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For both mtfs and ftms: would you rather have no pussy and no dick or have a dick but also have a pussy
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Lemme futanari mode
No, it doesn't. They use the ball skin to make the vulva.
probably easier to remove a penis than it is to add a vagina right? id choose the latter.
I would do anything to have a real cock so sure I'll keep my pussy too
I want both. Please.

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Tell me how to cure AGP NOOOOW!!!

>inb4 transition

That's not an option
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Become a monk.
take e without transitioning
Just enjoy it. I don't see the problem
its the only option you have if you want to cure your agp
embrace it and mold it to suit ur needs

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why are pooners so violent?
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they're malebrained
and the more news presence they get, the more it'll happen
The ones on testosterone want to do shootings too but they stop themselves out of concern everyone will see their male pattern baldness in the mugshot.
Now these are the real trutrans transsexuals.
>T is the only cure to female psychosis.
So real
Poor ftms I wish I could take their misguided rage and focus it, onto something more wholesome than shooting up elementary schools like joining paramilitary groups
Its not pooners its white trannies doing this. White trans people ruin everything for themselves and the rest of us.

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does anyone else change into their sleeping clothes at night very fast to not have to see their deformed transgender body too much? not much I can do about the morning shower so I suck it up, but having to suffer my male fat bulging in the wrong places right before sleep is too much of a punishment for me

You should look at yourself in a mirror in a brightly little room until you get it through your thick skull youre a man and always will be a man. The manliness of your body isnt your problem, the delusion that you could ever be anything else is the problem. Your pain ends when you accept your limitations.

Your already terrible facsimile of womanhood will only get worse with time.

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oil check edition

last >>37316931

dont feed the trolls
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That’s pretty sexy, spiders are my favorite.
I really like feeding my bf treats.
I'm an unemployed maid-bottom
Just give in
To the sweet temptation

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I'm not a tranny but I like to be called a girl during sex and made to never touch my dick
Your thoughts?
I'm gay btw, if it wasn't obvious

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it doesn't necessary have to be directly about dysphoria, just stuff that is relatable to you. some examples of songs i relate to are animals by stomach book, no one is ever going to want me by giles corey, isolation by joy division, and psychoheresy by elyotto


Figured ill ask here since you're prolly the most honest bunch. Is it cringe for a cis person to wear a trans flag pin on a bag or something? Would I just come off as a chaser? Interested in doing so to signal trans folks that I'm safe to talk to but don't wanna come off as cringe or as an asshole.
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Nice bait #2
People generally are some combination of hating, fearing or repulsed by trannies on some level. Yes, even "liberals". So people will think its weird or wonder if you are a tranny of some kind.

I think its based though, because by wearing it you say you support a cause that is actively disliked by the majority of the nation but is still correct. Make it clear that you think the villification of trans people in the media is wrong, and you want in your own small way to show publicly that you oppose that. It doesn't have to get to political, its just showing support for trans people.
I’d 100% assume you were some sort of trans, but I think there’s something cool about you proving that wrong.
My trans gf saw my chas--trans ally flag sticker on my phone and told me people aren't necessarily familiar with the trans ally flag (I can confirm myself, having shown it to various queer people.) They'd assume you're trans yourself. Also, from having asked people in this same board, I gathered there isn't a real way to signal trans folks you're safe to talk to. Maybe wear merch of pieces of media popular with trans people, like a Lain or Machine Girl shirt. That's what I'm doing.

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met a cute bi guy last month and we've been on a few dates. i met his friend group for drinks last night and all eight of them were girls. he's the only guy in a nine-person group of friends
i asked him if he had any male friends and he said he has a few high school friends who're boys but otherwise no
i don't really care that he's not super masculine or w/e, he's very pretty, but idk if this means he's a closeted mtf or not
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yeah he's going to troon
sorry, not sure I'm parsing this correctly. it's a red flag that he's not friends with men because it implies he only socializes with other men to have sex with them?
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that too ig, but i more mean even if he prefers having sex with women, women tend to need to know a guy better before hooking up, so regardless of his man/woman sex preference it could be kinda flaggy to only socialise with women
i don't think he's had sex with any of his friends. i don't know, i guess i didn't ask.
>all girl friends
>"very pretty"
sounds like me pre transition. id get the ick dating a man who reminded me of pre transition me

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i feel for you anon, this is all I've ever wanted too since i was a child.
damn, my mom realized that it was either have a daughter or lose a son to suicide and that made her immune to terf bullshit
do u pass?
Why am I not good enough for her :(
i hope to one day be in a position to be the mother to all the daughters who were abandoned by the woman they needed most :(

