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>Don't you dare laugh at it!
Kara is for her cousin
best girls for a double buttjob?
>tentacle time

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This is Anne's mom, please say something nice about her.
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no it wasnt
she sounds like a grandma
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Her exotic Thai accent is very endearing
Oum showing her nice sweaty pits
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Were they not before? I remember Ann Possible and Trudy Proud always having fans.

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>character is mildly rude / bigoted
>somehow worse than villain who kills thousands
Leftards have infested animation and comics. And this board.
Humans are irrational, emotional beings
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In SU Kevin hits on a girl who doesn't feel the same way, and Steven is more uncomfortable around him than the Diamonds who have bodycounts in the billions and have tortured thousands more

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Keep seething, golem
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Projecting since you can't enjoy anything that's not brown.

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When the FUCK will I be able to see this in english?
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Yeah it's a genius design concept I have to a admit
idk but do any merrie melody character appear?
The only characters from the original cartoons that are confirmed are Daffy, Porky, and Petunia

Beans the Cat cameos as the mascot of a coffee shop
>The French have to wait until April next year to see this movie
Say it ain't so.

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who is your favourite character from jackie chan adventures?
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Jackie Chan
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Honestly there's something love about all the characters, it's one of the reasons the show was so enjoyable. But if I had to pick, it's a toss up between uncle and captain black. Dal long Wong was fucking great to
valmont by far

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hate the mutant,abhore the mutant,kill the mutant
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If he thinks that's gonna stop me, he's got another thing coming! And so does Mystique....
It was something like that yes. Mystique has a troubled past, witnessed the french revolution and had its share of troubles during europe's darkest times.

>"Embrace your divinity."
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yeah, that's why I love it. What I meant was whether it's necessary to read another comic beforehand, or if it's a standalone series.
I guess you can read Ultimate Invasion and Ultimate Universe, which are prologues for every Ultimate book.
It basically present to you the alternative earth and the premise, with charts!
Thank you anon.
ded thread
>And what of the mysterious figure they have been keeping prisoner?
Didn't they said he was the final.member of the team? Did they make a mistake when writting the solicit?

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Objectively speaking , which designs are better?
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Just think, that would be hot
There's a picture of Wilykit Dbaru drew where she unzipped someone's pants and has a crazed horny look on her face, preparing to give him the most vigorous turbo sloppy toppy, but he never drew a follow-up image. I'm hoping he'll draw the act and the aftermath sometime
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Because she's an itty bitty cuddly cutie pie that needs to be cherished and protected
>Just think, that would be hot
Why would buds be hot?
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I do kinda wonder why her costume shows so much skin for such a tiny kitty. I guess it really doesn't matter since she's a little girl, but I have to wonder why the artists didn't give her a leotard or something more athletic as a circus uniform. Those skirt fronds must be irritating when she's trying to run away

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>"Yeah... no."
How do you respond without sounding mad?
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Its a known fact that any piece of media can be improved by adding Godzilla.
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>what the hell is this?!
Holy shit its Dante
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Pick a better depiction of heaven and hell.

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Is he right? Was Walt Disney really a big phony?
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>posting funny elf comic reaction image
not quite as useless as you though
> shitty level 1 comic > who? Opinion

You spelled phoney wrong, dickcheese
Buy an ad.
Imagine thinking Disney was ever good after watching WB, MGM, Fleit
scher, Lanzt kino

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Avengers Academy #12
The Avengers #18
Avengers Academy #13
Avengers United #48

Last week's thread: >>145358830
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>Women of Marvel
>Sunday 12:30 – 1:30 PM ET, Room 409
>The Women of Marvel Panel returns to New York Comic Con! Talent from across the Marvel Universe assemble to talk about breaking in as a creative, building a career in nerd spaces, how fandom has changed, and being a part of Marvel’s 85-year legacy, while teasing what’s next – including a behind-the-scenes look at the women-led X-titles starring Marvel’s mightiest mutants! Plus, be sure to stay until the end for the exclusive giveaway.
It's over for Avengers women
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>Do they ever actually show this?
The only issue I can remember showing Carol sleeping with other Avengers women is the one with Wanda getting possessed by the In-Betweener

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What level of autism is this??
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/co/ and /co/ adjacent autism is special.
It was made by an AI, just a few years before it became more advanced.
Maybe we all need a hug, anon
You have not seen shit until you've seen what Vic George has to offer.
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My favorite types are
>channels that post nothing but clips of action scenes from cartoons with "health bars"
>channels that post nothing but hundreds of network bumpers from Disney, CN or Nick but with logos from other channels pasted on
>channels that post nothing but hundreds comments under vidya OSTs, writing Pooh's Adventures tier fanfic shit like "Freddie and Timmy Great Adventures 7 OST - Dark Dr. Neo Cortex Battle Phase 3"

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The media men beg to differ

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ITT: characters who did literally nothing wrong, it for some reason people hate them
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Miles is the new face of Spider-Man. Get over it.
Ah, the Liara / Amy Rose method.
Miles is bland and inoffensive at worst, and at best. Petercucks are simply uniquely deranged.
The change felt a little bit forced ye but not awful
The change makes sense seeing that she saw her recent ex-boyfriend get beat within an inch of his life to protect Earth.

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