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Why is boomer fashion so hilarious lmfao
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Women are basically the only people that can pull off a double rider because they have tits
You do look good anon. Don't let the retards tell you otherwise.
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real women in leather jackets look great, you just have the bone structure of a man with the muscle content of a woman
post pic then fagit
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jesus you want us to take your opinion seriously and you post a fit with those jeans in.

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Alright, so what's the universally agreed upon best method to trim one's fingernails?
Nail clipper ? Damn zoomers can't even cut their nails without internet tutorials and debates
Trim until beautiful
Biting them with your teeth (and eating the nails), then sanding them smooth on the nearest rough surface.

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Ok so I've got a question for those of you who might specialize in retro jackets. Harry Enfield, the "Loads of Money" guy. He wears this Puma jacket in his videos but there is absolutely zero trace of it anywhere from what I've researched. Question is, what type of jacket is he wearing and is it/something similar still obtainable? Cause it looks pretty sick
It’s a UK song, so I’m sure they were referencing their colonies. Both Australia and South Africa use green and gold on their sports uniforms.
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He doesn’t wear the Africa shirt in the video.
im not sure - you might have better luck asking on some of the "casuals" forums/reddit etc looks pretty much like the kinda 'terrace wear' from the eighties so you might get a lead.

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is it possible to pull off this type of trench coat
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If it's raining, yes. If not, no.
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>Secret product and a trench
What the fuck did I just watch
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Your future employers
Thank God I'm a millennial boomer who is already the boss. I can't even imagine how bad an office that does shit like that would be.

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Just bought these navy blue Reebok club C grounds a few days ago, already fucked up the right one. It's visibly darker than the left one, how to I fix it, any tips? I already tried with baking soda, toothbrush, detergent, warm water, cold water, wet cloths, dry cloths it all doesn't seem to make any difference.
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idk man it sounds like you've just fucked up and damaged the right one at this point

you got better luck with just making the left shoe look like the right
I followed this vid to clean a couple pairs of suede sneakers: https://youtu.be/60xNCOvXylY?si=mmQh7KDKFbFw3i_X
Took longer and more elbow grease than what I expected but the results were at least satisfactory. You can try and see if it works.
If it's water damage there's not much you can do about it.
>I already tried with baking soda, toothbrush, detergent, warm water, cold water, wet cloths, dry cloths it all doesn't seem to make any difference.
lmao what the fuck
you probably ruined your suede by exposing it to all those products and all that water and shit
you can fix this situation one of two ways: try to get all the product and shit out of the suede and try to lighten the right one. or you can just ruin the suede on the other one till it matches and no one will really be able to tell they're roached in the first place. i would see what a suede eraser or some suede shampoo does to it first personally.
also you fucked the suede up brushing it wrong on the right one a bit so you'll have to match it on the other side or get the right one looking cleaner not just the color but texture needs to match.
its not hopeless but you got yourself in a predicament anon.

next time around heres how to clean and maintain it it:
spritz it with a spray bottle of water, lightly
brush it with a suede brush don't ever go back and forth pick a direction brush it that way a while then pick another direction
gently pat dry dry
repeat as needed with various bristle firmnesses
when finished set the nep on both shoes the same direction by brushing
do this every wear or two it takes 2 mins if you dont neglect them

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this is why i have never considered suede shoes

or jackets desu, maybe if you are somewhere with a 100% dry cold season
the light one was displayed in store and got sunlight bleech it out. the dark one was in the box.

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How can we make tall boots fashionable for men again?
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Gumboots/wellingtons but if it's not winter you're a clear larper
Looks fruity af
Agreed Chad
They have to make sense in context. I wear rocky outback snake boots since I fuck with rattlesnakes at work. Outside of work they'd look silly and out of place.

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Ignore the pizza box
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You literally dress like a normie tho?
Thats not what the replies poked at.
Also the thread was about sharing you look not baseless criticism. If you actually gave me advice on what's wrong with the clothes I would be happy to implement it
You look fine for what it is; you look great if you're in a globalist city (ie NYC), otherwise you probably look fruity (which is ok too, alright).
Im in europe so I feel like this gets a lot more weird looks but its fine i treat it as mental training
It would look normal if you dropped the tie.

Why there's no hair thread general whenever I want advices?
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So you're Indian. Noted.
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What do you think about this hairstyle? (I will dye my hair black or leave it brown, not dye it cringe purple like the pic)
These are all beautiful hairstyles, it is important that you are confident

who even is it? carti? trav?
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how do you get your hair like this if you have straight flat hair

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How's my new /our/ legacy belt looking on me, /fa/?
Stupid iPleb
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tory leather twitter menswear guy memebelt

disgusting fat fuck

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Which is more /fa/?
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Thoughts on Breton stripes?
Anyone know of any brands that make something like pic?
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That's not what I'm saying at all. Clothes do matter and Breton strip shirts are clothes for effete dweebs so wearing them will make you look like one unless you're very handsome. The clothes do matter because this particular garment will accentuate your lack of masculinity. It's literally the kind of shirt that a mime wears and that's how most normalfags see it. Maybe if you live in France or Russia people will be familiar with its military history, but in the rest of the world you will be seen as trying to dress like a gay guy from a French new wave film.
>Never saw anyone wearing them when I was in northwest France.
Try sothern France. Anyway, berets are considered old people stuff. Traditional berets are dying. Not even arthoes wear them anymore.
I live in Brittany so they're fucking everywhere here. They're okay.
Armor lux is an okay brand I suppose. Any brand where it's made in Brittany is preferred I suppose
Those are not Breton stripes
>Any brand where it's made in Brittany is preferred I suppose
Any reqs? Besides the one you mentioned?

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what animal is this fur from? fox type shit?
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Bullshit. I coulda gave a way stupider answer
>based fur enjoyer
>posts plastic crap
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I do know it's not mink because the other for coat I have is mink. Maybe it is coyote, idk I thought it looked more foxlike. I inherited it, it was my grandmothers, and I know nothing about fur. Its at least 30 years old. The tag in it is from a furrier that opened in the late 1800s and hasn't been around for a few decades. Anyways I'll ship it to a reputable furrier and have them get it in good order, hopefully for use this winter
Get your disgusting tits of this board.
/mfa/ when?

How do you find a certain style that matches your body and face? Here are my stats:
>175 pounds
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respectable negro
> Do not copy the fits but look for the color pallette
what would a good color pallette be for a brown skin man?
You are on 4chan, people on here like to pretend being sun-allergic is superior even though literally most normal white people agree darker looks better and spend billions yearly getting tans. No one in real life likes pale skin except jeets and confused spics
>If I was black I'd probably kill myself.

If you are white you're statistically more likely to do that anyway tho
based thread
Navy blue, burgundy and earth tones are safe choices for brown skin. Depending on if you're lighter or darker, other choices would be light blues, oranges, dark greens... you have to try in person and see which compliment your particular skin tone.

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Using his best clothes for photoshoot

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I just got some bootcut leather pants.

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