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Why are trans "women" all perverted sex addicts?
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Normal teachers in public schools are perverted.
Everyone has lost control and dignity.
Homeless path is one wrong date away for these degenerates
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Autogynephilia and porn addiction. Autism is also very prevalent in our community as well, and it’s no secret that autists struggle with boundaries and social norms.
Notice how they are only ever into cringey internet type fetishes, and it becomes super trendy and they make it their whole personality for a few weeks. It used to be “puppygirl” crap (every time a “”puppy girl”” speaks i become 2% more transphobic), now it seems to be disgusting incest crap which is just…. Disgusting. I have seen a lot of Tumblr and Twitterhons who are straight up pedos and sexualize kids too… and of course if you say “pedophilia is bad”, you’ll get retards calling you a prude or kinkshamer. Interesting how the only “left wing” belief they seem to care about is their supposed right to shove their gross kinks in people’s faces lmfao.
I want a cute transbian couple to be my pets
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its weird because you meet those trans women irl and get together with them and they wholely refuse sex and prefer just cuddling
> all trans women online are insane perverted sex addicts
> all trans women irl are functionally asexual

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How do you respond without sounding mad?
ask if he wants to watch
LMAO what prompted that?

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When i was rlly early hrt i didnt like my tits a ton but now that im like 1yr hrt theyre more normal and i like them

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is there any cure for having a 0.9 midface as a tranny, no use putting in effort like this
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what, you mean the same kind of thing this >>37323782 guy said? kinda cant really make a long midface look normal god forbid actually good
i think its my nose thats too tall, its really unfortunate, not sure what i can really do besides be a hikki neet and stuff
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>lip lift
>rhino that lifts the lip slightly
>fat transfers to lips and cheeks
>chin work that preserves some height of the chin
>big orbitals and no brow
>don't lower the hairline, just change it's shape

You're aiming for Liv Tyler basically
>tfw 1.07 but it's expanded facial planes
my eyes are literally 73mm apart, I can barely use a VR headset

Why not change your silly book to suite us Christian goyim? hehe
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When the Lord says to the snake, “I will put enmity between you and the woman,” in Genesis 3:15, the audience should discern that this enmity implies at least two things: first, the woman is not going over to the dark side. She won't be with the serpent but against him.
Oh my god it's the apostle holy shit
hes a bit of a retard but hes harmless i think
plus hes from some weird place like a cape of good hope or whatever the fuck idk who even lives there

They don't need to change it. You will join them even if they hate you because you are so depraved of attention.

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What is our rebuttal to this
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AGPs pass better according to this image since every transbian I've met just talks about video games and their interests
Someone who isn't a tranny took the time to make this, I don't think any rebuttal is really required it's existence itself says enough. Who ever created it is more of a terminally online tranny than like 90% of actual trans people.
words words words. this person was so mad at trannies they drew this..
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im not bald so idrc

im 26 and i don't have any friends. should i go to a bar/arcade tonight and try to talk to at least one person? doing drugs in my room alone is very sad. i stayed home throughout my highschool and college life and i feel alone
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/soc/ sucks
>/soc/ sucks
truer words have never been spoken
I joined a server for locals and they banned me after I said suburbs are jewish.
>I joined a server for locals and they banned me after I said suburbs are jewish.
"cul-de-sac" is french not hebrew, anon

id like to have srs but every result ive seen looks weird is it actually over or there are some good ones?
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You get Min Jun
all the results ive seen look weird but id be happy to be proven wrong
omg this is incredible
Weird results are probably not fully healed. I didn't even go to Min Jun, PPT didn't exist when I had it. But it takes a long time for everything to fully settle.
id like to see a good one but idk where since asking might make me seem a weirdo..

I feel like hating your mother is malebrained. How do I make it fembrained
Girls can have mommy issues too
you got this all fucked up

men hate their dads because their dad is retarded and shouldn't be trusted with authority, this leads them to want to fuck their mother to attain the authority they rightfully deserve.

women hate their moms for stealing their penis
Just hate your mother
Most girls hate their mothers

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>be me, 18
>have friend, 18
>we both troon out
>her parents find her hrt a year in, she gets beaten and kicked out and manipulated
>her parents started making her get her blood tested
>she slowly started masculinzing
>by the time we were 22, I was fully passing and she had a 5 pm shadow and deep baritone voice
>her voice definitely wasnt that deep 4 years before then
>we stopped talking after this point
it makes me sad. we're 25 now.
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trips arent the smartest
A year in. At 19. reading comprehension, etc etc
Couldn't you have helped her by asking your parents to let her stay at your place or something?

