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I dont think I have an ugly smile exactly, but I don't think I have an attractive one, at least on command. When genuinely smiling from a reaction or laughing, or while drunk, I actually quite like how I smile, but while sober and also when "trying" too smile for a picture I feel I just look awkward. It's been an issue of mine for awhile, I actually avoid pictures with people until I'm drunk for that exact reason.
So how can I smile better, do I need to practise in the mirror? Take pictures of myself? etc etc, I guess I'm asking how to be more photogenic but even then I like how I look for the most part.
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teeth = incisors = predatory = angry
sit in front of the mirror practising faces, eventually it'll work. Or get drunk in front of the mirror until you find at what point you like the smile.
when i was about to get married i was so nervous for the same reason as op, i stressed about the wedding pictures as if my life was on the line so i started looking around for reason to laugh genuinely, like making fun of someone or a more wholesome way is looking at people i like, they smile then i smile back, later i used this to smile daily and try to remember how my face felt when i smiled genuinely after some time (3 months now) i kind of get the feel of the 'right smile' don't stress about having the best or sexiest smile, a smile that doesn't make people feel awkward is enough. hope this helps, take care.
You could try practicing, but if you smile when happy naturally, then focus on just smiling when you're at ease. Maybe when you're drunk keep smiling to develop that muscle memory.

I'm in a similar situation but my smile is deffo ugly due to abuse from my parents.
cut your cheeks buddy

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I have two public events I want to look my absolute best for, first in exactly a month and second on Day 48. We're not starting from zero, I'm not ugly trying to turn my life around in a month, I'm not out of shape either but I'm still building muscle to where I want to be, I have a basic skincare routine, I'm not even completely socially inept, but I wish to find other things I can do for myself physically over the next 1.5 month.
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Walk for 2 hours a day. An hour in the morning and an hour before bed. Go to the gym for an hour after work where you get some sort of strength exercise in.

Only consume water mixed with electrolytes (baking soda + salt) for 40 days. You won't die. Your body will eat it's fat to stay alive.

You will lose about 40 pounds doing this. Beat the shit out of yourself and you'll see results. You're stronger than you think you are.
sunscreen in the morning, retinol cream at night. take a supplement with hydrolized collagen, a bit of zinc (~8mg), vitamin c.
>just eat a load of sugar bro
Also, eat more than .8 grams of protein per kg of bodyweight, eat lots of vegetables, get enough sleep.
>Your body will eat it's fat to stay alive.
>You will lose about 40 pounds doing this.
I can't tell if your fucking with OP or not

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Dating used to be a method of finding a spouse. Dating multiple people wasn't frowned upon because sex wasn't an expected part of it.

Now sex is considered to be a normal part of dating pressuring couples to remain committed to each other as if they were married.

Can I still find a place which treats Dating as screening for a spouse?
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Your retarded, chances are if she has fuck a lot of guys before then she has a shit ton of baggage. I have yet to meet a single woman with a 3+ body count that didn't have some kind of baggage or mental problem.
Just wait until marriage and expect the same.
The silver lining of it no longer being a social norm is that those who still practice the standard tend to really mean it.
You are correct, just out of line with the 4chan hivemind opinion on this topic. But there is a difference between a girl who has been with 1-3 guys and 10 guys imo.
You can be a retard just like him. Unless she was a young widow who hasn't been with anyone but her husband, there is no way I wil marry a non virginal woman.
Not always true, maybe at those baptist super churches where Christianity is a hobby. Where I am at the women actually go out and do works for God. Everyone else is just old.

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how do i meet people who are also into kind of ninche culture like silent hill or nier or just older japanese games stuff like dark souls just like nerdy fun cool people to be around. I live around raleigh
>some of the most popular games of all time are niche
attitudes on gaming have changed a lot, but nevertheless any woman who plays games is going to keep it on the dl because otherwise she will end up with socially awkward orbiters whether she wants them or not.
i didnt even bring up women i said people this post wasnt about meeting women
sorry i kind of just assumed because unless you are in a workplace staffed by normie boomers finding peers who play games isn't super difficult, and if you are still a student in school it's really easy. the problem you'll find is that sharing interests doesn't mean you'll actually become friends, or even want to, and that friendships through work, if it's through work, can be far more fragile than you think. friends you can talk to and share your hobbies/games with, even if they are purely online, will often be more fulfilling than an in-person 'friendship' with someone you actually dislike
Bro pick a FIGHTER game and then set up p your console in some TV room on campus. Play vs people, bring beer, organize a tournament etc.

