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holly shit i just realized Joanna Dark = Joanne D'Arc
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It actually wasn't intentional
didn't Clone High make the same joke around the same time. wonder what was in the air
god gamn slowpoke
Also, the game is set in the year 2023 and is about uncovering extra-terrestrials and alien technology being held at Area 51.
2023 turned out to be the year that the whistleblower, David Grusch, came forward with details on UFOs.
>PD now takes place in the past


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What makes this boss so memorable?
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>RNG designed to waste your time
this fight quite literally takes 10 seconds if you dont fall
Yeah man. That's what every kid was saying when they played it. "omg this RNG is so ghetto! Bad game design!"

Because he's weird and squiggly and it's frustrating (especially for kids) if you fall off a lot. Also notably harder than most 2D Zelda bosses (again, by kid standards).
"A Link to the Past" (, as it is called in the English language-version), isn't very memorable. To me at least. I recall the first two game with more reverence and frequency.
annoying as fuck and not in a cool way like blind
#3 actually but i see why you'd think that because the second boss is also a worm

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Ok I'm about to play this
Its literally just boxxle or numerous other puzzle games... I am disapoint, a little bit

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>what if every other enemy was either an iron lich or a nitrogolem
>every level is a retarded scavenger hunt to find random walls/floors that lower after crossing an arbitrary trigger somewhere in the level
What a dogshit expansion. Talk about a downgrade.
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Why does this cover look AI generated?
Better than Hexen.
Don't care I remember liking it. I liked Heretic a lot in general.
For the most part, yeah. But I do like a lot of what Hexen was going for. It came after so it also is a lot more detailed and the few monsters it does have I thought were great.
>muh Hexen
I mean I think it's shitty but at the same time, it was made for people good enough to beat Heretic.

>Better than Hexen.
That's saying about as little as one can say in a statement.

You know, it's a simple 2d platformer franchise but I like the story of Mega Man X and Zero, they are like that one big saga that has a satisfying conclusion
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The videogame lore from Megaman Classic -> X -> Legends is one of the most fun to delve into. It's honest, despite its flaws.
It also keeps people talking about the franchise even when all gameplay discussion has long since been exhausted.
I'm of the opinion that Mega Man has the greatest lore of any video game series I've ever played, and the nice thing is that it's rarely forced on you if you don't care about it. I've never cried because of a video game, but I came close after beating Zero 4.
I don't know why people keep saying Zero is dead. He's clearly right there in the background partially blocking the sun.
that's just the ragnarok's remains. idk how x and the other three guardians died in zero 3 though. i guess it was from omega exploding but x should've still lived, since when do explosions affect cyber elves? it's like throwing dynamite at casper

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Are these games worth playing? Never got to play them as a kid.
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I loved them as a kid and yet I never turned out wearing fursuits and tail buttplugs, I feel like you gotta seek that shit out.
4 is what happens when actual furries get control of a game
you can stop posting this dead nigger any day now
I mean, I didn't really get into furshit until years later, despite all the media I consumed featuring anthropomorphic characters prior. Unfettered internet access and puberty in the mid-late 2000s made one hell of a combination.

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How do we feel about remastering retro games with mods?
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I fucking hate texture mods in these kind of games because none of them ever cover the entire game requiring multiple texture packs, and they often lack visual uniformity, so you might as well just stick to vanilla textures. Gameplay and items mods, on the other hand, are less consequential since they often end up using assets that are already in the game.
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What, you don't like your game deep-fried in piss?
I feel that having the freedom to do so is enough. I may enjoy a given game with mods, I may not but the fact that I have the choice and capability is value within itself.
Depends on the game. I hate how a lot of these Morrowind modders seem to think Morrowind needs to be saturated in trees. I always got the impression it was supposed to be a mostly barren volcanic wasteland. Its ugly but yet beautiful because of how unique and special it looks compared to most games if that makes sense. Yes it might mostly be that way due to the hardware of the time but I still think Bethesda originally did not intend for the game world to be saturated in trees.

However there being a lot of fog actually makes sense to me. So if modders want to increase that like your pic shows it might fit with how Morrowind should probably look. One thing I hate about all of these Morrowind mods though is I am pretty sure if Bethesda ever revisited the game with a remake or a new entry they would be heavily swayed on what visual mods fans created over these years. So they would saturate the land with trees and dense foliage.
There's some amazing QOL romhacks out there. That counts as modding, right? Still waiting for that Hybrid Front translation...

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Are humans in FF 1-6 supposed to be small and heavily stylized chibis or tall and fairly realistic?
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Even for 94 it looks ugly Chrono Trigger BTFO this game in the graphics department. I'm not big on 16bit JRPG's graphics, not that WRPG's were any better. But it's just hideous even CT is kind of rough. GBA and PS1 made 16bit graphics better, even though they were arguably 32bit games
I will say one thing that annoys me about FF6 is how the summons don't have separate idle and attack sprites, which IIRC even FF3 on the Famicom had, and which FF4 and 5 certainly had. In FF6 they just have the one sprite. It's kinda strange considering what a big part of the story they are in this game compared to the others, but then again it's also kinda fitting considering how much they're nerfed in actual battle.
they probably just wanted to keep the same overworld sprites in battle so they werent different. in ff4 when you fight golbez, he has a huge sprite, but later in your party he has a small sprite like the rest of your party
yeah im retarded, as soon as i posted this i realized ff4's overworld sprites arent even the same as the battle sprites kek
In FF6 they are similar, though slightly different.

