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Mario 64 is full of hundreds of unpredictable bugs that considerably hamper the gameplay experience. People are still able to accept that it is a good game.

Sonic Adventure is a very stable game. It is considered unplayable due to an alleged plethora of gamebreaking bugs.

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I liked sonic adventure when it first came out, still don't get the vicious hate it gets. Everything since Heroes has been worse since any of the Adventure-era games
Even transformers movies are just quipfests now

Yeah right...
Panen's content is alright but I fucking hate his voice.
It makes me sad that extreme never came out. It looks like one of those shit games you keep coming back to.

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Does this interview finally settle all debates about the Sega Saturn? This board has some ridiculous arguments about the console, but it seems like we finally have all the answers from Hideki Sato

>Was the Saturn originally intended to be a 2D console? Or a 3D one?

>Sato: To be honest, in the beginning, I wasn’t thinking of 3D capabilities for the Saturn at all. This was partially my fault, but additionally, the game developers at Sega at the time had basically no knowledge of 3D game development. They had all been raised in the environment of 2D sprites and backgrounds, and the only developers who had any real experience with 3D were Yu Suzuki and AM2 with the Virtua series. >Actually, all of the other developers wanted to continue developing using the same system they were used to. If you looked at every single Sega employee within the home console division, there were practically no programmers or designers who had any knowledge of polygon technology.
>I had taken a look at Sega’s development teams at the time and concluded, “It’s going to be impossible for them to do 3D games.”
>I concluded that there was no way Sega’s development assets would be able to do 3D.
>However, the PlayStation completely embraced polygons.
>When we found out about that, we realized we were in trouble.
>Thankfully, the (Saturn) SH-2s could be linked in a cascade connection. A large amount of geometry calculations are required to do polygon graphics, and a single Saturn SH-2 was completely insufficient.
>With all the CPUs in the Saturn, only a tiny fraction of developers at Sega were able to make sense of them all and actually put them to use. For third parties… well, there was no way.
>I’m not sure if you call it a memory, but a regret I have is not going with one of our options to use the arcade system Model 1 as the base for the Saturn.
>We could have gone with 3D polygons with that kind of force.

-December 2021

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I think the problem was enhancement chips weren't just memory controllers and nintendo had the weird fast/slow tiered structure. Certainly more interesting games were happening on Genesis, even early on.
There was a Sega engineer who described the fault with the VSP chips and he said something about the die density or the insulation layer being very thin and Hitachi after decapping one said it was a bad design. I couldn't figure out exactly what he meant but I gathered it was related to the chip being overworked for the process used (idk what it was though maybe 1.5 um?)
>In any case they all overheated and Sega were advising retailers to not run Virtua Racing in kiosks for extended periods.
Kek, just the first of many more fuckups to follow
The FastROM/SlowROM thing was because higher speed mask ROMs were expensive when the SNES launched so Nintendo designed it to be able to use cheaper lower speed ones at half the CPU clock speed. After the first year and a half of the SNES however everyone just used FastROM except on some board games and whatnot where speed wasn't that important (and Nintendo used SlowROM on first party carts like Yoshi's Island as they did huge runs and needed to save a few cents)
Your paranoia aside, you are completely wrong about this. They would not have been good. No amount of time would have made any of Sega of America's shovelware good. Video game development is an art, and Sega of America did not have talent or access to talented studios. When people were getting hyped for Playstation, they were not being hyped for shovelware from literally who studios. Playstation had real games from major developers.
Likewise, Nintendo was able to ride out 95-96 because they had actual games coming out from serious developers.
32x and Saturn had shovelware from amateurs.

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Playing through ff2 for the first time on the famicom and this end game is the fucking worst thing that's ever happened to me. This shit should be used as a form of torture in POW camps.

This faggot's attacks have instant KO and can just wipe your party.

> That's OK I'll just get my evasion up so they always miss

no fuck you they also spam paralyze to all party members which drastically lowers evasion.

> That's OK I'll just get my elemental resistance up to resist paralyze

no fuck you it's a non-elemental paralyze (whatever the fuck that means) so no amount of magical resistance makes a difference.

You can literally have max stats and run into a group of these and still get wiped. I just lost three hours of playtime cause of shit luck. Who thought this was good design? Can we get the US to invade square headquarters? Someone must pay for what's happened to me
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It would just get patched.
They do that in all the games. I always run from Couerls because it is a waste of time to fight them in any FF game.
I love when games do that
Fuck easy games
And not a single save point anywhere. You've got to do the whole thing in one run without dying.
Even in FF12 they can be a pain in the ass when you first encounter them, there's usually a group of 3. I'd rather fight Malboro's than Couerls in FF.

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Why do so many 8 bit and 16 bit console games have better proportions and perfectly round circles at 1:1 pixel aspect ratio, and appear stretched and distorted in 4:3?

You would think most devs would design their sprites around 4:3 given that was what all displays were at the time, but it seems a good 75% of games look more "proper" when not displayed at 4:3 at all.

