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Why do people who believe that "god" is giving them orders to do unbelievably gruesome things that are in absolute violation to what is claimed to be the "gods word" in 10 commandments, that are supposed to be the basis of everything, that those orders are given sincerely and not as a test of their morality?
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No the anon your taking to but don't Satanist need to an abortion to do a magic trick?
With the 10 Suggestions, some nuances accompany some of them. "Thou shall not kill", often means "Thou shall not murder." **There is quite a difference** between them! This is called "Pilpul".
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God is not an old man but a little girl.
>Thou shalt not kill
This is actually thou shalt not murder as in killing without just cause. Being a soldier in a war is not the same and revenge killing is not the same.
>to murder (to kill deliberately)

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A US American government plus staff including their services with only us American heritage doing only stuff for their people
- you can that? Wow.show.
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broadcasting energy field.
Okay, can they stop time itself?
Ok. Teach me how to use telekinesis to make my neighbor poop out of his armpits instead of sweat
Oh, can't do it? That's what I thought

We get the clown tech, not the real tech.


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Why was human sacrifice something practiced around the entire globe, both by Aztecs and others in the Americas, and by Moloch worshippers in ancient middle east (as referenced in the bible)? It seems like an absolutely insane thing to do unless you really met an actual supernatural force that did wonders and made you think you really should do it because of the wonders that entity was able to do.
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It's not like I like you or anything
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i don't know any of this for certain, i'm just going off of intuition, but something about, "the bad guys are bad, because they are the bad guys, and they are doing what bad guys do" just doesn't sit well with me, i think it is very reasonable to recognize that what is right and what is wrong, are entirely dependent on one's level of consciousness/self mastery, and how else can we transcend without experiencing/facing true suffering, human sacrifice makes all the sense in the world when viewing the system we are a part of from a zoomed-out/disconnected stand point. or as a matter of pure "game-design" of course, higher levels would demand more pvp/sadism it seems obvious to me

i'm not at that point myself, but it isn't hard to imagine that very advanced/developed consciousness/peoples in communion with the pure essence of nature are anything but christlike

I apologize for starting out with a LARP, but doesn't it just make more sense, to believe that pain is baked into the system, even rewarded, and that there is a skill of dealing with it to be learned/mastered, instead of blaming things on the groups creating it?
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We still do. XD
I did.

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i work with lots of computers and i feel a buzz all the time. How can i ground myself after work?
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It makes you conduct electricity/chi better.
alre there alternatives?>>37831302
yea i know. that is why i am asking
i really dont know.
reduce them at all Costs at home. take the most off current,Not just standby. Phone mostly needed, so...theres nothing you can or wann to Do i guess.
but there is another Thing. some people live in similar conditions for decades without and problems. Others are much more vulvnerable to the point its harmfully. if you react like this you should think about a Change..(if its although a huge Part of your work Environment).
if its that its either your Job in that specific Genre or your health.
i for my Part know people that reacted to Wind Turbines (Infra Sound (?)) with extreme stress and mild heart attack,others live like 20 years in direct neighborhood (like the said one) and are Not affected..
but..as said..if its at Home..most Devices shut off (especially at night),maybe a room for the most Day work Devices, but...i Dont think normal people habe the Money for it plus its unpracticable...
I wear a silver faraday jumpsuit.
you have mercury poisoning
stop eating thigs with high mercury

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Can I get a red pill on what vril energy is? I saw some thread couple days ago >>37775696 https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/37775696 how some claims to be cultivating it or whatever, and I got curious, how does one do it, and what is this energy exactly?

The reason I'm asking is because I saw a video of some woman describing how men seem to sometimes vibrate some kind of energy, that all women can feel, but it's some kind of energy that men don't seem to be aware of how they control it. So I was thinking, could it be some kind of will/willpower thing (like conqs haki from one piece) related to discipline and focus, or is it related to this Vril energy thing that I've got no clue about?
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Literally this

Stop jerking it to anime fag shit you God damn retards
sounds like a lot of rigamarole. i'm creating a new universe where all you do is say hi and get an ice cream
Maybe I didn’t convey it right.
But I don’t have time to repeat it myself.
so I shorten it.
1- women are attracted to mystery and power
2-ugly person can’t show his qualities (power) or make the sense of mystery as he is not noticed by women
3-become good at a hobby and if you are the best, you will get past the ugly filter
4-unfortunately today average will be ugly tomorrow and so competition becomes worse
5- not all men will become best at their hobby, so hustling for your space make your life into hell
6- this is not how a man supposed to live, so the alternative is sexbots.
Hopefully this is better
sup Luke.
>6- this is not how a man supposed to live, so the alternative is sexbots.
I have to ask, where does tulpas and sex spirits stand in all this? Wouldn't they do same thing as sexbots?

how can we know if the multiverse is real?
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I can't stand the dog.
>"Haha, we made 4 pictures for you, but I'm not gonna show any of them!"
We need a local version pronto.
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>m e looking at u through the lens of rudslle-4
What is that? A Russian version of Dalle-3, but on version 4?
And back to topic, is there a multiverse where Dalle-3 was leaked? And can I shift to it?
yes it's right Over he

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Pretty self-explanatory... We should start listening to these experts!


