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/g/ - Technology

Displaying 791 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
102456593>ganue slash linox system[View]
102455597>Richard Stallman (RMS) gave a keynote at the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit in July 2009 in which h…[View]
102456395the fuck is this[View]
102456243How do you design an API? For example, you wrote a tool in C++, how do you define a clean and reason…[View]
102454208>buy 8tb hdd >it's actually 7,2tb why is this scam allowed?…[View]
102451329Brave: I kneel. Brave pushing the limits of browser security[View]
102446728JPEG-XL in iPhone: the newest iphone now shoots JXL straight out of the camera. Thank you based Appl…[View]
102454280/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
102455509plz halp: Can any OpenBSD niggas help me out here? I'm trying to setup multiple displays (I…[View]
102454457DuckDuckGo: Is their browser extension a placebo? And their browser app? Does any of you use them?…[View]
102456675without the nigger who invented this piece of technology you wouldn't be here pay respect, anon[View]
102455350Someone is getting cucked.[View]
102452189Why aren't you inventing a tech startup, anons?[View]
102449993/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
102444070Forced exception handling is one of Java's best features and I'm sad it's not a thing…[View]
102455943Jump ship while you still can bros, Gorhill is either kill or doing cocaine in Thailand[View]
102456671Sup /g/ you guys have any radio frecuency histories? Have this electronics profesor that has his own…[View]
102456627I'm getting a degree on tech. Of course, I still am not there yet, although I feel like that I …[View]
102431100Anyone care to explain how this was accomplished? How can you make a non-explosive electronic devic…[View]
102456508deadlock: dead lock not dead look. again ive read some compukter science hypertexts and found no rea…[View]
102449224Will software ever be comfy again?[View]
102452538shizuku: guys... is this even useful?[View]
102456368Thank me in the morning.[View]
102453721Why did Mastodon fail?[View]
102455894I'm actually afraid of my phone now. Just a moment ago I heard a rumbling sound and I didn…[View]
102453447Was this language designed for genuine retards? I've spent the last few months learning C and x…[View]
102455070Steve Jobs would have never allowed this.[View]
102456180Kaspersky US Ban: Biden admin banned Kaspersky Antivirus. Kaspersky was forced to sell all their US …[View]
102455492>jpg xl[View]
102454974Be Brave[View]
102439305M.2 bros, is there a solid reason to invest in this technology? I already know that m.2 moggs sata i…[View]
102445993Whats the longest time you've had a computer that you regularly used? I got my last PC at the s…[View]
102455079>after 3 weeks of the battery indicator flashing red, the AA has finally drained, the mouse has s…[View]
102450735Want to live in Japan and work in tech?: Apply here. They'll import your ass from any country a…[View]
102454376AI is 10000x smarter than any human alive. What are your plans when it takes your job?[View]
102452482A new cancer from Apple: This will overshadow the removal of the headphone jack. It's joever.…[View]
102443663Ah, BSD: It's everything that an operating system was in the beginning, and it's everythin…[View]
102450696I give up. This shit is useless at math. I asked it solve for x. 495=x*9.81*sin(45) I got x=71.35gra…[View]
102454404I hate Flatpak. I hate Snap. I hate AppImage. All abominations.[View]
102450517Does anybody still care about the free software? >>>/wsg/5682824 https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/172…[View]
102456392Is the magnetic pole reversal speeding up?: A YouToob Expert told me from her car that the reversal …[View]
102455017What do you do with your old computer parts? I've been saving them for years just in case, but …[View]
102453622CS Degree: I recently found out I can get a paid tuition to ASU Online through Uber (I'm a driv…[View]
102455044Friendly reminder that cow dung is not only the most healthy thing in the planet, but it will make y…[View]
102454152Let me guess...[View]
102447314Universal Basic Income: 1) what technology can be used to achieve Universal Basic Income, or 'UBI'? …[View]
102441822It's HAPPENINGGGGG: iPhones are exploding in Lebanon, throw your iPhone now and save your face …[View]
102448852/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general: Useful archiving efforts and other projec…[View]
102454661Real world languages: I only care about high-paying jobs and securing a good career for myself Shoul…[View]
102454541What's the best site to find all the online information available about someone? I mean those s…[View]
102406136/g/ humor: ylyl[View]
102451157>2600k of storage Literally no reason to use NVME or HDD[View]
102453237Uhhh NVIDibros???[View]
102452592White is the ugliest color a computer part can have. And you can't prove me wrong.[View]
102453527Imagine buying now any non-Chinese tech.[View]
102442830this gpu is actually a very good product, and all of the bad press and reviews after it's relea…[View]
102452057Should I learn C++ before learning this?[View]
102452492no one talks about it but this is why the internet went to shit. too many poor Europeans. they ruin…[View]
102412545Now that gorhill has thrown an autistic meltdown and has taken his ball and gone home, what are the …[View]
102421640guillotines when: https://www.businessinsider.com/larry-ellison-ai-surveillance-keep-citizens-on-the…[View]
102454436Join us now and share the software You'll be free Hackers, you'll be free Join us now and …[View]
102454186Qual'è il miglior linguaggio compilato che soddisfa i seguenti campi: networking (web server, e…[View]
102454021What's it called again ?: That website that some anons use to make AIslop webms with ?[View]
102453375I run a small video site. All the videos are in the same folder, let's say it's var/ww…[View]
102453512i like when japan tries to make smaller versions of things[View]
102445819Tyrell Wellick: He is known to be a KDE user, but it is now 2024, and things have changed. Would he …[View]
102432800can we talk about the smoke alarm low battery warning chirp?[View]
102452971Please stop bullying me.[View]
102443460What are some good hobbies for tech workers?[View]
102444625>immune to remote detonation with 100% pure blood non Western software and hardware supply chain …[View]
102439039Tor has a new MASSIVE vulnerability: Germany has just proved that a large scale timing attack to dea…[View]
102448300is the RTX 4090 the worst gpu ever made?: what other gpu holds the record of actually killing itself…[View]
102442698Why does KDE use the latest version of QT?: It makes them interdependent on the qt company that is n…[View]
102447092What color is your phone?: Mine is pitch black like my soul.[View]
102449157Why hasn't anyone vent their frustration by spamming random generated fake resume.pdf on all th…[View]
102450195>requires pressing it down for half a second to prevent 'accidental keystrokes' and slows down wo…[View]
102451791>2025-1 >forgotten[View]
102452614The switch to apple seems inevitable: >Started new job with a development team at an engineering …[View]
102451421Intel is dying[View]
102450028>57.5% of high school student in 2023 enrolled in computer science This can't be sustainable…[View]
102451672CRT Thread: The best antiglare is no antiglare[View]
102452940CIA ain't letting me to write texts using firefox mobile.[View]
102452706>tfw the only 'new' thing on Iphone 16 is some AI shit[View]
102449568when is he prophesised to return?[View]
102438004Why is this hated by /g/ and Reddit?[View]
102452771why is yandex dot com not working half the time?[View]
102447519>See anti-Linux post >Go on the users profile >9 times out of 10 they are from India What g…[View]
102442905really like the phone mirroring on the new mac update been using it more than I thought I would[View]
102450551Will hiring managers freak out when they see that all but one of my projects is malware? The one int…[View]
102451777Why do they keep DDoSing my websites? What did I do to them?[View]
102438179let me guess...[View]
102444228new gaptcha is here: and it's fucking up all my posts :^)[View]
102451970AI: Why no AI board yet?[View]
102450782/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
102449547man, why C++ is so ugly?: I mean, just look at this shit override module friend virtual std::list…[View]
102442258>use a friend's iPhone for 2 minutes >lack of a bottom bar makes it automatically 10x mor…[View]
102442021When will they learn to code? I mean even pajeets can do it so what the fuck is their problem?[View]
