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>saturn quake
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what's wrong? looks pretty good for an era where consoles struggled with even tomb raider graphics
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>console Quake in general
how has no one ITT noticed you can just span the jump in the Saturn version when you're not supposed to be able to? the bridge doesn't extend until the end of the level.
The Saturn version is the very definition of jank. It's a total conversion to the Slavedriver engine from Powerslave. Which is impressive for a 3D engine by Saturn standards, but janky as all hell in functionality.
Worth it for, if nothing else, unlocking Death Tank Zwei in Saturn Duke Nukem

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Any retro gaming enthusiast worth their salt should know basic troubleshooting techniques for their systems. Even if you emulate you should at least know how to properly set stuff up.
No. I don't think I will.

Does this game get better? It feels extremely mid so far and the hype for it totally unwarranted. Great presentation but really slow gameplay with not much happening.
I lost interest about halfway through. Controversial opinion: 3 is better.
Is it like prince of Persia where the edgy sequel is actually a way better game, they're both Ubisoft.
The problem with this game is it feels very lonely and gets boring. It relies almost solely on being just playable while having a great atmosphere. Even then, the atmosphere never really changes much. Would have loved some snow levels. 7/10 game

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You have to rescue this "princess??"

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>Project Zomboid (not retro) is better
Project Zomboid has nothing in common with The Sims apart from the stolen art style


POV it's 2003 and you just got the game for Christmas.
funny cause that game has me wanting features from the sims for reasons completely unrelated to the fact it looks like it. that game has so much down time and punishing death that it needs to make mundane tasks more engaging to stay home and away from zombies like more involved cooking and home micromanagement. they keep teasing npcs so sims elements are inevitable. its heavy rain is already cozy as fuck and makes you want to stay in and watch.
Damn I can get it to run on wine but there's no music. Although Ive never played sims 1 on pc before.
Is it normally just ambient sounds? There should be music playing from the radio right?
Have you tried watching TV and reading books?
Can't help you with that, but yes, your game is not right. Every song (stations, neighborhood screen, buy/build mode) is an mp3 file.

What best driving games should I play on the GBC and GBA?
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Not entirely true, Mega Man 64 still doesn't have cel shading, they just painted shading onto the models' textures. Only the PS1 version of Legends is actually cel shaded.
Why did you made everything up? Like what's the point? Compulsive liar?
Vector polygons are not ruster polygons. They're as different as tabloid magazines and firearm magazines, or paper clips and gun clips.
That looks meh
The GBC version of first Driver was also decent


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How much do you agree with these statements?

>If you finish a game on Easy, you did not truly beat it.
>If you finish a game on Normal, you did not truly beat it.
>In order to beat a game, you have to completely master it and finish without getting hit a single time.
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I just really like the Sega Master System.
>If you finish a game on Easy, you did not truly beat it.
Generally yeah, I agree. Easy mode is generally too easy to be considered an accomplishment.
>If you finish a game on Normal, you did not truly beat it.
Disagree. I think a normal mode playthrough is sufficient to have considered a game "beat". Hard mode is for "100% completion".
>In order to beat a game, you have to completely master it and finish without getting hit a single time.
See above. I think there is a distinction between "beating" and "100% completing". And even then, a perfect play 1cc without taking any damage whatsoever goes beyond "100% completion" territory and enters into "autistic kissless virgin" territory.
If someone finishes a game on easy, then I would say they beat the game on easy.
If someone finishes a game on normal, then I would say they beat the game on normal.
If you finish a game using the tools the game provides you and nothing more (e.g. no save states or rewinds), then I would say you beat the game.
Based reasonable take

Not only is this game outstanding on its own merits, it's all the more impressive for being the first in what would have been an iterative installment. Now, if it had gotten sequels, it would probably be looked back upon as diminutively as other first installments, so I can't exactly make a meaningful comparison between it and other first installments in fighting games. But I still think it's damn impressive.
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Rosterfagging is a great way to advertise you don't actually play these games.
>dude you should still totally love this game from that series you like that completely removed all the characters you like and the moves they had except for like one guy
Sokkaku is based but other than him those characters are all playable in about a dozen different KoFs. Not that you play that either.
I only play fighting games I actually enjoy.
no u

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Thoughts on this game? I don't really play SHMUPs so I can't tell if it's supposed to be good or not.
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try it on easy mode
Because they are all amateur garage games with a cargo cult design philosophy.
lol this
super aleste is so fucking long that they included a short mode
>I can't tell if it's supposed to be good or not.
If it's a shmup, it's not
It's a console shmup so it's a snoozefest with so much low intensity padding that you'll fall asleep before ever reaching the end.

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I decided to play GTA III after the GTA 6 trailer and this character really stuck out to me.

>follows Avery Carrington around as his apprentice and note taker
>ends up at parties with Vice City elite/celebs/pornstars on yachts in the 80s
>disappears for the most of the 90s, possibly developing Venturas alongside Avery (off screen)
>reappears in 1998, runs for mayor, hires a mafia killer to outright rig the election
>goes horribly wrong and Donald Love is exposed in the Liberty Tree for his mob ties
>flees to a safe house after getting greenlit by the Colombian Cartel
>uses the same mafia killer to assassinate Avery Carrington steal his plans for the city and EAT HIM
>escapes on a private jet and lays low on a yacht in the Caribbean
>by 2001 Donald is back living in the Love Media Building/his Trump Tower
>bribes the Colombian Cartel to go through with Avery's plans
>hires an East Asian Tai-Chi instructor who tries to enter the country without a passport
>he ends up in the same prison transport bus as career criminal Claude Speed and 8-Ball
>Love has bought countless forms of media, casinos and real estate and owns several senators by this point

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>Then he vanishes without a trace. What do you think happened to Donald Love?

