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How does /vr/ feel about Crash Bandicoot Wrath of Cortex?
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I always preferred it to Warped because I liked most of the vehicle levels more than Warp's. I can't remember all the game that well but highlights of the game are
>Medieval castle where you get chased by a dragon
>Rainy jungle level where you get chased by rhinos
>Underwater level that transforms into an underwater base platforming level
>Crash in robot suit
>Wild west Town
>Pretty cool and inventive boss fights
I beat the first level in five minutes when I was 6 and understood the mechanics well enough after it to continue playing the game. They're just pseudo intellectual faggots
one of the early games i got for PS2 with MGS2.
the loading times were fucking atrocious but the 60 fps and lighting effects made it feel next-gen and I remember enjoying it.
This is one of the few OG Xbox games that you can purchase from the Xbox 360 marketplace but NOT the Xbone/Series marketplace! The more you know! Get it before the 360 store closes down this July! https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Crash-Bandicoot-Wrath-of-Cortex/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802565507f2
One of my earliest experiences with "soulless". It was Crash 3 except just not fun.

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Best game on the Commodore 64?
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There were Amiga games ported to the Mega Drive which was also easy due to the shared CPU.
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for me? it was being 6 years old playing x-out on my older brothers c64, which was insanely hard.
>that intro
>that shop keeper
looks like it was ripped off from Wing Commander
There were more differences than similarities though. Sprites/Tiles vs. Copper Lists is a pretty big rewrite. Not to mention how many Amiga games were in C or AMOS as opposed to native 68k assembly. The prevalence of amiga -> MD ports had more to do with favorable publishing agreements and having a fast CPU more than it being a 68k. I strongly suspect if it had been an equally fast x86 or MIPS or ARM it would have seen the same level of ports.

Amazing game, I have no hope of ever finishing it though.
It's just way too hard... but I won't give up.
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Doesn't Bakraid play more like Cave games, with a focus on chaining?
I don't think I've seen people tactically suiciding or focusing much on medals there either.
Alright lads, what's your favourite plane/character to use?
For me it's Gain, I just love hearing him yell "BOMBER!" all the time.
Golden Bat for me. I should probably experiment more with the secret ships though.
I haven't touched Mahou Daisakusen characters yet because I want to first beat the game with one of the default planes.
That said I mostly play with Grasshopper, though I prefer the designs of Flying Baron and Wild Snail.

>ruins your desire to game
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>he didn't potentially damage his vision parking his butt like a foot from the family tv
Yeah, when I was like 6. I was in high school when the PS2 came out and I didn't have a tv in my room so I couldn't play from my bed, I wanted to relax so I sat on the couch or loveseat.
I know the Saturn in Europe came with an RGB scart cable any other PAL consoles that came with RGB as standard?
I did.
Composie is kind of shit.
As a Eurofag SCART is genuinely ideal for 4th through to 6th gen (most of what I play desu) plus the Wii, and it plays nicely with source switchboxes for very little extra. Unfortunately if you get the dyslexic kid to google the cost of replacements he will type in "SCAT" and get suspended, ironic as I nearly shit my pants laughing

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The main problem they all share is the rate of encounters on the overworld map. Every single time you move one pixel, BAM, "random" encounter. It can take an hour to walk across a field to the next town because of the random encounter rate. And if you skip battles? Well, you'll get trapped at a boss and punished for not grinding, and have to start the WHOLE GAME OVER.

Is there any way to fix this?
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that's the mole behind dusty dunes desert's drugstore.
>You can avoid abusing easy resources, but what constitutes abusing? How many levels are too many?
The point of reducing the encounter rates and then upping the rewards to compensate is not to make it easier to grind for resources. The point is for you to be able to walk through the game and explore normally WITHOUT grinding but still not falling behind on levels or money. I think you fundamentally misunderstand the problem the described hack is fixing.
The encounters are just hold or tap A. Play while you are doing homework or walking or reading something
This is the same vibe as my mother asking me if I could play GTA 3 without shooting anyone when the Christian kids from next door came around

