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Have you ever been caught?
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I wish. I want to girlmode so bad, be out. Boymoding, while it's better, is only a temporary solution. I'm starting hrt next friday, so I'll see how things develop.
>he caught the feels so I had to end it
why are bisexuals like this
what a strange op image...
no because im not retarded and im aware of my surroundings at all times
>tfw never caught
>tfw cant ever girlmode cause ugly hon
I hate my life

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Techwear Edition
Post fits, purchases, inspo
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Page nine bump
I like this a lot, maybe I am just a sucker for black
Hmmm no, not futuristic enough?
omg is that acg acronym ?? i love it!
according to 2 comments so far i either dress like a grandma or a lesbian woman which at least feels like a bit of a win.
I actually really liked siobhans outfits in succession
deffo not techwear, but i've been dressing up like this a lot lately. this weird anorak type jacket thing is my mom's, it's got the name of an old tv show she used to work on printed on it. i'm so happy for the fall season, i love dressing in weird bright colors and matching the reddening leaves on trees.
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oh fuck forgot the pic

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Why are AGPs so cute whereas HSTS are cringe and bully women to compete in female sports?
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>large breasts
That's a crossdresser that just wears a bit of silicone
this one doesn't mog me
whole board turned into an agp transbian echochamber because the hsts actually got bfs and a life and left
Oh no i should be groveling on my knees ,is this going to make you happy . pathetic
True only men simp and worship women to the point raising them to goddess status ,only men absolve women from doing anything wrong no matter what
cuz ur retarded and blanchardism is just racism but for trannies

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>be me, 2 years boymoder
>at work talking with coworker
>"what's your name sorry?"
>"oh its anon"
>"your really pretty you know, you have such a girl face"
>"oh thanks"
>"why do you have a girl face?"
>"oh ha idk I just do"

what do I do?
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was it a swastika be honest
Autumn of astora said that too that it was "just a cool design" or whatever despite the obvious context of the thread being a BBC thread. Mustve felt awful for her ex to be her bf at the time knowing she was cucking him 24/7 with chasers and interracial fantasies
Why do you people care so much about someone you'll never meet being into black men
Because all the cute trans girls fuck BBC and whities are sad they cant compete
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>any boymoder relate?
not really tbhon people just kinda avoid gendering me and when they do i still hear "sir" more often than "ma'am" though. but on multiple occasions new hires at work have mentioned being unsure if i was a guy or a girl at first
generally people think i'm a lot younger than my actual age but not much more than that.

>consider myself bisexual
>very closeted
>dislike men and have unpleasant experience with them in general and sexually
>small sexual experience
>live in a homophobic conservative country
>mother constantly bothers me about marrying
>all men I tried to date were forceful douchebags with rape particles in them and genuinely mentally challenged
>nothing felt during sex with men
>nothing felt during sex with women expect for a kisses
>nothing felt during porn anymore
>still consider myself bi cuz afraid of being alone my whole life since finding a girlfriend seems impossible and to not be victim of homophobia and wanting a biological children but only time I feel attraction is with women
>the fuck do I do?

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>desire to transition
>zero body dysphoria
it'd probably a bad idea, right?
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This 'you shouldn't transition because you might have a fetish!!!1!!' shit is so retarded.
How is anyone supposed to tell the difference between a genuine fetishist and someone repressing so hard that their dysphoria manifests with sexual copes. Trying to deduce the difference just results in a continuous guessing game of what came first, the fetish or the egg. It probably doesn't even matter anyways. As long as someone feels better after transitioning, then everythings fine.
Agreed. Most of what is said on this board is retarded. Fucking blanchardianism is popular here, already invoked in the very thread. Sigh.
you cant be feminine after 25, youll just turn into a disgusting post-twinkdeath flamer that everybody assumes is some creep
Effects you want from HRT? Effects you don't want? What kind of body would feel most comfortable if everyone else disappeared tomorrow? If you could instantly switch between being a man or woman at will, how would you use this new power? Think absent society

