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How to deal with fear of the unknown?
Face it head on, but one small step at a time.

How do I date asians as a black guy?
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How do I destroy bait threads as a black guy?
Not really feasible unless you're well-educated, tall, handsome, and can speak their language.
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Be skinny tall and fashionable. Also depends on where you’re located and what demographic of Asian you’re going to deal with.
How black are you? Dark skin or light skinned?
Leverage the BBC advantage and American Asians should be easy
Just take on the trappings of a BBC porn actor

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How to stop being attracted to moms and mombods?
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I'm so hard right now. I need a big booba fwb with a slightly busted face like you wouldn't believe
can you provide the fucking source please?
A woman like this showed interest in me once. Found her on Instagram and she just had a baby with her man. Goddamnit I should have sucked on those titties. That lucky bastard. Both of them I guess
Ah, yeah.
I remember being 17 and breaking up with my (16 year old) GF and a friend of my mom's "consoling" me.
Her tits did sag, but she couldn't gag.
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don't go down that path, bro

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I never seen a wild mouse, but the other night a mouse ran by foot while on the toilet and all I could think was, "well fuck, it does look like Jerry." I think I'm loosing my emotions. If I talk about events, people think somethings weird about me. I like and dislike, but I don't feel it right. I swear I'm comfy but I look so fucking evil sometimes. I have compassion! Women think im going to kill them or hurt them! Employers think im gonna hurt them probably. And im not built like that either. How do I feel correctly? When I get hurt should I feel it and express it? Should I laugh at every joke, I find some jokes funny but I don't laugh sometimes. I mentally laugh I guess.
Yeah, go for it
You sound neurotic as fuck

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I hear there are health benefits from plain nicotine. Should I try it?
If you want.

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Is this woman right?


That women are perfectly happy with a 3 inch penis?

And here I am wishing I had an 8 inch penis.
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Isn't it literally average
friendly sarcasm?
Three inches? No. Twelve is retarded, though. Anything past 7 and it's hitting my cervix, which is very uncomfortable. You guys should probably stop taking sexual advice from women who've had hundreds of partners and now have numb coomer brains that, like coke addicts, need ever more insane criteria to be fulfilled in order to orgasm.
I'm going to give you all an important lesson: what women say, and what women do are two completely seperate things.
>what women say, and what women do are two completely seperate things.
amen brother

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What does being in a relationship feel like?
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What's your problem? Are you not on speaking terms with your wife? Why don't you divorce?
A few nice moments, they are fleeting however. Living together WILL ruin any of the spark you have.
The best thing ever. Sure, it requires work but all worthwhile things do.
Its a lot of work and effort, and if they arent the right person the cons will easily outweigh the pros. They should be someone you can get along with without sex

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As I was leaving a lecture today, I had a brief conversation with the professor’s assistant. I want to apply to the same graduate program as him, and he earnestly told me to start thinking about getting letters of references for the program since it’s very competitive. I am now home going on a downward spiral and freaking out. Not only do I need references for this graduate program but I also want to apply to law schools. I feel like I won’t have time to either raise my gpa, meet admissions deadlines, garner extracurricular experience or secure references.

Admittedly, my attempts to establish rapport with professors or garner extracurricular experience has been lacking. I’m not biting the bullet. I’ve only made some kind of rapport with one professor. My god-damn introverted nature. If only I wasn’t so shy and anxious. If only I wasn’t so gloomy and self-absorbed during my time in uni. I realized it’s too late to even apply to a law school now. There’s no way I can study and complete an lsat by November.

