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>I know a place on the edge of the Red Light District where we can lay low, but my hands are all messed up so you better drive, brother.
>get in the vehicle just as it's being taken
>become a true menace 2 society

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Discuss the Mister FPGA project, clones and other fpga retro gaming devices itt
>MiSTer uses thousands of physical gates in a so-called field-programmable gate array (FPGA) to emulate the original circuitry.
>MiSTer offers lower latency and more authentic graphics and sound than software emulation.
>MAME, RetroArch, Hyperspin, and RetroPie benefit from save states and extensive game libraries, but fall short in delivering authenticity and low latency.
>Original hardware offers authenticity, but using and maintaining 40-year-old machines is cumbersome.
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stop shilling you fucks
no one talks like this on 4chan
>Just offer lots of excuses and saying things like they don't feel like it.
Perfectly valid excuse for something that isn't their job
>We need people like them to finally fix Mame.
Better start paying them then
Are these "shills" in the room with us right now?

The problem here is that you are trying to use logic against a retarded conspiracy theorist. That's about as effective as trying to put out a fire with gasoline, he's just going to get more retarded and add to his conspiracy theory that you are all somehow secret shills that are in on it.

Anyone with a brain can see how both nobody involved would give a shit to shill it and how by it's very nature there isn't even anything to shill, and that's ignoring the fact that nobody would care to shill on a has-been basket weaving forum in the first place.
>Better start paying them then

I actually did. One of the Mame devs said I need to pay them to get preferential treatment. I actually asked them how much it would cost to commission them to work on the Sega Model 2 emulator to get it running on Mame. I was prepared to pay several thousand dollars.

I would even sign a legal contract and all that to prove I was serious.

The Mame dev got all flustered. Started spamming random nonsense about they don't own a Sega Model 2 board and therefore impossible.I said I would send them a board as I own several.

They got even more weird and started saying how not everyone knows how to work on Sega stuff and it's not fair to use money to get my way.

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It's actually kino. The atmosphere is incredible.
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PC warriors like to pretend that console FPS don't exist so they pretend like Allied Assault was the start of the series.

Can't really accept that what they're playing has its roots in Goldeneye influence now that would be too much on them.
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>Can't really accept that what they're playing has its roots in Goldeneye influence now that would be too much on them.
Yeah, there are two field surgeon packs in there. The crossbow bolts can also really help you save ammunition. This is actually important because A Vicious Cycle is a bitch with scarce ammo drops.
It's a bit of a shame that the og MoH games weren't filled that much with boomer shooter-styled secrets, would've added a lot to the exploration and replayability. Rising Sun was pretty good in that regard though, shame they didnt really stick to it, aside from the bonus objectives in European Assault and Heroes 2. Above and Beyond did include hidden collectibles, but aside from the playable music records, they were pretty uninspired.
Replaying Rising Sun and its honestly such a garbage game. People who speak fondly of it are all delusioned by nostalgia desu

I ain't even know, man. This game trippin. This little dude right here trippin. I is stuck on the level with the forest and shit. How the fuck I beat it?
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You ain't gonna be it.
>Please answer, /vr/.
you need the milk from that cow thats to the right of those bushes
>HD version
Not retro
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I am so glad we are finally getting some innovation here. Italian bottom is out the window. I also appreciate the ramp heavy focus on the game. It seems like flow central.

too much art. can't even tell what's what on the playfield.
This isn't really a problem when you're actually playing, I'm guessing.

But yeah, I agree with OP. Marvelous innovation + some ideas that have some precedent but are being expanded upon.

Compared with Avatar. Not a lot of courage there.

Weird in a cool way: The danger room mini-playfield

Weird in an interesting but not that great way: the pop bumper in the lower playfield in Avatar.

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I hate it

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there is zero reason to play any of the mortal kombat games instead of another fighting
they are just aggressively mid
>there is zero reason to play any of the mortal kombat games instead of another fighting
>they are just aggressively mid
Sure there is. It's called nostalgia and fun.

If you were an American 90's kid you'd understand such concepts.
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Most people who complain about MK can't even play other fighters beyond a casual level anyway. There is a large discrepancy between people who pose as pro high tier players who deeply understand mechanics vs. people who pretend they do on forums and youtube comments sections but can barely get a shoryuken in an old school game to work
99% of fighting game players are casuals
.5% are competitive players
the remaining .5% are posers like you who think spamming emojis on twitch makes you part of the "fgc"
>pulling the "casuals" and "fgc" cards out of nowhere
Surprise, all fighting games that are considered 'good' are fun regardless of your level as long as you play against the players of the same level. Nobody made fighting games with 'pros' in mind back then. Furthermore, Marvel games, unlike mainline SF, were made for casuals specifically.
Surprise #2, MK games can have high skill level. At least UMK3, idk about the others.
Saying that casuals who dislike MK can't play other fighting games is beyond retarded.