102452252https://iqfy.com/why-is-it-so-perfect-bros-44000-608345/ What exactly are SEO spammers gaining by sc…[View]
102401467/mpv/ - the /g/reatest media player: Installation: https://mpv.io/installation/ Discussions: https:/…[View]
102452378>makes incels seethe[View]
102445727ok so where is the schizo from yesterday who couldn't understand a profit and loss statement? a…[View]
102440453>get AppleCare >smash your device every two years and get a new one for free. Where's th…[View]
102450290what are your favorite 88x31s /g/?[View]
102450951Haii /g/ :p how do you overclock and or optimize an (old) 3ds, modded btw.[View]
102451344How advanced is China related to AI development? Are they ahead or behind the West currently? What s…[View]
102446012>he failed holocaust studies class? >blow up his phone…[View]
102442831/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
102442786Redpill me on this[View]
102451850If you specialize in AI development, the AI can never take your job. Heh, nothing personal capitalis…[View]
102450470/utwq/ - Unemployed tech worker questions: I want to make big $$$ but I am too smart for webdev, whi…[View]
102440642/twg/ - Tech Wagies General: Commit to open source edition. Tech News & Industry Insights Ars Te…[View]
102435115/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102421511 >Beginner UI local …[View]
102450907What could have been >no cookies list goes on..[View]
102405773Pipeline is pretty great for watching YouTube in GNOME. Is there anything better? I tried Freetube, …[View]
102450444>recruiter reaches out to me about job opportunity >tell her Im interested and send my resume …[View]
102429456/spg/ - Smartphone General: Motorola edgy edition >What phone has X and Y feature? Don't ask…[View]
102451149Which is more future proof?[View]
102450896Which one should I learn first?[View]
102444383>casually deletes 15+ yrs worth of emails >locks you out of services that asks for 2FA Bravo…[View]
102450399What's the best way to buy botted likes? For posts on instagram and Twitter I want to fake enga…[View]
102450823Which one is better though????[View]
102450893I love Samsung products and I'm tired of pretending that I don't. Been with them since for…[View]
102443395trvke.: The people that love thinkpads are neckbeard neets in their 30s buying ones full of semen an…[View]
102448109What are the main differences between Rust and C++? What are these languages used for in the real wo…[View]
102450725Honestly why do you pick C++ over Rust.: Other else then the community why is c++ better? I want to …[View]
102441625Yesterday pagers detonated by the jew, today walkie talkies detonated by the jew, what's stoppi…[View]
102438579I do not care about internet privacy because I am not a schizo or a pedo[View]
102439022>somebody steals your phone/pc how fucked up are you?[View]
102448741Is there are brand of smart glasses I could buy that would block or blur all women in public?: For t…[View]
102449123I thought we were trying to move away from flip phones What the fucking fuck is this trend?[View]
102446324Why are they so underthanked? People technically thank them with their money I guess, but why the th…[View]
102439714Storage, not GPUs, is the biggest challenge to AI: Hard drives, SSDs, Cloud storage It's all ab…[View]
102441234How do I convince people at my new job to use the libraries I made?[View]
102427437/pol/ are retarded monkeys how does /g/ think those things could be made to explode?[View]
102450378Looks like you're trying to escalate you chinkexpress case: Would you like help? • Go to escala…[View]
102446730Is this a good deal?[View]
102440099how does YouTube handle this much bandwidth?[View]
102437057New ESR Release v128: It's surprisingly good. Damn, what a great piece of code! It's super…[View]
102450112Seems good to me, /g/. https://youtube.com/shorts/Wd-wHLm9MTI https://chromewebstore.google.com/deta…[View]
102449959Can /g/ please recommend a laptop that: 1) Has an option for a keyboard that isn't made of thos…[View]
102449974Im in a beginner compsci class and it feels so good seeing Chad struggle over bubble sort and linked…[View]
102442285Which pair of IEMs blocks out the most noise?[View]
102447164/g/entlemen in tech/IT: What is your job? What is your salary?[View]
102445844I hate these faggots like you wouldn't fucking believe.[View]
102435424kde sisters, how do I make the crashing go away?[View]
10244323423andMe: What went wrong? https://techcrunch.com/2024/09/17/23andme-sees-independent-board-directors…[View]
102442438Would it be possible to replace the digestive track with a bionic machine so we dont need to poop an…[View]
102447012/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
102436812/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread: Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux…[View]
102447281What's gonna blow up tomorrow?: Take your guesses[View]
102446308your mobile phone is a ticking timebomb that the jews are capable of detonating at any given moment[View]
102439439Post your favorite shell customizations.[View]
102446666how does trademark work for open source projects like qbittorrent and bitcoins (they have a site and…[View]
102443088Are you the one who can? Or are you the one who complains?[View]
102447080sorry tim apple but i will not be buying your iPhone this year[View]
102448839this guy was telling me about an old attack devised by or used by some programmer or engineer at Ora…[View]
102444549Is it worth the price, or should I just continue to buy physical books?[View]
102448701>save 1hello_world.nim >error is throw (cant have a digit at starting file name) How can they …[View]
102446513/TBDg/ - TOTAL BATTERY DEATH general: 'sploding batteryslop edition[View]
102448329>we don't trust smartphone because it's full of mossad. We will use the pager made in E…[View]
102444258/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
102440022>be Andjeet >buy Xiaomi >Strange voice emits from your device telling you to bow down to th…[View]
102446955do newsgroups and BBSes still exist? are any of you on them? where else can you post anonymously on …[View]
102448285When will Rust catch up to C?: It is the year of our lord, 2024, and Rust STILL cannot match C. When…[View]
102445298>based Javachads[View]
102447610Ever since I upgraded my GPU, Debian has been unusable, so I'm considering swapping to Arch. ar…[View]
102440994Rust vs C++: Which one is less bloated? Which one is faster? Which one is faster to write to be fast…[View]
102433327Intel CANCELS Germany Chip Plant: 30,000 jobs... gone...[View]
102447156how do you cope with the fact that everything you post online, all of it, inevitably and eventually …[View]
102446776alternatives to pagers: and phones, walkietalkie how to we scape this tech holocaust[View]
102441714/g/ humour thread[View]
102394648/de3/ - DALL-E 3 General: Previous thread: >>102347666 >What is DALL-E 3? It's a text-…[View]
102445987Am I supposed to be impressed by generative AI or something? Is this really it? This and cheaply gen…[View]
102447908This is why I don't bother with Blender3D tutorials...: > Learn how to use Blender3D years a…[View]
102445682CRT thread: crazy good[View]
102441970anyone here ever bothered to get an arm64 desktop? i have started to really like the arm system, so …[View]
102437742Is this true?[View]
102440082Will they remove fans from these once they upgrade it to m4, and cut the size since there is so much…[View]
102440415China lost. The most cutting edge chips in the world are now made in America again. If they decide t…[View]
102447407question about malware: Hi guys, retard here. I've never been interested in technology aside fr…[View]
102446957>It's apples fault I didn't get laid in high school pretty much all the posts on here…[View]
1024447984chan bug: i.4cdn.org gets embedded is2.4chan.org DON'T get embedded https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/172…[View]
102442903Will software engineering become a viable career again when the fed rate cut cycle starts or is perm…[View]
102447039undocumented shit in PE files: so I was studying pe files and found that every one of them contains …[View]
102441594Walkie Takies detonating in Lebanon Today - Hardware Tampering Largely Confirmed: Japanese ICOM VHF …[View]
102436668Explain to a dummy how you can turn a pager into a bomb[View]
102445998Anyone else feeling kind of nervous when handling their phone now?[View]
102444170Could these explode?[View]
102403295/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread: Welcome to the Daily Programming Thread. What are you working on, …[View]
102427055VR has been around for 3 decades. Why does it still suck ass?[View]