Also you don't need to feel any particular way about your genitals to be trans btw

Yes 100%, but to make any real difference in someone's thinking, you need to meet them where they're at, otherwise I feel you don't reach them at all. It's frustrating that retards genuinely think being trans is some sexual kink, and they don't actually consider the implications of this, like at some point we would have a "wtf am I doing moment" but this isn't really the case
I don't know what the realistic effects of hrt actually are past just the comparisons between men and women, I like the female silhouette a lot more and I like their hair and skin, I'm less confident about primary sex characteristics, if I could flip sexes I think I'd do it a lot, I'm not sure if I'd want to be seen as a woman in my normal life because that would be extremely uncomfortable, but I think I'd choose to be a woman fairly regularly, I can't stress strongly enough though that I literally don't experience any dysphoria at all and I'm literally comfortable as fuck the way that I am

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Trans Man General
Family Guy Edition
>QOTT: What’s your relationship like with your family? (Did/do they support your transition?)

Last: >>37314289
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Rip. Opiate/opioid tolerance goes up rapidly, you've been using too many days in a row.
Truth is if you hate someone and want them to suffer wishing a long life on them is the better route. I've worked in a nursing home, a dementia ward and homecare which all seem infinitely worse to me than just dying before getting extremely old. At a certain point everyone becomes helpless that way and it's not an easy thing not to mention all the shit along the way. Death is a sort of peace in many ways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It does help pain, was the only thing that helped pain when I was using heroin at my worst point with pain/my health. Doesn't mean you can't feel it if you hurt yourself during though especially if you managed to do it pretty bad, also how much would matter there.
I have, prefer men but I'm bi. Irl situations mainly though with women, just kind of would turn up that way I was more androgynous at the time which was part of it. I look very feminine at this point and women won't generally approach me now. I've never asked anyone out people just come my way. Anywhere you can get to know people really online or off and even like social media that's not meant for dating I'll have people who want to date or fuck hitting me up. Haven't ever seriously tried actively looking for sex or relationships ever so I have no advice there.


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i forgot my gender help
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lol ily
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a chair is something with multiple legs that has a flat surface to sit your butt on and sometimes chairs have huge cocks
that's a dang bird corpse
sometimes men want to fuck other men. it's not for me to decide if they are women or not. could a man be a woman? does he have to be on all the time?
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is this a man?
science can't yet answer this one simple question
A woman is an adult human who lacks a y chromosome. Sex and gender are purely chromosomal.

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Previous Thread: >>37279626

• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/

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▶ https://www.inhousepharmacy.vu/t-shipping.aspx - Has been popular in the US. Ships from Vanuatu to some countries.
▶ euaibolitatgmaildotcom - Ships from EU to Worldwide.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://unitedpharmacies.md (US only) - Ships from HK.
▶ https://alldaychemist.com - Ships from India to some countries.
▶ https://shape-shifter.webnode.page/ - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide.
▶ https://stayhealthynow.co - Ships from Turkey to Worldwide
▶ https://amazing4health.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://favskinhouse.com - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://goodstuffstore.net - Ships from Thailand to Worldwide.
▶ https://otc-online-store.com - Ships from Russia to Worldwide.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy.md (US only) - Ships from India.
▶ https://www.weborderpharmacy-uk.md (UK only) - Ships from India.
Has anyone ordered Lupron or any GNRH analogue before?
if so is it easy to do the injection by yourself? I am looking at lucrin depot and i found a yt vid on it and its a pretty nice self contained syringe, none of the ampule mixing llike the other kits

but i am still a little worried, what should I watch out for as in how do I know i am in serious trouble and need to go to the hospital?
>is it easy to do the injection by yourself
it's a standard intramuscular injection, very simple

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So >>>/r9k/78780612 r9k had a conversation on girth

How important is it for you anons?
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my bf is super girthy and its amazing, he's like 6.5" around
i like small soft looking dicks :3
>t. transbian top
>tfw 4.5 x 4.25
Thanks for making me feel bad about myself.
What would R9K know about sex? Or is it no longer R9K?
You don't need to know about sex to know about dick size. Every r9k femanon has at least one horsecock or a dragon dildos.