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I had no idea this game was a thing on PS1. How was it?
Vehicle gameplay is good, but the on-foot gameplay becomes really fucking shit towards the end. Pretty atmospheric though, it's neat.
>blaster master: blasting again
might as well have called it "my date night with your mom"

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If given the choice with games that present you with multiple sound options (for example, a choice between Adlib / Sound Blaster FM synth and either MT-32 or General MIDI), do you prefer to play with the "optimal" option, or do you go with whatever you used back in the day because it's how you're used to the game sounding?
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>Doom FM music is horrible
Doom MIDI music is awful and I hate that people keep using it to demonstrate the superiority of their expensive MIDI equipment. It's just harsh butt rock that is only appealing to people who happened to like the songs they were trying really hard not to rip off.
I go with Adlib/Sound Blaster since it's what I grew up with. Something like the Roland Ultrasound or Amiga music just sound weird to me.
There is always a debate about which cards had chips came with the best sounding instruments.
Am I out of line, or does the AZT2320 sound comparatively pretty nice? It's a cheap clone of the OPL chip.

Did you mean the Gravis Ultrasound?

ITT: Japanese box art that's cooler than its western counterparts
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Sonic & Tails is by far the best example for me, it's got some of the best Sonic and Tails art we ever got with the classic designs, and in the US, while it's decent and appealing, it doesn't even come close as far as I'm concerned.
What a garbage opinion. That resplendent box with the sword and shield is iconic. Buying that and bringing it home was like finding some ancient slab of solid gold. The jap cover makes me think of a cow or some shit.
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why do all these localized MD jrpgs have the same weird medieval artwork
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If you judge this game at face value and don't think about the esports, the koreans, the shitty sequels, the remaster, the fall of Blizzard as a whole, it's just one if the comfiest computer games ever.
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I love the game but the aesthetics is just copied from everywhere.
Space Marines from warhammer40k VS Alien VS Predator. The terrans even have the robot villain from Robocop as a unit. Everything is ripped off some movie or IP.
retards like this guy is exactly why mobas are popular btw
how can you not like SC's aesthetic? the fuck is wrong with you?
replaying it has been a chore, it's time to start cheating
God, yes. I fucking miss old Blizzard. Used to LAN this shit all the time with my friends.

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I grew up with the PS1, however downloading Duckstation and trying some games from my adolescence was kinda sobering, they don't really hold up lol, I guess rose-tinted glasses and all that. Just curious what gayms you actually play?
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they are by this board's definition
we're old, anon
I've become literate in Japanese in the last few years, so I'm playing catch-up on a bunch of text-heavy classics. RPGs, VNs, a little bit of everything.
My favorite retro games I've finished this year (that a person who doesn't know Japanese can enjoy) are Puzzle Bobble 3, The Little Mermaid (Capcom), and Masoukishin. I can easily recommend all three!
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>The Little Mermaid (Capcom)
i like physical, it sucks but it is what it is; i also haven't found what to pair with it. been debating about getting a saturn since i miss mine and i miss guardian heroes

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In Retrospective Sega's decision to wait nearly a year to launch the Dreamcast worldwide was a huge mistake.
Had they decided to launch the Dreamcast in December 1998, with Sonic Adventure, worldwide they would have had a year until Sony's announcement of the PS2 instead of mere weeks.
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Sega was seen as a lot more adult than bing bing wahoo man. They had lots of arcadey stuff, weaboo bullshit (we know it's cringe but it's hitting a market), didn't censor stuff in games, if you're thinking there's people pathetic enough to think Sonic proves it's for kids what about Jak and Daxter or Crash Bandicoot or Spyro on PS1? Sega wouldn't have had any hangups about GTA3 on its console if they could get it. Maybe you're thinking of bigger=better fags. These cretins assume that the bigger company has more money and therefore always wins. Actually they unfortunately have a point in some industries due to the underhand tactics used by the big corporations, but Sega was a big corporation in its own right with vast experience and in theory should have been able to keep its marketshare.

What I'm guessing really happened is Sega probably borrowed a lot and it got out of control. That's why many of their games ended up great despite it only lasting 2 years and sold decently, it wasn't a failure like the Saturn was. But massive debt was starting to crush them, and they weren't getting the miracle sales they needed so they folded.
>to be fair, back in the day no one gave a shit for PS2,
Sit down and shut the fuck up.
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9/9/99 is so fucking cool though... and that's what SEGA was all about in the 90's, being cool.

It's stupid... but it's still based.
There are 5 continents though.
Retarded controller

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So, this idea has been bugging me for the past year, ever since I saw one of those 1UP arcade cabinets at the local toyshop.
Now I have the place for one but it seems people have a lot of issues with those due to poor build quality so I want to make my own.

Have any of you done that and what was your experience?
Can I do it cheaper than 399€?
Should I buy a pre-cut cabinet online or try to cut the panels myself, what about controls? Are those 30€ kits on amazon good enough or should invest in proper ones?
I want to avoid using a raspberry pi and instead use an old PC and a CRT monitor or TV.

I don't think I'll use it for 3 days and then forget about it since for the past year I've been simulating an arcade experience with my megadrive and a ASCII fighter stick just to see if it's a thing of the moment or not.
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Recroom masters had some ok stuff. Maybe check them out.
Anyone built this guys designs?
I like the form factor and that it accounts for a CRT , most other plans I've seen assume you want to install an LCD inside it.

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Here it is.
>someone FINALLY built and is selling this design
It only took 15 years.
Although I appreciate the fine workmanship and dedication I can't help but think designing for a 19" CRT would have been a better choice.

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