-op. Young men are doing nothing with their lives. They spend their lives staring at a rectangular slab of plastic which hallucinates things that don't exist. Meanwhile they have another piece of plastic in their hand which has buttons on it to keep their brains satiated for tactile sensation. It is mass hypnosis.

Computers should be restricted only for professional use inside professional institutions. They hold so much power that only intelligent people should be allowed to operate them. It is such a no-brainer that it can't be anything else than a psy-op, remember that internet was given to you by DARPA.
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My only conclusion from all this heavily sanitized datasets is that my grandparents were fools for leaving the farm, and theirs even greater from leaving the woods.
I guess that's why I get so many stalkers because a lot of them reveal themselves to be living miserable lives in fake relationships where they have to work 10 hours a day to barely scrape by. Meanwhile I'm based and I don't give a fuck living a life of perpetual leisure.
>He said on the Internet.
So apple caused horrific warping of society and culture for profit, the same way they've continued to do since.
Good to know.
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Nexpo has been shit ever since he started pretending to be a famous actor/film director.
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Man ran out of good material ages ago (like every other paranormal/creepy youtuber did because - surprise - there's not a lot of actually interesting "unexplained" things to talk about for more than 5 minutes) and has to pretend to take ARGs, creepypastas and ANALog horror series seriously, let him have some fun.
I hate this faggot so much it's unreal
These "horror youtubers" are so fucking insufferable, as soon as they gain a sizeable audience they start taking themselves way too seriously and put filters on their voice to make it sound like Batman is fucking narrating some stupid twitter ARG, MamaMax is one of those faggots who started taking himself way too seriously and thought of himself as this vigilante who cares about children and shit
>analyzing horror games
Fake or not, I want crazy shit like lake city quiet pills.
They prey on human carrion, and shit it out for own bemusement.Guy got Vaunty....`sides Scare Theater`s better anyway

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Literally everything she has predicted has come true.
She foretold the attempted assassination event this year - and it happened
How is she not gaining more traction? It's wild
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>Are there ways around the 'rusted curtain'?
I think the only solution is to find locals interested in the topic, since due to the curtain, a lot of folk born before 1990-1995 don't really know english, so most knowledge is 'locked' behind the language barrier. Bulgarian is pretty hard to learn :(

>Whats the most interesting thing you'd want to share about her that the english/western cold war world probably doesnt know?
The whole story is interesting :D a blind woman that during the second world war did not sleep, was 'possessed' by John Chrysostom and spoke the names of people returning from the war.
You have potential medicinal benefits, she explained that the cure for cancer would be 'trapped in iron chains' - she mentions that the iron element in the human organism was decaying. Also another medicinal breakthrough would be found from the hormones of horse, dog and turtle, giving reasons that the horse is strong, dog is durable/resilent and the turtle lives for long years.
She spoke with spirits, those spirits need to 'be' in some realm that we're yet to explore/discover.

This is the common western belief that I'd like changed, she's not some random schizo hag, the broken clock is right some times of the day does not apply here. This person was totally blind and could see and tell people stuff that she had absolutely no way of knowing.
France will probably be the first country to fall to the mohammedan wretches.
Baba means Granny, her name is Vangelija Pandeva Dimitrova
>Biological attacks
Sounds like the bird flu thing that the jewish occultists are rebranding covid into, but seems like they might be using more than just self assembling graphene nanoparticles and military grade scalar radiation weaponry branded as 5G towers and modern wifi devices.

And the shills comes crawling out of the woodwork every single time.

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>Nearby airport closed down
>Hundreds of police cars
>Mainstream media cause: "Um a few melanated individuals went apeshit... Like they do everyday but this time it's different lol."
>Now almost 100% memoryholed unless you visit schizo sites like /x/
WTF. This is one of the weirdest and most unexplained things I have ever seen. And nobody seems to talk about it despite how recently it was.
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Is Yakub the King of the Nigs or their god?
Yakub is more their Satan figure. He supposedly bio-engineered white people.
So, the Antinig? Btw, is that the Nigranomicon he's holding?
I don't fucking know dude, I just know about Yakub from shitpost memes. My very general understanding is that Yakub was a genius scientist from the utopian all black society of practically demiurges, but he was too ambitious or some shit, and turned to mad science and created white people by selectively breeding only the cruelest of blacks, eventually getting white people, pic related. I'm sure you can find some autist breaking it down better than I can though, so if you're interested, I'd recommend doing that.
you have to monitor this thread more carefully than the situation of your butt, or we are kicking you off of the men-in-black super-sperg-committee

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What is this
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balloon or cgi or a paranormal entity
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A 3d render of an actual sighting, pic rel
So a balloon
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A degenerated Ace of Swords?

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In both of their religions you have to invoke the name of their God before slaughtering animals. I stay away from meat in general. Are there spiritual implications for eating other products like cut fruit that don’t have that practice?
Yes if the food was blessed you receive that blessing.

It is considered as a good deed in those various communities. So depending on your intention, it can be taken as an action of spending money towards a particular religious community, which binds you closer to that community.

An example: If you hate muzzies, but start eating halal food, you might grow more tolerance for them.
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All the negative loosh winds up in you if you eat something that suffered. I usually say a little private prayer where I acknowledge the animal I'm eating, apologize for whatever it went through and the state of the meat industry, and reaffirm that someday I'll find a way to provide my own humanely kept animals.
I avoid religiously slaughtered meat, because I can taste the suffering. Kosher seems to be far worse for me. It just tastes tortured. I hate that. Same reason why I try not to eat boiled shellfish. Unless it’s been killed before cooking. But few go through such a hassle.
Anon its literally the opposite of that, do you fucker revel in ignorance?