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Is it true most "lesbians" are actually bisexual at most?
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Aw, gee. Is that a problem? I thought you said they were all bisexual anyway? Why can't queerphobes keep a consistent line anywhere?
You're taking a literal troll post seriously.
no. lesbians are lesbians.
Yeah, it SHOULD mean that.
Yet she keeps calling herself a lesbian. The OP literally starts with her saying "I'm a lesbian." Not to mention she posted the homoflexible comment in a sub called "Actual Lesbians."
She isn't saying it because it's untrue. She's saying it because it's funny and true. She mentions being into men sometimes in other comments not in that sub, like here:
Not OP but I was in the last thread this was posted in so I went ahead and copypasted the replies that already address these objections.
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This was the original post for that thread by the way. TrollXChromosomes is described as "A subreddit for rage comics and other memes with a girly slant." Looks like they weren't being sarcastic and just actually could relate to cycle related attraction to men an issue for them.
Not sure why OP chose to repost that screenshot but it's definitely legit. The users in that thread talking about being lesbians who have unwanted attraction to men have post history in other subs suggesting they consistently identify as lesbians and relate to their uterus disagreeing with them.
No, it's not true.

>trans girlfriend wanted to be poly
>too weak willed to fight it so just give in
>she continuously cucks me and I stayed loyal because I just can't see more than one person at once
>eventually all love towards her goes away just see her as a friend I sleep with sometimes
>tell her I'm going to start seeing people too
>she's fine with it
>get on tinder don't mention I'm dating anyone in my bio
>start going on dates with this cis lesbian
>she treats me amazing and only wants me
>break up with my gf and block her on everything
>officially start dating cis girl a week later

was this too far or justified?

the way I broke up with her was this

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acting like a bitch is fembrained but you would probably agree there are plenty of women not acting like that and you wouldn't call them "malebrained" for not being like that
Why is polygamy so popular now? There's enough conflict and divide between two people, yet add a third and there's another option or as I see it competition. Not my thing by any means but being asked by someone I'm in love with to be poly would be like asking to break up.
yea, but acting like a bitch is fembrained and someone who has been around women long enough (and in intimate situations) would know they can be retributive mean bitches
I don't think anyone said it's malebrained, it's rather just a bad type of person thing, even if fembrained
monkey branching is mean, but pressuring someone into sexual dynamics is worse, so good on you for minimizing the emotional damage

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Zero semblance of femininity pre transition. Couldnt look more like an average young man. It wasn't about passing I was gonna kill myself but holy moly I was so unfeminine no wonder I look like a freak now.

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Why are white trans girls usually white supremacists?
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point made
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>Why are white trans girls usually white supremacists?
Why do you make the same threads non fucking stop?
Are they? All the white trans girls I know are stupid snowbunnies.
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because Whites are supreme
are the only trans ppl you know from 4chan perhaps?

Missionary Edition: Go forth and spread the word.

Previous thread

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:
>Name of comic

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I rec'd it earlier on. No one really took interest. I like it tho
i'm bothered by the 60s girl haircut on one of them.
Do we want this added to the wiki? if so gimme the deets, tags too if you don't mind
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Our walk home
Akihiko Shiraishi has it all: perfect grades, a talent for sports, and a charismatic smile. But in reality, he's an awkward mess doing his best to meet others' expectations- and being made to compete with Harumi Kurose, from a rival school, only stresses him out more.
Harumi is know for being cold and scary, so when their paths cross, Akihiko is surprised to find out that he's not the only one putting on a façade... and that something that isn't hate would start to bloom between them.
Romance, slice of life
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