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I'm in a relationship, and I have a crush, and the crush wants to date my sister. My life is like a comedy at this point.

I made a post about this situation here some time ago, and now I feel like the situation is getting out of hand. So I have a long-term boyfriend (who's also my first everything, first bf, and I'm very happy with him), but I've also developed an embarrassing crush on his close friend. I want to get rid of the crush, but don't know how to. And now, the crush seemingly wants to date my sister.

A bit of background: some time ago me, my bf, and the friend were all talking at a concert. I mentioned my sister, and when my bf's friend (my crush) asked about my sister, I also mentioned that she's my twin. At this point the crush got very interested, and kept asking questions about her. When me and my bf told him what she's like (me and my sister are both a bit weird, we don't have friends or don't use any social media), my bf's friend started heavily implying that he wants to date her, take her out for coffee and stuff like that. And my bf loves the idea, because he knows that his friend likes women who aren't into social media. I do know that they *could* be a good couple, and that possibility makes me anxious.

now I don't want to limit my sister's happiness and the possibility of her meeting a good guy like this friend. but. I have a really extreme crush on this guy (that I want to keep a secret 100%), and I am very sure that my feelings for this guy would only deepen if he started dating my twin sister, because then I'd see him more often, and I don't want that at all. I still love my bf, but I feel like the more I see his friend, the more this crush is turning into "oneitis" and not just a crush. So, I want to be able to focus on my relationship and not be distracted by this crush, that's what I'm hoping for. but that could not happen if my crush started dating my sister, who I'm very close to.
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You also conveniently ignored the part where I said that she'll proceed to hurt herself in the long-term as well. I'm not siding with him so much as I'm giving an extreme example of the consequences of inaction.
>Maybe they're both settling for each other because they're fucking 22?
Possibly, hence why I suggest realistic self-analysis rather than "ignore it until it goes away" or "cut off all contact with this person because that definitely is realistic and won't look suspicious in the slightest, and most CERTAINLY won't exacerbate the cracks in my relationship when my boyfriend asks me uncomfortable questions about why I refuse to hang out with his friend and I have to lie to his face or spill my guts."
So the only solution is to break up?
I blame myself for not using smaller words and fewer syllables, this isn't your fault. Let me try that again:

Jane think of feelings. Are feelings real, or Jane just horny? Maybe Jane have problems with boyfriend but Jane no think about them much. Maybe Jane like other guy because personality match better, or maybe because he even older and that make Jane horny. If Jane think real hard about what she likes about boyfriend, is bad stuff not too bad? Jane want instant solution to make feelings go away, but feelings like scrape on leg that oozes gross stuff, feelings no just go away without medicine. Medicine is think, ignoring problem like rubbing poop on scrape and hoping new germs kill old ones.

No the only solution isn't fucking breaking up, it's simply one solution and possibly the best one for someone who doesn't have the mental maturity to address problems rather than resorting to nuclear options. Alternatively, it might come down to "maybe my relationship isn't that good after all" and after having a healthy ADULT conversation with one another, you both decide it's best to go separate ways on amicable terms. Even then, maybe there is no problem after all, you're just slightly horny for the other guy, and you realize that whatever fleeting lust you have for him doesn't compare to the comfort and security of your existing relationship, and it just fades away over time. The ultimate point I'm trying to make is that you're only going to find the correct (or the least bad) solution by self-reflection and tackling what relationship strains may or may not exist.

This idea that it can be fixed by just cutting contact falls apart the minute someone asks an uncomfortable question, and you're going to have to do it EVERY time you run into a guy that turns you on. What do you do when it's someone you work with? Do you see my point?
>I think he was dominant for the first couple of years, but has since become less so. for example he always asks me what to do, what to eat, he always asks me first.
>But I don't blame him because I know he's been kinda depressed for the past few years thanks to having no hope about the future and having a hard time finding a job. I've tried my best, but I don't feel like I can have much of an impact on this, I'm trying to support him and be a good gf
I wonder if this might be part of why your eyes have started to wander a bit?

Maybe you could have a talk with him and express that you've noticed him starting to defer to you a lot, and that you like it when he takes charge a little bit more?

