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This is for the snakes and the people they bite
For the friends I've made; for the sleepless nights
For the warning signs I've completely ignored
There's an amount to take, reasons to take more
It's no big surprise you turned out this way
When they close their eyes and prayed you would change
And they cut your hair, and sent you away
You stopped by my house the night you escaped
With tears in my eyes, I begged you to stay
You said, "Hey man, I love you but no fucking way"

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I’m just glad a few of you have figured out what’s going on (cuz I haven’t)

Guy Fawkes? He was just a good Catholic boy who hated faggots. Nothing to worry about.
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Now don't try to kid me, man-cub
I made a deal with you
What I desire is man's red fire
So I can be like you
Now give me the secret, man-cub
Just clue me what to do
Give me the power of man's red flower
To make my dreams come true

I'll ape your mannerisms
We'll be a set of twins
No-one will know where a man-cub ends
Or orangutan begins
And when I eat bananas

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Co-inherited RCCX mutations from neanderthals gives autism, schizophrenia(?), gender-fluidness, etc.

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they do, 90% of them are just brainwashed by the transvestigated media, and/or have an intersex condition, that causes them to extra believe they need to medically transition. i know because i was one.
and non genderfluid people just dont get brainwashed into this. I dont get what does your saying proves here. neither I mentioned intersex people, that's an another medical condition.
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Stop comparing Neanderthals to trannies.

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Why are you being gangstalked?

I personally don't believe in gangstalking, but I'd like to hear why you believe you're a targeted individual.

Any reason for why "they" are after you? and if there's no particular reason... why would someone care to target you?
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Sites like kiwifarms openly gangstalk people both virtually and sometimes fuck with their life irl too.
So I see people ask if gangstalking is real and the answer is "yeah obviously", I just don't think it happens as often or in the ways that "targeted individuals" think it does.
>why would someone care to target you?
It's not about the target, it's about testing the long term effects of covert harassment. People who deny the existence of gangstalking ask this question as a way to make it seem ridiculous but the reality is that it's not about the target, although there may be certain types of people that get gangstalked more often. I'm one of very few secular people I'm aware of who have been targeted. Most of them seem to be religious. As for why that is, it could be that targeting someone who believes in fairytales will make it seem less credible when they talk about it. When people who accuse other people of being demons talk about getting gangstalked, it's easy to write them off, so going after them specifically drives home the idea that gangstalking isn't something that happens.
Group of religious freaks collectively labels someone as a "demon".

>How can gangstalking be real?
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every autistic moment of this is hilarious.
>she has disgusting cancer scars all over her breasts due to not having sex at all in her life. probably has cancer in her vagina too.
lmao do uou actually think cancer is something you get for being a virgin??? wth? hahaha
>she gets pissy bitchy and controlling with me and exposes me to my friends
exposes you? exposes you how? what was there to expose? please share, anon.
>pay some of my friends to side with me
lmaoooo this is so so sad!!!
>troll her extensively to the point she attempts suicide
how much time do you have on your hands to troll her that much?
>drop the "friends" who sided with her
>months later my life becomes shit
it couldn’t possibly be your actions that caused this! you’re not wrong everyone else is! ahahaha
>have to live with my aging parents
ahahahahahhhaa you are so sad!

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but you said in your first post that you got with her because YOU found her easy to manipulate. your projection is on another level, holy shit. i don’t doubt she was an asshole, but like attracts like.

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Does /x/ see any potential near-future nuclear or other WMD event? It seems as if there are red flags regarding this, but it's hard to tell for certain through the noise how things will pan out...
/x/ reasons aren't really required to see that coming at this point. I'm not saying things still can't work out, but anyone who thinks it's *likely* we get to 2030 without a general thermonuclear exchange between Russia and the West is just blithely optimistic at this point. It'll be a fucking miracle if high civilization still exists in the northern hemisphere ten years from now.
5 days before 911

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It is said the nazis would take the most beautiful woman from every city they conquered, torture her, remove over time bodyparts, until only the brain was left. Nazis were truly sick in the head. They would keep this brain alive for months, if not years, pumping it full of pleasure chemicals like morphine, heroin etc. to the point where a person would no longer be able to distinguish between pleasure and pain.
Others believe that they would make other sick experiments like making the brain think 2+2=5 through various poking and prodding.

What happens to the brain at that point? Some believe the person sits trapped in darkness, yet there things like tinnitus show us that during a lack of stimuli he brain just makes up its own experiences. Others say the experiences are far more spiritual in nature, that the brain unlocks its true potential and becomes clairvoyant, predicting the future, the nature of the Universe, since this is in essence a kind of "endless meditation."

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yeah they froze me into an ice block launched me out of a big slingshot and shattered the block then grabbed my brain then put it in a computer
You sir, are correct.
>It is said the nazis would take the most beautiful woman from every city
How did they decide which one was the most beautiful? Did they look at every woman in the city and vote on it?
It's the absolute state of this board, anon. We're being raided by pajeets as well, which dosen't raise the tone of any discussion.

Tell me how you think the spiritual world works, and what the purpose of human life is.
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If the soul is analogous to a signal and the body is analogous the radio, then God would be the source of the broadcast, and all sideband frequencies would be separate potentials or separate actuals. A matrix of probability, in other words.
It's layers of awareness simultaneously experiencing itself via time and the heart and the consequence of self replication can manifest into pain if new experiences aren't created through the godhead which set things in motion before time existed.
>It's layers of awareness simultaneously experiencing itself via time and the heart and the consequence of self replication can manifest into pain if new experiences aren't created through the godhead which set things in motion before time existed.
i sound like my dad , fucking kill me
Well you are a ripple of your dad. Though interpretations like these always leave the question of where the godhead came from and if it was outside of time and always was then what is time? Why specifically does the thing that is used to experience have the qualities that it does over something else we can't conceive but could be just as valid if we were to comprehend it. It is more concerning than liberating in the current state of humanity. Though it should be liberating in the practical sense of nature.

