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What's your favorite SCUMM or point-and-click adventure game?
pic related, Day of the Tentacle is the only 2D game with a hand-drawn cartoon art style that doesn't look like a cheap Disney imitation, and it's all beautiful. Legitimately funny too, with clever puzzles that aren't bullshit but are not obvious like all good adventure games.

If it can be played on SCUMMVM, it counts.
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Postan for HE
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Thanks for posting, Cobb.
In Full Throttle, he isn't saying "I don't spelunk." He's saying "I dont's belong" in a Popeye accent. He doesn't feel like he should be in the game. This was before video game unions when you can force characters to do whatever
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Monkey 3 supremacy
Loved Sam and Max (though I haven't beat it).
And Pajama Sam too
Hell yeah brother

translation when? (FX version)
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I played a patch for 5 years ago that was almost complete. The story was mostly done and I had a fully translated guide for the other parts. The game itself is absolute dogshit though, and I consider 2 to be one of my favourite games. I wouldn't be surprised if that patch was completed and just sitting in a forum post somewhere.
It baffles me that some company decided to do a cheap remake of Langrisser 1 and 2, and yet ignored 3.
You know, the last game of the original trilogy, the one that was never fan translated and also had shitty combat, thus the one that would benefit the most from a remake that fixes this.
The one and only reason they could give us to buy their shitty game, and they screwed that up.
NTA, why is it dogshit?
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3 was the first Langrisser I got into and I had a great time with it. I turned off battle animation, of course, but I did that in all the games.
It spoiled me on magic being powerful 'cause it turned out to be weaker in the rest of the series.
It was fun using the level-select cheat to go back and fix mistakes to get different endings; turned it into a time-travel game. Going back to fight the "unbeatable" boss in stage 1 was amusing too.

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just spent 130 dollars on importing a japanese saturn and a pseudosaturn kai 4 in 1 mainly for this game. a little late now that i impulse bought it, but do you guys think its as kino as everyone says? any other saturn rpgs/games youd recommend?
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I need to sleep on this to decide if this is genius or complete bullshit. It could really go either way. I'll let it slide for now though
The game calls you out by name and edge thanks you for guiding him at the very end.
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the game is kinda boring I heard

you better enjoy it though
I usually can’t get into RPGs but this one got me interested. I liked the combat system, the story and the exploration. Thats basically the whole game. I’m mostly an action game guy though, and I think this game appeals to people who aren’t into traditional RPGs. I tend to drop RPGs due to boredom unless they’re either baby’s first RPG or unconventional and somehow interest me, so my recommendation might not mean much. Only ones I’ve played through to the end are Final Fantasy 1, Pokemon Gen 1, Earthbound, Dragonforce, Paper Mario, Mario RPG, Shining Force 1,2,3, Golden Sun and this. Panzer Dragoon Saga or pokemon might be my favorite. I think I’ll try Skies of Arcadia or FF7 next, if I ever play another one.
>bought a psuedosaturn cart instead of a saroo

If you had to think about the question for twenty years, would you say it's that bad?
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There's a mod that makes this playable on its own, right?
It somehow manages to be a more primitive game than CV1 and a much more tedious game than SCV4.
It's not a bad translation; the townspeople are supposed to be liars.

Loved the game when I first played it in the fall of '88 and still love it today.

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>all it needed was a fuckin' DVD player
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I also want to add that by your logic, piracy didn't help sell PS1's because the games would have taken forever to download, correct?
I didn't pirate anything from the internet but single MP3s in the 90s.
Movies and games I pirated through trading burned discs and downloading them from the network at LAN parties.
And yet there were anti-piracy ads on both TV and trailers before the movie starts on VHS/DVD, trying to sway people not to download movies back in the late 90's/early 2000's. You're not fooling anybody here.
Yes, founded, that is true. Even so, doesn't make every game they made trash inherently beyond appeal. You sound somewhat like a broken record repeating the same things over and over? They never stooped to levels of incompetent censorship like Sony did in 2017-late 2018. Bernie was definitely as much one of them as most of the pre-Genesis era board of directors and Chairmen. By the time the Saturn was on its way out (in the West, mind you) They were fewer in number in the company.
Piracy is older than the internet, zoom zoom.

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pic related
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You're right! I almost forgot to post her.
i didnt even knew she existed until your post.
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That's cute.
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Mai is so obviously best girl that there's no need to ask.

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Recommend me some cp/m games
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It will look worse than a modern display.
It is just text so there is no advantage.
What is the objective here? You aren’t trying to enjoy the game by doing that.
lunar lander, also known as rocket sometimes.
you can see it running on one of the screens here >>10920742

hamurabi was also a very common one at the time. not really my kinda thing but its not a bad game.
That depends, most versions of Hamurabi will require a famine to hit you to get the highest rating as technically you didn't starve them which is pretty shit design.
You think I haven’t used a display like that before? You’re mistaken. The green glow is everything.
>delayed phosphorus
>What is the objective here?
To share his fantasy on a gook toon larping board. That doesn't change the fact that old amber/green displays look great, or that you're a dumb zoomie flapping your thumbs about shit you've never even seen.