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I'm in Canada
I'm not brown or a twink, though, pretty much the opposite, so it probably wouldn't work out anyway
Still, I hope you meet your artist bf and I meet my artist gf one day
Rolling for California
I am also in Canada but you're right.
I hope you do find her, anon. Best of luck.
We may have talked in these threads before.
>we may have talked in these threads before.
The chances of are non-zero.
Never lucky
>I don’t even know how to work on that.
Same as moids, practice and fail until you stop failing
Yikes but you like what you like I suppose

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no friends or family
i live off disability neetbux and eat fast food and pass out in bed all day

I dont know how to get a job never had one

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based and burdenmaxxedpilled
I do
It’s triple over
ah shit me too anon, I'm pretty similar to you except that I've been with girls a couple times before
C'est fini

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I can't bring myself to do boring shit like cleaning please help
stop being a stinky fucking slob
Learn how to gamify it.

My friends are such good people it sometimes makes me feel bad. My friend group is always there to help me out, never miss a chance to meet up, play games, watch stuff together. And I feel really bad because back in middle and high school I used to hit one of them all the time when I was a dumb kid and was a nuisance towards them, I have no clue why they stuck with me. If I were them I'd have dropped my stupid ass a long time ago. They just helped me get a gf and I cannot thank them enough. I have never done anything quite on this level for them. I really don't deserve friends as good as them, but they are always happy to be around me for whatever reason. They themselves hold zero grudges, it's all in the past for them and I of course have since grown as well but it still bothers me. I wish I could go back and beat my past self so I could have treated them better. Maybe I do deserve all this anxiety after being a bit of a bully.

What can I possibly do to repay them and how can I stop moping about my past actions towards them?
You’re obsessing. If good people like you, you can’t be that bad. Believe in their belief in you.

We all do dipshit stuff as kids. Forgive your younger self; he had to go through what he went through to become you
>My friends are such good people it sometimes makes me feel bad.
Cognitively I identify this as projecting a low self esteem delusion onto your peer relationships.
Intuitively I can't relate. Why feel bad about being below someone else's standard? It's your own standard that matters; simply select a standard you can comfortably meet.
>If I were them I'd have dropped my stupid ass a long time ago.
So? That's just you failing to meet your own standards and projecting; lower those standards.
>What can I possibly do to repay them
Be happy in response to their friendship instead of sad, and express this happiness with them. That's probably their goal with you; make it easy for them to achieve it by being happier.
>and how can I stop moping about my past actions towards them?
Literally don't feel bad. How is this a question? Just stop.

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This thread will come across as whiny but I need to ask anyways:

What the actual fuck are you supposed to do when one of your parents is effectively taking up the mantle of everything, and the other refuses to do anything but yell at them even when they do what they're told? Then, when the one who is handling it all eventually snaps and loses their cool, the one who does nothing just like... walks away and refuses to even address the fact that they're effectively useless?

I'm keeping this vague on purpose because I'd rather not go into specifics but it's kind of killing me inside. I'm not a homebody nor a provider but I do whatever I can around the house, so it only exacerbates an obvious imbalance in responsibility.

I know every other person my age has a toxic home life but what makes my situation even weirder is that no one, not even my other relatives, is aware of the fact that only one of my parents does... Well, does anything. I mean that literally. Not out of disrespect either, it's just the reality of it. They do not do anything at all, and they get mad at the other for doing the things they could do on their own but just refuse to do.
Yeah that's just a classic case of an abusive marriage anon, my parents are the same. Not much to do t b h. Try to take as little damage from this as possible, and let your doer parent live with his or her life choices.
There’s a reason one stopped giving a fuck.

