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/g/ - Technology

Displaying 747 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
100399893>Want to learn cybersecurity >Don’t want to install Linux Is it over for me?…[View]
100412269How do I learn to make AI?: I don't want to lose my job to AI so I figure: if you can't be…[View]
100410956is there any good gnu/linux distributions? I tried installing various distros on an old laptop, but …[View]
100402154So Israel get access to all of NSAs databases[View]
100410420Once again China outperforms the Amerimutts and Eurotroons[View]
100411257PHONEFAG ANON THAT SAYS HES STILL POSTING FROM KUROBA-DEV, how the fuck are you doing that?? it does…[View]
100412135does anyone here actually use qubes? is it good or tedious bullshit? i tried it briefly but the inst…[View]
100409355Increase Gaming Experience: Increase Gaming Experience[View]
100410070/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100407621What went right? How did folding screens become such a huge hit in the world of cellphones and table…[View]
100412013>biggest project poison reddit fell for so far[View]
100411496What's the BEST white-collar field for someone with a barely above average IQ (110-120)? Crite…[View]
100410283>IDE AI ruins your build configuration with one simple line copy[View]
100401437Will Linux ever become popular among regular people?[View]
100403822Why the FUCK do we need gazillions of GPUs to run AI models while a better and smarter AI model can …[View]
100409975I honestly don't think technology needed to progress beyond 2010 levels.[View]
100411274>Not only you have to deal with institutions collecting your data for free >now they also have…[View]
100408670Consumerism on /g/ is the fucking cancer: This man is a true genius and the most valuable Google eng…[View]
100408800Is iOS worth trying? I'm thinking of getting and old iPad to try it out. I have never owned an …[View]
100411337My phone keeps losing data whenever it tries to randomly autoconnect to a 5g NR SA signal but it…[View]
100396441it's time to replace the dead meme anime girl from the sticky with an actually relevant anime g…[View]
100405644I cannot believe all this science went into making computer networks possible.[View]
100409354datamining thread: >post you're internet speed and price picrel, 'bout 10$ a month…[View]
100395157would YOU get a passing score on A+?: IT certs are technology. How many of you /g/ anons would actua…[View]
100408081>'I know Bill, we'll put AI in it!' What is yesteryears version of this? Logitech is now put…[View]
100410074What's /g/ opinion on Tech YouTubers not disclosing if a video is sponsored content?[View]
100393751Gnome can't make a profit and is going bankrupted: Why do open source projects suck at making m…[View]
100403290getting tired of unity: is it even worth learning this? are there any other options that won't …[View]
100411424Passmark Thread: Post em[View]
100411221boy am i tired of hearing about ai[View]
100411200How to analyze complex projects? I'm trying to look at curl source code but I have no idea what…[View]
100408642Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100403576 >Beginner UI local install Fooocus: https://github.com…[View]
100409851How the fuck are people okay with using this spyware: I just can't i bought a muuuh gaming pc a…[View]
100405994Is he stupid? Why won't he switch to Artix Linux + dwm? This is SO unproductive.[View]
100408117What do you nerds think is the best external hard drive? I need something that will last a life time…[View]
100408249is c still necessary as the lowest common denominator?: this thread is not about c being good a bad,…[View]
100395084Ending CRT production was the single biggest technological regression in human history. Why did they…[View]
100404640Jai theorizes that there are roughly four categories of lifetimes: 1. Extremely short lived. Can be…[View]
100405041So is the metaverse 'out' yet? If I buy one of those Meta headsets, can I access it?[View]
100408520Which one was better when they were relevant? Not 2003 specifically.[View]
100408373What is the perfect GPU to buy in 2024?: I literally started balding in my attempt to figure it out.…[View]
100380074/BST/ - Battlestation Thread Rate Edition OP pic is stolen from previous post[View]
100404475Security through obscurity: Post ways to make your code unreadable to protect it from non-autistic h…[View]
100403164Thoughts?: https://youtu.be/0QNmoZYaTkM?t=2124[View]
100401610So which one is better?[View]
100393977>mogs your favorite language[View]
100403966What Causes Electronics Retailers To Shutter In The USA?: Best Buy clinging to dear life, Radio Shac…[View]
100394276For me its Full Moon over Red Dunes[View]
100407870Is daily driving OpenSUSE a meme or is it actually a decent Distro for day-to-day internetting and g…[View]
100409029Why did the ILOVEYOU virus overwrite files? If I understand correctly, the goal of the virus was to …[View]
100408243bufetch: im making my small neofetch alternative, busybox compatible info tips please #!/bin/sh GREE…[View]
100407732What does /g/ think of this?[View]
100409149>start finishing and furnishing a new house >Facebook ads start actually being useful What …[View]
100409108>when you reach the skill level where pajeets don't show up if you want to troubleshoot some…[View]
100407546[[]]: sometimes I don't understand why people don't do what they can do if they have the o…[View]
100404082>my favorite programming language is Node.js What type of person do you imagine?…[View]
100408163>Independent Computer shop owners >A hardware stoner and indian software dude >allways…[View]
100406962Fully automated chinese factories[View]
100409046Why has the top of my url changed? I'm using Android and when I use the google app it changed t…[View]
100403461I’m a neet looking to get a job Should I follow this road map ? >18 yr old…[View]
100408390Offline Imageboard Readers: We should be building 'Offline Imageboard Readers'. Anyone out there who…[View]
100396485What would you do with a 512 GB USB stick? What would you shove in it? What kind of technology?[View]
100402889Password managers are a placebo and do not improve your security in the slightest, but you are not r…[View]
100403576/sdg/ Stable diffusion general: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100401790 >Beginner UI local inst…[View]
100399049Has anyone here gone full circle with being an android power user and switching to iphone? How was t…[View]
100407959Help me choose an MCU that allows me to create a portable music player that allows me to use DAC wit…[View]
100406052/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100398788/twg/ - Tech Workers General: Coffee edition >Interviewing Tips and interview practice: https://b…[View]
100407764Microsoft lost its way completely and no way to go back: How can you even say its nostalgifags that …[View]
100403186Man switching to the regular youtube after using revanced for so long is so painful. Essentially wit…[View]
100395486/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
100408368Is it worth doing this https://www.theodinproject.com/[View]
100407388>DESIGN CAPACITY 37,130 mWh >FULL CHARGE CAPACITY 13,070 mWh Is it owari?…[View]
100405730Does anyone know what the best software is for getting an a.i. gf? I want to try one out.[View]
100407593Obsidian: What am I in for?[View]
100403952>ALSA is supposedly unable to play multiple sounds without external plugins >I can run multipl…[View]
100401218How to build onboard navigation computer for JDAM?: Also, which OS should I use?[View]
100400605>OpenAI plans to announce Google search competitor on Monday, sources say Is it unironically over…[View]
100406150what's our verdict on the apple watch?: I just think they're neat[View]
100402311Mozilla implements dark mode on Firefox Add-ons site: We literally can't stop winning![View]
100384618Is it over for them?: >latest 'innovative' product failed miserably >offended the most unoffen…[View]
100402856LinkedIn influencers. based or cringe?[View]
100404527PCs are fucking retarded: It's 2024 and we still have this huge physical gap between CPU, GPU a…[View]
100402205ITT: software trannies couldn't seize control of (yet)[View]
100393818Artists seething after Apple's new iPad ad: https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/apple-ipad-pr…[View]
100406377Software Rendering - any demomakers on /g/?: would it be possible to do real-time true 3D polygon so…[View]
100397412Has Generative AI Already Peaked?: Has Generative AI Already Peaked? https://youtu.be/dDUC-LqVrPU…[View]
100403836>you coulda had chatgpt spit out a functioning social media platform with a simple prompt. Is thi…[View]
