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New update from the comic project:


Thoughts? Will it improve the writing seen from the Valentines Day comic?
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Autistically stuck doing the same things day in and day out like they never developed out of their teen years.
>2019 was five years ago
Fuck man…
eh, I changed a lot in five years. I'm glad 2019 me is in the past
yeah, 19 was before you hit puberty
But...what about our best girl Coco?

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Remember that time they made Namor into an Aztec?
Yeah, it was pretty cool.
Sub Maricón
It was great in the context of the movie
Was it though? I didn't really get how the Atlanteans worked either. Like how'd they keep figuring out what was happening on the surface world? How did they know where Riri was or Wakanda for that matter?
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Normally I hate radical changes from the source material but here its aesthetically kind of neat.
They're doing the weird MCU thing similar to Wakanda where thanks to vibranium Atlantis has tech leagues ahead of every other nation but it still looks primitive. You know, like how Wakandans use laser spears for some fucking reason instead of making a laser rifle. Which by the way, comic Wakandan soldiers looked like fucking military until the movies

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I don't get it
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Are his clothes also vampiric?
I've seen that used before but I also initially assumed they were naked in the bathroom or something since they seem to be a couple
The joke works better with the "his clothes also vanish in a mirror" but the logic still is weak since you're compelled to ask why the same rules don't apply to the buttplug and if they're romantically entwined that she doesn't just already know he likes putting things in his ass
>sexy anthros
>really shit political views
I was almost absolutely certain the guy would be from California, turns out he’s from Jersey.
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I bring /co/ the gift of gifs!
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>not really lewdable
is that a challenge?
I have not seen this show in 15 years and all I remember is the Beatles episode. Is there anything of interest besides the cute fly MC?
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Aside of the character design being made by Jorge Gutierrez and his wife, the show was fun to watch.

Who is wife material for you anons, i personally think Anne she is just too pure.
Sasha is not bad, but i think she is the type of woman who will cheat on you with another woman's and she would brag that she slept with more women that night than you did in your miserable life.
And Marcy is just too autistic for me.
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Anne is Sasha only
>And what if I win?
>Then you can take Marcy back to hell.
>Trust me Mars it’s the only way.
>Anne what’re you talking about Sasha is right there!
>Oh please Sasha’s already going to hell that’s not an offer.
>Fuck you Anne you’re not even real!
>Funny enough they’re both right.
>You stay out of this!
what changed between 2021 and 2022?
those shows ended
Not canon

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What an evil bitch
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All the Diamonds had lips made for suckin.
Nice bait, I have heard them called that in years.
>sad, gentle eyes
>soft, feminine face
>long, beautiful hair
>sweet Irish lilt
>sinful hips and ass
There are many reasons she's popular.
She's popular everywhere and literally all 4 of the Diamonds have DSLs so that's not the reason, it's because of everything >>143582067 said plus her gentle personality and genuine caring nature. She's just the complete package.

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New pics.
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Why does she not talk anymore?
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Imagine how bad she'd stink after that gross
who wants her to talk
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Gay arc when?
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>human loona

she looks like one of those non-voting libtards

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Why wasn't the Ducktalkes reboot as successful as the 80s version?
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Not the same anon, but the difference is that they weren't in every episode and they weren't on the spectrum with adults, but where they definitely were since they were kids. The main focus was on Scrooge though, Donald's nephews and Webby were the main sidekicks and had a purpose. Yes, they did over focus on Webby a bit, but then again it's better compared to Nu-Tales where nephews and Webby had to be in every freaking episode except for two episodes even in the moments where they don't need to be there, but they were.
In the Barks comics and in the original show, the triplets act like a Greek chorus. Their purpose is to both supplement the action provided by the stars (Scrooge and/or Donald) and to act as bystanders to the action, providing commentary and acting as a bridge between the audience and the characters.
Because they had the typical writers trying to force their own ideas no matter what, right down to bitching about it online when Disney out their foot down.
If people talked about loving LOT3C more then how much they hate DT17 we could have got the momentum going on that
Yeah when the kids did something in the old show it was usually part of a larger adventure or something that would involve Scrooge or Launchpad showing up to save the day.

