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>R rating announced back in September
>no news since
This isn’t getting released, right?
Sony greenlit it, funded it, and has a good working relationship with Genndy. There's no particularly strong reason to can it before airing, since it gives them a chance to gauge whether they can leverage raunchier material in their animation catalog
But I guess only time will tell
you know things take time to make and release, right
I can't wait to stare at dog balls for over an hour. FUCKING HYPED

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Here's a pilot clip for a project in development at DTVA
I do not care

>Released 24 years ago
How has it aged anons? For better and worse.
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not necessarily in comics directly but it's definitely seeped into the marrow of a lot of other media
This fa'ghet sided against piskor
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nigga predicted webtoons.
he PREDICTED homestuck. and practically every development in digital art consumption ever

swear to god this mate is one of the modern masters of the genre and I can't comprehend why he isn't put on the same pedestal as moebius and kirby.

people are naturally conformist and dislike being challenged.

I read a webcomic about this exact topic literally an hour ago.
I saw the posts. They were pretty mild. That comes from the people he interacts with only relaying partial news and the people trying to get the accurate news to him, come off deranged.

And let's face it, few people were giving an accurate assessment of what was going on. Comics Beat tried to quietly downplay what just happened, some TCJ writer on tumblr did four posts taking shots at Piskor and then shut up about him completely when the suicide happened, a former Hooded Utilitarian writer was taking jabs at Piskor and his fans before the suicide and then did the obligatory mental health psa, a few Comicsgate people were trying to scrub/downplay their part in accusing Piskor while going after Alex De Campi's crowd
Alex De Campi was trying to throw shade at Piskor's work while shilling whatever service she uses to scrub her info to avoid doxing, and all the various people associated with her getting extra-defensive along with rando twitter (sockpuppet?) accounts and comics-reviewer tweeters trying to cover for them

So I don't entirely blame anyone for not getting all the news. That mess of clowns is tragic and hilarious.

Jez is sexy, wouldn't you agree?
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i like the long horns
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bump for interest.
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Just 100 posts left frens

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Can you imagine being a Rurouni Kenshin level swordsman and yet despite having master class swordsmanship it literally doesnt even matter because you exist in a universe where people bend the elements around them with their hands

Who was the White Lotus kidding with this?
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Imagine the handjobs
>This guy is totally useless against benders!
>Bodies countless fire bender in Ba Sing Se
At least watch the show before subjecting us to your dog shit opinions faggot.
Weeb trash, don't worry about it.
Not gonna lie this is cool and hot as fuck
One of the wrestlers Toph fought could do it. And the Dai Li were crawling around on the ceiling besides. It seems like it would be very easy for a trained earthbender to just lift the ground around them.

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I don't see no chip chilla military. Never watched it, don't @t me about it.

Post more /co/ military i guess.
I thought that was a black man caricature from the thumbnail alone.
Ngl if they made more ads using cartoon characters instead of real humans I'd join the military too.
that's probably the reason why they allowed fur suits at military bases.

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Episode 14 "Flash Strike" just dropped, discuss

additionally, discuss what you might think will happen in the finale, as it is next week
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I think Amiga is mighty cute.
this show gets way more cute fanart than it deserves and I think that's nice.
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A small but potent fanbase.
>and making autistic noises.
I think this might be the only thing I dislike. I know he's laughing and fucking around having a good time, but they overdo his noises a bit much.

All the same, I'm not gonna complain. I'm glad to have him back.
Cade is, for the most part, an annoying faggot. But I always liked that panel.

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Why did they decide to become the bodyguards of their enemy's head of state?
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Good luck!
Suki converting her fellow warriors to the Zucock
suki's beauty is underappreciated
>How the fuck did you even get on the Lord's room?
>What have I told you about spying on us, Sokka?
The Vikings also served the Roman Emperors during the Byzantine period.

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I finally rewatched Emperor's New Groove as an adult, and this time I picked up on the jokes about how these two are fucking.

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Everyone heres always thirsty for marco, what do we think about his mom?
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>Mexicans are using him as a self insert
FUCK NO! In the eyes of almost every mexican, Marco is a faggot.
>t. Mehican
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>Billy is Mexican
Sharon and Camilla and everyone else can't hold a candle to her
It's still wild to me that this show existed. It's basically the closest thing you'll get to a western Urusei Yatsura in the current media landscape that isn't My Life With Superman.
Bitch is fat.

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Is Augustus lying or does he really not realize edition

Comic: https://www.bittersweetcandybowl.com/
Booru: https://www.bittersweetcandybowl.com/candybooru/
Previous thread: >>143307561
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I'm gonna eat Lucy's breakfast if she doesn't
I'm gonna eat Lucy's ass
Why not both? She can eat your ass while you eat her breakfast.
I'll eat Lucy's pussy if Anon doesn't.
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I don't really get what either of you are getting out of this, seems like Lucy would be the only one enjoying the experience.

Unless you make good use of your teeth, that is.

If your favorite isn't in this picture, then you and your favorite don't matter.
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Gwen loves Gluto.
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You can keep it.
Blox,gravattack and grayhead should be higher. Fite me.

Let's talk about Barney the Dinosaur.

Okay, let's get real for a moment. Barney was a staple of many childhoods, but for some reason, there's a segment of people who find him... well, let's just say, less than lovable.

So here's the question: Why is Barney so divisive?

Is it those big, googly eyes that seem to follow you everywhere? Or maybe it's his perpetual cheerfulness that some find a tad unsettling? And let's not forget that saccharine-sweet voice that could make your teeth ache from across the room. So, what's your take? Why do you think Barney the Dinosaur gets such a bad rap? Let's discuss!
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It's been 14 years, does horse show still need to be its own board?
Barney played bass for The Grateful Dead, so that makes him cool in my book.
/mlp/ is genuinely one of the best boards on current year 4chan. It's a creative, productive OC factory that's still able to sustain 150 threads about its actual board topic and organise to get shit done. /co/ fucking wishes it was /mlp/.
Barney introduced the world to SELENA GOMEZ

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So when will goose stop being a coward and make this canon?
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tranon, you made the thread which was about trannies. stop shitting on the doorstep
Stay mad bigot were winning.

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>nobody from Smallville recognizes Clark (without a disguise) is Superman
how do they explain THAT?
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Next time you cross the street don't bother looking both ways.
>Reeve's portrayal of Clark is that Clark is an embarrassment to humankind.
Yes, that's how it was in the comic back then. Clark was a nimrod. A nebbish. A Schmendrick. A mama's boy. Clark Kent was a worse milksop than Bruce Banner ever was.
Clark was the everyman, the beaten-on, and the beaten-down.
The Nerds have been strengthened in the past 30, 40 years. This world was not the one they knew then. So yes, Clark was embarrassing to you, or as you say it, 'cringe.'
Who is that guy supposed to be?
Because DC civilians are incredibly stupid. They could somehow guess Batman's identity while staring at his photo but couldn't figure out who Superman is.
Right? Luthor think's about the big blue boyscout CONSTANTLY and can't recognize him when he's right in front of him. And it's not because of a disguise. It's because, and this isn't even Lex's cynicism, it's just too unreal for the person they know to be Superman. He could ditch the glasses entirely and still nobody would consider it. You ever see a cartoon where the superhero has to dress up as themselves for a Halloween party? Everyone sees through even the masked ones IMMEDIATELY because it's a normal situation they can process.

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