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How do I dress more classier?
Learn basic English before posting

frutiger aero thread?
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Again, that faggy term was coined by a bunch of trannies in 2017. Nobody called it that when the style was actually being used throughout the Windows Vista and 7 era. It's just Aero. The word Frutiger trannyger has nothing to do with it.
it is odd that frutiger doesn't refer to anything. so these "people" really just tacked it on?
Not that i care about this meme aesthetic, but aren't lots of movements or concepts only named retrospectively? like Sugon poetry
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Except, this aesthetic already had a name in its "heydays". It was called Aero/Windows Aero right from the beginning when Microsoft introduced it. There was no point in rebranding it as Frutiger (whatever that means) years later, especially by some 3rd party glorified Discord tranny group, when next to nobody was using it. It's just weird.

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27 years old. Ideally I’d want to attract younger women. How should I dress to accomplish this goal?

I am a computer engineer that has a sizable amount of savings and income. Most of my clothes don’t fit me or look really poor as they were purchased ages ago at Walmart.
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This. I have seen some 300 lbs fat fucks who wear pajamas outside dating solid 7/10s because they act like they own the world.
That’s the real black pill
Your looks, muscles, clothes and environment (which are easy to change) don’t matter, only your personality does (which is impossible to change)

All those guys are charismatic, outgoing, funny and have leadership qualities. Saying they have confidence misses the point, confidence comes from positive experience. Being confident while not having qualifications will just humiliate you
Women don't like sex
Anon you can learn their secrets. Beliebe in yourself for once faggot
>2024 anno domini
>attracting women
anon they are obsolete

My pair of Hokas used for daily walking is almost done. I don't want to buy another one because they were too narrow and painful to wear in the beginning.

Only other brand with good looking shoes is Nike of course. Since they have the best design, they charge a premium for low quality shoes. I am currently poor, so I can't afford to buy good looking shoes that will only last for 6 months max.

Is there a pair of new balance or asics shoes that doesn't make you look like a complete unlovable dork loser ugly autistic nerd?

5'9 180lbs very muscular build, I mainly wear sporty stuff. This will be my only pair of casual shoes so it can't be something eccentric

I will walk 10-15km/5-10 miles in them every day

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Op here
Ordered Asics Kayano 14 for 150 in grey creamy color i love them thank you for the recommendation kind sir you have my upvote
get barefoot shoes
I asked on fa and not on fit so schizos wouldn't suggest this
well they're better for walking. splays, whitins, or lems primal.
Anybody else have a problem with the soles on new balance coming unglued? One of my favorite pairs does this, I’ve had a cobbler re-glue them twice now and it usually only holds for a couple of months. I’d buy another but these are vintage/discontinued.

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do i look like peter griffin
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i dont really have any occasions for which id be wearing dress shoes, though
That’s a good tip. Thanks anon. I had a nice belt given to me that was too long. I just cut it. But wish I would’ve known that a tailor probably could’ve fixed it.
spasibo, gonna cop the pants
can you post the pic of you wearing briefs again? it was really cute and i want to use it as reference material for drawing furry smut. Thanks

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Does depilatory cream work? On the face? I don't wanna have to shave all the time
also interested in this, i hate body and face hair so much its unreal
Braindead tranime pedo
pitou sex

Why can’t mens fashion look like this?

Do these shorts make me look fruity?
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Do you seriously not know who edgy albert is?
He looks like a monkey
You look gay, but not in a faggy way.
No as I don't use tiktok, but I just worked from the assumption that it was an example pic to show the shorts.

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Just ordered one of these. I like plastics and synthetics. Tell me how cringe I am
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you really have to fix that haircut man, also for the love of god wear some baggier pants. otherwise not terrible

respect for actually posting fit tho

i love casios
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I've literally never known what do do with my hair. It's wirey, it grows fast, it's shaped weirdly, it's curly in some places while straightish in others. It feels impossible to work with. Any recs?
That's a cool rock formation. Those shoes are nice but they seem out of place. Maybe wear them with chinos and a sports coat, and please treat them after the beach.
I think a translucent gray watch would look better here but if you add some more red or other warm colors I think it'll be nice.
Your hair looks a lot better in the other style

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What kind of tie best fits a linen suit? I recently bought a mint green suit and I want to figure this out. I don't usually wear linen but I wanted something comfortable for the summer. I have a bunch of silk ties in dark colors, I don't know if they fit well.
knitted ties would suit the optic imo
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Just avoid ties that are shiny. The more texture the better imo. I like shantung silk ties like pic rel
Pic of suit? Mint green sounds perfect for linen in the spring/summer
Look for knitted ties. Not as solid as their counterparts and are a little more casual so perfect for a linen suit. Not sure if OP pic is you but make sure your pocket square falls behind the lapel.

haircut thread because there isn't one
How much do you fuckers tip?
Must be American.