102444764How do I stop myself from gooning and doom scrolling on my phone ? Its taken over my life I swipe h…[View]
102434568/ldg/ - Local Diffusion General: Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models Previous /l…[View]
102441966Still waiting for an actual viable upgrade for my 2015 iMac. The Mac Studio is already 2 years and 2…[View]
102437349I am ready for the linux uprising.[View]
102444150iTODDLERS be blowing the fuck out right now: >Satania has been warning us all this time…[View]
102442665Why does the free software community attract so many unmedicated schizos?[View]
102445452How to make a windows 11 installation media on windows 11. 1. download iso 2. download balena etcher…[View]
102442551personal computers peaked here.[View]
102443230>30% longer battery life x86 won. its over for ARM[View]
102443837how can I check file integerity: I got two big hard drives that got corrupted, had all my music and …[View]
102442722Can Laptops and pc explode now?: bigger booms?[View]
102445278Linus on Rust: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bb3-bjgf88 Can y'all stfu about Rust now, It…[View]
1024410354k 60hz or 1440p 144hz for productivity (coding, spreadsheets)? Both 27 inches[View]
102443298what's the usecase of keeping it on your lawn?[View]
102440584What are the chances of my phone getting detonated remotely?[View]
102438467the whitest linux distro out there[View]
102445216From what number of packages does the bloat start?[View]
102443009Applebros how is this possible?[View]
102443762/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
102443030Give it to me straight /g/ Is it botnet or is it safe?[View]
102442810iToddlers BTFO[View]
102444782>it's been a while, i'll update before work >run my trusty pacman -Syu >can'…[View]
102441189Will this PSU be able to handle an SSD?: It's an Arctic Cooling 550RF 500W PSU from the early 2…[View]
102443392>come on anon linux can game now >look inside >games are unavailable…[View]
102434124>fixes your distrohopping permanently >gives you an unbreakable system >gives you stability…[View]
102443469Mozilla. Google. Apple. GNOME. Yes, I use their services. No, I do not have any regrets. >mozilla…[View]
102443998Server architecture: I run a small video site. All the videos are in the same folder, let's say…[View]
102439382our hero... uBlock Origin.[View]
102424938Desktop thread: prev >>102386417[View]
102443947iOS 18: If there's one thing that Steve Jobs truly got right, it's that the masses have ho…[View]
102443814I memba when browsers were FTP clients.[View]
102407456/sqt/ stupid questions thread: old >>102369169[View]
102442652Why are people so susceptible to hype despite history telling us the product always ends up being di…[View]
102443646After the happenings in middle east you cannot trust any electronic devices, this is the new age of …[View]
102434328New intel CPUs will not have Hyperthreading What does this mean?[View]
102441175This is the fifth time lutris has missing icons, I'm losing my mind. Maybe the guy who told me …[View]
102442669The explosives are inside the Pluton & TPM modules. Get ready, chuds.: Millions (of computers) m…[View]
102440764Happened to anyone else: >Type in youtube.cum >It continues to send me to consent.* => you*…[View]
102437063I don't understand. Why does /g/ hate it so much?[View]
102442293Checkmate, Mossad.[View]
102435191That's it. I'm switching to fairphone. No way I'm using a phone where they can implan…[View]
102441767License and registration, /g/entlemen.[View]
102434127All chatGPT does is plagurize: It's nothing more than a gimmick.[View]
102442980remember to run
xbps-install -Su
102420480Holy fuck. I thought these things only had a range of like 10 miles.[View]
102442191>explodes in your face[View]
102436444/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE Post build list or current specs includ…[View]
102434744/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
102440316*BTFOs EU in your path*: Yuropoors lost. No billion dollarbuckerinos for you. https://www.neowin.net…[View]
102434661Windows 11 24H2 October 8 release date: Come home White man[View]
102437864just learn to plumb bro: should i abandon my programming career and just learn to plumb? seriously,…[View]
102441441>it's not the batter-- ACK! https://x.com/warmonitors/status/1836411620655845707…[View]
102440340/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
102440315Guys, can we all ditch Twitter in favor of Bluesky? I just feel safer. I rarely posted on Twitter, a…[View]
102442416Do you trust Taiwanese products?[View]
102440817What projects can I consider in C++? I'm tired of creating CLI and GUI programs, and I had thou…[View]
102442405Semiconductor armchair experts: I want to talk about semiconductors, fabs and niche topics. What are…[View]
102392056/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General: luxurious computing[View]
102439843>py run[View]
102440350New DE: Hello /g/, I am interested in making a DE that feels like picrel. Windows 7 DWM looks and fe…[View]
102441933chinese phones don't explode when mossad orders them to[View]
102435030Thinkpad is really worth it?: I was thinking about getting a new laptop and i saw how people here sa…[View]
102436545You may not like it. But 1-indexed arrays are peak design.[View]
102439368Proximity Lock: What's the best way to have my computer shut down or hiberate if I move more th…[View]
102441749What went wrong?[View]
102440841nobody can get smartphones right anymore: smartphones = kille[View]
102439880Ideally, how much moderation should websites have?[View]
102430901Does anyone know how much telemetry those AOSP based dumb phones have? I mainly just want to know wh…[View]
102438653What is JXL useful for?[View]
102439409Some motherboards have heatsinks, some don't. I guess motherboards with heatsink last longer? O…[View]
102436153Crts are amazing[View]
102434889Israel can explode your phone? is this true? what's going on?[View]
102440922Windows 11 24H2: Are you ready?: I can't sleep at night because of the major Windows 11 release…[View]
102430024wayland just sucks: >we need to create a new audio server >create pulseaudio >never works …[View]
102440291Imagine something shaped like this But shrunk down, so that it takes up about 30-40% of the volume o…[View]
102441191>Here is an example I use all the time with our gaming >team. They love to give away money eve…[View]
102438098Is privacy unironically holding us back? How will the unmarked compete with the compromised marked i…[View]
102441022>walk in >see this how do you respond without sounding butt devastated?…[View]
102441331What happened to all the Elon Musk dickriders?[View]
102435200>1999 >barely any internet connectivity >send a file to your friend on any platform at the …[View]
102439173>can't save pics off the site so have to screenshot them what the hell is the point of this?…[View]
102440617>working on computer >look down >phone is sitting on my leg >immediately move it to my d…[View]
102439706what year did tech lose what was left of it's soul? I'd say around 2017[View]
102430215/fwt/ - Friendly Windows Thread: FAQ: >How do I activate Windows? https://github.com/massgravel/M…[View]
102440013tfw privacy obsessed schizos put themselves at greater risk: Do you thing that among the many casual…[View]
102424640Do HDDfags here actually use HDDs? Or do they secretly use SSDs but tell others to use HDDs? Why are…[View]
102435484MY SSD DIED[View]
102430850Analog vs digital: Now that we have access to ASICs and powerful computers, which one is better? Dig…[View]
102438989What's the consensus of AI so far? From what I can tell, the average AI fag lacks art fundament…[View]
102421435qBittorrent 4.6.7 is out! qBittorrent 5.0.0 will be released this coming weekend!: >This is a las…[View]
102424437pls sars how i delete[View]
102440031Help me get out of tutorial hell bros. Is this book okay? I'll read it and then learn a real la…[View]
102428737/twg/ - Tech Workers General: Tech News & Industry Insights Ars Technica - https://arstechnica.c…[View]
102434194>chatgpt-generated resumes are making recruiterfags hate their jobs i take it all back, AI is pre…[View]
102438321The /g/ phone.[View]
102437123how bad is it?[View]
102429625>it's been a while, i'll update before work >run my trusty pacman -Syu >can'…[View]
102439882how will society survive once AI is able to make unlimited porn specifically tailored to the individ…[View]
102423689When computers got more powerful, C succeeded Assembly as the lingua franca of general purpose user-…[View]
102437022How do I truly go back?: MATE does not feel the same.[View]