100401534hey /g/, so this transvestite music artist (26.5k insta followers, 71k monthly listeners) sent his d…[View]
100368197/sqt/ stupid questions thread: old >>100326834[View]
100402675>latest commit was 3 weeks ago >latest blog entry was more over a month ago Is it over for Dre…[View]
100402400'Group By' is the greatest feature that Microsoft ever added to Windows Explorer[View]
100399041This is the comfiest desktop environment. No matter how much I try to look for something more 'aesth…[View]
100403697>arm started tingling again after using mouse[View]
100393308>If binary, ASM, and C were the only programming languages and anyone who invented another progra…[View]
100396388leetcode: Have you solved today's leet, anon?[View]
100400105/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
100403441>Following open source project for a few years >contributed 1-2 times, not really active but a…[View]
100406760AI bubble popping.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0NxSk7YMrI AI bros, it seems that AI was a bubb…[View]
100406793the dane (smug) stepfather of computing[View]
100401753They can never make me hate you, Frutiger Aero. You were the future...[View]
100406984Piracy is Cringe: You aren't an epic hacker because you know what websites to use to get pre-pa…[View]
100405385this is your new AI waifu brought to you by meta quest 3 https://youtu.be/eeyRDQzo4i8 I really fear …[View]
100405894i get crippling anxiety whenever im asked to share an email or a phone number. i got hundreds of ema…[View]
100402062What does /g/ think of these bad boys?[View]
100406614my free vpn doesn't let me torrent anymore what vpns do you guys use help[View]
100399989Name one (1) good printer.[View]
100404256Frames going out of sync at resize: Real employed professionals with industry grade tooling and prof…[View]
100406854Helpdesk bros.... i don't feel so good[View]
100390683Why is 4chan so ahead of the curve?: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/04/rumors-s…[View]
100406662The best laptops on the market. Period.[View]
100404816Is it ok to shill my own repository in issues of someone else's repository? To add context, bo…[View]
100406599>So honey, how is our son doing with his job search? >Badly, I'm afraid. He didn't s…[View]
100406445I thought you guys were memeing about this whole year of the linux desktop thing, but it seems some …[View]
100402648KeePassXC: Can a KeePassXC database be cracked? I lost the password[View]
100406251>STILL doesn't have Wi-Fi 7 guess I'll skip this generation[View]
100402593Xiaomi Xisters: Our chink bros are learning how to American. Cheers.[View]
100403382Say hello to another browser This one has live collaboration or something https://www.feelmuddy.com/[View]
100406389Programming Survey: So I had to create a survey relating to a software I'm making in this class…[View]
100402172In the future, you and your AI assistant will have: >inside jokes >nicknames for each other …[View]
100365376/fwt/ - Friendly Windows Thread: FAQ: >How do I activate Windows? https://github.com/massgravel/M…[View]
100384274This is satanic[View]
100405983Is this the biggest meme ever?[View]
100401790/sdg/ Stable diffusion general: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100398507 >Beginner UI local inst…[View]
100403554>applel is le pajeet becuz i sed so Meanwhile in the real world...[View]
100399874Ai is over the computer pedophile says so[View]
100402416Why haven't you taken the F# pill yet, anon? https://jkone27-3876.medium.com/f-is-the-net-rust-…[View]
100365551There is no reason get more storage now. Because of this, it wouldn't surprise me only storage …[View]
100395037Let's say AGI really does happen and it replaces 100% of the jobs, what are we gonna do all day…[View]
100341900/ptg/ - Private Trackers General: /pug/ & /ptg/ Edition >Previously on /ptg/ 2lazy2read in be…[View]
100401007classic /g/ thread[View]
100401333I am a weapon of Durga.: 'O Immortal Durga, on this day of battle, we offer you our prayers. We are …[View]
100386208I literally didn't even do anything, scary how Google can just remove access to your account wi…[View]
100404030I just thought about fake chans as a service. For people who need to read different perspectives abo…[View]
100404242>>100401141 used gtx 1080 tie >under 200$ >never obsolete…[View]
100400551Why does everyone on this board hate picrel? It boggles my mind how everyone on this board is not tr…[View]
100399082I tried logging into some old Gmail accounts I have but I get messages saying 'someone may be trying…[View]
100396251This piecea shit right here just banned my GItHub repo without warning or reason, and Support has ig…[View]
100400913Ah. Good.[View]
100402645>mfw the neural network converges[View]
100401612DUDE: Why do we have cell phone numbers that are basically device specific addresses rather than som…[View]
100399771Do people really still care about electronics being 'thin?' I thought we reached the peak of that tr…[View]
100394870/g/BUG - BSD User Group: daily driver edition Ask your BSD-related questions here, discuss tips and …[View]
100395208Its over[View]
100400753Homescreen thread - graphene os edition: Post em'[View]
100399091>boot up pc >>The weather is 70 degrees in your location and will be mostly cloudy >'Tha…[View]
100403066/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100402320>Friend at work gave me an old laptop >No SSD included >Upgrade ram to 32gb >Low tier A…[View]
100401039is AMD the best non nvidia choice for gpu? what model should a moderately poorfag get? i have ab o…[View]
100396409You guys know any good mp3 players[View]
100403600Anyone else feels like YT has gotten a lot worse the last 10 years?[View]
100388219bash is so fucking bad[View]
100401723I turned down an incredibly well paying job (with a pension) today because it was in the defense sec…[View]
100402672Reminder that no one phone has a proper auto correct after 20 years. These are the same people sayi…[View]
100402412how to write a script that tells me my utilities: so I have 4 different utilities, logging in and ch…[View]
100403722/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general: Useful archiving efforts and other projec…[View]
100401895>he doesn't use the METROID font.....[View]
100398315ebay woes: This is my first time ever using ebay. I had just sold an item and mailed it out this mor…[View]
100402900What are the best foss ios apps?[View]
100380671How does it do this? I thought it was just coming up with the statistically-most-likely correct word…[View]
100398507/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100393069 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100402559>the image that killed /g/ t. staff software engineer using a single laptop…[View]
100401831I just finished migrating from excel to sql database. do you think I'm richer than /g/? I live …[View]
100394350>Blue flag indicates 'consistent onsite presence' >Green flag indicates 'regular onsite presen…[View]
100386802Theyre going to slap 100% tariffs on these aren't they?[View]
100394776Only laptop enjoyers: It's better to buy a good laptop with a RTX 4070 or wait a bit and buy a …[View]
100401090Why is Google's spell check so retarded?: Apparently it's never heard of the word 'delegit…[View]
100385692/de3/ - DALL-E 3 General: Habenero Edition Prev: >>100345604 >What is DALL-E 3? You type s…[View]
100401369Whats the reason behind the recent massacre of huge brands, renaming them to soulless predictable ge…[View]
100402112Why there's not a functional controllable 2D anime animation model yet?[View]
100401989>Imagine using a kernel controlled by corporations[View]
100380954Windows hate thread: ITT we don't mention any other operating system Explain and post examples…[View]
100400293I never see you guys talk about this thing. How is it?[View]
100393104Is India our strongest technological ally against the CCP menace?[View]
100394230Are us non Apple users just idiots? This thing runs circles around a Thinkpad within a couple years …[View]
100400958What the hell are 'first principles'?[View]
100399834/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100378285Why don't you use an usb bracelet to carry your important data?[View]
100389037How long does it realistically have left?[View]
100399392Is email dead?: So… is email just for ads and 2fa codes now? I haven’t received a serious email in y…[View]
100393346Japanese junk on ebay: Redpill me on the Japanese sellers selling cool hardware on ebay. How are the…[View]
100399889You paid for USB 3.2 gen 2 ports, why aren't you using them? I still see people sticking usb 2.…[View]
100399676Who asked for this[View]
10039740380% of /g/ couldn't pass it[View]
