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/adv/ - Advice

Displaying 517 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
31222363Life is shit and somehow I still feel happy.: Am I giving up on life or is this slow adult maturity?…[View]
31222391life purpose: What is your purpose in life? im 23 and I dont really have one and so life just feels …[View]
31222567unable to sleep at night my brain is not functioning properly i am supposed to be on 14x7 work sched…[View]
31222449I've been dating a girl.: We haven't been seeing each other for long. She's staying w…[View]
31222481Wrong grade on transcripr: Final exams were two weeks ago and final grades just got posted yesterday…[View]
31222431Can I afford to watch porn or post here on 4chan if I have no income?[View]
31222451>applied to a dozen entry level jobs near me (fast food, grocery stores, convenient stores, etc) …[View]
31206023How do i stop craving/wanting to use dildos? I've been clean for a good 6 months but I've …[View]
31222277Faking casualty: If I ever want to fake getting shot to seem like a victim of an attack,what's …[View]
31217532How the fuck do you have fun while unemployed?: I got fired recently and thought I'd take a few…[View]
31211818I think about other men's cocks and how it would feel to suck them when im in the shower. Does …[View]
31218931Has anyone taken Abilify or any other antipsychotic? I’ve only read bad reviews about how it will ru…[View]
31214476I haven't had sex with my gf of 2 years for about half our relationship. Most of the time was b…[View]
31217332getting it off my chest chat: sometimes i feel like talking to someone anonymously but not on these …[View]
31221483I'm 18 years old and just graduated from high school (not in US). I got an offer for a job for …[View]
31222263Help me quick bros!: If I was taking a multiple choice quiz with images, such as graphs or infograph…[View]
31221377How to stop seething about not having friends? I'm not asking how to make friends, nor asking f…[View]
31220320Can I remove or altar my fingerprints?: Long story short I got arrested, had my fingerprints taken, …[View]
31221334I feel like the only way I can get a job or study a skill is with ADHD medicine. I haven't been…[View]
31220839I've been through a relationship with this girl from 3 months now, I know it's not alot, b…[View]
31214891How to commit social suicide?: I already lost most of my friends, the remaining ones I don't sp…[View]
31219938my wife might be a dope and I'm not sure how to handle that: My wife is not graceful and bumps …[View]
31221849How do you deal with a family member who has wronged you, but isn't bothered by it at all, and …[View]
31221847How do I make a general?: Been here for years but when I realise one of my generals isn't up, I…[View]
31220592Taxes Help: Broke college student, submitted my FAFSA last year but needed verification, haven'…[View]
31221711How do I clear a stuffy nose???[View]
31220991Which method of shaving and which machine/razor is best for people who have ingrown hairs like me?[View]
31220141give me your energy to not double text after she left me on read, while I’m drinking[View]
31221655How do I motivate myself to get out of bed?: I have an issue of not getting out of bed anywhere near…[View]
31217901Is asking out random girls even reasonable advice to give to single virgins? My friend was going ove…[View]
31218752I got chloroformed. Am I going to die soon?: A gang of chinks and wiggers broke into my apartment an…[View]
31218018Getting into cars: As the subject says, getting into cars, but I know very little abt them. I have …[View]
31213876GIOYC – Get It Off Your Chest[View]
31214989how do you deal with having ended a relationship thats lasted 8 months, like what do you do? hardmod…[View]
31219815Mid-20s virgin here. I was walking my dog in my neighborhood and I saw this curly haired brown girl …[View]
31219699What’s it like working at a warehouse? I’m 24 and a neet but I’m starting my first job at a warehous…[View]
31220106I don’t know what to do with my life except die. I’m 21 and I've been a friendless NEET ever si…[View]
31220850Reconnecting with my trans friend: So I tried asking this on /lgbt/, but they wouldn't stop see…[View]
31216798Is budgeting useful?[View]
31221427I have never really had anything to talk about my entire life. I don't know how to have a conve…[View]
31214798Are there any work from home jobs that aren't a scam?[View]
31214863Hearing voices: I am 24m fit and healthy. Yet I keep hearing these voices throughout the years. It i…[View]
31220993do I want housemates because I grew up socially isolated?: I can live alone but choose not to[View]
31214144Homeless advice required >no car >weather averaging 32c from now til October >neetbux (not …[View]
31214392Am I not meant to lick a knife?: It's a butter knife, it's not fucking sharp. If it has fo…[View]
31214832i keep getting random marks and scratches appearing on my leg whats the deal[View]
31214827Honest question for people with mentall illnesses or self proclaimed “neurodivergents”: Would you ra…[View]
31214938Asking out neighbourhood friend?: She is a short haired woman, should I ask her out? Haven't sp…[View]
31221394Do you become a man when you don't have friends, no one has you, and you have responsibilities …[View]
31220512My bf likes to go out to bars like every other night of the week and stay out until 2 or 3 am. He…[View]
31220678I don't drink, and I work on call. Is getting a GF genuinely hopeless? If you link to a youtube…[View]
31220679i left my mom.: she was abusive to me my whole life. as an adult now, she would consistently clean o…[View]
31221315>always be sad my gf (whom I love) has small tits, stare at every big breast I see - the primalit…[View]
31212212Side business doing data for small businesses: So, I'm a software engineer for a tech company. …[View]
31219999I'm going to be alone forever because of my sex repulsion. Virgins don't exist and the tho…[View]
31209520Does this by any chance work?[View]
31221023How do i make money on the internet? I can somewhat draw and somewhat code, im thinking of making a …[View]
31214245Image Board Hallucination: This may sound laughable, but I think my time spent here is rewiring my b…[View]
31221110What are good hobbies for making friends? I want to pick 3 and try each at least twice. Then, I…[View]
31218312Antidepressants and their side effects: Hi everyone hope you're all well. I'm going to sta…[View]
31216875i ain't working no fucking weekends: >Be 19 year old faggot retard >Get into job program,…[View]
31219045i think ive finally hit rock bottom for my circumstances. constant promises to myself and the people…[View]
31220380/ATOGA/ - Ask the other gender anything [femcel edition]: My phone’s slowing down from the previous …[View]
31214951Feels like I'm missing out in life, I try to be part of my peers but sometimes it just seems li…[View]
