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might as well knock out two birds with one stone
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>I really do feel tempted to post in one of these but ugh I don't want me face on here, too many consequences
if youre curious but don't want to commit to your face going into the archives, you could always put it in like a 1-hour unsee and post it that way
also i am personally dedicated to not hugboxing, i hate hugboxing, ill be real with you
Yea its unfortunate
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everytime i feel bad abt my tranisiton i remmeber i was a kneedeep in the twinkdeath grave b4 i finally got E.... i may look liek a 16 y/o boy ATM but @ least i dont look like a moid junkie anymor :finger point up emoji:

o and also bc ig this is timelines/passgen:
unless ur voice is clocky i'd literly never know,, higkey..
pass and yes
you look cute :)
slightly trandrogynous but i dont think id notice if i wasnt a tranny myself lol
im probs being baited but im too drunk to notice. u look like the most annoying gay man in the world trying to cosplay a butch lesbian version of cleveland junior from family guy.
honestly those r some p great genetics
sort ur hair and eyebrows out and ull look rlly cute :)
You have a cute side profile

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What color is your underwear? Post pics???

Old >>35526248
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the comic illustrates why you can have sex and be asexual
Not really, you're just emotionally incompatible. I'd like to be with someone like that. It's tiring walking on eggshells with partners that go BPD mode over every personal discussion
its pink with donuts
I think the implication is that they basically got misled into having sex with someone who’s not sexually attracted to them
really? why is that the implication? they seem to have known they were asexual already they say as much in the first panel

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Does hrt actually change anything? I've been on hormones for almost 5 years (not a hondose) and still look basically the same as I did before I started. The only difference is that I have breasts now
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your only problem is that you already looked like a girl before hrt
>does hrt actually change anything
>hrt changed something about me btw
FFS will have good results for you.
aww, poor testies
you have to add progesterone

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this is how you'll look if you keep repping
i look like this and started at 18
it's ultimately a case by case basis but in mine, the damage was already done and i probably should've repped.
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I look like that but with long hair and I've been on hrt since I was 16
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Anonymous edition

Previous thread: >>35403270

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno
Read-only link for sharing:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn
Read-only link for sharing:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics not in the cryptpad, but don't be lazy, please include:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Now he could just say bitcoin.
Well, white chocolate does exist
What the fuck
oh i love our dreams at dusk, i actually went to where it takes place in my most recent disappearance lul. took photos of the landmarks they show about onomichi and shimanami kaido in the footnotes. it makes me happy to remember it already :3
Nice OP. Cute. I suppose it fits better for when we have dead threads though
That actually sounds pretty nice
giv photo

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>i date trans women because I'm from the future. Yeah, yeah. I like my women how I like my undershirts -- tucked
>dating trans women -- its helped me evolve. its helped me learn. I was with this gal and she was using different terms for things that id never really heard of or though of before.
>we're back at my apartment, and we're making love, y'know, from behind -- doggy love -- and she goes: "mmmm yaaaaa fuck my pussy" and i was like HUH... *crowd laughs* .. huh. thats fun. she calls her ass a pussy. Okay! Alright!
>Hey okay I'm fucking your (big hand quotation marks) """"""" pussy """""""" and then she was like: "mmmmm yaaaa suck my girldick" and i was like hmmmmm thats a bit of an oxymoron! but who am i? *does gesture of sucking a dick*
>and then she said one that really came out of left field. She goes: "yaaaa yaaaaa lick my clit" and i was like well now im fucking confused, lady.
>and then i was like oh my god trans women are women cuz i cant find the clit on them either

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duh, he's a chaser. all chasers are like this

t. chaser
>suck a dick goyim, it's quirky

Is there any life skills you wanna achieve to make things for your future kids? Or if not why so? >>35524949
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Do most ftms want kids or not?
already had kids
i dont
t. poona
I don't, at least not any time soon
That's alright take your time!

what's your least socially acceptable kink?
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I want a guy to tuck me while a woman cradles my head in her lap and plays with my hair and teases/praises me
>same fr
>trip off for this one oop
I know who you are.
It used to be feedism but after engaging in it i realized its not really what i want

Now its twinky boys (ive become fujoshi brained)

i cut her name into my arm once a month now, just so i can always be reminded that im hers :D
i wish someone loved me this much
you wouldnt do this if you couldnt tell other people about it because its not about her its about people observing you being obsessed with her, you relationship is about how you look to others and that makes you a fucking loser
shut up dweeb
i will never have anyone. forever, always, alone.

Will hrt destroy my body?
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very good and cute decisions
take the estrogen you stupid bitch
the best kind of girls
i wanna eat her
Tattoos are worse than any hormone you can take. I'd rather have my son's penis removed by a mad Thai scientist than see a single tattoo sully his beautiful skin.
right-wingers are brain damaged

I resent not being naturally feminine. I've felt disgusted with my own body since I was about 10 years. I didn't really figure things out until it was kind of already too late and I feel really sad and bitter about it. I still hate my body. I want to lose weight, remove all my body hair, and flood my body with estrogen. I haven't yet... and I fear it might be too late to try
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Did you finally understand that being something you're not won't help with your esteem isues and self-image?
I'm not sure if you just don't understand of if this is an attempt at transphobia
I really related to her
>also women naturally grow hair on their legs too
Guy leg hair is like a million times worse though
I mean if you're a trans woman then yeah, of course

To whoever recommended this manga in that thread a few days ago. It hit some really relatable territory for me and gave me a lot of feels. I didn't think I'd ever see a repressor in any form of media but Makoto Kirino basically repressed for the same reasons I did and seeing it hurt but also lit a bit of a fire in my brain
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>I'm ready to fucking an hero from repper feels though
Same (TT . TT)
Ello it was my recommendation
Futoshi wishing to look like a girl or beautiful and their attraction to masculine men really resonated with me (also the abuse they experience but let’s not get into that
Thank you so much anon! Like I said I really related to Kirino (for very sad repper reasons)
fuck this has me crying already
it's sweet and sad

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same, how do we cope

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What’s it like being an Asian male in the west?
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just about everybody in northern china has some temujin in them
>tfw white guy with Chinese trans GF
Imma go nut in her because of this thread y'all have a nice night
The only difference between asian mef fags like op pic and bnwo shit is asians try to pretend their fetish is respectable
>Asians are weird looking. I’d rather have a pet monkey favela bf.
racists are so weird
kinda weird cuz women have been showing interest in me after i trooned too, i think its cuz as a boymoder i just come across as a fem guy ~.~
yupp my bf and i are chill like that

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Prompt old copy pastas! Do what ever one you want! Remember no rating no rates! be nice but not distrustful.

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i choose to bump
Seventh grade was just kinda ok to be honest
Sore throat slay fo today

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