On the depression front, I'm curious if he's getting any kind of treatment?
>healthy ADULT
She's not really an adult yet. You calling her a ditzy slut was kind of overplaying your hand, you're just an asshole/troll who should be ignored

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I just want to be friends with my gf how should I proceed?
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show her your tiny orangutan penis
You seem to have pretty Neanderthal tastes. You should only fuck people instead of pretending you are actually dating them until your brain develops more.
I know this will sound weird but I dont really care about sex she likes it more
In any relationship, your first approach to a problem needs to be communicating it. Tell her you are exhausted of sex and want less volume.

Every person is imperfect so you don't just want to reroll relationships when they have problems.
I feel your pain. My gf and I have almost nothing in common and it sucks. I have a lot of hobbies and she barely has any, I tried to introduce her to activities that I like, but it never works because she never wants to try anything new. At this point, our relationship is just like a job.

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>decide to look for wife after being loner for years
>in better shape then 90% of the population
>all my options my age are fat, or bitter, washed up lesbians, into tarot and shit
>just want something normal
>hear my buddies fiancés best friend is single after a 4 year relationship
>8/10 5 foot 2 blonde, 120 lbs, 23 years old
>go to baseball game with him last night to get the dl
>tells me if I want a 1 night stand, all I have to do is dress and smell nice and he’ll invite me out to the bar when they go out, I take her home and fuck her
>if I want her to be my girlfriend, different story.
>apparently she’s fucked 10 guys in 3 months, 2 nights ago she sucked off her alcoholic 40 year old neighbor
>barely works, parents pay all of her shit
>must get every single minor detail on my car fixed
>must take her on a very nice date, fancy Mexican or Indian restaurant is expected
>after that she’ll be my girlfriend but she has a very high list of demands. Expensive dates every week. Expensive vacations a few times every year

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the breeding industry is a scam, anon.
finally, men are waking up to how pathetic it is.
society expects us to take on all of the risk and accept hardly any reward.
most women carry diseases and have far more sex encounters than they let on.
the first season of the bachelor was nearly cancelled because they couldn't find enough eligible women who were single, never married, no children, no STDs, no rap sheetand were fairly young and attractive. they eventually had to bend the rules slightly in order to get enough women to do the show.
just look for younger girls idiot
I’m 32. How much younger? Are 18-20 year old girls really hounding for guys in their 30s?
I don’t believe this; this is like the gen z/im on meds so I can’t reproduce mindset. Our entire society and all of history is build on people breeding and having strong family units. We didn’t just decide we’re too woke for kids now. That’s the scam right there.

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I rape my girlfriend regularly.
I have been taking viagra, because it actually has some pretty good benefits, when it comes to bodybuilding. My lifts have gone up considerably. But of course it also makes you horny. You want to fuck basically every day. So I just can’t help myself, when I am lying in bed next to my beautiful girlfriend. Lying next to her, touching her, smelling her just makes me immediately hard. At that point I can’t back down. She said I shouldn’t be so rough, but at the exact moment when she is starting to resist and pull away, when she touches my chest with her hand to uselessly push me away and she gasps and starts to sniffle, she is just so extremely feminine and vulnerable. This really gets me going and idk my instincts to dominate her just turn on.
Afterwards she turns to the side and sniffles a bit.

She said I shouldn’t rape her like that, but she doesn’t really have any concrete demands. Sometimes she says only me being rough is the problem, other times after she cried, she said she‘s actually fine and just needed to cry for a bit to feel better. Then other times she says it‘s fine for me to touch her and cuddle, but she isn’t up for sex. And also once she said I should have cuddled her for longer afterwards.

So I don’t really know what change of behavior she asks of me. What does she actually want, if there even is anything? We don’t have any relationship problems outside of sex. She is as affectionate and nice to me as ever,
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I saw this copypasta on reddit. Who tf baits on multiple websites? You have no life man, also kys
Same. Proves it's healthy

I'll rape you, too
Who cares what really counts is getting her pregnant. Oh wow your hard who gives a fuck if your shooting blanks
Do zoomers really consider requiring chemical assistance to get an getting an erection to be a significant achievement?

