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would you be a ciswoman/gigapassoid if it meant you would be dumb and horny all the time?
So I would be me, but a woman?

Yeah, that would be better. Women have it better.
i am :)
Dumb, no. I love my mind, it's a big part of who I am.

Which is kind of interesting considering how much being trans blows. I guess I'd rather be trans than dumb.

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I'm cis, how do I stop being jealous of passoid trannies? It's unfair being so pretty when you are supposed to be male.
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You just want to bully me, trust me it's over
> Trannies were born male and didn't abide by the rules.

Please post rules thx
>cis woman envies trannies who have to do huge amounts of work to be pretty
>spends all her time seething instead of trying to become prettier
Kek, enjoy rotting sis
are u a cishon or do u just have penis envy?
your female brain automatically places trannies below you in the hierarchy, but when you see they're more attractive than you, you feel an injustice has been committed. you expect you should be able to parade them around as pets to look better in comparison.
t. phd in incel science

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do AFABs truly experience gender dysphoria?
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Yes, next question
I dlmt know I want to kill myself every day because I'm not born amab i hate myself more than anything I hate being afab its so disgusting. This just feels unreal. I hate myself. I hate this world. I hate having pussy. I hate everything.
So idk, what do you think ?
trannies are sexist, exhibit ten billion: >>35544768
nuh uh, only amabs can be trans desu
i diagnose you with hysteria (crazy bitch disorder)

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Trannies know that estrogen cause onion smell right?
Natural smell of cis woman is onions
And estrogen is cause. The more you take estrogen the more your body will smell like onions actually.
Do you know that? You do right?
Enjoy smelling like onions.
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I like when people post images I’ve posted it’s so quaint~
I refuse to believe this, this isn’t true.
Is it?
23 years HRT, I have never ever heard this.

I've heard I smell really nice. Not onions. That's fucking weird.
My BO has always smelled of weed even before I started smoking
men like how women smell so it doesn't matter how bad it sounds in the abstract

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hi I'm back!

I made tranners.lol a week ago and now I am creating an unsee-like service.

creating this thread to collect some feedback as I work on it!

general questions:
- anyone have a cool name for it?
- how many pics per album?
- are captchas ok? if not, what else?
- any sites to base the ui off of?

some optional feature ideas:
- let album stay alive until thread dies
- require replies to view albums

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do you think you can label litterbox links differently from catbox links? i can't tell from your site's thread view whether it's a file extension not being supported issue, or it's an expired litterbox link, unless i click the "[show]" button (in this case it was just an expired litterbox link)
maybe you should add a list of the supported sites for tranners.lol on the site itself somehow, since otherwise people wouldn't recognize its current utility
could you add a group voice chat feature with an inbuilt chipmunk filter so we all sound like chipmunks?
I think I understand, you want timestamps on the post rather than the expiry time of the content? this probably requires a bit of revamping how I present information... if you can describe it in detail I'm open!
oh that's unfortunate, yes I can make a change, and maybe not default to img when the filetype is unknown to boot.
hm, so far it's catbox/litterbox/vocaroo/unsee... but I see what you mean. I will work on documenting this better.
hmm, most of the site work I'm doing is all rapid processing stuff. anything that requires an open connection for long periods of time is not necessarily out of the question but does require me to start renting a dedicated server to handle such traffic. it's a maybe, but no plans for now!
>I think I understand, you want timestamps on the post rather than the expiry time of the content? this probably requires a bit of revamping how I present information... if you can describe it in detail I'm open!
i didn't mean "rather than", as if to say removing the expiry time of unsee albums would be of any benefit, but yes. but actually, when i hover over the timestamps on 4chan, it tells me how long ago the post was, just like on the catalog (for example, hovering over your post's timestamp for me right now says "3 hours and 19 minutes ago". that is what i want to see, so i know that if the post was submitted more than six hours ago that the unsee has zero chance of still being online, since unsee timers only last six hours at most

unfortunately, i see what you mean in that doing so would require revamping the format of the site, since really the entire format of each instance of media your site fetches and displays is completely different from 4chan. plus, having both a timestamp of when the post was made and an expiry timer for albums might make it less immediately intuitive that the expiry timer is the main thing people should be concerned with. so maybe it's not so great of an idea, after all, especially if you were to display the timestamp of the post in the same HH:MM:SS stopwatch format, but counting upwards

if you were to bother adding this at all, maybe since i'm only requesting this to ensure i don't click unsees older than six hours, you could format timestamps posted within the past six hours as "5 hours and 59 minutes ago" or under, but anything older than that could use a non-relative timestamp format, like for example, 4chan displays your post as "04/25/24(Thu)22:22:59" for me, or the archives (archiveofsins.com, archived.moe) use "Thu 25 Apr 2024 22:22:59". anything would be fine. in the end, i don't know if this would be worth the trouble, but just throwing it out there

