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Robley Quinn edition

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a man of culture as well
I believe there's someone around here who asked for DC's characters to recreate. Well, I have a list of DC's characters that are not identified by Bing. So, if you want to try:

+ Ice (Tora Olaffsdotter)
+ Red Tornado (the android)
+ Hawkman
+ Hawkgirl
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>1st ep: Introductory episode, a bit centered on cyclops
>2nd: magneto's episode
>3rd: the inferno episode, focused on Madelyne cyclops and Jean
>4rd: the splited episode, sunspot,jubilee/storm
>5th: magneto, rogue and gambit, with extra focus on gambit
>6th: storm and xavier
>7th: plotpoint ep, extra focus on rogue

So 3 episodes left and no Wolverine past episode yet and the 3 last one are going to be the season end so i doubt it
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You have an entire dedicated show to see if you only want to watch Wolverine.
You won't get one this season. They went out of their way to not focus on him since almost every piece of X-Men media made since the 90's has been mostly The Wolverine Show.

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She is the best Teen Titans girl, there is no debate.
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You speak for everyone honestly.
Well that line Murakami said was just an outright lie then lmao.
That's the one area TTG delivered where the original failed.
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>Blackfire introduction episode
>The FLCL-esque puberty episode
>Blackfire follow-up episode
>The one where she gets FLUNG INTO THE FUTURE
>The date episode with the crazy moth girl
>The episode where everyone gets stranded on an alien planet
>The Troq episode
>The episode where Starfire and Raven switch bodies
Brother you aren't wrong

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>Peppermint Patty, but if dark
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The fact thus was made a few weeks before he died is telling. Even the drawing is worse than usual.
Lucy as some big shot that villians fear amuses me. Like her picking on Charlie Brown is so unnecessarily evil that it scares even them.
Jesus fucking Christ, no wonder Schlitz's stuff hits well, Peppermint Patty snapping doesn't seem too out there.
There's a dub

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why are big nosed women less common in /co/ art? And when it does happen, why is it not tagged in the same way large butts or big breasts are?

Men find big nosed hot girls, even hotter, much like big breasts make a hot girl hotter, so whats the deal?

And how has the small upturned nose become popular with women? That used to be considered the nose of trashy Irish girls. How'd that become the go to plastic surgery nose?
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gotta love a can opener
muricans find everything offensive
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I have an OC with a very big nose
This is hilarious, I love Japanese people.

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So.. like >>143375201
Peverything on /co/?
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>after years of calarts slop.

CalArts slop wasn't even a thing back then, at least not to the same degree it is now. It was mostly low-quality Canadian government-funded flash imports that were choking the airwaves.
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slit your throat

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daily reminder that luke cage canonically had sex with black cat your welcome for that information
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She went to his bar specifically to get fucked by him.
only one coping is Hudlin lol
too drunk to legally consent, statutory rape
MC2 Felicia even had Flash’s kids, and then she divorced him to be with her black Parisian girlfriend.
Moments like this feel like they're just for the horny teenage boys out there. Personally, I don't imagine it's very hard for someone to score Black Cat if they actually try.

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That was peak worldbuilding, I mean, not that the world it built is that interesting, but the way the story presented it to the audience was pretty much perfect. Even seemingly unimportant episodes would sprinkle just enough lore in it, no info dump, just a very clear picture of the wold being painted over 5 seasons.
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well yes, but also yes.
>That was peak worldbuilding, I mean, not that the world it built is that interesting
Most inteligent SU fan.
>Blowing the whole budget on celebrity guests probably had a lot to do with that
I Didn't notice any celebrities so they just waisted there money.
Every gem fusion is voiced by a celebrity, and Garnet herself is voiced by an english singer named Estelle which is why she appears the least often among all the other gems. One thing I didn't know until now is that Mr. Smiley is voiced by Sinbad
>the way the story presented it to the audience was pretty much perfect
mmm, maybe in earlier seasons. but the truth i skipped through most of s4 and 5 since it was mostly townie filler shit. steven universe had very good worldbuilding early on but when it decided to do absolutely nothing with it and stay on earth just to make the crystal gem dramatic hobos that' s when i tuned out. too much cry, not enough go into space

