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>James Webb telescope saw something that prompted an emergency briefing to Congress
>Insiders say it's a giant spaceship heading directly towards Earth
>Due to arrive in 2027
SAUCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFKmcqcBbnw&t=902
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>be hyperadvanced gigachad race with mastery of genetics
>have to wait for millenia for shit to "grow"
Why not make it instantly ripe? Oh right, you're lying.
I trust Pavel. He interviews Mexican soldiers.
NASAs been tracking it, I've been wondering why no one has noticed this. Its literally going to be here just for the election. I think its the precursor, the herald.
This scenario is very likely, the Camp of the Saints has been detected near the North Pole but it is moving.

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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Edition.

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

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Probably the lust demons screaming at you internally.
18 days, we ball.
>Please help me interpret what you mean. Is the person in a manic state avoiding what he should be doing? Is his unconscious expressing frustration at his unmet potential?
It's pretty simple. Go try to do something actually difficult (and important, not like lifting weights or something) and your thoughts of grandeur will disappear.
Sleep deprivation can put you in a funny place. When I don’t sleep right I become hilarious, lose my inhibitions. Day 74 is pretty awesome congrats. They say it takes sperm about 74 days to mature. As far as using your horny energy to create it depends a lot on your mindset. I could see how doing it with a doubt would yield poor results. Find what works for you, it could be painting or studying or cooking whatever takes the edge off in a positive way
I came up with a new rule for myself:
if I ever get the urge to jack off or go to an asian spa I can as long as I meditate for 20 minutes before hand
usually I won't even want to meditate and the urge will subside
let's see how this plays out
(day 2 here)

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this is the worst sign men can be born under
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We had an awesome date today. I want to make a compilation of music for her, something on a flash drive would work
>all these relationships posts
Didn't expect this from you, fellow fishes...
I'm Virgo and it feels like a curse. What's the problem with you? For me it's constant emotional conflict.
Taurus sun, leo moon and mars+venus in pisces. I think everybody is a selfish pussy. The lord god jesus christ will save who he saves.
Im prone to carelessness which can turn into accidents. Its all fine though.
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Have you guys ever heard about true pisces?

My sun AND my ascendant is in pisces.
Deal with that, peasants.

Also I'm not the downwards fish, I'm the upwards one.

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Who controls the tunnel highways underground? Aliens or deep state?
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DEtrimental RObots
Me, the tunnels are mine. Fuck off.
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The evolved dinosaurs
I wish I was joking
NWO imo. humans lied to other humans about all the tech and reality going on.

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Sethimg about having "secret" knowledge that makes one think they are better than everyone else? Charls is a great example of this just listening to him talk gives the feeling he thinks he is extremely enlightened despite his talks just being a grab bag of shitty surface level schizo stuff like flat earth and tartaria yet he does a video ridiculing the supposed health benefits of cold water? The whole "mirth" thing is also suspect being a possible reference to the Order of Jesters. I.saw a comment recently claiming Sam's grandfather was a doctor involved in MKUltra as well.
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This is the only board covering the subject matter where the person giving it isn’t cared about.
It’s not the giver but the gift that matters.
It’s also why there is less interest in name fags.
Triggered Conspiritainment Drone. Calling normies "sheep" was cringe 20 years ago, kid.
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"Everything you don't know I know already. Theres nothing in this world you could know that I don't know already" - racemixer with mongoloid babies who fucked this thing
Stupid sheeple. You will never achieve the level of enlightenment and wisdom such as I.

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If anyone knows what I’m talking about, please drop here. Also anything generally related to PizzaGate would be appreciated to.
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yeah its legit and real. its as old as time. for as long as humans have been here, there have been pedos fucking kids. they have to do it in code now and yes that is no joke.

i've seen 2 perma bans from pedo mods when you bring up pizzagate enough. they legit get nervous here and it's obvious enough to me that they are only here on 4chan to get small glimpses of child porn and to also try and mute the people trying to spread the word. never stop asking questions or bringing this topic up. there are elites that fuck kids. 100%. they literally fuck and chuck kids.

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i am worshipping moloch and Jesus at the same time. am i stupid for doing this?
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Yes, you will end up denying math exists.
Leave Jesus and keep Moloch, before you go insane.
Try reading the passage of 1 Kings, chapter 18, verses 18-40

1 Kings 28: 18-40

This is the story of the prophet Elijah showing the ineffectiveness of baal worship. Baal, Molech, and Asherah were ancient pagan “gods” the Israelites were frequently deceived by.