100401243>finally get a salesforce human >it's inevitably a pajeet oh why…[View]
100401062My fucking cursor keeps vanishing holy fuvk how is windows this god damn terrible[View]
100396333Websim Thread: -Go to https://websim.ai/ -Write an URL-looking prompt to the address bar -Wait for t…[View]
100399710So is the whole gimmick of Arch that you get as close to upstream as possible without doing the dirt…[View]
100399923Functional vs Imperative: Learning Haskell right now, and I have the following impression: In a impe…[View]
100399009How the fuck do I removed AI slop from my search results? I don't care what search engine or br…[View]
100400376What's the best mini laptop that I can put Debian on and play Dos and NES games? This is for ca…[View]
100388232Which linux de has the lowest input lag? I tried playing games on kde (wayland) and it was unplayabl…[View]
100395274Why aren't there more non RGBT hardware options?[View]
100384515>my favorite data structure is the Linked List What type of person do you imagine?…[View]
100382543Go vs Java: Is Go a meme? Am I wasting my time and should I just stick to progressing my skill in th…[View]
100400628PMP thread Post your pmp What's your favorite pmp and why Run Rockbox (tm) on your pmp, it…[View]
100396905boycott any industry that replaces white americans with ai or jeets[View]
100395901/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general: Useful archiving efforts and other projec…[View]
100391210How the fuck do I run a python script on this piece of shit?[View]
100399461>replaces your entire team of webshits since 2004 nothing personel kid[View]
100398187Thanks for alpha testing[View]
100400355if i am a member of a pay website that implements a daily download limit for its users could i bypas…[View]
100399721If novelAI doesn't start working again soon I'm gonna scream.[View]
100394899Are ultrawides a meme?[View]
100398470is coding for the soulless?: Why is it that when ever I take a math class, that even if the professo…[View]
100396861Linux minimalism is bad: The os is lightweight but the apps are bloated[View]
100399166why the fuck is ai getting so popular as of now? its been around since the 1900s.[View]
100389664>yandex is better than any US search engine >baidu is better than any US search engine >tel…[View]
100387104Why is everyone in this field so inept?[View]
100399951Why is this happening?: My Dell B1260dn laser printer has broken the plastic drive wheel off two ton…[View]
100382519Why even bother: I need you to motivate me /g/ bros I am a big advocate for free software, linux, mo…[View]
100396224Code from scratch: I wroted an entire social media platform line by line in notepad.exe. I thought b…[View]
100392869>strike fear into the hearts of headphone charlatans[View]
100396815Do black hats exist anymore?[View]
100391327Portable computer with good battery that can run llama: I got a huge pay bump and want a new laptop.…[View]
100398608M4: World's most advanced object humankind created[View]
100399080What is the worst that can happen if I happen to have open ports?[View]
100394192Good C++ books: What are the absolute best resources to become proficient in C++? Also, is it a requ…[View]
100399606Sony is old news now, PlayStation 8 (PS-8) is out now, made by Mitsubishi![View]
100396503We could've saved him.[View]
100388075>daily standup cancelled[View]
100397475The jpeg rotation is stored in the exif[View]
100395961What, exactly, is 'AI'/an LLM?: And why is it so hilariously useful? Input: Break down the following…[View]
100399313ITT: Extinct versions of common tech[View]
100384010'Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership': Finally someone stand…[View]
100396828How do i stop this bastard?: It keeps reading the tape of our demise.[View]
100395409do you think they feel guilty or bad at all? They knew it didn't work and took the investor mon…[View]
100399008c go perl[View]
100393851/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
100396173Good night, sweet prince. Ares can't find videos anymore, just mp3 files no one cares about.[View]
100394406(rustc does not exist)[View]
100394640Space-X is a fucking scam !: Just watch the video till the end. It is terrible on how Elon Musk lies…[View]
100397521iPad is so much better than a laptop. If you want productivity use a three monitor desktop PC setup.…[View]
100398220I like solving leetcode problems and studying algorithms. I don't like creating useful projects…[View]
100375828/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread: Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux…[View]
100393162Your thoughts on latest iPads?[View]
100397285what's next for the FAGMANs[View]
100393345Is there any Instagram Downloader for Browser that will save files with their actual date and time (…[View]
100397603Is it really more efficient, private and secure than Windows? REALLY?[View]
100376441/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread:: Prev:>>100344037[View]
100396639Why /g/ doesn't use the 4plebs data dump and make a 4chan LLM. https://archive.org/search?query…[View]
100382251Which one does /g/ use?[View]
100390013/hifi/ - HiFi Speakers General: We talk about everything that has to do with speakers, amps, dacs, s…[View]
100378512Redpill me on BitLocker. Seems like Microsoft is making it mandatory now. Encryption seems like a g…[View]
100376983Apple Inc is Anti-Artist: So painful to watch, especially given the current climate of artists being…[View]
100397058I want to know, once and for all, just how much 'snake oil' Audiophile gear and everything associate…[View]
100396536How much longer until 'AI' (see: neural networks) quit being a fad and people realize they're j…[View]
100397436The Microsoft Store: In the 8 years that I've used Windows 10, I think I've only ever open…[View]
100396426/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100396400I use an iMac to do my computing[View]
100394358What is the appeal of Ultrawide Monitors other than watching Hidamari?[View]
100393069/sdg/ - Stable diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100386630 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100397179Holy shit this is all so retarded. I’ve been studying for the exams to get into the tech industry an…[View]
10039580770 tabs of safari used a total of 16GB on my 8GB Ram MacBook[View]
100394819I just cost the company I work for tens of thousands of dollars and ruined the relationship between …[View]
100390776/twg/ - Tech Workers General: >Interviewing Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewin…[View]
100391008You're not using Protonmail, the official glowie sponsored honeypot, r-r-r-right anon?[View]
100365444Do iPads even have a terminal emulator? Can I run VMs on it? Its basically just a giant iPhone I don…[View]
100366418They're cool overall but randomly become really comically cringe and I can't figure out wh…[View]
100393116Is there anything interesting that can be done with old smartphones? I've collected over 100 wo…[View]
100393238Why did they do that?: I understand that most users are on mobile devices these days, but when I…[View]
100389173How do you check if an information is true or fake these days? It could be an ad, gpt slop, fake stu…[View]
100375211Windows XP was the last viable Windows: >Earliest x64 Windows release >No Aero >No Ribbon …[View]
100389950Home server fags: When was the point you realized a VPS is better? There's really cheap $6-$20 …[View]
100395876What's it like to use Apple products?: Despite being born and raised in the US, I've never…[View]
100385336This is pure kino and the only DE that isn't trash. The only reason it gets hate is because eve…[View]
100392793The home longs for your return, Aryan man, come.[View]
100388185Stop syncing tabs: >>need a browser that works perfectly across both desktop and mobile (for s…[View]
100393741I have paperspace pro tier. Besides comfyui. What cool shit can I use it for that can make me money?[View]
100394545I think most techanons say 'spoonfeeding' as an excuse for them not being able to teach things and a…[View]
100389597Someone thought 'Yes, this is exactly the experience we want to give people'.[View]
100394952helio g99[View]
100394435Will AI be able to drive cars for us in the future?[View]
100386899How are the Russians always on top of all the programming contests?[View]
100393442how this shit got shilled among devs? I guess these days we have shit developers than coonsume what …[View]
100388778Yesterday I made a thread asking about help with setting up an IRC server and received many diverse …[View]
100388518Which way white man?[View]
100385823I don't trust this dude one fucking bit. I can't be the only one that feels this way, righ…[View]