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>Black Gay musclechad writes some of the best /co/ kino in years
You love to see it.
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So every other super hero team show. At least Legion of Superheroes takes place in the future.
Might as well. The allegory doesn’t make X-Men any better than the rest anyway. It falls apart if you even give it a half second of thought
Allegories fall apart if you take them 1 on 1 like retards in this board do. Metaphors don't work in a literal sense, when I say you have bright eyes I don't mean you're some kind of cyborg with light-bulbs in your face and everyone you meet need to use sunglasses to see you face to face.
You should probably stick to watching old episodes of G.I. Joe and ThunderCats.
The X-Men one fails on a fundamental level. There’s plenty of rational reasons to fear mutants, especially telepaths. And that’s not even taking into consideration groups like the Morlocks that fuck the allegory up even more

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Who is your favorite Disney TVA girl?
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melissafag have to piggyback from candace just to be noticed lol but kinda sad
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Dude anon's just posting drawings he likes, you're being autistic.
This really is a bit of a deepcut, I literally haven't seen her since like 2008

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Why did they decide to become the bodyguards of their enemy's head of state?
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There's no way she should be able to fight in that.
I would love these fatties, especially the black slampig on the right, try to do even half the acrobatic shit Suki did in the show
Zuko did need the entertainment while in that jail cell and she needed Mai and Ty Lee after all.
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Don't forget these two.
It's funny because she's so incompetent with relationships and obsessed with Zuko that of course she'd want to want him fuck other girls and enjoy it vicariously.

Instead of robotboy, Professor Moshimo sent tommy Robotgirl on learning to be a real girl.

Would the series be the same or different than the original?

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So how durable is the bow?
god DAMN
Durable enough to be a weapon
Like imagine Robotgirl taking her bow and throwing It like a batarang
>Robotgirl is crying while Tommy is patting her back
>Robotgirl: "Waaa sorry Tommy Robotgirl just wanted to make hubby happy but Robotgirl just messed things up!"
>Lola: "Hubby? What are you talking about"
>Robotgirl wipes her tears
>Robotgirl: "Gus gave Robotgirl a book to help her be a better robot for Tommy"
>Tommy and Lola gave Gus death glares
>Gus drops the remains of the food chuckling nervously
>Gus: "Hehe come on guys don't be mad I can explain"
>Lola: "So explain"
>Gus raises a finger but then runs away
>Lola: "Gus come back here!"
>Lola chases after Gus while Tommy stays with Robotgirl
>Robotgirl: "Is hubby not mad at Robotgirl"
>Tommy: "Don't call me hubby. And no of course I'm not mad Roll I can't be mad at you"

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>Lola bludgeoning Gus to death with Robotgirl's pretty pink bow

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>show is centered around one or more objects with great powers
>the whole cast is out to get them for their own purposes
>the heroes want it to defeat evil, the villains want it to rule the world, some just want it for its value
Any shows or comics that are like this? Or is it only just games or anime that do it?
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Yeah man Jackie Chan Adventures was pretty much what you're describing.
I wanna say there was one called Xaolin Showdown but I don't remember the actual plot
Pretty much a lot of the shows from early 2000s had that premise from what I can remember.
Avatar kinda fits the bill but also not really
Tenko and the Guardians of Magic, Xiaolin Showdown and Jackie Chan Adventures come to mind. There are definitely more, but I can't think of them now.
Is this bait? You have to be one dumb motherfucker to ask if there are any cartoons or comics that feature MacGuffins. Even the most casual of casuals would be able to name the Infinity Stones because of Infinity War/Endgame.

Pirates Of Dark water
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Bonus points if they are canon
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Great taste, but also is this one of the few times a Disney couple has had more casual displays of affection like cheek pecking? The only other example I can think of is Hercules
Who the robot girl?
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>Does Pearl look okay next to Greg's style or should I ditch this style and make her more cartoon like?
Well I think that looks fine. Though hard to say since you didn't give anything to compare to, a bit more cartoony Pearl could work really well. Keep the details/style consistent.
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I agree with you

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