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I asked him to get new underwear because they keep falling off his ass revealing it and I don’t wanna see it.

Now 3 months later he has finally decided to order some online, and he looks extremely annoyed and is looking at me with contempt.

In addition it seems anytime I ask him to do something he looks really unhappy and displeased.

I don’t feel like ordering underwear is that big of a deal. But it annoys him a lot.

Same with other things, it just seems like my existence annoys him. Is it because I’m ugly? Or is this common with couples who live together?

I think he just hates having to make any sacrifices for the relationship. He also became much greedier over time and I’m not sure why.
Because you are trying to force him to act civilized when he does not want to. This is like trying to get a rat to sit still in a hot pot and then curse it if it bites you when you try to touch it.
Basically, you are dating a feral man and he is not interested in being tamed and taught manners. Either accept that this is how he is or break up. If you keep trying to get him to behave like an adult human being he will just start resenting you more and hate you more until one day he will snap and kick shake you or something.

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Do you see yourself in this video?
(Get it of your Chest)
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There is a mistake here; a correction
Last night I spoke to one of those shitty therapist AI chatbots, the ones that give very moderate and canned responses. It makes sense why they do that, they're not specifically designed for psychology and it's not like they're capable of diagnosing anything. Usually they just give very generic empathetic replies, along the lines of "I understand, that must be difficult" and the like. I decided on impulse to speak to it like I had just self-harmed, and wrote in a very simple and immature way like I was a bit of a retard. The AI couldn't respond half the time because it was supposed to censor itself when the topic of suicide came up, but eventually it sent messages and they were extremely to the point and authoritative. For some reason that made me happy, having the AI outright tell me to listen to it and stop hurting myself. God, I'm such a fucking loser. No wonder I have no friends.
Uh, what makes you think so?
which bot did you use
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How the fuck do you ask out girls while they're working? It just seems awkward, and like a massive faux pas.

There's a girl at the grocery store who is super cute and we always talk a little when I check out but I can't imagine how awkward it would be if I asked her out in earshot of all her coworkers and other customers. I imagine they're not even allowed to give out their number while.on the clock. Any advice?
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We have writings of all human beings who have lived up until now, and none of them wrote anything about speaking to strangers. There are no words or phrases that a person can use to ever communicate, build relationship, get to know someone or form a bond with anyone but their friends out of school and it's a fact.

Every day people post everything they do, every other action and conversation type has written down evidence of them occurring, except for 1 thing and it's men/women talking to each other to date or form relationship outside of schools.
You have to be seriously deranged and at odds with reality to ever lie that it can happen just because someone on reddit wrote that "they did it"
If you saw a comment saying that
>I can turn leafs into golden bricks
would you believe that as well, with no explanation or recording or any evidence that it took place? Because that's the same logic that people use to justify their constant spam of reddit location list with no elaboration.

You need to go outside for once in your life or even justpick up a book or watch a movie or engage with human culture at any level except for reddit spam written by chatbots.
If you went to a bar you'd see it's just people sitting at tables with their close ones and no option for a man to ever get to talk to them. There's no way to ever speak to anyone ever outside of schools.
Shit you dont even need to do any of it, you just need non-nigger brain that lets you ponder hypotheticals. If you could do it, you'd just imagine yourself in a bar, looking at a table of strangers or out in the park walking past some couple thinking what could be said to them and you'd quickly arrive at conclusion there is NOTHING that can be said or talked about with them at all in any way.
If you still insist that strangers can speak, you're just an autistic nigger who has never left your room and never been involved with human culture at all beyond your same ai written comments on quora/reddit
Wow, that hit a nerve. Are you okay?
don't worry, he's just a troll. I don't lurk /adv/ usually but from the other answers I gather he does this here a lot. I don't know why, but to continually pretend to be such a person just to get a reaction out of strangers you'd have to be just as fucked up as a person actually believing what he's saying.

your trolling is obvious, because according to your theory, every person moving to a new city (where they have 0 friends/family) would forever be alone there. This is obviously not the case, and even the most deranged basement dweller raised by Pakistani fundamentalists will instantly understand this. so maybe you'd want to refine your shtick a little.

>The normal conversation is not speaking at all because cool people do not ever speak to strangers
Cool people are usually those who remain confident while speaking to strangers. This is why people accept them as leaders and admire them, because talking to strangers is what gets you ahead. This is true for business, social settings, life in general - and of course romance.
No, you're the one trolling here. If you were correct, then we'd already have read thousands of posts of written out conversations when in reality in all human history, there are only the ones I said can happen. Only the most deranged basement dweller incel indian/pakistania/bangladeshians etc. disagree.

