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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

well this is rubbish
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The only time I’ve ever heard more than 1 “waaah” was going for 100% and getting hit on a boss and then having to wait for 30 seconds. Very annoying I admit, but not “guess I’ll play yoshi 64 instead” levels of annoying.
but the music fun
not as baby as paper mario
>not as baby as paper mario
Not that anon, but at least Paper Mario doesn't constantly make baby noises at you.
This game is for fucking babies.
Why the fuck would I want to play a game for babies?
Cause you baby

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>yfw you're about to get an animal companion
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>it's a frog crate
>ignore it
When you're a kid those extra lives are needed, especially when you hit the slopes of Gorilla Glacier. But when you're better at the game they just kill the pacing and you ideally won't need the lives as badly.

Also worst one is Rambi's because his x2 token requires you to basically take half the time limit to ignore 90% of the level to reach in the first place.
The Kremlings who invaded and stole the banana hoard were probably going to ship them off to the Kremling zoo..
That and if you restart the game you only have 5 lives which can be tough for a kid so you'll seek out lives. If you play it all in one sitting as an adult then lives aren't really an issue at all.
My favorite animal buddy was Squitter.

What were some games you really wanted as a kid that your parents wouldn't let you play?
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It was ok. I remember the gore is one of the finest I remember seeing in any video game, especially headshots with a sniper. There is a boss where you have to shoot robot tiddies. It's what you expect from a side game at the time, but it's no Duke 3D.
Sounds like you're begging for a wedgie.
Nothing was off limits.
kys samefag
>parents would let me play Doom in kindergarten
>wouldn't let me watch Jurassic Park or any other movies with violence
I don't know what they meant by this

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It's been decades since their introduction. And little has changed since then. What do you think about them?
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They can always have skills tied to certain weapon types apply different effects. This allows the player to deal some damage while applying things like debuffs or status effects without making it feel like a wasted turn if the status effect doesn't get applied.
its a status because usually you can get items to become immune to it
>>bosses are immune to them
This is mostly a Final Fantasy problem, Megami Tensei, Wizardry, and SaGa do not have this problem.
But everyone knows that you're just supposed to use your strongest offensive moves in Pokemon.
Very clever.

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Let's have a /vroom/ thread. What racing games are you into lately?
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>one of
It's the only real sim rally to this day and the mods only make it better.
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I did it
I FUCKING did it
I beat easy, medium, hard race, and the DOGSHIT cheating cheating AI Time trial AI

no CPU can match my autism
Well done. Now do it in reverse, if you haven't already.
do I have to beat everything to unlock mirror mode? I won every race but had to reset because me wheel desynced
Under the records, there's a save and load feature hidden. You can use that to track your progress. But yes, you need a win registered in all four events to trigger the credits, and unlock the extra races.

How would you rate Koei's strategy games?
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Novel, singular. Brain fucked up because my copy of it is a 4 parter.
Obviously I meant the PC versions of both
The only winning strategy is not to play them.
Google greenpig83
Check em

Post a cropped pic of any game screen and anons try to guess where it's from.
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yes sir (or madam)
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correct !! Fantasy Zone 2 on SMS. Extremely colorful game
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I've only completed the SNES version that looks worse but the white grass and torches are iconic.

Still, I played the arcade version a bit as a kid. They had a cabinet where I lived with Street Fighter 2, KoTR and pic related. Coming from Amstrad CPC and Master System, the graphics of these games were truly mind-blowing.
Jurassic Park on... SNES or Megadrive

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>let's get scratchin'

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Video game graphics peaked 22 years ago.
I can not fucking believe I am getting this old.
Like when someone says “this game is 20 years old” in my mind I’m thinking a nes game but they mean is a fucking XBOX game.
Next year, XBOX 360 turns 20 YEARS OLD.

What the FUCK

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Relax. Play Cyberpunk 2077. You'll feel better.
They are going to replace humans with robots IRL. Thats the big thing.
We must kill the machines.
Why die fighting the inevitable? Join us. This is fun. And just think! All the vidya you could ever want to play. From all eras, new as retro and beyond.
I’m going to strap a bomb to my chest and blow up the robot factories.

Without limitation there is no art and there is no beauty.
There is no meaning.
It will be the end of everything.