This video was allegedly shot in the same cave in Peru where the Nazca mummies were found (such as Maria).
There are also videos of other live beings, and pictures of artifacts such as a golden pyramid, a crystal skull, a large totem pole with an alien head, and a being wearing what looks like golden Inca armor.

creating "puppets" for this as well as the other props would require a fairly large production budget.
Also you would need to get real alien mummies because those have already basically been proven to be real if you really look into it.
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hey guys welcome to my vee log! we just landed!
ima take u bugz in this video a walk around of the funeral chamber! we are all setting it all up! getting ready! kinda nervous! haha. lighting is bad in here and my iphone is on 5% so its not letting me use my flashligt but im still the vee log for you! borrowing znarps flasilight
poor guy theys are so mistreated
sex would be great in there
why is this recorded like this why has it always been recorded like this why was it recorded on a nintendo 2ds
The fun part of this picture is that he is hallucinating the girl

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Whenever I lay down and start meditating or enter a hypnagogic state, i can feel a tingling sensation in my third eye area. I can move it around slowly, but that's about it. Anyone know what that means?
tingling forehead is a good sign.
enter the unknown realm, ask questions and be still
I've noticed its diet dependent atleast for me but maybe for others too its worth a shot to share I guess
I drink distilled water and unprocessed food and herbs (no cow dairy also seems to be an element goat and sheep appear fine) = tingle
I drink soda and eat processed shit = no tingle
>Yes fake meat is highly processed just turn those greens into a salad
>Captcha 0soy
I have it basically permanently for months now, but other than various visual artifacts I have noticed no changes to my perception. Its more annoying than anything, I wish it would mean something.
A sign of the third eye waking up, for me it lasted couple months, only appearing when focusing on the eye.
Check'd. Are you actively working to wake up the eye? If you cover your eyes and very very slowly move a hand in front of you, can you see any movement?

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Even here NASA shills are trying to shut down debate/discussion on this topic:

Kek when AI is even calling bullshit on the fake photos.
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>The distance is just too great to see that kind of detail.

Yet we can see saturn...
they did though? of all the things to complain about this has to be the stupidest.
I know this is pointless but they literally did take pictures of the moon with the hubble
Alot of shit is faked now and then retard, both gens aren't special
Ur retarded lmao

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I did shitty coke laced with amphetamines a few times. Couldn't sleep so drank a bunch of weed infused vegetable oil. Prob 7 grams+ of thc in the edible. First time I had a panic attack. Second time I saw a white light shining from my forehead in my peripherals then a ball started flying around my head. Another time I listened to hemi sync and my bedroom filled with fog and heard some weird animal noise out side. I'm always way to high and paranoid to explore these things. Then just pass out after it gets to weird. I can't seem to get in a simular state on any other drugs tho
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hey OP
I already posted. but take this bit of knowledge before I leave you.
your goal shouldn't be to use substances. no, quite the opposite. Find out who you are, rather than let your consumption habits decide it for you. ok? you got this, I believe in you that you will find the right path.
Hemi sync is supposed to work by making your body sleep and mind stay awake. I think the stimulant/weed combo did something similar. Cause I normally pass out when to high. I think it's accessing your left brain/ or dream state while conscious.
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Try amphetamine + mephedrone + weed. I saw and felt the goddess after this mix. Her aura was indescribable. I can't find words for what I felt. It was like loving presence that made me sure that everything will be all right forever. The goddess looked similar like pic related.
(source: I cant AP on days I take adderall)
stim-abuse leads to very bad vibes

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Have you had any experiences with them? If so what happened?
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>palace in Vienna has giant statues of Hercules and a bridge/square with multiple Athena statues
>New York is covered in statues of Mercury, Athena, minor goddesses
>palace of Versailles is all God themed
>all of Italy too
>st Peter’s cathedral even has multiple statues of obvious Greek gods

So it’s clear the elite families never stopped worshipping the Gods, right? How to join Athenian priesthood bros??

>captcha: 4MPPAV

There are 4 million worshippers of the true Gods at any given time??
Yeah Zeus showed up in my room with a boner once but fucked off when he realized I'm not a girl
I travel with Hestia.
>not a Trojan twink
>can't seduce Zeus
>will never see Olympus
Lol Zeus fucks twinks

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Should I evoke Astarte just to jerk off to her tits?
You are dangerously playing with 'Fire'! Be respectful of other Deities or quickly run back to Christcuckery!
I don’t see why not

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Can I do a ritual with period blood?
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>not knowing about blood voodoo
holy fuck go back please before you hurt yourself newfag. go ask your local nigger sheboon, you have to be 18 to post (literally go ask retard and gtfo this board)
That's a booger
Grow up,child.
this nigga's never heard of pussy boogers
You need to talk to a woman Elder soonest! The short answer is "Yes!"

Program is almost 1hr13m, without music.


"This program is brought to you by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Remember, obey the law, and stay safe out there!"

Basically a new season of B&B where B&B mostly harass a cop about how to learn Texas law.

Why /x/? Because an AI only uses publicly available records.

Oh, gov-nerds? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n00gAJiclwI
Are you trying to trick [the AI] into learning about the texas penal code?


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