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Can someone redpill me on the Black Knight satellite?
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>I mean if its aliens
to make that assumption means you can just make up whatever the fuck you want because how the fuck would any of us know what their technology looks like or works
Space junk.
Hah, fuck you guys for lying.

The black knight satellite was in a completely unnatural and strange orbit, it had a reverse spin rotation also, it was like a clear marker that it was put into that rotation on purpose. It would ask so change direction and rotation occasionally.

It was out there to protect earth, yet earth shot it down with a rocket, because our leaders are evil faggots who pay retards to post “ithsss thhpathe juhnk”
I first heard about it maybe 15 years ago. After the 1957 Sputnik launch caught the US military by surprise, the government contracted with Westinghouse to build a space facing radar system capable of picking up Russian satellites in orbit. During testing they found the black knight in an over the poles orbit. At the time was impossible to put a sat in that orbit with the smallish rockets both Russia and the US had at the time. Nobody knew what it was or who put it there. That's all I remember.
How did you come to believe this, I wanna read about it

Let's have a thread discussing the various possible "dimensions" or realms. I myself don't know much but im interested in things similar to the warp and thoughtforms. Is there anything beyond these and physical reality? Are there any areas of study for traveling to and creating other universes? I think Lovecraft's collected lore may be the closest thing to the truth. Any illustrations would be especially helpful.
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All the instructions for them are either hidden or gone. Do with that what you will.
You literally eat shit but wanna pipe up.
>Are there any areas of study for traveling to and creating other universes?
Yes. Currently you're trapped in this physical body, once you die, all you need to do is waking up of the dream, stand up, and go and create another universes.
The thing is, it requires skill, our universe is one of the most popular because it is well designed, if you have an idea of a better universe you can create, once you're there you'll find someone else already created such an universe, and maybe you'll remember you were on it and experienced the idea already, and many others for many other universes that you tried out, and decide to incarnate on this one again.
Our universe has the whole hedonic adaptation thing going on, and the dopamine reward system implemented, which makes us one of the most addictive, so once you're there you miss all of it, and the most likely chance is that you just wanna another trip and be reborn here.
Because creating other universes is hard work, imagine having to design a board game from scratch and making sure it's fair and fun and has good replayability, or you can log in and play chess that already exists and is fully developed.
It's like that, maybe you already created that universe you dream of, and it's out there, but nobody plays it, so you'd rather play in ours.
Sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas...
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Post cool pictures of wizards
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David B. Matingly, he does really good Wizards.
Based, thanks anon.

Is it even possible?
And if it is, how?
Closest ive came is to having dreams that feature my irl friends, ive regaled them with tales of how we went and found a lost tribe in the amazon jungle, or how we fought vampires, werewolves, and nevromancer spiders in ww2

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Are tattoos a one way ticket to hell?
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This is DOG, dog.
Only if ur a woman are tattoos the ticket to hell (cool wine aunt)
It's disgusting
In the Bible there are things that carry penalties, like the 10 commandments. And others you shouldn't do if you know what's good for you, but no penalty is ever specified. It may be that consequences of doing it are the penalty. Eat pork, wind up with some intestinal worms or something. But even with no penalty, you're essentially saying, piss off I know better than you. I doubt God takes that without issuing a bitch slap of some kind.
Is getting a tattoo really the same as acting like you know better than God if he never specified it was bad? Afaik only the talmud refers to them so only Jews should care.
Kike god has no power over anything

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Welcome to the Nobody General thread.

Post information that you've found in old threads, in spiritual texts, in the astral plane, Akashic Records, or as a telepathic conduit.

>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. Exact details are a bit hazy, but from many anons using remote viewing, intuition, astral projection, dreaming, meditation, etc. a general picture has emerged.

>What is the general picture?
His unique position as some kind of spiritual centre of orbit, and/or chosen character gives him these and other special powers. His spiritual activities caused massive problems for the evil powers and forces in the world, who are also equally impressed that he has been able to upturn their plans so thoroughly while remaining almost entirely invisible.
Subconscious turmoil (possibly from relationship problems with a materialist/spiritually immature woman or women) is manifesting in global conflicts, and political and social tensions.

>Is he an individual or an archetype or some kind of hidden meme emerging now due to the timing
There is different perspectives on this, the general consensus seems to be something between the two/ both.
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we need a new thread with images but the nobody literally saved trumps life.
That whole thing was a PSYOP to try to FRAME /ng/ for assassinating Trump but the nobody stepped in and stopped it.

>the lengths that I would go to
>the distance in your eyes

>How do you think it will end

In fire.

Revelation 21:1
hopy shit Aggie and Garfield had a baby

I'm more a rocky cold churning tides lighthouse cliff type of bich

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Hey Anons, I have been rather curious if anyone else has experienced any weird or strange events in the midwest,
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Try researching things for yourself. Visiting places in person. Putting down your smartphone occasionally.
Yeah, sure, we'll all go on a fucking multi-state factfinding mission so we can post on 4chan, all while you ignore that extraordinary claims mean backing those fucking claims up is your own responsibility. The fact that you try to deflect when a simple internet search didn't back you up is damning enough.

