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Are they worth getting into if I completed ATTP and OOT?

Which version is the best? I don't necessarily want to play the janky NES version.
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>game becomes an ARPG sidescroller halfway through
Your retard father used to spend 5 hours fucking you in the ass when you were 11
nothing "janky" about either of them
If you're too dumb and pressed for time to solve the puzzles in a children's game, don't play it.
Resorting to a mod is just pathetic and embarrassing.

Not exclusive to fighting game characters, mind you.
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I just always button mashed. Seemed to work out.
My sister is such a big fan of him that when she wants to play Darkstalkers she asks to play "the game with the mummy in it".
He's the only thing she can consistently remember about the game.
No wonder. His sprites are very well animated and cool to look at.
Literally any character in this game except for Viper II and Raiden.

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I need feedback on stuff for my game, and i figured there was no better place to ask than here. The game is a mix of Oracle of Ages, Children of Mana, and Link's Awakening. Dungeons will be on the more complex side like Water temple from OOT.

The idea I have here is for you to free and ask questions about the game. I'll answer them and you can tell me if you like it or not, or suggest an addition, subtraction, or change. This can be about combat, progression, mcguffins, etc. Only thing I'll try to avoid is spoilers for the story.
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he's a dang wizard
Bumping this thread for you OP

I'm interested in seeing more of this game. What is the story like?
It looks more like the Crystalis (God Slayer) GBC port and may suffer from the same issues of having the camera zoomed in too much. So you may want to reduce the size of the player character a bit.
Did you commission the art or make it yourself? Great design.
Yeah, I dunno how it actually plays, but the impression is more of a gameboy game aspect ratio which leads you to see the game as simpler than a more zoomed out screen which leads you to think of more going on.
Music and other stuff seems really good, your first game also seems cool but you should probably be uploading stuff to an official channel instead of one named after testicles, so you can build up your image and name recognition.
Only thing I would really criticize at first sight is the lighter pixels in the girl's hair. If you go look at really good Japanese pixel art, they often don't break the overall silhouette of the hair, and the colors blend together a little more. The side profile of the character's hair looks especially 'off'. If the character has an unbroken black line silhouette around their hair then it will probably look better

To this day I haven't found a game that perfectly combines environmental puzzles, music, combat and story like Ocarina of Time. This game will always remain my biggest high. Nothing compares.

I'm not a nostalgiafag either. I first placed this game back in 2019 after having played multiple modern games. I remember how sad I was when I beat it.
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Have you been in the wilderness? Oftentimes you wonder there is another living thing besides the birds and the bugs.
There is a lot less wilderness than ocarina of time. The atmosphere feels weird and rushed though. I didn't like it at first. Ocarina is bigger, feels grander in scope. But feels emptier
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The story is shit.

The "Story": Three bitches made the world and made 3 special triangles. Link has one, Ganon has one and Zelda has one. Why? There is no why, they are born with it I guess deal with it. Deus ex machina. Ganon is evil. Why? There is no why, he's real scary looking though. Now go collect the 3 rocks to collect the magic sword. Sorry you weren't tall enough so we had to put you in stasis and let Ganon fuck the world up. Time travel (but really we just needed a pull the sword from the stone clip for marketing.) Now go collect the seven coins and kill the bad guy who is a giant pig now for some reason. Thanks for saving the world Link, now fuckoff lol.

The ending dropped the ball so hard that it drove the entire fanbase insane and they've been apologist headcannoning split timelines since then. N*ntendo went so far as to fuck up the story of all the other games by connecting them to these retarded theories in official media. The time travel doesn't make any sese and is only there so they can go wow small link big link do u member dat. OoT has a lot of good parts, the story has never been one of them.
It wasn’t even in the game until the 3DS version. I never touched it, but I do think fishing with a global time limit is very dissonant.
I knew someone was going to bring that up :P
No, I hadn't played Dark Souls at the time and I still thought that. Plus I don't want it to be as drastic as Dark Souls. I'm not fond of Wind Waker & Twilight Princess' combat since the movement is nerfed but I think they have the sword swings paced better.

Where can I buy a copy of Cheggers Party Quiz?
You need a loicence first m8
I will never play that.
Wasn't as good as Naked Jungle

What does the Unworking Design patch do in Rayearth? The difficulty's pretty trivial in the US version. Does it make it even easier?
Magic Knight Rayearth/Working Designs games thread, I guess. These dubs are based.
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I never understood that shit either, anon. Popful Mail is fine as it is, I enjoy the silly humour in it too.
>Is it just a case of people parroting opinions about games they've never played?
Yes, that and a small section of people being generally not good at games and coping. It's nice that the patch exists but if you're having any kind of difficulty trouble with any version of Popful Mail you have to be retarded. The whole run of "un-working designs" patches are just weird as they seem to be fueled by this hate boner for the company and their work yet not one person involved speaks a lick of nihongo and is willing to try and salvage all the work WD 'butchered', it's purely stat autism. As the other anon said, I get it for Exile, but babby stuff like Popful and Lunar don't need it at all.
I want to play games as the real devs intended, not some stupid Kaizo Mario romhack
Didn't WD generally just boost enemy stats and health plus make things cost more? That's not really changing the difficulty in an RPG where most people grind anyway.