100394788>considerably faster than the rpi 5 >power draw at 9W while watching a 4k video >x86_64 arc…[View]
100371435/iemg/ & /pmpg/ - In-Ear Monitor & Portable Music Player General: 4U edition How to request …[View]
100394962Is this site a honeypot?[View]
100395300>kills the xtranny[View]
100327750tech childhood: Post memories of computer stuff from your childhood ITT >drawing a tornado hit…[View]
100381753/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
100393370Why is it so comfy? It just feels like comfort food.[View]
100394863>before i say anything this isnt about crypto and this post doesn't belong on /biz/ anyways,…[View]
100394304I love R: All I write is R. I can't NOT write R. When I wake up, I begin to write R. When I…[View]
100384783>deprecates your file manager or do you really need more?[View]
100392968/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100393864Hello, I am planning on expanding my storage space by adding one or two more drives (one of them bei…[View]
100389417what do you use your crt for? I use mine as a main desktop monitor for everything[View]
100389713NSA logos.: They always use a dragon / snake twisted into an infinity symbol.[View]
100394680They fucked WACUP with this last updoot.[View]
100394608What happened to our industry?: :'-([View]
100343307/hsg/ - Home Server General: weird science edition previous: >>100314443 READ THE WIKI! & …[View]
100394031I am a bit retarded so this might be a very stupid question but why aren't people building a ne…[View]
100391652Why is coding so hard?: I am so intelligent in many areas but I feel like an actual retard. I cannot…[View]
100390014are 'audiophiles' really that stupid?[View]
100386473Chinese Sexbots Are Here: What now?[View]
100387757I am a professional game developer that lost their job due to Embracer. What are some other sectors…[View]
100381982>Eric Schmidt says the US is 2-3 years ahead of China at AI, while Europe is too busy regulating …[View]
100389236Has anyone had any experience with LTO drives that connect using Fiber Channel? The FC LTO-5 drives …[View]
100392420i think i know what chatgpt is missing[View]
100382875You ARE using a font that distinguishes between q and g's, right?[View]
100390188Will you buy a Sh*tphone 8?[View]
100385921>Anon, this resume is outstanding. These skills, these projects, your clear, well-defined knowled…[View]
100378215which colour did you choose?[View]
100393842Austrian: I implemented ET loading in Quake1. Faggot.: >>>/pol/467526195 > >>>…[View]
100390671Search tool on android: Is there a way to search for specific words on any app on android? Something…[View]
100393770>performing tls handshake with cdn.jsdelivr.net takes longer than usual >heart drops >trans…[View]
100391349/g/, rate my PL's syntax. I want to understand how I can improve it (Make as simple as possible…[View]
100383384Why can't we 3D print CPUs and GPUs yet[View]
100390466Can someone help me out? I'm looking for a simple, preferably open-source tool that can create …[View]
100390648>have 2TB HDD >my computer tells me it's 1.8 'TiB' I buyed 2 terrabytes, not tibibytes…[View]
100329376/gedg/ - Game and Engine Development General #156: Network edition /gedg/ Wiki: https://wiki.install…[View]
100387346Your response?[View]
100386455Windows 11 LTSC: I've been using Windows 11 IoT LTSC for nearly a month now and I'm extrem…[View]
100389180open banking api: so what i got of this is that the open banking api that eu forced banks to impleme…[View]
100383097What can I use in C++ to make interface like this[View]
100392071/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Can we fucking not?[View]
100393016fucking useless piece of nigger trash[View]
100384514data breach: Why the hell are data breaches so common now? Did people just stop caring?[View]
100388312The best GPU design by a mile. No RGBT, no backplate, no LCD display. Just raw computing power. You…[View]
100385869PLEASE HELP: There is this Minecraft mode where cops are taking my phone and computer tomorrow. I de…[View]
100370863>512GB SSDs are $31 now >1TB SSDs are $55 now >2TB SSDs are $97 now >4TB SSDs are $198 n…[View]
100392688>redmi poco 3 pro, supports quickcharge >xiaomi 20kMH powerbank, supports quickcharge 3.0 >…[View]
100365578AI startups in big trouble: Has AI hit the wall? https://futurism.com/the-byte/ai-startups-money-tro…[View]
1003723844chan reader: Are there any good 4chan reader apps left out there? Since blue clover is no longer su…[View]
100388969What's the best mobile Browser and why is it Samsung[View]
100386623I was humbled by the Leetcode easy problems.[View]
100383495Which tech interest has the worst gear acquisition syndrome?[View]
100384387/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
100389274Now that the dust has settled, what are your thoughts on computers?[View]
100386630/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100384626 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100391534China was spying on me: >be me 20 y/o >recently bought a keyboard >starts gaming with it …[View]
100387149IT certifications: Give it to me strait, /g/ anons. Are certifications really a meme, and why is the…[View]
100389954Yeah, that happened: I'll start[View]
100391721Help me locate this website: there was this website that was a hub of like many comfy style websites…[View]
100387436The only real VS Code competitor. Nothing else stands a chance.[View]
100385624>looking for a mouse >they all use the wireless usb thing rather than bluetooth Why not just d…[View]
100389609>car manufacturers in the 2010s had the opportunity to create a single car charging connector and…[View]
100387568E cores: Good or not?: My CPU only has 4 of them but the performance loss from disabling them is pre…[View]
100379960US Revokes Intel/Qualcomm from Supplying Huawei Chips: A few days after Huawei took the first place …[View]
100389427/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100390641>mining is dead >cards still cost an arm+leg…[View]
100388415PMP thread Post your pmp What's your favorite pmp and why Run Rockbox (tm) on your pmp[View]
100377031TikTok got people excited about social media again and pulled them away from Instagram etc. What kin…[View]
100389179Do recruiters look at Github: Is it worth my time to build a portfolio or do they only care about pr…[View]
100391005>when you get extinguished by microsoft as your wop competitor leapfrogs you in closed source and…[View]
100386339I am talking to ChatGPT after a long time and it is so sterile, so dull, so devoid of any 'humanity'…[View]
100389483trying to get started on programming, i plan to first make a 2000s style website, and then a game. t…[View]
100389024Now that the dust has settled: Was it a right decision to design your charging standard to share DC …[View]
100390597Need your help /g/ro's >got a 14 TB hdd to move my data to >dies in 5 months >wont mou…[View]
100386805Proton suite: Did you make the switch yet /g/? >inb4 honeypot schizo Don't care. I use the u…[View]
100378967/twg/ - Tech Worker Genral: Do the needful saars Edition >Interviewing Tips and interview practic…[View]
100389948Why wasn't this a thing 100 years ago? https://newatlas.com/marine/seabike-swimming-propeller/…[View]
100390289I am migrating from a closed sourced budgeting mobile app to a self hosted Actual budgeting instance…[View]
100376020what internal shit does windows have that is better than linux? like why does games work better on w…[View]
100390260It's 2024: >I am forgotten (in your drawer with no battery charges and never was able to cal…[View]
100388448How do I stop doing this[View]
100387406why won’t the industry make “professional” softwares for linux? like DAW and hospital equipment soft…[View]
100389019How does it feel knowing your headphones/earphones in public have robbed you of opportunities to soc…[View]
100386970Got an offer to work as a software engineer for a company that is basically 100% Indians (did not kn…[View]
100388745Why does Intel not force Motherboard manufactures to use the same stable default settings like AMD d…[View]
100384404should i buy this[View]
100389600is this correct?[View]
100389233Ever been to tech event?: Last week I went to Wikimedia Hackathon 2024. This was the first tech even…[View]
100389449>install picrel on my Chromebook Dell 3120 >just werks. only need to tweak keybinds and update…[View]
100389085Operation: Funpedia: Hey, Firefox users. Did you know the 'Hide My Ip' extension? Because, in the ma…[View]
100388320Screen of 'don't be evil': Does anyone have a screen of googles original about page with 'don…[View]
100384495Lunduke's The War For Linux Video: What say you, /g/? https://youtu.be/hKEiTThd8p8[View]
100382128/wsg/ - Web Scraping General: Web Scraping General Blackhat edition eternal pt 3 QOTD: Have you ever…[View]
