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post fits and inspo
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i wish i was rich like julie.
i just have the hon bod and no monies to hide it with :(
hon outfit
just a regular guy
cute and sexy
i like the first outfit, the middle one makes your proportions look off
based tabi moder

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lmao ty im gonna keep pushing it further
hi guys putting this here because there was no passgan today, wondering if I pass and need rhino ffs
here again to ask, any tips on decent belts i can pair with a ton of different stuff even casual?
today i started looking at Fairfax & Favor stuff

any other ideas?

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Why are reppers so quiet during sex?

so i originally came here from pol but i started coming here more and leearning more and um. uh. uhh. i wan. i think i want to\. u,m. i cant say it
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i started at 33 but i was lucky
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Look at Cunty
I'm pretty sure she started at 19-20
She's literally there in the pic
I'd give you advice but /pol/tards are legitimately some of the evilest and dumbest subset of humanity in existence and thankfully their ideology causes suffering and delicious karma in the LGBT ones.

Kind of like the opposite of you, I've posted there a bunch over the past decade just for fun. I only hate them more and more. TPD TFRD

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Hello anons

Y'all probably remember me by now. Rich anon whose thread you've pushed to the bump limit yesterday.

"They say that a richer a person gets, the more bizarre their tastes get. I suppose that's right.

When I was 18, I was into normal women. Now I'm 24 and rich as an Arab prince due to being a lucky fuck. Where do I find femboys / slim trannies like picrel?
I just need a feminine looking person who has a feminine physique. Lean. Skinny.

Was on grindr for god knows how long and it's only ugly fat fucks or normal gay fucks there.
Y'all are an interesting bunch, but I have high standards and not nearly enough time to talk to everyone in a meaningful way.

So, let's cut to the chase! Post your best pics and I will select the ones fitting me by the end of this thread. Make sure to include hips, tummy and feet in the frame as these are the main features I'm looking for in a partner and no NSFW, please.

Good luck!
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Yeah ok the other replies are convincing me this is bait / a ruse but I'll post my discord anyway: juliebae
y'all gotta make at least one sex tape for us
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Nah nah you got it all wrong, you’ve finally got it made! Go off and live as a millionaire Arab trophy wife!
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I did a fuck ton of outreach to many business owners in the country and happened to connect with one guy who was crazy enough to toss a 6 figure account into the lap of a 19 year old trader who at that point had never traded with actual cash. NVDA calls earlier this year are what made me confident enough to pursue a partner, though.
Thanks for posting your discord, I'll reach out by the end of this thread.

For those who are pre-HRT our at early stage HRT, or those who feel like they're not passing but they could with ffs
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I love this reply.
https://unsee cc/album#EBjHxWMWlju3
2 years hrt
wear exclusively male clothes and it's 50/50 what I get gendered as
irls tell me to girlmode but I don't think it's worth the trouble
you and i share the hon bond.
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Who are you? I've seen your trip a lot lately and you sound like a babytrans but you’re negative

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If you are not mommypilled, you are doing something wrong
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that’s a fair opinion to have. you’re really good at the softdom stuff. you would probably see success writing to a relatively niche audience on here. enjoy the rest of your day.
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pleasepleaseplease hold me and tell me I'm a good boy and everythings gonna be ok mommy please
aw, don't cry... hey, everything's gonna be okay, there's no need to get upset. why don't you go lie down for a little bit, okay? i'm sure you're a very good boy.
give me some idea and maybe I would write thread. Also you can check my cringe real story

i really appreciate if you give me good start point to write!

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I know this will sound fake as shit but I promise this is not a larp.
I have a had a full time puppygirl for a few months. I have provided everything she needs and wants to live a life of a puppygirl. Also she is over 18 and thus legally an adult who is responsible for her own decisions.
Basically everything we did together was explicitly consensual even though the role she was in was undeniably a very degrading one.
However, she did not mention me that her parents knew nothing about her whereabouts. She ran away from home. And so it happened that her parents found us. They now believe I have groomed and manipulated their "sweet innocent boy". They took her back to their home and told that I must stay away.
I have absolutely no clue what am I supposed to do now. Can they press charges? Could I be in big trouble? What the hell should I do?
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I stand corrected; in a way that was serving her
this will 100% turn into a waco situation
need this
but also need to kms haha
why did she return

Why is there so much hate toward chasers? Ok yes, they want your dick, but that doesn't mean they don't care about the rest of you… right?

