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>a male wants to have boobs and be a girl
>can take hrt and grow them and get ffs
>a male wants to have a bigger dick and be a real man
>can do nothing, has to suffer for life

for these reasons transition should be banned
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Why does injecting testosterone give AFABs big sexy t-dicks but all test does for AMABs is make them bald and greasy?
Ah, I thought you meant in terms of social pressure
If that were true then they wouldn't have such intense negative reactions to men trying to be manly. But they do.
Testosterone increases penis size by a similat amount to if you give it to cis boys with hypogonadism who have micropenises.
So both males and females have the same reaction to it. It's just that the majority of men already had that reaction happen when they were kids during male puberty and you don't get to keep doing the same thing infinitely obviously or you'd have guys with 3 foot long dicks because they took steroids repeatedly for years.
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bro just get penis enlargement surgery.

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who are some famous people who are hiding in plain sight?
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I don't think so
Do u have a crush on her
No, it's just vanishingly rare to find public stealth mtfs who are AGP and post-ffs and youngshits AND have a public-facing career with a strong social media presence and a largely child-centered business (her fans and the zoo I assume are majority under 18 females, that's the target audience at least)
autistic women don't exist autistic women are make neurobiological phenotype and made to take cock while hand flapping stimming and lore dumping their special interest. This is superior male brained bottom autistic behavior. Real women are BPD have no sense of identity self harm and cheat prolifically. Based bishit cis women that are half male brained are BP2 or if they fly to close to the sun BP1. I don't make the schizo rules the schizo rules made me
>the schizo rules made me
they certainly did

dont mind me, just getting casually mogged by a random armor-rating tiktoker who's clearly a barely disguised boymoder
idk who this is and i haven't seen them yet i can tell EXACTLY how they sound...
go listen and report back. it's deeper than I expected honestly
omg i was expecting a sorta deep fagvoice but that's just a guy talking
knights didnt have microphones woke loberqls stp changing history

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I fumbled the most wonderful girl in the world.
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The midwest.
I don't want a suicide pact, I just want a sweet girl to be genuinely interested in my yapping and care about my wellbeing again.
Like where, Michigan? I thought the tranny friendly parts were also expensive and places like indiana and ohio were not the greatest. state insurance also covers a lot where I am...
Try Minnesota
I love girls who yap

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white trans girls, do you like rap music?
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well yeah... did you try it? no coming back

Licking pantyhose feet friday
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this sounds annoying for you but its pretty adorable anon lol. the whole bored and ignored foot worship thing is a vibe in and of itself, she might be getting off on that even. that being said idk i personally don't get like "sexual" pleasure out of having someone touch my feet but it's nice, they're sensitive, and if she's dedicated she could actually get good at footrubs for you. i was surprised to find that weird stuff like gently pulling on my toes and squishing my heel in their hands feels super good. i'm sure there's a whole domme headspace that could be involved as well but if you're not into that then maybe at the very least it could be cute to see how much of an effect they have on her? i always love that myself desu its half the reason why i do stuff for my partner.
I can imagine a female version of her that's hot
This is probably what she sees all the time
pantyhose were the first girl clothes I got... whenever I threw them out cause of fear of my find them I got super sad
Many such cases. Trans girls deserve to wear pantyhose and it's cruel that the world denies them.

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Techwear Edition
Post fits, purchases, inspo
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vintage cardigan
do you have tighter tank top?..

i guess black jeans would work great or cargo idk

>What's your style like?
literally wear the same clothes since high school, just have new dark t-shirts kek. pretty basic style, nothing special i'm poor
I think it just rolled up and I didn't have a better pic on hand rn. Usually it's not that baggy looking. I also thought that black pleated pants would work well with my tank tops. I have no fashion sense but the people around me dress even worse so idrc. Awww suck that you are constrained by your budget, imo it's so attractive if people have a non-normie way of fashion
>black pleated pants
for sure it would, you need pair of good shoes for this and nice jewerly to elevate

idk if i had a sense of faashion, but i guess i look better than average people here too despite the fact that my outfit sub 50 bucks and 4yo without shoes lol

you need your own capsule wardrobe, look about this and you always will look the best
>4yo without shoes
I think I've been wearing the same pair for 5 years lol. I believe bought them pre pandemic, they are just so comfy that i never threw them away, I hope they still sell them. I have a sentimental attachment to the jewelry I'm wearing, so I would feel bad if i ditched it for a better look but time will tell I guess.

