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Same with PSP. There's literally no reason to buy newly made Chinese garbage.
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Onus is on you, but I can tell you're just trolling here
But here is a link to some screens by power consumption https://wiki.handheldlegend.com/game-boy-advance-screen-comparison
and also here's a pic with stock vs max brightness IPS
This is some high level retardation right here. What a sad little fucker this guy must be.
i can buy that for max
The IPS screens ARE chinese garbage though. They add 3 whole frames of input lag. Even a chink handheld with retroarch will perform better
>They add 3 whole frames of input lag.
don't be stupid, you mean output lag

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I just got this little guy and I absolutely love it.
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Clickey stick. Clickey stick. I love you little clickey stick.
Put the NGPC thumbstick and the Vita d-pad on a controller and I will buy over 9000 copies
I'll never understand people who like the Vita d-pad. That thing sucks fucking ass.

I got that 8bitdo NGCD pad a while back. It's pretty good.
>the click stick should have replaced the d-pad 30 years ago.
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there is a clone but it's $50 from china and even more expensive from resellers than the real one

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this looks rad
I was waiting on that Quest for Kurkoins one, but I guess he put it on the back burner for this one.
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I think it looks cool

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What are you playing?
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My waifu
Point or Click Adventure is my favorite genre
A touch-controlled game like on a phone would be a game where you only point.
i can't agree darkseed is so obscure

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>rgbfags think this is better than composite
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The light coronas are also broken on PS2 (some alpha gradient issue, you also see it on the moon in SotN in Olrok's Quarters)
Is it all ps2's or just the later ones? Didn't the slims remove the audio chip or something like that?
I have a PS2 phat 50001 that has the problems described.
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>The light coronas are also broken
No worries, I got you some new ones.
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NTA but it's like 1990 and 2035 America at the same time

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Did this Russian version of Sonic Spinball really exist or is it fake? I have never seen a physical copy on the internet.
it says right there on the box "official sega seal of quality"
My 7-year-old cousin may have done that with Gimp.
can he get me a job at sega (or sammy or whatever they're called now)
Russian here. What you posted looks like an average Russian pirate cart for Mega Drive. I assume it's not even in Russian, since the screenshot shows English text. All they did was print the cover with the Russian description. Last time I checked, no games for Mega Drive were ever officially released in Russia, it was all piracy.
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>the whole world: man! did you know there was a Half-Life prototype for the Dreamcast??? I'd like to play that!
>Russia in 2000:

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dkc 3's haters are full of shit. the game is far from being even bad
played it years ago and had lot of fun, the stages were unique (just like previous dkcs) but so were the bosses, way more challenging, and the bonus stages, way more fun. the extras were very cool, not only there was your typical extra world (and a hard one) but also there were these things called banana birds, all super fresh and cool. Collecting them all felt solemn
now I'm play the gba because I wanted to hear the new music, and fuck, it even has more mini-games and stuff than the snes version!!
both are gorgeous game, they offer more replayability, challenge, and aren't linear

there is literally nothing bad with this game. it is childish compared to the serious ones? perhaps, and it's also more fun, lively and charmful. that doesn't mean it doesn't have creepy, dark, majestic things
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From someone who would rank DKC2 as one of the best 2d platformers of all time, DKC 3 is average at best and definitely the worst of the original series. It’s not the worst game I’ce ever played but its a noticeable step down in a lot of ways. The level design taking a big hit is the biggest factor. Its kinda sloppy. Feels like they were learning. Whoever made these levels just wasn’t quite as talented as the peson or people who designed them in DKC1 and especially DKC2. Probably Greg Mayles, who was busy making Banjo at the time.

In DKC2 almost every level had a gimmick or a twist to it. DKC3 tries to be the same way but the gimmicks are less engaging in my opinion. Less creative and more annoying. If you read the credits it becomes obvious that Rare put the B-team on this project while the A-team was working on n64 titles.

Kiddy Kong is a terrible character. One of the all-time worst and cringiest. The whole 90s baby thing never really worked ever in my opinion. Dixie’s still cool though. Changing the enemy designs to all look stupider was a bad move. They switched out Rambi for a stupid fucking elephant. This art and character stuff is subjective, but I did not like it.

