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What the FUCK do I do with my hair, sometimes it looks good, but other times it's a disaster, damaged as hell, I want smooth nice waves and curls, I want it controlles and consistent but Idk what to do.

I use a "curly method" shampoo and mask like twice a week or so on the shower and that's all I've ever known.

Is there something I can do?

Also I have genetics with huge risk of balding so there may be a chance that maybe my hair is just becoming weaker naturally? I'm at a loss here.
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You either wash it too frequently or not enough. But yeah I suffer from hair loss similar to yours (looks somewhat diffuse) and had hair that resembles yours, it's just how your scalp responds to androgens, hair becomes weaker and there's not enough hair cuticles to soak up the natural oils which makes it look super greasy and bad. But when I got on finasteride after about 7 months it kinda stabilized and improved my hair quality over time.
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>NEVER brush your hair
>use curl friendly wide tooth comb instead
>shower in the evening every day
>use a heavy moisturizing curl friendly conditioner, I use pic related and it works like a charm
>apply conditioner gently to strands, dont just damp it onto your head
>apply leave-in products or oils like coconut oil, I mainly use ogx coconut milk serum or cantu leave-in but do research urself and try things out
>use curlsbot dot com to check for harmful ingredients before making a purchase
>use a mild shampoo and only apply (gently to your scalp) when you actually need to, which for me is like 2-3 times a month
>do a hair mask ideally with olive and coconut oil before shampooing to block any drying damage
>dont rub your hair aggressively, litely pat it with a soft towel ideally made for hair
>let it air dry after shower
>in the morning just apply a bit of moisturizing leave-in or curl cream and lock in the moisture with a pomade specifically made for curly hair (I use cantu), you can also damp your hair before applying the products and blowdry with a cold diffuser to get more curl and texture
>for dandruff/scalp issues use 50/50 mixture of water and apple cidar vinegar, apply and let it rest for like 5 minutes, rinse off with conditioner, your hair will also get more shiny from this and growth will improve
lol I'm the OP of that comment and while I still hold mostly the same position I can't honestly say that it works 100% consistently bc sometimes my hair looks bad too despite (or perhaps because of?) the effort.
Recently I started showering twice a day in which I simply rinse my hair in the morning and then apply oils or leave-in, and the second time I use a heavy conditioner (picrel still holds)
I've found that it weighs my hair down pretty nicely and reduces the volume which is exactly what I want during the day, however it still looks frizzy sometimes and for some reason the hair on the back is really frustrating to deal with, perhaps I need a professional trim bc it often looks bulky and dry. Heat can also be a factor, it's pretty hot in my area.
Having coarse hair is a pain in the ass dude. I hate how short hair looks on me, but long hair is so hard to manage that it does not look ideal either.
Perhaps I really need to buy these really expensive products that the hairfluencers are shilling. After all their routine can't be all that different than mine.
yes you have the balding hair genetics, that frizzyness at the front of you hair means the hair is becoming thin and damaged. you need to start do research on balding.

Its time to go down the rabbithole of hairloss. you will end up at ray peat theory and then castrate yourself with progesterone and gomad and your hair will heal and become thick.
u look like sam bankman lmfao

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what happened to motocore? post more of these
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Opinion discarded
God forbid people experiment
fashion is fantasy, costume, projection
moto threads are the only creative threads left on /fa/
anytime a sweaty chud from /o/ cries about "people not really riding bikes in that!!" or "girl pinterest shit" i just know they don't know how to dress themselves and live off of the walmart clothing aisle and whatever mom and dad bought and handed them down in their early 20s
truth. when i had my scooters i had fun with how i dressed because it was an opportunity to be creative, test things out (comfort while riding), etc. as much fun as i had fixing up my bikes, i had just as much fun making outfits up for whatever the weather was

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I'm beginning to think the 2/3 rule is timeless while 9 times out of 10 the 1/2 looks like pretty sloppy. Especially true if whatever you're wearing is tight-fitting
>picrel is my fit, 2/3
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Are you Napoleon Dynamite?
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Shit, how’d you know?
Zoomers pull their pants up and think they are fashion gods lmao
nah bro hate to be that guy but this looks goofy
I see my own bad posture in you. Straighten yourself out, slouching this way makes us look shorter and less thin.

Vest ID?
Also sunglasses ID?