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I have been playing video games since 1992 and I have yet to play a better TPS game
everything about this game is a legit masterpiece
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Hello anons, just passing by to say I'm playing this for the first time, and it's actually good. Maybe it is a stretch to compare it to Deus Ex, but you probably can see where I'm coming from. A shame about the tank controls though, they could have learnt from MGS. Anyway, I have a couple of questions:
- Are you supposed to be immortal? Or maybe there is something broken with the emulator, but I have never being hurt from a bullet.
- Is stealthing/rolling actually useful? It looks like the enemy just spawns out of nowhere.
Huh, nice thread. Seems like the Syphon Filter haters either left, or are asleep.
Don't forget the amazing TASER
>Burn scum muhuhaha
>- Are you supposed to be immortal? Or maybe there is something broken with the emulator, but I have never being hurt from a bullet.
Not damage at all means it's definitely broken. The flak jacket takes a lot of damage and the game is forgiving in the first stages but nothing else.
>- Is stealthing/rolling actually useful? It looks like the enemy just spawns out of nowhere
Stealth is useful in specific situations. It's what you want to use to stealthy kill an enemy from behind.
Rolling it's the only defensive movement and it's useful as long as you use it to take immediate cover.

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post flawed/bad games that you nevertheless find fun
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How 'bout you post why the game sucks and why you enjoyed it, too?
Sonic Adventure.
You said it was like Armored Core, what in it is like Armored Core? SGVF-9 was out in 1995 and AC wasn't out until 1997.
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I just like it.
I've played through and enjoyed Shaq Fu many times. It's a good game trapped inside a poorly executed pile of shit.

How do you take this game seriously with its horrible english dub? I was excited to start it tonight but it was truly another level of immersion shattering. Not only do the explicitly Japanese characters speak in thick british accents, but the voice actors were clearly random employees they got to do voiceover.

Please let me know if it's just the first guy who's particularly bad. I can't find anything about an undub anywhere, so I'll probably put this game off until somebody makes one or my Japanese is good enough.
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Nobody STILL modded subtitlesin this game. This fucking sucks, man. I keep waiting. Maybe someday.
Nah you are the one who should go there
>look! this game that plays like shit and that I've never actually played myself has good gameplay! I'm so special
fucking /v/tard

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Obnoxious level design, unbalanced difficulty settings (normal is a cakewalk, hard is a frustrating mess), bosses and even popcorn enemies are massive bullet sponges, nauseating top-down stages, excessive gimmicks, and somehow the weapon swap exploit was never caught in testing. One of the few 2D Contras that missed the mark.

Are we meant to spam weapon swap? It seems like it should be an exploit, but the enemies have an absurd amount of HP on Hard if you don't and just never fucking die and how could you not figure out that weapon swapping does way more damage naturally during play? I'm about to just throw autofire on weapon swap just so I can stomp this kusoge and be done with it.
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Honestly sounds like a skill issue as Super Probotector is undoubtedly one of the best games from the early SNES lineup.
>Super Probotector is undoubtedly one of the best games from the early SNES lineup
Not exactly a shining endorsement of the SNES library.
Do you have basic reading comprehension issues you retarded faggot? I very clearly wrote ‘early SNES lineup’ which doesn’t imply the entire console’s library you fucking dumb fucktarded spazmo.
I know it's bait, but probotector has always been cooler than Contra. I like Contra because it's cheesy, probotector works as cheesy or serious
I hate when action games have competent core gameplay, but then spend more than half of their time on gimmicky shit. Who were they trying to impress, reviewers? Casuals? Just let me run & gun FFS

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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10877520

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

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server is not for us europeanfags apparently, so i assume there were only noobs
These are some cool as fuck aesthetics.

What's /vr/ opinion on Sweet home?
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It's kinda funny how people always cite Sweet Home as the inspiration for Resident Evil.
Some even wrongly claim it was a "remake" of Sweet Home which as usual is extrapolating from an interview, which only said they'd make a game in the same style. A remake would mean paying for the license again and not owing it, why would they do that when the movie old news at that point.
Anyway if you look at the development history of RE, the longer it was in dev, and the less it took from RE. Partner system? Very quickly gone. The wooden logs and pickaxe straight from SH ended up being unused too. There isn't much left in the end except a general premise and the door animations.
It's actually a pretty good look at what inspired Resident Evil. There are more similarities than meet the eye, and playing it makes you recognize where they got a certain idea from. The movie this is based on was okay.
they shoulda made a sequel set in Alabama. tsss tsss

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