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I've never been one to care about presentation, or other's perceptions of me, but ever since I've started talking to this girl and hanging around women more in general I can't help but sometimes notice how "lacking" in masculinity I can be. Things as minute as the way I stand, or my hand movements. I've been meticulously studying my own physique recently and I fucking hate it. I've always been the guy that makes gay jokes and can hang out with girls no problem and whatnot, which is probably why I do hang out with so many women so often (and why the girl that I'm currently with is with me in the first place), but honestly I can't help the nagging feeling that I need to change, become more masculine, and fit into my stereotypical male role. Maybe I'm just irrationally paranoid after years of mind-numbing social media usage and posts about "traditional masculinity" or whatnot.
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I’m a fairly “feminine” woman and notice masculine qualities in men that aren’t often discussed (eg teeth) and I think it’s similar for other women. You probably don’t realize that things like the way you stretch, sit, yawn, rub your eyes all have a masculine quality to them. So, maybe you don’t have bulging muscles or smell like ass or speak unnecessarily loudly or whatever. Extreme characteristics have less appeal anyway. You’re going to be the perfect balance to somebody. Imagine you work hard to change yourself and then your dream partner rejects you because they’re not into really masculine guys. Unless you have a reason to change, don’t. Hone your natural qualities. Learn another language. I really hope literally any of this helps
I am planning on getting back in the gym consistently, I want to shred some weight and then beef up a bit - not to bodybuilder levels, but around a "bulky athlete" level, if that makes sense. I can't really think of anything else that would help me feel manlier, mostly because physical appearance is like the only thing that I think of when I think of masculinity.

When you say goals, what do you mean? Like things I think I'm not achieving because I'm not masculine enough? Maybe having many women fawn over me all the time, although that's not really a concern of mine at the moment considering that I'm about to enter a relationship. I have no real "reason", except for the nagging suspicion that all the people around me (the women especially) secretly look down on me because of my lacking masculinity desu.

This does somewhat help, thank you. I feel like I can tell that I'm being unreasonable to an extent but that still doesn't stop the desire to change myself, it's weird. Maybe I just need time.

Also, can you explain what you mean by "eg teeth"? What's an example of masculine teeth? This is genuinely interesting to me, I've never heard that before.
Muscles have nothing to do with it dude. Being assertive, competitive, dominant, willing not to take shit from people is more important

I’ve Cucked roided up dudes before and I’m a pretty boy who spends all day looking at clothes and trying cologne samples
wait a minute….u have a gf….and you’re still worried about not being masculine enough…………BITCH IF YOU WEREN’T MASCULINE U WOULDN’T GET PUSSY
anyway i kinda feel like you, but i have valid reason to feel that way because i never got a gf and everyone thinks i am a faggot, you’re just an insecure mofo like thoses women that think they’re ugly but get D every day
nigga shit the fuck up useless subhuman, who the fuck cares what the normalfags think? are you happy with yourself? if not then change. if yes, then keep being “””””””””affeminate”””””””””
dumbass bitch sex haver
>but around a "bulky athlete" level, if that makes sense
But you're not an athlete. Do you even know what athletes look like, or do you have a cartoonishly exaggerated image of their physique? Most people do. One thing that blew my mind was looking up an elite gym challenge and seeing a video of this one little guy absolutely crushing it. He looked totally average, indistinguishable in any way from any dude you may walk past on the street. But the fella had crazy strength and endurance. At that moment I realised that all the weird aesthetic shit I'd been sold was all bullshit, and it's all stuff pushed by and for body dysmorphia people. If you want to be "manly" in the traditional sense, build the masculine body you need, not what you think resembles a masculine body in appearance. Do the kind of physical activity that will get you a healthy physique. If you've seen those old photos of farmers, those guys are lean, stringy, compact. Their physiques are polished, not artificially bloated. These were typically "masculine" men who developed their physiques according to the work they were doing, because they needed to do that work in order to make a living. It served a function that was not at all aesthetic. Keep this in mind when considering what ideal you chase after, and why.
>I can't really think of anything else that would help me feel manlier, mostly because physical appearance is like the only thing that I think of when I think of masculinity.
This is the bigger problem for guys today IMO. If you have an interest in this, I recommend you take a look at Plato's dialogue "Laches" (and maybe also "Rival Lovers", although that one is a pseudo-dialogue afaik). You can also try Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger as an example of a turn of the century adventurous young men of good breeding. Try to get the uncensored version. The book gives a living example of a masculinity that is "unforced" and not aesthetic.