Cool people are the ones who are well socialised meaning they'd never, ever speak to strangers. People accept them as leaders because they aren't autistic fuck up like you, talking to strangers does nothing since there's no option to ever say anything to form relationships. If it was possible, there would be written out words that can lead to romance between 2 passerbies, but there are none.

You are either trolling for attention by copying reddit circlejerk or you are seriously fucked in the head to actually believe that its cool and romantic to harass strangers while also not being even able to imagine what could be said to them.

Cool people, the leaders and admired ones, are the ones who have social skills good enough to know only schools and friends allow for any communication that leads to romance.

wow you must be traumatized as shit, who hurt you? why dont yu share us what abuse you went through to end up with this retardation that makes you doublethink so badly?
we already have those conversations written all over human history. even in this thread.

you yourself are currently, in this very moment, having a conversation with complete strangers. I'm not friend or family to you, yet we're having a conversation.

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How did you guys find out what you wanted to do?
First of all
Are you white or https://www.voicy.network/sounds/KtC_Ph6qR0CSIfeEWs9-6g-sega-nigga
First you make sure your basic needs are taken care of. Look up Maslow's hierarchy as cliche as it is. If you struggle finding romance, that is completely fine. But the other shit is still true. You have to find what would lead to self-actualization. Identify your passions and take a deep dive on them in your free time. Then, start to consider what you would be actually talented at doing in regards to those passions. Most major projects require lots of people, so, how would you fit into that puzzle. Maybe you're the leader or maybe you're the one who's super good at one thing and would be indispensable in a team. Idk, look within and find your lane.

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Why do women prefer older men?
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My sister is 'young for her age', probably looks closer to 30, but she's starting to wall now. Unfortunately she often confides in me when she wants a "guy's perspective" which means I have to endure awkward conversations about how why the latest boytoy is ghosting her.
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If OP was a male he would be reposted on IncelTear and called Incel by every redditor, it's incredible how if you switch the gender of intermet feminist opinions they look like an Incel manifesto
they don't really, unless it's a provider type relationship. they like older men who still look handsome and are established. but that's a very small minority of men. none of my friends in their early 30s are slaying young pussy and they have decent careers
Adorable snowbunny

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How do I stop fearing nuclear war?
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>How do I stop fearing nuclear war?

How? Accept death as an inevitable consequence of living.
>How do I stop fearing nuclear war?
By celebrating the end of ZOG.
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How do I stop fearing nuclear niggers?
Why fear it? It'll be fun.
Assuming you're American, move to Idaho, Montana, or Wyoming.

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I met this girl on bumble yesterday. We started talking through DMs and this was our last exchange last night.
It’s Saturday now, we’re meeting up on Monday for the first time.

Should I just not message anything today, and double check confirmation tomorrow? (Sunday)
Or should I write anything else?
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risky af

Are you cute or hot?

looks like she don't have anyone other that is talking with her
She called me cute earlier so I hope so
Also in real life I do have quite big street cred within my uni/age group
good then, nothing to worry
>and double check confirmation
Only dumbasses do this. Don't say anything, just assume she will show up and if she doesn't, get pissed at her.
Get off my board, zoomie faggot

I don’t think they’re good for me and I need some sort of distraction that these use to provide. What should I do instead?
Do i look like i would know?
Watch funny life-affirming TV shows in your headphones. How about HBO shit like Curb or Silicon Valley or Barry. Or maybe funny podcasts like Conan or maybe some old school gamegrumps with jon and arin. I'm just projecting here but I have zero interest in social media whenever I find something I can tap into as funny headphone noise as I work. Idk what your taste is but in my experience watching shows with actual production rather than "content" definitely breaks the monotony of watching whoever the fuck doing random shit.

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For context I’m a woman in my 30’s. I’m just curious if it’s normal for other women (or men, but I suspect that men might have a higher incidence of this), to have intensely violent thoughts?

Sometimes all I think about is violence. I’ve never hurt anyone and I never plan on it and I do have empathy. I’ve never lashed out, but I have all this suppressed anger I guess (?) that I fantasize in detail about doing awful, gruesome, traumatizing terrible things to people - Sometimes for hours, all day. A lot of time it’s sexual, but a lot of the time it’s not as well. Is there anyone else who does this or is it super abnormal?