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You'll probably want to fight me about this but Final Fantasy X-2 and Majora's Mask are two of my favorite games. One thing I really like about them is the asset flipping. It's so cool to explore the world from the previous title a second time in a new way, or even just meet familiar characters in unfamiliar settings. Of course, adding new content is great too. Altogether it brings new life to the beloved worlds of the first entries. Any other really good retro asset flip sequels? Obviously requires that the first game in the series is great, too.

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play a game for 10 minutes
play the same game for 1 hour
play the same game for 3 hours

you think it's the same???
fuckkng retard
it's 100% cheating but i get it. we have better shit to do than grind some video game. just don't brag to me if you beat a "hard game"
Cheating has never been the issue. It's people who pretend that it's not. Most of the arguments for save states can just as well be accomplished by a memory editor. The entire arguement about saving time also confuses me because like the whole point of playing games is to waste some time having fun, treating games like an efficient job you have to complete in so many hours especially if you're not even getting paid to do so is absolutely mind boggling.
Then again, I think there's an abundance of "gamers" who never have and never will actually enjoy games and only play them because it's cool to do so, or they are literally brainwashed into it
Quite a few games, even back in the day, are indeed fidget toys. The audiovisual experience is also a big part of what makes games appealing. If it was all about challenge then we could have simply stuck to Atari 2600 games forever.
>>11236764 >>11237487 >>11238547
Also nice poisoning the well kek
0% chance when /co/ exists.
At that point just youtube it. If a game isn't fun to play through without savestates then it won't be fun with savestates either, it'll just be like "Glad I didn't have to put up with that!"
Most Kirby games have optional challenges and they're not exactly braindead easy in the main game. Much easier than your average game but if they didn't have generous save & checkpoint systems you'd see that there's a bit of difficulty in there.
If you press the "Don't have fun button"... I'll be very surprised.
>or the game's quality had to take an giant nosedive part of the way through
At first I thought, "By your own criteria you can't really make a judgment about that until you've beaten it, no?"

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>you didn't beat the electronic time waster toy
Who gives a fuck? Even in non-cheating cases many games didn't let you save your progress in case you weren't a NEET child and had to step away for something, or had retarded-ass password systems. It's valid as a bookmark alone.

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Is there anything more kino than water reflections in 2D/sprite games? I think it's up for debate.
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Looks like a Vita game. If they at least tried I wouldn't even mind the 2.5D thing.
looks literally soulless
are you the anon who was playing legend of dragoon in the CRT thread before? Star ocean 2 is a good next choice
why is it blurry and foggy?
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New sub!
>Game Center CX #344 - SteamGear Mash [LocationScouts]



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>Martial Arts
Arino and Kibe visit a martial arts school/gym and ask them how viable moves/styles are from fighting games. They try to replicate moves.

Arino tries to re-create famous artworks/manga covers/whatever in Mario Paint or DS Art School etc.

>Plot Trivia
Arino, Kibe, Ogawa etc play a trivia game where they are asked about minor plot points in old games that Arino has challenged.
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Ogawa and Arino played Tetris in a cafe in the latest episode.
>Not even AF+? The original N64 version lacks a lot of stuff including Abel Sisters and the museum.

The show has a fetish for original versions rather than ports.
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I think Princess Groomer is enough of a game to be a real challenge. Arino would likely run through the game in a couple of hours, and get an ending, and then say "oh that's it?". But then they'll tell him he has to get the Good Princess Ending which is a very specific run. So he'd run through it blind a few more times and each time they figure out what stats and requirements he needs.

Only question: which version? The SFC remix, PM1 or PM2?
Do you think his wife gets jealous?

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It's crazy that once upon a time, Marvel was so broke and desperate, it was possible for just about any bottom of the barrel developer to license their characters to put them in some complete shovelware for about fifty bucks and a snickers bar. So many of the Marvel games in the 80s and 90s were straight trash
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But enough about PS4 Avengers
>sega lord x claimed this game was great
Arcade version was great, and Genesis was pretty good. The SNES port sucked.
I miss that time, back then we could have a new Spider-Man video game every year, often more, all made by different developers, going for it's own unique take, often those were bad, or just subpar, but often it was quite good... now we have to wait years for a premium developer to produce modern slop that's bloated just to take hours to finish, full of propaganda and bad OCs...

Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin > Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Pic related was the first truly good Marvel game

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dragon slayer 4 aka drasle family aka legacy of the wizard, which version is considered best?
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Tell us why.
This board is infested with zoomers.
NES/Famicom > MSX2 for this
There is no real difference from the NES and Famicom version other then the title screen, no real game changes so just play either.
I love this game and its a balls hard challenge. If you're not using a guide some sort you will need some paper to map things out for yourself and take notes. People who bitch are the ones who never do this step even though it was a common and expected thing to do in 80s PC gaming, which this is (MSX is the original verison).
>NES/Famicom > MSX2 for this
Just outright plays smother. Higher framerate + smooth scrolling. The MSX1/2 versions dont scroll at all, but it can be used to your advantage to get mobs to despawn.
Its 2024, just go and download it and play it.

