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What do I need to care for my boots?
>Old cotton t shirt (one for cleaning, another for applying conditioners)
>Horsehair brush ($10-15)
>Wooden shoe trees ($10-15)
>Light conditioner like Lexol/Bck4/renovateur
>Heavy conditioner (if you live in terrible snow/rain areas) Sno seal/Obernauf LP
>Don't forget that boots need time to dry properly, rotate them and rest them

How do I deal with x stain?
>mud: allow it to dry then brush off
>salt: water and cloth as soon as possible
>saturated wet: allow the boot to dry for a full day, stuff with newspaper
>scuffs and scratches: buff vigorously with horsehair brush

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heel to ball (arch) is the size you use.
Shit I just purchased mocs in 9.5D that run tts. Am I fucked?
probably not for a half size, but i would replace them for 10D if you find them to fit bad in any way or ball placement to be off.
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grant stone bros...
the sock liner is leather topped foam. this isnt a secret

I need to make this. It cant be that hard. How do you make a roll of tape? Maybe I could 3d print the center, idk how to print anything on it though, or maybe it should be flat and then rolled after printing? And then how to roll the tape on, I have no idea.
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I have no idea if this is bullshit or not but I choose to believe someone legitimately answered the stupid fucking question. Bravo anon, next time I tape a woman's mouth shut I will think of you.
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whats the most FA tape for me its Tesa 4651

sadly its 50€ for a roll but once you used it normal duct tape feels like the cheapest shit.
How do you get the glue to only stick to one side of the plastic and not the other? Why isn't all tape sticky on both sides considering that the glue is sandwiched between layers of plastic?
There's usually a section of the machine with a dryer. Other times there's a plastic liner for the glue and a silicone or other nonstick liner on top. I'm not gonna say much else because I don't wanna violate my NDA accidentally. Even though I use a dynamic ip I'm still noided.
I like the tessa basketball texture tape (I'm the tape factory anon)

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Been norwooding for like 2 years and I wanted to halt this before its too late, so i've been to like 2 dermatologists and both wont prescribe me finasteride, instead they would tell me to get "hair growth shampoos", like does this shit happen to anyone else?
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You can just get it online bro
you're either under 18 or you live in a shitty country that believes in homeopathic solutions
This is actually my subject of expertise.

Assuming you live in the united states, first use google to find all the dermatologists in the affluent white neighborhoods near you. The younger the better, older ones didn't get training for this school.

If you don't live anywhere near the rich areas then just go the online route.

Call each office and ask specifically if the doc "specializes in prescription hair loss treatment" If the say no or don't know then cross that doc off the list, you are looking for the one that immediately says yes because that is the majority of their patients. then book an appt.

When you go just say that at the last family reunion that you noticed that all the men had significant hair loss and it made you go back and look at old photos of yourself. You see some hairline changes and want to stop it before it gets worst. And you were thinking of getting on fin for starters.

Again, if you live rural then just go online, don't waste the time looking.
its actually far worse since I live in a balkan shithole where every doctor is afraid to prescribe finasteride as they fear that 1% side effect making me go apemode and smashing their car, i could order online but the shipping is a fuck, which is why i'd need to find a pharmacy(that has it at all) to allow me to get it

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Should I try growing it out again? Stay clean shaven? I'd like to have a stubble but sadly my beard isn't dense enough I feel
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What if I ain't gay? What then
Women do say a beard is like makeup for a man.
Cuz it can hide shitty jawlines, but I don't think I do have one
Beards also accentuate the cheekbones i think. Sounds like you don't want one though so just shave it as often as you're comfortable. A little stubble looks fine unless you work in a really formal office.
Both look good, beard is just about dense enough for that style

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Guides and Info:
>Classic Meme
>Poorfag guide:
>Watch essentials 102:
>Purchasing used watches:
>Purchasing straps:

"Suggest a watch for me."
>Your budget
>Watch type, e.g. dress, diver, pilot

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I find that watch fit can be indicative of how beat-up a watch gets. Scratches occur more often at the lugs than on the face.
If you wear a watch that fits your wrist, bumps will hit your wrist before they hit the watch. A watch with lug overhang will impact first.
(Of course, being careful and aware of your surroundings is still a big factor)
Ultra wealthy people really don't have a need for that. They buy things to use and wear and just replace them when they wear out. That Grand Seiko for him probably is what a Casio F-91W is for us.
>Ultra wealthy people really don't have a need for that.
You clearly don't know who Whoretadello is. He's not wealthy by any means. He just spends money like a retard.
>He just spends money like a retard.
A bit hard to do that if you're poor innit
Even a fry cook can buy a Rolex if he ignores every other, more important, expenses in his life.

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How come so many women who seemingly put a lot of effort into their appearance just come across as trashy?
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It’s not a lot of effort. It’s a $300 cut/colour, manicure and a $30 dress.
100% of girls who look like this are into BWC.
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I hope so, all the good girls for us.
Because the style the put the effort in to having is trashy.
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Rave/club girls do tend to be trashy

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How will you fix Victoria’s Secret?