31214162Im still in my teens and insecure about my nose. Can it get smaller as i will mature?[View]
31212089why can't I get a boyfriend?: sorry to be a whiny bitch but I need some brutal honesty. why can…[View]
31220922Bad advice: Hey guys! I just took 4.2g of liberty cap mushrooms, if you’d like, post your questions …[View]
31219057is escaping the 9-5 grind actually viable for most people im almost 30 and i think i'd rather k…[View]
31219455My parents are threatening to kick me out the house unless I dump my trans girlfriend. I dunno what …[View]
31220876How do I adjust expectations?: I've met multiple femanons here and the ones that I have liked I…[View]
31218130how to cope with no bug wife?[View]
31219535going to japan, wanna find a gf: because of my job i'm moving to Japan soon, besides occasional…[View]
31216790How did you get better at talking to women?[View]
31209249I read 'Models: Attract Women Through Honesty' and this page changed my whole perception o…[View]
31220428I'm getting headaches when I masturbate and workout. Wtf does this mean?[View]
31220193imagine a hot girl but hairy and smelly: do they exist? (hippies don't count) or is it possib…[View]
31219536How to let go of her?: I met her in my senior year of college in Sept 2022. We were talking nearly e…[View]
31220182how to stop being cheap: I have a 6 figure portfolio with 2 paid off properties but I'm still o…[View]
31220116I've never had sex with a woman. (got a handy once) But I've had sex with men. I'm ab…[View]
31220239>Want to do a trade >See videos of apprentices talking about what they do >Everyone looks l…[View]
31208077I am 21 years old now: If you were 21 again what would you do or change? Give me advice.[View]
31220217NEET with a lot of time. Advice?: Hello everyone, I have been a NEET ever since the covid started be…[View]
31220278im a 27 yr old NEET who finally fucking found a job. its as pic related land care worker. like cutt…[View]
31217712Uncomfortable with sex?: I am a heterosexual guy and I am just in general very uncomfortable with se…[View]
31214527God wants to bless you so that you WON'T break any of His commandments. It's just that, yo…[View]
31217302Small pp but gf feels hurt when we f: Hello anons, I have managed to miraculously get a gf, so the p…[View]
31216183>be me 27 >moved into shared apartment >rules established are: orderly/tidiness to be main…[View]
31215941thinking of getting a cat: >be me >neet on disability living alone >no friends or anything …[View]
31220195How tf do you win on this shit?[View]
31218895Advice for (you): Remember ladies, it doesn’t matter if you’re not genetically blessed, overweight, …[View]
31212872Whats wrong with my cat?[View]
31217565Considering retiring in Thailand: 33 male. I have around $1.4 million net worth. Don't want to …[View]
31212468Is it wrong for men to moan when having an orgasm?[View]
31219625really? just like this?: The condom broke on the first date, wtf, my life ended like this, really? S…[View]
31210571Is being a sissy a shameful fetish?[View]
31216956Can a self saboteur ever recover? I have a decent gf, sex is boring, she's not hot or sexy... …[View]
31219081Life problems...: I will graduate from school in a year, and according to my grades everything is ex…[View]
31219173>In all my relations I am the person who listens, not the one who talks. With relatives, friends,…[View]
31218844Worst mistake of my life: I’m mainly using this to vent/reflect but if anyone can relate or offer ad…[View]
31215532I posted some days ago about a a girl I went on a date with that left early to go to a friends 'taco…[View]
31219165My manager is worried about my work performance and suggested putting me in a program to get additio…[View]
31217331I pushed my drunk father when he hit my mother. Please tell me I did the right thing. I'm very …[View]
31217802how do i become a kinder gentler person...? how do i become a stronger person?[View]
31217977/ATOGA/ - Ask the Opposite Gender Anything [RIP bozo edition]: Previous: >>31214007[View]
31218306I admitted to a friendzoned girl that obviously had a crush on me that I had a crush on somebody els…[View]
31211937How to accept that it's over?: How can I best come to terms with the fact that certain things a…[View]
31218104How do I stop losing interest the moment I sleep with a woman?[View]
31216712How to deal with body image issues?: I hate my body so much. I am very self conscious about my man b…[View]
31214593Throat is dry all the time: I've been seriously parched these past few days. I keep drinking wa…[View]
31217971I wish I didn’t exist: I’m 20 and I flunked some tests I needed to do for college, i stupidly told m…[View]
31215350Apart from video games, I don't really enjoy the process of things, I only enjoy achieving the …[View]
31217686how to breakup: I’ve been dating a guy for a little over a year now, he previously broke up with me …[View]
31211632Girls State >Ethnicity(?) >Age >If cis >Income and / or economic background Do you like …[View]
31197399What is the worst thing you have done?[View]
31217221What careers have a high likelihood of fucking their clients/customers? I'm making a list and w…[View]
31217154What did I do so wrong, bros?[View]
31212679ever since my sister went to college, she looks and treats me like im a total faggot loser just caus…[View]
31214689Made a post a while back, I’m 19 and I ordered growth hormone. I’ve been frantically trying to cance…[View]
31217230need help figuring out my options for wfh/desk jobs: >college dropout >no real skills >no w…[View]
31210320Why bother with modern girls/whores when you can either transcend sexual feelings and/or fap?[View]
31215306How come conventionally attractive woman generally aren't into geeky things?[View]
31216840Telemarketing Defense Strategy: Do you anons have any good banter for this nonsense? I get three or …[View]
31211707How do I get over being ashamed of my job? t. Sewage worker[View]
31216952How do I gain more respect from my friends? We met when we were 7 and now 20 years later I still fee…[View]
31217045Reaserch: Anyone know a good website for finding peoples relatives and addresses online? there'…[View]
31215259Just found out I'm a rebound, in a weird situation: So there's this girl that I was talkin…[View]
31213060Early 30's autistic bum here, I downloaded Tinder for the first time in years, never got a date…[View]
31214879How to turn yourself into a sadist? Gf wants me to slap her, choke her, hit her in the face etc. I d…[View]
31215389my entire face is asymmetrical: my hair/hairline and face are all asymmetrical. i look like a comple…[View]
31207070Am I spanish?: If my mom is portuguese and my dad romanian but I was born and raised and Spain would…[View]
31215299How to respond assertively to rude strangers?: I often deal with rude strangers who outstep their bo…[View]
