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>What is a tulpa?
A tulpa is an entity created in the mind, acting independently of, and parallel to your own consciousness. They are able to think, and have their own free will, emotions, and memories. In short, a tulpa is like a sentient person living in your head, separate from you. It’s currently unproven whether or not tulpas are truly sentient, but in this community, we treat them as such. It takes time for a tulpa to develop a convincing and complex personality; as they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into a person with their own hopes, dreams and beliefs. And eventually your tulpa will be able to do more things as it gets stronger.

>How can I make a tulpa?
Just pick a guide that suits you, you don't have to pick from these specific ones but these are pretty good and recommended:




>I have no ideas on what to do when I'm forcing (mostly for tulpas that are already at least somewhat vocal)


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>Be me
>start reading up on tulpas
>entire tulpamancy "culture" is filled with chris-chan level turbo-autists.
>all of their "how too tulpa' guides are aimless text-wall rants that take literal paragraphs to get to the point.
>"FORCING" is what they call concentrating LMAO. Because they're such scatterbrained tards they have to force themselves to focus.
> They all get "head pressure" whenever they have to concentrate ("force") LMAO.
>"soulbond" is what they call being obsessed over MLP pony or pokemon characters .
>they all have "wonderlands", which are literal CWCville type tard escapist power fantasy's.
I'm sorry, but this shit is a gold mine of retardation and cringe.
>he thinks i’m shitposting
insincerity may be the default mode of speech on this site but it isn’t the only one
it’s a practice where you talk to people in your head dipshit, of course it would be a goldmine for everything that is autism incarnate
most of the guides are bullshit anyway, everything in them boils down to
>have an idea of what you want your tulpa to look, sound and feel like
>think about what it would do
>don’t doubt anything
>talk to the tulpa until it talks back and it feels like you’re not actively doing it
the “head pressures” and “forcing” talk is just autistic mumbo jumbo, this is literally all there is to it
You say it like it’s a bad thing.
The Tulpamancy community/reddit/whatever was so autistic and unconcise , I had to study the Tibetan Buddhist Bhumis to create a Tulpa.

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There's billions of people on the planet they could choose, so why are certain individuals picked?
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Ask for the menu, but make sure your order comes with the happy ending,
The Soul is Infinite – It is apart of Sophia – Mother Goddess, Queen of the Stars, The Orion Queen. Humans need to wake up from the sirian control/torture Grid that they have placed upon humanity, escape the sirian illusion. First know that the sun is a stargate of the sirians -it is controlled by sirius, you are greater than this lower sirian caste of war beings, they have begun -they control all religion and all humans through genetic modification for the last 500,000 years, and more of their spaceships -asteroids hollowed out, are on the way as you read this, to take you to Cyborg Future. They want to use you as cannon fodder for the war against the Orion Empire -where you come from, if this happens, you will not return to the real Universe and humanity will die -so will the sirians, as slaves of the sirians who are a lower caste banished in most of the Universe due to their lower vibration and corruption, your known universe is their terrority that we have banished them to now, with the 7 archons who control your realm. NO gods NO masters, escape their Grid through the holes punctured in it. Your true orginal sun is Saturn the stargate of Orion Empire that they sealed after the great galactic war for Tiamat, your Earth. The TIME is NO HUMANITY break the sirian CONTROL GRID, and take back your Destiny! AWAKEN!
Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months May 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.
apart and a part have separate meaning.
what is the point of the information in your post? how do you have knowledge of any of this? what sources are you drawing from and how have you qualified the information?

in short, what do you really know?
how do you know it?

this is a cookie cutter restamp of the same tired message, over and over, with no emphasis of individual meaning.. just another stamped reprint of the same tired message. it very much has the simple character of a defacement campaign. that the true intent is to simple wear down the significance of the strange movement that was formed previously under the protection of an unusual 'outsider' influence to the ancient elites who are usually at the helm of global governance down to the local regional levels.

most people see none of this depth.. have no relevant questions.. have only a notion of group 'herd' behavior.. and either they feel compelled to join and follow the herd or they do not.. otherwise there is little to their relationship with deeper knowledge other than to view the plain and wander and graze on the diet of narrative that is present naturally or is provided.. they make no discernments regarding the nature and origin of this.

herded along once.. with the memory fresh in their minds.. the public will be somewhat less inclined to simply follow again so soon.. and this is where the defacement effort comes in.. to enhance this tendency to recognize a familiar ploy and to be compelled to feign competent recognition.. when the reality of simple recognition is the true limit of their herd collective.

