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what's your usual headwear?
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this one I hate. Idk why they make it so big. still wear mine tho
the black steel that drips down my back
aka the bulletproof mullet
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That's a cool one. Idk the ones I've seen at lids I don't get because I don't want people to think I'm copying Bradley Martyn. That's literally all he wears. I own hats from Local Crowns, Travis Matthew and Brixton Manufacturing. Also have a regular Yankee snapback
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>I don't want people to think I'm copying Bradley Martyn.
Lots of people wear them, celebrities included. Lionel Messi is a superfan of Goorin, Kevin Bacon has worn them forever, Billie Eilish performed her set at Coachella a few months ago or whenever in "Buck Master," Sydney Sweeny a few months ago posted to Ig her in one, Tom Hardy on BBC and their socials a couple months back, MMA fighter Francis Ngannou, singer Ciara posted up a couple weeks ago, on and on... heck, Goorin was there when Trump was shot. You shouldn't think the brand associated with any particular person.
>DTLR, site has hundreds
>Buckle, has a bunch
>Amazon, three of their exclusives dropped today
They should get you started so you're not stuck with Lids' selection.

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im 20 years old. 5'3. People regularly think im a fucking middle schooler. Fuck this, this life is bullshit. Im going to kill myself
>People regularly think im a fucking middle schooler.
Stop dressing like one. Stop acting like one.
You have to be over 18 to post here.
If you want to kill yourself then just uproot and move. Go to Asia or Latin America where your height isn't as bad. I mean if you clearly don't want to live in your environment why not? Best case you solve your problem, worst case you kill yourself there.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. You are in the privileged position to slay untapped loli holes with impunity. So what are you waiting for?
>People regularly think im a fucking middle schooler
Middle schoolers are taller than that :D
That's like some serious stunted growth shit right there.
You need to blast GH asap before it's too late.

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why is winter so much more /fa/ than summer?
limited clothing for men during summer
Because you can wear more clothes and layers during winter, giving you greater variety and permutations and combinations.
You can put layers and the texture of the clothes is more interesting.
I'd argue summer is more /fa/, because winter is usually too rainy in the British Isles or elsewhere in Northern Europe for certain clothes choices.
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>i hate summer
The fattys opinion.

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I love when pretty girls dress up like sexy sluts
Anyone else?
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Made for melanated males.
>sexy sluts
>picture of a woman wearing normal summer clothes
you need to improve your mental health
In 99% of history literal whores dressed less skimpily than that. Perhaps your perspective is a bit warped by modernity?
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What did I tell you?

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Why do people buy white shoes when they look like this after a day?
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You should invest in an actual LLM instead of this markovify schizobabble script kiddie crap, you can get actually plausible looking text and it doesn't take a lot of compute power either
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Because they're hard to pull off.
I would rarely go with a pure white shoe, these Nike SFB Carbon Mids are not only utilitarian for hiking and outdoor stuff but they match my pants and shit well. I own every colorway released of them, I believe these shoes will trend heavily in the future.
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I just try not to wear them if I think i might be going anywhere ill be stepping in dirt
>inb4 city-slicker
I live in the outskirts of a small town on a dirt road with a dirt driveway that turns into the eastern front when it rains. I just save them for the gym or going out, its really not hard.
White shoes aren't for every occasion. Don't wear them out in the rain or if you're gonna be walking through mud. Part of the appeal of white clothing is that you can show how clean it is. If you anticipate your clothing getting dirty often, I wouldn't recommend wearing white.

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Suggest a stylish summer outfit wit a polo t-shirt
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I like Sunspel and Brooks Brothers, but BB has been iffy with quality over the past few years
Brooks Brothers is for boring guys who have more money than brains.
Looks good, what New balance are those?
997R white and nightwatch green
I recently got this polo, I really like it.

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I am looking for a two tone boer or safari type shirt, any ideas where to get one in usa?
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don't want to be that guy but this shit is general enough that you can just search it up
Not OP, but he said >in usa
and your search results are German.The results in the US aren't as robust.
Yeah haven’t been able to find anything thanks
looks like john deere type of shirts
They all look like fags.

