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Are band shirts /fa/ approved?
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Yeah you right. That's my issue with band shirts in general, an album cover can be cool but too much for a tshirt. Maybe something with just the words or logos are good.
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/fa af
not really
de mysteriis shirt goes mad hard thoughever
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this is the back.

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>shopping for shirts at thrift store
>everything sucks
>finally find something that looks good after 10 minutes of searching
>check tag
>40% polyester
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I don't thrift but you're out of your mind if you haven't found it harder than it was 10 years ago to avoid poly blended stuff. Both jcrew and banana have ruined their chinos for example. Every oxford and twill is a 'non-iron' coated with resin. I don't mind plastic as an oiterwear layer but I would never want it touching my skin anywhere but my elbows and knees. Especially not armpits or crotch.
>shops at thrift store
>has standards

I do because when I buy anything that costs over 50 dollars then they shouldn’t cheap out on the material
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>"100% cotton" on the tag still means a third of the garment is made of polyester
Our economics teacher in high school showed us some burnt ass documentary abt fast fashion and it radicalized me to be a trad schizo nigger because I have hyper empathy for dravidian slave classes but still hate Kikes. Mom can you buy me these Solovair steel caps with your credit card now?
>Anything other than an outer wind/waterproof layer will give you skin fungus in hotter weather.
True mental illness

>Topics appropriate for discussion

- Pens, Pencils, and various other types of stationed equipment

- Paper brands and types

- Inks

- Carrying Cases

- Pen Design

>Previous Thread -
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I work for Richemont so I get them with a generous discount. I use the wooden fountain pen as my daily driver and the blue ballpoint when I travel. The other ballpoint and rollerball I keep in my work bag.
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>Until I get around to learning how to resacc this stuff myself I'm not buying any more older pens.
>I live too far from the world's remaining repairers
I actually learned how to do pen repairs myself because anyone of repute publicly in the pen repair business has ques of at least 3 month. It's actually pretty insane, just checked Ron and he has a turn around time of 16 weeks right now...
so even if you lived next door you'd still be waiting.
Unfortunately my repair pic is an old one i took for the wiki.
>What ink?
Pilot Kon-peki, I do admit though that very occasionally I'll switch to Edelstein Topaz or Pilot Juro Jin for a bit of fun depending on the mood.
>I had a hunch I knew what that ink was and I had to have it
Very nice, congrats on the grail find. Sadly it's an ink I'd shy away from using, A tad too saturated for my tastes.
Are you currently using the bottle or do you have it unopened still for safe keeping?
how do i improve my handwriting? i've been writing down random stuff for the past few weeks and even though it has changed a bit, i feel like this won't yield lasting improvements
practice practice practice.
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Improve your writing position if you haven't already. You'd be amazed at how much of an impact the following have before any talk of pens, inks and papers types:
>sitting posture
>height of table/chair is right for you
>enough space on the table for your to write comfortably
>position of the paper relative to your hand/pen
>writing with the whole arm rather than with the hand and fingers and not gripping the pen so hard
The latter in particular is vital if you ever have to write for a long duration like for an exam paper as it allows you to write for a long time without fatigue or pain. This goes for any kind of pen btw.
It's obvious not to do it when you see the handwriting of someone with an insanely tight grip on the pen and they write with their fingers. It looks like crap, and there's all these little jitters in their lines and letter forms. When you write boldly and fluidly with your whole arm with a looser pen grip the little micro jitters disappear as you're not carving the letters into the paper. Cbf looking for examples right now.

Pic related: the left is generally how people were taught to write with the paper at such an angle, but everyone is different. I have it tilted to a slightly greater degree than what's depicted as that's more comfortable for me.

With it getting hotter does anyone have recommendations on shorts? What brands and type of shorts do you wear?
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white people do not live below the 40th parallel
long shorts looked like shit then and they look like shit now
Why is a polish middle school student posting on /fa/?
nahhhhh bruh. short shorts looked ridiculous back in the 80s and before, and they look ridiculous now
i also think it's hilarious to watch some douchebags think they have massive thighs all because they have on some short shorts
short shorts don't suddenly turn your thighs massive bro...
if i was a teenager in the 90s and a young adult in the early 2000s obviously i can't be a middle schooler now bro, LMFAO
not unless i was held back several, SEVERAL years...