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>finally stop repressing the desire to transition and hop on HRT
>HRT makes me super clingy and obsessive of my crush to the point where it destroys me mentally to interact with them
>start repressing all my sexual and romantic desires because there’s no other way for me to stay sane
There’s no way to win is there
>There’s no way to win is there
for some of us no there really isent
That's some painful shit anon :(
haha yeah life is fucking cursed
just love them from afar.
I can’t because they’re very vocal about their relationship and that just gives me constant anxiety or I start to dissociate

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being MEF as a cis man is tough
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i will keep that in mind
AGP and MEF can coexist together. Usually AGP is more focused on the female body in a sexualized way, specially breasts while MEF focuses on face and clothing, or having just a feminine enough body to pass as a girl while crossdressing.
>110~ iq
what does that mean? mef are midwits?
they are smarter than average, enough to develop such a strange fetish, but not at the level of a furry or some other more abstract fetishes like that, whomst would probably have an IQ of around 120.
>or having just a feminine enough body to pass as a girl while crossdressing.
>me wanting to look feminine and sexy just in the bedroom

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Previous Thread: >>35447264
• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf

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I've been doing subq for a few months and shits still growing
>I noticed that the needle is not as long as the vial. How am I going to get liquid into the syringe after a certain point?
youre supposed to hold the vial upside down when drawing from it
When applicable when does one experience hip related changes in regards to HRT? Year+?
you wont unless you start at like, 13. after a certain points your bones fuse and cant change
i started estradiol enanthate monotherapy, do you know if coffee increases testosterone or interferes with injections?

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Anonymous edition

Previous thread: >>35403270

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno
Read-only link for sharing:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn
Read-only link for sharing:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics not in the cryptpad, but don't be lazy, please include:

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>The ringleaders chop people up for a living, but vomit? That's gross man.
I hope it takes shonen approach and cricket just fucking murders them with his newfound knife throwing skills [spoiler]and becomes the new boss[/spoiler]
Oh dear
So well hes the mc hes definitely not kicking it but we sure are going into the suffering train
This is a horror comic after all.
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Shuno: Femboy, Hitman, Ethical Rapist, and Crypto Bro

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Prompt old copy pastas! Do what ever one you want! Remember no rating no rates! be nice but not distrustful.

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Ohhh it's the insect girl again, hii! I would make people sad too.. Hope you'll get better eventually, you're too interesting to kill yourself!
>sound like a chlid
any ideas how to fix dis
bump ig
pitch adjustment would probably help

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Girls belong with girls.
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bpd girls belong with bpd girls
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so hot

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Bf grope me all the time!!!
Why bf grope me??? He feels my pp and boobs and body all the time!!
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yeah ok op ill kill myself now.

t. single faggot
be a bit kinky with him, if he wants to lewd you make it lewder and make him all flustered
grope him back
touch his butt
You don't look like that THOUGH

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all you need to say is:
'hoose toose'

(as if it rhymes with loose goose)
but I want you to say it in an impassioned manner as if by saying it with such passion and raw conviction your words could decide the outcome of a war
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You didn't answer my question
push your lips together like scrunch them forward while trying to shove as much air as possible through them while saying hoose toose
Blanchard fanart is exquisitely funny
I'm not even a letter but it makes me cackle every time
I want to look like him when I age desu
I don’t understand what you’re asking for here. You want me to try to pucker my lips while saying the two words?

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>favorite food?
>interests (be specific)
>looking for
>not looking for
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LF for someone whom international made cry
we talkin OG's TI8 run?
I'm talk about velocity design comfort
that was truly a thing to behold. the best dota 2 team ever
Why all trannies are bi or for trannies and have uncomfortable sexy demeanor with other trannies it's weird

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Why do ftm's who barely even try to pass, put no effort into their transition, get zero transphobia and society deems it more acceptable while mtf's get all the hate
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ya like that shit literally doesn't happen lmao. women are just better at screaming when someone says 1 mean thing one time and they think it's equivalent in any way at all because they aren't capable of rational thought or logic. they just think "my feelings got hurt now i have to scream about it louder than anyone else!!!"
you can just look at how much ftms argue in bad faith on this board alone. whenever someone says anything bad about ftms theres a common type of ftm that just instantly lashes out at mtfs even when it's another ftm that posted the thing that made them mad. just reeks of privilege and literal kindergarten tier screeching. there's plenty of ftms i respect but the ones that screech about shit that literally doesn't happen to them because they want to farm oppresssion points are the ones that are literally just retarded fucking women. and they wonder why people will speak up against them once in a blue moon when that's how they act. and then when people speak up one time and hurt their delicate feelings they think they're getting anywhere remotely close to the amount of hate literal regular men get on a daily basis let alone any other flavor of queer.
>typing paragraphs screeching about things that literally don't happen except in their imagination
But ftms do get the hate.
Lurk on this board for a while and you will see.
I guess cause they're women
FtMs are female and society is misandrist
MtFs get mor transphobia because males are not allowed to deviate from their designated role
males are also regarded as as sexual deviants and worthless if they do anything remotely feminine

no one is ready for this conversation though
just acknowledging that misandry exists will get you labeled as every -ist in the book

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