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ITT: Retro superbosses.
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beep bop bo
This game is what Earthworm Jim 3 should have strived to be like.
I loved this game, but not as much as I love beans.
the bonus room theme song still scares me
Legit made me jump as a kid the first time I heard it.

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What's your favorite final fantasy and why?
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8. I love batshit Japanese stories. Someone told me 8 was like Twin Peaks of Final Fantasy and that's what made me play it and I loved it. Junctioning just tickled my tism and I loved managing all that shit. The music was great.

Second fav is 5 because it was just simple and fun but the job system was neat
>to this day I wonder about the deep sea research center
what's to wonder about
go be a faggot in the shumi village
4, 7, 9, 12
7 because its the best one.
Tactics. It has the best story imo but it falls flat after it leaves an interesting political struggle concerning outright oppression with some other strong themes and instead turns into some sort of monster-of-the-week bullshit. I sort of suspect the people making it couldn't decide between having the genuinely interesting plot or the demons bs until the end, as if there were real arguments but they were ultimately forced to put in both for some reason, one preceding the other as the game progressed, as if they ran out of time or something. The story is outright superior to those of all other final fantasy games.

Tactics also has the most likeable characters in my opinion. The gameplay itself is actually difficult at times and requires thought. The job system is great, I believe the music is very underrated.

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Holy shit this is a colossal leap over the first, gameplay is tight as hell and the visuals are some of the best of the generation.
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Yeah sucks because I really do play these "wowie zowie the bad guy stole all the bazinga gemeralds!" games for their story.
They wanted the GTA3 audience.
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FIRST Ratchet & Clank is not only more fun game with much more interesting mechanics, longer, more polished but also makes way better use of PS2 processing power rendering insane details, making worlds feel alive with hundreds of spaceships flying around.

Oh and it has 15 guns instead of 4. Naughty Dog is so ovverrated.
Jak 2 decomp is essentially finished. I finished it on Deck last month and had zero issues. OpenGOAL is outstanding.
Ratchet 3 is the best one.

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Akio talks about Metal Slug soldier select screen:
Why don't Japanese like the ugly style?
Did he said anything about Japs not liking it?
Translation suggests that he found his colleagues to be weirded out by his art, but thats rather common in a world oriented towards ideal looks appreciation.
less a matter of "like" and more a matter of western studios having a strict no-anime policy

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Sims thread.
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>You can flirt with them in Sims 2

It's called soul. Some humans do have it, sadly it's missing from most modern games.
Does anyone have a guide on how to get The Sims 1 to work on Win 7 at normal resolution with a wide screen?
I'm a 3fag but it isn't /vr/.
Anyone else scroll past this thumbnail and think it was an XCOM UFO for a second? Just me? Alright.

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ITT: ancient games you had no idea you would get addicted to

>recently started emulating PS1 and PS2 games for the first time and decided to try pic related
>"i'll probably play it like once and get bored it's just a stupid arcade racer"
>weeks later i still crave playing this every day
>the adrenaline rush you get is insane for a simple 90s game, dark souls boss fight levels of adrenaline
>slowly but steady grinding my track memory and reaction times to beat the races on max difficulty.
>used to crash into walls all the time and blow my ship up
>now I can blast through the narrow tracks at 500km/h without hitting any walls
>my in game reaction times have increased tenfold where i can easily hit opponents with the unguided rockets while turning at insane speeds
>hairpin corners that I used to have to brake for I can now take at max speed because i've practiced it so much I know exactly when to turn in advance to throw my ship into the turn sideways
>restarting a racing challenge over and over again trying to finally beat it feels like chasing a crack cocaine high or something
>the game requires so much concentration it's like you can feel your brain's energy reserves running out
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>I then went back and tried BallisticNG and the feeling is somehow not quite the same
That's a general problem with immitations. They can never replace or surpass the original.
Probably not retro but tetris DS is something I played recently and got addicted to. It's very forgiving with rotating and storing so I could play a single run for 2 hours really getting into it
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>Started playing this game on one of the source ports lately (Phantom Edition specifically) and it's surprisingly pretty fun.

That's for Wipeout 1, this is for Wipeout 3.
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managed to beat it only once

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Is it a realistically achievable goal for the average player? Do you have any yourself?
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Some games are easier to 1CC than others. Contra and Super C are supposedly-hard games that are actually pretty easy to 1CC.
>Is it a realistically achievable goal for the average player?
If "the average player" is a shitposter asking "can i has 1cc" then no. Totally impossible.
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i have 1cced most fighting games that i have really really liked, i have come super close to 1cc super turbo, jap edition but for both times gouki ambushed me,

for shooting games, the only one that i have managed to 1cc was twinkle star sprites, which happened automatically, i would play it with my neighbor a lot, who loved it, and so i would play alone too, and one day i managed to complete it, fully
I have a 1CC in Metal Slug and Harmful Park. Both are rather doable as an average player.
It's only achieveable through savestates. Anyone claiming they don't do savestates is lying.

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