100389172Is pic related possible with Wordpress: I like old school websites but i don't know much about …[View]
100389222Ok /g/ give it to me straight, how the fuck do i switch from automation engineering coping as a prog…[View]
100387385How do I get this thing above the graphics card?: I tried unscrewing two screws but the rest of the …[View]
100385192Speccyfetch thread?[View]
100386483If you train an AI model on GPLed code and it’s not considered a copyright violation because it’s a …[View]
100387480How does this happen?[View]
100386374why is every job suddenly asking for AI experience[View]
100386222What language do I learn if I want to eventually program my own AI girlfriend?[View]
100387948Hello faggots, my cousin is in US right now. Which technological product should I ask him to buy fo…[View]
100387940so why does /g/ keep accusing zoomers of being worthless? a zoomer hacked rockstar with a tv remote,…[View]
100386870GPG: I dont get it. It's a key, but you don't need to do anything and it just works. If it…[View]
100365978Mechanical Engineering is the ONLY Engineering[View]
100387272Best Image/Video viewer?: Microsoft Photos completely breaks when loading a video, it is simply unab…[View]
100386715What AI companion program allows me to get fully uncesored nudes and selfies?[View]
100386492I still don't know what this shit does. Is it like firefox containers but worse?[View]
100386199/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100386164Pitch ur tech company ideas to /g/ Hear me out , what if we made Grindr but for straight people? U g…[View]
100386267Pepe DIFFUSION thread: Generate some cool pepe pics and post them here: Instructions: https://huggin…[View]
100386979I encountered a serial killer. The police won't investigate him. Won't do a fucking thing …[View]
100382458what do you use for your terminal?[View]
100382108>half a year to pass a+ cert Do brainlets really?[View]
100370788Is Rust the future? https://innovationgraph.github.com/global-metrics/programming-languages…[View]
100383491normie building a new PC advice: Hey /g/ I need your help. I can't run sim racing games with an…[View]
100387315VPN glowies: >adds another area of data collection >give us your data, goy! Is there any legit…[View]
100372853linux old lady: This old lady can use linux, why can't you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVI…[View]
100365090When will someone make a good browser: >need a browser that works perfectly across both desktop a…[View]
100380633GNOME 46 - The Blog Post: I just noticed GNOME does not provide option to scale wallpapers anymore. …[View]
100386481SIR SIR SIR LET ME WATCH YOUR REDEEM THE CARD YES SIR Soo the power of AI was just indians... wow[View]
100386767Android bros: What are our options? I don't feel so good now.[View]
100384160jetbrains fleet: this thing mogs vscode so hard, it's not even funny, considering that vscode w…[View]
100384009BASED KDENLIVE!!! I fixed the problem because the Kdenlive project file is a XML file. Easily editab…[View]
100383676Has anyone audited the source code for this Duolicious app?: I don't trust this app with a sing…[View]
100373121How do people git gud at vim?[View]
100368837I'm going to China, what VPN should I use? Should I use Veracrypt?[View]
100381160SteamOS truly is the best distro for gaming and learning linux professionally[View]
100381827technology is so impossibly powerful, simultaneously instrumental and detrimental. it transforms soc…[View]
100385606Is this a good static array? template <typename T, size_t N> class StaticArray { T m_Arr…[View]
100355998Why are tech salaries so low in Europe compared to the United States?[View]
100384626/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100380396 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100386925top tier tech use: what do you do, if you don't mind giving it away i use a ps5 controller with…[View]
100344561people literally just pretend they understand this[View]
100374059SHUT! IT! DOWN![View]
100386710Just got an Ender 3 3D printer. Its my first ever one. I spent all day assembling this shit and now…[View]
100384853Best programming languages that people dont know about thread: ill start kdb+ and q[View]
100385185Why would I worry about Linux distros when I have MacOS? If I need something specific I’ll just spin…[View]
100383772anyone know what this is and wether or not it's safe?[View]
100384343Is there a good e ink device with a keyboard that I can use for notetaking? Or at least one that I c…[View]
100385109What happened in 2017?: Did something change?[View]
100346222/spg/ - Smartphone General: Hawaii edition >What phone has X and Y feature? Don't ask, use t…[View]
100385731Bostrom: Ever since the scandal they keep using that photo where he looks like a broke prison bitch.…[View]
100377006I think most techanons say 'spoonfeeding' as an excuse for them not being able to teach things and a…[View]
100379126Am I retarded: So I took a commission to make a website. My client wanted mybb set up. I set up mybb…[View]
100286938mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp[View]
100386029do you think that maybe you guys could not be so mean to nvidia anymore. They have been accommodatin…[View]
100385547What is this /g/ https://archive.org/details/teleport-website-downloading-tools Someone linked it o…[View]
100379328>$2,000 >m4 >only supports iphone apps MacBook pro is $1,500. just why?…[View]
100384267Please nice things about Mr. Slim. Plz plz plz[View]
100363589Rust sisters... no....: High performance Rust is probably 100% harder than high performance C++. C …[View]
100385460Are there any photographers in here? I see plenty of cameras on these /BST/ threads. I've been …[View]
100383368Is this the OG of distros?: > inb4 arch Systemdfags please GTFO. This thread is for grown ups onl…[View]
100381765How do you go from this...[View]
100379678In my work's Microsoft Entra tenant there is an option to allow users to specify their pronouns…[View]
100383625Have you ever built a themed custom PC?[View]
100374301I'm thinking about installing Garuda Linux, the Dragonized one. It is a good idea?[View]
100365317/de3/ - DALL-E 3 General: Fertile Edition Prev: >>100345604 >What is DALL-E 3? You type som…[View]
100383710>You're not a criminal or someone important, why do you care so much about privacy? Do peopl…[View]
100369886Just Werks™[View]
100368161>Half of Google's white-collar staff 'does no real work,' Silicon Valley VC says w…[View]
100381996What does /g/ think of VSCodium?[View]
100385254Teleport Website Downloading Tools.zip 6.6 MB Download: Teleport Website Downloading Tools.zip 6.6 M…[View]
100353851Minetest is literally what /g/ is. Mesecons is just better 'redstone' with real electronics. Whole g…[View]
100377115Is the retro pc bubble over? Is it finally time to sell off my stuff? I got 3 boxes of old computer …[View]
100378589why do webcams still suck so hard in 2024? I read that it is because there wouldn't be any poin…[View]
100378838forget the rust vs c/zig/cpp threads, how the fuck do people watch this shit? >3 minute read arti…[View]
100384473Bitmap fonts: What's the best bitmap font ever made? Picture related, it's the default Xor…[View]
100370837I tried the expensive sony audio player at the mall along with their expensive headphones why am I n…[View]
100383838i will never use arch ever again there is literally no reason for me using arch without install scri…[View]
100363688any hyperhidrosisfags here? does this shit work? the machine costs like 500 dollars[View]
100376530Soon, 4K@240Hz full DP 2.1 UHBR20 monitors are going to be standard: Standard and even affordable fo…[View]
100380103Is there a way to make money with this?[View]
100383709/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100380396/sdg/ - Stable diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100375528 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100381733I literally have everything i could possibly want, or need technology wise. It's been the same …[View]
100384025koenigsegg leaker: >https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/100247171/ >https://www.youtube.com/watch…[View]
100383682Do we REALLY need to sign up with some 3rd party service just to be able to receive push notificatio…[View]
100380042I still can't believe the actual, professional approved solution to getting this thing to boot …[View]
100355464OBSIDIAN: If you use plugins today, your notes are easily compromised. It would be so easy to get hu…[View]
100377643OpenAI actually has a semi-based take???? WTF?[View]
100384028>asked for a gizmo >Got a gadget[View]
100375292Why does only torrents and steam max out my connection? I feel like paying for gigabit is a waste[View]
