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/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

Displaying 137 expired threads from the past 3 days

No. Excerpt
1461337greenscreen request: self-explanatory. just this gif of omori chroma keyed out.[View]
1461240Anybody knows what happend with her? All her socials are gone.[View]
1461308If you start seeing graphic glitches on your computer screen, consisting mostly of black and white s…[View]
1460344Any anime for this vibe?[View]
1461277I've never owned an Apple product. Is it retarded to buy one of these if I own a Samsung phone …[View]
1461041Shitposting feelings: I want to shitpost feelings I got Where can I do that? Thanks[View]
1461269I want you to do this...[View]
1461285Anyone got the full comic of this?[View]
1461282A wikibox meme about Finnish raids on Sweden: Basically the same as this but it had a crying swedish…[View]
1461065What are the best manga about the apocalypse? Zombies, demons, nukes, etc.[View]
1461239What do I need to know about setting up an IRC server?: I want to host a 24/7/365 home server for an…[View]
1461271Where can I get free 3d models like this?[View]
1461246What is an easy to use and lightweight video editor to recrop the black bars out of these videos? h…[View]
1461265Need help finding a historical armor set I saw a picture of once. It looked like this armor in the p…[View]
1461081Can someone make a guttural roar that sounds most appropriate for this beast?[View]
1460976Trying to clean hidden cache files on Android 13: Is there an easy way to do this or am I in for the…[View]
1461253So I tried repairing an original xbox I purchased for really cheap. This xbox had the typical dead c…[View]
1461256Wargaming magazines: Hi! Does anyone have pdf issues of mostly modern Strategy & Tactics, Comman…[View]
1461050Videogames with no value: Free to play videogames. MMOs, mobile, gatcha, freeware, flash. Anything.…[View]
1461233Requesting: Top panel - Wojak hands in face, crying, life is meaningless, nothing matters, et cetera…[View]
1460717Looking for this webm of Asuka singing Curta'n Wall's Fear of God It was posted in /wsg/ a…[View]
1461227Userscript recommendations: What are some 4chan userscripts that I just HAVE to use?[View]
1461220looking for the original meme. Not sure what to google without getting V&. Tried Anatomy of a ga…[View]
1461212/AAD/ - Archiving And Donating computer resources general: Useful archiving efforts and other projec…[View]
1460820this 4k tv was in my basement for years. decided to switch it with the tv that I had in a room becau…[View]
1461066i'm looking for vegas pro 14 that does not have malware and i do not wanna pay for it.[View]
1461192anyone remembers the name of that doujin that is posted on father's day and seems to be lewd bu…[View]
1461202Looking for a video of a guy doing a guitar cover of an old blues standard in the rain. I think it u…[View]
1461042Image edit: Can someone edit this image so it looks like Kyaru from Princess connect? Also please re…[View]
1461101Wholesome post MMA fight clip: I'm looking for an old clip from from an MMA event. After the fi…[View]
1460938Reaction Folder: I need to fill my reaction folder send me your best work[View]
1461191I'm looking for an infographic about how women are absolutely terrible at hypergamy.[View]
1461186Does anyone have english patch for steins gate elite psvita emulator (vita3k)[View]
1461180Identify miniature: Can anyone help me identify this miniature? I know he’s a GW elf, but when was h…[View]
1460953Do any of these services accept deposit from my SIM card credit? Thank you[View]
1460622Could a Korean speaker please translate?: I spent $12 for this, but OCR and MTL seem to fail hard at…[View]
1461095Can anybody dehipher my dream?: So in my dream, I suddenly woke up funnily enough, and didn’t know w…[View]
1461127Video Conversion: The movies I download are always HVAC, but that's incompatible with my DVD pl…[View]
1461121What happened to the producers, executives and all other staff of this show?[View]
1460364ServiceLogos Github Repo Deleted: A Japanese artist sawaratsuki1004 has been making cute logos for p…[View]
1461114What's the name of this sort of wallpaper?: Looking for simple wallpapers like this one that ar…[View]
1461037Can you make the Godslap poster in the back say Goyslop?[View]
1461122App for scanning small amounts of text: I want an app to take notes on books by scanning them and le…[View]
1461078How can I emulate this font? I want to edit it.[View]
1461109Lost Book: Good morning Good afternoon Good night. I don't know if this is the right place to m…[View]