Donald Love was associated with many illegal activities like cannibalism(in GTA liberty city stories is hinted he ate the dead bodies of Avery Carrington and Ned Burner). So, there is one theory that he got a call or a letter from Carcer City: Lionel Starkweather invited him to support with money and witness too his most new brutal type of movie: manhunt. That theory also believes Donald, being millonaire, is among the owners/sponsors/clients of valiant video enterprises(the one of the videogame manhunt).
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Manhunt 3 never.
it came out months after psp launch
He also came back for San Andreas.
the theory has it that donald love is actually mr nasty

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What is going on? Are the Wild Rumors true? Big Corp slowing down emulation development on purpose? Why are all cores so out-of-date? When was the last time a RA Core got an update?


Last: >>10802680
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maybe stop using retroarch because it's a piece of shit
I'll be honest, I only use RA whenever I have a mobile device laying around.
Why would you need an update? Everything just works
Nobody is going to read them.
I read them, though. It's some wild shit.

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I've been playing dragon quest 1 through 3, and I also played Final Fantasy 1. Not to say the latter isn't good but I notice a big difference in charm, fun, accessibility and levels of monotony between them. How did Final Fantasy compete when Dragon Quest already existed? What did the Japanese audience think of FF1 when it hit? I'm aware it was a different time with different time with different expectations which is why I'm asking
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> Sources say the game sold 500k copies in the US.
I personally blame this on the North American marketing. They replaced the covers with charmless generic 80s pulp art, the commercials were awful, and they didn't seem to have confidence in it.
Yeah there's a random encounter every couple of steps. Dragon Quest 1 seemed to have at least 40 seconds or a minute in between encounters. It's also less consistent
each game is it's own thing,none of them are connected in any way,the coincidence in names is just reusing names and nothing else.
>in one game you have the classic can copy of draquest.
>in other the game is broken beyond repair because stats are build up through damage,so you end up with immunity to elements,venom and so on early on the game.
>other is just drive with bros on open world
so you see is not the same and shouldn't be compared to a superior product like draquest.
This art was cool as fuck when I was a kid. It was the reason I begged my mom to buy it for me. The only way I finished was because my friend gave me the cool Nintendo power guide that had awesome art as well
Sakaguchi was quoted in 1989 as saying the game was "His final fantasy" as he expected the game to flop and didn't expect to remain long at Square. The game was an unexpected success and now we have a long legacy of games as a result.

We haven't had one in a hot minute I'm feeling nostalgic. Post about anything Atari from Computer Space to their 6th gen releases. I might be the only person in the world right now who wants to sit down and play Video Olympics for hours kek.
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>We haven't had one in a hot minute
shut the fuck up
Lucasfilm games on Atari 8-bit had a hot run:
Rescue on Fractalus, Koronis Rift, BallBlazer, The Eidolon for me
my young mind was blown to pieces when I first saw I,Robot in the arcades when everything else around it was 2D and sprite based. it even made Star Wars arcade look dated. probably the defining moment when I'd follow Atari from then on
Honestly I still can't wrap my head around the fact that it was made in the mid 80s. I'd totally expect it to be an early 90s game.

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So what's the better name?

Xbox "original" or Xbox "classic"?
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xbox og
xbox duke
its called xbox
360 is called 360
no idea about any of the gay shit released after that
Xbox hueg is the only way to refer to the Xbox (2001 home video game console) without any confusiong

Xbox huge is acceptable too, if you really don't want your autocorrect bothering you.
>no idea about any of the gay shit released after that
Nor does anyone else since no one bought them

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Since 2018, I have been periodically posting a list of secrets, mysteries and oddities found in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Every time I post this thread, you guys have contributed more knowledge -- and I learn something new with every passing thread. As of this writing, the list contains over 100 secrets. In past threads, I've mentioned that I plan on publishing a simple, single-page website which documents all of these secrets. I still intend to do so, and I will share this site with you all when the time comes. We aren't done yet, though. I call upon your wisdom once more, and ask that you share any secrets you've found in the land of Hyrule. Anything noteworthy will be added to the list, and due credit will be given to /vr/ for what is shared on the site to come.

I'd like to post the list so far, but first, please allow me to explain the criteria: this is not a list of well-documented information related to 100% completion of the game. This list does not include extensive information about how to beat dungeons, find permanent items, or anything of the sort. This is a list of true oddities that the average player may never notice on a given playthrough. With this in mind, please note that even some of the game's most well-known "secrets" have been included for the sake of posterity. I should also mention that if you have followed these threads in the past, you'll no doubt recognize some of the secrets listed herein, but I have since expanded the list with even more entries, so there might be something new for you to learn as well.

Now, in the final hour, I humbly present to you the many secrets of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time...
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Fabio forgives you. Kevin Sorbonism is a false light, seek the truth in Linkabio.
I'm playing the 3DS version right now ('m near the end) and man, now I understand a LOT of things, especially why Navi suddenly turned green and stared at some random places on the ground.
BASED thread, a lot of stuff I knew but some truly mindblowing shit as well. A lot of the epona and gerudo stuff surprised me the most. Thanks for sharing OP.
Zelda is a game for children, just let go.
still at it?

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