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soup /x/, i'm curious on what ya'll would choose to use for melee weaponry against any and all cryptids. Dogmen, crawlers; agressive bigfoots etc.

I have a European Longsword that i ussually take with me innawoods, but i feel like it wouldn't be too effective against some of the bigger foes like Dogmen or Bigfoots. I'd much prefer a polearm like the Bec De Corbin, or a Naginata/ The only issue i see with these is, you will probably get one good damaging swing in before it gets too close and the long weapon becomes too unwieldy. I just can't really decide on what would be the best option here; so i want to get other peoples thoughts on this.

Bonus points if you know of any runes/sigils/sacred symbols that you can carve into your weaponry to give it some extra bite against the supernatural.
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bronze khopesh
You sound like you should just buy a knife and be quiet imo.
What's with all the violent kids spamming stupid low effort posts and wanting to get into fistfights on the internet lately? Is it really because it's summer vacation?
As if 75% of the catalog isn't irredeemable garbage at any random moment in time.
>The only issue i see with these is, you will probably get one good damaging swing in before it gets too close and the long weapon becomes too unwieldy.
Exactly right. You were correct with the first option of carrying a longsword (or even better, greatsword) around. Polearms depend on the other side not wanting to risk being stabbed, and that won't work on creatures that are intelligent, strong, fast and way bigger than you. Notice how both Geralt and Guts use swords and their combat styles revolve (heh) around spinning like crazy. Even bullets can be ineffective against methheads, so your poke on a bigfoot isn't going to do shit unless you stick it in the neck or something (good luck, it's 9 feet tall) and even if you get a good stab it'll still have enough adrenaline to just rip your gay spear in half and rthen tear your arms off. Yeah hitting it on the head with a halberd may be effective, but remember that they've got way better reflexes than you and you've got one chance.

Think about the mechanics of whirling a big sword around your head. It lets you deliver an extremely powerful strike on demand, if the bigfoot tries to approach you it's going to lose an arm at minimum. Even if you don't hack it off, it'll have a huge gash through their muscle without stitches or antiseptics to patch it up. I propose an offensive-defensive style, rather than a guard you slowly swing the sword over and around your head, jumping in and out of range and retreating while striking at the same time so you can return to the 'guard' position.

Though I think trying to fight werewolves and bigfeet is a bad idea. What did they ever do to you?

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Here I will argue that Toxoplasma gondii is the main source of humanity' issues and, conversely, the cause of those who are partially able to identify the problems it raises. In case you're unaware, it's a parasite that inhabits cats and has an unusual connection to certain facets of human civilization. The likelihood of studying business is 1.4 times higher for those infected, and starting a firm is 1.8 times higher. It also has an odd ratio of 2.73 and a p value of 0.000001, which indicates that it is guaranteed to be correlated with neurological disorders like schizophrenia. This parasite obviously has hold over us. Another reason for the uncanny valley is our phobia of cats.and the parasite that they carry. For reference we have a fear of rats and a disgust of things like throw up and shit which are all carriers of this parasite. Although cats do not feel uncanny when you look at them, they do if you are not infected or if you are infected partially. The parasite's objective is to make you uncaring to predators, and those who are infected are blind to it and people with antisocial traits benefit from it greatly. As a microbiologist, I am aware of the dangers of this parasite as it has been around since ancient egypt. I am infected as well but I am aware enough to recognize the existential threat humanity faces with this demon. It successfully expanded throughout Europe at the same period that the Nazis came to power due to it being a parasite that speads slowly. The beliefs of the party are an unconscious reaction to the parasite. Social groups are destroyed by it, and in our society, it has the capacity to kill us all. I propose that we eliminate it at all costs.
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>"Fake news! Brain parasites are actually good for you!"
>t. gondii brained parasite vessel
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Yup! “So most people have no idea that during the black plague in europe, 2 things happened, the water supplies were being poisoned with toxins and the first corporation(church) made an edict that cats were of the devil and were to be eradicated from european lands as much as possible. This of course was a ruse, with the people being slowly poisoned via the water supply and then coupled with less cats, the rodent population exploded so the flea population exploded, so a compromised immune system coupled with an intentional population decline of a beneficial domesticated predator resulted in the black death. Fire was the only thing that was able to stop it and the insurance payout and control must of been nice too for tptb, Sound familiar?…..”
The Jews fear the Felines.
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cats are cute
but they can be scary (and cute)
>Fear cats
I'd be afraid if I was around a big cat with no means of protection, why would I be afraid of a small house cat? I'm not afraid of rats either because they do you no harm 99% of the time.