1461103this fuckin shit: What is it? opened with a keyboard shortcut (think it was alt+shift+a or whatever)…[View]
1460107Please webm this news clip with the image thumbnail, and with Dark Souls boss music. https://youtu…[View]
1460620fake sick for an exam: i need to fake sick or get an injury for an exam i have tmrw, what do i do???…[View]
1460883knight tampon: ages ago there was a youtube video. It was a OC audio story on a small youtube channe…[View]
1460891Anyone know where I can buy this fucking chips? I was starting to think I imagined them until I foun…[View]
1461016some rooms in the 2nd floor of my house doesn't have electricity and don't have walls. do …[View]
1460648looking for that pic of the japanese dude wearing this, a body suit, and a vr headset[View]
1461061Can anyone sing this? (Lyrics are in the OP picture) Original version - https://youtu.be/kMy8W0j-Slw…[View]
1460802Censored SP episodes: does anyone know where i can watch the censored South Park episodes? I've…[View]
1461043Finish this, please.[View]
1460703What sites actually have good articles to read? It seems like most articles are either propaganda or…[View]
1459664requesting manga, manhwa, anime that are pure teeth clenching ball quaking testosterone something li…[View]
1460995LATEM anime websites: Hello there I'm on the lookout for a fun way to learn Spanish, particular…[View]
1461035https://youtu.be/ijPBhvxFpPU?si=b5qSV8Xa1CJuI-NQ Requesting an extended version of this song for 30 …[View]
1460838I'm looking for an artist which drew movie & adult video stars in pinup style. I remember t…[View]
1461012Can I get some more songs with this vibe please? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sT1DdO3SISg[View]
1460804what's this movie? is it any good? i assume it's not[View]
1460980Requesting a .bat script that uses ffmpeg necessary that takes every .mkv file in a folder and delet…[View]
1460206How to handle the 'your likes are public' crowd?: You know the type. You say something they don…[View]
1460922Games for this feel?[View]
1460865Kissanime adblockers: Went back to kissanime com ru for the first time in a while and found that the…[View]
1460972YouTube Shorts animation software?: I want to make some Shorts but don't want to show my face, …[View]
1460963ib chemistry: hiiii everyone! has anyone happened to hear anything about an ib chemistry exam leak!!…[View]
1460958settei scans request: looking for high resolution scans of this artbook: Neon Genesis Evangelion TV …[View]
1460955Lost Elliot Rodger Music Video: Does anyone have this youtube video downloaded titled 'Elliot Rodger…[View]
1460902books: is there any general source for pirating kindle unlimited books that aren't on libgen?…[View]
1460531Is this weather tracker site legit?: https://www.lightningmaps.org/?lang=en Sometimes it says lightn…[View]
1460152Looking for games with a heavy focus on nature with minimal dialog like the pikmin games they don…[View]
1460834I do not have netflix, and I can't find this, hopefully others are interested as well[View]
1460879How do you change the default settings on mkvs? Sometimes they have english dubs as the default inst…[View]
1460918Creating Screenshots: Greetings everyone, I'm looking for creating bank balance/transferts scre…[View]
1460763I'm looking for a decent USB microphone to buy for my PC. Do you guys have any recommendations?[View]
1460821How is this?: How is this?[View]
1460698I remember seeing during the last year a video essay that I think was about a videogame, or videogam…[View]
1460885Can someone remove the explicit sticker in the bottom left?[View]
1459483Could someone Photoshop the face of this person and replace it with Logan Paul?: Could someone Photo…[View]
1460858Please, draw link from tears of the kingdom in the 'artist's rendition' box on the right. Could…[View]
1460808Where to find this podcast format: >~2 normal white guys >bunch of basic college hoes >the …[View]
1460870who is she?[View]
1460868Watching western movies and shows with Japanese Dubs: Are there any free sites that stream Western s…[View]
1459423What's the best anime for a super normie teenage girl that was raised on shit like Riverdale an…[View]
1460536Who is this? Yeah, she is wearing a bikini. Nothing sexual tho. Totally safe for work.[View]
1460611AI upscaling for old videos: I've been looking for a solution to use AI upscaling for old video…[View]
1460770Stardew Valley Comic: Could someone please help me find a Stardew Valley comic where it has a new pl…[View]
1460365Is there a site/service with high-effort wallpapers without watermarks, low resolution, wrong dimens…[View]