102435223It's over: This thing can solve problems way better than the average programmer, and the cost b…[View]
102431812Fuck webdevs: >modern browsers require 99% RAM just to render a few Chrome tabs Where the fuck di…[View]
102433826All of us are making it off the blacklist after we get our OMSCS degree.[View]
102437941Tootbros.... Mozilla is dropping us like a wet blanket..[View]
102433903/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general: Useful archiving efforts and other projec…[View]
102437308What does the '?' represent? The whole time I've been here, I never really fucked with the sett…[View]
102432965Someone is talking through my headphones and phone.: Hey retards. Someone is talking to me through m…[View]
102439215What distributions can you recommend with pre-installed any tiling and (this is good, but can and wi…[View]
102435880What happened? It was supposed to take over the industry[View]
102432288There is no future for CS grads: >Job posting is 20% less than it was 6 years ago >CS grad gre…[View]
102438498Apparently I can't upload images in incognito mode. Then it turns out my IP is blocked. How eff…[View]
102436607/cdwg/: CHUD-ware general! Post chud-approved software and such other things. >what is a chud Umm…[View]
102438962Why do you study computer science? It's not giving you high paying job and it has a stereotype …[View]
102437678Has anyone had experience installing Hackintosh OS X Mavericks on an HP Elitebook? What build can yo…[View]
102439010Are some CPU operations more expensive than others in a way other than execution time? Can an operat…[View]
102437932is all tech coming out of Taiwan compromised?[View]
102431612what is amazon doing: >amazon is a retarded out of touch micromanaging company for forcing worker…[View]
102438630How should software bloat be punished?[View]
102435881/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
102430004I don't get licenses.[View]
102438912Anyone here ever dealt with huawei's custom OS? Are these phones even fully usable outside of C…[View]
102437389samshit hate thread: lamest and most shameless company ever that straight up scams its buyers and no…[View]
102436714'No video with supported format and MIME type found: Firefox. Only Firefox does this. There is …[View]
102436728samsung has to be the biggest fucking retards on the planet. I got a Samsung to get away from iGarba…[View]
102432482Press X to doubt[View]
102435187God damn... Wilber looks like THAT?[View]
102438591What's the most lightweight FPS counter to use for games?: Surely it's not RivaStatisticsS…[View]
102435985what tips would you give me to prepare for an in person technical interview for a fullstack position…[View]
102438404When did removing features become synonymous with innovation[View]
102418618Kek. You're cooked.[View]
102438574Is there anyway to specify time for tabs to become inactive in chrome? Even on 'maximum memory …[View]
102438437is anyone actually worried about ai? my phone can't even do auto correct right. it's been …[View]
1024385294chanx filters: is there a way to hide all threads except for ones you whitelist? i've got a fe…[View]
1024348303D Printing: Hello, I am surprised there isn't a general for 3D printing but I am humbly asking…[View]
102438399LG G8 Troubles: So, i just recently bought an LG G8. Used to have a samsung s9, which was quickly dy…[View]
102435941Oddly specific discord glitch?: I'll preface by saying that I am in no way a tech savvy person …[View]
102436475Alright /g/ hear me out: > GitHub-like website > repo hosting, issues, pull requests, discussi…[View]
102435237Why does AI hate black people?[View]
102435754The only skill needed in tech is reading the documentation.[View]
102428453Sup glowies: Are the Iphones safe from remote detonation[View]
102435993What about a web based desktop framework from the ground up?: There’s Electron, but people complain …[View]
102367834/ptg/ - Private Trackers General: >Not sure what private trackers are all about? The mission of /…[View]
102426663you need more?[View]
102434189GIMP thread: Welcome to a new Gimp General where we discuss GIMP and the long wait for GIMP 3. For m…[View]
102437601Microsoft, BlackRock form group to raise $100 billion to invest in AI data centers and power: > h…[View]
102430104Have fun: Good luck.[View]
102436914go test my imageboard thanks https://achan.moe/[View]
102381492Invest in Intel, You Dumb FUCK!: >Intel stock crashed 60% this year >Intel lost $80B in stock …[View]
102437379Can anyone become a hacker in 2024? With Kali? I think it's a meme really. Doesn't it need…[View]
102436816Samsung vs Apple: I finally broke my phone after 5 years and need to get a new one. In terms of priv…[View]
102436740So I found an old LG Cosmos VN250 at a garage sale for 50 cents. I don't know jackshit about mo…[View]
102437231Why aren't there GPU mounting kits to do this?[View]
102435536need new headphones: my old rotting first gen razer krakens finally croaked and i cant find a replac…[View]
102429746Need new speakers for my desk: I've got a budget of $200. Should I go passive or active? My pro…[View]
102432571Any hardware with Intel inside can be exploded by Israel at any moment. Prove me wrong.[View]
102436015What are some OG legacy audio plugins that will work with with Mac OS X 10.9? (I have an old laptop …[View]
102436869/crank session/: A Crank Session is a period of intense work focused on producing the highest-qualit…[View]
102422741Daily reminder the primary operating system for the International Space Station's computers is …[View]
102436985>Open AI >Is closed[View]
102436776Threads like these are a bottom signal for tech jobs.[View]
102428907*beep* *beep*[View]
102435498Contacts: What does /g/ use for contacts management? There must be somebody out there making a decen…[View]
102435106Can hackers really turn my PC into a bomb?[View]
102433801Diana Chadrova accuses KK Downing of 'liking young girls': A woman angrily accuses KK Downing of 'li…[View]
102421980Let me guess, you 'need' more?[View]
102409985Dive/g/rass: Hey there, /g/entoomen. I'm here polling for interest to see if the board wants to…[View]
102414851/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread: Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux…[View]
102432480No /chad/ and /dpt/ too gay? Then rate my new C coding style in MY freshly baked thread. Welcome to …[View]
102434141How much damage will I take if my iPhone SE 3 explodes while I'm phone-poasting on the John? I…[View]
102435161/esg/ Ear Speakers General: What ear speakers are you enjoying audial bliss with today, anons? I jus…[View]
102432472Applebros got cucked. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ewanspence/2024/09/17/apple-iphone-16-pro-apple-i…[View]
102425780/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
102423413One day you will finally try Brave, and you'll feel silly for not having switched sooner. You u…[View]
102431461What was it that made people who work in tech so weird and creepy after the year 2000?[View]
102435254Best IT role for 115-120 average plebian?: Been in admin/support too long I work for one the largest…[View]
102431512When did you realize that Python won? AI is based on Python.[View]
102435531Is it worth paying for chatgpt? I mainly use it to help problem solve some things for my job and upl…[View]
102418088>X is bloated let's replace it >reimplement every X feature as well as X Was there any bi…[View]
102435110Was linux a good ps2 game? What did it do?[View]
102435600fuck you, got mine[View]
102427589Who the fuck still uses a pager?[View]
1024262494chan died sometime a decade ago and hasn't been the same since. In its current state this webs…[View]
102432629Hezbollah confirms it was the LITHIUM BATTERY which exploded.: Turns out /pol/ was right again.…[View]
10242654827' 1440p 240Hz OLED is endgame[View]
102421511/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102409389 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
102435347>kills you[View]
102435049One day I want to make my own OS: I want it to be formatted like Windows so I can play steam games o…[View]
102435255>you get a pager in the mail from a 'Mr. Theodore K' from Montana what do?…[View]
102432728so what stopping the jews from installing a frew grams of explosives charge into iPhones or any tech…[View]
102415759ELECTRON IS BASED: >'only reason why desktop Linux has any apps nowadays is because of electron' …[View]
102421319What is the fastest and best image viewer /g?[View]
102431598My younger sister is currently trying to install Debian on my old ThinkPad. What should I do?[View]
102434584Our World of Text: Has anyone here heard of ourworldoftext.com? It's a remake of Your World of …[View]