I don't see any uncanny valley, so maybe I am Injected. That being said I don't love cats and unlike some people I know I'm not desperate for attention from them. I'll give them a pet, if they are a nice cat. If they are grumpy/scratchy they can fuck off.
Either way regular parasitic cleanses should be practiced, toxo not being a very important one imp

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When is Jesus coming back? i would kill myself if it wasnt for the fear that it might condemn me from heaven
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Anon the whole point is we will never know because if we did we'd just stop living, which is the whole point of existence
learn to love even those you dont like, you will make Christ proud
two weeks

You are a shill for A Globalist Anti-Economy that shows up in every nation it can and sucks all the money and good workers out. Fuck you.
i care not for the church's doing nor do i approve of them, no earthly authority rules me, my master is God and God alone and i will burn down the Vatican and Blackrock

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I know Esoteric Kekism is mostly a meme but i do find it interesting as a practice, i know Kek as a deity has it's bases on egyptian practice and mythology and i wondered if a more practical aproach to Esoteric Kekism is similar to your standard Egyptian Pantheon practices with altars and such.

I am also aware that the promotion of Kek as a deity here might be a psyop by Freemasons to get you to worship an egyptian frog deity, not only is the frog god a card in the illuminati card game, frogs are also the unclean spirits of revelation, and the demon Baal also has the form of a frog, so it may be hidden Baal worship...

I also know about the meme book series by Saint Obamas Momjeans (yes i know, pretty funny) on Esoteric Kekism, i've checked his books and they are very informative but very badly put together, with fonts and images all over the place, i wonder if anyone has a more coherent grimoire/book on this current of magic.

Considering how Kek is the god of darkness (and chaos possibly?) is Esoteric Kekism ultimately just Chaos Magick? Discuss...
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How valid? It got Donald Trump elected, despite MSM full force pushing back against it. I refuse to elaborate further, I remember. This is what happens when ancient fags don't drop past info and save it for the end or some bullshit. I've been dropping everything I can after I stopped lurking. Maybe others remember too, KEK was unstoppable. I will stop talking now.
>It got Donald Trump elected, despite MSM full force pushing back against it.
I was there and I always had a suspicion that the meme wars were astroturfed, but maybe I'm biased.
Pepe getting turned from a symbol for feels and other gay shit into some smug political thing was surreal and felt like the kind of decision an outsider with secondhand knowledge of the site would've come up with.
>ancient fag
Nigga what? Moot had been gone for years before the meme wars, they don't count as ancient.
at least I discovered this place on my own. NWO

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My friend sent me a pic of a guy she saw I'm the who looked exactly like me, except without tattoos and wearing religious garb. It basically confirmed my belief that I'm the evil twin...
Anyway there was an anon who talked about how activating the philosophers stone creates a doppelganger, anyone know anything about that?
Post any info or experiences you've had with doppelgangers itt
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>there was an anon who talked about how activating the philosopher's stone creates a doppelganger
Do you have the link?
Dopplegangers are real, but they are not human. My loved ones are being replaced by doppelgangers one by one. First it was my childhood best friend and her dad. Then my mom, my cousin, and now I'm afraid I could be next. My greatest fear is meeting myself while alone. If you ever meet yourself on the road, anon, KILL HIM.
>My loved ones are being replaced by doppelgangers one by one
How're you able to tell?
Signs someone has been replaced by a doppleganger:

1) They start ghosting you and other friends and family for no discernable reason. They do this because, though doppelgangers are excellent mimics and extraordinarily intuitive when it comes to reading people and social situations, they are not mind readers. There will always be things about their victims that they will never know and the longer they stick around with their victim's loved ones, the more likely they will slip up.

2) Extreme hedonism. If someone you know suddenly becomes a drug addict or alcoholic (but has no history of substance abuse) then it could be a doppleganger. Sexual promiscuity and extreme weight gain are also signs you should be aware of. For some reason, dopplegangers seem especially vulnerable to the temptations of the flesh. Of course, plenty of normal people are too... but if it seems out of character for the person in question, a doppleganger is strongly indicated.

3) Adult onset psychopathy. By human standards, the doppleganger is a psychopath. It has no conscience -- or at least no genuine regard for the rules of human society. It's very existence is founded upon murder since it has to kill its victim in order to take their place. Human psychopaths are usually born and the few who are made that way are finished long before they reach maturity. So if someone you know suddenly starts displaying some or all of the hallmarks of antisocial personality disorder, it is almost certainly because they have fallen victim to one if these monsters.

