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I donated 8 thousand dollars to a onlyfans model. I don’t know why. But is there anyway to get that money back? I tried asking but she blocked me. I think I fucked up. I was going to use that for a down payment for a house.
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>Donated 8 grand
No you didn't.

You "donate" to charities or churches. What you did was GIVE a lot of money to someone for the thrill of imagining that she was even aware of you as a person.

You evidently got that thrill for a while. So you got what you paid for.
Good for your ass. Maybe now you'll stop
One time an escort ripped me off $200 so I texted her "I hope you buy a treadmill out of that money you fat bitch". And she said "contact me again I will call the police".
How did you get ripped off? Payed up front? Hhahah

To make this as short as possible, I am not biologically related to the person I've called "mom" my whole life. My bio mom was an egg donor. When I was talking about my childhood with a dozen classmates, I started to sob uncontrollably. I didn't know why. I thought my childhood wasn't even that bad.

After a lot of thinking and talking to other people, I've come to realize that I have never liked my "mom." For as long as I can remember, I've disliked her, and I don't think I'll ever like her, much less love her. Anything that could've made me a better, happier person she denied to me in childhood, and then tried to dissuade me from pursuing things that made me a better, happier person when I reached adulthood. She forced a way of life onto me that I found morally reprehensible, and I do not want to associate with her anymore.

So I'm wondering if I should cut contact with her completely? If so, when and how should I do it? I'll be financially independent from her in a few months, and I'll be in college for another year.

I love my younger half-brothers (their bio mom was also an egg donor), but they still like my "mom" for some reason. My "mom" doesn't even think she made me have a bad life. She thought she was giving me medicine instead of poison. Now she lives completely alone. Even though I spend months without seeing her, I grow tired of her within minutes of talking to her. In addition, most of the "family" I've ever known are my "mom's" family, so if I cut contact with her, I'll have to cut contact with all of them as well (I don't mind it that much though. I don't dislike them, but I was never interested in them as people).

TL;DR: Poison dealer has been serving me poison for my entire childhood, and wishes to serve me more poison. She doesn't know she's been serving poison this whole time. I have never liked this poison dealer. A few people I love still like the poison dealer and talk to her regularly. Should I cut contact with the poison dealer?
What did she do that is so unforgivable?
Always cut contact with your mother unless she is a good woman who doesnt try to get in your business, and only talks when your dad allows her to.
Whatever you refer to as "poison" is in all likelihood good for you.

Explain what you mean by "poison" and how you came to the conclusion it's poison.
>inb4 some neckbeard on 4chan told you medicine and therapy is a jewish hoax

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I live in a third world country where quality mental health treatment is hard to find. However, I got diagnosed with ADHD and was given Concerta 36 mg ER.
I stayed on it for two weeks before my parents had a falling out with my therapist who was overcharging them and I never went back to her. My father flushed down the concerta and I never came across any psychiatrist who would agree to get me back on it.
I have always had self-discipline issues. I eat a lot, I am addicted to energy drinks for fucks sake.
No matter how many times I set out to stop doing the bad things that I do, study more, eat less, etc, I would just go back to my old state within a week.
I am 24.
Is it over? Are there any medication-free ways to change my life, or should I just accept the cards I've been dealt?
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>repeating "no meat = malnutrition" and citing years old alternative news sources
Weak. I'd call you a shill if carnists didn't routinely have defective reasoning processes. Useful idiot.
This is a very long winded way of saying its genetic.q
All you have to do is look at any long term vegan anon.
walking skeletons, bad skin, hair falling out.
It's a cult.
In fact people who left the cult are trying to deprogram current victims like yourself.
You want to know where veganism comes from anon?
It comes from religious lunatics.
7th Day Adventists. They created the American Diatetics Association about 100 years ago and they have been using it to push veganism ever since.
They believe meat causes lustful thoughts. lol.
How does it feel to be the victim of a religious cult anon?
Why are you trying to save genetic dead ends who most likely hate you and your point of view? Let them rot, let them suffer, let them die. The most hilarious thing is that they are doing it to themselves.
These girls make a good point, these people hate you and they would cheer as the watch you die. Return the favor in kind.
*yawn*, that branch of the plague that is Christianity doesn't even exist in my country, I'm not some mutt displaced from my ancestral homeland whoms living in a colony on bloody soil together with niggers and Mexicans. I'm not a victim but keep coping.