100375705Is Windows 12 going to be cloud-only?[View]
100383086When did being a programmer go from being one of the most secure jobs to one of the most insecure jo…[View]
100383683Any battery autist out there?: After changing my phone battery I've used the built in charging …[View]
100382145Bros imagine going back to 2010 and actually having to write code again, like tapping the keyboard m…[View]
100383794So, we're just gonna wait for this to blow over? Too big to fail, or care, really is real.[View]
100367179>>Yes you have all of the qualifications and experience. The problem is you see sir you are no…[View]
100383660Oh that's cute... Amazon is heckin' OK by me![View]
100373787de-glow: Is it possible to turn my phone into an internet-only device and stop it reporting my daily…[View]
100378698it's been 18 years. where is the next big thing? where is the next revolutionary smart phone?[View]
100383383Why does every page administered by my university work faster when I'm using a VPN vs wifi in t…[View]
100380788Can't decide if I should get a thumb trackball mouse combo: I'm a pretty frugal person so …[View]
100373242Why is it so hard for people to understand the big O notation? Everyone I see talk about it gets it …[View]
100379648/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
100378525>'Private' and 'anonymous' imageboard >Your IP and every single post you make is instantly arc…[View]
100379503>this kils the xorg shill[View]
100373367Why didn't you bid on it?[View]
100382370raidz2 with 4x12tb drives or 4x4tb drives? is 12tb asking for failure on rebuild?[View]
100372079How safe is 6G for the human body?[View]
100374154embarrassing tech blunders?: I didn’t know 4chanx assigned random numbers for filenames. I have been…[View]
100376096The anti-zoomer sentiment on this board is really bothersome and needs to stop. Not everyone under t…[View]
100379512WFH job says I have to live in a specific state.: This WFH job I am considering said very strictly I…[View]
100359699More layoffs incoming.[View]
100373505Best modern laptop for spies committing espionage, /g/?[View]
100374165What do I need to know about setting up an IRC server?: I want to host a 24/7/365 home server for an…[View]
100372459What data does this device collect? Why does it even have Internet access?[View]
100380650/g/, rate this syntax I'm glad to hear any criticism[View]
100368629>Don't use AC because it's cool outside. >2 months later. >Get new 'efficient' AC…[View]
100364635GitHub profile: So what are /g/'s prefer custom pronouns to show solidarity with different move…[View]
100380326/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100372142What would you do if there were no electronics anymore?[View]
100380587What's the best player for Windows right now? >MPV >MPC-HC >MPC-HE >PotPlayer >V…[View]
100378955Literally what were they thinking.[View]
100373633/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
100381519China is Collapsing: You can't use a person's likeness, either their image or voice, if yo…[View]
100377990Vintage Tech: Post old technology[View]
100380496Javascript free sites: Could you guys recommend sites that just work without javascript? From any po…[View]
100368068I think I pissed off a work friend.: He's a cool dude and he learned that I am into music so he…[View]
100372878It appears that my superiority has led to some controversy[View]
100376806On macOS you get Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator and Affinity Designer on Linux you get... Tux Paint... …[View]
100376884/dcg/ - Data Collection General: >distro/os >de/wm >file manager >media player >edito…[View]
100369733in a decade with such incredible advancements in networking technology: giving us ever higher bandwi…[View]
100380134Making a new account on win10 basicly bricked it: Okay. I wanted to make a new account on my pc so s…[View]
100375291Is getting a 'french keyboard' worth saving money?: Is getting a 'French keyboard' worth saving mone…[View]
100365884everyone is making Ai apps and here I am making a music player app in 2024[View]
100354948Do I really need to use windows 11 for ecores? I can't just use windows 10?[View]
100379996Industrial and Power technology: Forget your gay programs. Why aren't you playing Factorio in r…[View]
100377273Have you filled all of your motherboards expansion slots?: It was an old pc builders dream to have f…[View]
100375447Fight or Flight: I just joined in Application Support Engineer for a month now and I fucking hate it…[View]
100372564/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general: Useful archiving efforts and other projec…[View]
100378662how does one jack in into the cyberspace?[View]
100375553I hear these boomers always shitting on zoomers and yes, they are ignorant and tik-tocky. I hear the…[View]
100379444Supermarket laser: I work as a cashier and sit behind the register a lot and the red light is someti…[View]
100371924have LLMs and AI in general improved at all in the last 12 months?[View]
100379661What's the best alternative to this piece of crap?[View]
100380289AI will kill software engineering jobs - and not in the sense that AI will write code instead of peo…[View]
100374235wayland shitzo thread[View]
100380375*reddit post: >'im planning to buy a [4+ year old flagship smartphone], what should i know before…[View]
100372080iPad sisters, Samsung took it up a notch: You can cope but you know that a notch is in iPad's r…[View]
100374985Let me guess, you need more[View]
100370238Mobile internet is just TV. There was no reason for apps to exists on smartphones.[View]
100376792im a retarded bum who needs someone to harass him into getting Linux. please do so.[View]
100379262Type Speed: post em'[View]
100378798Let me guess, you need more[View]
100368582Post dystopian tech stuff. Idiocracy, 1984, and everything in between.[View]
100319390/wdg/ - Web Development General: Laravel edition. >Free beginner resources to get started with HT…[View]
100375528/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100370923 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100376693Is it not bad idea to buy pic related when your body start to melt in summer night while you try to …[View]
100374529I'm looking to boot a Linux distro from a live USB on a Mac M3, configured to run entirely in R…[View]
100378392>just found out there is actually a tool made by Microsoft to stop their updates >called wusho…[View]
100377399YouTube ads and network: is there any way to make your network free of all youtube ads? I am plannin…[View]
100372478brand new m4 chip unveiled... and the first and only product with it so far is an ipad has anyone ev…[View]
100376132Opinion on the rx570: Due to wanting to switch to NetBSD finally (from Linux), I want a new graphics…[View]
100376639Why does Apple make it such bullshit to install Xcode on a Mac? >Windows you install git, 2 secon…[View]
100375924Electrical engineers, how do I break into doing cool shit like you guys do with your degrees? I spen…[View]
100358169What is the point of making tech weaker?: Isn't a really thin piece of aluminum going to be stu…[View]
100377532/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100371613Learning resources thread?: Learning resources thread. Post the best books, websites, pdfs, videos, …[View]
100372792/twg/ - Tech Worker Genral: funny slack meme Edition >Intervsding Tips and interview practice: ht…[View]
100373447How much does transcript matter: I will be graduating two years late due to mental illness (HBSc Com…[View]
100365212Are unpaid tech internships worth it? Summer is close and I'm evaluating my options before my f…[View]
100376032For me, it's the Casio GA2100: What is the preferred watch for the average vir/g/in?[View]
100377376Anyway to restore chrome apps layout?: Chrome Apps (chrome://apps) changed, about a year now, to sta…[View]
100373062/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
100371222what is your ultimate privacy / security schizo setup?: the best i can some up with is >unpozzed …[View]
100375856OK, now this is just plain retarded. How are you gonna appeal more users when you do shit LIKE THIS?[View]
100371925around 10-11 years ago maybe, all my classmates thought of me as some kind of computer genius and st…[View]
100376942I know you wake up and go directly to your computer in the morning. Listen to this: https://youtu.be…[View]
100376371Is Blazor any good?: Why is no one using this? seems better than some cobbled together JS bullshit. …[View]
100354157woman kept 7500 browser tabs open: She opened 7500 browser tabs and didnt close https://www.verkkouu…[View]
100299211Are CompTIA certs worthless?: I’ve got Sec+ and PenTest+ and with two years of experience. What shou…[View]
