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do chastity cages make you gay
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Where does one get said chastity cage?
my hrtdick got hard (which is 50% of my prehrt hardness) upon imagining this scenario but ITS AGP FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK
anon said gay, not trans
and yes. Yes they do.
don touch da pp ya 'ear?

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dae want to fuck horses now? like dogs and horses and anything with a big beautiful dick?? just me? okay :(
just u
nope, literally no one on planet earth wants to fuck a horse. you're the only one
go to bed Olive
bitch?? :sob:
is olive the one dating that tiny mexican lady?
they’re not dating, Olive is just a member of lago’s tranny harem

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/lgbt/ humor
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Another one because you're an idiot and this is a terrible analogy
new better
old better

some people just aren't meant to transition
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I am a SRS chaser
I have had srs and I consider it a mistake
I have had srs and I consider it a blessing
mine leaks and smells and hurts and is useless for sex
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i look like this

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I would expect trans people to hate society because society hates our own existence. Cis people are vile cowards who kick us while we are down, that is why I have become antisocial and I am glad when people die, when thousands of people get killed in wars or in natural catastrophes. I wasn’t like this years ago, but I am now. I don’t understand why trannies are so soft and stupid and do not hate a society that hates us
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not all transbians, but yeah...
lol, this looks like an AI-created Platonic Ideal of the serial killer
You can hate society without threatening to "go ER" or whatever it is those losers say.
What is ER? Emergency ROOM?
Because trans women tickle my prostate with their cock and the sexual release makes us both happier people.

The thought of a girl being so terrified of me that she would prefer being alone in the woods with a bear instead makes my t-dick hard af
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The virgin cis "male"
>NOOOOO don't call me a rapist!!
>Women are evil misandrists :(( *cries and pisses self*
The chadly pooner:
>Yes, I will rape you. How could you tell?
>tfw not raped by LPM (liddol pink men)
why even area 69
Women think it's some next level insult when it's simply the wet dream every man has had since before women became attention whores. Yes go live in the woods with a bear you stupid bint, that sounds fucking awesome
trips of trvthnvke
When have women not become attention whores? It's part of the survival instincts since evolution

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My bf utterly dwarfs my pp and it's scary how big he is compared to me
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I always thought I had a good sized one but then when I started having sex I learned mine was tiny now they snipped it off
you're cut? i guess it shrank so much it looks you just have a really short foreskin.
kinda same thing happened to me, pre-hrt my penor skin was really tight when i was hard, now its kinda loose since it shrunk
oh goodness, it's so tiny and cute. Be sure to keep that very far away from women, okay?

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You can be drowning in pussy or cock while also being clocky as shit. You can have a receding hairline or a masculine skeleton or whatever the shit. The most important things is being socialized (don't waste months/years boymoding or rotting in your room because you're too scared of society) and also committing to a look
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>(don't waste months/years boymoding or rotting in your room because you're too scared of society)
too late haha
i'm hyper-social.
I've been kind of committing to a tomboy/alt look while also rotting in my room despite being a ""passoid"" because people are scary and I am a very meek transsexual submissive
I'm sorry you fell for the meme that you need to be socially invisible until you pass (and passing is impossible without socialization anyways) but you can always take steps to start building back your social identity.
yeah no thanks im really tall im not doing that to myself
if i was shorter, maybe, but im too big

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That's clearly an AI redering of Elon Musk in drag.
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They're always either
>1. Misandrists with a lust for dick
>or 2. Femcels with a noxious combination of self-loathing and narcissism that makes them project on to trans women. Once they have a trans gf they'll try to mold her into being the women they failed to be and live vicariously through her
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you're a woman and denying it because you live in a transphobic society.
I am not a woman just because I cut a hole where my penis used to be
ime this is the only kind of cisf chaser that exists. They want you to fuck them with your penis and if you piss them off for literally any reason (including reasons they just made up that you had nothing to do with) they'll start the weird hurtful "I'm just asking questions" shit that cis women do when they want to bully you.
seriously, that sounds pretty ideal to me
I know it sounds nice to forcefem fetishists but you don't want to live this irl

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>a guy who is about a foot taller than me pinned me down fucked my boihole
>he said that he is going to cum inside and impregnate me
>when he said that i trembled and cummed
>i swear im not gay tho... >.<
u r gay
I'm not physically attracted to other men at all but fuck their cocks feel so good in my ass.
this image fucking breaks my heart
i want a uterus so bad
i want to be a mother
why did god do this to me
r u making fun of me rn?

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I'm transitioning to bear so I don't make women uncomfortable by existing any more.

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This is my transition goal.
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You look pretty much exactly how I imagined you would, you cute easily angered sperg.

Excessive alcohol use can dehydrate you and screw up your digestive system temporarily but it has little effect on your appearance if you only use it occasionally, like once a week. Weed is legal and sold in edible form where I live so this is no problem for me.
>easily angered sperg
Hey I said I might be autistic you ableist bastard. If I had Aspergers it would of been diagnosed by now
Dear mrs Ruk it's impossible to become living possessed key, please take your prescribed medication

post your art or crafts, even if it's shit. i sometimes post on /i/.
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damn ux design is hard
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from the other day
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dont really draw much anymore but sometimes ill doodle to pass the time when my boss wont shut up

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do cis women like 4chan twinks?
No, just transition and get a clocky bitch in your life
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do 26+ year old cute twinkhons like edgy hrt twinks
pinkpilling doesn't work

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