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Is it better to look around if we are not watched before doing it or is it better to do it very quickly ? Because if we look around, it can be risky because we look around....
i bought a laser printer and made somewhere over 10,000 stickers of the goatse man's hole (millenial version of nikocado avocado) and handed stacks of them out to everyone at lunch it was chaos all year.
breaking into and leaving rotting food in the lockers of kids who dont use their locker that the faculty couldn't open until summer.
setting the furry's tail on fire.
bringing a percussion ratchet, triangle, slide whistle to class and giving it to random students to pass around and torment the teacher with.
some other kids broke into the school over summer break and stole the toilets and cemented them into the ground where the busses drop off on the first day of school.
maybe some of that's inspiring?

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Thoughts on wearing lifts as a 6'0 male? if I wear wear lifts with boots with heel, can I pass as a 6'3 or even 6'4?
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you are retarded. i wont elaborate
>t. 5'7" chad
you're gonna fuck your spine up which shortens you. i've shrunk over 1.5" from scoliosis.
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girls can't tell shit cause they're fucking retarded. they have no idea what height and shit even means. I know a friend who's 5'9 who's girl think he's 6 foot. dumb hoe
>being 6' tall
>still insecure about your height
Get help
Anything below 6'2 is manlet territory.

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What do you think of my cycling outfit?
Not much.
you look gay as fuck
Make sure to carry spare butt plugs for sustained pleasure.

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10 year palewave throwback edition

old: >>18144524
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yea quality wise i dont doubt that theyre all way better, but half of these would make me look like im going hiking, and the other half are 500 quid or more. the jacket might be basic as shit, but i got it for only 200 and at the very least its somewhat stylish enough to let me blend in with the other guys in my uni
>but half of these would make me look like im going hiking
get a kuiu or stone island they are both much bigger flexes than north face and much better looking.

>and the other half are 500 quid or more
you get what you pay for. those jackets have like $300-$800++ in down in them if you were to buy the raw material in bulk at wholesale prices. your jacket has like $20-30 of the lowest grade down in it and its dressed up to look like something its not. if you live in a cold area it just does not perform.
if you live in a cold area buying a good warm jacket is like, common sense. nobody rocks tnf here because i have incliment weather. i see the brands i linked way more. mostly montbell, patagucci and some other synthetic ones i didnt link.

>let me blend in with the other guys in my uni
if you want to be a npc that blends into the background get tnf
if you want to get pussy get stone island or tnf purple label or moncler
those are huge flexes on a uni campus and everyone will know what they are from a mile away
its that simple
not saying $200 isnt bad tnf is a good balance between looking good and being accessible.
but you said youre wasting money on sneakers you dont need and that theres no better option than tnf.
theres a shitload of way better options maybe buy less sneakers you dont need this year and get a jacket. if you live in a northern climate its a basic part of being an adult to have a warm winter jacket and a high quality shell to go with it.
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>alternatives to north face shit?
>half of these would make me look like im going hiking
Timberland, Helly Hansen, Levis, Nike, Adidas, Puma, Reebok, Kappa, etc. got stuff that is more on the streetwear side, and of course, if you don't want to go Moncler, Stone Island, etc., there are always H&M, Zara, etc. Just get on streetwear shops and you'll find plenty. Or ebay, you'll find barely worn Adidas down coats for 80 bucks, if you scroll through the shops to the private sellers. Captcha: DRIP
Canade goose is you are a rich boomer
Arcteryx if you are rich nerd

Stick to north face

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How do I dress so I don't give this vibe?
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>let him pay for the dates and he is always happy to
The one who invites the other has to pay. If it's the man who invites the woman, the man pays. If the woman offers to split the bill, you accept. Otherwise, don't be a cheap-ass and pay for her without question.
you look like a faggot soijack and pro tip that shit isn't cute at all
twinks are cute
a bearded reddit faggot is not cute
Wear platform shoes, hit on every girl you see in college, style yourself off of a serial rapist, wear contacts, wear either long hair or a buzzcut, shave your beard, do crunches/situps, use a blackberry or a pinephone, be a NEET or a blue collar worker on an assembly line, drive a white van from the 1980s, commit fraud or sell drugs so you make over six figures, either stop playing video games or talk to girls about Noita and Unreal Tournament '99, and most importantly...

NEVER pay for dates.
it looks like a composite photo of leftist numales from portland oregon who have reddit gold
you need to fix that
watch this https://files.catbox.moe/3ys2sh.mp4
i see guys who look like this as troons who didnt take the pills
same level of masculinity

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Does it still exist? Clothing brands made in USA, with materials made in USA, by american employees.
I'm done with cheap fast fashion. If no company like this exists I'll continue to buy only vintage.
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Thanks anyone who contributed. I've been feeling a tad blackpilled on the state of the world, tired of spending money for literal shit. Does anyone know much about LC King, formerly Pointer brand? They are local to me but I don't know much else besides they claim to be all USA, curious if anyone has bought from them.
Also double bonus points if you have suggestions for womens clothing. It seems even harder to find high quality womens clothes than mens.
janny nuked my last hour or so of posts sorry. here's this thread's archive link for anyone who wants to see the list: https://warosu.org/fa/thread/18179952

lc king is good shit. shit i wish i didn't delete the women's brands from the list before i posted it. i'll think of them again in a bit i'm blanking right now. if this thread 404's just post in qtddtot and i got you. there is one brand that heavily caters to women. they're mostly a denim brand but railcar fine goods is kino. they started off only having a women's line and they were pretty much if not the first selvedge brand that had women's jeans who's fits were more than an afterthought tacked onto a men's brand. they have a men's line too but yeah, good for that kind of stuff for women. have bought jeans from them for a few girlfriends. tcb jeans (japanese) also has a really good 50's repro cut that's modified for women. don't see a lot of women's repro.
>there is one brand that
there is one brand already on the list that
>lc king is good shit
Good to know, I'll probably save up for something from them, really cool to have something not only made in usa but made local

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Rate others
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thanks anon
Based png(s).