31214376Situationship Or Am i getting played!?: Hi anon, be me M(20) met a girl F(20) in my apartments and w…[View]
31216656How to avoid being filtered out by age on dating apps?[View]
31215127Breaking a cycle.: >Be me, eldest brother >Working dead-end job in retail for years >Too st…[View]
31216561This is normal, right guys?[View]
31214194Why do i feel so weird? Im 29 and I feel weird mentally. I go to university and i talk to 21 22 year…[View]
31209600Was totally humilated by feminists: Was at a company dinner and a few female coworkers were there. O…[View]
31215849Sexual frustration: I made a thread some days ago about repressing sexuality. I already failed nofap…[View]
31216071how do I continue improving nonestop? I feel like I always get tired and feel like doing nothing. Pl…[View]
31216411Fellow 30-year-olds, is it normal to feel constantly burned out and no longer see the world as full …[View]
31215789How to get over being creeped out by most women's hands?: It seems like the vast majority of at…[View]
31214940How do i change or manipulate a girl thats only slightly interested in me to being absolutely obsess…[View]
31214203I don't enjoy video games as much as before anymore: When I was 10-18 years old, I couldn'…[View]
31214460I'm 32 years old. Be my age. Girls aren't interested in you. Live in a shithole part of Am…[View]
31214734How to talk to girls?: >talking to any cute girl >starts sweating and acting autistic like a h…[View]
31207032What should I do if some random negro says that I am a funny looking motherfucker as I pass them on …[View]
31214135How do I make life more interesting[View]
31212882Has anyone here had any experience of being a kissing virgin in their 20s, suffering from loneliness…[View]
31215490> On Bumble > Get match > Receive no messages > Repeat Why are women like this?…[View]
31214910Gym crush: We both look at each other. Have been for like 9 months now. I'm too autistic to eve…[View]
31211979How do you stop being so weak? I’m tired of being mistreated and being made fun of by people. Yester…[View]
31215896>yesterday ask girl over voice memo about the book she is writing >answered hey hey >nothin…[View]
31213267how do you practice GAME without game?: Ive basically improved my loooks by a high margin , girls ho…[View]
31212573How to stop being a sensitive emotional faggot: I just randomly feel really desperate and always hav…[View]
31213669how do you tell if your coworker is flirting with you versus just being friendly/their natural perso…[View]
31213466I've been getting headaches after I jerk off for a week. On Monday I beat off and I had a prett…[View]
31211513how to enjoy life as a femcel who just wants to do drugs and cut myself also make myself throw up. I…[View]
31212242I am an oldfag. I have never been married and have not dated anyone or been physical with anyone in …[View]
31215949How do I keep awake in meetings?: I tried some tips I found online (like trying to stay standing up/…[View]
31214699Cultivation: First time on the website. You would call me a Chūnibyō, but I would like to learn how …[View]
31215035How to get my hair cut: I always hated getting my hair cut. I hate having my head touched. I hate si…[View]
31214288how to cope with chronic pain?: >be normal 20 something >working, self supporting, finishing s…[View]
31212859Is it true nowadays your 30s are the new 20s?[View]
31214890I'm too autistic to even be a cashier at a fucking grocery store. I know that the only way to b…[View]
31214594so theres this girl ive been talking to online for a while, i learned that she had a crush on me a w…[View]
31214569RAT IN A CAGE: I’m so exhausted with American culture. I’ve been job searching for over a year and c…[View]
31214812Afraid of passing my lack of social contact to my son: My son is still a baby, but I have been think…[View]
31211007What would you do if you got your life ruined over something you didn’t do and there was no way to s…[View]
31214886How do I tell if a girl hates my guts?: Anons, I am highly paranoid so I need your judgement. I…[View]
31215135Im a guy. There a girl at same adult age at this new place I go to that has a severe eye condition a…[View]
31214084I can't remove the lamp from my motorcycle. There's a clamp that I just can't seem to…[View]
31205324I do not know what love is. How can I figure out if I am capable of feeling love?[View]
31199960Why does this board like to believe it's only basement dwellers or the absolute bottom tier of …[View]
31214627Eye Contact: I have a severe problem of avoiding eye contact with everyone, everywhere unless I…[View]
31214679How to overcome fear of 1-on-1 interaction/ make conversation: I have a problem which limits my life…[View]
31214608Crazy dating statistics: I've just realized that I dated 5 girls, and only the 5th, the last on…[View]
31211902Help me make a decision: >option A: offered the job already and have till tomorrow to accept or n…[View]
31212070Best friend might be gay what now?: We've been best friends since we were 4. For the past few y…[View]
31212010Is my gf retarded?: Whenever I make a French kiss with her she instinctively holds her breath, which…[View]
31214352Some advice for women: You are an object and nothing more. Know your place.[View]
31214544should i start med school at the ripe age of 37? or am i being delusional? i'v been in verious …[View]
31214362How do you shoplift?: Can't you just put something in your bag and walk out?[View]
31214007/ATOGA/ - Ask the Opposite Gender Anything: previous >>31211033[View]
31214526Should I have had caused a karen situation?: I've went to the bank to do two things: Update my …[View]
31201319Bile reflux, biliary reflux: Does this shit ever go away? I'm googling like crazy but I can…[View]
31212214keeping clean: anyone have advice on organizing yourself and your home to MAINTAIN cleanliness and t…[View]
31211522Need to stop being a loser at 33: I can't take this any longer, at 33 I feel this horrible rage…[View]
31212461Advice for airline pilots going through a huge amount of social anxiety especially being away from m…[View]
31208089my bf is around a 7, sometimes 8 on a good day. i wish i had a 10. he's hot but towards the bot…[View]
31214215My gf said she wanted me to take her to the gym but I don't want her to go to the gym with me b…[View]
31214342I keep getting sore throats and phlegm buildup every other week. Not sure what the issue is. Either…[View]
31213714im a man. i usually sleep/lay in the fetal position on my bed. its comforting. is this bad? how do i…[View]
31213673Did any of you guys jump-start your social life mid-20's or later? How did it go? Any advice?[View]
31214263Can I report my neighbors anonymously? I live in a shitty neighborhood and my retarded neighbors mak…[View]
31212247Your own reflection: Anyone else get this in their dreams where they look in the mirror and it'…[View]
31213905hey uh ive never really posted on 4chan before so sorry if im doing this wrong but i needed some adv…[View]