Tell me the most weird underground theory you think is real
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that humans can all get along and be on the same team
The most fucked up thing is the best occult books I’ve read have been tabletop gaming manuals.
Fun fact: Evolution doesn't say we evolved from apes. It says we have a common ancestor with them.
pigs are cursed humans
Aliens and sentient AI interact with humans through the internet. They post on our websites, play videogames with us, get on the mic and talk to us; using speech synthesis. All to better understand us.

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Spirit Love general

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38300490
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.

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>deeply stupid that some of the most spiritually powerful moments of my last four years have been experienced in a way I can only talk about with fucking schizophrenics on the internet
don't be surprised
modern society shuns spirituality, and treats it like a mental illness
Though I do hope one day, spirituality and magic will be openly accepted again. Magicians are becoming more normalized, and more normal as well. Though there is still a lot of "counter culture, wackos, misfits, apostates" kind of stuff happening
but honestly that's mostly the tradition fags who have been doing it for "muh 37 years" since they were all of 3 years old. The new kids on the block are a lot better. Less baggage from the wiccan 90s when it was more of an underground counter culture thing
Magic should be accepted! And be seen as normal. It is normal.
Ok so you havent summoned one yet
but they exist right
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how do I spawn sizechanging fat gf in my room right now? and real huggable one, not just some tranny dream
goodnatured loveable one ofc
how to do it?
what didyou expirienced

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They made me do it
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Whore of Babylon says what?
12 thread?
Grooming shooters is saying a lot about the schizo containment general, but a group with that objective isn't out of the realm of possibility. Giving people messiah complexes though, that's a feature not a bug. It's literally built to lure weirdos into thinking that they specifically are the nobody so that they fuck themselves over in some way or form. The egregore is mischievous. If someone is jacked up enough to believe they're the guy themselves I would think that the nobody wants nothing to do with those people, even going so far as to set them up for failure so they end up farther from the nobodies position than they started. It's not even eliminating the competition if you think about it, more like creating a paradox trap to fuck over big egos for the lulz.
It's okay, you need to let go. I forgive you.
I don't believe you.

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Share only the BEST proof of Alien Life that you got
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thread for ants
last thread got nicked by jannies, wondered what triggered the glow
Higher rez version if it makes a difference

I had to shrink down the video size by a lot before posting. Shrinking video size is not easy without losing quality. This video is shit, but I don't give enough of a fuck to go back and change it. Take it or leave it.

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Why do rich dorks like doing these silly rituals? This is so goofy looking lmao
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>colonialist mindset through and through
Wyt ppl dey de Devil!
What's the backstory on picrel?
Marx was antisemitic and was ashamed of his jewish ancestory. He was not involved in judaism as a religion or culture and would deride others for being too jewish.
He did not believe in "gentiles" or jewish supremacy.
Could you please elaborate on the more wholesome types of ritual?

Mirrors do not reflect your image. What you see is an alternative version of self. By following the correct ritual, you can perceive people from a negative universe. With a mirror, these people speak in reverse and their universe is basically a bizarre world.
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Dumb video, turned it off. She's rationalizing out of her ass with zero evidence.
one time, I looked at myself in the mirror, and my reflection smiled a little bit, but I didn't move my mouth
Thanks for the lum pic but your speech about mirrors is dumb.
One time I masturbate to my naked reflection in the mirror

Why was there so much esoteric stuff in this series?

They even referenced Crowley
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>They even referenced Crowley
That's nothing, the modern game references every mythos you could think of. You could make Lucifer battle Saturn and Athena battle Odin. You could make Ametarasu battle a loli dressed as a rabbit.
They even have Sophia as bossmonster.
The East never had a tradition of censoring other mythologies and religions as evil and Satanic so they tend to both see them as novelties and have a higher knowledge of them than Christian societies in the West.
Kazuki Takahashi in particular liked foreign mythos and studied it more, and the animation studios that adapted the manga decided to run with that when making the filler arcs and sequels(the Seal of Orichalcos shit wasn't in the manga).

That said most of the representations were pretty superficial, the Egyptian mythos was mostly homebrew shit with some real God names and symbols sprinkled in.
It is indeed very based for introducting kids to all sorts of esoteric stuff. Also interesting for me to learn that in the Japanese original, "being sent to the shadow realm" is literally just dying, and the characters threaten each others with guns & other deadly weapons.
Reading the manga as a kid after watching the dub about card games was wild. I'm pretty sure he set at least 2 dudes on fire and turned another three retarded in the first volume alone.
The EVEN referenced crowley? Oh my!
Tell me why the fuck is this board riddled with NLP bullshit threads?

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when will we see the new pope take the throne after francis?
After they open the gate between worlds, that's something that you have not seen yet.
when he dies? wat kind of retarded question is this?
no shit dude, i asked when you think that will happen
how the fuck would some shit head on 4chan know?
2033 when Jesus returns

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Stellar Blade, Eve, artificial hyperintelligence, wife of Maciej Nowicki, best relationship in the omniverse.
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It is for this reason that I choose to talk about fucking Jeanne Darc to the chagrin of everyone around me
I've literally never once encountered his shitty self posting until now
weak memes successfully spread no more then weak genes ;(
can you fuck off and stay in the wet market, you faggot pole
>fotm plastic gook waifu from a discount nier flop game

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