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When the FUCK will I be able to see this in english?
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The earliest shorts in production order (eg this one) & the later/near final ones are the best in the whole series. Former for how much they seemed to be allowed to push the envelope in terms of violent content & having a direction that feels like a happy medium between Wabbit's experimentalism & the much tighter comedy/art direction of this series, the latter for the crew really finding their groove, having more formula breaking shorts like the Ralph Phillips short or the P&D short by Aaron Springer & getting to play with much more of the wider cast & library of characters across the franchise.
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Just checked the site. Text circled in red used to say 'now in cinemas'. No links yet, but I'm expecting them very soon.
Better animated & more consistent than Space Jam, but Back in Action has stronger animation even though I'm not a fan of the Jones aesthetic there. I prefer the Clampett/Soper style here and am glad we're finally getting something long and substantial made with it.
It's about time
so are her ears backwards

I only started watching Jem once it was reran on The Hub. Somehow it became my favorite 80s cartoon, even over my old favorites Transformers and G.I. Joe
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Say what you will about the overall quality but figuring out like 2-3 songs per 22-minute episode of a cartoon is pretty damn impressive. I can't imagine how attempting such a thing would go nowadays.
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stormer is storming her way to the all you can eat buffet
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>That rotund at only 20 years old
You hate to see it.
I'm telling ya, that 80s pop style is hard to get out of your head. I had sisters and they had friends, so I was subject to much of the 80s pop music whenever we'd go out or be at home. It was 1 vs 8, I couldn't win.
Yeah, but it was a thing I remember in my HS days. Just a thick girl who said she was "fat" but didn't realize if she curbed herself a tiny bit, she'd be slam central. Also, most of her "fat" was her huge fucking tits.


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I know this panel is a joke.

But reminder, Damian almost got raped just like his brother Dick.
I'm absolutely floored that there are so many people ITT that don't seem to catch this. It's laid on so thick it's impossible to miss. I guess /co/ really is the dumbest board on this site.
>seething just because they didn't get the joke at first
/co/ is truly ngmi
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I mean WW x Damien is like Artemis x Red Hood
Both are 100-year age gap
You probably think Dan Slott is funny too.

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Why did Batman kill Jason Todd? Why wouldn't he just let him kill Joker? Is Joker's life worth more than Robin's life to Batman?
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DC should take a cue from Marvel and give Jason his own MAX series.
Jason is their black member of the group,
There have been a number of good Batman and bat-adjacent comics published between 2006 and 2024 so it's definitely a character problem if there's not a single one for this one character.
It was pretty funny how Wild Dog's creator was seething how Azz wrote him as a January 6ther even though in the original comics his enemies were radical leftwingers. Jason's framing of it shows he's not on his side though.
>There have been a number of good Batman and bat-adjacent comics published between 2006 and 2024
Dwarfed by the shit ones.
Retarded take, DiDio. But that’s what we like about you.

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>itt: powers that everyone forgets characters have
Venom can turn invisible, that's actually a base symbiote ability.
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Is it something that he could do on command?
No, It was a mutation.
Well it was a clone of him, he basically had a lot more pow thanks to the pineapple/duardian like spikes on him
didn't she become the goddess of truth at some point?
shitty youtube meme

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>Almost every guy i know has kissed a tranny and more.
You're gay? Congratulations, want a Medal of Faggotry?
Almost every guy you know is a faggot
And you are a mega faggot
Okay. And you are living in Season 3 from the 90s. Lois canonically hates Peter and considers her marriage a depressing mistake.
>get to be a dogowner for one night in exchange for a drink
small price to pay fot some quality fetch time

What do you think of Minnie?
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Its Mickey in drag.

/co/ talks a lot about underrated villains, but what about villains who just make you go "not this dipshit again" every time they appear in a story? Bonus points for more obscure picks than Joker or whoever is popular.
For me it's
>Silvermane, Tombstone, Count Nefaria and Madame Masque. Marvel's crime lords outside of Kingpin and maybe Owl suck.
>Purple Man
>The Hood
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Because it is mass not class!
I liked Silvermane, because: a) old coffin-dodger, b) in his 90s and in debt to keep his body running.
Lovely cyberpunk pastische.

I also liked The Hood, because he had wicked cultured and becoming the mask thing going on.
Gimp mask didn't hurt, either.
>liked Silvermane, because: a) old coffin-dodger, b) in his 90s and in debt to keep his body running

Silvermane is the superior "old man" villain compared to Vulture.
In another world, they might have never created Silvermane and given the "tries to magic self young, fails and then turns self into a cyborg to stay alive" schtick to Toomes, and Toomes might've actually been cool.
But they didn't, and he wasn't, and by the time Toomes DID try doing deaging shit in the 90s, it was already decades too late, he was just running story beats Silvermane hit decades prior
Nobody jobs to Galactus.
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If we're bringing up Transformers, these guys right here