31212353>turned 24 last week >stoner friend said he had a surprise for me, assume it's weed relat…[View]
31201660My female friend set me up on a blind date with a girl and I'm really conflicted by it... The g…[View]
31212012Is it normal to be a misandrist and be a man myself? I don't hate myself I just despise men in …[View]
31213805how do I reconcile the fact that I have a high sex drive and desire for sexual encounters with the f…[View]
31208978I am not the kind of person someone would or could love. But I want to feel what it's like to h…[View]
31205980>grandma coming over tomorrow >shes judgemental as fuck >im in my 30s, neet >room is a m…[View]
31211106Lock In: I'm unsure where to post this IG here because it's psychology. But I am a 27 y/o …[View]
31207204I married the first woman who said yes. Just to let you know, I have nearly zero experience with oth…[View]
31209808Is it possible to disappear: Been fantasizing about escaping my current life and leaving everything …[View]
31210989I need money, but I hate work. Any kind of work. I know what I need to do, but I just can't see…[View]
31208821Random recalling: I remember reading a thread about extreme bodily damage and the pleasure(debatable…[View]
31212187What degree would be better for a future career? Economics, Sociology or Political Science? Those ar…[View]
31213516Hey, I'm working on a survival horror game and I can't decide which renderer to use. URP o…[View]
31213578What's the easiest way to find some easy part-time job to get healthy insurance? I'm curre…[View]
31198282Do men even fucking like tall women?: I’m 6’3. Have been since maybe 9th grade, I’ve never had a guy…[View]
31207666Suicidal: Im actually very suicidal. I dont know who to talk to and I dont want to fuck up my life. …[View]
31213261Being 'that friend' in the friend group: Growing up, during the few points of my life when…[View]
31212622I grew up and lived all my life with my grandma, but recently lost my job, leading to us being evict…[View]
31199508GIOYC – Get It Off Your Chest[View]
31210805Help me with work stuff: I joined a new team and they do this gay virtual huddle where we rotate and…[View]
31213073can't.... stop... jerking... off AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH everything triggers me then the next thin…[View]
31212956How do I break phone and gaming addiction when I do not like leaving my (small) apartment and there …[View]
31213041How do I get better at a sport as an adult?: Especially if it's a team one? I want to start pla…[View]
31211739Single at 24: Turning 24 soon and still single. I've dated before but haven't had any luck…[View]
31211401Is there a word for life just falling apart around you, for no reason? I do nothing, I just spend my…[View]
31203825Has anyone here turned around their life from being complete loner?: I have poor social skills and n…[View]
31212565PMC carrier after the marines?: Thinking about building a carrier in security contracting 1. Join ma…[View]
31212774What are some potential red flags in dating a 30 yr old woman as a 24 yr old guy?[View]
31212234Company van Got assigned to drive the company van to pick up a computer. This was a 24 seat commuter…[View]
31212480>jerk off >want to jerk off again but dick hurts How to fix…[View]
31207550How old were you when you realized you had a valid shot at getting your middle school, high school a…[View]
31205267where to take a girl out on a first date?: where's a good place to take a girl out on a first d…[View]
31210746Attractive spergs of Reddit, give a specific example of something you said or did that gave a girl t…[View]
31211863ptsd from workplace bullying: I basically played the nice guy role and work and I work in a small of…[View]
31211982How do you deal with the inevtiability of death?: I've been paralyzed by the fear of death late…[View]
31205390who was your greatest love, and why did it end?[View]
31211411Last night I fucked my ex girlfriend. She has a boyfriend, lives with him, dating two years. How muc…[View]
31211970Neurological help?: Hi /adv/. About 4 years ago, I smoked under the table marijuana vape cartridges …[View]
31207142I NEED HELP FINDING ANOTHER JOB. So I've been trying to find a other job for like a year. I…[View]
31206623I'm 30 and want to go to the Philippines in six months so I can get a girlfriend. I'm unda…[View]
31203903>sick of my mcjob >now 31 >working out is it too late to get a construction job has anyone …[View]
31211258how do I find friends for xbox?: Alright so I'm a guy that's honestly just looking for fri…[View]
31210765What is dating in Nordic and Germanic countries like?[View]
31205779Anyone lived in fucked up overseuxalized homes?: TLDR: my mother married HER PIMP (not my father) wh…[View]
31211710Getting back in the saddle: Lost 3 close relatives within a 1 year span and I basically ended up tor…[View]
31202406Would you ever consider dating a prostitute? One wants to be my gf and she said that I can even see …[View]
31211660Shipwrecked on my own little island but I built a boat.: Greetings. We all hear the tale of failing …[View]
31211033Ask the opposite gender anything: /ATOGA/ Bras make no sense edition Last thread: >>31207752…[View]
31205457how do i find groups online/irl that are men only? almost every incel forum i see its just a) everyo…[View]
31209796>Literally every famous person alive started their journey when they were like 13 >MFW I'…[View]
31210740What skills should I be working on to launch?: I am an ex-NEET. I dropped out from high school for 3…[View]
31207427I'm obsessed with my neighbor...: He is so hot and perfect, I think of him every day and every …[View]
31203771throwing my life away and i want revenge: >be me >23 y/o warehouse wagie >50k saved up >…[View]
31211129Help me solve my mental illness: For 10 years I've gone to doctors, psychiatrists, and therapy,…[View]
31211357Someone used my car and now my keys won't lock the car with the button. I press it and the ligh…[View]
31206283Need help with 4chan boards: Today I've got a warning from /lit/, saying that I've made a …[View]
31210431Question about myself: Is there a word to describe myself if I feel like I'm 'too good for this…[View]
31209662Can anyone help me with my resume: I wasn't getting any bites on my old resume so I revised it …[View]
31211097I'm so damn horny but I don't want to jerk off and waste my cum. How do I break my bad hab…[View]
31203358Dating app pics: What pics should I have on my profile? Right now I have 3 random pics of me alone w…[View]
31207890How did you know they are 'the one'?: Every partner has their quirks and flaws. And there …[View]
31182985Avoiding inceldom?: I feel that I am starting to slip down the incel path basically and want to avoi…[View]
31210372i want to be attached to something so i have a reason to live but i dont know what to. i have zero c…[View]