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I’ve been jerking off to anime woman since I was 13 and now I can’t find real woman attractive anymore. Is there anyway to fix this?
Yes. Stop jerking off to anime women.
Anime? Try to do porn mangas instead—a lot better quality. Most of the hentaI nowadays is just the same assets reused. Very sad work, compared to the art style for example of zettai junshu kyousei, imouto paradise 1. The quality just sucks nowadays, I don't know how you are even addicted.
As someone who was in a similar boat. You forget all that shit when you meet a girl who's actually into you.
Tasting affection from a girl is something porn and anime can never give you.

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>exgf out of nowhere reaches out of me on social media
>Hey [my name] (dont write back...) I heard you're sick, I hope you get well soon! [her name]

She WANTS me to write back or not? I am actually sick so I guess she found out by mutual friends.
I hate women.
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She literally said don't write back.
In fact block her.
She's prepping you as a backup guy. Shit isn't going well for her or she wouldn't have bothered with you at all.
Call her a cunt and tell her you're not her backup little bitch.
Sounds like a manipulative bitch.
Tell her to die and go fuck herself
There is a reason for that - drop her.

whether in wealth, intellect, content creation(youtube tiktok), hacking etc....
befriend me, teach me your ways and mentor me even
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I thought this thread was gonna be cool.
Fuck (You)
I have higher than average IQ. But there's nothing I can teach you really. A lot of people seem to think having high IQ makes you more likely to be lazy and never develop good work ethic. But desu, I think my life would have turned out even worse if I had lower IQ. Basically I'm saying I was born with high IQ and I was also born with lower motivation and less capacity for having fun than the average person. So if you took away the high IQ the only thing that would be different is my life would've gone downhill 10 years earlier
Ok I actually remembered something I can give you as advice.
1. In my experience, doing something like work or sitting in class etc. results in me finding the things I do for entertainment less boring the next day. Maybe it has something to do with sort of forgetting that you've seen something similar before, or reducing 'tolerance' to entertainment.
2. If I spend weeks NEETing, I reach a point where any entertainment available to me is literally equally as boring as sitting in class or working a job that is boring (but not horrible).

From 1. and 2. it obviously follows that having a job or sth. like that actually makes it easier to enjoy life even if you don't enjoy the job (as long as you don't hate it) and exclusively derive enjoyment from entertainment in your freetime.
I'm pretty average, but I guess I do and did get shit done, and my life is alright.

My secret is a simple assumption: If I don't take care of it, it won't happen.

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The fucking neighbor is smoking those nasty ass cigars again. I can smell them inside my house and it’s too hot to just open the window and air it out. I confronted him about it a year ago and he just denied that it was him.
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oh no
…but I could be.
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He’s doing it again.
This neighbor doesn’t answer the door either, he just ignores knocks and doorbell rings.
I hate this fucker so much.
Reprogram the airco and make it pump the smell of your rancid shit from your room to the courtyard
He'll avoid the vent then
>muh smoking LE BAD!
incel shitters SEETHING because I'm enjoying a cigar in the comfort of my own home, and they cant because they're broke and scared of getting cancer.

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i think this might be a pretty common thing to talk about here, but since i don't have anyone else to seek advice from (pretty lame ik) let's just go for it.
i go to uni and i work but despite all of that exposure to social interactions i have no friends... i do have some people that i play online shit with but i haven't had the real friend connection i see other people have for years :(
i am not that socially awkward i think, i mean i can hold a conversation pretty ok but still it's really hard

i'm not seeking advice on finding friends cuz that might just be too difficult (though if u have something ig just say it lol) i mainly wanted to ask how do u guys deal with loneliness?
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My point still stands. No matter if it's C-ucktianity/Pooddism/Hinlooism or your own made up rose-tinded glasses fairytale. All reality deniers are the same.