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What went wrong with F-Zero? It seems like Sega had a good 3D racer formula going on but they did not capitalize off of it. Did transitioning into 3D ruin F-Zero? Outside of Smash Bros and the anime, it’s as if Sega forgot about this IP. In some ways, I see parallels between the F-Zero franchise and Superkartio.
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also, my original comment stated that you either have this or you don't.

just because you maybe have never put thought into it, but if you *did* manage to beat everything in the game, i assure you that you DO know what a racing line is, and you likely can establish a good line around a track.

congrats, you have it. i'm talking about the people that don't. and there are tons of them. they....they don't play fzero or other racing games lol. because they suck. and my whole point was because you intuitively understand how to go faster or you don't.

and in the OG fzero game, going faster was basically just making sure you boost in the right spot and limited mistakes.

but in GX, going faster is actually making sure you understand the hidden mechanics of the game to ensure you are actually going as fast as possible. that's *completely* different.
which i can add even further and say that the physical techniques required to playing GX at absolute top speed is so rough on your hands/wrists than literally *every* player who has ever done it says "yeah don't even really both learning snaking because you WILL injure yourself doing it".

absolutely NOTHING in the og fzero requires that kind of technique, and again that's only a thing because of the hidden mechanics in GX that aren't intuitive to the player.

if you are saying you found basically alternating side attacks while drifting WHILE momentum throttling (which means you monitor your speed closely and know when it's beneficial to actually let go of the gas button and turn your engine off to retain more speed) intuitive, then you are an fzero savant. still not an argument for it not being much, much harder and not something that is "oh i just need to take this turn a little tighter, that's how i can get a faster lap time".

to get a faster lap time in gx you have to do the things i am mentioning. that's a whole different game, a game most people aren't going to play and don't want to play.
So you’re saying Sega made a better game than Nintendo ever could?
i never said anything about better or worse.
it's simply more shit to learn other than "oh it's a racing game, got it".
Not a retro game but Aero GPX definitely proves that the genre had somewhere to go and iterations could be had but Nintendo outright just did not want to do it.

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Games Turning 20 in 2025
>Resident Evil 4
>God of War
>Timesplitters: Future Perfect
>Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy
>The Punisher
>Burnout Revenge
>The Warriors
>Shadow the Hedgehog
>Devil May Cry 3
>Star Wars: Republic Commando

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You left out some of the best ones. Killer7, We Love Katamari, Pathologic, Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, SWAT 4, Digital Devil Saga 2, Haunting Ground, Fatal Frame 3...
Why’d you trail off? List more if you have more.
Yeah it's been 20 years since they stopped making good games. Sad innit? And as times goes on, that number will only increase.
I’m older than time itself.
You forgot the biggest one: X360 released in November 2005.
Frankly though, that sounds about right. With console gens getting longer, in those 20 years we only had 2.5 gens, and fewer games each year, most of which were remasters and ports, to the point that PS5 has been out for 4 years and still barely has any games. A lot of time has passed, yet the last 2 decades were all the same shit, the AAA era of Ubi/EA/Sony / etc.. It feels like the history of games has ended around 2005, and much like with music, there isn't much to talk about past that point.
People born in 2006 are 18 now, so yeah, you can't stop the clock

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Thoughts on Pistol Start?
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surprisingly nice forearms on carmack
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I did it dudes, took me 2 days to beat it on UV Pistol-Start.
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Dude works out. During his teenage years he decided he should train his body in addition to his mind, and supposedly he would fuck with school bullies with that. Either by beating them up, or him "agreeing" to do all the work when on a paired assignment with them, to then actually having done nothing at all, to make sure they would fail.

>that rocky wall texture is also in Doom and in Quake
They got a lot of mileage out of it. I actually went and looked to see if might even date back to like Catacomb 3D, because that would be funny to me, but it seems Wolfenstein 3D is when it first appeared.

By Quake 1 & 2 it's transformed a lot, and it actually looks really good in a way which fits Doom's graphical style more if you just tweak the thing to work with Doom's palette. The MAC one with a filter or translucent overlay on it, which is what it is in its Doom incarnations, never really sat right with me and it and looks off when used for Doom.
Do you mean in Doom only or just in general? Because I was raised on a steady diet of the Rare shooters - Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Timesplitters, which are generally spawn without weapon in multi.

I'm born 92. I have a zoomie lil half brother born 2002. In about 2017 or so I showed him PD, he'd never seen it. He was utterly and comprehensively filtered by the lack of a weapon at spawn. Like he actually couldn't function with it and stopped playing.

>Aww, you need the game to hold your hand ? Want the game to kill the enemies for you too?
>*Laughs in Millennial*
Having to fight your way to the shotgun is based

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