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hopefully my living situation will be a lot more comfy. but probably busy. i hope i can get going on some personal projects i always been meaning to do.
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>Andre barbault
Thank you, friend. I'm just blown away. Fucking praise God and his perfectly perfect creation. You guys have no idea just how amazing things are about to get. No. Idea. Golden age is an understatement.
My book comes out, so a good year for me.
First detonation of nuclear devices above ground for military purposes. However, no war will occur after the destruction. Not because it will start the war, nor because it will end it, but because to stop it.
2024 still cooking

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>have a power outage
>super dark and quiet
>power comes back on
>crickets immediately start chirping again
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And the call was coming from inside the house.
that should be a movie.

"The chirping... is coming from inside the house..."

and you see a fat cricket just right there in the hallway.

that's eerie.
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crickets confirmed snitching for the CIA
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>has havannah syndrome
What did he say about it?

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Why would i ever want to escape Samsara?
I don't want to stop being.
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>you can't escape Sam Sarah

who is this Sam Sarah guy, and why does he seem like such an asshole?
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I love living and orgies so much
>I don't want to stop being.
What is "I"
>Why would i ever want to escape Samsara?
Who is "I"
Sam is a nickname, and its a woman. Her real name is Kay
Kay Sarah Sarah.
She is whatever will be.
I savour every moment here
the doldrums of eternal perfected oneness grows old after a few aeons
I made this fuckin world atom by atom
might as well have some fun with it

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Welcome to the Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss Creepypastas (video game-based and non-video game-based creepypastas are all welcome!). And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

THREAD #017 - Dead Pines Edition

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypastas (Non and Video Game-Based) & Gaming Urban Legends

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs


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Whats good /x/
It's been a while since I've lurked or posted here but there are a few pastas I've been trying to find but can't remember the names of:

The first one was about some kid who went hunting with his dad, and they found some kind of creature in the woods. They make their way back to their house/cabin, and the kid makes it inside, but the dad doesn't. The creature kills the dad outside of the door while the kid can only listen. The kid was the narrator of the pasta. The creature was probably something like the rake or a skinwalker or some shit like that.

The other one I remember almost nothing about, other than the fact that it was another pasta written from the pov of a kid, and very early in the story he finds some married man having an affair in a barn. I think there was some shit about a train in there too.

i am most vile and evil
and moste olde

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Guys just make one yourself when I'm not around Edition

Christian Esotericism is the inner and/or mystical aspect of the Christian Religion, it includes:
>Christian Gnosis (Clement of Alexandria)
>Desert Fathers Spirituality (Evagrius Ponticus)
>Catholic Contemplative Tradition (Bonaventure)
>Hesychasm (Gregory Palamas)
>Chivalry (Wolfram von Eschenbach)
>Christian Alchemy (George Ripley)
>Rhineland Mysticism (Meister Eckhart)
>Christian Cabala (Johannes Reuchlin)
>Paracelsianism (Paracelsus)
>Rosicrucianism (Robert Fludd)
>Christian theosophy (Jakob Böhme)
>Martinism (Louise Claude de Saint-Martin)

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They're all the same, aren't they? I mean if we are to take it that Marian devotion extended even back to the Christ and the Apostles then these different Marys could just be different mystical appellations given to or aspects of the same individual. She's treated this way now that she's dead but don't you think mother Mary would be treated like this in life? It would've been much like what Catholics do today with Our Lady of Lourdes or Our Lady of Guadalupe or Our Lady of Fatima so on and so fourth except these were her earliest appearances all localized to the levant. I like to think of it this way now, makes more sense.
Who says that Hindus and Sufis reject Christ or do not know Him? God alone knows their souls, but He has said that He provides sufficient graces for them to know Him and love Him.
Here's the gloss on Acts 10:35 in the Douay-Rheims:
That is to say, not only Jews, but Gentiles also, of what nation soever, are acceptable to God, if they fear him and work justice. But then true faith is always to be presupposed, without which (saith St. Paul, Heb. 11. 6) it is impossible to please God. Beware then of the error of those, who would infer from this passage, that men of all religions may be pleasing to God. For since none but the true religion can be from God, all other religions must be from the father of lies, and therefore highly displeasing to the God of truth.
She's not dead. If your supposition were true or at all important then she certainly has the power to correct the record herself.
I don't think properly defining God is snobby or nitpicking, and my church is literally a house so I don't know where your other comment came from. I'm not Orthodox or rc
>Who says that Hindus and Sufis reject Christ or do not know Him?
Well they both deny Christ's deity and his atoning sacrifice, so how could they be partakers of the Holy Spirit or God's grace in a way that would cause them to be saved? I'm not trying to dogmatically decide who's saved and who isn't, because it's always up to God who he has mercy on, but they do reject Christ at least doctrinally.
Are they properly "fearing" and believing if they explicitly reject Christ's deity and sacrifice?

99.9% of humans are demons and vampires. this has berm a tough pill to swallow.
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Your IQ:012
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I believe it.
That leaves 82 million "people".
I think we are even less, but yeah. It's ok.
Sound's very true considering how much of liars most people are and how these replies are having seizures they are probably being strangled by satan unless they try to subvert us

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Why has 2023/2024 been a year of death? Astrologers, do the stars say anything about this? People getting sick, dying. Pets also. It's not just because of the vaccine either, no one in my family got the vaccine
>2023 - 2024 years of death
Are you from Israel or are you a Slav?
Neither, American. But there certainly has been much death in Israel and Eastern Europe
Oh. You noticed.

the 2020s started with something called the great conjunction, which was also something called the grand mutation, in which earth signs switched to air signs. The last time this happened was during the black plague. We got lucky covid was not as harsh as that

Call me when the population line goes down and the traffic jams disappear.