102430931cisco wireless ip phone 8821 my beloved[View]
102428817Aside from skills, do I need some particular kind of equipment and/or hardware in order to become an…[View]
102430549>He downgraded to windows 11[View]
102430110When will java become outdated? I still can't believe that it's one of the most widely use…[View]
102433392>modern life[View]
102434135Does jeetware like this actually work? >inb4 Jamal I don't have a device to unlock but I am…[View]
102418421/ldg/ - Local Diffusion General: Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models Previous /l…[View]
102426402This is what every file system should look like.[View]
102429664Israel is able to remotely blow up your phone.[View]
102425827Why can't linux developers just make it simple and intuitive to use?[View]
102419212I fucking love anime[View]
102429942He had 12 software engineers on his payroll for 10 years working on his programming language. What w…[View]
102433579cock.li: Fix it up, Vinny.[View]
102434144Dell e173fp: Is this a good monitor choice if I want to go back to 4:3? And yes I also like the size…[View]
102432463/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
102432829Native american tux: Native american tux[View]
102422613>the year is 2028 >using unregistered personal computing device to run free software >micro…[View]
102432290Are desktops more powerful as laptops? I feel laptops are a surveillance psyop tool thats why they h…[View]
102433817Are you excited for Lunar Lake?: Intel Core Ultra 200v devices will release September 24. Are you bu…[View]
102426344I got my uConsole after a YEAR of waiting, and ... it's shit. The trackball it really bad, almo…[View]
102430365How does it feel to have the software you use dominated by leftists?: how does it feel to have menta…[View]
102427503End the Unix TYRANNY: The Unix experiment needs to end. It seems like everything is a unix system th…[View]
102433439Did China just decimated apple? $3000 fucking dollars when most of china is still making only like …[View]
102432286>muh JEET compiler what is this even good for?[View]
102429190/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
102432522Geychron K8P-H1: i fell for the mechanical keyboard meme what is the point of the gay-ass rgb if the…[View]
102415407Is it any good?[View]
102430480This was such an obvious scam lmao[View]
102432304can rtx 3000 series use dlss 3 yet[View]
102429160Jonathan Blow has enough money to never work again. How about you? He isn't 'bankrupt'. Expect…[View]
102433003>watching a 'iphone 11 battery replacement at home guide' video on youtube >there's fucki…[View]
102430237/g/ don't understand this tech, but I do. https://youtube.com/shorts/J90BKyn9k5Q[View]
102410161/spg/ - Smartphone General: Cameraphone edition >What phone has X and Y feature? Don't ask, …[View]
102432622if you're upgrading your monitor/tv more than once every 10 years then you are just a filthy co…[View]
102432827We know that Nvidia has used online shills to justify their shitty pricetags and anti-consumer pract…[View]
102431735Fastest way to back up all the data on my laptop to an external drive?[View]
102431495>people actually thought that 'prompt engineer' will be a job[View]
102430536What's the most lightweight FPS counter to use for games?: Surely it's not RivaStatisticsS…[View]
102426466>BILLIONS must listen to U2[View]
102431363what you anons think of Floorp? fast browser in my machine, plus no bs of firefox. https://floorp.ap…[View]
102428637Apple broke webm support on Safari again. If you try to play a webm on Safari 18 all you get is a bl…[View]
102424332i just installed ios 18 on my iPhone, and it's working great ![View]
102430937So they can let phones explode remotely? You've been saying we are just schizo and antisemitic …[View]
102431564I am quitting windows and switching to linux. What distribution do you recommend? I will be using it…[View]
102432385How do you think he feels, looking up from Hell, at the world he destroyed by making everyone retard…[View]
102429449What's the usecase for one of these?[View]
102430479pc setups/tech rooms: Send a pic from where you post from/game[View]
102417260>want private phone >android with google play is no go >iphone is a joke with hardware and …[View]
102424945Loonixtrons wish they had this[View]
102432262/TBDg/ - TOTAL BATTERY DEATH general[View]
102427896>2025 >There is not a single truly free web browser made for people who do not care about for…[View]
102431019Electric car — LiON batteries: Can Mossad blow this up remotely, or does that just happen on its own…[View]
102430111how dificult is to hack a crypto exchange?[View]
1024277123800 pagers explodes simultaneously. It mean they can explode all Smartphones around the world remot…[View]
102406310CRTs are beautifull[View]
102426687>never give my phone number away to strangers, only to people I know and my CV which I only share…[View]
102430395When are they getting split up ? M$ almost got split up for putting their browser's icon on the…[View]
102428648Did this guy actually exist? There are barely video recordings about him. Computer scientists don…[View]
102428629Linus accepts chatGPT code: What are the implications of chatGPT code in the kernel?[View]
102429857Which one, /g/ man? https://www.logitech.com/en-us/compare.html?category=products:speakers:computer-…[View]
102426712Best c++ ide for windows Does it exists?[View]
102410580What mouse does /g/ use?: My good old Logitech Performance Mouse MX started double clicking for the …[View]
102428213While you're busy doubting your abilities to the point where you're scared to submit a job…[View]
102425201>flash storage will lose data if not powered >HDDs can stop working if not spun up >even LT…[View]
102427987Why the living fuck are we still using, in the year of our Lord 2024, email+password (made up by the…[View]
102429424/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
102425847Is it dead?[View]
102425210Cheap minipc: Is this acceptable for programming? I didn't realize how cheap computers are now.…[View]
102430109>Why yes, i still use CD's. How could you tell.[View]
102430577>Buy iPhone16 Pro Max >disagree with blm/tranny online >Mossad remotely blows your iPhone16…[View]
102429954you pre ordered the new iPhone right?[View]
102427800Will they make our phones explode next?[View]
102428632*explodes 3800 pagers* *no one talks about them*[View]
102430565gmone users, it's time for a foot check[View]
102418929Remote work is officially dead.[View]
102425889Vim wiki, org mode, neorg: im wanting to choose one of these for note taking and organizing. Im most…[View]
102426471why aren't you running it https://www.haiku-os.org/get-haiku/r1beta5/[View]
102427429What went wrong?[View]
102412193Post software life is objectively worse without.[View]
102416519What the actual fuck Gnome? I cannot choose a middle point.[View]
102430181If you dont like the way opensource is going, why dont you do something about it?[View]
102426009Dead Internet theory: My finacee still has a Facebook (although we finally agreed to delete the Ins…[View]
102382411/fwt/ - Friendly Windows Thread: FAQ: >How do I activate Windows? https://github.com/massgravel/M…[View]
102429446Why can't someone just write a good modern operating system from scratch so we can once and for…[View]
102425985Is this actually true?[View]
102429126AMAZON AXES HYBRID, FULL RTO: https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/company-news/ceo-andy-jassy-latest-up…[View]
102415884Why don't phones actually try to compete with iphones. There's so much you could do >ph…[View]
102427439This will fix my USB port.[View]
102428729What do?: >I can't generate a GPG key or import an existing one to my Debian machine because…[View]
102429580Let me guess, you need more?[View]
102408340He's bankrupt. Rerelease of Brain is a flop (at least by his measure). Jai remains a vaporware.…[View]
102424473/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general: Useful archiving efforts and other projec…[View]
102429084Whats the best technology to brush teeth?[View]
102424878>F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the…[View]
102423892>download firefox nightly >updates itself literally every day and prompts me to restart browse…[View]
102407940This does not belong on modern keyboards[View]
1024202631.6 pb disk: this is the first I've heard of it, is it vapor ware? I remember CDs as a kid, and…[View]
102425650Behold, an AI![View]
102419844Is this stereotype still valid in the year 2024?[View]
102418583The Ultimate P2P Browser...: You can buy a domain for $15, own it for life and never pay for hosting…[View]
102425208Self-hosted music streaming platform: im looking for something to replace Spotify with im already us…[View]