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is 25 too old to be wearing band t-shirts outside of concerts?
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depends on the merch but if it's stuff you genuinely fuck with no, especially if it's shit from your local scene
this, wearing generic mainstream band merch outside of highschool is cringe
Why do we grant shut-ins like this >>18176617 the ability to shitpost?
if youre a pussy. Its a t shirt, why does it matter?
typical retard /fa/ take

whooooo weeeeeeee lad what the fuck are you smoking? a man should be in his 30s before that shit, 25 is where youre developing your life and brain still.
You're clearly intelligent because you play Fallout.

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Holy fucking shit ive NEVER seen this much of a disparity between a front and side of a face EVER.
Youre a gigachad from your side profile and your front is just unfortunate. Its ALL abozt the cheeks isnt it? Hoky fucking shit
Anyway, ice your face, drives all the bloat away, leaves the skin taut on what little cheekbone you have, and youe godtier side profile carries you the rest of the way. And if youre not mewing start, even a little bit of cheek definition goes a long way with a jaw like that
mewing is broscience, it doesn’t do anything
You are beautiful bro
well i didnt pick the best angle from the front but i have a asymmetrical nose you cant really see from the side
If you want hollow cheeks, more lean face, the problem can be a few things. The first and worst is having any high salt foods, you can be low body fat, not be constipated, but if you eat too much msg shit youll look fat. Next is maybe you got a little fat, as even 1lb of weight gain can be devastating to the face if not accompanied with any muscle, but 1lb of fat can go away very quick, like just skip lunch.
If you got constipation though that usually goes away but have some fiber.

My recommendations: after a shave your cheeks usually look more hollow, from losing hair over it but also it just happens. Also have more electrolytes, mostly potassium and magnesium which will get rid of excess salt. For long term I suggest keto, which is great for being lean. Avoid carbs. and if you do one thing drink more water

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>punks, mods, rockers, teds, greasers, futuristics, new romantics, blitz kids, skinheads, rudie skinheads, boot boys, ska boys
which way it be /effay/man
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British ""culture'''' is so funny to me
Stop cosplaying your ancestors adolescence
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There is no subculture anymore and none to come in the future thanks to the internet, what else would you do?

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How do I pull off a pocket watch without looking like a larper?
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It's impossible, stop what your doing and fix your life. Thoughts like these shouldn't even occur.
You will look like a larper regardless because pocket watches are redundant today. Only a larping faggot would use them when wrist watches and phones exist.
Even that won't help because pocket watches are completely unnecessary today. It's like commuting on a horse everywhere in a city when cars and public transportation exists. You'll just look like a larping weirdo when pulling out a pocket watch to check the time, no matter how good looking you are, unless you're cosplaying as some historical character.
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like that
10% less cringe is still cringe.
Just get a wrist watch or use your phone. It's okay to stand out just don't become too obnoxious about it. Get a wrist watch for your occasion:
>dress watch
Doesn't even need to be expensive, just look good on you or be something normal people would recognize (even a fake one because they can't tell anyway).
That's really fucking stupid

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>People compliment the jacket/coat you're wearing but don't REALLY like compared to your others
What's her name?

Are short shorts going out of style? What’s the ideal length?
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Psst. This isn't my thread and the lads in the OP do nothing for me. On with your pointless crusade, though. Don't let me stop this meaningless progression.
No. But you can pretend it was me if it makes you feel better.
It just isn't worth it. Your emotional turmoil has nothing to do with any of us. I seriously hope you find peace.
Umm no sweaty.
I agree these two characterisations are rather accurate although I would ask if there is a healthy middle ground where a gay man may not dress identically to most straight guys but also not as revealing as at a gay pride parade or anything, nothing harmful to kids or anything shameful.

While I would agree that liberals do exhibit more mental illness than others, I would wonder about the limitations and biases of this survey. White liberals are more likely to live in cities which impact their mental health. They're more likely to visit doctors and those doctors are more likely to be liberals as well who are more keen to diagnose a mental condition.

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If I saw him with this fit outside alongside other people, would he still look very tall, as I see him in this photo? I think I'm about the same height as this guy, but I'm also worried that I may only look tall from my perspective instead of others as well. For example, would I look ridiculous if I stood next to a guy who's 6ft with the same exact fit? I'm about 5'8" for reference on a good day.
Are you fucking retarded?

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