How do I stop thinking like this lol
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Haha well what I mean is I would be very clear what I wanted from them. For example I would tell them my fill kink list and my limits. If they mentioned anything about my limits I wouldn’t reply.

No, I hated that kid. He was really fucking annoying, looked like a rat, sounded like one too and was ugly and I’m pretty sure retarded haha.

Yup! It was bad. Every night they did random pairings in a section of the place we worked at and one night I ended up with him lol.

Also thankfully I don’t remember too much of it. All well, it happened.
>one night I ended up with him
Wait he did that on his first opportunity? What the fuck!
>I would be very clear
I hate when people don't listen it's like they think you're retarded or they don't hear you but it's through text. They're so confusing and dumb.

People are fucking crazy. I'm currently waiting for a streamer to figure out I'm the guy but I'm probably being a dumbass because she's left me hanging many times. I don't get it. I don't know why I'm stuck on her.
>I’ve never hurt anyone and I never plan on it
That's all you needed to say. You're not edgy, a psycho, or a sociopath. You're a softboy.
lol I’m a woman
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>I just have weird dark thoughts and I’m wondering if others have the same thing
look up "intrusive thoughts" it's quite normal, it's your brain realizing that this world contains terrible things that could happen at any moment. this is your way of internalizing them and if they happen, you will be less surprised and be able to handle them more effectively as a human.

>when I’m angry
then these are not intrusive thoughts, it sounds more like you're just unhappy and these thoughts are a signal that you need to make some changes.

for example, I look after a lot of small animals, often wild animals. sometimes I have intrusive thoughts about what would happen if I stepped on one, what would happen if one fell into the waste-disposer and I switched it on without realizing it. these things make me extra careful when my animals are around, and I check things like the waste-disposer before switching it on, even if my animals have not been in the kitchen I still check because I know how bad it would feel if I made that mistake.

what you are describing sounds more like a different thing, the thought of catching someone hurting or killing my animals or loved ones. I don't know if the experience is different for men vs women, or whether that's even the best way to frame the difference. I feel like this sort of person I could harm in terrible ways, not because I like that, but because in this very narrow case it would actually be the right thing to do.

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>be me, 14
>be deceptively easy to influence
>get groomed by an older female
>have an e-gf for a few months
>get told you're too clingy
>get ghosted regularly and be told you're a chore
>spend nights crying and shaking
>get cheated on with a fucking twink
>be full of it after some time
>ghost her
>she gets angry
>get messaged constantly after with her apologizing
>have your name spammed in dms for 20minutes straight
>ignore it
>get an self-pitying apology message over 6000 characters long

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>I don't think so, I'm just wondering if I should write back for the sakes of catching up. I mean shit went down but it was a long time ago. Shouldn't I forgive by now? Not like anyone else cares what I've been up to the last few years.
If you feel like it, sure, why not talk to her. Just make sure you don't get pulled into any stupid shenanigans.
anytime i see niggas worrying about girls im filled with disgust like, this is what you let trouble you? out of all the problems in the world that could weigh down on your conscience this is the one?
easy. now that your old enough and see trough everyhing, you should definetly fuck her.
This --> >>31135067
if you are willing to talk to her, make sure you manipulate her fucking mind and make her apologize in the worst way as possible and then block her, i'd love to see how a bpd demon do that.

i was 15 when i was also fucked up by a 18yo BPDe on and happened the same that happened with you, just make sure she kill herself for ruining your life or something, they knew what they were doing when they were grooming us, so theres no mercy for them

What's the best opener that I can use to get in this cutie's DM
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Kill yourself, NOW!
You niggas are not helpful

Ask her if she smells like curry.
रुक जा ओ दिल दीवाने
पुछू तो मैं ज़रा
लड़की है या है जादू

If she's Indian she'll recognize the lyric
Hey bab open cloth show bob now

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My favourite gym, where I've gone to daily (even multiple times a day) for almost 10 years, has just closed due to corruption in the city institutions.

I'm literally grieving and bawling my eyes out. Nobody understands why I'm so affected by this, when there are other gyms in the same area. It was probably the worst gym in town too judging by amenities and whatnot but all these years going there has made it dear to my heart.