For example, the screenshot is taken at 1:1 pixel aspect ratio (16:15 including overscan or 8:7 excluding overscan), nearly a square, but the enemy projectiles are perfectly circular, and the ship appears appropriately sized. Stretching this out to 4:3 looks similar to stretching out a game built around 4:3 to fit 16:9 modern displays
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Some devs/artists may simply have not cared, or perceived the way a TV displays it as abstract rather than absolute.
When I made my own games on my family's Atari 800, I didn't give thought to the difference between my graph paper drawings and how the actual pixels on-screen were shaped, sometimes even changing plans from graphics mode 1 to 2 (or vice-versa) mid-way through making a game, which completely changed the height of the tiles/characters.
Of course I wasn't a professional game artist, just a kid making games for fun, but I can imagine other people having the same mindset of abstract rather than exact representation.
In japan they all have 1:1 televisions.
Because exact PAR on consumer TVs is largely hypothetical anyways and it will probably shift between different oval shapes depending where on the screen it appears no matter what you do.
apparently what happened was:
> capcom staff requested certain features for graphics system during design phase
> engineers went to work
> capcom staff begin testing new hardware
> circles are now ovals
> squares are looking like rectangles
> software developers and staff start to panic. tens of millions of dollars spent so far
> they contact the engineers of the chipsets and board
> they claim it's what was specified
> didn't believe the staff that the aspect ratios were wrong
> they had to show these engineering faggots that the screen was the wrong aspect ratio
> someone had made a big mistake. couldn't fix it. chips were in production.
> capcom staff are forced to draw things in a fucked up way on computers just so they would look normal on cps hardware
the end.
For background elements using a tile-based system, it's literally impossible to take CRT pixel stretching into account. You want a circle in your tile? You have to abide by the tile's size, you can't make the circle smaller within the tile because that would leave empty space you don't want, you can't use several tiles either.
It's different for things like titlescreens/cutscenes (or huds) in which case it's more like directly transposing a drawing onto the screen, you're not constrained to the tile based format like for gameplay elements. This is why people always use the Chrono Trigger moon as an example, it's a cutscene. But that doesn't mean background gameplay elements use the same logic. There are also ports of computer games to console which adapt title screens/loading screens/huds/etc but not gameplay elements.
Sprites are different too. Anyway the whole thing is a rabbit hole. Just stick to your preference, and remember that anyone claiming "this is the only correct way and how the devs intended it" is mostly likely a tech illiterate idiot who doesn't know enough on the subject and makes a lot of assumption. Some will even tell you that square pixels didn't exist until the 00s.

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I remember reading GameFAQs reviews for these Wisdom Tree games and the author inserting some unnecessary 2000s nu atheist rant in the review. I mean, this isn't a bad little Zelda clone when all is considered.
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>You're not making Christianity better, you're making vidya games worse.
I think I has to do with believing in objectivity or something like that. They're definitely the WRONG kind of enlightened, am I right?
This was a really good Zelda clone and the perfect game to utilize the whole Armor of God stuff.

>the author inserting some unnecessary 2000s nu atheist rant in the review.
For as lawsuit-happy as Nintendo were/are they were still not going to risk the PR disaster of suing Christian bookstores.

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How come some Xstations are $300 and others are $800?
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Nigga are you legit retarded? NO ONE SANE USES SHITBAY ANYMORE!
Where else do you get used electronics. Fucking Facebook Marketplace?
What else would an eBaby use other than eBay?
Why not just grab a soldering iron and install it yourself? There's no reason to pay retard prices when you could have it for drastically cheaper for only 15 minutes worth of effort.
Nobody starts soldering with an xStation. That's fast track to a dead PS1 and a dead xStation.

Are there any other examples of /vr/ games with a sketchbook aesthetic? Only things that come to mind are Rakugakids and picrel
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I dunno the differences I just emulate the PS1 version.
Alright alright, when i searched it up i saw there is also a saturn version i'll play ps1, easier to emulate
It's an arcade game, so any console version you play is a port.
You really just stopped reading after OPs first sentence didn’t you?
I actually read it fast and just read "rakugaki showtime" in my mind.

Did Nintendo ever have plans to make their own unique Mario platformer? It seems the closest they ever got was pircrel, which I hear is the best one in the series. (It also inspired Pizza Tower, which has that going for it.)
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I'm guessing Nintendo was gearing to make an original Mario platformer for the DS, considering Nintendo made the GBA as a quick response to the WonderSwan.
Certainly looks like an American Mario platformer... shame that wasn't the game we got.
Lol it’s a shame we will never get to play this trash in a completed form
Luckily proto dumps exist, which is good enough.
The WonderSwan was a commercial failure, so I don't think Nintendo had anything to worry about.