Like, a straight Cis dude would be into vag, but it’ll need a hot body and pretty face attached to it. Am I missing something here? What is the difference between fetishizing a dick or vagina?
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Me too.
I already answered that, some probably do
trans girls without wings is no good
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Damn, how sad. Some of us like femme dudes and there's some overlap with trans women. As least the bi dude has more honest with himself than the tranny
>TFW no bimbomaxxed turbohon trans GF with no genital dysphoria
reducing them to their genitals perhaps, or animalising them, making them into an object that exists for their benefit, all the normal ways people can be fetishised and objectified

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Why even live as a sub 6ft male?
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>it is not immoral for two drunk people to fuck after a party please get real
Back in the 2010s there was endless discussion that it was rape.
I'm 6'2" and I wanna die
Then schedule it properly. Don't just choose to die off of some emotional whim. Be reasonable, but some like, "If I haven't accomplished this by so-and-so", is good enough. Be circumspect before taking the Long Sleep.
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Every tranny i hang out with is a lanklet and I'm 5'4 and a genderfuck and over time the constant ribbing over height and "ironic" jokes which basically boil down to me being less of a person for my height. Then I get called insecure when I talk about this. I hope they all die.
The dynamic is the same because 60-80% of men irl just get ignored or leftovers.
They're probably jealous and anyone who makes "jokes" at your expense that you clearly don't find funny is just insulting you but is too cowardly to do it directly (had male friends that did this that I cut off for it).

previously: >>35455470

quarter century edition!!!

thread for cis women dating trans women & trans women dating cis women

QOTT: It's lesbian visibility weak! Regardless of your letter, when have you been most ~visible~ recently?

if you don't like c4t/t4c get out!! not every space is made for you!! there are other places you can be!! please respect the purpose of this thread and be nice

Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/c4t
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>why do people always insist on being as disrespectful as possible towards me
It's because you're a horrible person and people can tell quickly
if anything i do is actually that bad, they would be able to just say it. it’s obviously some petty bullshit if they can’t just tell me what’s wrong
also kys
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Weirdly specific thread, I'm marrying a cute cis women in a few months and she's very sweet and cooks like a god :)
Oops responded how embarassing.
What does she like to cook?

post your art or crafts, even if it's shit. i sometimes post on /i/.
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ftm oc i doodled during a group therapy session
and you know this how?
I'm literally wearing that shirt right now.
post pics

Try new things Edition
previous: >>35286117

Goal of the thread: Try something new that is good for you. A dish, a form of exercise, a new activity.
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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Been thinking about ordering HRT online. Shit's scary.
Yeah, I get that. Would you like to talk about things that would make getting on HRT less scary?
>Poor frien.
thankyou again for being so, so, so nice to me. you don't owe me anything but if you're offering advice then i'd like to ask, how can i believe that things are going to get better? Even though i'm apparently "making progress" with all these things (although i don't really feel like i am) i feel like i'm actually getting less and less hopeful about the future. If there was somehow some way to know that it would be all be worth it in the end then I'd have no second thoughts about suffering for however long it takes, and i guess that's the mentality that's gotten me this far like "what if it's worth it?", but every day that chance seems slimmer and slimmer, and i feel like someday soon it'll seem so small that all this won't feel worth it anymore. i feel dangerously close to that point.
Idk, I've been trying to order it all week.
Maybe tomorrow
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hello friends!!

sorry for being absent, school is wrapping up so i have lots to do. hope everyone is doing well!!

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What % of trans people Make It?
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0%, especially if they go with anything but cremation.
Trannies leave the community and move in with their lives after a couple years when they dont need to lean on the community to get by. Thats why babytrans are over represented
Why don't you see rich rappers in the hood? Because the rich ones have moved on from the hood lifestyle and now live among upper-middle class white people.
You never stop being trans there's always a need for trans spaces.
It's also the case that I remember what it was like in the 2000s. Back then it was like 90% eldertrans.

Could be.
There's still issues with that argument tho. If elder trans really are more numerous than babytrans, then shouldn't there be a lot of them? Are transvestigators onto something?

It's kind of like the Fermi Paradox and UFOs. Theoretically there should be UFOs, according to modern science that's the simplest thought process. But all UFO sightings are schizo as fuck and not real. Suggesting something wrong with the thinking, thus the Fermi Paradox.
We have the tranny paradox. There should be a large number of either passoids or stealthoids but we observe neither.
It directly corresponds to how rich/attractive you are
If you're both then you've got it made so long as you don't go own a self-destructive path
If you only have one of them you have a decent shot
If you're neither you may as well just give up and buy a rope, or come to terms with it and try to cope with your wretched existence

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trans women are cool because you can plap into them bareback all you want and you never have to worry about some stupid kid coming out 9 months later
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I wish I could knock up my trans GF
the stupid kid coming out is you realising you're a tranny too

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