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omg my tranny gf is so fucking clingy i might just cheat on her
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tell her you're gonna do it, most trans bitches are into cuckqueaning
why is this
no womb so deep insecurity no matter how attractive you are + self demeaning
its not a fetish thing for me
but im ok with it because i cant provide an actual vagina for him
especially if hes straight, i understand if he wants to have sex with actual women

yea maybe low self-worth is the cause idk
Damn that's sad. I bet your ass is just as good as 90% of vaginas. I've been with so many girls that have stinky disgusting vaginas even though they're mostly clean otherwise. Keep that in mind next time lol

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Which western country will be the first to outright make transition a criminal offence?
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Cope and seethe
UK most likely

> I can't be a woman so I'll pretend to be

Imagine thinking this isn't the biggest cope of all. Your whole identity is a coping strategy, you stupid fucking faggot.
Would the UK really throw trans people in prison just for existing?
Still struggling to rep? See you at age 50

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So let me get this straight.
>MTFs don't actually have female brains
>Nothing in their biology points to them being female
>A lot of them transition solely for sexual and social benefit purposes
>A lot of them don't even LIKE women
But I'm supposed to accept them with open arms as women anyway lest I be branded a monster and a bigot?
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you're retarded if you think being a tgirl has sexual and social benefits over being a cis man.

They're just men pretending to be women, usually because they have pathologically low self esteem due to low social value or traama.

There is no "female brain". Certain brain activity may be more common in one gender or another, but it is never uniform among them or exclusive to them. You don't become a woman because of your personality any more than a nigger becomes asian by being good at math, or an old person becomes young by having a better memory on average than other old people. These are secondary characteristics and they are only true in the general sense, more often than not.

You shouldn't play into these people's delusions. The best solution is to remove them from your life entirely.

Read your birth certificate :D

You're barking up the wrong tree here faggot, I see right through you.
can't teach a fish to read i guess. enjoy being delulu

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Have you noticed that trans people never behave like a gender that they are pretending to be?

FtMs behave like AFABs think that men behave, and it's so superficial. It's obvious to everyone that they cannot relate to struggles of biological males bc of pussy pass. Plus they are liberal as hell, even more than ordinary women.

MtFs reek of male autism, autogynephilia and incelism
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Tomboys are nice.
Yeah that's why I don't consider myself a woman. Just a massive faggot. Anyway I just got absolutely railed by my friend who has an 8 and a half inch cock so I win.
>MtFs reek of male autism, autogynephilia and incelism
Most MtFs are queer. Have you ever met any queer cis women? The autism, strange fashion choices and femcelism are often surprisingly similar.
Yeah tfw anon just discovered queers are in fact fags.
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Is it normal for a friend to play with my hair while complimenting it? I'm not very used to this girl friendship stuff yet so idk what's normal bestie stuff and what's flirting. I'm 19 and she's in her 40s if that's relevant, she also wanted me to share a bed with her during a trip even though there was a couch. I'm not very close with her we have only hanged out together like 3 times
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Has she always been a "woman"?
Yeah ofc she's a cis woman
hii Zoey it me Ellie desu
Who's that
If it's the later she'll prolly try something during that trip so ig I'll just wait and see

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What would you do if you came across a trans woman conspicuously reading reactionary literature in a library?
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Real and based
Assume she's retarded and read some real literature in front of her.
Find the copy of the Das Kapital and start loudly orating it directly to her.
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literally me reading Bronze Age Mindset today in my uni library as a palate cleanser after being forced to read queer talmudic hermeneutics

give me some trolling questions for tomorrow's symposium. I truly need some

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I'm not a tranny but I like to be called a girl during sex and made to never touch my dick
Your thoughts?
I'm gay btw, if it wasn't obvious
To be clear, I don’t want to be a girl. I want to be called a girl while I deny it increasingly more aggressively.

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Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi (embed)
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag (embed)

Previous non deleted thread: >>37184934 (Cross-thread)
Previous deleted thread 1: https://archiveofsins.com/lgbt/thread/37281885
Previous deleted thread 2: https://archiveofsins.com/lgbt/thread/37288994
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>dad left for work over an hour earlier than usual
>he already leaves pretty damn early
>ask him a question via text
>he responds using unusual slang, normally he's formal
>last time mom went out of town, he was gone for 7 hours
>tried calling him but he didn't answer 4 hours into him being gone
>calls back out of breath and claims he's at Home Depot
He's cheating on her again, isn't he?
you sound like a faggot
I've had no alcohol in my life because my family was really Christian. Maybe you get the addiction as a young adult but I've got no desire to try it.
I am a faggot and I hate when people fall in love with me
Day after tomorrow I'm excited

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I am going to my tranny selfhelp group tomorrow again? What should I wear?

