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Would you fuck this femboy?
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They look like an adult, of course the tops on this board aren't interested.
Somewhere in Spain (probably Valencia).
He's hot but he'd be way hotter if he played in a thrash band
no he is just ugly lol

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last >>35547271
qott what is the unhealthiest behavior you refuse to give up
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uh yeah it is well established that men who eat pussy are feminine as fuck. did you not watch the sopranos?
I'm going to kill all of you
put me out of my misery lil chuddy fr fr ong ong
You're like a chatbot programmed to say grippy socks whenever the word 'ward' appears. It's so basic knowledge of psych wards, the sock thing.
oh the horror. im imagining that fat ass losing his breath in three seconds. what does your dad think about him?

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What did he mean by that?
I think he meant that if Jazz Jennings had like an identical twin maybe, and that identical twin was allowed to go through puberty or something like that before undergoing vaginoplasty, we could probably see who ends up with the more satisfying love life, if you know what I mean.
that he's a sad case of a little gay boy who was groomed by his homophobic parents who wanted a normal girl, not a flamer
he's just talking about the fact jazz srs got done at a young age with a micropeen and the result is dogshit, she can't get anything pleasure from it and from what i remember reading, is in constant pain
>she can't get anything pleasure from it and from what i remember reading, is in constant pain
Did she say this?

I just feel like there's just so much more negatives for me than there is for a white person so I'm just going to try and bury it all and cope with being a man
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Transness is just a meme to sterlize whit*ids dont fall for it
>I recognize your typing
People on this website really have nothing better to do
We're just massively autistic and pick up on tiny details.
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Likewise friend! I know there's a lot more of us in the lowcountry if you ever get the chance to go to Charleston.

If you already get treated like shit at work or seen as a predator because you're black, being clocked as a black tranny comes with a bigger stigma than just being black. White trannies don't have easy lives, but black trannies were already used to getting called slurs before we came out as some flavor of gay.
The PNW is just as racist to black tranners as anywhere else, especially the rural areas where we still have unofficial hanging trees.
t. lifelong oregonian white tranny that has seen some fucking shit out here

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do tranners play things like runescape? are they friends with penguins and bloated toads and wind-up mice?
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I've been grinding anima bark for 7 hours today
LMS is basically nhing or no honor pking but without having to worry about your prayer dropping, youll get better the more you do it. It helps to play with the classic ui so you have less screen to drag your mouse over and you can still keep an eye on your opponent, which is mainly just relevant if youre trying to play with a huge monitor. You can always try edge style pking at bounty hunter or at GE/lumbridge in a pvp world to get a feel for how a fight typically goes, how to eat, and when to spec and stuff, and then build upon that at LMS with learning how to switch prayers.
my monitor is pretty big but i do play with classsic ui.. i sort of wish i could hit people with magic besides like ice barrage to kill them, i like magic..
lms seems alright but isnt it just rock paper scissors once you get good at it and stuff?
before i try pking again anyway i gotta unlock my lunar spellbook and this freminik trials thing is so incredibly difficult..
It is a little bit I guess if you're both equally skilled, though theres obviously an rng element to it too and it also depends on what account build youre playing on and what account build youre fighting. Theres also way more mechanics like deathdotting/fakeouts/all the jank with freeze and pj timers/damage stacking/etc you have to take into account. It's more like do you have the speed and skill to best optimize your DPS and mitigate your opponents DPS. Its like doing at least 3 rock paper scissors and you have 600 milliseconds to adjust to whatever your opponent is doing, but so do they...? Idk how to explain it lol a lot of its just "can you correctly navigate jank ass menus faster than your opponent can in a short amount of time"

Purely magic builds, at least until the rebalance happens(?), are really only done on low level pures where you can get a staff of the dead with 75 attack and boost your magic to 95 with an imbued heart for fire surge + tome of fire + occult, which does a lot of damage and then adds venom which goes from hitting 2s to 20s over time.
i didnt know there was gonna be a rebalance or anythin, i dont think id do purely magic or anythin but itd be nice to have some focus on it since there are so many cool spells and spellbook swap is a really neat spell (i hate riddles!!)
hopefully the rebalance makes magic even better!

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You guys literally don't even know how much I samefag on here it's crazy how many psyops I'm responsible for
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i know all about you girly
Why are you doing this I don't understand
I forgive you I guess....
can you psyop my girlballs with your mouth?