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How can I fix my life?
I'm 25 yo, have a shit job, still live in my parent's house and share my room with my brother. I should have a degree at this point, but I drop out from college during covid because I didn't have a good PC, and it was impossible to study with so many noises.
My only option to get into a good university is to get into a public university, but the entrance exam is hard. I also live with my niece who is a child and needs attention because my mother works hard every day, and I'm the one who plays with her, my brother also plays League of Legends and it's hard to sleep. I really feel like my life is over, all the potential I had has been wasted

I'm addicted to starting internet fights and writing bait threads...
I try to spend entire days without internet access, but the urge to provoke internet anger keeps me awake at night. I have started to argue with my family like I talk in internet fights, and it's turned my relationships for the worse.
I want to change, but I have no idea what this addiction can be replaced with. I might be mentally screwed beyond fixing.

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i bought a book on self building a house because I'm exploring the idea of buying a raw piece of land, and bought a book on building an underground shelter. just cause I thought it was cool and saw it mentioned on a thread once.

I also bought a military woods navigation book or was thinking of buying one because I'm starting to get into backwoods camping. I guess i didnt buy it.

the thing is the algorithm started recommending a bunch of insane prepper books and military hand books and clicked through a shitload of them including some REALLY sketchy ones that i was stupefied was on amazon just to see the sketchy reviews which I won't share. I didn't buy anything except the underground shelter book but I guess i got flagged(?) and that book got intercepted at customs and the packaging even got opened and the plastic around the book got ripped open. but non of the other stuff got opened. SO yeah

I sometimes vaguely post about how i don't like the government but I'm not looking for trouble ;_; i believe in legal law abiding forms of activism
like for example i also bought a bunch of books on farming and masonry and nothing happened but that was before the bombardment of sketchy books cause the algorithm
I’m bored what should i do
i'd ask for a job but i know they wouldn't give me one bc i'm disabled.
businesses talk a good game when it comes to "diversity" but they never seem to hire that way.
go figure.
I would demand they DNA print my husbando. I know they have the tech.

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I have a weak hairline, around NW2-3 and general low density (but enough to get by). I'm considering getting a hair transplant to fill in my hairline. Seems like Turkey is a popular destination for this. Has anyone here had one or know someone who had one? I've been taking Finasteride for about 10 years now since I became an adult and very slowly losing hair.

One thing I am worried about is where the donor hair would come from, since I have little body hair. The money spent on it would be 1000% worth it if it went successfully so it makes sense as an idea.
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okay anon, what is the mechanism of action of this "miracle cure"?
Why wasn't it studied?
>inb4 big pharma
Surely at least a single independent double blind study would be done on ANY of the conditions it promises to fix, a preprint even?
>Verification not required
Literature review, it even itself suggesting no proper studies are available
So just claims by someone trying to make money on it, no studies again
I made an appt too, apparently there are a lot of things to try to stimulate the existing follicles.

Should be interesting, and I guarantee I will walk out with more hair than when I went in.

Find a reputable place, I guess OP.
go ahead and get all your teeth pulled too while you're at it, they will turn yellow and fucked up if you don't keep using toothpaste for the rest of your life

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I'm in dire need for advice.

>be me. Backpacker living in Australia. I meet a cute French girl in a town and we both get a chance to know each other for 3 months while living there. We flirt, have deep conversations and generally enjoy each other's company. She gave me some opportunities to make a move/express how I really felt about her, but I waited until I left Australia to return to US to reveal them to her.

Here's where it gets messy. I tell her I like her more than a friend. She responds positively and tells me she feels the same, that we have a special connection. She even sends me a video of her crying and how she misses me. I take this as a sign to continue talking to her long distance and see if anything meaningful can develop. Unfortunately after months of the talks not going anywhere meaningful, I get frustrated and drunkenly send a voice note to her trying to get her to either commit to something or reject me altogether. She doesn't respond.

A week ago, I write her up a sweet apology and she responds earnestly. I even mention I wrote her a poem and she fawns over that fact. She tells me she always knew we had something special and appreciated the apology. She wants to have a phone call, but when I tried recently calling, she told me she was busy with work and moving into a new apt and stressed from all that. But still she says she'll call me when she can. Now it's been like 4 days since I tried calling and she seems to enjoy making me wait for a phone call that may never happen. The time difference is shitty, something like 17 hours, but I feel either I'm being strung along or she really is trying to find the time to call. Is this the biggest cope ever? Am I simping for an untenable girl?
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>You did everything wrong.

