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Can you guys start actually believing you're women again instead of calling yourselves agps or hstss or sissies or failed males you're making me transphobic and my little respect for other trans women is waning
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id never subject myself to a vause video
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i don't know... i think dog breeds are a less difficult model for various reasons, i think they're useful to talk about but i don't know what it is to believe or to disbelieve in abstract things like genders or breeds i guess. i'm trapped in an endless fractal of fake stuff, the real stuff may or may not exist & i don't know if i could recognize it on sight

Sorry anon I have too much internalized transphobia to ever call myself a woman without instantly killing myself. I am a eunuch :3
what don't you understand? i try to be comprehensible :(

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I like those
Agreed, cute
Facial hair kinda ruin it imho

t. MtF, former femboy
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no facial hair pic ;P
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you need some thigh highs bro
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>mandatory maid dress

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What comes before a bear?
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eastern european
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Hunkish twink who WILL become a hunk reporting in

I usually round up to twunk, but since this chart is more comprehensive I had to be honest
otter, cub, bear

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how do I find a smelly trans gf? preferably a lazy one who will make me do whatever she wants and wants her dick sucked
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hope and pray (grindr if ur lucky)
smelly and mean and not with a beard is hard though
I want to do this sometimes, but mostly the oppposite
what to do what?

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Previous Thread: >>37279626

• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anyone get significantly lowered efficacy after having used the vial for a while?
7mg/week feels like nothing compared to 4mg/week 5 months ago when it was freshly opened
I do store it in a closed container and out of light…
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I am a castrate and I stopped taking hrt 9 months ago. I just took some again and I feel fantastic. I have regained my honfidence and feel cute and awesome and don't want to drink anymore. Hrt is not a meme, sisters.
ive been injecting 6mg of EE for 10 months, should i start injecting more?
Is it recommended to weight cycle?
Can i start progesterone and piogliatzine?

im 23 if that matters
I was gonna order from felicitas but now this happened :( ...

Has anyone here ordered from girlpotion to Germany ? How long did shipping take ? And it shouldnt get seized by customs right (since its from EU) ?
And I’d like to extend a warm thank you to the trans community for enabling men to completely regrow Norwood 0 hairlines by using your hormones topically. This is meant to be impossible for us.
Which is why I’m in this thread: can any of you let me know how I’d access spironolactone creams? Doctors will almost never prescribe this to an adult male.

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will people notice if I'm wearing a sports bra?

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Forget sports bra. Just make sure your clothing is loose (one size above what you usually wear), and then get the following:
A bralette. This is just to compress your breasts a tiny bit while still being comfy. Works great with a loose hoodie or a jacket, and now that its autumn you should be able to wear both soon. Even if you cant, it can still work with a shirt plus something over it (so layering as people said). This is a great option if youre out for many hours.
The other thing you get is a binder. This will flatten you out more and offer a lot more security, and it can be worn with just a t shirt. Binder is way better than a sports bra because a sports bra still has a distinct bra shape that WOMEN WILL INSTANTLY RECOGNIZE AND LET YOU KNOW THEY RECOGNIZED IT while a binder doesnt have that shape. Know that a binder will stretch a bit after a week or two of use. Get it on amazon, one that has like 3 levels. Also know that binder gets v uncomfortable after 2 or 3 hours, especially if your breasts are already sore. If they are still growing, I advise against a binder outside of emergencies.
Finally, you may just wear nothing. People start to notice only after a certain point. If you are paranoid about your mosquito bites, then its all in your head and no one is actually noticing anything at all. But thats up to you to figure out.
Sports bras can be fine as a kind of a in between solution, but I just end up either wearing a bralette or binding or not wearing anything at this point if I wear my army tactical larp kacket that has a ton of pockets and zippers that all kinda obfuscate the tits.
>t. manmoder 4 years hrt
Basically if you need a heavier duty flattening, a sports bra is only somewhat better than a bralette that still requires you to cover a bra shape. And if you need to cover the bra shape, then youre wearing more than just one shirt, and at that point you may as well go with a much comfier bralette OR go with a binder for maximum security in any situation (like for example you need to take your jacket off once you go inside)
If it helps Ive been here since I was 14 (5 years now) and I still dont fully understand checked. Such is the life with a low iq boymoder brain
most likely no, but that will depend on what type of shirt you'll be using..
I think she's pretty :)

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I am gay for trans women.
i call myself gay
tranners hate that though
I am gay for penis, the bigger the better.

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Who’s your favorite girl that post here?

Last: >>37334860
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do you honestly not know who i am yet?
who up approaching the Godhead
new >>37338133
new >>37338133
new >>37338133
might have a feeling but not confident, send me a dm ig
I know who you are.

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is genital preference always transphobic or can it be done tastefully
does it even matter, or is it just something only twitter replyguys care about
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>is not liking penis as a cis guy trans phobic
no, and all real transgenders know this
>what if they have srs
people are all about autonomy until it comes to not dating trans people
lesbians like penises
gay men like vaginas
Straight men should not be allowed to transition.

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Are these hips okay for a normal boy?
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I refuse to believe this isn't Sophie
trip on Sophie. btw did you get ffs yet?
she did and is still a bitter hon, made a bunch of posts saying she still doesn't pass and the same repeated bs
I'm not Sophie!!!!
OP is not Sophie, you can tell by her arms

so i started hrt sort of young but like how can i get a tboy ftm like picrel who he/hims me and sees me as the man? i want to be in a male role sort of and i will gender him as a guy ofc and give him whatever he wants. i want him to see me as a man i want him to introduce me to people as a man. maybe i will cut my hair short or something too
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you are so unattractive, literally how do you even have the confidence to try and brag?
im monogmous n just want a boyfriend who plaps me
hmmm okay
whats your thoughts on guys with small dicks but its like enough to plap probably
as long as i get plappies :3 i was just made to be used
ayooo what i love this guy wtf
i dont even know if im a top tho i just wanna be like more manly

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As he's gotten older, my dad has become to take on the mannerisms of a homosexual man and talk in a gay voice very frequently. I won't lie, this is very disturbing to me and makes me want to kms when I have to hear my father speak to me in the voice of an effeminate homosexual. I live with my parents currently, so I hear this nearly everyday.

I have nothing against homosexuals, but my own father behaving like this is starting to freak me out. Do you guys have any idea why he's behaving like this?
post your dad's hole
Have sex with your dad
maybe he's gay
yo mums a man

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Prepare for a lot of seethe during the Oscar season
lol, women will seethe about "men winning women's awards!!!"
i see mostly terfs getting butthurt, so it will be funny

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I have a deficiency in vitamin B9; could it explain why I have poor breast development?
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incorrect lol
That’s another thing. The traditional way to measure breast size is pretty useless for trannies due to different ribcage proportions. Volume measurement through water displacement is the only honest way to measure. If you don’t believe me go on Anthro and put some of the *men* in a bra calculator, they’ll be C and D cups too.
well it looks low and if your testosterone is fully suppressed then they're probably near 0

Again this could be bullshit but it seems consistent with what I've observed. My breasts had some kind of solid mass in them before getting my testosterone suppressed, but I feel like that's stopped growing now and the growth I've had is just from fat. Some people report not wanting breasts and taking low doses of estradiol and getting good growth. I haven't tried adjusting my meds myself so I can't speak much more on this

I might be spreading misinformation but this rarely gets mentioned
im going by the label on a (perfectly normal not special ordered or anything wacky) bra that fits
tuberous breasts pic please!

No one actually listens to these anymore soph. How many fucking times are you going to do this
i need help

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