102425119Youtube now shows you a literal 1 hour long advertisement as “podcast” where they shill retarded pro…[View]
102427662>Hey dude, X question? >Bullshit Y answer What a fucking liar/moron, will never trust this guy…[View]
102421983>power draw of a human brain: 20W >power draw of a 4090: 450W AI is a pale imitation of God…[View]
102427009would it be possible to run these faggots on Wine at least, so I can get rid of Windows once and for…[View]
102417425/twg/ - Tech Workers General: Tech News & Industry Insights Ars Technica - https://arstechnica.c…[View]
102427694Linus Torvalds about Rust: He is right. Without Rust, kernel devs will just die out and Microsoft wi…[View]
102425368>Comments? Documentation? Nah, everything is in my head.[View]
102426023>click 'in' download icon from 5 pixels right side >The attachment has been added to Google Dr…[View]
102419341Why cats hate Applels?[View]
102427927BotNet: hey /g/ , can you guys recommend me a free botnet setup guide? A GitHub tutorial will be rea…[View]
102411785Do you think most people actually benefit from rolling release distros vs stable release?[View]
102427702how would anyone use this as a battlestation?: I mean my bedroom at all is very very cable messy, to…[View]
102426080>1660 ti[View]
102426180/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
102417229/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
102420920Debugging mysterious lag in Factorio: I've been on a journey attempting to troubleshoot this we…[View]
102422990OS: I don't want to upgrade to W11 because of its dogshit formatting and Spyware but I also don…[View]
102424415It's starting sirs Please come and join in huge nos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG9xKpgw…[View]
102421300Void linux: >rolling release >better than arch >still unpopular What gives?…[View]
102424787Why don't you start a micro-saas? Is it really that hard if you have nothing to lose in life?[View]
102421463I need to make a website using only HTML and I don't know how to code at all as I have profound…[View]
102425195>chief technical officer of the multi million £ company I work for keeps his passwords in a txt f…[View]
102423812what's with the hype about this glorified google search?[View]
102331472/cyb/sec/pri/: Cyber-Punk/Security & Privacy: >>102257289 This isn't your jobs thread…[View]
102424756uBlock Origin should be a point and click matrix to filter net requests according to source, destina…[View]
102422353You ngmi if you can't solve and explain picrel in O(n^2) time and O(1) space complexity in a 45…[View]
102425301should i delete my moms norton account?: My mom has a norton antivirus sub i costs like 100 bucks a…[View]
102422635is there any distro that doesn't suck[View]
102423411>you can't switch the ISP's router to modem only mode[View]
102426363This is fraud this is swindling con roguery trickery scam niggardry confidence trick bunco deceit de…[View]
102425250>obsoletes all your frameworks[View]
102423513>FreeBSD is very easy and user friendly! To get your network card drivers just plug it into your …[View]
102426573teach me to vm escape anon. Escape me like one of your french girls. Wake me up from the matrix.[View]
102381718/rug/ - Rust Users Groups: /rug/ - Dedicated to the discussion of anything Rust related. Rust is a s…[View]
102425190why cant this company stop winning?[View]
102416552>be new CEO of Mozilla amid market share shrinkage >gets paid a record $ 2.5 million in your f…[View]
102423437After OMSCS, I will be removed from the blacklist. It doesn't even start for another year, but …[View]
102424574files with bad metadata or something: im using a script to convert some files to webm automatically,…[View]
102426307Which android launchers does /g/ use?[View]
102426377This site is ugly: I think know I understand what's wrong with this site, and why I hate it. It…[View]
102417288Can Stacys tell if you're on the latest model?[View]
102426465PS/2 Keyboard in 2024: While repairing my PC, I noticed it still has two PS/2 ports and since my key…[View]
102424714it do be like that[View]
102420760I am going to start using python for everything because C is just stressing me the fuck out and drai…[View]
102425641password requirements: I fucking hate this shit. All it does is make me reuse passwords or make up a…[View]
102422236>linux >sudo apt-get install make git-core cmake python gcc libsfml-dev >python setup.py …[View]
102424783What is the case of use for these?[View]
102422429I feel so miserable bros.. I cannot even write a python script, I just hate programming. I can read …[View]
102417672/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE Post build list or current specs includ…[View]
102418639>discover Rust >start learning and think it's cool >discover /g/ constantly shits on i…[View]
102424532https://sqlite.org/copyright.html >Just declares their work as public domain >Everyone who con…[View]
102425251Holy shit. Didn't know AI is so helpful for interview prep[View]
102425553What display size do you use for your laptop?: I've been using a 15.6'' for a decade,…[View]
102424300Will Poosoft ever get better?: >save an Excel file in documents >it goes to some obscure docum…[View]
102425206Why are C and C++ considered 'unsafe' if in the end it's the developer's fault i…[View]
102423880Is he right? Is webdev the best way to attract more developers?[View]
102381656/csg/ - Chink Shit General: Thread's been down a few hours emergency edition Everything is alre…[View]
102425240This distro was my introduction to Linux: Still using it as my daily driver It just werks[View]
102423861Bluetooth headphones work better with a cable. I've had 2 Bluetooth headphones and after 2 mont…[View]
1024208324chanx on firefox doesnt load captchas on quick reply thats the only thing that keeps me from comple…[View]
102419638How did Google fall so far behind?[View]
102423415What is the easiest way to get multi monitors to work on OpenBSD?. One screen while the other (HTMI …[View]
102424613Is this why no Linux derivate will ever become a useable desktop OS?[View]
102424576>use shitty earbuds on my iPhone >3 minutes later it says that I should turn down the volume s…[View]
102422476/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
102413121this AI cult shit ruined this board[View]
102424065open source: >been talking to this girl for a month >she has issues with opera >make her in…[View]
102423464PenTile: Why the FUCK is it absolutely impossible to find a single modern phone without this shit? M…[View]
102424469used Seagate (8 TB): should I buy used Seagate drives which contain a caution? they are reasonably p…[View]
102423143offline way to listen to audio: I'm a med student I need to find a way to combine my exercise w…[View]
102410469>2009 >Password '1234' yeah that will do well haha >2024 >SAAR YOUR PASSWORD MUST HAVE A…[View]
102424742got filtered by webdev[View]
102386417Desktop Thread: prev >>102339705[View]
102410000Plex vs Jellyfin: Which is better, and why? No 'because it's not proprietary' arguments please.…[View]
102414073What would you honestly recommend someone to learn, based on what's useful to know today?[View]
102416651dead pixels: >ruins your expensive monitor It's the year 2077-53 and manufacturers still don…[View]
102418028compilers: principles, techniques, and tools: Do you guys want to read this and go through course no…[View]
102423935Looking for Books on Malware Development (Not Outdated): Hey /gee/, I’m looking for solid resources …[View]
102417224Boomers of /g/, how was the Internet in your time?[View]
102415026*dabs on your stinkpad*[View]
102424512Captain Kirk..: ...but what is the use case?[View]
102422763>need to install programs on a secondary computer with no Internet access Linux: >it's ea…[View]
102419536Show some fucking gratitude[View]
102416276So, it turns out that the strawberry leaker guy is a complete retard: OpenAI Strawberry is literally…[View]
102424051/SQL/ general: I have a table A with cols P. I also have a table B with cols P and Q. Now there are …[View]
102423928i code faster than ChatGPT[View]
102419392What commands do you use, anon?: Post em. cat .bash_history | sed 's/ .*//g' | sort | uniq -c | …[View]
102419595/sock/ split ortholinear / columbar keyboards: >Why? Ergonomics: you can adjust each half separat…[View]
102423844I want to be good at computers just like lain[View]
102422074literal unbeatable captcha try to bot this chud, I dare you.[View]
102414520Should I upgrade to iOS 17.7 or iOS 18?[View]
102422643ios 18 is already out android 15 is still not out fuck google. they're focusing on chat bot(gem…[View]
102421327You can't do anything productive on a laptop, this is a fact. If you don't have a monitor …[View]