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It feels like everything I do is in vain bc I’m a skull hon
cut your hair. assuming you are estrogenized, it will make you look more fem. go for something androgynous, not a buzz, not a very pixiey pixie, but a classic cut suitable for a refined tomboy or businesswoman. few inches all around, layered, subtle flow, clean. estrogen shows through in your face so you don't want to hide it with long hair
lmao yah right

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I don’t know why this is even necessary but I need non larpers and weirdos to stay away fr.

My friend is trying to detransition but she legit looks like attractive and feminine to me but she iss 6.3 so I can see why she is hopeless.

But it don’t make sense because she got qualities like her shoulders are narrow asf and she is slimmer than a bih

I get it though like being tall isn’t fun but she has something like special about her face that in my opinion can make it farr and even pass, I feel like anyway but if anyone from discord recognizes her.. dude give your honest thoughts her please ):

And if anyone wants pics to be straight up, I gotchu
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clocks as a woman and im very critical of trannies but i think the eyebrow lifts on the corners look a little icky but nothing clockable.

Being tall isn't the end of the world so long as you have good proportions.. So what's the real problem? Is it a fucked up skeleton? wide shoulders? narrow hips? the face card is literally female why would she wanna detrans?

If its because of how she is being treated by others paired with mental illness that should be addressed instead but its ultimately her decision

also op are u black lmfao
Aha no I just stay coolin and keep the faith with the herb lmao

But honestly if you being on god with my homie’s appearance, I can see if she would be down with revealing such info but I would also understand if she preferred to keep that shit on lock
You seem legit to me and proven though.. let me see if you have her blessing chief
Alright big dog add my snap and we can take it from there

Oh and she said sumpn sciency like Bidel 17.5 and width 13? I don’t really know much about any of that but i just seen her and she just got good shoulders in my opinion like it ain’t lumberjack or anything desu

oh, i know her :( i was giving her advice on discord the other day. if you're reading this, you're beautiful and have full potential. please don't detrans <3
did she ever say that she came in peace

>be me, halfxican tranny
>meet a guy through friends
>hes good looking, cis but ok with trannies, white as hell, kinda clueless but that almost makes him cuter to me
>we talk about ourselves and stuff to eachother and he asks about my transition
>he says that it kinda makes sense that i transitioned considering im half mexican
>immediately ask what the hell he meant by that
>he gets kinda nervous and goes 'uuuh, well, yknow, mexican men are like, shorter and dont have a lot of body hair and stuff so... i guess it makes sense you wanted to be a girl instead? cause you probably werent that masculine anyway'
>he realizes how absurd that sounded and apologized for it
>somehow that turned a switch inside my brain
>iimmediately wanted to suck him off
>the date overall went well even if he thought he ruined everything with that line, probably has no idea how turned on i am for him
>we have another date this weekend
its so embarrassing what i get turned on by for fucks sake why couldnt i have a normal fetish like choking or something
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Enjoy your new white himbo bf dum dum. Do your best to carry his children.
>carry his children.
literally fucking how
I didn't say you would succeed. I said give it your best shot dum dum.
>force mexicans and asians to take estrogen
please, I can only get so hard
So just do it on the brown trannies who don‘t seem too self confident, got it

If you don't pass you are a "gay predator"

I'm a dominant top, athletic and very performant. I'm not gonna interact sexually with guys if they not at least 6ft and 8' , fit an hygenic. In my journey through the LGBT community I had several encounters with men/unpassable trans that were very different from what I expected but I didn't back out because I was "too polite"
Those men are very good at what they do and they specialize I "dating above their weight" therefore they will go extreme lengths and create complex sophisticated scenarios even psychological manipulation, gaslighting and victimization.

I'm writing this post to all of you that if you ever end up in a situation with someone from the LGBT community that you felt they lied to you. Dump them immediately, have Standards and enforce them merciless. Keep your body clean!
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>King James Bible
Yes I can run 90 minutes with a pulse of 140 and Im a programmer so I make good money and have a good sense of logic. Luckily I was born and raised in a northern European socialist country to non indian parents
You're still gross tho.
We can not start blaming people for being British man...
If that's the part of this post that got your attention, you took the bait and you are little insecure bitch and just outed yourself as a unpassable predator, once you old enough that your tricks won't work with adults anymore you will go for children

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how do i cope with the fact i'll always be faketrans bc i started hrt after 20?
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This. It does not matter if you started after 20. What matters is that you are doing something to better yourself and live a happier life. You don't have to outpass others, just outpass your past self.
>t. passoid
I am a 6'1 manmoder.
that doesn't matter bc it won't help me get a bf. i look like a neanderthal
I say this with love and understanding because I know what it's like to be at this place. People who are as self-critical as you have been in this thread often have a skewed view of their physical appearance. You're gonna make it.

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