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Recommend me Saturn games based on my top 10 favourite N64 and PS1 games:
>1. Super Mario 64
>2. Tony Hawk 2
>3. Metal Gear Solid
>4. Super Smash Bros
>5. Mega Man Legends 2
>6. Ocarina of Time
>7. Spyro
>8. Ace Combat 3
>9. Star Fox 64
>10. Driver
In this thread we can put the "Saturn has no games" meme to rest for good. Let's get into the mind of a certain customer and pitch the Saturn to him. Go!
Die Hard Arcade
Guardian Heroes
Legend of Oasis
Panzer Dragoon Zwei
Power Slave
Bulk Slash
Elevator Action Returns
Sega Rally Championship
Psychic Killer Taromaru

do you miss using noisy hdd and dvd drives?
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In 30+ years of using optical media I've NEVER had a drive scratch a CD. But I have certainly seen plenty of idiots putting in discs like retards. Sure, if you slap them roughly on the tray and SL-I-I-D-E them around to find the slot you're going to scratch fuck out of them. So don't do that? Use your thumb and forefinger, place them directly on the tray, push it closed.
If you have a bad model of PS2 known to have a disc scratching failure mode, chalk that up to the exception that proves the rule and get one that doesn't have this flaw. Don't move your console around with a disc in the drive. Don't fuck up and blame the format basically.
>do you miss using noisy hdd and dvd drives?
I miss a hard drive or disk drive making a little song when you first boot it up.
I remember getting a brand new Dell Inspiron desktop PC in 2008 and being shocked at how quiet it was compared to my old PC from the 90s after you pressed the power button and the fans spun-up for only a second or two.
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Had a Win95 machine that made some angry Chihuahua noises, I don't know if it was the HDD or the Floppy Disc drive, but it was comfy.
Sure, I even had a fanless 8600GTS.
And I distinctly remember it being really bulky and very hot compared to more orhidox alternatives.

Hect, a developer mostly known for board game and other such shovelware produces this game about the 1988 US presidential election, or at least an impressionistic Japanese interpretation of it. Nobody knows who asked for this game and nobody wants to know either.
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the Howard the Duck game on C64. let us never speak of it again.
This came out in October '88 a few weeks before the presidential election actually took place.
They presumably added it to make the game more appealing to the average Japanese gamer, but by the same token, that's admitting that US politics as-is probably doesn't have much appeal for the average Japanese gamer, so... why make the game in the first place? If you're going to use it as a backdrop for some quirky RPG or action game, like that Gorbachev puzzle game, sure, but this game is basically just walls of text and menus
Nintendo Power 1993?
Campaign issue: Senator, do you believe trans women are actually women or not? Yes or no.

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Last one went well, so let's try another.

pic related is a top 100 for the system. Any suggested changes?

Last thread here: >>10863941
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How's this one? Just heard about it and it's pretty expensive.
based on playing for 4 seconds it appears to be a very simple kind of lunar lander.
That's on the top 100.

That's on the expanded chart.

It's mostly about picking up passengers and dodging shit. The lunar lander thing is literally just the start of each stage.
ah that makes more sense

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Old vidya renders like this
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>two threads over two months apart
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because when the player can move the camera you go from pic related's left to right.
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Here's a direct illustration: Here's a real time demo someone made, where first they tried to line up the camera like the render and then it switches to gameplay camera. The posed frame looks nothing like OP pic - it's low res, low poly, proportions are off, washed out colors, bad lighting etc. An infinite list of how it doesn't replicate the SGI look. But the point is even from the 5/10 left image, look how much aesthetic appeal still drops when it switches to the gameplay camera - losing the framing of mario by the high sides of the apparent 'canyon' by the narrow crop image. Losing the 'looming' effect of the girders. You go from 5/10 to 1/10 intrigue with what's on your screen. So even starting from a 10/10 proper SGI rendering recreation, you give the player control of the framing and it's going to still drop to 5/10 and people will scratch their heads as to why it 'looks like' a pre-render, in all the details they check, but it doesn't feel like a pre-rendered image makes them feel.

