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I never played Bomberman. I thought it was all 4 player arcade style action, until I heard there's apparently "Zelda" Bomberman? Which of the games are like this? Also just want to know the best games for single player in this series in general, platform doesn't matter much.
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Super Bomberman and Super Bomberman 2 for SNES have great single player story modes. The former even has 2 player co op. One of the best co op games for SNES IMO. Mega Bomberman for Sega was good too.

Bomberman 64 is the best though
The 64 games are cute. The soundtrack from Hero gets circlejerked a lot, but people really only post 2 songs from it, and the whole thing is gooood
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>Pocket Bomberman is another singleplayer game that has nothing to do with Zelda at all, but it's quite fun and quite short. Definitely worth playing at least once. I think it's the only platformer besides Hero, but 2D instead of 3D.
Pocket Bomberman is great, never gets mentioned. Fun little 2D platformer, I wish they did more with that style.
>Super Bomberman and Super Bomberman 2 for SNES have great single player story modes.
The latter has my favorite single-player campaign out of the Supers. Just one problem: it's the ONLY Super without a 2P cooperative option. There's apparently unused -4P- cooperative data in the code, so I'm surprised there isn't a hack to finish it (if there is, I haven't seen it). Maybe it was too ambitious. Also that battle-mode jumping mushroom stage is fun, I don't know why the idea is so underutilized.
>The former even has 2 player co op. One of the best co op games for SNES IMO.
Pretty good, but one major flaw: invincibility frames when starting any stage is too long. This makes the game way too easy.
>Mega Bomberman for Sega was good too.
....Ehhhhhhh, that's literally just a port Bomberman '94, though.
>Bomberman 64 is the best though
Shout-out to Saturn Bomberman for being an honorary entry in the Super Bomberman subseries.
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Sequels so shitty that even the SNES version is the better game.
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It's a bootleg
Yeah. I have to agree. It is too hard. I can beat it, but I have to really cheese high and low kicks to do so. And really, that gets old after awhile. That said, I still think it's a better overall game than the first one, and it's a total blast to play with another person..
Auster thread
Someone clearly hasn't played Kid Klown in Krazy Khase...

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I fucking hate this guy. Why is he always so angry?
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Once. You should be able to feed him
Imagine the porn there must be out there of this thing going up your ass
is there a chain chomp princess crown?
Imagine being a ball thing with teeth and eyes, and being chained up to a stump, getting harassed by a little funny italian guy. You'd be mad too
Who knew Mario would make metaphors to western race relations

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Previous Thread: >>11184743

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nodev crab thread, (You) will never make a game
also it plays like shit, just like xeno crisis
What gen 1-2 Pokemon hacks do you recommend that make the games overall more challenging and add some qol features?
I suggest you play something else.
I will recommend my own when i'm done.

What does the Unworking Design patch do in Rayearth? The difficulty's pretty trivial in the US version. Does it make it even easier?
Magic Knight Rayearth/Working Designs games thread, I guess. These dubs are based.
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I've been playing through Popful Mail patched and unpatched side by side, and I don't really get why people push the patched version so hard. The unpatched version isn't hard and doesn't feel grindy. Is it just a case of people parroting opinions about games they've never played?
The difficulty boosts WD gave are generally overblown because of that one time they fucked up with exile, making it kind of bullshit hard.
Would it be theoretically possible to use an action replay to apply the increased difficulty changes to a jap copy?
I never understood that shit either, anon. Popful Mail is fine as it is, I enjoy the silly humour in it too.

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I would like to point out how amazing shenmue II is:
>there's an entire arcade filled with retro games inside of this game
>so when you buy the disc you are buying some 20 games
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Yakuza is walking for 10 seconds, have a 5 second fight with a minute of loading, repeat.
Plus, the worst camera in the world. Anyone who thinks static camera angles without tank controls is good should be shot.
If it's bad it wouldn't be popular.
This, fights in shenmue have a sense of purpose. Fights in Yakuza feel like they are there just to make the game feels longer than it is
>Noir NES
Man, I really would love to play that
What's the best way to play Shenmue 1 and 2 in the modern day? Steam port with widescreen patch and shit?