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what are the games you've always loved that never seem to have gotten the attention you think they deserved?

while it was clearly unfinished, i still think quest 64/eltale monsters was a solid game that needed more play.
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Too overrated to be underrated
The pre-rendered stuff is what made FFVII look impressive, not the primitive, low count polygonal characters you could cut your hand on.
Not sure what point you are trying to make as FF7 has super low poly untextured characters during regular gameplay.

That looks quite nice actually, should give it a try one of these days. Is the combat any fun?
>Not sure what point you are trying to make as FF7 has super low poly untextured characters during regular gameplay.
That is the point the I'm trying to make.
it's quasi-turn-based, you can move freely within the arena(with your range limited by your agility stat) to position your attacks and dodge the enemy's attacks. it's pretty cool

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How come Japan needed a disc drive for certain Famicom games when the US didn’t need it for the NES? If it’s because the US carts were bigger, then couldn’t they just make a longer/taller cart for the games that would need it rather than require an entirely separate add-on?
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>it didn't allow for more powerfull game
>game that used the whole power had to be ported to sfc due to the famicom being unable to handle the game.
not really the total size was 800 kb each side.
>not really the total size was 800 kb each side.
>Gunsmith Cats
I haven't watched these in a while
It didn't add any extra power, that's why most games were released on cartridges anyway due to using mapper chips and other enhancements.

What game are you referring to?
The FDS had an IRQ counter for game status bars; cartridge conversions of games to MMC1 or UNROM had to use sprite 0 hit instead so cartridge LOZ, Castlevania, and Zelda II have issues with the status bar breaking up when too much stuff happens which didn't occur on the FDS originals.

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Lets have an arcade thread anons. I am lucky enough to live under 20 minutes from Galloping Ghost, the biggest arcade in Burgerstan. I haven't always made the best use out of it but I went this month and am already planning to go with friends later this month as well and find myself on a bit of a fixation for arcade games at the moment.

>What are your favorite arcade games
>Tips for getting MAME to work well? It's the only emulator I am not well versed in and I am having trouble every step of the way, feels very different to normal emulation
>Dream machine to have in the home
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>I was asking how much, on average, you personally would spend at your local arcade in an hour.
Different anon here. It depends on the arcade. Landromat arcades and Corner store arcades were the ones near me. They had a couple machines inside. In an hour? Probably 5 dollars. Depends on the game tho. Fighting games against other players eat your quarters faster.
Yeah and I wouldn't visit every day. Maybe a twice a week if I had any spare allowance.

Big arcades with the big deluxe machines were closer to the city. I only went to those when I had a birthday or some other special occasion with my friends. Their machines were always more expensive.
>The one in Funword, NH continues to rot on the top floor all by its lonesome. It’s a travesty.
NTA but is there any hope of fixing it?
>Oh god my tripophobia! Aaaaaaaahhhhh

As far as I’m aware everyone who has approached the funworld owner on selling it have been shot down, so hard to be specific.

Mechanically for the seats etc should all be easy enough to rig something together if they’re broken. Unfortunately I think the game board itself is porked. It would require specifics from Nacmo to fix and they don’t seem to be of much help.

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To make them more appealing to the worm children
i still get wigged out by the worms and spiders when you get to the 4-5th decks
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Do you not trust the feelings of the flesh? Our biology yearns to join with yours anon.
prob a beta question, but is this game worth it?: even for half life geek?

How do you take this game seriously with its horrible english dub? I was excited to start it tonight but it was truly another level of immersion shattering. Not only do the explicitly Japanese characters speak in thick british accents, but the voice actors were clearly random employees they got to do voiceover.

Please let me know if it's just the first guy who's particularly bad. I can't find anything about an undub anywhere, so I'll probably put this game off until somebody makes one or my Japanese is good enough.
The problem with Siren isn't the VA.
It's the gameplay. It's pure, undiluted shit.
Siren 2 is my favorite tho
The bongland accents add to the charm, it grows on you. You don't hear much of it during gameplay anyway.
Play Siren Blood Curse, its a remake of sorts on PS3, then play the undub version of 2.
You get used to the voices quickly. It was a shock to me at first, but then I didn't care at all. Grew to enjoy it. The gameplay is, however, bad. This is one of the few times I would recommend watching a full walkthrough. Because you need to follow one anyways to know what fucking obscure thing to do.

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https://youtu.be/WfIcDcxrXzs?si=-S782od0t6ihtrS- ( Premiering)

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Wait wtf there's a Jet Force Gemini editor?
You mean the Golden Eye Editor?
Yeah, it can mod a ton of popular N64 games
Stop denying it, fart huffer.
Ladies, please. You're BOTH fags.
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Things are heating up in the retro smash fandom

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I've never played a DQ game. I'm about to start the translated SFC version of the first one. What am I in for?
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>Graphically looks better
I know right, all 3 recent DQ threads have been a disaster. These people don't like old games but decided to come raid here probably because they realized nobody was responding to their bait on their containment board.
Can you believe the second worse of the trilogy spawn all of your favorite RPGS in the modern day?

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