It's not a game to me. I did everything I did cause I wanted her.

I wouldn't say I had nothing with her either. that'd do the relationship no justice. I will leave it be if she decides not to call, but she could have ghosted me at any time after being thousands of miles apart. What does she gain out of that? She has soem increment of feelings towards me.
She is sending mixed signals (not sure if she's emotionally conflicted or stringing you along). Fly out to her as a surprise (try your best to time it when you think she won't be busy). If she's happy to see you then maybe she does want you but is worried because of the long distance, if she's mad and like "what anon!? I didn't tell you to fly out here!" then that might be a sign she just wants to you in the friendzone.
I mean I was hoping if our talks heated up then I;d offer to fly her out to where I'm living in US and spend a little vacation with her. But really things are murky. I'd like to get more clarity on our relationship before ever doing that. My guess is she's emotionally conflicted because I revealed feelings for her and then immediately proceeded to fly thousands of miles way and try to keep the flame going from such a distance. The point is I'm not completely a victim in this situation I put myself in.
It's joever
I'd wait for that phone call desu.

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This was the thread I made 3 months ago. You can call me a coward and a fool but I am not happy in life, I am completely destabilized. I feel lost and hopeless. I am so young and being responsible of hundred of lives daily and learning all the stupid aviation laws and having another human woman who can’t speak my language and I can’t speak hers to take care. It’s a lot. 4 months ago, I was an unemployed neet looking for a pilot job playing Fortnite in my parents basement. I cannot cope with the fact that I am responsible over all of this. I am becoming sick, I feel physically and mentally not well. I keep thinking of 30 thousands scenarios
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Then, finally, leaning Greek using languagetransfer.org is super easy, and is completely free. never use duolingo or any stupid crap like that.

This will be the most charming thing you can do with your wife, and she will rave to all her friends about you about how you're expressing her love to you. It will make up for any insecurity you feel about yourself.

So when you go there in a couple of months, spend time with her, and spend time with yourself on holiday, not having to worry about a thing. You'd feel overwhelmed if you didn't have a light at the end of the hard working tunnel you're in.

When you're there, do the exercise with the 36 questions you can take to build intimacy between two strangers and have them fall in love.
Also, read Real Time Relationships on freedomain.com eventually, it's a good book. His call in show is actually insane too.

So yeah, best of luck anon -- this is kind of a cool experience and hey, might as well. Or don't, do what you feel.
and if you figure out who I am, reach out and tell me how you've gone :o)

peace x
you could make a plan where you two continue the "marriage" stuff but never get together or have any kids, all to get her to have a better life. once she finally gets her "better life" or w/e and is able to settle, possibly with someone else, you two can divorce and then end up with your own separate lives. you'll probably gain nothing out of it and her parents will probably get pissed but they're horrible parents anyway so they deserve it and you're making a good situation out of a shitty one.
you should probably note that this is just as hard, maybe even harder for her than it is for you.
You’re exactly right but why is that? Why do I feel like it’s the end of the world, I feel like my whole world is crashing and I feel so vulnerable EVEN Physically despite being physically strong
dude you fucked up. divorce immediately.
give her a good hard dicking

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I'm ghosting her. I don't even need advice.
god speed soldier
Professionally tell her what the relationship issues are. Ghosting is for children.
Great post, thanks for sharing.
Why are you ghosting here anon? Tell me a story.

Tonight I found out my daughter is trans. I don't know what to do with life anymore. She was already doing some obvious "trans stuff" but I decided to ignore since she is only 17. I thought she is just in her tomboy phase. I didn't told my wife yet. I don't think I will.
As far as I know, currently she is trying to buy testosterone from some random guy (tranny) on the internet.
What the fuck should I do? This ruined my whole life in seconds.
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You have a son now, not a daughter. Support your son. Firstly, because it's the morally correct thing to do. Secondly, because things will be a lot happier for him if he has the genuine support of his parents through all this. Thirdly, because you're going to regret it in 10 or 20 years time if you don't do the right thing and you lose him.
Feel bad for you, anon.
One of my nieces tried to go trans but my sister & brother-in-law completely shut her down.
She snapped out of it for a while, got married, had a kid but she's back on the LGBTQIA+ Train again. I don't think she's going to try and transition again but you never know.
holy based
Literally 3 seconds apart.
Anon get the fuck out of my head