If I don’t have some sort of academic success or prestige, I will have to rot indoors or at a shitty part time job. That’s the only alternative. I am also contemplating suicide, or at least engaging in suicidal ideation.
I am going to get my references for the graduate program within the week (assuming most of them will answer my emails). I only know one professor, so it will be awkward at best to email the other professors who don’t even know me or have spoken to me rarely.
What can I do? I’ve been sobbing and having a panic attack.
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What would a gap year even accomplish?
im so fucked

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to. BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc... Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Resources and Books
Wingman.live: https://wingman.live/ (AI dating coach for men trained on /htgwg/-approved material)
"Models": http://library.lol/main/C314BA7C8EC5C9B66174B08F4DC83931
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
Dr. NerdLove: https://www.doctornerdlove.com/blog/ (a bit cringe but decent advice)
Leykis 101: https://pastebin.com/7U5Sdhwq (something to listen to)

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The girlfriend of my friend (I'm also friends with her) has been trying on her own initiative to set me up with a friend of her but she's clearly out my league by several different metrics.
What gives? I'm convinced she's in good faith.
Should I just try to bluff confidence all the way trough?
Who told you this woman is out of your league? Is it your own assessment or others? Because if this girl is being honest with her intentions she doesn't think you guys are that far apart
>Be tall
>Be white
>Be handsome
bald but yeah
>Be endowed
big enough, abovr average. I highly doubt a size queen would dump me over it.

No money but I know I can get pussy on this bitch of an earth once I do. Also I don't want kids so I can be less picky ("diverse" even)
>Who told you this woman is out of your league? Is it your own assessment or others?
Both. I'm not trying to put myself down like a retard here, she's way more attractive than me.
>Because if this girl is being honest with her intentions she doesn't think you guys are that far apart
I don't doubt her honesty but I also think she's 50% doing this out of pity. Not that I care, I intend to play this hand the best I can. She introduced us in a casual environment while there were a lot of other people so we couldn't talk much.
I'm thinking my next move will be waiting for the next time she brings her along because bringing up the subject with my friend seems like it would just be pathetic even if I really want to ask her if it's already over.
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Is cold-approaching girls worth it to land some dates? Seems better than dating apps since most guys don't do it

>Be me
>Have stereotypical goth girl at my gym
>Covered neck down in tattoos and looks like pic related
>She comes up to me all the time and gives me compliments about how good I look and how strong I am
>Even straight up told me she'd like to see me naked
Ngl it does feel good to have a woman simp for you
>Already know she's crazy so I never escalate
>Just yesterday she opens up and says how her Ex cheated on her
>"Damn... That's crazy"
>She then says how she almost lost her job cause she sent death threats to her ex and his new girl "But work thought they were fake so I never lost my job"
>Sit there thinking "Holy fuck, SHE IS CRAZY"
>She then changes the subject and goes back to telling me how good I look
>Tell her I gotta get back to lifting weights
>She comes back later to say she's leaving but asks me what time I'll next be in the gym.
>I give a vague response that I don't know

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She sees you as prey. Make up a story about shitting yourself
Share your feelings and treat her like an equal, that's sure to turn her off.
I dunno, just enjoy it. Use the confidence to bag someone who isn't batshit insane.
this lmao or just shit yourself right there like an actual giga chad
make her smell the poopey no one wants to rapey a poopie

When you have nothing but "alone time", it stops being comforting, it becomes suffocating. For normies, what makes alone time great is the contrast from the rest of their time. It's how they unwind and recharge.

I don't mind being alone most of the time. But I'm human just like anyone else. Sometimes, I am in the mood to spend time with others. But when that mood comes, I can't, because I don't have any close friends or family that I can spend time with. That's what makes loneliness so terrifying. It can strike out of nowhere, and when it does, there's often nothing you can do to alleviate it.

Most of the time, I'm fine, but when loneliness hits, it hits hard and it can last for weeks if not months. What can I do when it hits to make it go away?