More to come...

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My friends and I like to night swim at Okanagan lake (famous lake for the Ogopogo) anyways at around 3 at night my friends have been hearing splashing like theres somone else with them, and when they go back to their cars to go home the splashing begins to sound like rusting in the bushes yet they havent seen whatever is stalking them, any ideas? I plan on going with them because i usually dont night swim that late but i wanna see whatever this is for myself, i will post again if i see anything
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because shes gonna father my mixed race children
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUVDmVM9RtA sawed off shotgun lol
i just realized the error i made typing this, i think im retarded, meant to say "becauses shes gonna be the mother of my halfbreed children"
I want to kill you for defiling the Sonnenrad like that
Steak out outside the house at various angles for several months and seize the life of the offender with your male man claws your Malons. Steak Malons.

Punch him in the dick. Uppercunt.

Seize the initiative. Stab the creature with a full tang halberd.

DeManstrate overwhelming force to control the situation.

Fingerbang orangutang.

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Last night I had a dream in which I learned to levitate myself using my mind. This was an extremely vivid dream and the feeling of using the levitation unlike anything I’ve experienced while awake. I don’t know how to tap into this power however and am wondering if anyone here has any advice
>I don’t know how to tap into this power however and am wondering if anyone here has any advice
just use your mind like you did in the dream?
>extremely vivid
OP, I've had multiple dreams like this, starting with simple elementary school dreams of being able to push my feet off the ground and defy gravity all the way to dreams of Dragon Ball Z chi-blasting my way into outer space and back.
Some of the dreams, I realized how exactly the levitating WORKED and then I woke up...incredibly furious that it no longer worked.
I gave up trying to figure this shit out by the time I was 16 and still have the odd levitation dream or so as a middle-aged man.
I don't know if it's actually possible, but I would love for it to be real and have a real working mechanismand method to achieve it, in any form.
That’s the thing lol I don’t know how to use my mind like I did in the dream. It was kind of a surging feeling going thru my entire head, I could feel the power going through my mind and was incredibly aware of my entire consciousness
Yes it was a huge letdown to not be able to do it when I woke up.

You have let go of your earthly desires and attachments like Zaheer did in season 3 of Legend of Korra. The earth cannot grasp or hold onto someone who is empty.
Is this like legit or some weird anime shit I don’t get

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Hit me baby one more time

Share what you got
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bedtime stories
wartime stories

greentext compilation vids:
midnight broadcast
It's not 'TheirTube' but this channel is great.
This video is about the end of the managerial state and what may come next.
there are many videos on this channel about philosophy, Mankind and the esoteric. Wonderful channel in my honest opinion.
Another about ciphers and scions
Another about the perception of existence
Another about the mysteries of our existence
you need to adapt to the culture, newanon
True facts

Look for the bull
Look for the owl

I do not ever post on this board but you all are the only ones with the competency to understand this. I am getting scared that the more I look into this the more I am at risk of being killed.

The cult of Baal is hard at work and is in the highest levels of power within the US & Israeli governments. It is undeniable with what I have been researching this past week. Here are some key notes of my research.

1. The Hebrew word for "king," melekh. Molech is obtained from melekh by the substitution of the vowel points of Hebrew bosheth, signifying "shame."

Baal is hiding behind multiple names as a way to disguise himself.
-Most people stop here without understanding due to feeble minds and self-praised intelligence. They are fools and do not deserve to read into the occult.

2. Construction of a shrine within the Roman Coliseum. Only the Vatican has the authority to approve exhibits such as this. This statue was a show of power over the catholic religion and a mockery of god.

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Nope, its real and I'm tired of the bullshit
Do you understand symbology, anon? Or other gods? Can you help?
Satan uses controlled opposition so be careful anon. Do not be scared, for if you truely believe that Christ is King then you know there is nothing to fear. Occupy yourself with love and see that those who seemingly do bad are simply trapped in a web of their own fear, desperately grasping in the wrong places for what they can sense they have lost (God). Forgive them by giving them what they desperately need (Love) and God will return the favour 100 fold.
Eternal Love and Goodness cannot be destroyed by evil… it is simply impossible. Here lies the peace of the God.
What is the purpose of this balance? If everyone balances then what happens?
Do you really feel shit, blood and sweat of the physical are not lower? Why embrace them? Understand them, yes, but move on. I think the main problem is people are ignorant and do not understand the lower.
Masonic 33's nice. There's nothing wrong with owls, they are a symbol of wisdom that's it.