31210792I don’t love my girlfriend anymore, and she doesn’t have the same feelings for me either There wasn…[View]
31208195Lifelong social ineptitude and misanthropy: How do I learn to enjoy socializing and generally being …[View]
31210883>be me >27m That knows how to play field right >have gf of 2 years recently turned 19 >n…[View]
31204493what are some jobs or autistic awkward freaks that pay above min wage? I have a CS bachelors degree …[View]
31209677tired of political bullshit: >be me >in a server I like >someone mentions spending their la…[View]
31202881I can't stop having gay thoughts about other men and it's ruining my self-esteem. I want t…[View]
31205315Cutter: >be me >began talking to some girl 3 or 4 months ago >some weeks ago she told me sh…[View]
31210009>Nobody cares about you Why is this so hard for so many people to come to terms with? How do I …[View]
31210146What should I get my mom for Mother’s Day?[View]
31209757I was with a prostitute I call on the regular, and she was sucking my dick, when suddenly she got on…[View]
31210022I need some advice from some bros, but am not exactly too sure what it is, so here is a bit of my li…[View]
31208886Epinephrine for my SHTF bag?: Making my SHTF bag at home, and I figured I'd toss in an Epi-pen …[View]
31204738My girlfriend is anorexic and the thinner she gets the more I don't like it. There's somet…[View]
31210269how do i pass a drug test: so i’m in prison and i smoked some bong yesterday, today when i came back…[View]
31207037How to take a big fat shit on jewish society and their wagie golems: Step 1: Quit your worthless wag…[View]
31208103What's the best option: >Move out of parents home, live with roommates, high chance of stres…[View]
31208909I suddenly feel old and depressed: Im 29 and I feel old suddenly i feel my age that im old now, i st…[View]
31209585Decorating: Is it weird that im 40 and have no art, posters, or pictures on my bedroom walls and hav…[View]
31209615What should i do this friday: I am down for any suggestions[View]
31209472Is selling sex really that bad?: Unironically real life examples: 1. My own mother >single mom …[View]
31209748how do you NEET in canada: sleeping all day + watching anime sounds comfy af. Why cant it be me, im …[View]
31207162Why don't you just give up?[View]
31209430anons i have a big ass problem i have a really shy bladder like i can't take a piss anywhere in…[View]
31209270How do run a successful garage sale? I live in the united states. Mostly I just need to get rid of s…[View]
31202878is masturbating once per day unhealthy?[View]
31209427>scrolls porn for 20 mins >doesn't even get slightly hard Am I cooked?…[View]
31205782How impossible is it to find a software job in Poland?: So basically i’m Polish but I grew up in wes…[View]
31204545I can't cum when I'm having sex with my girlfriend. I take too long and I have to thrust h…[View]
31209086How do I get over my fear of flies? I really want to spend more time outdoors but I have a huge fear…[View]
31205959Help me read this girl I met online: Met a girl online like 2 weeks ago. The contact was kinda mixed…[View]
31205629I live in California and my teeth hurt, how much does it cost to go to a dentist without insurance?[View]
31208381should you change your socks every day if you work 8 hours with shoes on? and should you wash you fe…[View]
31209340Instagram won't let me comment anymore because of Spam....: How do I bypass this shit? THEY THI…[View]
31204139Girl at church interested in me but wants me to make first move: Her parents and my family both want…[View]
31206509Is it normal to get hard watching gay stuff as a straight man?: I’m an incel and I hate women. I sti…[View]
31208731Any compliment I give is forced and used to hide my actual feelings of extreme jealousy of others an…[View]
31208406TL;DR/lore on howie and schooler? Who are they and why do they post here?[View]
31203679Should I tell my friend that I'm not dead yet: I attempted suicide last week but failed, and I …[View]
31205408Part-Time Jobs that Can Earn Well: Problem: I have a disability that makes it very difficult to wor…[View]
31208099How to intrude on a conversation?: Autist here. I am talking about a major social setting - a confer…[View]
31205872class won't stfu about politics. what do?[View]
31205546finding quality people: Dating apps, bars, clubs. these places do not seem conducive to finding qual…[View]
31208532> be me > Have my beard lasered off > Regret it > Want to grow it back again Can Minoxid…[View]
31205737I want to get a gf, change my life, but IDK where to start...: Today I decided to be honest with mys…[View]
31205869How To Buy A Small Home For Investment?: I am a new realttor, and working a 2nd job. But I have acce…[View]
31206841I want to start a Youtube channel/Tiktok effect but I need the dollarinos paid in the USD as I'…[View]
31207340Christian X: I’m planning to get myself into heaven to achieve a do-over through a universal rebirth…[View]
31208064i accidentally became a good employee for my institution (not because i'm good, but because my …[View]
31201667I try to bond with my coworkers, people outside of work, etc. but struggle to form friendships. I am…[View]
31207752/ATOGA/ - Ask The Opposite Gender Anything: lost the last thread atoga life is beautiful edition…[View]
31207929Was talking to white/Hispanic woman. Professional, smart, likes anime, rock, interesting, kind. Ex h…[View]
31193604Is all the anti porn shit here a psyop?: Regularly I see tons of posts of women freaking out over me…[View]
31206031How do you all deal with living with parents and grandparents who want to keep you at the age of 6 y…[View]
31206416How to fix sweaty hands ASAP?: I have a driving test in an hour. My last test I got nervous my hands…[View]
31207315Support for suicide and addiction?: I'm depressed/suicidal and my self medicating with alcohol …[View]
31205083I'm about to start work for the small town I live in. My employer did not give me much info int…[View]
31206429How do you make peace and be content and happy with a life that doesn't really amount to anythi…[View]
31207574Where can I get free 3d hair models like this?[View]
31207224>meet gf in same friend group >hang with gf a lot and less with frens >gf kinda jeleous and…[View]
31193435How do I show I'm rich?: My parents are loaded af. I want people to know that I'm lowkey r…[View]
31201646Parents dont let me travel: Im 20 and I live with my parents, I have planned multiple international …[View]
31207403How do I overcome emotional trauma?[View]
31205242I can focus on exactly one dating app. If I try to juggle multiple I'll get overwhelmed and ing…[View]
31206995Does anybody know any methods of making $300 a week? I already tried looking for another job but it…[View]
31207136I want to induce anorgasmia. Is there some pill I can take? Whiskey makes me last a lot longer but I…[View]