Canada is an ok setting, but a lot of the levels looked the same. In DKC2 you could go from a castle to a beehive to a bayou, while 3 was mostly Canada forest or snow.

The new open world concept level select was fine, I could take it or leave it. The Simon Says game is the blandest of bland filler. Of course any composer that isn’t David Wise is gonna sound really bad in comparison, the DKC2 soundtrack is one of the best ever.

The saving grace of DKC3 would be that it has the best boss fights of the original series. Most of them are pretty fun and a few feel inventive in the way DKC2 levels felt.

I’d recommend the Donkey Kong Land games. They’re surprisingly good. I liked the precise and sometimes diffiucult platforming of DKL1 enough that I’d rank it higher than DKC3.
that's because you're good at it now
nah, i played it 2 or 3 times, along with dkc 2 and 3. last time, dkc 1 took 1 afternoon and a half, and the later took about a week. I play them all as I play any of them. if it took me less then yeah, it's short
of course, I'm not counting the bonus levels. in dkc1, bonus levels are irrelevant so I don't bother with them. you gain nothing relevant from them so they don't count and the game is over the moment you beat the final boss, no extra world no nothing, the game ends there
and it's not as hard as later games. I just run, jump jump, run, jump here, jump there, continue running, and boom, already at the final world in mere hours
The Internet including 4chan (especially 4chan actually) is a place of extremes. People here are braindead enough to think unless something is the peak of the genre or series then it's worthless

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Apparently this is actually the closest to a 3D Zelda on PS1

Decent review if anyone is interested:
Why do the NPCs literally look like Spongebob characters?

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So this started as an arcade game based on a Jackie Chan movie although only very loosely and it was probably an existing beat em up Irem already had and slapped the license on. The Famicom port was supposed to be the first Irem game on the system but Nintendo insisted on doing the port themselves for some reason so 10 Yard Fight ended up as Irem's FC debut. There was a later second printing as just Kung Fu after they lost the Spartan X license; that cartridge is rare and kind of a collector's item. Like a lot of the early NES/FC titles it's fun for about 20 minutes of gameplay but you can't exactly fit much content in 40k of ROM. An entertaining fact about Spartan X/Kung Fu is that it was the first NES/FC game to feature the familiar plot of a group of baddies kidnapping your girlfriend and you have to rescue her. There are a few home computer ports of Spartan X as well (as Kung Fu Master so they didn't have to pay for the license) but you really don't want to play those.

There was also an urban myth with this game that if you beat it 8x in a row Sylvia was revealed as a baddie and you had to fight a boss battle with her; bunch of nonsense peddled by Japanese gaming magazines.
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Neat; tnx.
I think this was one of the first games I ever played on the NES; I've never tried the arcade version.
I beat it a while ago and was rightly proud of my accomplishment even though it's such a short game. Left a blister in my thumb from the d-pad digging into it because you have to constantly press Down to crouch kick.
The enemies are background tiles, not sprites so as to avoid going over the scanline limit. This was another programming trick probably only Nintendo themselves could have pulled off at that early point.
The NES game is based off the film in name only, it's clearly a Game of Death spoof (5 floors, a specialist master serving as the guardian/boss of each floor, 1st floor is an eskrima master, 3rd floor is a giant.) Ideally the giant should have been in Mister X's place but they probably didn't know how to convincingly make such a huge guy fight as relatively nimbly as you could at the time

Still one of my all-time-favorite games in general
>Ideally the giant should have been in Mister X's place but they probably didn't know how to convincingly make such a huge guy fight as relatively nimbly as you could at the time
If the game had been made later in the Famicom's run they would have just done the usual trick of making a giant boss out of background tiles over a solid colored background. But that wasn't possible before they had memory mappers.

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Just bought this. Does it have any good games?
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There's around 200 or so total NES/FC RPGs and Might and Magic may be the longest/toughest of all. Famista estimated it could take 100 hours to beat. The Japanese version has several nasty bugs in it that were corrected in the North American release. The cart is not super common in either US or Japanese form as it was an expensive game at over 70 USD. It was also in development Hell as it was supposed to come out in Japan for the '88 Christmas season but took 18 more months for release.
why would you buy something without first knowing if they are any good games on it to begin with?

