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>tehee I love femboys so much *posts a woman*

total bipedo death

They're always either
>1. Misandrists with a lust for dick
>or 2. Femcels with a noxious combination of self-loathing and narcissism that makes them project on to trans women. Once they have a trans gf they'll try to mold her into being the women they failed to be and live vicariously through her
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why are you detrooning?
I am sad with my srs and don't want to pretend to be a woman any more
you're a woman and denying it because you live in a transphobic society.
I am not a woman just because I cut a hole where my penis used to be
ime this is the only kind of cisf chaser that exists. They want you to fuck them with your penis and if you piss them off for literally any reason (including reasons they just made up that you had nothing to do with) they'll start the weird hurtful "I'm just asking questions" shit that cis women do when they want to bully you.

Here's some bad news from the UK, for a change.
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you're in this mess because you went after peoples kids, and your solution? keep going after the kids? the fuck is wrong with you. leave them kids alone.
There has to be some trans group that can get it held up in court for like 6+ years until all current ones (or however many years) are 18+.
Start having more white babies lol

It isn’t just about passing one day, they get to have certain experiences at the proper ages which, along with the actual medically detectable benefits in brain chemistry, impacts their mental health greatly - make no mistake, it is not hyperbole to say lives are at stake with these decisions.
kys fag
leave those kids alone you little nonce

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Trans people have never existed in the entire span of human history. Not a single person has ever been trans or changed their gender or sex.
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BIGOTED CHUD OP destroyed with FACTS and LOGIC
You must be really convinced seeing as how you have to remind yourself 30 times a day on 4chan's /lgbt/ board
They exist before a society collapses, retard. That's why there's no records of them. They're at the very end of a cycle. Trannies are a signifier of death.
Then explain how tranny cocks feel so much better than cis male cocks inside my ass?
Do you even understand male anatomy?

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im sad and wish my friends didnt hate me

theyre just pretending to play along with calling me a girl but deep down they find me repulsive
>dump friends
>isolate until you pass
>get new friends who don't know you're not a cis girl
problem solved

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QOTT: Do you collect anything? If so, what?
>looking for
>not looking for
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Why do I get out of it?
I collect physical Switch games. Currently have around 200 unique titles.


Nintendo, weed, swimming, van camping

>looking for

>not looking for
a romantic relationship


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chaser attention
Prove your hot
I only do what hot tranners tell me too
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>QOTT: Do you collect anything? If so, what?
bluray, vinyl, CDs, used books, manga, figures, art prints, plushies, stickers, bones, trinkets, antiques
22, mtf, washington state
mtf, ace
thrifting, vulture culture, drawing/art, hiking, true crime, cryptids, crafting/diy
i'm a big fan of emo and indie rock
>looking for
online friends to call and watch movies/anime with, those who live in western washington, socially active people
>not looking for
to be treated as an emotional garbage dump

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Will society view me as less threatening if I transition from a gay bottom into a bear?
You can be a gay bottom bear.
the best kind
those are called cubs

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My bf utterly dwarfs my pp and it's scary how big he is compared to me
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I didn't know I had a much larger then average penis until I had sex for the first time, not only did it dwarf my gfs pp but she said it was way bigger then any of her past partners and was crazy for it. I miss those days. At least I got a big penis.
mine was like 7 inches and is pretty much the same size 5 years later. it still works but kinda hurts. why am i built to be a top physically
I always thought I had a good sized one but then when I started having sex I learned mine was tiny now they snipped it off
you're cut? i guess it shrank so much it looks you just have a really short foreskin.
kinda same thing happened to me, pre-hrt my penor skin was really tight when i was hard, now its kinda loose since it shrunk

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can u guys stop being racist pls?
it makes me feel unsafe :<
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I go to Pol to be racist without giving girls the ick or to just discuss things that you cant discuss anywhere else/ shit on copium overdosed simians like you ....I come here to have fun and flirt , sorta a work/life balance a seething animal like you can't comprehend
>i get scared when i see a non-white child listening to music i don't recognize
lmao at least i'm aware i'm a failed male built for chaser cock
have u considered finding a big strong man to protect u from all the scary rap children?
>t. op
Have you considered that nobody likes the rap people? Not the whites, not the mexicans, not the Chinese, Indians, Japanese, arabs, Korean, whatever the hell, all glaring in unison or actively getting away from an obviously anti social potential armed individual who gets off on annoying the shit out of other people for fun?
I run a large nationalist youth chapter in my country, I'm genderfluid trans with a diaper fetish. I unironically wanna be blacked once just to try it. But still, fuck niggers and fuck you too.
chasergen is 90% depraved transbians
should be renamed to rapehongen DESU

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I was alone today in the office with a literal man, and the entire time I was thinking "I wish he was a wild bear instead, then I would feel soooo much safer"

Why are men allowed to walk freely in public? We hold bears in zoos, we should do the same to men, since men are more dangerous than literal bears are.
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cool post i read
Appreciate the offer, but my Brothers need to know that women have to be protected from themselves, even if we never mention it to them.
I am no king, just a lowly yeoman. Hoping to help.
I inherited the status, and I will keep it.
just so you know its actually less than .1%, .1% is like how many people are trannies

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It will be programmed with ai to recognize when you go to self harm and electrocute you instead. So say the state reprogramming agencies.
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>quickly make a cut on their forearm
>also get zapped
>twice the sh satisfaction
Op is a retard [and a fag]
shock collars are illegal? i mean, if so that's a good thing, but since when and where?
I need this for when I decide to detransition
More like you get shocked to the floor as your hand even goes near a sharp lol
Not that hard to make tho lol and did you not see Joe Biden’s speech on the above? Not illegal anymore! Lol all hail democrat satan!

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when is it appropriate to give up?
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>it could always be worse in the post death state lol
I’d probably go to hell if it’s real :(
being a tranny. very original I know
being a tranny isn't that bad you just need a good support network and/or support person to lean on during the hard times
>during the hard times
that’s all the time and I don’t want to bother anyone
Wanna bother me? I can't promise I will fall in love with you and save you from yourself or anything like that but I have been helped by strangers on the internet before and feel like paying it forward.
its bad if youre a hon

This is LGBT related because it’s a bi fantasy. My dream is to get an 18yo and use her as a breeding slave for me and my wife. We’ll keep her in the basement and fuck her daily and make her give us dozens of children. That would be so hot. A baby making machine just for us to use.

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How different would 2024 be if kurt kobain transitioned?

She'd just be another insufferable twitter leftist.

>don't have a gun
>not gonna crack
9/11 wouldn’t have happened.

Lol how are we supposed to know

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How do you approach a trans girl without her thinking you're a chaser?

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