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so also the thirst and torment that are prepared will receive them. The Most High didn’t intend for human beings to be destroyed, 60 but those who were themselves created defiled the name of their creator and were ungrateful to him who prepared life for them. 61 Therefore, my judgment draws close, 62 which I haven’t disclosed to all, except to you and to a few like you.”
>shit tier schizo thread
> omniscient
> didn't intend
Pick one
Free will

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Less than 4,000 days until the End of Days.
The Creator and Owner of the Earth is returning.
Why is every movie and video game about fighting a world destroyer?

Previous thread: >>38326773
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type it out.
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Why is it all women, dawg?
kissing women is gay.
I was enjoying that thread...

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I just realized im never thinking at all. I just do things and spontaneously at it as well.
Blashpheme obi rush.

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>gives you instant magic powers
seriously, how though?
how can a plant make your brain do things like that if it's not magic somehow?

>but... but... alcohol
it's way different to alcohol

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It’s just escapism as many other durgs we have at hand like phones, pcs, movies, games, alcohol, whatever. Escapism isnt bad in moderation.. I should prolly do some chores lmao
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>Drugs that give you knowledge doesn't power!
Uhhh yeah it is
>smoke weed make rap music
>make millions of dollars
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Releases etheric connections made in your brain so you:
>Forget things
>See new perspectives
>Release held onto negative emotions

This may inadvertently make you feel more magical because you're not burdened by social conditioning when high.
Do what, make you retarded? Make you gay and boring? Give you anxiety?
They don't give you knowledge, at best they give you a different perspective because you think differently. Literally just go outside and explore cause it's the same thing. Lazy faggots that can't meditate use drugs.

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My best friend has paranormal gifts and spiritual talent and ability and I dont and feel jealous. How do I stop being jealous of my best friend. I hate that I feel envy and the way it affects my behavior even though it is very subtle I want to be a better friend and this is not something a friend should feel. How do I remove it
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I’m in the music business and very successful and I see this every single day. In the music business, so many people see someone else being successful and just SEETHE. It is the sign of someone with a very shitty character. I have friends who are very successful and I always celebrate their success. Some of my friends are even more successful than me in some ways, but guess what? It’s not a competition. There’s room for everyone. Use this as an opportunity to celebrate your friend’s success and also count yourself lucky to know someone who can probably give you great pointers on your own spiritual journey.

As a musician, I really don’t believe in gifts or “talent”. Which might be surprising coming from someone who is well know for being exceptionally gifted and talented musically. But I think it’s just a matter of how many hours you’ve put in. The reason I’m better at music than 99% of people on the planet is because I’ve put in more hours than 99% of people (I’m OLD!). Similarly, you should ask your friend what books and methodologies he has studied and start to apply yourself in the same way. Most humans are pretty similar from a physiological standpoint so as you as you aren’t somehow deformed or something you should be able to achieve the same level of mastery if you put in the same amount of effort at the same things.
>As a musician, I really don’t believe in gifts or “talent”.
That's kind of dumb. Just because skill exists and is more common doesn't mean talent doesn't also exist.
Hell, even having the work ethic to apply yourself and develop skill is a form of talent.
>karma/divine justice is not real
You don't understand karma


Learn to be happy for others.
You could reasonably expect that many people would react similar to OP. Atleast OP is aware of it, so many people are unaware of their lower ego's dominion . but this adds to intentionality for OP. Not all self aware /high agency types subscribe to the same canonical interpretation or consequential system of ethics. There are other paths

>>38382935 just be yourself. It's important to know there are others and that they can exceed you in skill. It's an opportunity and a crisis.

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I can’t believe it’s not butter!
>be me
>browsing /x/
>decide to make the perfect paranormal post

Alright /x/philes, let's unpack the TRUTH:

>Skinwalkers are just interdimensional Bigfoots wearing human skin-suits
>The Mandela Effect is caused by CERN's reality-altering experiments
>Aliens built the pyramids as 5G mind control towers
>Sleep paralysis demons are just astral projecting /x/ users
>The Black Eyed Kids are time-traveling vampires from the future
>Mothman was trying to warn us about the impending apocalypse (happening next Tuesday btw)
>The government is run by shapeshifting reptilians from the hollow earth
>Ouija boards are just portals to the backrooms

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Out of strength comes sweetness.
Bird :)

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What's the /x/ approved method for making a wish or manifesting something into existence?
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"you will stumble upon them whe you are ready"
well then how do you become ready for it?
the mage with no internal power is impotent
Oh man, that's when it gets good. But to be honest it can be a little overwhelming. Best to take it in slowly.
>Oh man, that's when it gets good
destroying or stealing the ming of other sentient beings is unethical
that even counts for that video of the man in the yellow robe pulling chi out of that bull and blasting it into a student's dantien and the bull died 5 days later
Do it gradually, instead of trying to manifest the big thing, manifest the smallest version possible of the thing you want, something so simple that you don't have doubt that it happens. After it happens, go for slightly more, as you realize you can get it, it become easier to get more, and get more and more, until your big wish happens, at a point it now feels small.
I didn't become rich overnight, I started by manifesting a penny inside my shoe, at was a nuisance like a penny, and I continued with larger amounts until I got to USD50 given to me for no reason by my bitcoin exchange just so I didn't leave them, and by then that sum was so small compared to my total that it wasn't noticeable.
The loa guys will tell you about limiting beliefs and crap and about manifesting the big thing already, but the truth is you may not be able to do it yet, you need some training, manifesting larger and larger things until you get there.