I know I'm right because I ask people to their face and I'm right 99.9% of the time I guess. there's so many thing that can clock a tranny if you have hyper good pattern recognition. I've clocked trans people based on the way in which they enjoy hobbies, the hobbies they enjoy is not enough to clock someone but you can tell in the way they enjoy it, FTMs it's very easy once you've been around enough cis and trans men. usually my investigation ranges from 5-15 minutes and I can almost perfectly guess a trans person. It's actually torture because now I know I'll never be able to pass even though most people can't clock me there is definitely the tiny minority of super artists fixated on transgenderism like me who could also clock this well, I haven't met any yet but I'm scared I'll encounter one, even youngshits are clockable easily with the amount of practice I've had. it's not a visual thing though for most people I do this test on because that's easy, it's about the way they move and behave.
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clarifying this
mental illnesses with similar causes will have patients have the same symptoms but without all to qualify for multiple disorders just extra over lap symptoms

in this case the other neurological disorder being homosexuality or transgenderism which would cause an overlap of autistic traits
>I think you can just have some autistic traits naturally
It's kinda interesting that one or both of the parents of an autist are also likely to display some autism related traits themselves, just in less severe form that it wouldn't get diagnosed. And it would be kinda interesting to know how much dysphoria they might experience.
autism and dysphoria aren't one in the same, they're two separate disorders but linked because they have a similar cause, like clusters of personality disorders have
thank u for your insight anon
I have autism and struggle to clock people, specially a girl at uni that I saw at the pride parade and has a weird voice, but she's just too physically cisgender for me to think of her as trans. Of course, my clocking abilities are limited to bone structure and shit, how do I further my knowledge of societal norms and stuff?

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what did british tabloids mean by this
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Good to see the quality of bri’ish “news” hasn’t changed over the years
Is it the same person posting all the old news clippings?
Good posting either way
Thanks for reminding me to hate England that little bit more

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I don't really care about how they express themselves or identify but it just makes me wanna kms knowing they get all the good AFAB features while still getting praise for looking like a pretty boy and I'm stuck in this stupid AMAB body with clear damage from Testosterone praying anything I try makes me half as pretty or feminine as them I wanna kill myself to get out of this fucking body
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I think I just won't ever see myself as woman unless I can be mistaken by trans and non trans people as most likely AFAB. They get all the praise for being pretty that I need their faces and torsos are so perfect and not fucked up and they're perfectly comfortable with their identity of being a pretty boy with a perfect feminine skeletal structure I was robbed of
I think the perfect femboy aesthetic is just what people call "boy pretty" which is so easy if your AFAB and complete luck if your AMAB

Most people are attracted to that cute boy facial structure, but with the body of a woman + dick (extremely biased because I'm AMAB and have no idea the mental distress from the people without one but I don't care just because it's an intimate part that people can't just see in public) and it just makes me so upset there is a lot them I get compared to now and there just instantly more attractive/pretty than me on general principle
And just the fact some trans guys want to be femboys just further confirms that my body type is not wanted ever because even when i think a trans guy would want my body type they mean they want the ultra luckshot hyper feminine guy with perfect facial structure and they basically get a free pass to body type and there isn't really a trans girl equivalent because who would to be a girl with extremely masculine features
I think in terms of day to day irl, it's just as hard to be a pretty boy for either sex, at least in terms of the bishi boy look. Lots of fujo girls love it but very few AFABs can emulate it except those with lucky builds, who are as rare as AMABs who can. The more femmy end of femboy is harder, but again I don't think it's reasonable to expect it to be fair: attractiveness in general is not fair
That's fair I'm just extremely bitter about facial structure, ribcage/shoulders

Being pretty is a psychological need for me

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anons i need some advice

i'm 18, mtf (?), been on hormones for like just over 3 months

i've always had trans thoughts and have always been super jealous of cute girls, especially my trans friend, and one time on a mushroom trip i realized that that jealousy was probably because I'M trans.

so then a few months after that i went DIY without anyone else's knowledge, boymoded this whole time, and eventually told a few friends (only two about actually being on hormones).
i planned to boymode for as long as i could, until i move out and go to uni, don't want my fucking bigoted flat-earther family knowing about me being on hrt.

i just don't fucking know anymore, i don't want to be some kind of freak, i just want to feel normal. sometimes i feel comfortable in being trans and the changes, and other times (like now) i think "god this is such a big thing what the fuck am i doing".

i get really great grades, make programs/games in rust, as well as old school mod-tracker music, but i know i'll never be enough because my fucking ribcage and jawline mean i won't properly pass. why can't i just be normal?

i feel like right now i can strike up a conversation with anybody, and i hate the fact that me being trans means i'll probably lose that ability, unless i get my voice perfect, as well as pass, which i know probably won't happen

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Legit. I bet the only tranners who think you should socially transition first were femboys who could already be mistaken for a girl without even trying.
>another thing is that currently i quite enjoy boymoding, it appeases the trans in me as changes are happening to my body, but i've still got all the privelege and safety and stuff of being a man.
so keep doing that?
you're just scared of the social repercussions of transitioning, which is normal
if you want to avoid that the best way is to boymode until you pass.
repressing would be a really dumb idea
Or gigahons with zero self awareness
guys im so back i'm about to inject my estrogen, life is good again, i'm just gonna boymode until i'm ready, thank you anons <3
nta, but my plan is just that -- remain socially male and secretly take hrt and practice until passing. I'd like to avoid being a ridiculous looking hon.

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this is what you trannies obsessed with st4t sound like
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trans girl diaries was wild. people could not handle this shit today
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Too bad the author disappeared off the face of the earth
I'm st4t and the transmasc in this comic looks a lot like my partner lol
i look like this and say this

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