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My fren :)
>studied hard
>Had a shit office job but make good money
>Have a son with wife at 25 because muh legacy meme
>Didn't know you have a 1/36 chance of autist son (and increasing every year)
>He is sever autist (you can't detect severe autism during pregnacy)
>He is 9yo
>Can't talk only makes weird noises
>Only play with baby toys
>He have to wear diapers because somedays he refuses to go to the bath
>Some days he becomes agresive and destroys the house
>He only sleeps 3-4h
>No sex with wife (sex drive goes to 0 when you don't sleep a full night for years)
>Only fun thing of my life is playing some vidya in the bus to work
>Regret not being a comfy happy neet.

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Can we get a group of 4channers to go down to newswabiland and report back. We need to send a search party for Dallas Thompson, original copies of his book, “Cosmic Manuscript” has become worth over 6 figures
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Do you think Dallas was real or just an art bell psyop
Samoans are the same as Polynesians
Let's build an airship drone with a live video feed and do a loop along the prime meridian pole to pole. That would prove the earth is round or not and also give some good Antarctica data.
This is the goal /x/ should really be pursuing
It would probably be shot down. As far as I know you need special permissions even to fly shit.
Unless you have the money for a satellite that can make a polar orbit and even then you need permission.

Isn't it crazy how much power has simply been taken away from the average person on this planet?

I guess you could make a weather type balloon but good luck getting that shit to go anywhere you want ya know?

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>we are all spiritual beings
>there is an after life
how did this become the biggest kept secret in the modern world.
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Read the millions of documented near death experiences throughout every language. Read about children being able to remember details including names of their children. Life after Life sold millions of copies decades ago. I have so many more books that are written by medical doctors, PHD’s etc all documenting evidence of an afterlife
>Read about children being able to remember details including names of their children from past lives.
I remember reading about a little girl born who was able to find her children from a past life while she was still alive in the next one. I think she was American and her kids were in Ireland
Goddamned reptillians
Is it? Most of the world believes that.

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For me it's sned.
[S]pace (might be) fake
[N]ukes are (probably) fake (or a waste of time worrying about)
[E] (this one is a psyop or a red herring)
[E]volution is a lie (obviously)
[D]inosaurs are fake and gay (think about it if they were real that means we have suffered and incarnated for 100s of millions of years on this shithole planet)
Redpill me on space and evolution anons.
For me it’s chuck

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How do I love god more than the e-girls I simp for?
start hating e-thots
as simple as that
You start by loving yourself or you’ll just keep spending on worthless stuff
Pray every day. Pray for mercy and for guidance. Do not surround yourself with evil things and sources of temptation. Read the Psalms and pray the Jesus prayer every time you are tempted or have an impure thought. "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner". Go to an Orthodox church.

If you don't know how it's best to emulate those who do. Read the lives of the saints. You may not perfectly emulate them, but their faith and love may plant something in you.
E thots are nothing but prostitutes, they see you as nothing but a mark to be fleeced. Respect yourself son

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fembot here. HELP ME anons im trapped in some kind of quantum immortality dream samsara reincarnation torture chamber. I keep waking up and feeling super floaty and wandering through my house, with my newly assembled desk and my phone is missing and and then the spiders keep stabbing me and the demons tell me to go to bed. everything in slow motion. so i do. i go to bed. and all is well and then i wake up and see the messages on the ceiling my friend sent me. and then the cycle starts again. it feels like i am walking on clouds but nothing is real and my house is a carnival.
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Full moon was yesterday.
Pray to jesus
You and some other anon, what a sample size!
any fembots here want to be my gf

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Hey /x/, looking for some advice on dealing with this shadow aspect. Lemme give some quick background details.
>dreaming last week
>in dream I realise I can use magick to get rid of bugs outside of my house
>debate on whether I should use electrical magick or fire magick
>suddenly a shadow entity comes up from behind and twists my arm behind me and holds the back of my neck in a lock (think of how police restrain someone)
>I wake up
After meditation, reflection, and a tarot session asking Archangel Raphael for advice, I realise that this shadow figure is an actual aspect of my own shadow self. My fears and insecurities that restrains me from moving forward in life.
There are plenty of fears I have in life, like commitment, and flying in an airplane. So I don't wish to banish this. It's part of me.
Instead I want to bring it forth, understand it, and show it love. The problem is, is that this thing scares the shit out of me.
Does anyone have any tips for rituals or meditations or such?
Has anyone ever dealt with this sort of thing? If so, could you share some advice on how you dealt with it?
So first thing is first, write down everything you want on every level, and even pay attention to conflicting thoughts. Look for fast thoughts you have that regulate your behavior. Your shadow could be a pussy and you full of bravado but subconsciously avoidant. Thr shadow isn't necessarily a psychopath. It is probably a little psychopathic though.
Maybe it is more scared of me than I’m scared of it, you’re right. But what about actually facing it?
This is a very interesting topic, bump