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How do we feel about remastering retro games with mods?
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I feel that having the freedom to do so is enough. I may enjoy a given game with mods, I may not but the fact that I have the choice and capability is value within itself.
Depends on the game. I hate how a lot of these Morrowind modders seem to think Morrowind needs to be saturated in trees. I always got the impression it was supposed to be a mostly barren volcanic wasteland. Its ugly but yet beautiful because of how unique and special it looks compared to most games if that makes sense. Yes it might mostly be that way due to the hardware of the time but I still think Bethesda originally did not intend for the game world to be saturated in trees.

However there being a lot of fog actually makes sense to me. So if modders want to increase that like your pic shows it might fit with how Morrowind should probably look. One thing I hate about all of these Morrowind mods though is I am pretty sure if Bethesda ever revisited the game with a remake or a new entry they would be heavily swayed on what visual mods fans created over these years. So they would saturate the land with trees and dense foliage.
There's some amazing QOL romhacks out there. That counts as modding, right? Still waiting for that Hybrid Front translation...

What are some cool things like this?
Unironically better than the original

I ain't even know, man. This game trippin. This little dude right here trippin. I is stuck on the level with the forest and shit. How the fuck I beat it?
Well, not being a negroid automaton would help your cognitive faculties. So, try that first.

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dragon slayer 4 aka drasle family aka legacy of the wizard, which version is considered best?
If you are interested in any Falcom game dont bother with the NES versions.
Lol. Just lol.
just watch someone else play it
i've seen people try to play it without save states
it isn't worth it
you will eat serious shit playing it without save states
first warning
This. Dark Castle is a more fun and rewarding experience (not even joking)

I have been searching up and fucking down for a good handful of years for the ps1/ps2 game that I swear to god, was pixel based, had couch co op, several party members that leveled up independently, had to have been an RPP.

There was a way to swap characters from a menu at any time, and the only portrait I remember seeing was like, a Minotaur or just a guy with a bull head idk.
I'm pretty confident it wasn't one of the Mana games, but I keep looking through co-op lists and nothing ever rings a bell. What the fuck is this game?!
Do you remember when (i.e. years range) did you play it?
Was it mostly in top-down, side-view, isometric, FPP or other TPP camera perspective?
Was the setting fantasy, sci-fi, greek/nordic mythology, wild west, steampunk or mixed?
Graphics were cartoony, anime, prerendered or realistic?
Can you draw that minotaur portrait and other details from memory in Paint and post them?
Gauntlet Legend/Dark Legacy?
1% chance but do you mean Dungeon Explorer II? Not all the details match (not a PS game), but it has a playable beast man, and since it's PCE-CD I can see mixing it up with a 2D PSX game

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After playing through both I have to admit Alundra was the better overall game. It does almost everything better, the OST and art are better, the graphics are better, the story even with working designs changes was better, its longer. The only short comings I can think are the puzzles are a bit more cryptic in Alundra and they over use the sliding ice puzzles. Still though let's have an Alundra appreciation thread.
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A Link to the Past - November 21, 1991
Alundra - April 11, 1997
LTTP is extremely overrated, second worst Zelda game (worst one is 1)
Alundra is the better game, yes, but it fucks up a few things in terms of production values that always bothered me
>no change to your outfit or sword when getting new equipment
>lazily reusing sprites like reusing Jess' sprite for some random fat retard in a bar despite Jess being one of the most important characters in the game and them not reusing plenty of lesser known characters
Also the bow is fucking garbage and they should have made arrows/bombs resources you need to buy instead of infinite because money becomes completely pointless valueless after awhile. Otherwise, wonderful game.
>they should have made arrows/bombs resources you need to buy instead of infinite because money becomes completely pointless valueless after awhile
Not retro, but Nintendo repeated this mistake with ALBW kek
Does Alundra have any unique items/abilities?
It's kinda why I play these types of games...

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My favorite games.
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these games are known to be bad
Only two of those are any good.
Replace DK with jet force jemini and you'll have yourselfba fine image
The absolute state of /vr/

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finally saved up enough money to get one of these.
what are some of the essential translations/hacks that I should load on my dreamcast?
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>I'm not a retard. I use s-video on my console that does vga out of the box
What did the zoom zoom mean by this?
programs do it for you
thank you for the one (1) actual answer to my thread
he already did slapnuts
>Letting 480p go to waste.
As already mentioned the atomiswave games are cool.
Also check out:
-Under Defeat - really cool shmup
-Code Veronica X (originally X was not on DC. Check if your gdemu suffers from a bug. I think you can patch the iso if it doesn't. I hex edited my savefile, that worked too.)
-Blue Submarine No.6 (anime was cool. gsme is probably cool too
-Space Channel 2
There's more, but most stuff is really obscure.

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Is it true that there’s a sort of “magic” that makes playing games on original hardware feel better than an emulator? Or is it just copium?
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they are both not backlit retard. they both look like shit
I like it
Your lack of recent direct experience is showing.
Wasn't the aspect ratio on this fucked up?

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Besides SoulCalibur and Mortal Kombat, are there any other retro fighting games with good single-player content?
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I was gonna reply there was none, but yeah this one is pretty cool. But I wouldn't call it a fighting game, more of a simulator
Pocket Fighter on PS1 had a cool mode where you trained your AI fighter against other computer opponents.
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There was some game I never played called Tobal #2 that had some sort of dungeon exploration mode. I saw a few years later it was selling for like $300, I can only imagine what it sells for now. An interesting thing is that even though what I read about it seemed interesting to me, I never bothered emulating it and most likely never will.
You didn’t play Deception.
The 6th gen MK games are actually good. I didn't expect that back in the day.

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