31205290Worth having female friends?: I'm a woman and I've never had one. Since my mid 20s I start…[View]
31204580can anyone explain this nightmare I keep having: >be me >be at church on a Sunday >worshipp…[View]
31205495I got a roommate moving in with me in 2 days, she's got social anxiety and she's an introv…[View]
31206976I struggle to meet people I can tollerate for long periods of time: >Last thread on /lgbt/. No he…[View]
31206859I’m starting to resent my girlfriend. I want to spend more and more time alone. We have been spendin…[View]
31197317Kids Toothpaste Alternative: I have a friend with young children and during a conversation we had he…[View]
31206712I am not a good person. Rope or keep living?: It's innate, I am bad, there is no changing that …[View]
31205900First time I feel curious about a trap: First time posting on this board, excuse me if I break some …[View]
31206997HOW DO I SLEEP PROPERLY? i always wake up either exhausted, tires or my back hurts. 8 hours and i fe…[View]
31200381Death anxiety: How do you deal with extreme and obsessive death anxiety? I think about the death of …[View]
31206527I am a disappointment to my parents and I wanna change myself but dont know how: I am doing a bullsh…[View]
31203704>5'6' >small penis >baby hands What do I do when almost all of my problems are genetic…[View]
31205586How to become mentally ill so that kino can be made: good evening advice bros I want to make some g…[View]
31206637does any woman look like this?: if so where can I find her? image related[View]
31204268How do I cope with the regret knowing my ex-gf was the love of my life? I lost her due to dumb mista…[View]
31198739i find myself wishing that futa was real what do i do guys. is it just porn overdose or what? i…[View]
31204344>31 >NEET for basically entire life >no high school or college education >dropped out of…[View]
31206213HELP i shat where I eat so theres this family owned business down the road from where i live. i buy …[View]
31206249I made a joke to a girl about cannibalism: basically I watched a documentary about this cannibalisti…[View]
31198564Can I tell me employer I won’t sue and I’ll sign an NDA in exchange for severance pay?: I was wrongf…[View]
31204775How do I make my parents not worry about me? >t. ranny[View]
3120614221M. No friends.: I have no friends or GF. How do I enjoy my own company? Should I buy drugs? Drink …[View]
31205773/ATOXA/-Ask the Opposite Xender Anything General: previous >>31202729[View]
31205500I got banned from tinder last summer for 'breaking their tos'. When trying to contact them…[View]
31205958> In highschool > Had a friend I knew for a long time > He is fun to talk to > He is me…[View]
31201992Is it bad if one of my biggest sources of inspiration is Emiya Shirou? Whenever I am going through a…[View]
31201586Trying another approach... Me and my friends have this friend whos like a little sister to us.... Sh…[View]
31204385Am I crazy or being gaslit: Someone I know closely has been talking about suicide and something bad …[View]
31202761do you just keep getting hornier with age: I'm to the point where I'm turning my head whil…[View]
31205107You do not need human contact Emotions besides anger are fucking gay. Immediately cut off contact wi…[View]
31205370Is not owning a TV a dealbreaker for girls?: This might sound strange but I do not have a TV in my a…[View]
31199109>be 27 year old virgin >making out with girl i've known for a bit >things heat up and …[View]
31202252What do you do after the first date? >Matched on Bumble last friday, quickly moved over to instag…[View]
31202539Mid 20s, no social experience: Anyone else in this position? I'm trying as hard as I can but I …[View]
31205417hiding my ocd: i've been seeing this girl for a little bit but she doesn't know i have mod…[View]
31196967Hobbies are the answer, not friends: I'm a 25 yr old bipolar man. Was prognosed with Bipolar-II…[View]
31205699I'm always horny: Would circumcision make me normal?[View]
31205540I hate life: I'm 26, BPD male neet, no car/license and ID is expired. I live alone in an attatc…[View]
31200983Retiring at 19 years old: I have around $410k in investments. Assuming 7% annual growth each year, m…[View]
31205624laziness: How do I stop being so lazy when it comes to most things in my life? I do the things I ha…[View]
31198954I keep filling the toilet with blood: Can anyone provide assistance? I need advice badly.[View]
31205625I have no reason to live other than to be there for my family.: I'm grateful to have a reason t…[View]
31202760Should I bother trying to get a gf if I live an otherwise completely reserved lifestyle and only rea…[View]
31202755I heard about the 'Are we dating the same guy' Facebook groups, and how they constantly trash men. S…[View]
31205393Is bleeding after taking morning pills normal?[View]
31202858just lost my job, gotta move states in a few months, and im scared of not being able to get a job or…[View]
31205428Plz help! Streisand! IDK why it seems so dangerous to ppl: Not Spam! it’s a Streisand Check (#5) Thi…[View]
31189651Alcoholism as a solution to autism: I have a pretty shitty life and, slowly, I have secluded myself,…[View]
31205312How do I stop desiring flesh?[View]
31205203No idea what to do. Just know I need help and/or advice.: I have no idea how to start this thing, so…[View]
31204726Shadowbanned on X: I've made 500 posts. I still have 0 followers, which I thought was weird. To…[View]
31205278How do you get your cat to stop doing something? Every single day she finds a new thing that pisses …[View]
31204532>be me >diagnosed autistic, not Chris Chan levels but people (especially girls) can probably s…[View]
31198897I met a girl at a club and got her number, she was into me but I had to leave early because I was dr…[View]
31204994I understand my dad is better, smarter, stronger than me.: When dad gives me advice I usually take i…[View]
31204880Idk that much about the law but can you sue a school for denying a student with mental disabilities …[View]
31199781I am schizophrenic and everyone treats me shitty when they hear im schizo, even if I say the same sh…[View]
31204896gf broke up with me because im going blind: about a month ago i started going blind in my right eye …[View]
31204960How does one get invited to an orgy? I went to my high school reunion recently and a girl I used to …[View]
31203546Why does this face piss so many people off[View]
31203022what do I do lord[View]
31204764I dont know how to live anymore: grows up on the streets seeing people dying from the drug crisis ru…[View]
31204863I trapped myself emotionally in a relationship with a woman who I’ve made a surrogate for my overbea…[View]
31204516What are some ways to kill myself that's not really painful: What are some ways to kill myself …[View]
31199836To fire or give ultimatum: I'm in the military and I was just given my first ever leadership po…[View]