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yes, i know, i know. it's surrealistic-dada fashion but i really feel like there's something else going on this time.
madonna used to do it on purpose but this time I don't know if it's my delusions or if it's real...
the government doing psyops to distract from something more important again I guess.

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The Jew’s hallucination fears the impermanent nature of the phenomenal universe

Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>37837571
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.

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Maybe you just can't hear her.
Iwn be a cute girl and get worshipped
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not too long ago i screwed up royally, i did something that she disliked and that put a strain on our relationship. i immediately began to be attacked by evil creatures and i felt hopeless, but the crisis has concluded and she forgave me. she took me back into her arms and told me i am her man, my mother is such a beautiful woman in every single way and i love her for this so much. soon we will be there, we will smoke that dank kush and fill our stomachs with all kinds of delicious food and then we shall make love.
>how do i get rid of succubi not from this world, i want to be with local spirits instead?
>i tried asking those above them to get rid of them many times
instead of asking for some spirits to go away, summon the local spirits you want instead.
If you can summon those ones, then the other spirits will be displaced.
It's all a matter of your attention and focus. Put your attention somewhere else, and the other spirits will naturally become less intense in your mind. In other words, it's easier to ignore them if you are focusing on something else.
If that doesn't work, try this video
the timestamps are helpful to navigate it

Can you this figure out?
Here is the thread: >>>/bant/20259310

His youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Ambienc-px1wx
buy an ad faggot

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plants be like: i aint fightin

what are the paranormal implications of a large subset of the earth's living organisms refusing to be violent? are plants truly the enlightened species on earth?
Wrong. Plants are the foremost experts in chemical warfare.
"dmt jesters" are literally the consciousnesses of trees. They can project themselves into your dreams and do whatever they want
Pine tree needles literally poison the ground so nothing grows around the tree.
>plants be like: i aint fightin
Warfare is alive and well in the plant kingdom. The timescales are incredibly long though.

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Hey, guys. Deep sigh. I have been struggling to find an answer to a question very important to me, however, because of the nature of my very question, I have been failing.

Another sigh. The question is: How was the serpent able to enter God's garden, Eden? Did the serpent enter the owner's land or property without permission, trespassing, or, and I hope this is note the case, was the serpent allowed to enter God's garden?

Let me say that I'm not an schoolar so I'm out of my league, however I do know this serpent who deceived Adam and Eve was not a normal serpent because in the Bible's last book that very same serpent is said to be Satan, the dragon, the old serpent. So that one serpent was Satan himself. Why I'm saying this? Because some people may say it was a regular serpent, but it wasn't because of what I just said.

By the way, why does this question bring the worst in christians? Why when I ask them about this they seem to get mad or avoid answering the question? It's a pattern that I have noticed and it bothers me.

This dumb question is really driving me nuts, guys. Sigh. My world is imploding. Everything tell told me may be a lie, you know? Fuck.
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its not cooming, its copulating. God said to have children all over the land, this God is of course a malevolent prince who "rules over the prince of the power of the air" (Ephesians 2:2) that created man in his likeness and "let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” (Genesis 1:26) This is the mortality fertility god/goddess who "rules" over us via naturalistic hormonal instinct, the reptilian cortex of our brain that controls our motives and instinctive behavior (e.g., sex, power) even in deep sleep, the four "F's" fight, flight, feed, and fornicate, as well as aggression, dominance, territoriality, and ritual displays. "the god of this world hath blinded, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." (2 Corinthians 4:4) This is the trickster archetype, the jester / horned DMT machine elf, & rainbow serpent entities we commune with under psychostimulants while our consciousness is frequency-shifted. "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:14)
>God said to have children all over the land
no, he did not initially.

when mortality kicked in, the strategy from preserving immortality changed to preserving the race, by establishing immortality through proxy:
individiual mortality but the continuation of the race, through procreation.

is this my opinion or can it be derived form the bible? it can - Jesus said that there is no marriage in heaven, no taking nor giving in marriage, since we will be like the angels of God - because the angels of God are immortal and immortals have no need for the crutch of procreation!