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can I wear shorts or they are bad? i just want to look like a normie
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you can wear shorts, but please just keep them below your knees
i don't care what anyone else says, i hate above the knee shorts on men. i hate wearing them, and i hate seeing them on other men. they look and feel way too much like boxers
i am, and always will be a 90s and early 2000s kid
the short shorts should've stayed in the 80s. they never should've come back. this is a hill i will die on
>below your knees
That's gay. You will look like a woman in capri
Europoor vs Amerifat mind. I've come to find many arguments on this shit board come from simple geographical and cultural differences. Wearing shorts in most of Europe, even in the summer, makes you look like a strange manchild. Wearing pants in the US in the summer makes you look like either an office wagie or an insecure autist. Thats all.
cargo shorts
last time i checked women's capris weren't extremely baggy and didn't have lots of huge pockets you can fit an entire textbook and way more in

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you look like you smell bad
did you watch the bear and say he's literally me
am I supposed to be ashamed, captain obvious?
make it

If you got some 2006 rick dunks, how would yo style them.
why post a crappy pixelaed image
If you got some 2006 rick dunks, how would you style them?*
grailed listing photo
>how would yo
Clean them, sell on ebay, buy proper GYW shoes.
what shoes would you buy?

What tattoos would look good on me?
none because he's black
A jewish cock would look good inside your bussy

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Rate my leather jacket from the 1940s please. It was gifted to me by my grandfather many years ago but I never wore it until today. No clue what kind of style this is, but it is very heavy, about 6 kg, and thick leather. Thoughts?
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Looks like a russian from east Berlin, lel
But i own an old 80s italian leather biker jacket. It's heavy like yours, smells rugged leathery(not like modern leather women purse), love it. Because it's so thick and heavy i could wear it in winter and it keeps me warm.
All the cheap, thin modern plastic jackets of today can't compete.
It actually hurts your shoulders to wear it, due to heaviness. And it has nice patina all over it. Very warm too. I am 6 foot 180 lbs and I can also layer underneath it.
Why would anyone be jealous of some balding retard's hand me downs? You can find hundreds of these old jackets on ebay for cheap

Also, it's hilarious how you have to manually put your fingers into place with your other hand to make that gang sign, looks like something you are very used to do kek, what a sperg
Exactly, the garbage of today cannot compete with old leather jackets. Also rofl @ "balding" comment. Literally just not properly combed hair. Making fun of the moves and or hair without focusing on the clothes. These guys probably buy lambskin jackets / mall jackets for 300 dollars and think they got a great leather jacket. LMFAO
You a bitchass.

I recently made 2 pairs from scratch. Now, i might be addicted. So, whats the best (non-fast fashion) flared/bootcut jeans you own or want?

Now me personally, i dont like men. Im not gay. I dont like my bootcuts tight around the thigh (or ass). I made these on the looser side, and im looking for more jeans like these, maybe with a heavier bootcut.
(include the price please i just dropped most my spending budget for the month on doublebumpers)
>I'm not gay
>Long zoomer hair
>Wears tranny clothes

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fake football shirts okay to wear or unwearable?
was thinking of getting some as a pump cover for the gym?
WTF is a pump cover ?
You sound dyel
no lol
fullkit wanker vibes

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I have a fetish for white socks so it's ok with me.
I assume the video is saying don't mix 2 brands with visible logos
That makes sense because that’s a solid look
White socks are cool, but like everything it depends on the context. I personally think a shock of white around the ankles peering out of a pant is cool. Also if you’re wearing white sneakers the socks should also be white imo.

bros, how do I style these
These are israeli shoes, you're supposed to cut the tip.
garbage bin
>faux leather

Take inspiration from old Japanese people.

Any idea if there's a shirt like this but with a belly?
stop being fat loser
It's not hard to make it yourself.
Follow the blenderguru donut tutorial series, then find a fat man model somewhere, cut the top and bottom, then render the wireframe as a transparent png.

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>buy expensive clothes
>too insecure to wear them to work
>never go to parties
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Leaky windows are effay
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>5k on clothing
>leaky windows
>buy expensive clothes
>outfit I’m wearing right now probably costs 1.4K total
>just go to the doctor, grocery store, and straight home
Why would you wear your good clothes to work lmao
i cannot relate. i have the opposite problem and probably over-wear new pieces.

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