What kind of sense does that make?
Are there any notable western style RPGs on the system besides might&magic?
Get a SNES instead. Games were dogshit that gen.
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I've honestly been hooked on SMB3 and Pac-Man lately

I also kinda want to get some cute charms for my Famiclone

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This game is fucking shit. It plays like ass, even worse than the previous 3rd game. Half of the mechanics are obscure as shit or are so half-baked they barely even work half the time.
Game also looks ugly as shit (fucking pictures of houses stretched across boxes on the second island, even gta 3 didn't have the audacity to do that) and the story is some ESL ripoff of Scarface and Miami Vice. The only thing that's reedemable about the game is the soundtrack but that is just because Rockstar just licensed a bunch of "BEST HITS OF THE 80s" albums, which is not an achievement.

Was "babby's first openworld game" really that strong to have retards hold this shit in high regard?
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>t. haitian
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If you didn't immediately know what was wrong with VC 5 minutes after turning it on then it can't be explained to you. Just enjoy your norman life having sex and playing terrible video games
All gta games are boring after dicking around for like 30min-1hour
>first gta 3d game that introduced bikes
>it's extremely easy to fall from the bikes
>most of the map is streets surrounded by water
>you die if you get into the water
Literally every single person who played it knew exactly what was wrong with VC in the first five minutes of gameplay, and your autistic fear of neon lights wasn't it.
t. normie
they even catered to you more with san andreas, allowing you miles and miles of empty countryside and pointless water to swim in, which im sure you did with a big smile on your face as you drooled all over yourself thinking it was "gameplay"

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Only good movie licensed game
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>Goldeneye was pretty great.
It’s popular to hate on here but its just OOT syndrome. Its a great 1997 fps.
>The Lord of the Rings games in 6th gen were good.
>Die Hard Arcade was amazing and licensed but unrelated to the movie. >Die Hard Trilogy was good too.
>Going back to old school arcade days and you’ll find a ton. The vector polygon Star Wars comes to mind.
>Actually there’s plenty of Star Wars games worth playing
>I think Chamber of Secrets was the fun Harry Potter game.
>Scarface was fun.
>Theres some terminators and a few alians games worth playing.
>Was the Dune RTS in 92’ or so technically a tie-in?
>Gamorrah 2000 is the shit, I think its a tie in to the 97 movie.

Why does the Dreamcast version of this game has suck bad joystick controls? Its fucking unplayable. How could they release that? DC version would be the definitive version too. If someone releases a controls hack it’ll be the best collectathon on the DC and the best version of the game.
I miss licensedKINO games they were so awesome. I'd take those over movieslop like TLOU or RDR2
This game was like a dream
everything about it was charming and magical.

the bosses were creepy as fuck though
Plenty of good ones OP, you would know if you wouldn't be so busy sucking cocks. This one was passable but from I remember either controls or platforming was pretty terrible, maybe both.

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Like it or not all games are just trying to match the feelings derived from playing pachinko
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so you're saying pachinko was the boomer's tiktok
yeah maybe on planet retard
Learn to use punctuation.
All games are either parkour, menus, or pachinko.
retarded thread

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Hey this 2023 optimized version loads pretty quickly. Not bad at all. It's some sort of Windows CE optimization with some tweaks for GDemu, feel free to try it yourself. Runs a little better and loads much faster but some geometry becomes flickery/weird.

I don't care until they fix the save overflow bug

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What are some games that don't run properly on OPL? I know that Ratchet 3 has some strange slowdown whenever you kill enemies that doesn't happen when you play from a disc.
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Yeah, you're right, that seems to fix both the music and the freezing with the metallic enemy. It's still missing sound effects and any sound in the intro before the title card for me, though. I'll try out other modes later to see if it'll fix it.
Try synchronous and lowering the read speed. Klonoa 2 was probably developed on a beta SDK considering Namco's relationship so it definitely isn't functioning like other PS2 games.
can I connect over ethernet or do I need to physically plug my HDD into my PC?
No option for ethernet, you have to plug the hdd to your pc.
Does anybody know if the disc swap feature in games like Dynasty Warriors Xtreme Legends works in OPL or not?

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