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>Started working awesome remote job chatting and emailing with customers and in store employees
>coworker who works the same shift as me messages me and tells me he's happy to help me
>Ask him some questions the first couple days while chit chatting then the odd question here or there
>he keeps saying he really appreciates me and loves working with me
>tells me he drinks fireball almost every night, has a group of friends he meets up with and plays D&D with
>seems normal enough
>starts teams messaging me and texting me on his off days asking me how the shift is going
>then started texing me on my off days asking
"hows your shift going bro?, I'm so glad I get to work with you bro", "you're the best bro!"
>not really comfortable with this but he's never crossed the line or said anything sexual and he's only seen one picture of me which is my required work ID photo
>we also live on opposite sides of the country
>Gets fired out of seemingly nowhere
>check out system and he's banned from in store locations for a year and a half which is not typical of firings, though a 3 month isn't rare
>text him asking what happened
>"I'm in tears writing this bro, I'm not allowed to talk about it but it was great working with you"

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That's easier to swallow than the sexual thing and is plausable.
He was getting stupidly high email numbers every night, 30-40 more than anyone else.
But he said he wasn't interested in management or anything like that.
Either way creepy.
It's more that I can't help but want to know why this person acts like this and if I was some sort of target.
He lives so far away from me and has such little information on me he shouldn't be that much of a threat unless he's some psycho martha level stalker
He could have just been a lonely weirdo getting all his interaction on the internet and via text etc
Possibly. He did start sharing his webcam when they issued him one.
He's a bit obese, graying hair, nearly middle aged but nothin like the whale.
He did tell me he was having issues with a recurring customer in a store in person, and again they banned him for a year and a half and even then he has to apply to be allowed to come back to an in person store.
Kek what was the issue?
He didn't go in to too much detail but he said the guy is always causing trouble and they had an argument.
It kills me that I can't find out what the ban is for.

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I want to fuck a really really really fat girl but I like in one of those prog cities were girls eat vegetarian diets and I'm more likely to find one with anorexia than a fat one
I even browsed whore sites but the only listing under bbw is four years old which sucks because she was extremely hot
How do I find a fat girl to fuck?
>the only listing under bbw is four years old which sucks because she was extremely hot
Well she'll be legal in 14 years man, so there's that.
Op couldn't find his own fat ass even if he sat on it
You wanna check out feabie. It's a dating site typically for feeders/feedees but there are also people on there who are just fat and not into the gaining weird shit

>t. this site is where I go to bang infinite BBW pussy if you're an even reasonably lean guy on there you'll clean up as a "fat admirer" lmao the meme of fat girls not even wanting fat men is true
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>I even browsed whore sites but the only listing under bbw is four years old which sucks because she was extremely hot
As I assume that you are american, cant you just hop into your triple sized amereican car and go hog hunting in the sorrounds?
Im no local, but you should get lucky in areas where theres plenty of fast food places and little personal mobility.

What is this thing called "going out" even about? How do people do this? Are friends required in the first place or are people going out on their own?
What baffles me the most are bars. Do people really go there, drink alcohol and somehow in all of this they get to know other people and even have sex?

You have no idea how far fetched this sounds to me, like I'm 95% certain this isn't going on and it's just a global psychop against me to make me go insane.
It's crazy to me how people can go and do such unstructurized events and yet find patterns in them that give them results they were looking for.
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Guys. GUYS. If I am talking to you all here... does that mean this is school?
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Who is the bigger cancer on /adv/, der schooler or the guy who posts these dogshit self-help youtube videos?

I want to go out alone but it's so aimless
Bro. No one agrees with you. Everyone is on the same page as me.

There is a fundamental problem if you want to reverse that. There have been hundreds and hundreds of first person accounts to your threads that I have personally read of people who have success with meeting friends and women irl. Outside of a school or friends circles. I met my wife while working on a film set. I didn’t know her at all. Or any of her friends.

There are thousands of movies and books based on real world events that have examples of the same thing.

You are just unwilling to believe this fact because it does not line up with your narrative.

Why is it so hard to believe that while you have one experience, other have another experience.

Like I have never seen someone ski down a back country mountain m. I believe them when they tell me about it. Meeting women and friends is fundamentally the same thing.

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