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Welcome to the Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss Creepypastas (video game-based and non-video game-based creepypastas are all welcome!). And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

THREAD #013 - Bedtime Edition

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>Creepypastas (Non and Video Game-Based) & Gaming Urban Legends

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs


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Worthva tryni guess
goodnight don't die.
can anyone recommend some creepypastas about parallel worlds / other dimensions / etc?

the Elevator Game seems kind of stupid to me, but i do like the part where you supposedly get off in some other world if you do it right. i'd like to see a story where somebody goes there and writes about what they see.

i liked the Left/Right Game for this reason. also the one (i forget the name) where the guy starts to notice weirdos on the subway and then ends up riding subway trains back and forth in alternate worlds forever without being able to get back home.

anything like that?

I just became a Mage today

What do Mages like to do?

What do Mages read?

Does Lord of the Rings have Mages?

What video games should I be into?


I am permanetly a Mage

I can feel magic in my hands like the picture

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>I just became a Mage
>cast “fly” self
>cast “invisbility” self
>cast “teleport” tarsis
cast “magic missile” OP
cast “acid” OP
The best thing a mage could do awaken more mages.
>What do Mages like to do?

Aren't you a mage, OP? Aren't you supposed to be the one answering this question?
Cross-class into Marauder. Blood Lord goes hard.

Hemisync thread

>DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jPv9wiKbf9SREBAHOHfaXU7i7S-IsJsP
>MY PAST HEMISYNC EXPERIENCES: https://pastebin.com/vmYHvMVs
>MY ENCOUNTER WITH A GREY ALIEN THANKS TO HEMISYNC: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37778140/#q37778140
>ANOTHER PERSON WHO ENCOUNTERED A GREY ALIEN THANKS TO HEMISYNC: https://www.reddit.com/r/MantisEncounters/comments/1cvmhdm/my_encounter_on_a_mushroomrepostrewrite/
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Have you even read the doc you reference?
Yes anon, Ive seen this shit posted so many fcking times
Then what is the problem with it? It is not exactly terrifying or useful.
Assuming it’s the one I think of it’s simply one guy’s trip report and just regurgitates the advertising literature. It’s not really anything interesting.
But this had nothing to do with the CIA. The Gateway tapes are sold by the Monroe Institute. The Army studied them. The CIA simply declassified the Army's study.
What a bunch of fucking ignoramuses.
Basically this.
That document is such garbage.

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If you still think physiognamy is bullshit then why are all blacks that look like this always intelligent? The inner reflects the outer.
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Fuck off, I don't believe in that made up bullshit
omg! so true!

Anyway, trust your gut. Your unconscious mind recognizes patterns that le science could never.
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>all blacks
I dunno, perhaps because these aren't ALL BLACK?
McGruder is more intelligent than the average white man. His only real downside is mild racial bias(far less than most black people) and being kind of a weaboo.
intelligent blacks ?? lol
Ugly dudes are the ones who've been shaping this world since it's dawn though. The people who make it in sports, sciences and arts are most of the time either ugly or mid. Physiognomy doesn't indicate that much beyond the scope of what we call the pygmalion effect. Physiognomy is where evo science proves its limits.

humanity will be unified, Asia with the exception of Mongolia, India and North Korea will be totally destroyed, Europe with the exception of Italy, Portugal and Spain will be totally destroyed, a great cataclysm is approaching, also North America South America and Australia and New Zealand are safe
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I think Mexico will sink gradually. Here we go waterword!
India is a fucking shithole it has basically destroyed itself. Just go back to British rule and see how much cleaner it was.
Western Europe and North America get cold very hard, Eastern Europe Asia Africa and South America has a spring climate half of the year and the other half is a frozen Thundra
Nothings going to change… a competitive atmosphere and culture are very important!
I love India posting. India posters win.

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>"From the High Desert and the great American Southwest, I bid you all good evening, good morning whatever the case may be across these many prolific time zones."
>"From the Hawaiian and Tahitian islands out west, stretching out east to the US Virgin Islands and Caribbean, south into South America and north all the way to pole and worldwide on the old internet....THIS is Coast to Coast AM, and I'm Art Bell"
>"Tonight ladies and gentlemen, we will be doing Open Lines, no general topic for tonight's programming."
>"Good evening caller, you're on the air."
What do you say?

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