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I want to fuck a tranny's asshole.
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You know, I wanted to visit Scotland for quite some time now :)
Probably not in the next few weeks, but somewhen during the summer... if you'd be interested to be my local guide, add me: makh0317

I mean it's not like I'm not searching for something long term, and I've met some truly amazing women, but the problem is that long distance relationships are hard to maintain especially if both of us have responsibilities at home and can't just hop over for some time.
Depends on where you plan to go but I know a lot of good places. Req sent
Richfag piece of shit. Rot in hell
If I found out somebody used a manipulation guide to try to get with me I would kill them in their sleep
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>be me
>bisexual male (i.e. I'd plap Slan and get plapped by Griffith)
>get overwhelmed with a tidal wave of longing when I see a 10/10 transgirl
>make retarded lust coos and smile like an idiot
>I, myself, am usually never good enough for these trans ladies
>get extremely sad

I'm sad.
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What is it that makes them feel you are not good enough? It might just be a blind-spot.
Yeah… but subclinical!
>circumcised, despite living in a country were circumcision isn't really a thing and not being Jewish/Muslim
>don't make much income, so I'd have to mooch off my partner

Might be a blind-spot, but who knows.
At least warn them then. Give them a real chance at survival.
Assuming you actually have human empathy, there is likely someone for you.
Not the negative you may think, once a relationship is established (normal guy).
>circumcised, despite living in a country were circumcision isn't really a thing and not being Jewish/Muslim
Hard to help here, Amerimutt (also properly circumcised, as is God's Will).
>don't make much income, so I'd have to mooch off my partner
This does not require you to mooch off of your partner. Discuss finances honestly, and you will likely come to a reasonable agreement. Assuming you find a partner, they likely care about you, anon. They just want someone forthright with them.

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>hey tttt i am a man who wore a dress once and it felt good
>"get on estrogen right NOW NOW NOW you are wasting your life by not being a girl!!!!"
>hey /tttt/ i'm a woman who's had gender dysphoria since childhood, used to pray that i was infertile, used to be envious of women with breast cancer because it meant they got their boobs removed, am only comfortable in male clothing, and get happy when someone mistakes me as a guy. am i trans?
>"no you're a fembrained pooner like all of your kind do not blame us when you bald and inevitably detransition"
the state of this board
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>woman screeches that bad things ONLY HAPPEN TO THEM and they are THE ONES THAT ARE ACTUALLY OPPRESSED and they seethe like women about it while pretending they're the only people with problems that even exist
it's almost incredible how ftms are literally always just women. holy fucking shit i used to think you were men and you prove me wrong every opportunity you get.
>there's some absolute chadtroons out there and I'd let them fuck my neovag with a strap on any day of the week
post face plzz
Don’t transition, don’t get bottom surgery. My neovagina still smells like a Port a Potty 2.5 years post Srs/bottom surgery and there is nothing they can do for me.
Wash your vag smelly hoe
ur the cellar dweller here to look at the cretures

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There's been a push for a long time to bring back the term "transsexual." But the truth is the current trans discourse is more or less talking about transsexuals. All the political pushback is about hrt and surgeries. Things like that.
But representing us are, for the most part, transvestites. People who don't intend to or can't medically transition. The hons and crossdressers who wear a wig and some panties and call it a day.

There's nothing wrong with being a transvestite. But it's entirely different from being a transsexual. Transvestites need a name to describe them that normies are familiar with. Transvestite itself is a bit gross and dated, sounding, hon is too offensive. Crossdresser and Drag Queen are better but don't quite hit the mark.
Perhaps a better word would fit but the category needs a name.
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>There's been a push for a long time to bring back the term "transsexual."

No, there hasn't been. Transsexual can stay gone as a term.
I'm not redefining it, that's how the words were used back in the day.
>is this use consistent with any other understanding of the words?
Yes. How they've always been used. Transvestite is clothes only. Transsexual changes their sex.

>now I'm even more confused, please explain
The modern transgender term includes both transsexuals and transvestites as both are changing their gender presentation.
Ideal transsexual is identical to a biological woman
Perhaps a new term with the same meaning?

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tfw no qt3.14 trans GF to watch the NFL draft with
You don't look like that THOUGH
You're right I'm 6'3 and a white guy with a full beard
this gets funnier every time you post it
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Can't believe the falcons did that

Hey fellas, finally got my hrt dose upped and now I gotta chew the pill and keep it in my mouth for 30 secs. I haven't ever heard of people doing that, ive only ever hear of people keeping it under their tongue. anyone else been told to chew their estrogen?
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Possibly just talking with you, now some girls do drop hints to see what your opinion is.

I swear guys I’ve meet knew I was trans, but I tend to drop hints to see what their views on the subject are.
As a drug addict I can tell you that sublingual makes most drugs that absorb through the skin hit you way harder which in this case is good for u, more saliva just exposes the E to digestive enzymes instead of a concentrated spot where it has undisturbed vasculature to really get in u.

this isn't honscience it's drugs
nah girls sometimes like to go on tangents about shit they do to look better

the fact that she was willing to tell u this means she either thinks ur gay or shes into u
I would honestly listen to what your fucking doctor told you, if she said to swallow it then do that and only after blood test, discuss with her, propose sub and then change dose. By going directly through sub instead of oral, maybe your giving too much e too rapidly and she wanted to first start with relatively high because she was planning for you to digest them. Also, how can reproducing an estrone bank similar to cis girl during puberty is bad especially since you will be tested in 1-3 months for how much e. I would totally say to start slow at first instead of rushing things off.
She was very much into my money, me not so much, but I didn't realize that until later

