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Romhacking closed down a little over a month ago, where does everyone go now? Did anyone make a new site yet?
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if they get filtered by retroarch of all things their opinion is worthless anyway
just ignore them
Torrents and Russian/foreign servers still exist, roms are never going away. Rom sets are never going away.
No it's not, the actual options you need are obfuscated behind a thousand unnecessary menus. It's unintuitive and bloated as fuck.
emulation gametech wiki
I only play 8 consoles, I don't need 50 emulators in one

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Best TMNT game?
For me, it’s the obvious Turtles in Time, but I liked TMNT 3 on the Gameboy as well. Felt like a shittier Metroid 2
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Fuck you. HSH superior soundtrack alone makes it the better game.
How bad is the lag in this collection?
I didn’t notice it - I could beat TMNT 1 no problem and I’m usually pretty sensitive to this stuff. The Kunio/DD collection was pretty rough on me
I dunno how i played some of these as a kid, these games can be pretty brutal. I probably liked tmnt 2 on nes the most, better graphics and villians from the series were a big deal.
Arcade, megadrive and supernes all equal.
I am glad I wasted 40 euros in that cowabunga collection playing "doubles" was amazing.

Dust off your Thrustmasters and unfold your quick reference keysheets - it's time to talk all things Space Combat.

Games such as:
Wing Commander series
X-Wing Series
Privateer Series
X Series
Tachyon the Fringe
Freespace Series
Maybe Battlecruiser? I never really managed to get into playing it...

Aiming more for the PC-focused 'Sim' type games, rather than the more console-focused shooters like Rogue Squadron, Incoming etc. I guess you can talk about them too.

Why does Mega Man's music tend to be so generic? As in, every game after Mega Man 1 has a bunch of tracks that fit the general theme of the series, but do not sound like they belong to their assigned stages.
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>there is that classic megaman song that sounds like a metallica song
flash man
seek and destroy

had to google it. they're all the same
>it's not rlck because it doesnt use rock instruments until x6
Get real, retard. Capcom's first foray into 32bit consoles didn't have any fucking rock music in them.
There's a character called Blues. There's no fucking blues music until MM11.
t. this is rockfaggots knowledge about music

damm this is a new low
>Why does Mega Man's music tend to be so generic?
because every single VGM composer heard how good that shit was and tried to copy it for the next decade or so. youre just lost in the retrospect
someone had to do it, and it sure wasnt gonna be me

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We haven't had one of these in a while. What are you /vroom/ing, /vr/? Are you enjoying OutRun 2's PC fixes?
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>lunar springs actually exists in the PC release
U1 is still great, until it raises the races to be 6+ laps in the second half of the campaign. But aeshtetical cohesion and car control is on point. U2 always felt too slidey (not in a fun drift way either).
I hate how you can't really recover from slides without losing speed once the tires start slipping. And yeah, I remember U1 looking a lot more cohesive and tidy. I guess I need to try replaying that one or Carbon
The only good thing about carbon are the graphics.
I agree, every few years I reinstall it on atmosphere basis alone, despite it being objectively worse than the previous games. It does have canyon races though.

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Which retro shooter has the best Mac-10?
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It'd be good to have cool explanations on how all these work but all of those are fictional guns and that guy's complaint is that the game is "gun porn" that supposedly has real guns but they're actually airsoft replicas with 35 picatinny rails stamped everywhere.
>"gun porn" that supposedly has real guns
Which is a marketing issue, not decided by the devs.
Shit game
This right here.

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Did you consume the same quantity of games?

The Dreamcast would've done fine if Sega hadn't fucked up the launch of the Saturn and wasted R&D resources on superfluous hardware like the 32X and the Nomad.

They also should have toned down Shenmue's budget.
Sega's entire history is a long list of fuck-ups really; their management was/is all over the place, despite the talented devs they've had. It's a miracle they stuck around so long in the console business in the first place (and a real miracle they survived as a software dev/publisher, albeit in the guise of Sega Sammy unfortunately)
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fuck you, got mine
not my problem
many such cases
nta, but all the ones I found just had re-encoded video & audio files to shrink them and fit on a CD.

I never played Bomberman. I thought it was all 4 player arcade style action, until I heard there's apparently "Zelda" Bomberman? Which of the games are like this? Also just want to know the best games for single player in this series in general, platform doesn't matter much.
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Love this game. Never beat it though cause I had no idea how to bomb jump
Super Bomber Man 2 is good on the SNES. Really fun campaign mode which I think is what you're talking about.
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>how to bomb jump
me playing Powerslave on Saturn
there should be more platformer bomberman games

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>see my squad of elite special forces attacked by dogs
>abandon them
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>The novelization
Didn't know they made a novel about RE. Is it worth a read?
It was ghostwritten by a young David Foster Wallace.
This looks like a Weekend Update image
he needed it's combat data

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Why did the GameCube sell 10 million less than the N64 despite having such a larger library of games?
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i'm pretty sure MM was a hard sell and only happened because "well we did all this work on these OOT assets and engines, we could do another really quickly"
there's no way it would have survived changing consoles
I've always thought Nintendo should have cut the N64 short by 1 year and released GameCube in 2000.

