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Why do so many animated movies have an obligatory argument scene?

You'll have two characters who get along relatively fine, then boom, all of a sudden they hate each other's guts just for some cheap drama.
It's the most obnoxious shit ever.
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I don't see you getting bitches on your dick in a movies runtime or getting bird oc wife's/girlfriends cause the Spanish community thinks your wife is a cunt
>do you expect a movie to just be two people getting along with no problems?
It would be nice to see a movie manage to have a dillema to solve that didn't rely on the protagonists having a third act breakup/dramatic argument for the sake of stalling and forced engagement from the audience. Just have them be on the same page and work together. Not really that hard and there's plenty of shit to do still.
the third act is the literal best time to have an argument, so that resolving it means they have no issues moving into the final battle
So? I didn't say it was poorly timed, no shit it comes after most of a movie of interactions and is used before the climax, I just said I'm tired of it being an inevitability so fucking often due to formulaic writing crutches. Try harder and come up with other shit to do in your movie than that.
there is really nothing wrong with a third act argument
inter-character conflict is necessary and just before the last act of the movie is the best place to have a big one

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LOL I get it. Her mom's actually running an escort service that specializes in piss fetishes which is why the phone number has TINKLE in it.
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when Audrey is older she's also going to teach her the trade
nobody said '50s cooking was all that
Oh anon. Sweet, naive anon. ANYTHING can be put inside gelatin and served as a full course meal!
Little Audrey mentioned
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Just in case you actually don't know: You're supposed to dial the first two letters of the word, then the numbers. In the '50s they thought that that would be easier to remember than all numbers for some reason.

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he gon get it
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I'm not the only one getting Facilier vibes right now, am I?
That baby with a hole in its head has been hanging around Prakhuta pretty consistently, is there any significance to that which I've missed?
That or perhaps Prakhuta should be sitting on a couch in the last panel.
finally. Suffer.
Perhaps the face possessing the mug of coffee belongs to that pain ghost. It looks as though it would just about fit in the face hole.

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>bad idea
>bad dialogue
>bad paneling
>bad art
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For a second I thought this isn't an edit.
Isn't Marvel already owned by Disney?
nothing on that page even has an X on it, if you don't already know who Bobby is it's meaningless

literal 400 part ongoing webcomic tier writing and art

honest to god I think that panel was meant on some level as a homage to this 80s music video, but fuck me if I can remember what this video actually was
wait shit this one

It's both more interesting and makes more sense than the canon handling of the situation.

Going to be storytiming everything from COIE to the end of Johns' run.

Previous threads:

>>145384986 (COIE 1-10)

>>145405679 (COIE 11-12)(The Flash # 1-10)

>>145441700 (The Flash #11-19)

>>145467111 (The Flash #20-32)

>>145481351 (The Flash #33-44)

>>145501444 (The Flash #45-56)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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That's it for now. Next thread we'll continue with Mark Waid's run including 'The Return of Barry Allen'. So look forward to that otherwise any bumps for readers appreciated.
The Return of Barry Allen is arguably the high point of the run and one of the best superhero stories ever in general.

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>Turns out that P. Diddy is one of the biggest tax cheats in history and they nailed him. All thanks to you.
>You inspired it all, Lil' Bart.
wait that wasn't the actual line from the episode
i'm pretty sure it was sneed
If it was, they would've called him Puff Daddy, zoomer
Diddy Kong?

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Would you like to try a combo meal?
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ṭ̵̘̱̽́̑̏̑͋̀̂͗̑̇͘̕͠h̸̡̛͓̯͔͖̜̔̓͂̏͊̎͑͌̒̈́̕͝͝e̶̢͓͉̬̜̳̙̝͐͆̈̾͑̕ͅy̷̫̺͗͆̍̈́̆̆̃͘̕'̷̬̠̞͒͊̎ṛ̶̛̛̟̞̘̩̯͉̮̙̯̻̥͑̃͌̍͗̔͒̈̀͛͘͜͝ͅḛ̴̀͂͐̐͐̽́́̂̈́́̈́ ̸̝̠̈́̿̆̑̾̆̐͝ḃ̶͚͚̪̟̠͔͈̰͚͍̯̬̝͗͌̄͋̈̔̏̌̈̃͂̚͠ͅr̴͍̯̺̗͌̎͐̂̈́̈́̎́͐́̊̐͗͝ȏ̷̢̢̤̹̮͎̹̮̈w̶̟͖̺̺̟͙̤̘͌͛̐n̴̨̰͙̳̄̈́̿̏͝
Ive always wanted to try a blubbos thick n nasty.
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Doesn't look so hard to make. Just a 1/2lb burger patty, lettuce, tomato, and Peacey P's special creamy white sauce
Did you know that Shmorky invented the Zalgo meme?
Looks like a full pounder maybe even 2 thats a whole day of cooking.

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Never ask a mutie hater if their gf is a mutant or not
Gotcha Satan
Keep your modern bullshit out.
I would go through so much plastic wrap with Rogue.