31202773Why does my voice some days sound very deep and pleasant, and other days (recently more often) I sou…[View]
31195551A girl I like friendzoned me yet still texts me asking to go places with me. I haven't spoken t…[View]
31200125Really wish I could go back to school: I relate to schoolanon so much rn >Inb4 you'd fuck it…[View]
31204554I'm getting evicted from my apartment in a month and I'm going to have to live in my car f…[View]
31204651how do i stop stressing that my relationship is gonna fall apart? literally nothing is really going …[View]
31202772How do I avoid the awkwardness when a random stranger in a public place asks me if I have a phone ch…[View]
31203014I'm tired all day even though I'm sleeping as much as my body wants to, I got checked for …[View]
31203873how to cope with not having cute white gf: I'm not even asking for a virgin anymore[View]
31204096how do i find a pretty girl who will listen to pretty music and make me pretty too and we can have a…[View]
31200085Getting disrespected at work: M18, full time student at a jr college currently working at a shitty r…[View]
31198631i just can't take it anymore: I live in Ukraine, pretty much lost my job because of recent mobi…[View]
31204494Any advice for getting over dumb phobias like tall heights and tight spaces or for getting over the…[View]
31203123Why should I live if I'm a man? Everybody hates men, I feel like I was just born to bust my ass…[View]
31202917Adventure: As a child we got shown that life is an adventure by tv shows, movies, games, etc. When …[View]
31204473on short-medium term goals: looking for career advice im studying in college and quite satisfied wit…[View]
31203913I had an extremely traumatic weed experience. Me and my friends bought some weed and as I soon as I …[View]
31204321how can I avoid getting leftover girls?: I'm almost 30 and it seems like all the good women hav…[View]
31190174I watch porn and know it would absolutely crush my gf, but I'm completely addicted (have been s…[View]
31202993Is it considered safe to put Neosporin on your genitals? I masturbated WAY too fiercely yesterday to…[View]
31203707Has anyone here have had a good experience with a psychologist? Maybe something that they said that …[View]
31192344What's the worst advice that you've heard on here?[View]
31203478I think I’m relatively attractive, maybe above average even, but I am deathly afraid of real life wo…[View]
31201763Caught smoking crack at work: >clock out for lunch >go outside to smoke a cigarette >as I’m…[View]
31199497How do I hug girls: My goal is to become a Casanova and hug 3000 girls. Where do girls go to get hug…[View]
31204081whats your input on loser media: >financing mother's everything, rent, everything. 0.00 ever…[View]
31204063started a new job in finance: Hey anons, I started a new job in finance. It's the first week an…[View]
31199266First, to begin with, I am trans. I am a trans person. Got turned into a girl after being born male.…[View]
31203924>go out with mom to help her get something >suddenly she says oh look a giant drug den >oh …[View]
31203482Can’t get hard with an onahole: So I’m KHHV and bought one to practice having sex. Well a major prob…[View]
31203510What is something your parents and or close relatives/authority figures taught you, that you believe…[View]
31203751I'm tempted to tell my ex gf to start over: For some reason I keep thinking of telling her to s…[View]
31203598How does one get past the wall when learning something? by the wall I basically mean that when I for…[View]
31200614What to do when someone chimps out?: Was playing volleyball and on my receive the ball bounced off m…[View]
31199688How the fuck do you actually get a girlfriend these days?: Especially if you're introvert? I go…[View]
31199372I need some help with a difficult blindsided breakup I am suffering from. I am in a very difficult t…[View]
31202298Am I wrong or does horrible childhood pretty much destines one to be fucked forever: I wasn't s…[View]
31203499This summer I want to get better at art, I am mainly just a subpar doodler at my current skill level…[View]
31201952What jobs don’t make you want to kill yourself: I need a temporary wagie job for about 6 months. I’v…[View]
31203608i sent this video to a discord server and people started to call me a redditor and accused me of thi…[View]
31203537expediency or ambition: expediency or ambition?[View]
31199143I want to isolate vocals from my favorite rappers lesser known songs and put them on new, better sou…[View]
31200508How much of a raise should I ask for?: I was recently thrust into a supervisor position, and have ad…[View]
31200234How do I tell if I have an eating disorder? I keep convincing myself I'm normal but I talk to o…[View]
31202729/atoga/-Ask the Opposite Gender Anything general: Touching the Stove Simulator edition Previous >…[View]
31197714There's a rich 10/10 blonde Stacy in my college class and she is strangely friendly towards me.…[View]
31201500Is this good or bad coping? These days I feel like I deserve to be alone and depressed. I have autis…[View]
31200818how to love learning in school?[View]
31202523What do the voices say to you?[View]
31203027F19 On working & Living in JPN post undergrad: Looking to move to japan for architectural work r…[View]
31203175Interracial porn: It really bothers me that the guys look like thugs, the women always have huge tit…[View]
31202319What the fuck does it say about a woman if I can smell her perfume from a fucking block away.[View]
31199806Being a christian: New Christian here, considering getting into stuff so if I ever die, I can get in…[View]
31203034in a group of 5 people, 4 people speak the same language, 1 does not, but all know english as second…[View]
31195781What should I do over the summer: I'm a CS/Math major and didn't apply too hard to interns…[View]
31198925Struggle to make healthy friendships (codependency): Hello. May I please receive some guidance on ma…[View]
31202924Tinder for Hookups: Traveling in a smaller city for work. I guess I'm particularly horny latel…[View]
31202686Many times lately I've asked and listened about peoples' days and their problems, asked fo…[View]
31202919I fucking hate /v/, but I can't stop browsing it. I told myself today was the day, I showered, …[View]
31194773Grandparents value white trash brother more than me: My grandparents value my white trash younger br…[View]
31202459I feel like my hygienist is lying to me I went in for my annual cleaning and the hygienist told me I…[View]
31201910How do you guys sleep early?? I've tried different methods, but it ain't working.[View]
31192190So like I'm delivering door dash and I'm standing outside the building with a pizza in my …[View]
31199171How do I stop feeling guilt?[View]
31201900Anons, I'm a rich neet (retired at 25) and got married to a trad cath. She is redpilled on jews…[View]