And try reading the parable explained in Matthew 12:22-29

When it’s claimed that Jesus can cast out demons because he’s received power from the prince of demons, he explains that if Satan were to have done that, the kingdom of Hell would collapse from civil war anyways (as a house divided against itself cannot stand) but rather, only a stronger man could break into another man’s house, defeat him, tie him up, and then plunder his wealth. (Meaning, Jesus is stronger than Satan and his house of demons, can defeat them, and therefore can cast them out as he pleases)

Or consider Romans 1:25-32
This passage explains how the pagans and gentiles and blasphemers and idolators “traded the truth about God for a lie… they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself… That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires… Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents.”
Jesus is part of the christian pantheon of gods (your delusional if you think christians don't have a bunch of em) and Moloch is a pre christian Canaanite demon they used to do blood rituals and sacrafices for. Both are death cults so I don't really see why they would be mutually exclusive.
>jewish creation
...which one, jesus or moloch?
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>lust provoking image

Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38767398
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.

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>Umbrella gun.
don't disrespect chanty, she's wise
you'll learn, they always do
there's a reason why she has such a rotten reputation
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Oh you sweet summer child. Let me explain some things to you.
>she's wise
I think this needs to be said, because it hasn't been said enough recently
Chant has a severe personality disorder which has wrecked her life and ruined her relationships. She is diagnosed with clinical narcissism, and on the spectrum of narcissism, it is severe narcissism
Chant is a narcissist abuser.
This is really bad for any practitioner, because it forbids you from recognizing your own shortcomings. In other words, the inability to self-reflect on anything negative is very unwise.
Chant is so narcissist, she actually believes she has never made a mistake, never been tricked by a spirit, and has no need to apologize to anyone ever because she has never done anything wrong.
This is why she is in an abusive relationship with a parasite pretending to be lilith. She has admitted to being abused by this "lilith" and being unable to evict her.
For whatever reason, this is what chant wants, and she also appreciates the parasite telling her everything she wants to hear
This should have been a red flag, especially the "Your own modern political worldview of the 2024 vintage being reflected back at you" red flag, but of course chant is a narcissist and would never be able to handle the idea that she could be wrong about anything. She is that insecure.
Chant is a blue haired fat overweight radical 4th wave feminist and a political lesbian. In other words, she is at the very bottom of the female hierarchy, and it's why she got into tulpas and spirit lovers. Because she was so ugly inside and out that she could never find a man.
I'm not saying this to be mean, but rather to wake up some men who maybe are under the delusion that chant is somehow some sexy lithe waifu woman. She for some reason was catfishing as an anime waifu babe, and after this was called out, her support dropped by literally 2/3.
No, chant is not hot. She is ugly. So settle down boys. Your princess is in another castle.
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Turning this key piece of board lore into a general, hope myself or others will repost. Anon in 2016 had a dream about an alien invasion and listed a bunch of events, some of which are fairly plausible or happened.

Here is the link to the original story: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/18298820/#18302615

If you don't want to read, here is the rundown:
>Anon has prophetic visions of 9/11 as a child
>Has 72 year long dream
>Sees Turkish war on Kurds and implosion
>Middle East (Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Jordan specified) completely falls apart
>Israel withstands
>"The People's Revolutionary Force" take the White House in a civil war and the states split
>A space station deorbits
>Mexican nationalists invade the USA
>Russia joins in, nukes are exchanged
>Aliens arrive from portals in anvil clouds

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> also said Israel was the one area that wouldn't suffer and they're not doing too hot right now.
Yeah this one stood out to me immediately too, can't believe I forgot to mention that part. They're in a really bad situation right now and they seem to be making it worse and worse on purpose, lol.

I fully agree with what you've said overall.
Whatever the case may be, the invasion of the US by Mexico and the subsequent nuclear exchange is the ultimate calling card by the Anon. If it happens
>What then?
The moment an Eastern-aligned soldier steps through the southern border, I would consider the prophecy to be true. If so... How would you prepare? Would cityfags like me just consider ourselves dead? It's such a bleak picture, but one I like to humor quite often.
If the US got nuked in more than one or two places for example, just all the capitals of states , we're pretty much unanimously fucked from fallout afterwards. There would be like almost nowhere safe from it except the mountains which is conveniently all government owned land if I recall correctly.

Outside of that, as long as you're not in some major (useful to the country) city, you're probably not fucked but places that aren't major but are still useful (like IA, for food) would likely get hit too.
I'm no prepper or anything like that but this is one of those situations where unless you have some kind of bunker whats the point of prepping, and even if you do, good luck dealing with the aftermath afterwards (extreme radiation floating all around in the wind for one example.
This is just my opinion and thoughts on it I'm no expert or anything
Do you think it's a LARP on the whole or no?
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I don't know why but this harvest prophecy dream and its possible association with three days of darkness has got my attention. Then you have Revelation 9 talking about 'scorpions coming out of smoke' which might mean aliens/demons appearing from clouds in their anvil ships.