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I'm torn as fuck. I am currently looking for a data analysis job in Poland. I live outside of the EU, the reasons I chose Poland are irrelevant, and you can't really get a job in my home country in this domain. there's also no need to mention it

I have a decent portfolio, have a good skillset, speak 3 languages and learning Polish. I've been thinking of doing volunteer freelance work for some nonprofits to gain experience, but nothing yet.

my degree is in electromechanical engineering, that should already give you an idea on how I desperately, desperately, don't want to go back to finish it, every fiber of my being dreads going back to school, I just want to start my career already

what do you guys think? should I just bite the bullet?

pic very related
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anon please, the reasons are irrelevant, but they're there
polish prostitues are hot. tell your mom i said hi
Nobody cares about Europe or gay Europe where you're from
>. t Mike Fernando DeMarcus Ramirez the III

My family has always sabotaged my dating life. Often I would have to cancel dates because they suddenly needed me in an emergency situation, I used to fall for them but now I know it was their manipulation tactics. They always say they sacrificed so much for me and that's why they don't want me to leave them. Which is why I think they've been sabotaging my life this whole time. I'm getting older and I really wanna start dating seriously now but I feel guilty like I would be betraying my family if I did. Can anyone relate to my situation?
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>people who already mistreat you.
By giving him a free place to stay? Oh no the horror!
t. landlord bootlicking serfs
I can see what you mean. You'd kinda be a traitor if you left them desu
Just bring your gay lovers to dinner there, dumbass
I agree, OP is a traitorous wretch.
I wouldn't abandon my family like that, I instead aim to develop my family and make it stronger.
If the girl I'm dating doesn't like my family then they can fuck off.
Whores in europe give you sex for cheap, it's not really that valuable.

>Applied to 5 different places back in June after graduating from College
>Get 3 different interviews, one of the places asks me to do another 3 extra interviews before suddenly dropping me off?
>Apply to 20 different places in September
>Not a single interview.. 4 rejection letters

What the fuck did I do differently? One of the last guys I had a interview with said I was a perfect fit before suddenly giving me a rejection letter before the 3rd interview.
I'm Canadian btw
keep trying and do not lower your requirements. if you give your labor for free, they will see it as worthless.
I think the reason why they cut me off from my last interview at this one company after doing 3 consecutive interviews with them was because I set my salary expectations higher than they were willing to pay me, even though my one buddy that graduated a year before me (I did a extra year because of Co-Op), had less skills then me and managed to get paid about 47K at his place (I asked for the same amount)

Bros how the fuck do I get a job that'll start my career?

I'm almost 27 and got my MA in a meme degree (international studies) and cannot get a job for the life of me. I've worked with recruiters, had professionals work with me on my resume, volunteered for a business association, had a meaningful internship, networked with executives with said business assoc. and I still cannot find a single fucking person that'll give me a chance.

I'm searching nationwide (USA) and rarely get interviews. I take care of myself and look normal and consider myself well-spoken so I don't think it's presentation but I cannot get past the catch-22 of getting work experience when no one will give me a job to gain it after graduating.

I've at least got a friend's dad who is a recruiter trying to help me but it's just all so demoralizing. I'm focusing on communications/marketing since that's what my internship is and I'm fluent in German which is also pretty useless but I don't know where else to go. Usajobs has never been fruitful so I've just given up on the fed.

Anyone got helpful advice to get interviews and score a meaningful job?
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Homies I know what I should’ve done but I gotta live with it now. I look at companies that are stem related and did communications for one but it’s an uphill battle. I did Army and got injured so I didn’t make it.

What can I do rn besides putting myself in debt?
If you know an asian language you could probably get into tech working for international communications.
Unfortunately only German fluently. Worked for a German tech company here and then the internship ended. try other German companies but they don't seem to care
you can easily be a public relations for a german american company. bilingual is a huge skill

if you actually aren’t autistic look for sales development representative jobs. especially at companies that span usa/germany because your language skill is valuable
I've been trying to apply those positions because I think I'd actually enjoy it but for whatever reason it's super competitive.

Sales dev is something I haven't researched though so I'll take a look at that. I just feel my only advantage is US citizenship since Germans are pretty fluent in English already

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