1460699Can someone link to/identify the stock alarm sounds used at the beginning of this clip? https://www.…[View]
1460839I request a QRD on this tank. Full profile, missions, everything.[View]
1460765Does anyone know what the music playing in the back of this South Park scene is? https://www.youtube…[View]
1459381who is this semen goblin: please bros, i cannot find this with reverse image search unfortunately al…[View]
1460557Who are they?[View]
1460719Crucial mx500 or Samsung 870 evo?: I don't have NVME slot, so i have to choose between them…[View]
1460502Anyone know how to disable google lens on google chrome as of May 2024? For the past week and a half…[View]
1460784Anyone got these PDFs? I'm one of those filthy poors and 30USD for a digital file is beyond my …[View]
1460697how to keep up a routine? i tried maintaining a healthy routine few weeks ago but i fail to do speci…[View]
1460773What is the best way to experience Higurashi? The game, the anime, the manga, or something else?[View]
1459592Old 4Chan: Post images/screenshots of the glorious days of ancient 4chan[View]
1460753Game Emulator: I was browsing emulators and downloaded Duckstation. As well noticed that it plays PS…[View]
1460726My god she is beautiful, who is this stunning tranny?[View]
1460769Anyone has the webm of this rave in VRchat? https://desuarchive.org/wsg/search/image/HV0q9gn4wf3WdDC…[View]
1459776Please if anyone have this file for Mendeley: I deleted important shit including this one. I really …[View]
1459629Where does she post now? I lost track of her a couple of years ago, but I keep seeing recent social …[View]
1460722Requesting origin of picrel. Earliest I could find was on Wikimedia Commons, and was an upscaled ver…[View]
1460752Looking for an image that had an assortment of sprites from a Pokemon fangame. It had the two sprite…[View]
1460751I'm looking for page from some super hero comic that has a super buff guy hitting himself with …[View]
1460742Internet Archive: Is there some script that will automatically borrow, then download the encrypted p…[View]
1460201>22 >poor >mentally ill >NEET >don't qualify for NEETbux >live with mom >v…[View]
1460610Anyone got that 'I'm a trans girl and I need my diaper speech bubble' ? I really need it right …[View]
1460422What song is this from?[View]
1460723anyone have any similar gifs to this? like the characters not necessarily the action[View]
1460654internet won't give me access to porn websites (just specific popular porn websites like pornhu…[View]
1460662Where is this from please?[View]
1460702Hi, Does anyone have a download link for the song 'GO GET BUSY (KURORO Bootleg)' I know of three set…[View]
1460660Does anyone know a good Key Remapper program alternative to SharpKeys? Sharpkeys forces you to resta…[View]
1460227Any students of history here? I need help finding a source for an interesting ancient battle I heard…[View]
1460658How do you make an undetectable physical macro for farming games like Elsword? ahk got me banned a f…[View]
1460678kemono: does the kemono search function just not work anymore? haven't been able to search anyt…[View]
1460324Who's this girl supposed to represent? I swear I've seen here somewhere[View]
1460433Size of screw for SSD: I am upgrading my laptop(lenovo y520) with an SSD so I don't have to use…[View]
1459964whats a good tv list website?[View]
1460323Whenever I try to fill out the 4chan captcha on my PC it basically loops 'please wait a while before…[View]
1460255What are some good hotkeys and macros to map to a mouse? Currently I just use Home, End, PgUp, PgDn,…[View]
1460618Requesting someone turn this Chud into a Chud version of El Diablo from Tropico 4.[View]
1460425spooky/cursed/creepypasta images: requesting spooks[View]
1460573Garmay TF-32: have a garmay tf-32 recorder and I can upload files to it on my sd card. Folders work …[View]
1460617Animated Video Creator Needed - Legendary Ciphers Broken - Need Animated Short Videos Made: I am a c…[View]
1460332Requesting shadowy penis edit[View]
1460465asmr in which a woman speaks in one ear and a man speaks in another?[View]
1460586wont drag me to hell sober: I'm looking for a old reaction pic and the source of it. It depicte…[View]
1459758songs with this feel? >https://youtu.be/AibtyCAhyQE[View]
1460373Please rec your best mecha anime: I'm a beginner to mecha. Anything with attractive boys or gre…[View]
1460397Can you please color my picture?: Please color the image of the character on the right to look like …[View]

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