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Does Canadian animation get too much of a bad rap?
Somewhere between 2008 and 2016, Cartoon Network imported a lot of Canadian cartoons and most of them, such as Almost Naked Animals and the infamous Johnny Test, were not very good. I think this gave people a bad first impression when it comes to Canadian animation especially if this was their first exposure to it. Which is kind of sad seeing how there are Canadian cartoons that, in my opinion, are very good. Cartoons like Cybersix, Beast Wars, Stickin' Around, and Ed, Edd n Eddy were quality shows that people often don’t mention. What do you think should be done to improve the industry’s reputation?
>What do you think should be done to improve the industry’s reputation?
Support the very few cartoons that get made nowadays and get international distribution
>Yvon of the Yukon has entered the chat
Paw Patrol is Canadian. Make of that what you will. I haven't watched it, but I'm well aware it's massively successful and popular.
Arthur started Canadian, I have no idea if we're still animating it.
A lot of the bad ones you named went out of their way to announce they're Canadian. So you remember them as Canadian. Also the poorly disguised fetishes cemented them in memery so you remember them.
Canada had a lot more experimentation in the 90s that set it apart. So the cartoons that made it internationally didn't look like anything else out there.
There was tons of dogshit tho.
Mega Babies. That little fuck Caillou. Jane and the Dragon.
When we make something terrible, it's spectacularly fuckin terrible.
>Almost Naked Animals
It was aight and worked as a comedy for its target audience of elementary school kids.
When I say it's aight, it's akin to Scaredy Squirrel, Spliced, Jimmy Two-Shoes, and Rocket Monkeys in terms of quality.

Besides I prefer our negative reputation. It acts as a filter so that only those whom believe in the medium would choose at as a career path, hereby making Canadian animation having more hidden gems.
Adam Conover's ilk has reduced influence here compared to that display they made down south.

This was fucking terrible, feels like a bad shonen anime with dumb fights and nothing of adventure. Also Teela is again the main chara.
Why the fuck did you watch it in the first place?
Lot of people told me it was better than Revelations... But in was the same, at least they tried to give he-man some space, but again it was Teela show, also they added that fucking dwarf from the live action movie.
The last episode with he-man dissolving the monarchy and creating a democracy in eternia was so fucking stupid, also nigress as the first president, KEK!
I heard the same shit, but I still didn't watch it, because invariably any review I DID see that praised it eventually recapped the plot and said "but it's better then it sounds, trust me!"
I'm of the opinion that the first series was only praised by shills and the sequel is only praised by shills and he-fans who just got so desperate after the first series that they'd accept literally anything as long as He-Man and Teela kissed at the end.

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>M-muh magic retcon
Don't care.

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Goose pls...
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Should i write gay prgenant with bill fanfics with jax or caine
you would if you were a creator and swarmed with millions of angry tweets. its a shit state of affairs, but, half an indie creator's job is customer service
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Dang, she's still in? Not sure how to feel about this.
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I would play the fuck out of Pomni's Mansion

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Turns out it's the best adult animated show of the decade.

Funny how quick haters got quiet.
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>Thinking that fucking Zack Snyder could make a good animated series.
Unironic question, but you people watch anime, right? I hope you do, because I can’t imagine torturing yourself like this. Watching America try to make animation for adults is like watching this season’s Panthers team try to play football.
It's literally just Rebel Moon but not scifi
>more anti white male feminist shit about a strong wyman protagonist who is better then the evil and weak white men who are all sexulied and shirtless while women are all ugly and covered up
no thx
It's kinda an interesting comparison when you look at it.

Norse myths were far, far before Christianity.

Odin the wanderer, the king, the hanged.
(3 forms, kinda like christian holy trinity?)

Odin hanged/stuck to "die"on wold tree.
Jesus stuck on cross.

Yeah, Christians stole other religions.
That is why Odin was told he would be forgotten.
>Odin the wanderer, the king, the hanged.
Odin has hundreds of aliases.


Right here are the previews for thiws anons, enjoy if you can.
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>How do we make SURE they know it's Gwen Stacy?

Ultimate was able to do that without any headband at all!
Tbh, when you have a absolute sexo blonde with a bubble saying she is Gwen, then it doesn't take long to put 2 and 2.
You want me to enjoy Spider-Man when I see
>Romita Jr.
On the fucking cover? Yeah, no, you ask the impossible.
Only in comics would a guy miss a person who doesn't have super speed with that many shots at that close range. Though maybe later Wells can salvage this by saying he was missing on purpose because he doesn't actually want to shoot her.

/co/'s most beloved author finally has a new series and its a video game tie-in. Beggers can't be choosers!
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Across the world? How the fuck did I write world? I meant ROAD.
which witch is which?
If they never end up adding Godzilla then least they could do is add The Lich from Adventure Time
I am into traditional green skinned witches with exaggerated Jewish features, not giantism and vore. We are not the same.
Look, All I'm saying is that the hag in the woods wants my firstborn as payment for her magic and I assumed that was her flirting with me.

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