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Old 2d mmos were peak gaming
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MUDs had quickly turned into chatrooms, with everyone talking in the same location and the rest of the server basically empty.
Yeah, I only really enjoyed Discworld MUD long-term. (once I figured out fast-travel and how to get maps in-game without resorting to the client)
I recall being wow:ed for like 5 minutes of one of the cthulhu muds before finding out everything past that was meh, same with that one RP Armageddon mud once I realized it was literally just Dark Sun with power-hungry ERPers.
Tibia was ass and wasted my dialup money. Diablo 2 single player was superior.
i remember one got Twilight. it was hard and all about grinding. the other Telnet MMOs just kicked me out just for not "roleplaying" or for calling one of them a "lady".
>remember one CALLED Twilight.

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>Played it in 2004 on PS2 up to the Egypt level
>Am now playing on Steam on PC.
It's just not nearly as good a game as the original. I played Deus Ex Revision recently after having played the original countless times. What a great game. But Invisible Wars is just so simple compared to the original.
What are your favorite Deus games and why?
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The premise of the game is better than the actual game. It could have worked, but it did not. There were some good bits here and there.
>But Invisible Wars is just so simple compared to the original.
>What are your favorite Deus games and why?

Unironically Syndicate 1. but the expansion pak is bullshit. i bought Syndicate Wars, but never tried it. heard it was fun enough but early 3D graphix in a RTS is ugly as sin. people seem to like it more on PSX, with lower console expectations.

of cose i also haven't played System Shocks, which are consider the fathers of Deus Ex 1. so maybe my mind will change.
>mankind divided are the best games because of the level design.Invisible war and human revolution are practically the same game level wise.

>game was so bad that I questioned if I still enjoyed playing video games for a time after beating it

Project Snowblind did that for me....
I can't remember a damn thing about human revolution and mankind divided. Human revolution is one of those games like Metroid Prime that got an undeserved good reputation because everyone was expecting so much worse. The 360 generation was so aggressively stupid just having dialog written in complete sentences with punctuation would have gotten a standing ovation

it's time to dig dug
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im looking for a version of pacman that was on windows 3 or 98 or w/e. its from same era as this dig dug game, rodents revenge, chips challenge etc etc.

This pacman had no maze, no dots to collect, just fruit and skulls, if u eat a skull you die. what pacman is this???
I don't recall seeing them ever do that.
Damn dude. I thought dog dig was just a cute gardening game.
Bad just like Tony's poop
They’re definitely fucking up his garden, he wouldn’t kill them otherwise.

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this is retro
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GTA 5 is retro because it's like a decade old
>PS2 graphics
>Limp Bizkit art style
>Leroy Jenkins tier gameplay of grinding all day
Now That's What I Call Retro Gaming
>>Limp Bizkit art style
What does this mean
Heavily exaggerated proportions with edgy shapes and bright neon parts that have ruined fantasy art for 2 decades
> exaggerated proportions with edgy shapes
Fuck off, this is peak lowpoly soul.

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So, this idea has been bugging me for the past year, ever since I saw one of those 1UP arcade cabinets at the local toyshop.
Now I have the place for one but it seems people have a lot of issues with those due to poor build quality so I want to make my own.

Have any of you done that and what was your experience?
Can I do it cheaper than 399€?
Should I buy a pre-cut cabinet online or try to cut the panels myself, what about controls? Are those 30€ kits on amazon good enough or should invest in proper ones?
I want to avoid using a raspberry pi and instead use an old PC and a CRT monitor or TV.

I don't think I'll use it for 3 days and then forget about it since for the past year I've been simulating an arcade experience with my megadrive and a ASCII fighter stick just to see if it's a thing of the moment or not.
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>i just turned 4
This is me.
Recroom masters had some ok stuff. Maybe check them out.
Anyone built this guys designs?
I like the form factor and that it accounts for a CRT , most other plans I've seen assume you want to install an LCD inside it.

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Here it is.

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I really haven't liked a Nintendo console since the SNES. In those days I owned a Genesis, but played just as much SNES at friends houses and loved it and had my own by the 5th gen. Ever since that though, I never even wanted to play Nintendo consoles, some of that is blamed on third party going elsewhere but even when they brought back franchises I liked such as Metroid on GC, it seemed a lot less good than the classic

What did they lose other than obvious third party support?
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>What did they lose other than obvious third party support?