The irony of your entire post is how many people in the comments think that demo is the coolest thing they've ever seen.

Arcade thread.

Just returned from another jaunt to Galloping Ghost and this is what I discovered this time
>Friend showed me Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, absolutely loved it, we finished it
>Beat House of the Dead 4 for the first time can't wait to try the other routes and perfect it over time
>Michael Jackson Moonwalker is not a shitpost, it's very fun
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Interesting, kinda sounds pretty appealing then. I still stick by the stance that arcade games are primarily appealing for the experience they offer that you cant get at home, but those online services for modern games always rubbed me the wrong way, so I can greatly appreciate the consumer friendly nature of them. I only got to play on one once that had Gimmick and based on comments I read before, I assumed it was some type of system that used a virtual store that you downloaded the games from directly to the machine. I may even look into purchasing one myself now.
To their credit, I think Namco would eventually issue official offline mode patches for their later Tekken games as they approached end of life, so you could keep running them even without an internet connection.
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It's sad but...the people who work at Namco these days didnt grow up with arcades. These are the people making major decisions. I heard this personally from a former (he just retired 2 years ago) Namco employee I met at a convention. I asked him how come Namco doesn't make those awesome and wacky fun arcade cabinets like pic related.

He told me that everyone who made those cabinets are either dead or retired. Modern Namco is very different from Namco of the 80s, 90s, and even early 2000s. All the old creative guys who wanted to take risks are gone. It's new young people. Many never grew up with arcades. He also said it's awesome how retro arcades are popular again in America.

What a sad thing to learn.
My only issue with modern arcades near me, is i wish they still offered a pay per play model. There is a cool pay for an hour/all day arcade near me in a mall, but sometimes i dont have the time to play for long, but would love to pop in and play 50 cents worth of Q*Bert or something like the old days. I get it would be hard to seperate the all day buyers, but idk, maybe have a section of machines near the front or right in front of the entrance that are both for all day players and passers by. Could probably be a good demo even for those to decide to pay for the full day pass.

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Do you like Crash?
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A four player console for people with no friends.
Now let's see Paul Allen's favourite Crash game.
I beat Crash 1 and 100%'d Crash 2
Crash, especially the first game, is the real successor of 2D Mario not that red coin collecting shit. 3D Mario only started with Galaxy
I like Coco
In a sexual way I mean

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The cart version is actually an expanded remake of the download-only Toshokan version. They are two different games. Somehow no one on the English speaking web has ever noticed this (except me because I am a tru gamer.)
It also got released on a Mega CD compilation disc. Is that the same as the Meganet version or the expanded one? Go on and tell me smart guy since you think you so clever.
i wish the level layouts were randomized and all the BGM wasn't 10 seconds long on loop
it's fun to waste an afternoon with otherwise
It's the problem trying to make roguelikes on console. Shiren is the same, the maps aren't random, it just picks from one of a dozen or so preset maps with a base item and monster placement amd then alters it depending on the weather. It's limitations of the hardware.

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>Is this what works on you?
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>>Saki~? Oh Saki~?
Spoiler alert
Why do you keep making this shit thread?

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What's the most underrated Super Nintendo game?
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>Frank Constanza casts SERENITY NOW
>Full heal
I imagine a Fear and Loathing game would be like Incredible Crisis. Basically a bunch of minigames but with that fast paced energy as the world just keeps unravelling around you.
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>occurred about two hours later during PBS member station WTTW's broadcast of the Doctor Who serial Horror of Fang Rock. With nobody on duty at the affected tower, this signal takeover was more sustained, and the masked figure could be heard making reference to the real Max Headroom's advertisements for New Coke, the animated TV series Clutch Cargo, WGN sportscaster Chuck Swirsky, "Greatest World Newspaper nerds", and other seemingly unrelated topics
Should have made it Sega CD.
I remember seeing this game on the VC back in the day and thinking it was interesting they'd put a Japan-only game like that on the service. I think I'll check it out today. Thanks, Anon.

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