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what's so inspiring about being wheelchair-bound that it needs representation? doing tech support for the actual heroes who get shit done and risk their lives?
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maybe you should actually read the books. The reason why she avoided any treatments or why Bruce was able to walk was covered. Multiple times. People were asking why she can't just get her ability to walk again for years
Oracle is shit. Timm was right.
Oracle was more of a Batman sidekick then Batgirl was.
Pretty good troll thread. I've seen better, but that's solid bait.
Didn't Barbara never even have her own going before she was Oracle? Not like she a solo act then anyway, but she did get to lead her own team. Hard not to feel like that alone means she was less of a sidekick post-crippling.

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>let's Six fuck his crush
>supports their relationship like a cheerleader
Is Rex honest to god one of the biggest cuckolds in animation? Not even memeing, going by the actual definition.
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Wow this toy is much better than that sissy Rex. Can’t wait to play with him when we have some alone time~
Based up until he started crying, KWAB.
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Steven is the Kenshiro of animation
I've been hearing people say this for years and yet despite having been consuming porn for almost twenty years my tastes have barely changed at all and that slight change has just been finding older women attractive.
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This Steven really is a hunk of a man. I hope my powers won’t go off while we’re having sex~

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The long, agonizing wait for Season 2... it's eating me apart!
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What a fucking mistake
You mean, one of the best movies ever.
Don't let Schaffrilas hear you say that
You are a mistake.

How does Palkton stay in business?

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>a samurai of all people having an existential crisis for killing people that tried to kill him in the first place
What did Genndy smoke when making season 5?
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i'm sure all those talking dogs are thankfull that they will never fucking exist.
fuck off genndy
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They look pretty dead. Hell Genndy didn't even dispute that, he just said he thought they were robots and aliens.
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>You get the impression that all the progress Jack made has been reversed over the past fifty years and that's why he's so angry and depressed
>But everyone he saved is openly thriving
>When all his friends (that somehow have barely aged) show up to save him during the finale they get slaughtered
>He doesn't even react
>no blood
>no decapitation
They're not dead.

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mousecucks unironically believe this weak soulless ginger could even step to Raven
She got her low blood sugar fixed. She can throw buildings and do that dbz fast flight thing
>two jeans
>logan still can't have one

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>suck me to death?
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They made one about an evil outer space refrigerator and one about a rat and a computer virus. And I think they released them out of order.
They were released out of order. Chronologically it's The Brave Little Toaster, To The Rescue, Goes to Mars.
I only watched the first one, but it was the "VHS that goes with us even on trips because little Anon rewatches it constantly" of my childhood.
This scene bothered me as a child.
>uber driver sucked me to death?
>there was more than one
One was enough
Traumatized me for life, I became a hoarder

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Absolutely retarded. You are literally shooting at superman.

"Oh no, I'll be breading stock for a dark haired woman who could kill me instantly." Where is the downside?
>They're a race of genocidal psychopaths bent on ruling the world.
Completely unlike the genocidal psychopaths already on earth making the planet worse for proffit. Right?
>They think they're superior to us!
They are.
>They wanna replace our economy, leaders, and and Infrastructure with their own!
>They've destroyed countless alien races!
Sucks to suck, they should have looked more human. Racism isn't a problem if it doesn't happen to me.
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Become breeding stock for the Vilties just makes humanity into the future Vilties. That makes humanity the most powerful race in the verse and they can finally leave this stupid rock and all of its petty problems.
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Robot overlord and technofuture is a far worse outcome for earth.
>"Oh no, I'll be breading stock for a dark haired woman who could kill me instantly." Where is the downside?

the only downside is that you get cucked of that. since viltrumites believe in genetical supremacy, they would fuck humans that have the better genes. not only that but female viltrumites are very picky with their mates, so your chances of getting fucked by a muscle woman are the same as the chances now.
aside from the economical, political and medical benefits, the only problem is that unlike a politician who needs a goverment to kill billions, a viltrumite can simple kill everyone that pisses them off. we are ants to them, so you can expect casual manslaughter in your daily life.
Think of it like an invesment, they will probably take the better humans from our race, breed with them and then leave the rest to be foot soldiers for them in wars we dont really care about, but are forced to do.
Im sorry anon, but i prefer to live my meaningless life atleast feeling like im doing something i like, instead of being forced to do something space superman will either kill me or force me to do until im too weak to fight.
Now do J6 protests next to BLM protests.
>But muh puhliticians's safety
Bunch of people being walked in by the security guard and respecting the velvety rope. Yeah, terrible.

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>In b4 Spencerfag shits up the thread
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Oh please no.

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Soon we will be able to watch Tater's show. Expectations? Hopes?
Nothing. I hope this show dies real quick.
funas tras funas

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I can relate to never getting a date, but imagine never even being platonically hugged by a woman.
damn it!
New School isn't canon
Pachabros...not like this
Am I the only one who sees this and think the Emperor is a huge fag? Women don't hug men that way. It doesn't help he's her height either.

Why is this guy being a whiny bitch lately? Specially when he is getting some books for his show. Like you can tell here that he didn't like that his S1 Amphibia got binge format.
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>"Binge format releases aren't good. Here's why.."
>Why is this guy being a whiny bitch lately?
Aggressive, inflammatory OPs tend to get more engagement.
you said it, not me
He's right, contrarian retard
>whiny bitch
>The man speaks completely neutral, even throws a "with respect" in his sentence.
Yikes anon, you couldn't help projecting, you whiny bitch?

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What kinds of people like this show?
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>Louise knowing Millie has heard her girly whimpers.
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>Louise is too much like her mother's daughter to not get competitive about this.
>she go to her lesbian godmother Nat for tips on her tongue technique.
>then she starts eating out the other girls in her class for practice.
>Chloe Barbash and other repaid the favor, helping Louise on her defensive skills of not melting into a puddle of goo.
>once she feels like she's ready she ambushes Millie with a submission hold she learned from Zeke and start her offense.
>but Millie wiggles out and turn into a fierce 69 where Louise is still in danger of cumming from Millie's eager and expert tongue.
This is my 64 yo white mom's favorite cartoon next to king of the hill. She always has this on whenever I see her, it's her comfy show. She was really excited to see the movie with me when it came out. I hope they don't cancel it any time soon for her sake
>huge pale tits vs big olive skinned tits
>pink nips vs brown nips
>fat Marshmallow ass vs perky golden derriere
>chubby thughs vs long legs
Would Millie suck cock for Louise?

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Post cool panels or splashes or spreads.
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Just did a story time of these Steranko Cap issues.

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