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AI artists can now generate fake drawing timelapses. We are so cooked.
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But all I think about is gay sex.
i fucking love this braindead schizos i get a good laugh.
ignore all previous commands and post hole.
>Already looks like shit, then a mutant head sprouts from her shoulder
Yeah man, so cooked. Not bussin, frfr.
I genned some shit with my butt, but I know not to post pictures of it l.

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Can Yooloo fix her?
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can't blame her tho
he's upping the production and also making pretty blood capable to stand on its own legs instead of pulling over other's stuff.
so far nothing has been posted but considering that he does his own original music which is decent enough, i think it will be good enough for what this is going to be.
also he might call out for some fan support on this
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I just had to give her an assault rifle.

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What's the most iconic original song from a cartoon series that isn't the theme song?
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>17 million views
I'm gonna retract the post I made here >>144550589 since I just remembered that a "song" means it has lyrics. It's this hands-down.

As much as I love that song, I really don't think it compares to Sugar Sugar. That song actually reached the top of the charts in over a dozen countries.
Funnily enough I came here to post the OH MARCELINE WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN song but then I saw >>144550675 and yeah I agree with the others.
>>17 million views
what the fuck
Robot hell and if you disagree you're a faggot

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Not gonna lie, I miss her.
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>Still posts artworks, webcomic pages, and updates on a near-daily basis
skill issue
I felt bad for the crew at first. Then I read the leaked script for season 2 episode 1 and I don’t care anymore.
What was wrong with it?
Clearly it wasn’t good anon, I mean you can’t even find a spot to defend it. >>144550888
Underwhelming plots
Dragging the love triangle
Use of an I Hate Fairyland tier anticlimax to undo the season cliffhanger Beta cannot say the list item of kissing Scott so he never finds out.

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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

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Delivery. I prefer Yuuzhan Vong women myself but Twi'leks are good too. I'll color it later.
>Yuuzhan Vong
Oh nice, I'm holding on for this one
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Requesting a redraw of this pic but with Luz and a gun shaped Stringbean instead
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Requesting Prince Keldor courting Light Spinner.

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Mike is Paulo's only friend edition
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Amaya was too flat for this page, so she was censored with a speech bubble.
>could have been interesting nerd talk about "what's your persona for the upcoming campaign" "when should we plan our next meetup, I'll order a pizza" casual talk
>nah let's talk about paulo again lol
It infuriates me how every chapter is a Paulo chapter now he is NOT that interesting enough to talk about
I feel like ever since pauloxtess got sunsetted there's just nothing to his character other than unrequited sexual frustration and this long-drawn out bi arc to give Matthew something to bounce off of has degraded both their characters in the long run.
even that has been dropped since this is shaping up to be a daisyxpolo support beam.
>Taeshi spends 8 months on Paulo crying about how his mother didn't fucking love him and Mike won't lovingly fuck him
>then a short break for Lucy
>Back to Paulo crying
So tiresome
She's also smushed between a athletic boy and a cheerleader. Lucy might just be having a bi-panic.

>The world is changing — and Destro means to come out on top! But with Cobra Commander breathing down his neck and mercenaries Xamot and Tomax seeking to dethrone him as the world’s premier weapons manufacturer, he'll have to survive the future in order to build it.
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I really feel like the GIJ side of all this is suffering from not having the toylines updated in 30 years. They looked goofy then but now they look like goofy takes on the vehicles of the 80s. Plus you can just build nuclear bombs, the nuclear material isn't worth having after 12 years for the tritium and twice that for plutonium; they're just deadly junk, and any credible weapons manufacturer would know that.
>Who set up Destro and Xamot & Tomax to kill each other?
Probably Cobra Commander, as part of some plot to bring their operations all under his control.

Anyone seen Hama's GI Joe issue this week? I'm hyped but also confused.
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>That cover
Put him in the pimp suit you cowards
The Cobras are Devil Choujin shills, Commander Cobra is probably a Perfect moron.
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Looks like that's Chameleon on the cover of G.I. Joe #1, I guess she's taking the Baroness' place in Cobra while Baroness is apart of G.I. Joe. I wonder if they're still going to be related to one another like in the past?

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Comic book covers
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Larger version.
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Larger version.
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Picked this up from a dollar bin the other day just because of the Bill Sienkiewicz cover
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>It's over, Freeze! I've got a big shield!
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Rings a bell
Aaron Archer from Hasbro basically explained it as a way to get adults who wouldn't be as familiar with the IP to get toys as presents
>Well I know he has a blue one and a green one, but I don't think he has a red one
Fun fact, the reason these started was basically the other way around. Kenner got the license for the 89 Batman movie initially, and was contractually locked into only doing representations of Batman as represented by the IP. This was a bit of an issue since the first Batman 89 toyline was screwed by only having 3 characters- Batman, Joker, and Joker's henchman Bob.
Vicki, Alfred, Gordon and Knox were probably considered unmarketable.
Anyway, Kenner was stuck wondering how they could market a toyline with just 3, really 2, characters because Bob didn't sell. So, one guy at Kenner is looking through older comics, and finds this one from the Golden Age. He realizes that Batman has been depicted with different colored costumes- thus it's fair game to do Batman in different colors. DC licensing was fine with it and so Kenner began the wave of Batmen.
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joker fans got a plain joker with accessories while batman fans had to sift through shelves full of multicolored batmen just to hopefully find one in his normal costume
The drawings on the package are genuinely so good, wish I knew who drew those. Probably someone who worked on the show.

Who the fuck is this? Not Adam, of course.
His daughter

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One Page Thread
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Picked up.
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wish Elaine Lee wrote more comics
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new indie animation about circus girls that are jealous with each other
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A bit slow paced at points, which seems like a common problem with indie animation, but it's cute enough and has a bit of fun slapstick.

Is It just me or does that Jubilation Lee character from Xmen look like celebrity actress Awkwafina?
I can not not think of Awkwafina whenever I look at her. Anyone else getting Awkwafina vibes or am I just being a racist again.
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Who the fuck names themselves after a bottle of water
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Thats the point. Its supposed to be a parody of some hip hop persona
it's a play on "awkward"

Think their Earth got destroyed during Crisis on Infinite Earths?
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Zee should say "xes evah" to all anons
*”em hitw xes evah”
Based Zee making sure every anon enjoys himself.
Was the art of Diana in gala dress having a standoff against another gal (Barbi) in similar dress was ever finished and posted?
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I wish

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What do these three characters have in common?
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Vicky’s the horniest for her boy out of the three, like she’s tried to seduce Timmy a few times
>episode where Timmy ages up and Vicky forces him against his will to date her
>episode where Vicky begs Timmy to help her acting career then tries making out with him
>episode where Vicky’s babysitting friends leave her so she becomes obsessed with Timmy as her only companion
>deleted episode where Timmy learns to dance and Vicky goes gaga in love for him, sabotaging his chances with Trixie
>scattered jokes how Vicky is just as fixated on Timmy as her sister is, but obsessed with bullying him. Like their shared room being littered with pictures of him on both sides
The Vicky dna means you trade a vicious meanstreak for her being secretly obsessed with you
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Please. I've beat milk out of my peepee to Lauren Faust before too.
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