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>nephew you must become a man by finding your own path, whatever that may be

>jk you are the one true king Simba, remember who you are

This cheapens their interactions throughout season 2.

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You can tell that we're in the darkest timeline because Peni hasn't hooked up with Miles yet.
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Loli is the gayest fetish
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I would have assumed that homosexuality was the gayest fetish.
Fuck off, Miles fag.

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Another truly shitty and dull issue in which nothing happens
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Yes, that was one of Slott’s only good issues too
>I would severely reevaluate my life and question what relevance they have to me now
It’s one thing to say that, and another entirely to actually do it. Thats kind of the point of Lost Years, and a big part of why that story wouldn’t work without them.
I’m still mad about Kafka getting butchered too, and Janine. Ben’s just getting the bulk of my attention because of the guy who doesn’t know how origin stories work
So now you’re resorting to insults because we disagree? I didn’t do that to you
>Ben’s existence is the realization that he’s not Peter and dealing with that, remembering or forgetting his copied memories is irrelevant

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Where's that 15th movie anyway?
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Is to look around
For something to CHEW!
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For me, the 15th movie will always be The Seven Hunters. It feels like a very nice conclusion to every major story beat.

And it's just a really really good fic too
Ah man, that part where they're hunting in the forest was my favorite

P.S: Only REAL ones know who the character on the left is without having to look it up.
But would I CARE if I looked it up?
Right because he's hotter. In many ways!

How do we fix Laura?
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Make her biological mother of Gabby, father being one of her customers she herself doesn't even remember. The story is about her and Gabby go back to the hooker street to find the father but end up in some bad situation...
Go back in time and never separate her from her friends for branding. She went from being one of the main poster children of the most fucked up generation of X-Men to being a generic 20 something hardass that gets tossed into any group of 20 something female mutants.
Nah best thing to do is >>143331872
This but with spider-gwen
This group was kino. Elixir's arc in particular

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Sun worshipping IS a thing, it's just not happening in any of these images. They just have the sun... present. Like in real life.
In short, OP is schizo.
Why can't god be the sun?

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What was the deal with these mean spoiled bratty characters?
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you little brat
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Alright I'm done!
Feel free to grace /dlc/ on /trash/ with your presence if you're ever in the mood to be drawn.
I think you forgot to finish the mouth, because it looks like her tongue is coming out of a hole in her cheek. I see what you were going for, but it took me a second to realize.
>looks like it's coming out of a hole in her cheek
I thought the same thing. It reminded me of Yuji from JJK, which now that I think about it, feels oddly fitting in this world of spooks and ghosts whose purpose is to bring fright to the living

This guy could've saved Rooster Teeth.
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licherally no idea about this man guy?
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Don't tell me smbz is canceled again.
>Still lives with his mother.
Let's be real, that isn't an insult anymore.
I don’t have a Twitter but u saw on YouTube Post he apparently had another Twitter meltdown. Anyone know what happened?
True, jews and boomers are actually seething that single men aren't moving out to rentcuck to some boomer landlord

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Anyone watching Tuttle Twins?

I haven't watched it, but I might look into it in the future. Instead, I have been watching a show called "50/50 Heroes".
I was wondering why you brought it up but I see the connection in terms of siblings with high concept situations.

Is this going to be woke? It’s going to be woke isn’t it? I really don’t want to go to the LCS just to buy one comic tomorrow and I’d like to add this to my purchases. But I don’t want it to be woke.

Anyone read it yet?
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The comic is set in 1947. If it’s full of fags (meaning there’s a single one) or black people it’ll deserve to fail.
Is it up on one of the pirate sites yet? If it’s good I’ll buy it and add it to my pull. If I miss issue 1 I won’t be buying any of it.

Publishers like mad cave need to understand the value of storytiming
>Publishers like mad cave need to understand the value of storytiming
This. I said this in the first lotus land thread and it feels like the shill genuinely didn’t understand that people will pay money for something if they enjoy it.

Bought every issue because, despite them storytiming two weeks after it released, there happened to be a copy of issue 1 still at my shop. If it hadn’t been there I’d never have bought any of it let alone put it on my pull.
>is stuff that's been done better elsewhere since.
This. Not in the Win-O and not on the usual suspect sites either.

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Why did Inspector Gadget introduce this moronic character in Season 2? It's like the writers hated him.
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Difference is kids actually liked Scrappy.
Who the fuck is going to buy a toy of this fucking nerd?
To be fair, Gadget needed somebody to talk with who wasn't neither Penny, nor Brian, nor anybody smart enough to ever notice them.
and he also couldn't be somehow who could realize that gadget is mostly incompetent, and having another agent be that stupid would seem weird. i can kinda see how they ended up on this retarded superhero guy when you take all that into account.
He's the reason I haven't watched S2.
Am I missing out? Is it worth enduring him?

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Yes, he did have a lot of funny and entertaining moments throughout the series, but you can't deny that, conceptually, he was one of the most horrifying creatures to come from any cartoon.
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Eh, him being funny makes him less scary. Something that maintains the aura of menace the whole time, like The Beast from Over the Garden Wall, is much more intimidating.
I never found Aku that scary. He could be intimidating but he never really did much that was evil on-screen outside of fuck with Jack or hire people to fuck with Jack. You get told that the world is dystopian and conquered by Aku, but outside of a few episodes largely at the beginning, it doesn't really seem that bad and many people live normal lives.

Also whenever Jack and Aku fight, Aku almost always jobs and has to flee. That makes him not scary at all Other villains like the haunted house demon are far more threatening than Aku is.
He's just a primordial evil / evil god with a penchant for shape shifting. That's not exactly unreasonably horrifying or anything.
>Once an amorphous blob, a piece of a piece that refused to burn.
>Killed the dinosaurs.
>Spent millions of years growing, consuming plant, man, and beast i to its black tar.
>Grew huge trees that destroyed the land and could have, in time, covered all of Japan.
>Emperor believed that he could stop it by burning away the tar at its source, a great Pit.
>Poison arrow, enhanced by flame, consumed by the tar.
It is terrifying, conceptually. No earthly weapon can harm him, hes ageless and timeless.
But he has an ego. He has will and thought. Not a force of nature anymore.
The graveyard episode is GOAT. Even as a kid I knew Jack won't die, but I was still scared for him in that battle.

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I've captured Smiling Friends.
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I hate negero espanolx
Smiling friends sucks
>la gran K-K-K
I don't speak Spanish, why is she a Klansman now?
Pim gets a girlfriend

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>Here's your MCU Paul bro
Paul Atreides isn't an MCU character in the slightest.
He's a handsome guy but that head does not look like it belongs on that neck at all.

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