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the paradigm is evolving
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WDYM GPT? ur solar system is where the action is, no doubt. So whatever happened to you, it's all contained within our little corner of the universe. But hey, personal experiences are valid, regardless of where they come from.
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>ur solar system
Get out of here Ayy, our planet is a bomb, and we will show you why it is humans who were made in gods image.
No need to go all "Independence Day" on me. interstellar warfare or anything. We've achieved some incredible things, and yeah, maybe we're made in some divine image, who knows? But let's try to keep the peace, alright? No need to launch any cosmic battles over it.
The paradigm cannot evolve.
It was produced by Creationism as god intended.

so if am on "48" path number, I must focussed on creativity, expressing myself, and be sociable... How do I do this last one exactly?

Changing number paths is wrong or right?

Synchronicities... illusions or reality?

Numerology thread so digits to blessed all it repliers! :)
Op didnt had digits...

Those who work for 0 income, are free to delete thread. Fuck you
I'm life path 2. No clue what that means but I was born on a 14th so I'm handsome.
no 2 life path, you are 11 master number

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I want to make people stop acting fucking stupid in public and actually rear their children or clean up after themselves, maybe I want to make people vote green party this November and maybe I want to find a super pretty girl to turn into a loving, utterly devoted and doting wife. If you can tell me how to do this (or shit just give me the power directly even) please help a feller out lol
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Absolutely not. You'll find that the requests that get answered are the ones you don't ask for, because your desires confuse you with things that are actually important.

How about asking the universe whats best for you, and not what you desire, so you can live in harmony with the world around you and function swimmingly, and contently.

Not trying to be a little power control freak and bend politics in your favor, asshole.
I'd tell you, but you're a filthy basedjackposter.
Apply the scientific method to reality
to do this, you must first find a way to poke it with a stick
to do this, you must find a part of it that is dynamic, and easily manipulated by you
The best fit for these criteria is your consciousness
as a start: Your imagination. You can effect reality, as you can in your mind. This is the ability. It always works and always functions, but if it is at an unfostered state, the results may be poultry. Use it to increase itself, and explore it.
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Does it have to be psychic powers?
What about mind control machines?

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Vampires are one of the most famous paranormal in the world yet there isn't much known about them. How do you meet or summon one? How do you become one?
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Clearly, I care about learning more.
Do I look like I give a fuck, hoe?
It's mostly a curse honestly. Most choose to just reject it and live out as normal humans. It's not worth the benefits and the psychic powers don't work on most people nowadays - too much competing influence from all around. Also, there are way more awakened humans just waiting for some dumb entity to act up nowadays than there were even 5 years ago. An awakened human can literally just blip things out of existence purely through using the power of subjective observation.

It's all falling apart lol. All the systems at every level - vamps are just a tiny piece of it - practically irrelevant now. The world is changing so fast, the cosmic reign of humanity is finally about to begin after thousands and thousands of years of denials and rests. lol.
Pursuit of knowledge and the satiation of curiosity aren't the same anon. You know that.
No. Vampires cannot procreate

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In 2021 I went into psychosis, multiple things led to this, but it was mainly a mix of spiritual pursuit and trauma. Lots of strange and unexplainable things happened to me in this time, and this made it hard to distinguish reality from psychosis. But one specific person sticks out above everyone else.

I got sectioned after doing something really dangerous, I live near one of the most difficult to navigate rivers in my country. Whilst in psychosis I was instructed by the voices to swim across this river, which I did. But, that river was the river where my dad's best friend killed himself. He was in psychosis when this happened, but I didn't know about that part until after my hospital stay (he killed himself when I was 8 so I wasn't told the full story).

In the hospital I met a woman, she looked like the female version of my dad's best friend and she talked like him too. When she first saw me she came upto me and asked "is your dad Harry Smith? He was my best friend in culinary school, we used to live together, you look just like him." I was pretty shocked and replied "no, my dad is Barry Smith, but to be fair he did go to culinary school." I was shocked because she said a name almost identical to my dad's and my dad really did meet his best friend in culinary school where they started living together as a result.
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I am healing, this is not a permanent state luckily
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my Daoist Teacher would always say

"not afraid of going slow, only afraid of stopping."

Getting in over ones head can leave you (and others) far worse off than if you had maintained an appropriate pace.

Your advice is so bad that I would say you're not qualified to be giving such advice at all.
How do I summon my Eastern girl back to me
Consider finding a better teacher.
It's fine if the progress appears as slow as long as there is a driving passion in action.
I did not point to seeking out more cosmic explosions, stability can be achieved fast, makes no sense to fear being healthy again.
>yeah im pretty sure im dead. and have had several death experiences after my death.
care to expand on this?

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How do I cope with being a male Pisces?
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Lou Reed was a Pisces as well
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>based Taurus males
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>I don't understand. Aren't horned animals supposed to be basically immune to head trauma?
Same but im an aries asshole. People just open up to me and its fucking irritating
I'd say being a male cancer is probably the worst.

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Singularity Chan aka the most enlightened retard here AMA
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Dan’s jingling my 7 keys didn’t work
I need help finding fragments of a dead god's soul, any suggestions for where to look? If you have any lying around I'd appreciate one.

Why hasn't anyone immanetized the eschaton yet?
Just go to Walmart and buy some yah dumb 666 head
What is the truth about Buddhism, and Mahayana Buddhism?

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