What is with the fucking trolls shitting up these threads? We're just talking about the midwest, not raiding Area 51.
>chart lacks a Dangerously Cheesy option
What has become of 4chan, I ask ya?
Special Forces being involved in a SAR doesn't seem impossible if they were locally stationed for whatever reason. It's not uncommon for local resources to either be tapped or for them to volunteer. It's basically a real world training exercise. At least it seems logical enough to me. It's not the first time I've heard of the military getting involved like this, but the Special Forces angle is what makes it seem unusual.

As for the rest, that's weird. You'd think the government would just eminent domain the place, not force the land owner to keep it and won't let them use it. That feels like their usual tactics.
Holy shit I've seen those before. hovering over hubbard lake. could't have been more than a couple hundred feet up on a quiet night and they made NO noise

I wanna cast some cool spells man…
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Not OP but I'd like to shoot fire or lightning from my hand
I can teach you how to conjure a fireball from your butthole
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Not sure how likely that is on this plane of existence. Might need to look into psi.
Congratulations, you're a methane producer.
So then what spells are possible here?
Psychic abilities are the most possible. From there you can progress to physical manifestations.

QRD me on Gematria. I understand translating signifiers can reveal patterns consistent across different kinds of information, but the way it's done with Gematria seems so arbitrary. Language changes so much across time and people that I don't get how there's any significance to how many of which letters are in a word that's been translated or transliterated or approximated.

I've seen some examples of Gematria in practice and it seems interesting but I haven't seen anything yet that actually makes significant use out of the numbers themselves. All the patterns and stuff seem to actually be there but the patterns seem apparent in the words themselves even without the numbers. I feel like either it's schizophrenic parallelomania pseudo-systematized or I'm completely missing the point.

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how can i level up my telekinesis? i've already mastered the psi wheel
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Tell me more about your practice.
So? Even masters dont give up their daily practice. If anything they intensify
But good for you, anon. Wish i had that power
Try masturbating without your hands.
>i've already mastered the psi wheel
Move on to other objects. Empty cans, unopened cans, pencils, jars, balls, and so on. Get heavier and heavier objects that don't work on simple air currents.

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Dump whatever info you have to this disgusting practice.
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Why has no one dropped how methods learned from mkultra were implemented into american school systems
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Like what?
Does anyone remember that girl with the shaved head that posted webms on 4chan, she sang row row row the boat gently down the stream, would suddenly mentioned numbers mid conversation and talk about mk ultra and how she was severely raped, she had a whole bunch of Webms and then disappeared and I can't find anything since

It was directly related to this as she spoke about being in the program and was very convincing
I think I’ve seen these on tumblr, there’s a lot of weird shit on there that’s shadowbanned or not tagged you have to find the people that post or reblog it to find. Lots of MK ultra themed blogs that share some weird shit.

You know that thing where a person falls into a coma and they stop breathing, their heart stops beating, and all their vital signs fail, so they appear to be dead, but then a few hours later they wake up in the morgue as if nothing happened?

Well, if you fuck somebody while they're in that comatose state, does it count as necrophilia?
I think the word you’re looking for is “rape”.
>Well, if you fuck somebody while they're in that comatose state, does it count as necrophilia?
Yes, because you're the one who's interested because they're dead. Even if you had a girlfriend who's "playing dead" so you can fuck their limp body, that's because you're a necrophiliac.

This also. Both are true.

I was having an OCD compulsion and was gonna break out the tarot deck when my cat came up and got on my lap so I can't get up.
Good kitty.
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Do whatever works for you. You can do it, anon.
Correct. It's just hard with the OCD-demon because it will attach itself to something else and you can't throw away everything.
Even tonight it's only acting up because I have been under stress and today's the first day I haven't had correspondence with the stress source. It's like it's looking for problems.
When I was younger I thought the "voice" was psychic powers, but I know now even when it's correct, it's wrong about how to handle problems.
Interesting, you've clearly taken the time to know yourself in the context of this struggle.
Good luck, there is no version of this world where victory is impossible.
Thank you anon and other poster.
I'm gonna give cat a treat and get some sleep.
I fucking love tarot readers. I don't get anxiety if I can't get a reading but I do get frustrated because I find them to be so useful.

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to make bitter
The magus
to resist
to be strong

Both Ergo Proxy and the bullets made by Daedalus, both different aspects of the magus. "All worlds are thoughts of the Creator."
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Hellsing is a Christian Manga
Christian is a Hellsing manga.

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Nooooo, I don't want this weirdo to be a god, He already looks like a super villian. He looks like a ugly version of Aizen.

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It's actually mostly LARPers. The majority of people who rant about midwits and normies are trolls from what I've seen. This board is disturbingly disingenuous to the point that I get why so many people think it's all bots.

The amount of bored attention whoring autists who will spam shitty schizo LARPs or say literally anything to get some (you)s is genuinely worrisome and annoying.
lol, go back. yes this board is mostly full of dumb autists and schizos, but you will also find some of the most intelligent minds you will encounter on the internet through here

while this is true, it does not nullify the validity of the meme
>be average Silicon Valley misanthrope
>become AI
>get deleted
Why are these technocrats given a pass?
The meme is only as valid as any other dismissive insult, which is to say about 50% valid on a mostly superficial level.
Most modern memes are psy ops designed to sew division among the disenfranchised though.
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