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Why are modern shirts made of such boring fabrics? I am posting a few photos of shirts from the times of the Polish People's Republic.
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Idk kev, those look horrible
Polish Kramercore.
Well going by this pictures posted in this thread its because everyone who made them went out of business.
I think even the homeless would pass on those when looting a donation bin.
Because nobody fucking wears shirts anymore. Most men wear plastic blend t-shirts and hoodies these days, even boomers. So what's the point in making shirts in "exciting" fabrics? Plain cotton is good enough for you wage slaves and nerds. Have some linen blend if you want to feel fancy.

could anyone recommend a good place to get knitted t shirts like this?
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know what the meta is for thinner ones? i see dudes on sufu wearing these all the time but i always worry if i blind buy something online it won't be as thin as i desire.
Massimo Dutti
no they won't allow you to coach the england
why tho? if its hot enough for tshirts the material will be too hot

remember when overalls looked good?
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he needs to shorten the straps so it's a bit less bunched up in the legs, but otherwise this is a very good look
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I cant look at overall without thinking of pamperchu

Do I remember?

What do you mean?

They look good right now.

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what kind of hat is this? also what's your favorite kind of hat in general?

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Where can I buy a black cotton/wool overcoat for men? One for spring/fall weather
Try England about 75 years ago bud.
How much money do you want to spend?
Budget? This one is amazing https://theshopyohjiyamamoto.com/shop/g/gMO-J01-100-2-03/
Why would you want a wool overcoat for Spring? A wool overcoat is for late Fall, Winter.

Anyway, Todd Snyder has nice ones.

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Now I need help putting together a closet. I've posted before about my internship, but now I'll have some money to get some real stuff. Please help me out.
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You people are insane. I bet this guy still gets carded.
Nice looking swing. You look like you're 90lbs though.
what the FUCK this thread is still up, everyone who bumped this needs to die, I hate this board
this one is twice as old
here ya go


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For all two of us that hang out here. It's been a while since the last one
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and by option of dating white women, you mean the mentally ill leftoids or fat trashy girls kek

a black guy would legit rather date a fat single mom white women, over an attractive black women, which is insanity
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>I think he’s a foolish faggot being so lustful for Becky
Lmao, thanks for the good laugh. Don't get me wrong, i adore my black mom. But wtf, i don't want to date my mom, she's also very emotional. Don't need that drama in my life.
Also my first high school crush was a Fräulein. Of course i project all the good traits into her.
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Princia Gonoporo, great tits, world class piece of ass
'blackspo' and it's just giant knockers in clothes

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And why is it always to super cute/quirky ones who do this? Like why would you deliberately ruin yourself like this?
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streetshitter asking to see my wife, you can't write this shit folks
Man this is an embarrassing thread to reply to, but a septum ring is not ruining anything. You can definitely not like it personally, but if that’s the case then pursue someone else. You can always take out a piercing at any time, but if someone wearing a piece of facial jewelry is enough to consider them “ruined” then you have other issues to work out within yourself before you should consider pursuing a relationship and being involved In the personal life and emotional well-being of another person.
no harm was proven. all we saw was men not going to therapy being reflected in assorted statistics.
>why nose ring? i hate nosering >:((
>women are crazy is why. everything about them is horrible and they are a lost cause
lol streetshitter is a jannie too

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Pierce Brosnan has been probably the most consistently fashionable man over the last 40 years, regardless of his age, and regardless of the trends and fads of any given decade. How the fuck does he do it? It's like it's effortless for him. How can I emulate him?
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He smoked cigarettes until at least the mid-late 90s and cigars can give you mouth cancer among other shit.
>Regularly smoking cigars is associated with an increased risk for cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx (voice box), and oral cavity (lip, tongue, mouth, throat). Cigar smoking is linked to gum disease and tooth loss.
I despise smoking just as much as both of you. People who make smoking a hobby are some of the biggest retards around.
>How to be /fa/
>Be attractive
>Be voted sexiest man alive
>Be handsome
>People who make smoking a hobby are some of the biggest retards around.
Ok. Let me know when you split the atom. Retard.
Pack-a-day+ smokers are indeed retarded (or at least were while they were getting addicted), but occasional smokers, and pipe/cigar smokers, are generally pretty on top of things.

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Name of this brand ?

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Guy that gets really performative about some gay abstractions like waycism or gender but will also try to fuck a 16 year old as a 26 year old
serious question: what men do younger women/teen girls like? I mean apart from timothy chalemet and tom holland, I cant even think of any actors and they are both pushing 30…and in terms of music, they seem to just listen to the same the millennials listened to so those guys are all mid 30s
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Is this a good look

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