102422955Would you buy an iPhone SE 2022 new in box for 200 dollars?[View]
102420763Nostalgic technology pictures: Something so cozy about seeing old technology and how different the w…[View]
102408462Retards with zero coding experience are now creating entire videogames using AI: >https://old.red…[View]
102416156What estimated percentage of posters on this site are bots?: Since the AI boom its always in back of…[View]
102421784What does /g/ think of new firefox feature?[View]
102423526>py run[View]
102419644Bloat test: if it can't run on a raspberry pi zero 2W, even very slowly, it's bloated…[View]
102415788why didn't he win?[View]
102415368Which one is better?[View]
102420478Terence Tao is the greatest mathematician in the world. According to him: GPT-4o: Completely incompe…[View]
102423065>torrent done >remove torrent I will never stop…[View]
102419138/hifi/ - HiFi General 2: The Resurrection: We talk about everything that has to do with speakers, am…[View]
102420676>be me, mech eng student with robotics minor >few years of hobbyist experience before degree …[View]
102419022Zen 5: Why did they hate it so much[View]
102406948This would increase productivity instantly: China respects science, natural laws, and the law of phy…[View]
102421864Contrarian take: Generative AI will actually increase the demand for software and software engineers…[View]
102423219KDE users check.[View]
102418286KDE Neon Core: >Ubuntu Core is a version of Ubuntu that's comprised entirely of snaps, with …[View]
102413854Cheap phones: I just got a Motorola Moto g30. It works just dije and has everything /g/ asks for. Wh…[View]
102422322How is the day to day of service wagie life holding up compared to hell desk or grunt electrical wor…[View]
102421712Convenient alternatives to PGP encryption: This is a bit of a weird one. My girlfriend is probably u…[View]
102422798ITT software that exists that nobody uses yet for some reason continues to be developed.[View]
102400699hyprland now has a 'mascot': What are hypr-chan pronouns?[View]
102416750i don't think any career has seen a bigger fall from grace.[View]
102420222No one needs more than a 750W quality power supply.[View]
102400927DDR5 prices about to crash with no survivors: well deserved imo[View]
102420328For those who still daily older operating systems: What's your preferred browser of choice that…[View]
102409569Wanna know why people use Discord instead of making (and sometimes hosting) their own website? Becau…[View]
102419462/g/... I touched somethign in my project... my project of > 1000 lines... I HAVE BROKEN EVERYTHIN…[View]
102422530power rangers robot: this is linux? white tigerzord[View]
102420796Im a black anon should I take advantage of tech companies DEI initiatives anons?[View]
102409389/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102396906 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
102420946How old is your current computer?: I built this computer in 2013 and don't see any reason to bu…[View]
102415956Why is it still so ugly and inflexible?[View]
102419148router thread: i'm moving to a new apartment and need to get a new ax router as the current one…[View]
102420987smartphone hate thread: god i hate these things so fucking much not exactly a hot take, i know. but …[View]
102420307This is unbeleivably imporant to me: is there a way to synthesize murcery or get a lot of it to do t…[View]
102418980uMatrix will soon be nuked from Chrome Web Store as well.[View]
102419814The next 'King of Linux': > https://www.zdnet.com/article/linus-torvalds-muses-about-ma…[View]
102418890I'm happy the first domestic robot (NEO by 1x) will be available to consumers next year, but wh…[View]
102420126How can I run local IA models on my phone using Termux?[View]
102416722Best large-storage solution?: Im backing up my Bluray collection and my 1tb ssd quickly ran out of s…[View]
102418271Humans have continued to develop tech to amputate genital parts better and better. Faster and faste…[View]
102413571Blogging as a developer?: Is blogging as a developer worth it? I have extremely high skills in the a…[View]
102418903what matters more in coding, knowledge or intelligence?[View]
102416709Using this shit on a desktop with mouse and keyboard is complete dogshit. I've had it on my sys…[View]
102418497/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
102420644>login with google/facebook to continue[View]
102414529Just donate $10 to the browser 95% funded by Google Mozilla Firefox is trustworthy bro[View]
102417749>Buy some refurbished Sony WH-1000XM5s >Right earphone fails after 11 months of use >Mexica…[View]
102420169>the perfect browser doesn't exi-ACKK[View]
102419092Intel bros.... The battle is already won....[View]
102416726So can the EU actually into tech now?[View]
102419692Yep, it really isn't possible to get find a better pairing than this: a foundation of reliabili…[View]
102415638Can zoomies actually do real work (not editing tik toks) on a phone? t. boomer[View]
102419325Temp emails: >website asks for registration >go to create a temp mail >website detects it a…[View]
102415880/mu/ sent me here, even though this is not very technological. My tube amp just made a loud popping …[View]
102419367Who do I have to blame for ECC RAM not being standard everywhere?[View]
102417335Wallpapers so good you saved them twice: Duplicate files found: Name: ./1716777552771154.jpg Size: 1…[View]
102418751Is there a single smart home company that takes privacy seriously? Some stuff like being about to a…[View]
102350744/Custom Software/: Does /g/ has personal/custom software for personal purpose? > pirel lust provo…[View]
102419721You should drop your database, NOW![View]
102419125>63.4M users >1.6k users online Why did reddit fail? Why is the stock trading above zero?…[View]
102418732>my company won't let us buy TKL keyboards >they won't even let us use our own…[View]
102419588>computer is being hacked >just unplug the internet cable and you are telling me cybersecurity…[View]
102416732The wall of AI image generation: I've been more and more impressed by the improving style of AI…[View]
102419596Looking for an iphone 13 mini case /g/, fuck off with the jeet jokes[View]
102415126AI is accelerating the climate crisis: >Generative artificial intelligence uses 30 times more ene…[View]
102416420Somebody needs to make a computer that runs on AA's again.[View]
102418801Every time I connect my laptop to the internet it crashes my network. It works fine with mobile Hots…[View]
102419790This should be illegal: FBI: Hey guys, there's a suspicious mafia house at this address. Can yo…[View]
102397813/iemg/ & /pmpg/ - In-Ear Monitor & Portable Music Player General: How to request advice: …[View]
102417176here is PC for zoomers: who live in a pod[View]
102419740DORF FORT UNSHILLED #Update 1: I heard when people use names others get pissed but I never saw it bu…[View]
102417080Stainlux: Anyone making it yet, a Linux fork specifically without Rust? I think GPL is really shit, …[View]
102419403Setting up new pc, please let me know what i missed[View]
102419463Cheap DIY engineering: Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right board to ask but seeing as my ques…[View]
102419136So, this one Google likes?[View]
102415221What's /g/'s opinion about him?: Currently obsessing over him and McAfee. I can't re…[View]
102342930(λ) - Lisp General: >Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinct…[View]
102419431found a bot on discord social group: imagine some virgin talking about this while a chink is writing…[View]
102419300What were they thinking??? This is one of the ugliest ui design choices apple has ever made.[View]
102413432I need a new Windows laptop and my budget is $300 or less. I'm just gonna use it to do office s…[View]
102418087The Magic Sysrq key: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key The magic SysRq key is a key combination …[View]
102413374>macOS UI: >Objective-C/C++ Ok I guess that's pretty standard, nothing out of the ordinar…[View]
102418845Hello /g/, I'm a current junior cs student. I finally feel like I've reached a point where…[View]
102404661Are handheld PCs good alternatives to laptops?: Specifically if I just want to work in 3d software l…[View]
102419094>xe still uses googlel chrome and now is panicking[View]
102417130Electron won, because it is easy to use. That is undebatable. The only one who can defeat Electron i…[View]
102414137glowies can be kinda soulful whenever they seize a website[View]
102403096give me one good fucking reason not to wipe my windows drive entirely and run linux exclusively from…[View]