Who was in the wrong here?
why do reppers have to be so weird dude
idk did she do it you tell me anons ill believe u
I'm not sure how she ever believed that she, as some random tranny, would end up in a MrBeast vid for sucking Krisdick. Like, "Oh hey Jimmy, this is some internet tranny I met last week and she's pretty good at sucking cock. Let's add her to the team!" As a rule, don't expect a favor for sucking someone off unless it's cashed in advance.
Also, AvaKris Tyson is a creep but that's already established.
I just wish I knew why transbians are all so rapey.
i was wrong

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hey y'all, new bread, thread for cis women who love trans women and vice versa

QOTT: whats your ideal fall date

the speil, no yaoi, no t4t etc. not every space is made for you if you don't like c4t get out
i wanna go on cute cafe dates and walking on a trail with a lot of pretty trees around!! there's a trail along a river in my city, but no more cute girl to take :(
s2g we barely even get fall anymore where i live. it's like summer til mid-october then it turns to winter the second we hit november -_-
most of my favorite clothes are fall clothes too
but (re: fall dates)
idk, maybe just going for a walk in a more picturesque part of town around sunset
and i baked a pie earlier that we can have when we get back home
you'll find the girl for you soon anon that sounds lovely

more or less the same for me what kinda fall clothes do you wear

cute! what kinda pie? would/did you bake it with her

also a link to the discord for y'all: https://discord.gg/YsnjATX7

my fwb asked me to call her big sis and have her call me little sis
we are both highly mentally ill bishits with internalized issues (only i have more bc im also a tranny on top of all that)
we are also only children but this still feels kinda wrong or immoral
should i be into that
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yes but it really feels like it shouldnt be
>we are also only children
How old are you?
not like that, anon
only children as in we both dont have siblings
im 19 shes 24
live long and embrace sisterhood

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No rules just right replace water with sprite
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bump cuz i would like to see this thread return but idk what to post exactly :/
cis women are kookoo bananas crazy. hot. but unsafe. ull get murdered by her boyfriend u silly girls
In which I will humbly request a cis asian gf.
REAL. Us trannies are bonkers but somehow the Cissie women who are into us are truly fucking deranged. Anyone have any theories as to why? Is it really just because they know they can get away with it?
You'll get one I'll even wingman for ya with my cis Asian gf THINK IT DREAM IT DO IT

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Are there any, I mean like at all, cis male chasers who are fetishistically attracted to trans women, love the cock and all that, BUT, specifically are only or maybe even just MORE into AGP/transbian-ish trans women vs androphiles, like maybe they want the thrill of the chase or the nerdy traits or something.

I'm not asking if this is common, I'm sure it isn't, but does it exist at all? If so, what is that like?
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There are plenty of AGPs who’d love to have a guy like you.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about, or haven't met enough of either type ("type" is a stretch since AGPedos don't even qualify as trans women). I hope you don't find out the truth in a painful way.
that describes my bf. he really likes indulging my agp and likes that i have agp. i fear sometimes he may be a repper living vicariously through me but hes flat out told me he doesnt see me long term, so if he troons its whatever
Yeah but their facial muscle distribution is not feminine unlike husstuss
Yeah, they're called eggs lmao

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It's time to put this to rest, /lgbt/.
>your letter(s)
>preferred dick size for partner
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>i have trouble taking dicks that are over like 6.5 inches, something average like 5 inches is ideal
mtf bi
anywhere within average
gay bottom
+12 cm
bigger or same size as mine
Bi ftm
5-6 inches

I'm going to New York in 3 weeks to visit a friend, he said he is going to force me to girl mode and wont accept me talking in my guy voice.

the ticket is already bought and not refundable, he bought it for me, is it over? he says i worry too much and I pass but I feel like I don't and I'm going to be very embarrassed and I'm gonna make him uncomfortable.
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Oh how horrible, you have to conform to the gender you actually chose to live as. Are you even really trans?
we have become close friends but not in a weird sexual way. It was not his idea to meet with me I just jokingly brought up the idea of if he bought me a ticket I would come and so he did.

I attempted suicide a few weeks ago and have been in and out of the hospital and I just need to do something fun and so he was like why not. Its nothing weird. I understand I sound like im being naive but this is 4chan, you obviously don't know the full context of our friendship which is understandable.

I don't mind conforming to my chosen gender identity, its just that some people will choose to harass me over that and that is what I am scared of.
Okay I mean I don't want to scare you away from potentially having a nice time. Getting out in the city with a friend could be genuinely helpful mentally. But there is nothing wrong with just checking in with yourself about what you will do if the vibes are off. what's the plan? who are you gonna call if you feel unsafe etc.?
>there's like 10,000 people in new york
you're never gonna believe this but there's actually millions!
my parents, they already know im going,

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growing out my hair and dyeing it blond as a first step in Linkmoding
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Breath of the wild was so much fun, why is it so hard for me to get invested in Tears of the Kingdom?
it doesn't get fun until you cheat and build a hovercycle with near-endless fuel and automated turrets
i feel like botws mystery of rediscovering your memories and the weird new world pulled me in a lot more (regardless of whether the story pays off or not), i lovethe sandbox of totk but it didnt engross me in the game like playing skyward sword as a kid or botw

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