I don't understand fashion.
Explain it to me in pro-wrestling terms /fa/.
I am trying my best to improve.
you're basically putting on a sort of stage persona with fashion, and that persona is just a cooler version of you, and the stage is real life (or internet clout chasing, take your pic)
fashion victims are jobbers who dont know when to quit on a chosen persona and cant figure out something more evocative and authentic

the best style influencers, like the best wrestlers, know the scene, have good gimmicks, and fill a role people want to see

i don't actually know anything about wrestling but this sounds about right i think
What about the technical guys? The Kurt Angles, Bret Harts, Daniel Bryans and Eddie Guerreros. What part do they play in that whole system?
High fashion houses (Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Balenciaga) are the biggest, longest running stables
Different styles (prep, normcore, gorpcore, workwear, streetwear, avant garde) are gimmicks
Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter fashion weeks could be analogous to Wrestlemania and Summerslam I guess
The current trends can be an analogy for the current 'over' dime drawers
Fashion journalists and instagram pages = dirtsheet bloggers
In the fashion world, Kevin Nash was still raped in 1992

Do what you wish with that information

>Basedez moi, homme de 36 ans
>Je n'ai jamais eu de petite amie
>Pas faute d'avoir essayé
>Je suis un gars sympa
>Je tiens les portes ouvertes aux femmes
>Je ne les interromps jamais quand ils parlent
>Je paie toujours leurs repas
>Mais pour une raison quelconque, ils ne semblent jamais s'intéresser à moi
>Je veux juste trouver quelqu'un à aimer
>Quelqu'un qui me fera me sentir spécial
>Quelqu'un qui me rendra heureux
> Mais il semble que c'est trop demander
>Je commence à perdre espoir
>Je commence à penser que je ne suis pas assez bien
> Que je ne suis pas digne d'amour

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someone pls translate
i dont speak retard
I vaguely knew the guy in OP’s post. He went by Vitamin D on a Metal Gear Solid forum. RIP
Hey man, I can read french but can't speak it for shit. So I'll just reply in English.

It's rough out there. If I were you I'd unironically try becoming a "passport bro" just go to some poor country and find girls there.

The fact you're french means you have an advantage already, girls LOVE french guys abroad.

Go to eastern Europe or Latin America.

Skinny jeans are officially uncancelled!

>However, not everyone is on board with the new trend, and one person who refuses to throw out her favorite skinny jeans is 33-year-old Meghan Naccarato. While she's happy to try the baggier styles, Naccarato told Newsweek that she isn't ready to leave skinny jeans in the past because "they're comfy and they flatter my body in the right places."
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>My ass is really big that normal pants look like skinny jeans on me
those jeans would be like mc hammer pants on me as a 140lb athletic man
skinny jeans can be traced back to la jerking era. these nigs started the trend when the rest of la was still wearing baggy clothes like gangbangers and then it took off.
I look just like this but light skin I want to kill myself
I'm only 140 too I just have a really big butt as a guy
They're like relaxed slim fit but not skinny

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as a male how do i make long hair not look like shit? i want to not look like a hobo or a tranny
Get layers put into you hair + Stop using shampoo and product that weighs down hair
long hair looks best being swept into a dustpan off your bathroom floor
only plebs have short hair.
>uhhh can't get my hair in the way of the physical labor I do every day, all those excel tables don't make themselves
>the state and my boss NEED to know about all the money at all times
>nooo not my wagie jobie
>need to have short hair to form sex packs with my peers to shag other unattractive people once we're all drunk enough to lower our expectations to the bare minimum
>can't waste time, time is money after all, with keeping my long hair tidy and good looking
>ah it's tuesday again, time for my barbar appointment to keep the pleb cut looking really plebian!!!
mine grows kind of outwards when i first try to grow it out. i stopped using shampoo but i still use conditioner and other shit. i don't know if that's bad.
lol based. i like some short hairstyles though cause i can get something that covers my big ass forehead without looking like a tranny retard.

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