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If you never had descendants you could time travel to the future and no grandfather paradox would occur.
This means off-spring prevent time travelling
Forget time travel, all the rape, theft, and lies of this world make unfit for offspring.
Grandfather paradox applies to the past. You're traveling to the future at this very moment.
This. Think before you post OP, you egregious dumbfuck.
If you believe this you're the exact type of person who needs to have kids

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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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Will I find love in this summer?

Could we have fcked today?
> unable to hold a conversation with a woman
> poor fag
> poor hygiene
> dresses horribly
nine of wands rx
moon, hierophant rx five of coins
He's struggling badly right now, too much pressure and hidden things affecting him in addition to money problems.

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>This is one of the most cohesive and profound databases of knowledge for the uninitiated. Why is it not talked about more? Infographs, pragmatic steps & actions to take to align yourself with cosmic frens

who can tell me more about this website?
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It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else & grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after removed from body & put in preservative


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I would like to curse a previous workplace. Five of us were fired for our own doing but we enjoyed the job so we all are putting a lot of negative energy into it. I don't care if it comes back 3x.
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>I don't care if it comes back 3x.
Alright. You seem like a nasty person and since you've given your consent here I'm just going to place a curse on you right now. You should start seeing the effects very soon.
I just anti-cursed you so now all you can do is hurt yourself. All curses will get reflected back. Sorry anon but I have to teach you a lesson.
they all have cleft palates tho?
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Last time I got fired I shit behind the seat in my delivery truck, rolled up the windows and parked it in the hot sun. Not /x/, but pretty nasty regardless.

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This portion of the digha nikaya describes how humans used to be androgynous and then fell into the sexual binary we see today

This is very similar to eve being separated from Adam in Kabbalistic Judaism.

One thing I don't get is how Buddhism and Judaism could have such similar teachings when they appear so different on the surface

This is probably why theosophy teaches that Humanity used to be androgynous also.

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Can someone point me in the right direction with Kabbalah studies?

Every book I read seems shallow and only scratches the surface.

Also what is the connection between Kabbalah and sacred geometry and chakras?
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This, understanding the symbolism of the hebrew letters, gematria, and a lot of other stuff about it is really important. I don't know if I could point in any right direction and I don't think anyone here could either, pretentious retards are the only ones to respond to this topic. I could lust some rabbis I listen to and this one gentleman I started listening to recently
yeah could be jews have to produce at least 1 boy and 1 girl to replace the parents, its a mitzvah

That said everyone else is supposed to do this too. But we are on /x/ and all fuckups looking for magic shortcuts so no judgement

have thousands of opportunities to brutally destroy India, never do it, they really want to lose
They have Indians eating shit, so they won.
What are you talking about you cock sucking retard?

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Time to remind you all again and drop a story for the skeptics / newfags, potentially one of the biggest paranormal happenings of our time confirmed by multiple sources plus hospital workers.

>Thirty-year-old Kyle Odom, a former Marine, took a military stance, raised his weapon, and fired 12 rounds of .45-caliber hollow-point bullets from a distance of approximately 15 feet away at the back of pastor Tim Remington. As Remington (then 55) fell to the ground, blood pouring from gaping wounds, Odom returned to his car and drove away, satisfied he had completed his task of ridding Earth of Remington.
>Of the 12 rounds fired, six bullets found their mark.
>“One bullet went just 1 millimeter to the right of my spine up by the shoulder blade and another went through my belt and then through the pelvic bone,” Tim says. “A third went through the upper part of my right arm, shattering my humerus. Another hit me in the shoulder, exited, and then struck me in the head.”
>Two more bullets also struck Tim’s brachial plexus (the network of nerves that sends signals from the spinal cord to the shoulder, arm, and hand).
>The bullet that struck Tim twice, exiting the shoulder area and then striking Tim in the head, left doctors amazed.
>“That bullet made a dime-size hole in Tim’s head and somehow stopped right at the dura (membrane of connective tissues that surrounds the brain),” Cindy says. “One of the doctors told me if we were looking for a miracle that was a miracle.”
>“By the time Tim got to the OR (operating room), doctors told me that Tim had lost 90% of his blood -- he should have been dead,” Cindy says.
>One fully mushroomed bullet had penetrated Tim’s jacket and vest, but stopped at the fabric of his shirt near the center of his back. The final bullet’s location was stranger still; it was found in Tim’s front left breast pocket of his suit coat, roughly right in front of his heart, fully mushroomed.

This pastor lived, still preaches, now has a career in politics.
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Can someone explain something from this story? In his manifesto he writes about killing himself, setting his own car on fire with himself in it or something. He had guns, so why didn't Kyle just shoot himself in the head?
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>Simulation theory always makes me wonder if the person who created this reality programmed an after life.
You mean God? Fucking atheists, i swear
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This omG
the base reality operators

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