31202543>Ask girl out >She rejects me because I still live with my mother at 25 (I have a career and t…[View]
31202558where (on the internet) can I go to meet girls for the purpose of forming a romantic relationship? /…[View]
31202276Do self-help books actually work?: Everyone I ever met (and even games) said that self-help books ar…[View]
31202396>very attractive >sweet personality >incredibly intelligent >very into you >common in…[View]
31199887Help my sister for outside Gaza: Dear merciful souls I come to you with a heavy heart, burdened by t…[View]
31199539So basically my type is gym girls but I obviously can't go chatting up every single girl that c…[View]
31202632Naincy paul told me that her father killed a man over nothing in India. She also told me that her fa…[View]
31198809extreme self-disgust: First of all, I know you've all seen several topics about physical appear…[View]
31200575How do you get over resentment?: Got divorced and still can't stop crying every day. Everything…[View]
31202350making twitter mad: need advice on how to make twitter users mad prefer light-hearted things but wil…[View]
31202584Trolling 4chan: What's the best board for trolling?[View]
31201247University: Eurofuck here, Gonna be done with school in 1 year. Should I focus on going to universit…[View]
31196951I was having sex with a hot Asian woman at a massage parlor. Right when I was about to coom I sudden…[View]
31202449my grandpa told me that he cheated on my grandma one time in 1961 he was a 25 year old navyman and s…[View]
31199378what is wrong with me: I'm about to be done with high-school and I want to change quickly, I re…[View]
31201509I've developed stretch marks on my left front delt from working out, they look kinda bad. I…[View]
31195651I hate being Jewish: I know this might not be the best place to ask, but how do I deal with the fact…[View]
31199048Does exposure actually work for social anxiety? I've been doing it for a week now and my mental…[View]
31201865Work Dilemma: my work stresses me tf out. I work for my one parent's company. it's an offi…[View]
31201119Should I bring hoes to my parents: > 22 > neet > still live with my parents > mum almost…[View]
31200228Are all Asian customer service reps this stupid? My phone service was up for it's second month …[View]
31201479Sex tourism: I want to choose 3 countries. which are the easiest and best for sex, and why? I rece…[View]
31201776How to get women at bars/ clubs?: I'm going on a solo holiday to Prague this summer and I will …[View]
31202086Movies and flims: Hi guys! Do you have snuff flims recommendations i can watch??[View]
31202056Ever text a girl for one reason or another and when they take like a while to respond you wonder. '…[View]
31202217I find myself engulfed in internet cynicism, porn rot, and consistent fast food consumption with my …[View]
31202327When I read and vidya I get extermly tired. It feels like I have vertigo. What could the cause be? w…[View]
31197728Husband is the biggest narcissist ever: He is incredibly shy and anti social that is why no one can …[View]
31199062How do I get my bf to stop being so jealous about me still hanging out with friends I had before tra…[View]
31200296How can I get a gf like picrel?[View]
31198598What is love, exactly?: I've had girlfriends before. I have crushed on girls, dated some, cared…[View]
31202077Do women even like *men: *black I’ve been rejected by a myriad of women. I’ve worked on myself, made…[View]
31202093Does desensitization apply to actual sex?: I dated a woman for a year.5 and things got very, very ki…[View]
31197439how do i take things from here?: Some context- i started chatting with a girl from dating apps, we i…[View]
31196543How do I stop feeling regret that I lost my virginity to a tranny rather than a real woman?[View]
31201937okay so this is a gonna be a long text. >be me >around 15-16 years ago you're in daycare …[View]
31198285There's this hot chick working at a drive thru. How do I go about asking her out?[View]
31201819how to cope with inferiority complex because of failing with women: I opened a porn video to jerk of…[View]
31199716My GF is a cuckqueaning pervert: My last GF looked normal and quite intelligent when dating. When sh…[View]
31198515Anyone have experience with ozempic?: My endocrinologist says she can prescribe me ozempic if I’m do…[View]
31201562Should I go for this girl I met on Instagram? she seems to like me but I don't really wanna dat…[View]
31201584NSFW but genuine question: how the fuck do you goon as a woman/ I am not a woman, but i am assigned …[View]
31186498How the fuck do I find a GF: im a nice dude, average to good looking, has money, own place, smart, h…[View]
31200408How to be less needy? We all know appearing needy is a turn off for girls. But when you love a girl …[View]
31194145Don't want a single mother, ugly, or fatty: As a mid-30s male it seems these are the majority o…[View]
31200925Why does being a childfree/DINK appeal to me so much?: Always though I would have kids growing up. N…[View]
31200308How do I explain not being on social media to girls?: So, I'm definitely heavy on cluster B per…[View]
31199433How to keep bf?: I’m a loser girl (NEET, can’t drive, live with parents) in my first relationship an…[View]
31200153Her name was A*y/Ama*da G*well: https://twitter.com/keroko44 And she was the most important thing in…[View]
31199235Destroyed myself to satisfy some stupid notion of self-punishment: I've had some mysterious sen…[View]
31200689How to stop people from being trans?: I see all these guys taking the tranny pill. I see almost no w…[View]
31200497Studying for more than 5 minutes: What do you do when you need to study but can't because you f…[View]
31199258Initiating touch: How to initiate touch when alone with a girl, when you don't even know if she…[View]
31198457What do guys think of girls that stalk them?? I stalked a guy for a while and don’t know why he didn…[View]
31186781Tip of Dick Burns After Cooming: Get in here lads, I know from google this is a common issue and I…[View]
31198512My mom..: Why does my mom try to 'show me off' to people? Is it because she's a good for nothin…[View]
31199249How do I get the Lord to stop tormenting me?[View]
31200446> Be me > Create a post on 4chan yesterday > Venting about being accused for nothing > I…[View]
31200491opinions on dating apps: sup ppl share ur opinions or experiences using dating apps, i've been …[View]
31195131How do kind people cope with the incredibly selfish individualist mindset of humans?[View]
31198909>be dating girl a couple years >finally work up courage to admit my submissive desires and kin…[View]
31200161Is there anything alcoholics can do to reduce their chances of having diarrhea the morning after a d…[View]
31199015starting into life with 30: I just came out of therapy and I finally feel ready and motivated to cha…[View]

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