100365620This is my computer: What's the best way to organize and clean up my system?[View]
100376926There's no point in programming if you aren't great at math just look at the cool shit mat…[View]
100371941>android tablet >Color e-ink >Stylus What's the catch?…[View]
100373346Technology: Explain This ser[View]
100376012Alternatives for PVAcreator?: Like a free or cheaper one cause I am broke.[View]
100371847Things that instantly filter below 120IQ: Don't want your job outsourced to India? Just add met…[View]
100370923/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100368968 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100366720Let me guess[View]
100347732Rate your current DE[View]
100374203What tech fields have less people in it? >AI already full >coding development general alre…[View]
100371741>KDE is currently a faster growing OS environment than Windows 11 Microsoft fucked up pretty bad …[View]
100375842broke and fucked in my original profession. how long would it take to become an android developer an…[View]
100328582the unsurpassed music player[View]
100375556c go perl[View]
100373729/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100374981Why is Reddit so much friendlier than Twitter? That’s it. Why on earth is Reddit so much friendlier …[View]
100367823git+email workflow: Does anyone here use the git+email workflow espoused by the kernel people, sourc…[View]
100334148G N O M E D N O M E D[View]
100374869A begging idiot: Hello /g/, I'm not very familiar with technology, but I'd like to change …[View]
100375457>gstreamer1-plugins-ugly n-no he's not[View]
100339829/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread: Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux…[View]
100372134why are all the new phone camera ai's focusing on noses only? why are they so big also >wai…[View]
100375062Apple obliterates and corrupts another old established VR project[View]
100371571Why the fuck do electronics need to get hot Imagine how unbound technology would be if heat weren…[View]
100370184ITT : things you thought were a meme but they turned out to be actually good I'm pleasantly sur…[View]
100372400what are the technological implications of running windows like gentoo, i.e. compiling all software …[View]
100362344Does this help preserving one's eyesight?[View]
100365260Just watched the apple direct Do you think our hunter gatherer ancestors would have gave a shit abou…[View]
100363159Apple’s iPhone Spyware Problem Is Getting Worse. Here’s What You Should Know: https://www.wired.com/…[View]
100373721Is having your monitor permanently color corrected to 3200K bad for your eyesight?[View]
100333301Phone listening to conversations: >go to hockey game with friend >see a poster for local coffe…[View]
100361092ITT: Technology things you hate For me, its the stupid window on all modern cases. Why am I stuck pa…[View]
100372147copying website: My school has some books in internet. They are websites behind a fee so you must lo…[View]
100316020/csg/ - Chink Shit General: Everything is already from China, but in here we discuss the cheap chink…[View]
100344037/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread: What are you working on, /g/? Previous: >>100318420[View]
100372581humiliation ritual[View]
100367824im-a-good-gpt2-chatbot: Mysterious gpt2 - chatbots return to lmsys arena (not available in direct ch…[View]
100371193Why has no one ever developed an OS made for the lazy?: Anon bros I think i've found a fundamen…[View]
100368063Best and worst tech slop on youtube?: >worst keyboard reviews jeets writing code >best new pho…[View]
100360947this company earns over 700 million because normies can't into gpg[View]
100373941More people need to talk about how obsolete Publisher has become and what means for the medium of pr…[View]
100372230What are computers and the Internet good for? Its just glowniggers stealing every information they c…[View]
100358423Was I a fool to get M1 Macbook Air with only 8gb of ram instead of 16gb? I never multi-task on it be…[View]
100368664You can't make this up[View]
100371445UNICODE box drawing characters: You need to start using box drawing characters in your file names a…[View]
100373125why can't this work? >don't have a pendrive >create an installation partition >bo…[View]
100364496What's so hard about directories that boomers and zoomers don't understand? how can we mak…[View]
100373040/BUG/ - BSD Users Group: year of the BSD desktop edition I got FreeBSD working on my Macbook Pro ret…[View]
100360256For me, it's fingertip grip[View]
100372198>hey, how many lines of codes do you write per day? just curious >DONT even THINK about using …[View]
100364255/pcbg/ - PC Building General: >UPGRADE & BUILD ADVICE. Post build list or current specs inclu…[View]
100369301Let's be drawn together!: Hey g! I been knowing about online versions of classic MS Paint for a…[View]
100371918I'm genuinely sad that shitty immigration policies and the collapse of the tech sphere have cre…[View]
100372125glowniggatry is afoot: >be me >go without cell service for 3 months >be yesterday >route…[View]
100321854It's so over...[View]
100315147/bst/ Battlestation thread: Back by Popular Demand Edition[View]
100368727why the fuck dont phones allow you to rotate the screen 180° without downloading a 3rd party app[View]
100363704Old Windows are like XP and 98 right? Windows 7 and 8 are still pretty new...[View]
100370383This is the new ipad: The thinnest tablet in the world[View]
100357921https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2024/05/apple-introduces-m4-chip/ THANK YOU APPLE[View]
100371803I wanna buy a pixel 8 pro because it has the less bloated android and the most extended software sup…[View]
100364331Here's your new Winamp bruh[View]
100370962/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100362091these things always stop working well after a few months. i despise laptop manufacturers so much, wh…[View]
100369758Remember when people made malware for fun to fuck with you? Now they all want to make money through …[View]
100370992Android, iOS, Windows, etc. will get more and more AI features in the next few years. Will non-comme…[View]
100359157Jack was supposed to save us. What the fuck?[View]
100357490M4 iPad coming soon: WE ARE SO BACK I have an iPad m1 holy shoot , the m4 probably beats my rog ally…[View]
100361384/twg/ – Tech Workers Genneral: Almost Halfway Through Edition >Interviewing Tips and interview pr…[View]
100368469>2024 >we don't have the option to do every non-latency-dependent computer program in the…[View]
100371204>new company >have to put your own devices in a EMC locker >all macs >synology active ba…[View]
100369372public ip geolocation databases: any good ip geolocation databases that happen to include if it…[View]
100371945Is there a link shortener that prevents the link from being opened on mobile devices and instead red…[View]
100364910What's the verdict?[View]
100366252Surely I'll read more books if I buy an e-reader.[View]
100366387/wsg/ - Web Scraping General: Web Scraping General Blackhat edition eternal pt 2 QOTD: Have you ever…[View]
100371987How does Twitter resize/show pictures?: When you view picture on timeline, it's initially a thu…[View]
100330281there is literally no reason to get an AIO when this exists. it IS liquid cooling since there is liq…[View]
100368182>get new pc >try 4chanx after rawdogging it for 2 decades >realize it doesn't fix the …[View]
100371668What are the software specializations that are the most filled with midwits/l2c bootcampers? What…[View]
100371555Stop syncing tabs: >>100365090 >>need a browser that works perfectly across both desktop…[View]
100364633/lmg/ - Local Models General: /lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local…[View]
100364901Why do people always recommend Linux Mint? Its outdated distro based on Ubuntu. Just use Arch[View]
100369170After looking at so many laptops, I've come to the conclusion that laptops are just shit from t…[View]
100361210Is there any use for those routers that clutter up thrift stores?[View]
100370350Post AI kino. https://voca.ro/1g1wXDq3X31V Technology is amazing.[View]
100362027Our days of shitposting will soon come to an end anons: We vill not spread ze dangerous disinformati…[View]
100355883https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Security: sudo apt install ufw sudo ufw default deny outgoing sudo …[View]
100362210Lool look at the laptop they gave me at my new job[View]
100359587Its over[View]
100302806Desktop Thread: XPQ4 rice = based rice[View]