102413430>tfw when you die your loved ones won't see your penguin futa porn history feels good.…[View]
102344325/gedg/ - Game and Engine Development General #203: 9-11-2000 Fun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVw…[View]
102418777Looking for a 17' 4:3 monitor: I'm looking for a 17' 4:3 monitor. What's a good one? I lik…[View]
102418800Can Gayaviv save its reputation after the latest fiasco?[View]
102417144How should software bloat be punished?[View]
102413371Game Controllers: Do you guys buy third-party game controllers at all? I got into them because of t…[View]
102417162Music Player: what is everyone using these days? Preferably something I can use across Linux and Win…[View]
102416768The Odin project is garbage: If you want to get into software avoid this piece of shit resource at a…[View]
102406203ITT Language you hate: Post language you hate ITT and explain why[View]
102416293Why did they fall from grace?[View]
102418499Is it a bug, or is my network acting up?: Not being able to bypass the pop-up without shenanigans th…[View]
102406046>she wants to 'Netflix and chill' >suggests a dumb Korean movie she wanted to watch >open m…[View]
102417583I'm much happier since I took the Apple-pill, no constant broken drivers, no broken wireless, n…[View]
102411810Do you have an online resume site, /g/?[View]
102415696Why do normies all want phones to be giant clunky pieces of shit? I can't even sit down anymore…[View]
102415078I'm soon starting my first job after Uni. I will be a DevOps Engineer, is that a meme job or is…[View]
102405949/ldg/ - Local Diffusion General: Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models Previous /l…[View]
102411290Should I get into embedded programming[View]
102410573>The USBKill is a device that stress tests hardware. When plugged in power is taken from a USB-Po…[View]
102392893I'm tired of the bullying and being passed over for romances, how do I enable iMessage on my An…[View]
102409502FLAC to MP3 using VLC: Is VLC fine for converting FLAC to MP3 320? Or is there a problem with VLC fo…[View]
102416745I HATE LEETCODE[View]
102418158Audeze Maxwell Wireless: Did I buy into the hype? I got this thing yesterday and I don't know i…[View]
102388428/hsg/ - Home Server General: Shopping edition previous: >>102365814 Temp wiki: https://igwiki.…[View]
102417864is hacking the CIA easy like in the movies?[View]
102415452How much has this reduced the value of being able to coode so far?: >inb4 not at all cope. Befor…[View]
102410881Why aren't people buying personal computers anymore?[View]
102411251This is a $5000 phone: Wow so COOL![View]
102417500Start learning PHP and Laravel.[View]
102416497Is there any point to talking about privacy if you own a phone?[View]
102409333I just wanted to say that I love neovim and Lua so much it's unreal, thanks for reading.[View]
102408404>want to switch to full fibre broadband >all use CGNAT unless i pay for a static IP >can…[View]
102414591Why do people act like using the terminal is a bad thing? It’s honestly really simple once you learn…[View]
102403921>there are no good IT jo-[View]
102417242> my friend recommend another search engine called dickdickgo. > I install it, it seems friend…[View]
102416734If Photoshop is so good, why doesn't it have character representation in the premier racing ga…[View]
102415001/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
102415472SECURITY: >Linux, GrapheneOS, Librewolf/ugc, WinAME, etc Why is the /g/ security meta based on ob…[View]
102409272/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
102404138Do you think developers should have their own personal sites and blogs like Vaxry and Drew and this …[View]
102410470Cloudflare: Cloudflare has become the gatekeeper of the internet. Practically every site I use deman…[View]
102415583Linus Torvalds about Rust: He is right. Linux needs Rust more than Rust needs Linux[View]
102415370ungoogle smart speaker: I have three of those nest mini 2 speakers what can I do with them? Do I jus…[View]
102415371whats up /G/ ??: check out my desktop screenshot! o.o[View]
102414912Billionaire Larry Ellison says AI can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior': …[View]
102415581What's the best web browser for android?[View]
102410346what home appliances would you hope to be equipped with if you were stranded on a comfy space statio…[View]
102416155Post all the phones you've ever owned: Can you guess my age?[View]
102408348/twg/ - Tech Workers General: HAPPY MONDAY WAGIES Tech News & Industry Insights Ars Technica - h…[View]
102412842Have hard drives plateaued[View]
102415130why dont they make CPUs/GPUs with a ceramic cover instead of steel? isnt ceramic much more thermally…[View]
102406616It's OVER.[View]
102414909What are some good cheap hosting providers if I don't want to use AWS, GCP, or Azure?[View]
102416370Are these faggots for real[View]
102406696/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
102411306>The software is licensed, not sold. This agreement only gives you some rights to use the softwar…[View]
102415322Minimum requirements for macos dev: What are the minimum hardware requirements for an ok experience …[View]
102415439* Fetch Thread: >neofetch >screenfetch >fastfetch >hyfetch >ufetch >pfetch…[View]
102414423I have created a web app that lets people play tic tac toe against a random person on the internet. …[View]
102414487user@debian:~$ sudo apt update Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Readin…[View]
102413846>Fixes your Distro-hopping permanently >Gives you a functional OS that just werks with X11 …[View]
102412656at what refresh rate can you not tell the difference anymore?[View]
102415017What is the perfect resume for a programmer?: What languages and knowledge does the perfect programm…[View]
102414984i cannot draw for shit and i want to make a game using AI-generated art for assets. however, ive see…[View]
102402131>So you want compile a simple rust program? Make sure you compile 600 dependencies first. How the…[View]
102406073I use AutoHotkey to have key commands for middle mouse and volume up and down. Are there any little…[View]
102395998Is this good or bad?[View]
102415877ios 18: is this the future?[View]
102415545Updoot your phones /g/entlemen![View]
102411533you niggers ready yet?[View]
102410412What are your views on Secure Boot?[View]
102413171CISA forces the removal of CSA: In a major development an old hardware appliance running Ivanti CSA …[View]
102410367is he right /g/?: While I'm certainly not the most senior member of this community, I think my …[View]
102412824efficient data encoding algorithms?[View]
102413991Did adventofcode get kill? It redirects me to this weird german site and firefox was complaining abo…[View]
102411056What other tech websites do you visit?[View]
102412116take the tcl ion v pill it has >removable battery >micro sdcard >fm radio >unlockable bo…[View]
102412832Good XMPP clients: What XMPP clients are good feature-wise nowadays (i.e. ones that implement most r…[View]
102411500I'll admit I was wrong.. I tried Wayland again with kde6 on Nvidia and it works perfectly now. …[View]
102412662Literally, over 30 minutes to install 24.04 on a ssd. How is this allowed? Worse than Microsoft.[View]
102411421Love your computer and it will love you back[View]
102412783aspect ratios: I understand abandoning 4:3. It still is a perfectly usable aspect ratio but I still …[View]
102413726>sell the same gamedev software three times >succeed How did they do it?…[View]
102413343New Windows update dropped while I was sleeping. https://files.catbox.moe/xfz6mm.mp4 I like to think…[View]
102413164What technologies do glowie assets use to communicate? Is it really just Tor?[View]
102408600Why is this the answer to every Linux newbie question?: >'Why would you want to do that?' >giv…[View]
102396527/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread: Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux…[View]
102413428>'Scrum Master'[View]
102412637humiliation ritual[View]
102411255I hate modern software[View]
102412898>O(1) search >O(1) insert >O(1) delete Is hash table data structure alien technology?…[View]
102413999FuckYou logo on YouTube https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/508696-you-logo-on-youtube[View]
102414255>py run[View]
102412877there is un-googled chromium but why there is no un-mozilled firefox?[View]
102412703Why are there no 24' 4k monitors? I need this to mimic the retina display feel.[View]
102413773Windows 7 is the operating system for people who think they know about computers but really don…[View]
102390632/bst/ - battlestation thread: Baja Blast edition[View]

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