I have a black goth dress (wore that already), a grandma tradwife dress, a polyester dress that looks like a sissy-tier dress and a dress from heavy cloth.

I have white puma shoes, black nikes and black leather ankle boots to match them with.
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and what costume should the poor girl wear,
to all tomorrow's self-help groups?
a black goth dress, from who knows where,
to all tomorrow's self-help groups?
don't be a walking meme, you're already going to the hon-cave, you don't need to act as steriotipically as possible. If i were to go to a trans only meeting, id go in pants.

these look like shit, specially the "sissy" one (not even you can take that ugly 5yo cheap disney princes costume seriously). The other one has that ugly flower in the chest and pretends to be a blouse and a skirt, and that's tacky af.

those are cute tho. i like dressing as a grandma too, don't think i don't get you

good post lol
if i was getting dressed from these i'd go with grandma dress + boots but idk i'm not u and i dont know what u look like
nana dress looks pretty cute :)!
Nice Post.

Most trannies seem good at servicing with their mouths, are you good with your feet too though
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yeah well girls who wear pantyhose arent going to be whores on the internet
go talk to kayla if you want photos
so you're like a lady?
like a female person with a vagina? yes
ladyBOY XD
is kayla even real btw? i don't think so
no, they cramp up too easy. just fuck my ass instead, loser.

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i am terrified of passing i am terrified of being perceived as a female
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with whining like this people already perceive you as female
i don't understand how is whining?
He looks male. He is being hugboxed.
same kinda, though lately I've accepted that. My dysphoria has always been about my body and not really about how people perceive me. Sometimes when I'm explicitly perceived as male I feel powerful for some reason and maybe the thought of losing that and being perceived as female (not threatening, meek and weak) feels not good? idk I'm fucked up bro
this sounds like twin fantasy lyrics

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I gave myself trans OCD thoughts through excessive exposure to internet transsexuals
Now I have pseudo-dysphoria and am disgusted by all facets of my maleness that I never disliked before a few years ago
As a result, I pursued medical transition. But Hrt has not h brought me much relief, if any. However, the pseudo-dysphoria makes it so I would rather kill myself than return. I’ve reached the end.
I am now a hon that feels disgusted by himself and has no hope of ever passing
There’s no good path forward. If you have trans OCD tendencies completely stop browsing tranny spaces before the brain poison takes over and you start hating every inch of your body. Especially applies if you have no hope of passing (people will lie and say you do have potential in many cases)
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I think that's what it is for me too, but I always fall into the thought loop of feeling confused because of those initial wtf am I doing feelings
I wouldn't call it dysphoric to not want to go bald especially when I have such nice hair
You want to troon out
What other term do you want me to use
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>I don't actually know about T-OCD, but I have P-OCD and oh my fucking god it sucks ass
Same. I think. My brain is occupied by this stuff like 8 hours a day. It's kind of hard to tell whether it's entirely intrusive anymore or if I'm just adapting to like it as a survival mechanism. Or if I was always this way. Haha. I think about disease and gore and slurs and genocide constantly too. I wish I had the willpower to die

receding chin is a trans girl super power.
girl she doesn’t have a receded chin that’s just a slight overbite
holy shit when did barron transition

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Easy E died from aids, he denied being gay a month before dying from it, did he contract it from having gay sex?
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Eddie Murphy was caught giving a transsexual prostitute a ride one time but if they had sex I'm pretty sure he topped based on how she looked.
Eazy E gave AIDS to Freddy Mercury
No. Eddie Murphy is trade. He loves the dolls and he likes to bottom
straight black men are more likely to contract AIDS than gay white men.
Fact of the matter is that they do have the education or culture to be careful about spreading STDs.
they don't have*

Is it normal to find younger men attractive and wanting to fuck them as you age and become an old man yourself?
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Discord NOW
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Yes and it's also normal for younger guys to find older attractive. Im in my 40s and only fuck 18 and 19yo twinks. They are even more into me now then when I was in my 20s. Ofcourse 20+ year olds who still think they are twinks seethe in my dms but that's just how it is. Eventually they will grow up and stop seething and chase twinks themselves
ok i'm straight but that outfit is mad cute
you are the problem and i hate you
this is so vile and disgusting

why does no other fag just wanna have a bf of the same age and grow old together and stuff why are gays such subhuman coomers
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