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How would I know if I have some very minor grade of 'tism? Three autistic people in the past 6 months that I know irl have told me that they think I'm one of them. I don't have any trouble with social situations. But what if I've just learned the skills to navigate them so smoothly it feels natural? Is there a difference between that any being a normie? What do /adv/
>But what if I've just learned the skills to navigate them so smoothly it feels natural?
then your not autistic

hope this helps
that can also be called "masking" which is why psychology is bullshit
Anon I say this as an autist, it doesn’t matter. If you are doing well in life, don’t give it a second thought. You gain nothing from realising it
doesn't everyone just mask? or do normies really think that being a normie is the natural bottom dead center human behavior and it's effortless for them?
Do not get diagnosed
It is hell and helps nothing
I am a diagnosed autistic and I have never mentioned it and had a good reaction trying to let people know so when they see me rocking, scared of car noises, etc I could feel comfortable knowing they knew I have issues
Instead people just assume you are faking it
It is not worth it

How do I survive a narcissistic family member?
which family member is it? is it covert, or overt? insecure or obnoxious?
Grandfather, overt, insecure
If he lives with you, move out

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the only "natural" skill i have ever really had was reading. after that, would be writing. i could write for hours upon hours, especially when typing. it would be: 1. easy. 2. relaxing. 3. not stressful. 4. low maintenance. i plan on getting gud at it and getting paid for my services online, until i can break free and somehow manage to turn my only true skill (as of now) into a bigger money maker. then i could focus on what i truly love, which is computers. i do realize im still mediocre at best, and below average at worst, but i truly believe that i wouldn't mind doing this forever. i can (and honestly want to) yap for ages. and i also realize that its over saturated, and there are tons of people better than me at this. but that doesnt deter me from enjoying it so much. once i get competent enough and develop a clear, snappy, """recognizable""" style of writing, ill utilize it everywhere, and move onto the next thing. so, should i go all out for the next 3-5 years on improving and honing my style so that i can wagecuck doing something that doesn't make me want to kill myself? what do?
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you're """writing""" is so bad Even a 100 level (community college) class would improve it (parenthetical)
>lots of room for growth
thats what makes it fun
finding out im currently painfully mediocre only makes me wonder how great i could become
rap and limericks are gay
>be human
genuinely, how

I’m going to my friend’s birthday party, lots of girls from high school people are going to be there. A lot of them hated me in high school but in the 3 years since I’ve peaked and actually become really popular at uni.

Anyways, my friend made the group chat, and suggested we could sleep over after if we wanted. I decided to respond to this: “Can I sleep with you? I’m not on my period right now” because I thought it was funny (I’m a straight white male), and then the girls from high school started getting really pissed over it in the chat.

Also one of the girls who I somewhat get along with unfollowed me the other day because I liked her story a few times (because I thought her dancing was good)

How fucked am I for this saturday?
Well that was dumb. Mostly because it's not funny and barely makes sense.

You're probably okay though. Just make sure to act like you definitely don't want to have sex with the one who unfollowed you and don't make any other "jokes"
Who cares lol?
Did your bro think it was funny? That's all that matters.
well you aren't trying to impress those cunts anyways right? who gives a shit. Just try not to get a sexual harassment charge will ya?

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I heard a meninist talking point the other day that's kind of giving me a philosophical crisis. I'm usually a pretty progressive minded person but this just dumbfounded me because I kind of agreed with it.

The crux of the argument was basically that there's an implicit threat of violence or reprisal if you say something rude or offensive enough to someone and therefore you must respect that threat in social groups. ie, I shouldn't make fun of Billy's dead grandma or he might kick my ass.

What came next is the person suggested that women in general are less deserving of respect because they disrupt this paradigm. Because we've established the societal norm that hitting women is wrong, women can get away with saying some truly fucked up shit and evade the threat of reprisal. Therefore, we shouldn't respect their opinions as much.

Now like I said, I... kinda agree with this. It's kind of bullshit how catty and out of pocket women can act then retreat to "nooo you can't hit me I'm the weaker sex!" I'm not saying I want to hit women, I don't want to hit anybody. But they can certainly get away with more bullshit in the realm of social encounters than men can and that's a little annoying.

How do I square this?
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But "should" is the point of the discussion. OPs assertion is that men should hit women. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind anon. No one should be poking.
Gotta hit women as often as possible.
Always remember: the average man can kill the average women in a single punch. Therefore, men are already winning. Women live in fear due to that fact
This isn’t something nice to think,tho. but it helps to cope
in the end, women can’t be equal to men because the average man is stronger than the average woman, and we need to actually acknowledge that
sorry to hear that. if it makes you feel better, i would call you a retard and a bitch if you ever said that to me
> Like the answer to the problem is "don't hit anybody"
>SA’d you
>”lol bro don’t hit me violence is le bad”

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