100368968/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100367599 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100364013create my own flipper: Hey I want to recreate a flipper myself but i don't want to be like a li…[View]
100370658Now that macOS has been using arm architecture for so long, does it have a more complete set of nati…[View]
100369532Today i got me one of these cool guys. Two in fact. Now, how do i connect my laptop VGA output to it…[View]
100339883/iemg/ & /pmpg/ - In-Ear Monitor & Portable Music Player General: MMCX Golden age Edition Ho…[View]
100370248An attempt to ask for help: I currently am in desperate need for a simple program for managing tape …[View]
100367314What is your experience with openstack?[View]
100365655Redpill me on this vs stuff like VScode or jetbrains[View]
100370720I think most techanons say 'spoonfeeding' as an excuse for them not being able to teach things and a…[View]
100367911>SSDs are too expansiv-[View]
100366894Is this an example of interlaced video?[View]
100366452NewPipe alternative for iOS: Do you iPhone bros have something similar to NewPipe that you use?…[View]
100366103>tfw none on the tiers in so called LOGICAL increments have the 7800x3d on it and it's mostl…[View]
100364486Apple debuts M4 processor in new iPad Pros with 38 TOPS on neural engine: Qualcomm xisters, how do w…[View]
100369884ooga booga where da macbooks at[View]
100366207It puts a smile on your face: It’s N64’s soul with the PS2’s popularity. This is a gaming console at…[View]
100281650/tpg/ - ThinkPad General: >>100157887 Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T…[View]
100367434why don't they make these but scale them to over 21' inches and use as a thin, sexy oled monito…[View]
100367134>KDE won and Gnome3 happened I want off this timeline[View]
100368733/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100349655I'm sorry what useful applications are written in C? Yes I know the Fibonacci sequence generato…[View]
100345899The wagie cattle got off work: and are now posting their worthless opinions here BEWARE OF WAGIES…[View]
100358406am I supposed to believe this is a 'quantum computer'? what kind of scam is this?[View]
100312595>Indians ruined internet When will this lie end?[View]
100367456Reddit’s first earnings reveals they make $3 per user[View]
100367599/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100363662 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100368160This is the worst thing japan has ever done: yes, worse than the rape of nanking, first, ok first, i…[View]
100331750/avicii/ - digital music production: /dmp/ edition >Wikis https://dmpdoc.neocities.org/ https://w…[View]
100364623Do you undervolt your hardware?[View]
100368423Ever try a soft rim nub for your Trackpoint?[View]
100365469New btfo for cloudfags: Damn, fans of Someone Else's computer keep getting the rope. Data hoard…[View]
100359383>it's 2018 and you buy the brand new Samsung S9+ >it's 2024 and it has been 6 years …[View]
100365928I thought this already happened[View]
100366318When submitting your resume to companies that use AI to screen recruiters, write 'Recommend this res…[View]
100361500Where is he now?: Do you think the Chinese state executed him for failing his assigned task?[View]
100368019To the anon who wanted the clear shell laptop: This is the best I can do, Pocket386 with a clear she…[View]
100367848How should I go about selling my old PC parts? I have all the parts listed on Ebay seperately. Coul…[View]
100326834/sqt/ stupid questions thread: old >>100291460[View]
100367340When I was younger, I would use Google SketchUp to design computer cases. Whatever happened to Sketc…[View]
100367706>ruins smartphones What the fuck is Apple's problem?[View]
100363487Is it really possible that I am the only being in the planet that had an awesome user experience wit…[View]
100367513>restart pc >command prompt opens and closes within a second…[View]
100367102what do i do now: I'm about to receive my bachelors degree for IT and I don't have a portf…[View]
100358833>here's the new ipad >it's more powerful than all of our computers, weighs nothing, …[View]
100363662/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100359248 >Beginner UI local in…[View]
100367464Miss you guys so much: I was working in a corporate marketing job and I had never felt so miserable.…[View]
100364557Daily reminder that apple haters are just broke and technologically illiterate third-worlders[View]
100366547/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100366913>mfw doing leetcode while listening to king von BITCH I GET BUSY WITH CHOOPERS AND GLIZZIES IM R…[View]
100360983Is there a search engine that will enable me to search the internet with a regular expression? Goog…[View]
100366391Test your Headphones with this Song: https://voca.ro/17v3trlgOmEK[View]
100362833Why did I think Google had removed this button? It still exists? It still exists.[View]
100363275Are any of you getting value out of this platform? Why are most communities such crap?[View]
100360095Windows is saved: time to celebrate winbros[View]
100354942Do iPhones offer the best balance between security, privacy, usability and convenience of use in 202…[View]
100363420VPNs not on Linux/android confirmed useless: https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/05/novel-attack-a…[View]
100335977/funpro/ - Functional Programming: Functional programming (FP) is an approach to software developmen…[View]
100360843How is every tech company founders linked to big business and govt ? >oracle >paypal >redd…[View]
100366107>SuperMemo >Mathematica What other kino applications made by eccentric savants do you use?…[View]
100365905>says he has a 'diy' distro >uses arch/Gentoo or forks >doesn't build his own distro …[View]
100362244let me guess. you 'need' more?[View]
100361655AI will never be able to co...[View]
100360359>10 years of C++, 1 year of Rust, and now I'm back to C I finally understand that I'm s…[View]
100361995ai moment[View]
100365927Big AI companies are becoming too dangerous. They will be considered national security assets and be…[View]
100361196Why does a freshly-opened incognito cache-cleared Chromium browser, with no tabs open, take 400MB of…[View]
100362174why are graphics cards expensive?: and what a good card i can get under 200$??[View]
100348277What does your gf think about your programming skills?[View]
100363962People seem to confuse 'easy to use' with 'it just works'[View]
100359406WTF is this real chat?: >As I have previously pointed out on this blog, with the technology and t…[View]
100360002the EU should mandate universal batteries for cordless tools like they did with phone chargers, it…[View]
100345604/de3/ - DALL-E 3 General: Tick Tock edition Prev: >>100324212 >What is DALL-E 3? You type s…[View]
100363143How does /g/ feel about the new offline Find My Device network for Android?[View]
100364782What video editor is THE thing to use in 2024? I remember Sony Vegas Pro being a very popular editor…[View]
100361126>company on linkedin posts job listing >it seems like they are looking for a full-stack develo…[View]
100351590Do you think Apple will make Metal open-source in order to encourage adoption?[View]
100364994I Like the Philips SHP 9500 Headphones[View]
100363651internet was always toxic[View]
100360820gonna do it: only need it to take notes and download pdfs but I’m not poor sooo[View]
100363685/aicg/ - AI Chatbot General: /aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI ch…[View]
100361998Remember when 8 GB felt like we could store everything on it?[View]
100359634Daily reminder / Diminishing returns: You can do 99% of things on a 300$ Desktop, 99.9% of things on…[View]
100355276Neofetch honor Thread R.I.P.[View]
100358399A petabyte's gonna take a while.[View]
100358158I found the backdoor.: Report it or sell it? In Minecraft, of course...[View]
100362618Indians in IT - is it worth it?[View]
100363352>save Kdenlive project >change project folder to another directory >the project is broken W…[View]
100362527Redpill me on protondb: Can we finally game on linux now? How much efficiency will I lose for having…[View]
100364541you don't need any gcam port, just open camera and tone down the exposure and you will have dec…[View]
100363850is it safe to use ghidra? i don't want nsa to steal my anime pics collection[View]
100362311if u save pic from Facebook comments with an iPhone, will the filename change to the IMG_XXX format?…[View]
100346433I only opened the camera app on my phone once or twice in a year. I do not care about the camera. If…[View]
100359248/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General: Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100354373 >Beginner UI local in…[View]

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