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KYS wannabe janny
you need to make more dee dee STAT
Surprised these two never met
They made an episode called Dexter's Rival, Deedee's Rival, Dad's Rival and they're all about the Astronomonov family, but Mom's Rival is not....
Is this a meme for ants?

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There is no way Lucy didn’t have some kind of crush on Charlie Brown.
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She'll grow up to be the kind of woman that's murdered by her husband.
She is an abuser who will coast through life on her affirmation of just being a woman.
So, a woman.
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She's constantly making this face to him.

>Jennifer Lee steps down to focus writing for the Frozen franchise. Jared Bush is named her successor.
So what does this entail? Good or bad?
Huge sigh of relief. WDAS isn't exactly saved, but the lowest is over. It would be best if she were outright fired and investigated for wasting the company's money, but this is the most modern way to get rid of her. Frozen 3 and 4 are definitely going to be absolute disaster's with Lee at the helm again but Disney just can't admit the woman is a moron.
Sounds like a large part of Wish's clusterfuck can be attributed to her awful opinions. Frozen 2 missed the mark of what I liked about Frozen (incest), so I'm not too hopeful for the future with her continued involvement.

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Another crossover just dropped
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Fran is tech-savvy?
She is a Gamer™ after all. Knowing how to plug it in and turn it on is about the knowledge needed for a tech support job.
sounds like desperate excuses, maybe Onlyfrans is more likely than it seems.
Crazy. I had a sister who did that, she'd just say "if you don't like it, don't look." I didn't want to go blind from closing my eyes and she threatened to beat me up if I told mom.

It's been near 35 years..
How old were you both at the time?

Return of The Upstarts!

Also in this thread: A Deadly Double Dose of Deadpool, now with VENOM WAR!

Comics in this thread:
>Avengers #18
>Venom War: Deadpool #1
>Deadpool #6
>Dazzler #1
>X-Men #4
>X-Factor #2
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>Carol was the one that first told Senator Kelly about the X-Gene and mutants
>This has never been brought up again
What a floozy
Hyperions are probably the weakest marvel supermen
Oh she is important, rogue is tied to her and mystique debuted in her book. But she only has 28 appearances in uncanny plus around 12 in misc titles over the years. Contrast with beast who has over 100 appearances in avengers books.
Not in marvel where characters can travel the Milky Way in seconds

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What's /co/ favorite redheads?
For me its personally the unofficial Ms. /co/ Jessica Rabbit.
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Why was the Wilykit thread ( >>145492757 ) deleted yesterday?
It was a cool and wholesome thread.
Vicky anyone?
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Nick Keith.

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>Clay, I think I get it now. There’s only one way guys like you and me can ever hope to take home a pair of cute girls. Rape. Listen to me. Those sluts tried to treat us like we were their slaves. Like they could just use us up without any consideration to how we feel. I dedicated all of my being to pleasing them. Waiting on them hand and foot. And they had no respect for me whatsoever. That’s what women do Clay. They have all the power. Any woman that wants to get fucked can. There is nothing stopping them. Women are the arbiters of sex Clay. They decide who gets it, and who doesn’t. Women have a complete monopoly on the sexual marketplace. And they use it to their advantage to get innocent guys like us to try and kill ourselves for them, only to go out and get raped by a pack of wolves. That’s what they really want. They don’t want to be courted, or respected. Not really. It’s a great tactic for them when they want a promotion, but when they want to have their bubblegum pink pussies bleed, they want to be treated like the wet holes they really are. So why not give it to them?
>No, Clay. It’s NOT just those girls. All. Women. Do this. You need to start realizing that no woman has your interests in mind. You will never get anywhere waiting on them to give you what you want. You have to take it. Be a man, Clay, and admit what’s right before your eyes.
>I don’t care that “your mother is a woman” Clay. Why are you allowing yourself to be castrated like this? Why do you allow women to OWN you? Divorce rates, Diversity hires, college acceptance rates. Women DESERVE rape. And nothing more. That’s the only way we can win in this world. Once we’re not afraid to take what’s rightfully ours, no woman can keep us in chains any longer.
>Clay. Look at those two drunk monkeys. They won’t even remember what happened in the morning. And if they do, no one’s gonna care if they go missing. Come on. We both have some Catching Up to do.
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god forbid we have fun with retards.
they already have a horrible podcast
You're literally just encouraging them and telling them what they're doing is good while actively finding genuine ways to compliment and show investment. All that does is engage them to never fucking leave and to clog threads with their 12 year old autism.
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>god forbid we have fun with retards.
This response is so emblematic of why this board has over 10 recognizeable autists that are not only known by specific names even when they're sometimes anonymous, but actively destroy every thread on the board and run loose like a fucking special ed classroom.

It's bad that I miss 2014 /co/.
They’ll be running loose regardless dummy. They’re retarded. They’re draw to these threads like moth to flame. Let em have their fun, tucker themselves out, and have the real conversations around them. Not that hard. To me, it’s like having a Howard Stern or Opie and Anthony style wack pack. We fuck with em, we peer into their strange little world, and have as much fun as we can. If they’re gonna shit up our threads, might as well get some laughs out of them.

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