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Hey /x/. I have been a hobby hypnotist for a couple of years now, and I recently looking into meditation techniques. Then I realized that the techniques are very similar. Both involve progressed relaxation and energy manipulation and other such things. The only difference I can see is that in hypnosis, you are giving someone else the keys. The difference is, in meditation, your subconscious does not seem to soak up suggestions like a sponge. Anyone got the inside scoop? (Also, I am talking about normal hypnosis, not stage hypnosis. While I am curious about it, it seems to be a whole other ball game.)
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It's a hypnosis method developed by Dolores Cannon and used to derive all the information revealed in her books, designed for past life regression and channeling the "subconscious" (her term) or Higher Self (term used by practitioners Beyond Quantum Healing, a modality by Candace Craw-Goldman based on QHHT but designed for remote sessions over Zoom)
Dolores was the goat
Thanks anon
How does it work?

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What are the spiritual implications of circumcision? It seems odd that two religions (Judaism and Islam) specifically *mandate* it, while another goes out of its way to specify that you *don't* need to do it (Christianity), while yet another *prohibits* it (Sikhism).
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Most people really only realize that their dick is fucked once they start having sex. Anyways, these threads should continue to be posted until something is done about it. Sorry people want to talk about an actual worldwide conspiracy that involves torturing infant boys on a conspiracy board.
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>I am very happily circumcised
>there is not a single thing that people with a foreskin can do that I can’t
>I’m VERY happily circumcised
>my cock is perfect
read this: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06685.x

>having trauma from circumcision and stuff is, frankly, pure seethe
watch a video of a baby being circumcised. they're easily accessible on youtube.
guys I'm beginning to see a pattern

To offer one's firstborn to Moloch, circumcision is a tenet of kabalistic faith and among the rites of the cult of Moloch one sacrifices the firstborn in exchange for favor, wealth and power. By brainwashing the world into accepting circumcision they have in essence converted the world to their faith without their explicit acknowledgment. If you parents circumcised you, they willingly committed your spirit to the sacrifice altar for the benefit of the parasite caste.

Did we come from under the earth?
Many native American tribes have lore that we started on the earth and were lead to at least 4 new worlds inside the earth before emerging onto the surface.
Some say even, we started as insects, then were transformed into wolves and bears, then into man.
Any true native story telling is appreciated as well
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>went underground to hide from flooding
ya, like worms and rabbits do
I was thinking that too since their history does account for great catastrophes, a great flood being one of them
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We? No. Jews? Possibly.
>the ancients dug tunnels and rooms in rock
I hate normies so much
I could never do something like this
If you dig long enough, you will find concave Earth.
Yes, because Earth is hollow, and in some myths, the underworld is also the outside world. That's because these myths originated in a very remote time, when humanity lived inside Hollow Earth.

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Non-being is not, because it doesn't merely exist.
Things like right equilateral triangles are contradictions in themselves, which is why they don't exist. However Non-being doesn't contradict itself, just as Being doesn't contradict itself.
I think therefore I am, and if I'm lying, I exist still, therefore being is.
I am therefore I think
I fuck around therefore I find out I exist.

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This is not an AMA, I will not be answering any questions.

My purpose here is to foretell of the coming of The Antichrist. He has been identified, and currently a famous author is writing a biography about him that is extremely titillating and is designed to convert the masses to support his cause. He is made out to be extremely relatable to disenfranchised young men in America, and the whole thing, be it fabrication or not, asserts itself as a truthful account of the life of The Antichrist.

I have no idea when this book will be published, but I have gained access to the first chapter and I will be sharing with you some excerpts from it so that you will not be blindsided by this information. It may very well take years before the book is finished, or months, who knows, but it is coming and I believe it will be very popular when it is finally released, owing to it's satirical critique of religion and modernity.