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General for greasy nerdy girls who turned into creepy men
QOTT: Do you give women the "ick"?
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Why are all ftms gay or turn gay on T? I love the idea of st4t but im afraid hes going to date a guy and detrans

mayoi <3
how do I get a roach ftm bf who's into fucked up ao3 fiction?
>t. pan cis male
that's not a roach that's a woman. roaches are genuinely all gonna be NEETs who are posting entirely about LMBS on twitter. go look in the replies to japanese bandai namco tweets
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opinions on alcohol as a means to alleviate dysphoria?
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you are a nigger and im not taking your bait
I'm not aware of any antidepressant that interacts with mushrooms poorly? Serotonergic antidepressants like SSRI's make you more resistant to psychedelics but you can just take more next time if you end up underdosing what you wanted
no alcohol doesn't work well for that. at best you could hope for it to help numb you for a few weeks till your tolerance builds. and it'll make your dysphoria worse by making you look like shit and giving you more visceral fat. and it's unhealthy and expensive as hell.
If you're going to try using a drug to cope with emotions use weed. It stil won't work but it won't ruin your life as much
But if they cut off your financial assistance you won't be able to afford it...
i used to do ir. i regret it. use hrt.
It goes downhill really, really fast. You might think to yourself "I'll stop when it gets bad" but the bar always moves more and more the lower you get.
>I'll stop when I drink every day
>I'll stop when I drink during work hours
>I'll stop when I start drunk driving
>I'll stop if I show liver damage
when you're in the middle of it all, you really stop caring how bad it gets and by the time you want to stop, you won't be able to. Steer clear from using substances to cope with dysphoria, it WILL ruin you eventually.

I used to spent $1200 per relapse on vodka deliveries. I'd get maybe 3 days max sober before relapsing for 2-3 weeks of 24/7 drinking. No exaggeration. because of delivery apps I didnt even need to leave my house but of course the prices stacked up and taking 2-3 days off work every single week cuts into your savings. I'm surprised I've never lost a job due to my poor attendance. I'm 4 months sober now and I can't believe I let my dysphoria take me down an alcoholic spiral that not even facing potential homelessness and bankruptcy could stop. I got off easy, all things considered. I've met people who have 8+ DUIs, in/out of homelessness and jail. I always thought I was the worst drinker in the world but there's people older and infinitely worse drinkers than I was ever capable of. I wish it wasn't so prevalent in society. Even responsible drinking ruins lives, but I'm the last person to judge others for their vices. Just because I'm an alcoholic doesn't mean everyone is capable of being one.

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When I get FFS I’m telling my Dr. this is what I want.

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Are there any ftms that actually seem male

Like friends being male, non woke, not a cocksucker. Not being proud of being trans as if it's an accomplishment and telling people
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They're there to be fucked like a girl?
How many have you met
Are there any mtfs that actually seem female

Like friends being female, woke, cocksucker. Not being proud of being trans as if it's an accomplishment and telling people
pooners are either ultrapassing dudes with beards or look like fat lesbian soccer butches

asking for a friend ofc
a friend who badly needs her ffs paid for ;_;

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Hoover Dam edition

Last time on /bmg/

QOTT: With warm days approaching, what are you doing to prepare for boymoding in summer?
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i understand. it’s hard when it gets to this stage where you’re so used to each other but it’s also not working the way it once did. you’ll manage im sure of it. im rooting for you.
oh man who am i kidding. there's no way she would ever do that and single me out like that if she wasnt like just clearly telling she knows. killing my kms. so either people can just look at me and tell im tranny or maybe its because the one person who knows who accidentally found out, who is a trans man is gossiping about me with other people which i wouldnt feel like that would be that likely, but there is just no other explanations
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>trans man
>page 8
i guess i’ll make a new thread, gimme a minute
new bread !

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Unrequited love edition
Previous thread: >>35506793
QOTT: Have you had an unrequited crush before? How did you resolve your feelings?
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rn i’m dealing with a guy i want to commit to and he’s just not giving me the same back. we’ve been going out since january.
i want to be a man's faggy househusband (female (male))
Thanks anon, I think it's important to put work into your transition. HRT is the soil that you can grow into a woman on, but you gotta put the work into growing. I want us all to make it. I have lots of research writeups and rants and transition plans I've developed over the years but I'm only a few months hrt and lived as a no-hrt non-passing hon for a year so I don't actually know anything.
new: >>35537112

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>Police are now holding a press conference
>A teenage girl was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder at a Welsh secondary school
>BBC reports on it
>Random TERF decides to be like "biologically female?"
>Causes more TERFs pile on the post
>They start claiming the murder is transgender based on literally nothing
>not even a clocky photo, not any weird language or pronoun stuff
>just a girl doing a murder so she must be trans
>hundreds of comments like this
>Now they're starting to come up with conspiracy theories about the attempted murder and the media and welsh government trying to cover it up to protect transgenderism
>Still zero indication this kid is trans in any way
they literally think bio females lack the crime gene or something
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have any of these people met a girl?
Nevada tan was a repper?
Yes but we're the ones who are mentally ill OKAY
and they call us mentally ill
every other tranny i know here is horrifically depressed and everyones trapped here
please no were suffering enough

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old >>35533000
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good luck without me buddy
why tf did you even date him if he's bi? are you retarded?
a-as the top?? I’ll do my best ówò

nicotine patches? I try to avoid most drugs that aren’t edibles with marijuana >_<
Just regular biscum behaviour

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