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why is he right about all things Catholic?
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Philosophy and it's damnable errors would never have touched Europe without Aquinas

He is in hell
Ok but isn't it effeminate to say valiant ascetic were heretical? What were they supposed to do, stay at a house paying taxes and having a job?
Or live in a cave in the middle of desert-nowhere without any earthly means of getting the next meal? ibranyi-ism is lutheranism; bland, non-ascetic, non-heroic. mundane.
extreme asceticism is not Catholic. It is something that pagans engage in. You are not being effeminate by feeding yourself and taking care of your body.
If you had the Catholic faith, you would know that.
no he isn't right. hes a demon

So what’s the deal with Treyarch and 115, I’m sure a fair amount of you have heard about Bob Lazar and similar to David Paulides think he's a grifter, but Lazar has been raided as soon as he revealed he had a small pieces of 115 leading me to believe everything he says is true.

WasTreyarch trying to tell us something.

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First question: Are dream demons (like that of bill cipher) real?
Second question: Is it possible to acquire abilities similar to a dream demon, (i.e inducing, invading, and manipulating the dreams of others, using those dreams to acquire information)
theres some people i wanna torture psychologically but i don't wanna do anything physical that could be traced back to me
also some friends i would like to help combat their own mental issues
>Are dream demons (like that of bill cipher) real?
A dream is basically a set piece, like a play. Dream characters are either actors (NPCs) or a spirit interfering in your dream. If the it's a dream NPC, then the answer is: No, it's not really real.
dream manipulation aren't real. grow up faggot
First step: open your third eye chakra
I have a friend that suffers from occasional sleep paralysis. According to him he can never actually see them watching but knows are watching him and all he can feel is overwhelming dread and fear. He described it as he's awake but paralyzed and can't move or wake up.

Not sure why you'd want a power like that.

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I just realized that the Dover Demon and the Hopkinsville Goblins have many features in common, down to the color scheme of the bulbous eyes. These encounters are both ones that have strong evidence supporting that they happened, but is there a connection between the two sightings?
>is there a connection between the two
They happened in the US :^)
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Here's the Dover Demon for reference. The picture didn't attach with the original post.
Pretty sure...
The Hopkins case...
Revolved around...
X carnies...
You know show people...
Being out of work...
And looking for cash...
P.t. Barnum style...
A sucker born every second...
Carnies can't survive a point blank shotgun blast tho

Hello...?! Did you say "...glass of juice"?

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Why don't the world's highest skilled hackers leak the truth about what the government knows regarding ayys?

Is it:
>A. They don't exist.
>B. Ayy info is only never digitally stored or only ever stored on closed networks inaccessible to the outside world.
>C. Hackers dgaf and/or it's too hard.
>D. ____________________ ?
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>what the government knows regarding ayys
nothing. they know they exist, that they're here, and they are super fast, but that's all
It what if the reason is that the U.S. fumbled first contact so badly that disclosure would only reveal that humans are totally screwed?
Like, what if they did make contact but misinterpreted what was happening and just pissed them off? And now nobody wants to own up to it because they're dead anyway, and revealing how badly they fucked up would only make things worse for them? Or if, by keeping everyone in the dark, they hope the depth of their error will go unnoticed and would rather the aliens wiped everyone out than admit to wrongdoing in order to hide their shame?
The answer is 'b'.
Really vital information is kept on an intranet rather than the internet. Most foreign militaries already do this- the US is pretty unique that we keep a lot of our info on the internet that can be hacked. In order to hack you'd require a hard wire or be able to intercept and decrypt the satellite signal when/if it's syncing intranet info between remote sites. Which is unlikely because most intranet are kept local and separate for the increased security.
If it's a less secure intranet that syncs through satellites then you're at a point there's way more profitable information that you could steal and broker than what would be considered fake ayyy lmao. Why do that when you can steal stealth technology to sell to China?
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Low level in technology terms requires more and older knowledge. He probably didn't know how to make a keylogger but was very good with social engineering. Got passed 2FA and got the presidents twitter probably from a dumb employee. It's made companies think differently, having your work on social media is osint for hackers.
You have to be creative to find zero-days. But I'm sure they don't teach that in Fed school. They pump your brain with leftist politics and tell you I am the enemy. Maybe your the bad guys and every lie you push out is part of the Q/The nobody's master plan. Kill yourselves.
I think hacking real first-world governments is pretty hard

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