Same as everybody else: the severe hardware constraints that Japanese game writers usually need to prevent them from making every story a nightmarishly convoluted epic about teenagers overthrowing God and every fictional setting a garish jumble of fifty different real-world mythologies plus femboys, lolicons, and the most extravagantly ugly clothing imaginable. And also, the constraints that prevented 3D graphics and worlds from overshadowing all 2D stuff, usually to the detriment of good game design.

Occasionally they still got things right though, even if the best examples are in first-party games: Pikmin is a good new game concept in a charming setting; 3D F-Zero games do "garish jumble" the right way for once and are far better than the SNES original.

I don't really know what else there could be, anyway, except the loss of third-party developers.
I definitely prefer 2D games but was open to 3D as well, it didn't stop me from playing them on other consoles even if I still did and do prefer the 2D era
Same. I swear Nintendo retro circles are mostly Gamecube children now.
I honestly think they hurt themselves a bit trying to push the new 3d paradigm. They were pumping out mediocre 3d games but people were buying then up because of the 3d demand.
>Same as everybody else: the severe hardware constraints that Japanese game writers usually need to prevent them from making every story a nightmarishly convoluted epic about teenagers overthrowing God and every fictional setting a garish jumble of fifty different real-world mythologies plus femboys, lolicons, and the most extravagantly ugly clothing imaginable. And also, the constraints that prevented 3D graphics and worlds from overshadowing all 2D stuff, usually to the detriment of good game design.
Quite possibly the most succinct and straightforward answer I've seen on this topic.

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Can someone give me basic rundown on what the main differences between the various PC engine models are?
Are there games on it worth a damn besides Splatterhouse, Rondo of Blood and Shmups? Do said games have better versions elsewhere? How often do you play your PC Engine? I just won an auction for an untested CoreGrafx in the box for a good price, I will restore it and give some games ago although I know if I like it I will want to upgrade to one of the ones with a CD drive unless the add on one is better in some way?
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in terms of aesthetics, which of the PC Engine "family" do you like most, anons
Either the original or the CoreGrafx 2. I really like compact square consoles. Fist CoreGrafx color scheme is just a bit bland.
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I love how sleek the Duo consoles look.
I agree. Og Duo beast Sony to the PS2 aesthetic by nearly a decade and still managed to look even better imo

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>Has you shelve out €200 for their new console
>Includes a mechanic in their flagship launch title that wrecks your controller

They did this on purpose.
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You don't understand.
It was the first analog stick on a gamepad ever.

Please ignore this picture of a popular Japanese Mega Drive gamepad from 89.
The tasteful thickness of it. Looks like Knuckles.

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Are humans in FF 1-6 supposed to be small and heavily stylized chibis or tall and fairly realistic?
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Everyone is normal. Large human enemies are exaggerated to demonstrate power. It's basic symbolism that children understand.
>>backgrounds look like dried poop
>>gradients everywhere
>>totally nonanimated enemies
>>inconsistent proportions to everything
>This game looks like fucking garbage and I've never understood the hype.
Lol, get a load of this guy. Complaining about FF6's "gradients" and "nonanimated enemies" like it's a modern game. You do realize it came out in '94, right? Back when you probably weren't even a glimmer in your dad's eye. The sprite work and backgrounds were peak for their time—ever heard of pixel art, kid? It's called a style, and FF6 nails it.

You think it's "garbage" but then again, you probably grew up with mobile ports and think everything needs to be hyperrealistic 3D to be good. FF6 is about story, atmosphere, and characters, not about pandering to your ADHD with constant animations and oversaturated graphics. Kefka's laughing at you right now, bro.

Stay mad, lol.
I actually quite like his monster designs for FF6, especially the Statue of the Gods (i.e. the tiers before fighting Kefka). And he designed Kefka's final form as well, which I always thought was awesome, even if the face looked like Mr. Burns to my kid self.
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>ever heard of pixel art, kid?
I'm older than you, and I played JRPG's with good graphics instead of FF6. ;)
Even for 94 it looks ugly Chrono Trigger BTFO this game in the graphics department. I'm not big on 16bit JRPG's graphics, not that WRPG's were any better. But it's just hideous even CT is kind of rough. GBA and PS1 made 16bit graphics better, even though they were arguably 32bit games

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