Love the dog and rhe father-son in lifestyle dangling down. Superior women choices, best in thread so far.

I made some updates and improved my Grid by adding more pics. But I won't post it till the next thread
Good for u if you're a woman, are u gay if you are a man
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Thread is Dead

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Its for comfort to do this, not style. Nothing wrong with comfort but lets not pretend.
Yeah, I do it for comfort and to prevent my boat shoes from smelling like death. I basically never am not wearing socks, which includes boat shoes and slides
this nigga has never heard of quarter or no show socks
I have, but quarter socks would look even worse with sperrys (really with anything). At least with crew socks you can have some fun with colors and patterns. And it’s easier to just own all the same length of socks. Shorts, pants, doesn’t really matter
I am both in awe and disgusted with that sock tan. It’s legitimately impressive

Shirts where you can put your hands through the sleeves ends, sorta like gloves?

Are they /fa/?
>Are they /fa/?
They're girly. Only girls wear shirts like that, which is why they had to make that twink wear a man bun to appear more effeminate. And btw, YWNBAW even after doing all that.

there is literally rock bottom when it comes to fashion i cannot think of anything more trashy and derivative than woo guys and woo girls
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Yes they are shit but still free junkie sex. Dont go without a condom tho
Center one looks pretty toned, others are landwhales tho
>7 minute read
Do Americans really?
i know what you are saying about the middle gal, but i swear man, she's probably flat as a shovel back there
Go back to r*ddit, you stupid fucking faggot. We don't defend basic bitch ravers here. MDMA & EDM is the NASCAR of drug festivals. It caters to the absolute lowest common denominator. Kill yourself irl.
Yeah ur right east asians generally dont put a lot of fat in their rears... Aw man

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Does your gf match your outfit?

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Suits are the most practical thing you can wear. You could wear the same suit for two weeks and still look fresh and smell good by the end. If you get wet in the rain, you will dry off quickly.
Materials like wool and silk used for suits are also best for adapting to different temperatures i.e. will keep you decently dry and cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather.
Tell me you wear terrible/cheap suits withput telling me you wear terrible/cheap suits. Every element of a suit has a practical function or is derived from a practical function you can still get on a good suit.

The one thing I'll grant is the loss of the ability to button the lapels/collar all the way like in the olden days. Even so, you can easily pop the collar and it stays in place to keep you from the cold and wind.
Exactly. Suits got popular in the first place because they are very weather-resistant, durable and contain many practical features (including a lot of pockets). Of course, you will only get this in a decent suit (but it will last 10 years and still look good). I would literally go hiking in the Alps in a suit, no problem.
am i allowed to wear barefoot shoes with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a tool belt with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a chest rig with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a helmet with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a rain jacket with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a hi viz safety vest with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a fanny pack with a suit?
am i allowed to wear anything wrinkled, frayed, tattered, or stained with a suit?
am i allowed to wear a wrinkled, frayed, tattered, or stained suit?
>Jeans and NBA gear

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How do I dress like this?
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what's with him anyway
kek I spit out my evian
he's on fuckin' cruise control you god damn newfaggots
Read the next rule after it.
>Even with cruise control you still have to steer.
>not letting trick ricky take the wheel

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Should I buy this Oshi no Ko shirt?
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anime merch looks cool and all until you actually wear it. I used to be "that guy". Nowadays I work out and wear simple printless shirts that match my physique, looks one hundred times better than the anime crap not only bc of the print but also the cut is always so weird and oversized.
That said, I have a ping pong shirt from redbubble that I bought years ago and I still love it. If the print is rather small and subtle then I think it's okay, but most anime merch screams "I FUCKING LOVE ANIME". You're a grown ass man with a stubble and body hair, you're not supposed to wear shit like that
I was at Uniqlo a few days ago and I overheard some cute girls talking about how they wanted that shirt. Merch from really popular anime like Oshi no Ko and Demon Slayer is a good way to start conversations with zoomer girls. Only wear it if you actually like the series and are good looking enough for it to not make you look like an aspie, though.
I am an aspie but women don't believe me because i'm too attractive
Me too I'm 6'5, 2/3/4/5 lifts, 8 inch dick, full head of hair and make 250k a year but I'm an aspie who just wants to wear anime tshirts :( women just want to fuck me and suck my dick because I'm so attractive and they won't believe I'm an aspie /:
>Merch from really popular anime like Oshi no Ko and Demon Slayer is a good way to start conversations with zoomer girls
wtf im gonna start wearing anime shirts

Yay or nay?
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Same rules as all fashion: only if you're hot.
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daddy joey
There is absolutely no way to pull off that style of headband in 2024 without coming off as a homosexual.

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