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This is what passoids are doing on Friday nights while you're locked up in your room browsing this board
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im terrified of clubbing it feels like the kind of thing adults do and i'll get laughed at for doing it even though i'm an adult
just don't really get it and don't know how to talk to people in situations like that
and this matters why?
i feel the same. we got the tism probably
clubbing gets boring fast after you turn like 22
i got the mount yay :3

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Africa is TIRED of western LGBT ideology and is pushing back
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>Where does this myth come from?
From /r9k/ bnwo fags. The same people who came up with that graph of white men getting smaller that gets reposted here and there from time to time, not even joking.
A lot of bnwo content and beliefs these "people" post all over the internet originated from 4chan.
Why are you capitalizing black but not white? What the fuck.
desu based spending even a single second on this board makes me want to do the same thing
desu based* no idea what the fuck the desu was from proof HRT is fucking with my mind. more proof that they are correct
desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu

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Why not let Jesus be the one to be burdened by your gender dysphoria and turn your will and live over to Christ and stop taking those sinful hormones?
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there's many lines in the bible about breeding if you can and trannies refuse to bear live fruit like God compels them
you never seen all those pregnant pooners?
Where in the Bible does it say it's a sin to be a virgin? Your making shit up now I would say the average transbian is following God's law as written in the bible more then the average tradcath pollard
god wants you to maintain your original form
What Bible verse says that?
God doesn't want you to eat bacon but I bet you do you hypocrite here is the verse

Levictus 11:7-8
And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you

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qott: do you drink? what do you like to drink?
qott2: how important is family in your life? are you content with your involvement in family life?
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I don't, thank God
After fermenting them, yes
You probably have a bf or a gf don't you
Lol I just realized this sounds like sad eeyore
I'm just curious

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>Qott: Are you a snappy dresser?

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Rude? No, rude is rushing past someone as they open the door, or coughing into your hand instead of your sleeve.

THAT is not rude. THAT is a primitive animal with no other survival options robbing a place because it has no other options.

What is particularly unique is that it has neither the skill nor courage to even do this except that there has been a regression in law enforcement encouraging them by idiot policies based on the moronic notion that you can reduce crime by just not prosecuting it and pretending things are legal.

So in a sense, the robber is not even even really the most responsible one here because its obviously a dumb chimp chimping. Its the lawmakers allowing it. Not to mention those "heroes" in uniform. No matter if kids are being shot, cities are burning, stores are being looted, the wrong people are being arrested, your pet dog is being killed or your border is being invaded, they are somehow never responsible and always find a way to do more nothing.

Unless its some weakling white kid waving a sign on campus of course. In that case they need to break out snipers and tear gas to show who is 'in charge'.
he's talking about the person calling him fat boy you really didn't need to write five paragraphs
>nooo someone save the tencent slave phones!
>not me tho im an obese neet teehee
It is. It's also a persona of orphan, a brazilian obsessed with this place, for some reason.
No, thats what I AM talking about. Try to keep up.

this is your hot trans gf was like in 2018
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>imagine your best friend trooning out
no i was like crispin lmao. that dude massively reminds me of myself when i was pre-transition (and pre-mental breakdown)
Cuddle,smooch and comfort her as a boy. Help her transition. Wife her up in the future. Acquire dorky loyal trans wife.
based and true
you dont want this, you're just an incel who got afflicted by the same mind virus as trannies but in a different way

i have this really close friend who is 3 years younger than me. for a while now weve been pretending that im his older brother just as a comfort thing. but recently ive realized im sort of attracted to it. i turned 18 not too long ago and hes still in high school but the idea of him being my little brother i groom arouses me immensely. i dont think i actually want to date him because thinking of dating him without there being a fucked up power dynamic isnt that interesting to me. he has a boyfriend and i think i find the idea of stealing his virginity as his older brother from his boyfriend really hot. i dont actually want to hurt him in any way in the fantasies i just want to make him addicted and completely dependent to me.

i legit dont know what to do about this. do i see a professional? do i kick the bucket so my degeneracy can end forever??? i dont want to act on my fantasies because i want our friend group to stay the same but i dont know what to do. its really fucking me up im not going to lie

and before someone asks i was never sexually abused as a child, my brother was just physically and mentally abusive but it was never of any sexual nature
sounds like you were abused as a child.

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Haven’t seen one of these in a while, post your topster and guess people’s letters
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gay man
mtf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGU9M5rTX_I
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this isn't fully accurate but since I can't access topsters anymore its close enough

transbian or gay
too mtf
same here
mtf. I can only give recs for bdm since u have cryptopsy, try early vehemence or mortal decay
hard to tell, either mtf or bi guy
dissection spotted
idk what u would be desu idk what kind of person listens to song ohia, arctic monkeys but also dissection and goatmoon

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umm... based alert??? ancosisters??

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--- Bizarre Ballad Edition ---

>QOTT #1: Do you listen to much new music or are you more set in your ways, having found music you like?
>QOTT #2: Do you wear/own any jewellery?

Previous thread: >>35495057


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?

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I deleted before I saw your reply
Sure. No harm done.
>Btw do you have any music sample of you playing bass? I would like to hear!

Sure! Sometimes I like to record my bass playing just In case I get an idea so it's not really a song or anything but I like this one, it's also the only one I have saved rn
this is my sign. Once theres more free time on the menu it's time to learn how to play
>t. person who says this about every hobby ever
You God damn better, the bigen official band™ isn't gonna play itself

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