It was better off with Ed Razak running things.
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i'm not even white yet i can recognize the overrepresentation of black man/white woman couples being depicted in every corner of the media here in america.
And yet when people actually check the numbers on these things for advertisements, and tv shows, and movies they see that it doesn't even account for 10% of what we see. Again everyone is hyper sensitive to it because it's taboo and you all have porn brain.
>And yet when people actually check the numbers on these things for advertisements, and tv shows, and movies they see that it doesn't even account for 10% of what we see
source me nigga i'm genuinely curious
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Tbh I complain to my wife about interracial propaganda maybe once every other day and post in a thread maybe once a week or two weeks. I'm not struggling to cope, like I said I just didn't court women who fucked blacks or hooked up in general. You may not complain about interracial propaganda but you complain about people complaining about propaganda which is at least more cringe by your logic.
Here's the bread and butter. The Hollywood diversity report

Forbes article saying that ads are actually getting whiter.

Here's one about Superbowl ads

This talks about the Association of National Advertisers submitted data sets that show black representation in the ad industry (not ads themselves) is at 7%

Study from 2022 showing that there are fewer people of color in commercials.

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How to dress like Kanye? Specifically the Donda to Vultures era
Doesn't he have his own brand of clothes that sell exactly what he's wearing ?
that shot is great
Anyone else getting deja vu from this post

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27 years old. Ideally I’d want to attract younger women. How should I dress to accomplish this goal?

I am a computer engineer that has a sizable amount of savings and income. Most of my clothes don’t fit me or look really poor as they were purchased ages ago at Walmart.
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because you are a borderline autist working in IT without the self-confidence and charm required to score a woman like your description
The funniest shit is that these guys will always get swindled by golddiggers while my unemployed ass gets mad pussy, younger and same age, while wearing plain clothes all because I go out once in a while and have stories to tell.
tell us one of those stories where you live in your moms basement and score mad pussy you coping faggot ahhahahahahah
No amount of shaming will make your 30 year old ass attractive, roastie. Go fuck some 45 year old leftover dadbod guys with gout you miserable sack of shit.
OP is a 29 year old autistic comp sci faggot asking a dead image board how to dress. LMAO. Cope about 'roasties', you aren't getting any older puss either. Time for casual sex was college buckaroo, YOU MISSED THE BOAT.

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Having a hard time finding examples of them looking good.
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theyre best when theyre button suspenders and the pants are high waisted
Kind of Portland/Brooklyn hipster if you're wearing them without any kind of jacket. Especially in those colors. Looks like old timey cosplay. But they're infinitely better than belts at keeping proper waist-cut dress pants in place. Some pants just look better without a belt.

But, unless you like the look of exposed suspenders, you have to ask yourself slightly added utility is worth trading off the ability to take your jacket off without it looking weird. The only time suspenders are a much better bet is if you're trying to downplay a beer gut. Obviously a belt has to be tight enough to keep your pants up, and which is going to awkwardly dig into your belly if you're a fat guy wearing waist high pants. With suspenders you can just wear one pant size up and alleviate the problem.
Suspendes are for fat guys without hips
Yes but not on the chap in the picture. They should be worn on high waisted, fish tail trousers, should not have nearly as much slack as the ones in the picture, and should be worn with trousers with a back belt to stop the shirt riding up the back and poofing out of the the top of the “y” of the suspenders. Moreover he should be wearing a jumper, cardigan, etc something over them as >>18099843
says. Maybe a sweater vest or linen waistcoat if it’s hot outside.

T. Make my own trousers and they’re held on with suspenders.
They really only look good on conservative/trad men and they wear them usually because they're fat.

The ones with weird/average faces like this or super bogged surgery faces but are put together in their looks tend to gossip a lot, skew on the side of mean and have no personality at all

Granted they are sometimes polite on a surface level but a lot of them either have no personality or are rude gossipy cunts with no morals

A lot of the american female politicians that cheat on their husbands kind of look like this before they got plastic surgery
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Example 1
Weird looking face, big nose, thin lipz
Very status obssesed keeping up with the jonses social climber types too
beauty correlates highly with health and good genes.
healthy people with good genes tend to be more moral, nicer etc. than ugly people with bad genes.
a full-on uggo with terrible genes, particularly if they're a woman, has good odds of not acting aggressively towards others because they are a beaten dog.
it's the mid-tier girl that is in a position where she both receives and gives rejection.
>it's the mid-tier girl that is in a position where she both receives and gives rejection.
I feel like its the mid tier girls like in op that are the worst

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21 year old college student. Upper middle class background, aspiring for that or higher. Tips and critiques please.
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Have you seen one of those viral high school in the 80's clips? Everyone looks like a 40 year old.
Chad or nerd? I can't tell.
>Holy shit zoomers really ARE aging like shit.
No- not at all. OP is a prime example of proper developement, good genes and masculine features. Many zoomers look like babies in the face; this anon got lucky and looks very mature for his age.
this desu
/fa/ has grown up on netflix twinks

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Let me guess, you "need" more?
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You can fold them up and put them in your pocket
That's based
Really not more convenient than regular glasses. The space you save in length you lose in thickness. I do not see the point of them.
i would say thats true for the prescription glasses but not for the sunglasses
w2c clones? aooko doesn't make them anymore

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you can't outfashion your face
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Just take a shower and be confident

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