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any mtfs/boymoders ever worked a security job? i'm heavily considering it and want opinions :D

was gonna post in a /gen/ but who cares
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>If you ever get pulled over by a boymoder cop, I hope you're wearing a bullet proof vest man
>Something you did made her feel threatened
>You're taller than
>She feels threatened for her life
>The only recourse she has, physically, is to shoot you

>With god complex
It's over, isn't it?
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Lmao imagine little 5 foot tall pooner with a god complex it’s like a puppy trying to intimidate you
such wasted fucking quads. does your statement apply? yes, but not to OP, who confirmed being 5'8".
if you're an ftm and you don't genuinely believe you are an unkillable being wtf are you doing with ur life?
>ftm with god complex
So.. Every ftm?
Dont forget
>god complex
That's such a tumblr self diagnosed DID bipolar thing

Some people are obsessed with like humiliating us, it's so weird. Like that one time a tranner got punched in the balls by a tsa lady and a punch of people just laughed at her. It's high school shit but these people are like in their 50's
decades of anti-trans media conditioning
they literally don’t see trannies as human beings. trannies make up such a small part of the population so they’re a perfect boogie man to low IQ retards.
It's not even like they want us gone entirely, it's like they wanna keep us to torture us. There wouldn't be so many right wing chasers if they wanted us to disappear

Honestly at this point I'm fine with anything as long as it doesn't mock trans people or smth
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Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero
google and saucenao are failing me, what manga is this?
Genshiken Nidaime
That’s why I like japanese media. I don’t want shitty trans issues like in real life. I want fun gender bender shit.

tfw i'll never be a cute cool girl living my life in the city not wearing a bra and being adored just by my mere existence. How the fuck can someone be so luck as to be born a pretty girl in the western world???
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Same reason a starving WWI German would inhale 5600 kcals of recently raided French food supplies
What is?
Interpreting the bad things that happen to you as your own fault, somehow?
I agree, that is very male.
kys retard
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Poppsych shit you made up out of nowhere that doesn't explain john 50 or high achieving tranny engineers and academics.
Worked for me
dude I want to work I just want a little carrot to go w the stick. the carrot is feeling emotions, ever, and being able to own my struggles and accomplishments without feeling like a bizarre impostor
>men are supposed to want x thing and they don't want x thing and they don't want to be men!
what's even the point? you've constructed something and then not explained why anyone would want to adhere to it
no lol this is way more work, unless you happen to have the exact circumstances to get a cushy position by transitioning (you pass + play your cards right socially + get lucky), and even then I'd say that's usually pretty soulless and unfulfilling

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Why do so many poons take low-dose T? Even supposedly binary male-identifying FTMS seem to be purposefully poondosing themselves. Where did this trend come from?
farewell to kings was his best lyrical work
They don't want to go bald or look male in the gross way
No one wants to go bald

This is why no one actually wants to be a man.

At most, they want to be boys
because why the would i want to look like an ugly obese hairy fuck covered in oil and sweat?

i just want to be a cute male
More testosterone doesn't necessarily make you more masculine

how do fellow hrt femboys cope with having tits... i don't imagine myself using a tight shirt anymore... most ppl wouldn't actually think im a normal cis boy
you get the zippers installed
By seducing people with your boyboobies
as a faggot, idc if your twink body has boobs. im going to destroy your ass. now if you have huge obviously female nips, thats gonna do me an ick
You give in to the female voice calling you to the pink side.

question that i cannot find online

i put my patch on friday, friday is in a hour

should i wait until i wake up to put it on or can i just put it on before i go to bed?

does it matter?

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>troons are turning on stardew valley because it isn't gay enough
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About who fang is or what do they think about her?
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>wanted a farming game but was disappointed how simplistic the mechanic was
I have just the game for you
Twitter trannies hate snoot game because you play as a cis white man who stops the queer dino girl from shooting up the school and starts a family with her in the best ending (which is gayphobic because nb girls can't be wives and mothers i guess?) so I wonder if the ones here have brainworms too
Hetrosexuality should be outlawed in video games.
If you mean transgender men and women what has that got to do with us? Non binaries sure, but they usually don't transition and are not related to us "troons" in that way for the most part.

pp >>35443668
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mental ward
I don't see how it's white people bad and not spooky illuminati race cult white people bad and I don't see how white people bad in his other movies but you are welcome to your opinion
i know im welcome to my opinion which is why it hasnt wavered regardless of yours
Ok bigot (jk)

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trans people are cis
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trannies are magical thinking
you think things are true that aren't because you WANT them to be true, you eventually confuse reality and fantasy
It would be cooler if it was floating
first thing i thought of upon seeing this is
>i wonder how many loops of that i could run before puking
are you telling me that people are actually inherently evil :(
thats not a good way to think no matter if it's true or false... so im gonna keep thinking its true.

how it feels to find guys with pussies hotter than girls with dicks
you're 5' 2" like Billie Toad Armshrunk?
wym most straight men are like that
only fags in denial prefer chicks with dicks

Would you drink this if it also had your hormone of choice in it
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where do you get something similar in poland? i'm slowly dying from starvation and need to gain weight asap
trans women are larping men
Absolutely, these tits and ass aren't gonna grow themselves
two girls (male) one oreo chocolate shake
wya adventure friend? im a long distance hiker and id love to get into biking

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Qott: What was the last straw that made you transition?
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Does slowly killing themselves through alcohol abuse, shitty diet and ennui count?
>t. 25+ repper
i genuinely feel sick, knowing that my life may end before i ever even had the chance to start living
when i see those who make it on here or twitter or wherever, and especially when its about hanging out, living life, getting married to a man, etc
im reminded that im living a completely separate reality from others and will never be able to see myself as a woman in a mirror, let alone experience anything real out in the world
I started transitioning at 23
A year after I moved out from my parents, I began the transition, my condition was aggravated by the meaninglessness of my existence, I constantly thought about suicide and almost decided to do it. I then lived in a university dormitory with two other guys, but it didn’t scare me at all, I was already I didn't care what they thought of me

The only reason I waited so long is my dependence on my mother and father, if I had started the transition earlier they would have deprived me of everything, now they don’t even know who I am, and I will continue to hide it
i was going to kill myself over being a moid so i tried estrogen instead
My brother coming out as a repper + my lesbian lovebombing gf leaving me after 1 month of dating cause I was depressed due to the dysphoria I couldn't avoid

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