That was the original plan, too. Before "Dolphin", the very first codename of the GCN was N2000, signifying the planned release date.

With a 2000 release date they could migrate a lot of late-era N64 games over to the 'Cube instead. Majora's Mask, Perfect Dark, Banjo Tooie, Mario Party 3 and Conker's Bad Fur Day could have all been launch-year GameCube games. Maybe even Pokemon Stadium 2 as well, although they'd need to release the GameBoy Player alongside it so you could still connect your Gold/Silver/Crystal cartridges to it.
Kind of. It was a hard sell but because Majora’s Mask was originally supposed to be an Ocarina of Time expansion planned to be released on the N64 DD (disc drive) console add on hence why MM seems like bizarro world to OoT/you see reused assets from OoT. The N64 DD absolutely bombed and died almost immediately and it left the team with a partially done OoT and the company asked them to repurpose it into a game but like didn’t give them any additional time to their deadline (bearing in mind that they were originally working on what we’d later identify as a kind of DLC expansion and not an entire game, they were working on a shorter timeframe as a result assuming it was a smaller job). Ultimately that’s what they had to do and they somehow finagled repurposing their project into MM into something totally new. Anyhow, the rest is history. Majora’s Mask was the result of a clusterfuck, the N64 DD bombing. It was rushed, it was stressful, in a lot of ways it was incredibly improvised but someway somehow it gave us as masterpiece.
To my own point though Majora’s Mask would’ve never debut’d as a new game on GameCube. It wasn’t even intended to exist in the first place. Even if the GC gets released a year earlier they’d have made a new Zelda game with more time and able to start from scratch instead of jury rigging an add on for a previous game. It wouldn’t have been Majora’s Mask.
>The N64 sold better because people trusted nintendo following the SNES
And they got burned hard when they realized there was almost no games for it in the beginning. It started hitting its stride with Zelda OoT, but those first two years were miserable and sustained almost exclusively by Mario and Goldeneye.

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hey why don't you shove it pal
Sokoban. The original is Sokoban.
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I made it to Stage 2 for you, OP. I feel like I've played these exact puzzles in a different version of Sokoban
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>mfw I trick two people into playing Sokoban
this went from auto-sage to pretty cool thread on a fucking dime I wont lie.

>Sega doesn't release either the Sega CD or the 32X
>Waits til late 1995 to launch the Saturn with beefed-up specs, stronger than PS1
>Puts everything into having a true 3D Sonic game ready for launch day

Would this be enough to make Saturn win?
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>Another what if hardware thread
why haven't you gone to another website yet?
How many times do you have to be told that the power of the console doesn't matter
They don't get it anon
The Golden Axe "game" holds as much weight as what they gave Sonic

They didn't even bother porting Revenge of Death Adder

>they rarely do sequels.
Advance Guardian Heroes and Gunstar Super Heores don't exist then?
Look up what "rarely" means.
Don't forget about the CG Collection discs for each character

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Which was the superior version?
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>delisted from Xbox Store
xbox somehow
People will say Gamecube because Link was in it. Heihachi is a terrible guest character, and Namco should've put the main character of Tower of Druaga in instead. Spawn is cool so I'd put the Xbox version as the 2nd best.
so why didn't they use him instead of normal spawn?
Best guest character
Best controls
Best graphics and performance

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Are there any games of this genre that aren't designed to milk coins from kids at the arcade, and are actually fair? Just using a continue every time feels lame, but trying to actually finish a game without dying is torture and not fun
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In Japan you can see them everyday, even now.

You very obviously don't know what that means.
Stop being a pedantic fuck, no one cares
ok and even if that's true (you've never been to Japan), how that's the same thing as everyone in the world having access to decades worth of entire community knowledge on their phone?
You're using words at random. Your posts are gay. No one likes you irl either.

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I remember getting Chrono Trigger for my 12th birthday. The first ending I got was this one, where Chrono and Marle float away on some balloons romantically embracing one another. I was starting to really notice girls and watching this was downright PAINFUL to me for some reason. My first ever "TFW no GF" moment.
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I fucking hated mortal Kombat as a smol child and even as I got older. It wasnt until I was like 13 that I started not rage quiting fightan games.
Thread's about trigger stuff and metal black never really got anything out of me, so I didn't post it.

But it's an amazing game. Stage 2 is impeccable in particular with its music syncs and boss. Good post anon.
going back to moonbrook castle after beating dragon warrior 2
Beating Resident Evil for the first time. It was the first time I played a video game that made me feel something other than sheer fun

What happens?
The dead king's soul is healed and you watch him move on to the afterlife, as much as the Princess wishes he wouldn't.

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