>sarcasm, irritability, "look I'm totally cool you are seething" mentality
Yep. Typical spirituality coper.
>>sarcasm, irritability, "look I'm totally cool you are seething" mentality
>why dont people engage in good faith with me? Theres something wrong with them!
>Same hocus pocus bullshit as the Hindu/Buddist copes. What's next? You don't need food and you can gather energy from the sun?
As long as you are this imperfect human body, you have ALL of it's limitations. You are not some higher being, you did not transcend to a higher dimension.
If you deny the spiritual element of reality you're ignoring a major part of existence.
>No, YOU!
Oh I'm not denying it completely whatsoever, however miniscule role it plays out in our lives. However you enlarge it to these astronomical levels, yet still you are here on 4chan, in a thread about loneliness.
Don't give me the cope of "Oh I'm here to GIVE advice" because even in your cope post you didn't give ANY specific advice.
If spirituality would actually work, we would have data of spiritual people being more happy or at the very least less miserable than the average is, which is not the case.
However I know of people who were deeply spiritual yet their spirituality didn't work at all which left them shattered.
So stop giving bullshit ideas to people like OP that are hurtful for them in the long run. Unless he actually physically starts working on his problems, nothing is going to help him. And it's only gonna get worse.
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Well said

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I'm sick of these multi million dollar corporations sitting on my favorite game franchises and not doing anything with them. How the fuck do I make my own game bros? I'm not even looking to make money from this, I just want gaming to go back to where it used to be.
>How the fuck do I make my own game bros?
Learn C++, Python, C#
Learn Unity or Unreal Engine
Learn Game Maker, RPG Maker, or another similar tool

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I have been depressed about women, mainly my lack of success with them, and my looks since I was as young as 12. And I am a 33 now. It did not help I was brutally bullied until I graduated grade school and women enjoyed seeing other men hurt and insult me. This pushed me to get strong and muscular btw.

I spent my 20s on OG incel forums like PUA Hate (obv I been posting on 4chan since I was 18) and getting told I am ugly and it is over for me. I still tried and got rejected everytime to the point I have not even spoken to a woman in 6 years or more.

The only reason I am not a virgin is due to escorts. And they are all bitches anyways but said I am not ugly.

So what gives?
>inb4 bad personality offline I have a lot of friends who even admire me and have no idea how lonely and sad I am and insecure. I have heard from everyone I am a polite, kind hearted, funny and intelligent guy who people respect. I can make a whole room full of people laugh pretty easy. People find me funnier naturally due to my funny voice so when I make jokes it is a combination of.that and my deadpan delivery due to being quiet and monotone it is unexpected. I am also very hard working and go out of my way to help anyone in need.
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I don't want to sound out of line, but we now live a very progressive society, trans women are known to be very kind and loving.

It's just something to think about.
OP here. I am attracted to cute or passable trans women desu. Would also be open to longterm with them. However, I do not think society or people I know would accept me. But if I really loved the person I was with then I would find a way to overcome that. I also do not know where to meet trans women.

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I have no woman, I have no children, I have no house, I have no friends, I have no money and live paycheck to paycheck. When will my real life begin bros? I'm tired of the grind, I'm tired of this life, just very very tired that's all.
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start saving up money until you have enough to be able to be unemployed for a few years
afterwards, quit your job and come back to university
in university you are free to speak to people around you, make friends, go to parties, hook up and form friendships and experience good things life has to offer

there is no life to be lived outside of universities, there is nothing to do for you outside of university, your life cannot start until you come back to university

of course you're tired of your life, it's not your life its corporate slavery, you cannot be happy right now since you're in no position where anything good can be experineced
you need to come back to school setting where speaking to women and going to parties will become possible again and from there you have relationships, sex, dating and eventual marriage and family life after you partied enough
What is the grind? As a 41 year old I don't know all these terms the kids use.
I don't want to help people, I hate people now. Wasn't always like this but it is now.
There is good for ya. It's either me grinding my ass up against your dick, or exerting great effort to accomplice something. This guy is obviously using the word incorrectly. He should have said "done the same shit for 20 years".

Any youtube podcasts or channels similar to Andrew Huberman? Pic related
Yes, Jordan Peterson

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Any tips on getting hired instantly?
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Checked and /thread
Don't be a nigger. Next!
Good eye contact and a solid handshake
let me do your cover letter and resume first
>fiverr. com/angiebrooke22
>Any tips on getting hired instantly?
Say you'll for free on the weekends

How do I slide in her DM and write a message that she actually reads?
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>0 posts
>thousand followers
He sells porn. Yes, it's a He.
Okay have you ever gotten a girl doing this
literally most of time, 70% success rate.

just try on random girl for starter and see the reply
then tell me
pissi cuckitini

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