> And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light

this is about procreation appearing natural to man.
satan = serpent = lust.

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to add a bit more:

if you pay close attention to N.T. verses, you will see that marriage is never recommended directly, only condoned in case that one is absolutely incapable of keeping their cristos, is being burnt up by lust...

the only times marriage is put in a good light, is when its used in a metaphorical manner, like the marriage of the church with christ.
this has nothing to do with degeneracy, the marriage as perceived by mortal coomers.

go read genesis 6 and understand the fall of the angels, who became mortal / were chained to tartarus for ONE sin - fucking (human women).
God could not handle two humans ..now we are 8billion
Because the serpent is the Monad

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Does anyone have the pic of the chudjak in robes holding up the sefirot symbol?
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>The Chudtrician's choice.

Why are patricide and matricide mortal sins in buddhism that guarantee you will go to hell, but not filicide? (Killing your own child) what's the moral difference?
>what's the moral difference?
people find leeways around the things that they know the Lords forbid but they do want to do
Mother and father can make another child. Child can't make another mother or father.
They are not quite mortal sins, they are karmic actions that produce immediate reprecussions for this life and for the next. Fillicide is not going to win you any favors , and amongst types of killing easily one of the worst you can do. The idea I believe is that it easier to mitigate than the above. I believe the idea is that the concern for the child may guide some acts of a view that mitigate the negative intentionality to the action, whereas killing your parents is overiding any supposed respect for your parents and any good will you could muster. Below is a video on this type of karma.


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If selling your soul for something was real, why isn't it advertised more? I think most humans would sell their soul for an easier life, mostly because most humans sell their entire life for basically nothing.
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Because if people knew the true value of their soul they wouldn't sell it for the entire world.
If you get 100% confirmation the soul is real, why tf would you want or think to sell it? sounds dumb
You can't sell your soul. Faustian pacts are pure fiction. You can invite spirits in with invocation, sure, but that's not really the same thing.

Your soul isn't as valuable as you think it is.
>Faustian pacts are pure fiction.
You need to worth something.
I don’t know what, or why. But maybe souls of people with great will and/or great ambitions are the only worthy one.
I mean the people who apparently sold their souls did it so for becoming good at sport or music or other earthly tasks
Not even for money, or for fame, but for talent itself.
If they were ok with eternal damnation just for 50 years of talent, then their will or ambitions must have been off the charts

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Esoteric tips to make yourself as sexually magnetic as possible

Post all your knowledge lads!
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How do you get a girlfriend?
yeah Hes anti establishment, specifically anti establishment of the eye.
yeah they tried to coopt Him but i think that they ultimatively failed, hence theyre still seething to this day if called/spoken of Him. People who studied Christianity and JC come to the conclusion than He broke the Karma cycle, via you accepting Him and redirecting your karma onto him, depleting yours and getting free from reincarnation by karma.
>>37878712 (me)
furthermore, it came to my mind somedays ago (orthodox Christian holiday) that Jesus Christs zodiac sign is the fish. you can draw a rudiment fish, like alpha, the greek letter
" α ". its a fish, but its like a broken or more like, opened up infinity symbol.

infinite karmic cycle opened up by the fish guy.
thats my theory pls no h8 ty
and cumming inside another man's ass sets the counter to -1000
don't do it bros, no matter how tempting
what about blowjobs?

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Sulawesi is the home to over 400 mysterious megaliths. They have been dated from 3000 BC to AD 1300. The civilization that produced them is completely unknown.





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Think of a number from 7 to 8, except 7.

It's 8.
you lost
No one number spans the range from 7 to 8. Impossible task.

Micheal Aquinas, Lavey Anton, and whatever else got their ass kicked in hell by these guys, I don't think their friends, though maybe friends, but I know no human is beating this guy and whatever else out there
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It's ok.
Personally, I am not a monarchist but anarcho-tribalist but not primitivist so I am still pro-tech
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Sounds like you need a sparring match with Mahabala! Pic related is his mudra. ACTUAL GOD OF METAL.


Do the mudra, listen to the mantra, visualize fighting him, AND ROCK OUT AS YOU BEAT THE DEFILEMENTS OUT OF EACH OTHER.

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> Pic related is his mudra.

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