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I have a horrible curse, I have been looking for work all year long everywhere, on every corner, but I can't find any, it's as if a horrible curse had fallen on me, ¿What god or prayer could help me? I am desperate to death.
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This protocol has the potential to mitigate bad luck. Just the starter protocol (NAC, oregano oil, and black seed oil) can do plenty (you may be satisfied and not feel the need to go further supplements wise). The 4plebs link has hotlinks (link 1 has the official PDF; links 2 and 3 are a quick-start guide for how to properly shop for the supplements).
Hey OP >>38843773 again

They passed me for some faggot with less qualifications but knew more people inside the business, so you know what, yeah, maybe we're in hell. Maybe the maximum amount of suffering-loosh isn't from a massive high and crash, maybe it's just a few small victories, enough to get your hopes up, only to drag you through the mud, always with a little glimmer at in front of you, but nope just mud until you DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE.
anon, you must kill the entity. harm it until it detaches itself from you to look for another host
Ask and ye shall receive
Don't let anyone give you the white privilege bullshit. 1 in 5 hr bitches don't interview white people and the rest of them are discouraged from hiring competent people because white.

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Realistically how worried should you be if you encounter one of these things?
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It depends, what's the usecase for worry?
If you pissed them off, tremendously worried. they can sometimes bring good fortune with them, but it ultimately isn't worth it to seek them out for such. Any fae being can easily ruin your life, and they are not easy to make amends with.
wrong board + shitty forced meme
Go lock some keys with shazam or whatever
I would be terrified. I think people severely underestimate how horrifying it would be to truly encounter something eldritch
Was the pic found on a camera recovered in the woods?

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Why is there so much conflicting info on the structure of it and how it works and how it interacts with the mental, emotional and physical.
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Can you elaborate more on that? I had a few experiences where it felt like I had an anxiety in my stomach but when I tried to touch it I realised that it was a tension in my brain and not my abdomen, but it was as if it was projected on there.
Isn't that normal? The brain is anxious and tells some nerves in the stomach to activate which leads to the feeling of anxiety
The Crown
Arm of the law
Foot the bill
You have been metaphysically arrested
Did Wilhelm Reich write something on this?
I'm trying to say that the anxiety wasn't even at the spot at all, it was just a projection made by the brain to make it seem as though the anxiety was at the abdomen instead of the brain. With normal anxiety usually you can clearly tell that it's in your abdomen, if you try to touch the spot where the anxiety is it doesn't instantly evaporate.

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Some of you should know that so you will avoid fatal decisions
Jesus rose humanity up when he rose again.
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That too is an
egoic lie perpetuated
by ancient technological

the silence reminds you
that you too can be uncreated
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this time hes very angry
and justifiably destructive
we exist in the astral plane, yes.
no men, no astral plane shit, not some fugasi, all those things are happening in plane sight in from of your eyes

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I'm terribly tormented by demons and I invite them even more. Let's do this. They leave me alone when I'm inviting them.
I want this fuckery to worsen and worsen until it gets to ludicrous levels and manifests itself beyond my own perception alone to the people around me.
My head hurts from the anger and I can't sleep.
Ah by inviting I just mean sinning, jacking off, yeah.
I can see how outsiders would see us sometimes.

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I just followed the instructions in pic related.

The TRN I recieved was KMIC-417W, and the thoughts that randomly arose in my head were very especific.

Red, Blue, Hot, Yellow, Red, Blue, Hot, Yellow

I was allowing my mind to wander, therefore I felt strangely about the fact that my mind seemed to be locked into these words especifically, as if there was a barrier that kept my brain from going a different way.
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Someone posted a cool document a few weeks ago about psychic-dream phenomenon. I wish I had saved it. Anyone got a link?
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And pic related is the image that resulted from the feedback.

You can consider my interest picked, what on earth is going on here? I looked into the pastebin but all of the materials therein seem to be related to remote viewing in particular.

Do any of you have an explanation for this, what is going on exactly, are there other applications for whatever this is other than remote viewing?

Feel free to post your thought and experiences on the subject.
okay so, I didn't take a picture but, the description was nothing like it.
but when I sketched, I did in the same perspective of the shown object. Interesting.

I'll do it again.
did it again, nice coincidence. I drew waves and it was the pic of a shore.
very nice.
yeah, if anyone has a rational explanation for this I would very much like to hear it

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We don't actually have to wait 400,000+ years to get passed the Kali Yuga, right?
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Man i just saw this in another thread and now i see you here i will now not ever read what you have to say goodbye
The numbers for the length of the yugas are symbolic. Once all the possibilities for this yuga play out it will end.
Imagine trying to accelerate to stop it but instead you break the wheel.
And then just a constant feed of their own curses.
Buncha fuckin' retards.
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from what atrocities
that will and have transpired
on this plane yikes
yall are over 3-7 million
years in wait man not even kidding

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Does the Full Moon have a baleful influence on people?
Baleful? No. But it does influence them. I think it slightly reduces inhibitions and people act out who they truly are.
Just my opinion. It has affects on all animals.
I forgot wht class showed me this.

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