Why were the soviets so obsessed with Karlsson on the Roof?
And why did it get an animated adaptation from them while Pippi didn’t get an animated one until 1997?

>THE SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN continues its triumphant return from Heroic Signatures and Titan Comics!
>Featuring a new CONAN epic from writer Jim Zub and artist Richard Pace, the exciting continuation of writer/artist Patch Zircher's SOLOMON KANE tale, spectacular covers from Dave Dorman and Nick Marinkovich, jaw-dropping art pin-ups, and more, THE SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN Issue #2 is an onslaught of awe-inspiring adventure.
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While I like the current main Barbarian book I'm really like the Savage Sword series a lot more. I really prefer the more done in one style for Conan.
Poor kid.

And he was two days from retirement...
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They All Hated Me Edition
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Lucy's mom is so real for this
>a lot of friends she just isn't sure are good for her anymore
What a psycho, jesus christ
It's odd to write this as if Lucy is the POV character when her state of mind is almost always left totally opaque to the reader
If only there was an au fanfic that gave us a detailed examination of Lucy's state of mind throughout...
>what do you mean you don't pay taxes!?

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Talk about Tony, his supporting characters, suits, villains, the films, and the upcoming game I guess. When was the last time he had a good run? Why do writer struggle with him?

Also personal preference; I think its okay for modern Iron Man to have nanotech suits, and War Machine should remain clunky/classic as a contrast
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I think Marvel needs to embrace a cyberpunk/techwar vibe for Iron Man to still feel new and cool.

Extremis was probably the last time a statement was made.
The MK85 is probably the best MCU suit. I like how it invokes classic comic imagery with the gold sleeves, red boots/gloves, and the faceplate being more pointed at the top. Also kinda like the silver lining as if its to remind himself of how this all started
I know the Silver Age run isn't very popular, but how's his Bronze Age stuff? Iron Man #1 onward, basically.
I respectfully disagree. Nanotech is fine for a “final” armour like the movies, but to have it all the times is pretty boring.

I find the idea of him having various suits for various situations better, it also allows for an easy way to create drama; how does Tony face the hulk without the hulk buster armour, when happens when he has to fight a speedster but doesn’t have an armour that keep up.
>how does Tony face the hulk without the hulk buster armour
The Hulkbuster has never worked, and Tony's suits haven't been circumstantial in ages. It just does whatever the writer wants now

Carl King/the Thousand will be Miles Morales new villain.
>Carl will be used to represent the white spider-man fans angry that Miles is spider-man and won't ever accept him out of envy and hate.
>Carl will follow Miles adventures and study his moves and when in contact with the spider powers he will tell him that he sucks and everything he has should be his, even the costume that he secretely likes despite saying online he doesn't, even the venom saber that he doesn't want to admit is cool, even his life with happy parents that he criticized saying that removes stakes.
>By hiding in Miles white friends skins he will catch Miles offguard and try to enter in his skin to steal everything he has, eventually Miles will kill him by listing him reasons while he is Spider-Man whenever a stupid angry white nerd wants it or not
This is what is going to happen. Screenshot this.
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I mean that's fine, if it sticks to Miles' book. Do any Spider-Man fans read those anyway?
Didn't barracuda's mainstream appearance get cancelled
No wait did the spider bit Cindy before Peter?
And where is Miles in this?
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That’s so fucking goddamn stupid I can not put into words how much I fucking hate the concept of Silk it’s so fucking stupid “huuuurrrr da spray dat bit petah also bit someone else! I so original!” Fucking stupid there’s too many fucking spider people and silk is the most retarded one

It’s not over yet deathbattlebros
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Stuttering Craig is actually the mystery buyer. That's why everyone is under NDA. Not even they know he's buying it until it's too late. It'll be like that episode of breaking bad where Jesse buys out the house of his parents under their noses.
It was revealed to me in a dream.
Yeah, 'cope' is used here very regularly, and I literally used anon's language when I responded to him (You?) about his twisting. Are you seriously sub 90 iq, cause that's the vibe I'm getting.
.....is what I would say if I was a midwit redditor desperately trying to fit in here.
The Capitalist Texas Can Abuser and his Animee waifu vs Texas retarded hosts with his autistic editor

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