The book title, from what I have discerned, will be called most likely "El Códice" (translated: The Codex). It will be published in both English and Spanish so that it can be received by the western world en masse, but the title will remain the same. (1.4 billion English speakers, 550 million spanish speakers).
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No, the antichrist is definitely human and they want you to think he's just like you except he "figured it out"
basically the nobody is a psyop for the antichrist if OP is accurate
slow down


you all wanna roll miracles every day k
If anything the elites would kill the real Antichrist for NOT being a 40-something famous billionaire of some type
tfw im just a dude whos figured it all out
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Unironically yes that's a major factor. He's young, uneducated, he speaks one tongue much less any dead languages, he's not even a century old, he's not proven his service with a lifetime through the ranks, he ate from no silver spoon, his blood is tainted and wasn't perfect to begin with, he still clings to his current identity in the astral, and add to all that he's spent nearly a decade now obscuring himself in coy faults, playing dumb, to capitalize on their underestimation of the extent of his infiltration. You're a 600+ year old entity with a multidimensional bureaucracy to safeguard into the Aquarian Age, you know all the tricks because you played them yourself now you see a country bumpkin human doing it for the current times, he's never acted against you despite much babble and there are ancient prophecies of this very occurence happening cyclically to update the world's Operating System. Would you trust someone like that?

I am going insane because I understand too much, but also not enough.
Pray for more guidance and wait in water for your direction

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For reference: https://files.catbox.moe/q4agf7.pdf#page157

Anyone else here worm-pilled? Doing gut-cleansing deworming methods?

>three weeks into my half assed detox.
>been drinking 30 drops of wormwood tincture three times a day, and drinking one tablespoon of diatomaceous earth once a day.
>been smoking one or two cigarettes every day (ive quit weed a month ago)
>been steadily shitting more which is a good sign
>shits have been blacker than normal
>havent had any breakthrough moments yet where you fully shit out a worm
>i am still eating meat and lots of starch, noodles and butter so thags probably the issue
>I should probably do the 72 hour water fast like the .pdf suggests is the silver bullet for deworming but im afraid, I haven’t fasted for that long, not even close, only about 16 hour fast.
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Am I allowed to drink water?
Yes. Water, black coffee, seltzer water. Water with lemon. There is a guy on YouTube called snakediet that breaks down what you should drink during a fast. He recommends lime juice and salt water. But watch his video on YouTube because i dont remember exactly.
Thanks anon
Everyone here sounds like they are going to have a clean small intestine. To clean the large intestine and shorten your parasite detox time, sometimes in half, you should be doing enemas as well. They can be done with simple baking soda or epsom salt and they’re extremely safe. Doctors call those saline enemas. Those two working amazing at cleaning out parasites. I think I lost 10 pounds of mucous plaque when I first did one and I weigh 150 pounds and I’m 5’9
You’ll need it to process the toxins

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I've noticed that when I fast I still shit, but it's often watery with what seems like sludge balls in it.
Someone told me that it's actually a part of some kind of organism that lives in your gut and feeds off stuff like sugar and that the only way to get rid of it is by fasting as it can live off any substance but makes you crave sugar because that what makes it grow the most
And I fucking believe it because the sludge seems to be entirely alien, it seems to be encapsulated by some membrane that separates it from the water. I haven't taken a piece out of the toilet to further examine it and I'm not going to because I don't have a microscope and just fucking eww no, but I've read here and there about fasting being spiritual. Again and again I hear that fasting purifies the body and I'm really starting to believe it now that I'm doing it.

Anyways feel free to dump about the spiritual benefits of fasting and or schizo theories like the 3 Chinese worms tha are killed by fasting.
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>Someone told me that it's actually a part of some kind of organism that lives in your gut and feeds off stuff like sugar and that the only way to get rid of it is by fasting as it can live off any substance but makes you crave sugar because that what makes it grow the most
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. My dad thought he had it and that it caused him to be angry or anxious all the time but I'm pretty sure he was just depressed. He started eating a carnivore diet and became a full-on health food cultist but he's drastically better than he was before.
He’s right SIBO will make you depressed and miserable. Cutting out grains is the key just like with fungal infections
75% of the bread in the US has glyphosate in it
It’s hard for me to get passed the 48 hour mark the last few years
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>I’ve had many men stick cameras up my ass
>so I know it’s clean
anon, I…
>I had several colenoscopies
Banging them out like a champ. I bet your doctor loves it when you walk in. How old are you by the way?

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