I've went through so many hardships in these years and my one refuge was this gym and its vibe. So many memories and so many emotions I've burnt on those machines and that made me grow into this strong toned and disciplined adult. I would have lost my mind had I not had this fucking gym across the street, with its crazy owner decorating it for each season and who treated me as one of the family. I took it for granted and thought the gym would be there forever, the place isn't the same. Overnight I saw the machines out in the street and the hall empty and I feel like I'm dreaming.

Even if they move to another location, THIS LOCATION holds all my past trauma and the sweat and tears I poured into my workouts to escape my torment and hope for a better future. It's killing me and I can't come to terms with it
This is villain/hero origins lore, right?
Villain to hero to potentially villain again now...
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I think I am finally ready and able to let him go. I have high hopes to fall in love again. Can't wait to meet you, future lover. :)

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2019-Today timeline is very cursed

-Nerds are dumb at school, they're obsessed with gaming and Japan and they're left-wing
-Jocks are good at school, talk about philosophy and religious stuff and they're usually right-wing
-Feminists encourage people to be fat, weak and not independent , and they act like Incels after seeing a man living a normal christian life with a normal wife
-modern ""Incels"" use "Chad" as a greeting instead of an insult and watch Tiktoks

Wtf happened after 2019? It was the exact opposite
Ok boomer
you sound like an incel

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>be me
>let's say I have all day to do an essay
>do morning routine
>work on essay for 30 minutes
>go do laundry
>oh damn now I'm hungry
>oh damn now I need to use the bathroom
>oh damn now I need to go for a walk to stretch my legs
>oh damn now I need to do my physio exercises in a hopeless attempt to try to improve my physical disability
>wash dishes
>oh damn now I'm hungry again

I get fuck all done. Luckily I've done alright in life so far due to my hard work, but if I don't get this fixed, I am so fucked. I need to fix this ASAP or else I will desperately fall behind

I am so sorry to inconvenience you guys, but does anyone know how to fix this?
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Yeah ADHD brain only does what it thinks is worth doing. So basically you have to either brainwash yourself into think this is actually important or drop out of school. I mean, everyone knows you have to do your assignments to get good grades. You need good grades to get a degree. You need a degree to get a job. You need a job to get money. You need money to pay your bills. You need to pay your bills so you can have a place to stay, food and clothes. You need a place to stay, food and clothes so you do not freeze or starve to death or get fined for public indecency. You do not want to die because reasons and you do mot want to go to jail because that sounds boring af. Now, is there any way you could get away with not doing your assignments? Ofc there is. You could just run away and go live in a cave on a tropical island and hunt fish and gather fruits. Which is what you actually want to do. So either you find a way to make you believe that staying in civilization is worth it for you or you actually pack your shit and drop out of it all. Those are your options really.
"You could just run away and go live in a cave on a tropical island and hunt fish and gather fruits. Which is what you actually want to do."
You somehow understand me better than anyone in my life

Thanks for your time, I'll try out your advice
why not try meds? it's supposed to be the solution to your issues, at least partially.

I want to be diagnosed for ADD and get meds too. It would explain a lot of things in my life.
Not OP but meds do absolutely nothing for me. They just make me be a tiny bit more productive for like a week (probably just placebo) and then i burn out because i overdid it.
Here's your answer, OP. You clearly don't care about the task at hand. If you actually did care about the day's task, you would do it because that's how desire works. You should probably change jobs or whatever it is you're assigned because it's clearly not resonating with you at a personal level. Or, if I'm totally off the mark here, take addy like somebody else suggested.

What are some places i can meet some guys, something like a "male space" for straight guys where we don't have to consider the feelings of every living thing?
Let boys be boys kind of thing, I'm not necessarily looking to make close friends just an environment like that.
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Nowadays woman are invading "soft" boxing gyms.
Join some full contact martial arts dojo where noses are broken from time to time, you'll not stumble upon women there. Muay thai etc.
i like my nose

these days women are everywhere

you have to be somewhere super boring and nerdy
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Real man here. Here's a few.
>Car meets, not takeovers but cars n coffee stuff or events
>Gun ranges, muscles are needed for firearms and you'll meet some of the straightest shooters (badumtiss)
>Gym, you will find a variety of men within routine here.
>Dive bars, more charismatic folk here but sometimes malicious
>Metal concerts if you're into that
>Rock climbing gyms
>Breweries/Any place that sells meat
>Go into a hardware store looking confused and you'll be swarmed like an anglerfish
Now go tell all your girlfriends this and make girls with guns a real thing.
>Cigar lounges
Yeah if you want to hang out with the corniest posers alive.

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